MEP Nikki Sinclaire has come out as Britain’s first “sex change parliamentarian” after writing about her gender reassignment journey in a new autobiography.

In her new book entitled ‘Never Give Up,’ the 45-year-old We Demand A Referendum Now MEP wrote about her “great secret” known only to her closest friends and family.

At 23-years-old she decided to undergo gender reassignment operations following bouts of depression in her teenage years.

She said she always “knew she was different.”

The book’s foreword reads: “There was one great secret that Nikki never shared with anyone other than her close friends and family.

“Her’s is a powerful personal story. Yet she insists it is only one facet of her life, and though it tormented her childhood and teenage years, it is one that no longer dominates her or her future.

“As the first ‘sex change’ parliamentarian in Britain, Nikki Sinclaire has made history. But she is likely to be far happier, in the future, being known less as a statistic than for her conviction politics.”

In an interview with the Sun on Sunday, she said she did not want her past to stand in the way of her ambition to become a Westminster cabinet minister.

“I don’t want my past to overshadow it and believe my constituents will continue to support me,” she said.

“I feel passionately that true equality happens only when your colour, creed, gender or sexuality is not a label used next to your name. We are not there yet.”

In 2009, Miss Sinclaire was elected as MEP for UKIP but fell out with the party after when refusing to sit with its EFD allies in the European Parliament.

The openly lesbian politician said that some EFD members, such as the Italian Lega Nord party, had “extremist views,” including “openly homophobic opinions.”

She added: “I feel betrayed by the party. When I joined UKIP in 1994 it certainly wasn’t a career move. I did my bit in building UKIP up to second in a national election and they have repaid me with discrimination.”

In 2010, she won a case against UKIP MEP Godfrey Bloom who she said had called her a “queer.”

Her book, published by Junius Press, is to be released on November 25.