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Archive for the ‘EUkip’ Category

IN MEMORIAM: Mark Fitzgeorge-Parker aka Mark Daniel Born 1942 Died 03-May-2014 …

Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 03/05/2021

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This entire posting would seem to have been hijacked and maliciously altered – to what gain I have absolutely no idea!

The substance of the posting was not in any way endorsed by me, as the owner of this site, nor was it altered by me. I DO NOT endorse the content of the posting which would seem to have been made by someone using the following URL:

Having made the alterations it seems they deleted their original post/URL

I Reject & do not Support the claims in this post and Possibly others on this web site.



IN MEMORIAM: Mark Fitzgeorge-Parker aka Mark Daniel Born 1942 Died 03-May-2014



Posted by:
Greg Lance – Watkins



The Main Web Site:


The corruption of EUkip’s leadership,
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC

is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!

000a ukip-025 count.png~~~~~~~~~~#########~~~~~~~~~~


IN MEMORIAM: Mark Fitzgeorge-Parker aka Mark Daniel Born 1942 Died 03-May-2014 Mark sadly died in Cheltenham of pneumonia aged 72


DANIELS, Mark 02 aka Mark Fitzgeorge-Parker
Mark Fitzgeorge-Parker who used the nom de plume Mark Daniel was born 1942
he sadly died early in the morning on Saturday 03-May-2014, in Cheltenham of pneumonia, aged 72.
I was saddened to hear of the untimely death of Mark who I first met in 2005 when he phoned me up and asked if I would permit him to buy me lunch in Chepstow as he was researching a book on UKIP for Roger Knapman:
KNAPMAN, Roger 02
who was at that time the leader of UKIP.
Subsequently we spoke in detail, often several times a week and asked to be on my mailing list, whilst he researched his book.
Mark was an interesting and well informed character and I soon learned from him of his Ampleforth & Cambridge education and the background and details of his earlier life and career. He made no effort to disguise any part of his colourful life, be that prison for passing dud cheques or being sued by his Father!
In 2005, shortly before the election, he published his book ‘Cranks & Gadflies, The Story of UKIP’, which is still thwe best and most accurate history and exposee of UKIP to that date. I well recall at the time Roger proclaimed his support for the book however I well remember Nigel Farage’s reticence to promote the book as he felt it was a little too accurate and comprehensive, perhaps as comment6ators said ‘warts and all’. Sadly no better nor more accurate book has been written about UKIP.
It is notable that despite Nigel’s reticence the book soon sold out and was very readable such that Mark was subsequently commissioned by Nigel Farage to write the two books about him, Mark was sufficiently competent a writer to write to a brief and be able to put a slant on a book to flatter and promote his client!
FARAGE, Nigel 39 The BookThe quote which was added was a comment made by Nigel farage’s long term associate the anti Islamic extremist and liar who inclines to incite racial hatred, Gerard Batten a UKIP MEP.
Mark’s second book promoting Farage was ‘Flying Free’ published in 2011.
In keeping with Mark’s willingness to publish warts and all when unrestrained the following review of his book on UKIP tells much of his history and personality:

‘A party of idiots, paranoiacs, whores and vagabonds’

Alexander Waugh reviews Cranks and Gadflies: the Story of UKIP by Mark Daniel.
19 Jun 2005
Isn’t it odd how people who group together under the banner of a shared opinion always seem to disagree more violently among themselves than with their declared enemies? It has always been the case. Take, for example, the early Christians. According to the ancient record of Celsus, written in about 178 AD: “Christians utterly detest each other, they slander each other constantly with the vilest forms of abuse… Each sect fills the head of its own with deceitful nonsense and makes perfect little pigs of those it wins over to its side.”
And so it is with UKIP – the United Kingdom Independence Party – whose founding purpose (to extricate Britain from the European Union) has been subsumed, in the 12 short years since its formation, by such a torrent of plotting, denouncing, suing, counter-suing, shrieking, back-stabbing and cussing that one wonders how many of its members have retained any memory of why they signed up with the party in the first place.
At a recent National Executive Council meeting one member became so livid with rage that he suffered a heart attack and died. And what about the time when such an almighty row broke out over who should be UKIP’s leader that the party was rent in twain and, for a while, two defiant UKIPs ran simultaneously out of two separate offices ?
In his absorbing history of the party, Mark Daniel appears to relish each scandal as it arises, gleefully relating how UKIP’s founder drained the party’s coffers to defend himself against accusations of slander and how a South East MEP stood for election in 2004 without mentioning that he was facing charges of housing benefit fraud (which remain subjudice and he denies fiercely).
Daniel also reveals how the party was infiltrated by the BNP activist, Mark Deavin; how UKIP’s Scottish organiser wrote to the newspapers declaring that the Nazi holocaust was grossly exaggerated; and he describes, with seeming glee, a party membership that is comprised of “idiots, paranoiacs and conspiracy theorists… freelance artists… traders, whores and vagabonds”.
From the outset, Daniel declares: “I have never been a party member.” It might easily be assumed from this that he is a disaffected party apparatchik whose sole purpose is to discredit UKIP in such a way that nobody ever votes for it again. But a couple of seconds of Google espionage reveals that Mark Daniel is in fact a nom de plume for Mark Fitzgeorge-Parker – who stood as a UKIP candidate in Exeter at this year’s General Election, ending in sixth place with 3.37 per cent of the vote.
A further scrimmage into the Fitzgeorge-Parker mystery reveals that the author enjoys something of a maverick past himself. Having been imprisoned as a young man for issuing duff cheques and pilfering precious books from Cambridge University libraries he used the Daniel pseudonym for a fictionalised account of his jail experiences. After his release, he found himself once again up in court on charges of libel and, in a parallel action, was sued by his own father for breach of copyright.
Perhaps none of this would be relevant had Daniel not chosen to call his book Cranks and Gadflies, a phrase drawn directly from Michael Howard’s intended slur on the UKIP membership, or if Nigel Farage, UKIP’s second-in-command, had not stood before the European Parliament denouncing individual members of José Barrosa’s Commission as ex-crooks, ex-communists and liars.
Daniel’s purpose in this warts-and-all exposé is not then, as far as I can tell, to discredit UKIP but, on the contrary, to make it seem like a quaintly attractive collective of “real people”. “Don’t mind me, I’m mad,” folks used to say to endear themselves to their school friends. That ploy didn’t work then and is unlikely to work for UKIP now. And if Daniel’s high-risk public relations experiment backfires it will cost the cranks and gadflies dearly.
To see the original of this extended review CLICK HERE
A close friend of Mark’s, Hannah Wright, said:

“He was just so intelligent and had a vast knowledge. He was a person that people would turn to for help and he would do anything for anyone.

“He had a great interaction with people and he was a real showman. But he was a complicated man and had a private side and could be reclusive at times.

“He was very kind and generous, but he could also be a difficult man, cantankerous and rude at times, but people were never offended.

“He was very good at reading people and was a truly gifted man.

“As one neighbour put it, he was often outrageous, but generally right”.

“He was passionate about so many things in Cheltenham – with one of them being that the town’s Jazz Festival was too quiet and should be louder.

“He had a massive impact on people’s lives and will be missed.”

I must say I found Mark to have all of these attributes and characteristics and thoroughly enjoyed my conversations with him and was flattered by the amount he used my then frequent eMails and my blogging as a source for his research, as of course did both media and UKIP leadership alike.

Mark in his younger days had been a keen fisherman and surfer and had inheristed his fathert’s love or art and also his father’s interest in horses, having been a competitive steeplechaser.

Tim Fitzgeorge-Parker was well known as a character and author particularly in the horse racing world.

Mark having lived in Italy, Ireland and France was fluent in both French and Italian and during my dealings with him was taking trips on costal cruisers in Norway and other Scandinavian ports as part of his work whilst living in Exeter as a regular columnist for The Western Morning News. Not only had he written 1,000s of columns for a variety of media but had published some 41 books.
In 2011 Mark moved to Cheltenham to live closer to his 20 year old son Kit.
Having moved to Montpellier in Cheltenham he threw himself, with his notable enthusiasm and commitment to people into life in Cheltenham and last year stood in the Gloucester County Council election for Lansdown and Park and this year was standing for a seat on Cheltenham Borough Council in Charlton Park ward. He had also stood for UKIP in the past when in Exeter.
An impressive intellect and sound knowlege in many fields will make the death of Mark a loss to many – the world is less colourful for his departure.
My condolences to his family and those whose lives he had touched.



Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
tel: 44 (0)1594 – 528 337

Calls from ‘Number Withheld’ phones Are Blocked

All unanswered messages are recorded.

Leave your name & a UK land line number & I will return your call.

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I try to make every effort to NOT infringe copyrights in any commercial way & make all corrections of fact brought to my attention by an identifiable individual

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To Spread The Facts World Wide

Posted in EU, EUkip, GL-W, GLW, Greg Lance - Watkins, Greg_L-W., IN MEMORIAM, Mark DANIELS, UKIP | Tagged: , , , , , , , | Leave a Comment »

IN MEMORIAM: Mark Fitzgeorge-Parker aka Mark Daniel Born 1942 Died 03-May-2014 …

Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 03/05/2020

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IN MEMORIAM: Mark Fitzgeorge-Parker aka Mark Daniel Born 1942 Died 03-May-2014



Posted by:
Greg Lance – Watkins



The Main Web Site:


The corruption of EUkip’s leadership,
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC

is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!

000a ukip-025 count.png~~~~~~~~~~#########~~~~~~~~~~


IN MEMORIAM: Mark Fitzgeorge-Parker aka Mark Daniel Born 1942 Died 03-May-2014 Mark sadly died in Cheltenham of pneumonia aged 72


DANIELS, Mark 02 aka Mark Fitzgeorge-Parker
Mark Fitzgeorge-Parker who used the nom de plume Mark Daniel was born 1942
he sadly died early in the morning on Saturday 03-May-2014, in Cheltenham of pneumonia, aged 72.
I was saddened to hear of the untimely death of Mark who I first met in 2005 when he phoned me up and asked if I would permit him to buy me lunch in Chepstow as he was researching a book on UKIP for Roger Knapman:
KNAPMAN, Roger 02
who was at that time the leader of UKIP.
Subsequently we spoke in detail, often several times a week and asked to be on my mailing list, whilst he researched his book.
Mark was an interesting and well informed character and I soon learned from him of his Ampleforth & Cambridge education and the background and details of his earlier life and career. He made no effort to disguise any part of his colourful life, be that prison for passing dud cheques or being sued by his Father!
In 2005, shortly before the election, he published his book ‘Cranks & Gadflies, The Story of UKIP’, which is still thwe best and most accurate history and exposee of UKIP to that date. I well recall at the time Roger proclaimed his support for the book however I well remember Nigel Farage’s reticence to promote the book as he felt it was a little too accurate and comprehensive, perhaps as comment6ators said ‘warts and all’. Sadly no better nor more accurate book has been written about UKIP.
It is notable that despite Nigel’s reticence the book soon sold out and was very readable such that Mark was subsequently commissioned by Nigel Farage to write the two books about him, Mark was sufficiently competent a writer to write to a brief and be able to put a slant on a book to flatter and promote his client!
FARAGE, Nigel 39 The BookThe quote which was added was a comment made by Nigel farage’s long term associate the anti Islamic extremist and liar who inclines to incite racial hatred, Gerard Batten a UKIP MEP.
Mark’s second book promoting Farage was ‘Flying Free’ published in 2011.
In keeping with Mark’s willingness to publish warts and all when unrestrained the following review of his book on UKIP tells much of his history and personality:

‘A party of idiots, paranoiacs, whores and vagabonds’

Alexander Waugh reviews Cranks and Gadflies: the Story of UKIP by Mark Daniel.
19 Jun 2005
Isn’t it odd how people who group together under the banner of a shared opinion always seem to disagree more violently among themselves than with their declared enemies? It has always been the case. Take, for example, the early Christians. According to the ancient record of Celsus, written in about 178 AD: “Christians utterly detest each other, they slander each other constantly with the vilest forms of abuse… Each sect fills the head of its own with deceitful nonsense and makes perfect little pigs of those it wins over to its side.”
And so it is with UKIP – the United Kingdom Independence Party – whose founding purpose (to extricate Britain from the European Union) has been subsumed, in the 12 short years since its formation, by such a torrent of plotting, denouncing, suing, counter-suing, shrieking, back-stabbing and cussing that one wonders how many of its members have retained any memory of why they signed up with the party in the first place.
At a recent National Executive Council meeting one member became so livid with rage that he suffered a heart attack and died. And what about the time when such an almighty row broke out over who should be UKIP’s leader that the party was rent in twain and, for a while, two defiant UKIPs ran simultaneously out of two separate offices ?
In his absorbing history of the party, Mark Daniel appears to relish each scandal as it arises, gleefully relating how UKIP’s founder drained the party’s coffers to defend himself against accusations of slander and how a South East MEP stood for election in 2004 without mentioning that he was facing charges of housing benefit fraud (which remain subjudice and he denies fiercely).
Daniel also reveals how the party was infiltrated by the BNP activist, Mark Deavin; how UKIP’s Scottish organiser wrote to the newspapers declaring that the Nazi holocaust was grossly exaggerated; and he describes, with seeming glee, a party membership that is comprised of “idiots, paranoiacs and conspiracy theorists… freelance artists… traders, whores and vagabonds”.
From the outset, Daniel declares: “I have never been a party member.” It might easily be assumed from this that he is a disaffected party apparatchik whose sole purpose is to discredit UKIP in such a way that nobody ever votes for it again. But a couple of seconds of Google espionage reveals that Mark Daniel is in fact a nom de plume for Mark Fitzgeorge-Parker – who stood as a UKIP candidate in Exeter at this year’s General Election, ending in sixth place with 3.37 per cent of the vote.
A further scrimmage into the Fitzgeorge-Parker mystery reveals that the author enjoys something of a maverick past himself. Having been imprisoned as a young man for issuing duff cheques and pilfering precious books from Cambridge University libraries he used the Daniel pseudonym for a fictionalised account of his jail experiences. After his release, he found himself once again up in court on charges of libel and, in a parallel action, was sued by his own father for breach of copyright.
Perhaps none of this would be relevant had Daniel not chosen to call his book Cranks and Gadflies, a phrase drawn directly from Michael Howard’s intended slur on the UKIP membership, or if Nigel Farage, UKIP’s second-in-command, had not stood before the European Parliament denouncing individual members of José Barrosa’s Commission as ex-crooks, ex-communists and liars.
Daniel’s purpose in this warts-and-all exposé is not then, as far as I can tell, to discredit UKIP but, on the contrary, to make it seem like a quaintly attractive collective of “real people”. “Don’t mind me, I’m mad,” folks used to say to endear themselves to their school friends. That ploy didn’t work then and is unlikely to work for UKIP now. And if Daniel’s high-risk public relations experiment backfires it will cost the cranks and gadflies dearly.
To see the original of this extended review CLICK HERE
A close friend of Mark’s, Hannah Wright, said:

“He was just so intelligent and had a vast knowledge. He was a person that people would turn to for help and he would do anything for anyone.

“He had a great interaction with people and he was a real showman. But he was a complicated man and had a private side and could be reclusive at times.

“He was very kind and generous, but he could also be a difficult man, cantankerous and rude at times, but people were never offended.

“He was very good at reading people and was a truly gifted man.

“As one neighbour put it, he was often outrageous, but generally right”.

“He was passionate about so many things in Cheltenham – with one of them being that the town’s Jazz Festival was too quiet and should be louder.

“He had a massive impact on people’s lives and will be missed.”

I must say I found Mark to have all of these attributes and characteristics and thoroughly enjoyed my conversations with him and was flattered by the amount he used my then frequent eMails and my blogging as a source for his research, as of course did both media and UKIP leadership alike.

Mark in his younger days had been a keen fisherman and surfer and had inheristed his fathert’s love or art and also his father’s interest in horses, having been a competitive steeplechaser.

Tim Fitzgeorge-Parker was well known as a character and author particularly in the horse racing world.

Mark having lived in Italy, Ireland and France was fluent in both French and Italian and during my dealings with him was taking trips on costal cruisers in Norway and other Scandinavian ports as part of his work whilst living in Exeter as a regular columnist for The Western Morning News. Not only had he written 1,000s of columns for a variety of media but had published some 41 books.
In 2011 Mark moved to Cheltenham to live closer to his 20 year old son Kit.
Having moved to Montpellier in Cheltenham he threw himself, with his notable enthusiasm and commitment to people into life in Cheltenham and last year stood in the Gloucester County Council election for Lansdown and Park and this year was standing for a seat on Cheltenham Borough Council in Charlton Park ward. He had also stood for UKIP in the past when in Exeter.
An impressive intellect and sound knowlege in many fields will make the death of Mark a loss to many – the world is less colourful for his departure.
My condolences to his family and those whose lives he had touched.



Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
tel: 44 (0)1594 – 528 337

Calls from ‘Number Withheld’ phones Are Blocked

All unanswered messages are recorded.

Leave your name & a UK land line number & I will return your call.

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I try to make every effort to NOT infringe copyrights in any commercial way & make all corrections of fact brought to my attention by an identifiable individual

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Posted in EU, EUkip, GL-W, GLW, Greg Lance - Watkins, Greg_L-W., IN MEMORIAM, Mark DANIELS, UKIP | Tagged: , , , , , , , | Leave a Comment »

The Great BreXit Party Swindle …

Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 15/11/2019

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The Great BreXit Party Swindle …

Posted by:
Greg Lance – Watkins



The Main Web Site:


The corruption of EUkip’s leadership,
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC

is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!

000a ukip-025 count.png~~~~~~~~~~#########~~~~~~~~~~



Otto English on what his investigation into Nigel Farage’s Brexit Party has revealed about the ‘sticking it to the elites’ populism it claims to be based on.

It was the night of 14 January 1978 and the Sex Pistols’ acrimonious US tour was drawing to a weary end. Britain’s premium punk export had failed to live up to the hype and, as the band concluded a halfhearted encore at the Winterland, San Francisco, a sneering Johnny Rotten, weary of it all, turned on the audience and jeered contemptuously: “Ha, ha, ha – ever get the feeling you’ve been cheated?”

Contrary to a popular Photoshopped meme, man of the Paypal Nigel Farage was never a punk. In 1978, he was a posh teenage boy at the exclusive Dulwich College – where fees are currently £40,000 a year – failing his way through exams and upsetting teachers by allegedly singing Hitler Youth songs.

But, perhaps something of the punk ethos filtered through to young Nigel, because he’s been living off that Johnny Rotten mantra for years. Take his latest project – the Great Brexit Party Swindle.

In February, Farage along with eight fellow UKIP MEPs, defected to Brexit Party Ltd, which had been registered with Companies House in November 2018. In its first few months, the party had already received £1 million in pledges and had 200 individuals willing to stand in the European Elections.

In March, Farage was crowned king, displacing the party’s founder Catherine Blaiklock and her unfortunate anti-Islamic tweets.

A website was then set up for the Brexit Party, inviting people to donate £25 and become “registered supporters”. By the end of April, a spokesperson was boasting that 100,000 people had logged on and paid their £25 – that’s £2.5 million, in case you don’t have a calculator to hand, and an awful lot of money and data for a couple of round robin emails a month. The link remains live and presumably many more have paid up since.

If the fancy took them, Brexit Party supporters could donate up to £500 – an amount conveniently below that which has to be declared to the elections watchdog, the Electoral Commission. However, no one could actually join the party. Membership was limited to Farage, Richard Tice and a handful of their mates. 

When challenged on this peculiar model, a Brexit Party representative told the Electoral Commission that the lack of membership was deliberate in order to prevent “members of the BNP” and confusingly “the EDF” from joining the party. Quite why customers of a French energy firm should be barred from joining the Brexit movement will have to be left to the history books, but the excuse rang hollow.

In his years at UKIP, Farage had come to loathe the inconvenience of the party faithful. Members can be awkward people. He was far happier to be the unaccountable, self-appointed head of his party – even as he railed against unelected bureaucrats in Brussels. And it didn’t seem to bother the fans because the money and support kept flooding in.

In addition to all of those undeclared online payments, between April and June 2019, the party recorded additional private donations of £1,049,000.  

As I and others raised concerns about Farage being a man of the Paypal, the Electoral Commission found that the “the fundraising structure adopted by the party leaves it open to high and ongoing risk of receiving and accepting impermissible donations”. But, Farage faced little censure and carried on regardless.

Candidates Dumped

Having stormed the European Elections with a team that included former Revolutionary Communist Party comrades and Spiked Online hangers-on – such as Claire Fox – the party began to set its sights on the inevitable forthcoming General Election.

Claiming that it was revolutionising politics by offering ordinary people the chance to be MPs, in May, the Brexit Party invited rank-and-file Brexiters to apply to be parliamentary candidates. By June, it was boasting that more than 3,000 had applied.

But, here was the curious thing. As I revealed at the time, having filled in a short form, candidates were then asked for a non-refundable £100 ‘handling fee’. 

That link stayed live long after Farage had paraded his first 100 candidates in public and long after the secretive selection meetings in Vauxhall had found the rest. It was finally taken down in late summer and, in that time, it is anyone’s guess as to how many people applied.

We know that the Brexit Party received 3,000 applications in early June and it would not be unreasonable to (conservatively) assume that there were at least a further thousand in the following three months – bringing the sum total of money raised in this manner to £400,000. 

It was obvious that many thousands more hopefuls had signed up than could ever be accommodated or processed by the Brexit Party’s small team. As the weeks went by, a surprising number of disaffected applicants cottoned on to this and turned to me to express their fury. Farage had angered many of his core supporters but, with typical disdain, he barely paused to breathe as the Brexit Party cavalcade rolled on.

When the final list of 600 prospective MPs was revealed, it was fascinating to note quite how many chums had been granted plum constituencies. Anyone who had applied to be or was an MEP for the Brexit Party had the £100 fee waived. A number of sitting MEPs, including Ann Widdecombe, Rupert Lowe, Martin Daubney, Alexandra Phillips, the hedge fund manager Robert Rowland, Matthew Patten and Richard Tice all became parliamentary candidates. While it was clear that a few had made it through the online selection process, thousands more had simply been taken for a ride. 

A great number of the selected candidates had been picked because they were already on the inside. I was told of one man who boasted loudly during a hospital appointment that he was going to be a parliamentary candidate because he had once gone bass fishing with Nigel Farage.

When the General Election was called on 6 November, Farage and his team paraded 600 candidates and declared themselves ready. But, curiously, Farage himself decided not to stand. It seemed odd that the leader of this exciting new political force wasn’t prepared to storm his way to Parliament on a tide of populist, pro-Brexit sentiment. 

Farage claimed modestly that he could better serve the party by touring the country than running for a seat. In truth, he has always been little more than a political heckler. He wants responsibility in the same way that a herring lusts after a life on the land.

For a party hoping to get MPs elected, you would think that there’d be a manifesto. But there isn’t one. In fact, beyond Brexit, the party only appears to have two or so policies. If elected, it would halve overseas aid, which helps the very poorest people in the world, and scrap inheritance tax, which benefits the very wealthiest 4% in the UK. 

Brexit Party MEPs are the richest, by far, of any party in the EU Parliament. According to EU integrity Watch, they collectively earn up to €4,683,916 on top of their EU salaries. For such a purportedly anti-elite bunch, they are very rich indeed and sit, for the most part, in the earning bracket that would most benefit from the abolition of inheritance tax.

Not that the party is likely to win many seats.

Since next month’s General Election was called, the Brexit Party has stagnated in the polls. Farage’s attempts to create a Brexit alliance with the Tories was publicly rebuffed. Since then, presumably in part to save face and money, it has unilaterally declared that it will be standing down 317 candidates in Conservative seats and concentrate its efforts on Labour and Lib Dem ones.

The news came as a shock to many of its selected candidates. Darren Selkus, the candidate in Epping, only discovered that he was no longer running to be an MP when a man in a van pulled up next to his stall in the constituency and told him he had heard on the radio that he shouldn’t be bothering. Selkus was furious and dozens of other angry candidates, including MEP Alexandra Phillips, took to social media to complain. Many of the 317 had upturned their lives to run in the General Election. Some had given up their lives or taken unpaid leave and now they were being unceremoniously dumped.

Even as this was going on, Farage was busy announcing new candidates. The Apprentice star Michelle Dewberry was declared the Brexit Party candidate for Kingston upon Hull West and Hessle this week, while Richard Tice, the Brexit Party’s chairman, was parachuted into Hartlepool – one of the few seats the party could win. As the deadline for nominations neared, there was an almighty shuffle as preferred candidates were moved into seats and others pushed out. Happily, there was still time to find a potential seat for Ed Punchard in Tynemouth – despite him living 9,000 miles from his potential constituency in East Fremantle, Western Australia. 

No Refunds

Since Byline Times broke the story of the Brexit Party’s £100 charge for potential candidates in June, it has slowly gained traction across the mainstream media.

Pressure began to mount on Farage to refund the money to the 317 dumped parliamentary candidates. Challenged by LBC’s Eddie Mair on the matter, the Brexit Party leader said he would not be paying the money back.

That £31,700 is but the tip of the iceberg, of course.

Farage and his Brexit Party associates have raised millions of pounds during the course of this year and the full amount might never be known. Most of that money has come from donations from ordinary people who have handed over hard-earned cash in good faith. Others have given free time at their own expense to help the Brexit Party machine – and it all seems for the sum total of nothing.

The only winnable seat in this General Election is being contested by the Brexit Party’s multi-millionaire chairman. The few ordinary candidates there were seem to have been swept aside in favour of reality TV stars and chums of the party leadership. 

Farage has returned the loyalty of his followers with a giant helping of contempt. How long will those who have remained steadfast let him get away with it? Or will he be brought down by the wrath of his own people?

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Squabbling like ferrets in a sack typifies UKIP since 1993 even when it was the Farage cult …

Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 16/10/2019

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Squabbling like ferrets in a sack typifies UKIP since 1993 even when it was the Farage cult …

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Greg Lance – Watkins



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The corruption of EUkip’s leadership,
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is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!

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following the ever-present squabbling like ferrets in a sack, that typifies the behaviour of UKIP since 1993, even when it was the Farage cult before he moved his cult to form his own party, even more to his style, with bo apparent hierarchy, board, NEC or interference with his personal unbridled ambitions and profit.

The Brexit Party clearly is more suited to Farage, in that he calls it ‘MY PARTY’, and it requires no attention to detail as its policies merely run to a single populist issue!

Dear Friend,

It is with great difficulty that I write to inform you that I have been forced to take serious action against Richard Braine, Tony Sharp, Jeff Armstrong and Mark Dent who have now all been suspended from the Party.

Upon reviewing evidence, I have now made a report to the Police – Action Fraud Department for their part in an attempted theft of UKIP data which took place on Wednesday 16th October.

Whatever your view of me as Chairman, you must understand that I will always act in accordance with the law and take whatever measures are necessary to protect our members. Nobody is above the law, not even Richard Braine, who even after being suspended for his actions, attempted to gain access to our Head Office again yesterday morning, accompanied by Mark Dent who tried to physically force his way in. 

My huge thanks goes to David Challice at HQ who was able to remove him. A police complaint regarding this incident has also taken place.

Some members of the Party and even the board have been anonymously contacted with threats and blackmail. These will also be treated seriously and police reports will continue to be filed.

Suspending the Leader of the Party I love so much was a hugely difficult decision, and not one I made lightly. I would not have followed this course of action if I did not have sufficient evidence and legal advice to do so. The measures I’ve taken would be expected of any company and UK Independence Party Limited is no different.

I do not yet know what the media implications of this will be, but assure you it will be handled professionally and at all times in accordance with both our constitution and the law. 

Be in no doubt that we have taken all precautionary measures to protect your information and we are certain that nobody was able to gain access to our database but if you believe you have received a threat yourself or are the victim of intimidation please contact the police. If you have received anything from anyone without your consent, please report it to the Information Commissioners Office.

Neil Hamilton, who has been hugely helpful in sharing his legal expertise throughout this saga reminds us that we can move forward – 

“Gerard has done for UKIP what Gerald Ratner did for his jewellery company.  This has done Tommy Robinson no good but has done catastrophic damage to UKIP.  

It took us 20 years to be taken seriously and Gerard undid it all in just a few months.

We must go forward on a popular as well as populist programme.

We have little to lose and everything to gain from drawing a line under Gerard’s disastrous leadership and re-connecting with political reality.”
I will continue to liaise with the NEC in regard to next steps and will provide more information as soon as possible.

The NEC election is well under way and I understand the candidates have now been notified. The Returning Officer, Piers Wauchope will update you on the election soon.

In the meantime, we are trying to organise a Brexit Celebration in Westminster on 31st October. We will provide more details shortly but do hope you’ll be able to join us!!

Best wishes,

It would be foolish to think this outburst would go unchallenged:
UKIP eMail 01.jpg Hamilton to Batten


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The odious racist Gerard Batten displays his expertise as a leader of Ukip by causing its demise & then runs away! …

Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 02/06/2019

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The odious racist Gerard Batten displays his expertise as a leader of Ukip by causing its demise & then runs away! …

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Gerard Batten Ukip’s leader quits after his catastrophic leadership led them to abject disaster in the #EU elections.

Nigel Farage having left the party there were a series of utterly useless leaders who were clearly scraping the bottom of the barrel in a party that had no future and few if any members of any merit whatsoever.

Eventually they reached the very bottom of the barrel and appointed Gerard Batten as leader.

Batten took over after a lack lustre career as lick spittle to Nigel Farage – he had absolutely no discernible ability as a leader and displayed that during his tenure of office.

In Nigel Farage’s last EU election as leader of Ukip the party managed to elect 24 MPs, making them the largest British Party, but due to lack of leadership he soon began to lose them, some fell by the wayside due to corruption, many fell out with Farage whom no one of any sense was likely to trust once they had experienced him at close quarters, apart from a few scoundrels who for lack of ability rode his coat tails as sycophants.

Nattrass & Batten were examples, who had followed in his wake and become MEPs but when exposed to scrutiny without his protection soon showed their utter ineptitude – though Farage hiself had lost about half of his MEPs by the time Batten had eviscerated the party there were but Batten and 2 MEPs left to contest the election on 23-May-2019!

Batten had put the final kiss of death on Ukip, the outcome was inevitable – the party had collapsed from 24 MEPs to zero.

Nigel Farage’s bullying and duplicitous behaviour as leader was the start of the collapse which in her 18 days as leader Diane James did nothing to stem.

JAMES, Diane 06 Kiss of Death A

Clearly Farage stepping in again added to the confussion and his protégé Nattrass was indisputably a low life who became the laughing stock of the press and members alike with his fantasy CV and embellishment of lies.

The interim leader Henry Bolton who as disasters go was only outperformed by Batten.

BOLTON, Henry 03 + Jo MARNEY 04

Batten had a long history of utter ineptitude with his hate soaked superstition & extreme overt attacks on Muslims,

Charter of Muslim Understanding AUS TEXT

most probably driven by his Pilipino wife, who doubtless would have grown up as a Catholic under the aegis of Cardinal Sin. That latterly Batten had openly allied himself to extremist self-proclaimed Christians helped him not a Jot. His appointment of the convicted criminal & extremist racist Tommy Robinson as his personal adviser

BATTEN, Gerald 18 + ROBINSON, Tommy 02

was just another nail in Ukip’s political coffin and his own career compounded by having thus attracted some real scum as supporters, from the now largely defunct National Front & BNP and the relatively newly emerged EDL.

Clearly with Batten at the helm Ukip was doomed but to be fair there was absolutely no one of any probity or stature left in the party and definitely no one anyone of principles would wish to be represented by – even by the low calibre of those attracted to political office nowadays, Ukip’s offering were a very sorry shower!

Ukip has only ever seemed to attract those who had failed elsewhere be that Farage engaging in politics having failed in The City dallied with the National Front

FARAGE, Nigel 141A 1979

realised he stood no chance in Margaret Thatcher’s Tory Party he joined Ukip in its early days shortly after its foundation by Alan Skedd. He fell out with many in Ukip and seemingly explored the possibility of leadership of the BNP

FARAGE, Nigel 37 DEAVIN, Mark - LeCOMBER, Tony

prior to realising Ukip was his best vehicle for enrichment!

Ukip under Farage’s leadership attracted similar rejects, but never anyone of competence or stature, who remained for much more than a month or two – the party was not a nice place to be for anyone of finesse or ability then or now. A party which has largely attracted the gutter sweepings of politics as can be seen from those who have held office in the past.

I would contend to make ANY effort to resurrect the party now would be an act of tasteless pure folly, not just because trying to breathe life into a corpse is more suited to Mary Shelley, but that it carries too much malodorous baggage – the inability of Farage to build a sound structure over his 20 years of defacto leadership has been displayed most clearly by the absolute & abject failure under subsequent leadership, not even a structure remains.

It should be noted that even those who positioned themseloves with EU ‘Golden Parachutes’ and pensions abandoned the party, there is no sign of any ex Ukip MEPs making any meaningfull contributions to the party that elevated them – were ANY of them there for the cause or were they all only there for their own gain as seems likely.

Astonishingly in its entire existence Ukip has NEVER has a strategy that considered any sort of vision, as to how to protect Britain and the interests of the British peoples nor any vision or structure for our country as to how to take advantage of liberation from the malign control of the EU.

Farage in all his years in control, philandering, carousing & fiddling has never amounted to being much beyond the simpering child at the back of the class with the winning smile who makes rude noises and gestures behind the backs of the grown-ups to gain popularity amongst a claque of fools.

As for his recent foray with the Brexit Party he has clearly learned, with his two speeches, to deliver them ever better but even now he would seem to have no clear strategy nor credible plan in the best interests of those he has beguiled to vote for his masters, handlers who now keep him on a tighter reign.

Of all who have believed in self-determination and independence for these United Kingdoms it could self-evidently be said that not one has done more to harm the possibilities and opportunities the British people could have through BreXit and few did more to try to stall the process than Nigel Farage – right down to positioning an inept fool to lead Ukip to its demise as Gerard Batten has done, in his hubristic ignorance & utter incompetence.

Farage is and always has been a pawn to other influences, all be it a financially well rewarded pawn, be that of his earlier masters who manipulated him or be they those who fund him directly and indirectly to this day – to be fair as a political prostitute he has navigated the paying punters with some cunning – even duping the gullible to believe he had a major role in gaining BreXit, where the informed are well aware he tried to block it!

Be assured Batten on the other hand got one thing right – he said ‘if Ukip does badly in the EU elections his position will be untenable’ he was right and good riddance to the odious little creep.



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The Background To The BreXit Party OR Inspite Of Farage! …

Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 15/05/2019

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The Background To The BreXit Party OR Inspite Of Farage! …

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is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!

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it may interest less frequent readers of our blog regarding Nigel Farage and his various cults be they Ukip, EUkip, EFD Group, EFDD Group his antics with Aaron Banks, his toadying with Donal Trump, his several financial scams his various mistresses and now his latest incarnation with The BreXit Party it has frequently been this blog that has published the facts first – whether that was his relationship with Annabelle Fuller some 15 years ago, his wife’s threatening his mistress at a Party conference or his tax dodging deposit of £1/4 Million in The Isle of Mann in the name of Farage Educational Trust years before the media caught up with the scam.

It was also this blog, together with Daniel Foggo that exposed the embezzelment of money by Tom Wise in his association with Lindsey Jenkins. We also orchestrated the foreward to one of Lindsey Jenkins’ books and part funding of its publication by Nigel Farage and when he tried to renege on his payment we ensured he settled the debt.

We colluded in the exposure of Farage’s paying his wife £30K a year with tax payers’ money seemingly as hush money as a result of his long term affair with Annabelle Fuller. We also colluded in denouncing Farage employing his staff as sexual partners at the taxpayers’ expense on the floor of the EU parliament.

We were publishing details of ‘Dark Money’ long before it was fashionable and at least 10 years we were publishing facts regarding Farage’s ongoing affair with Laure Ferrarri when she was about 25 and just one of his, apparently fully funded, stable of mistresses.

FULLER, Annabelle 10a

Long before Annabelle Fuller changed her name to Trixie Sanderson and sold her kiss and tell story to The Sun we had published the facts, without the lurid embellishments! It was as a result of our constant publication of facts that we were frequently threatened by Faragistas and endlessly lied about by one of the most consumate liars and serial degenerates Nigel Farage.

For years Farage lied about his debauchery and much else!

All of that said, lets face it the British public; who were unaware of the enormity of the incompetence, profligacy, self serving dishonesty of the clear majority of politicians; have recently learned in watching the machinations and corrupt antics of politicians relative to BreXit in recent months.

I guess the real start of the dishonestly regarding the EU, as far as Britain was concerned, was with Eden, MacMillan and on becoming more obvious with Heath & Rippon. Thatcher tried to stem the corruption but even she lacked the courage to advocate leaving and it took the likes of Norris McWhirter and a small group of stalwarts from the The Anti_Common Market League founded in 1961 to start to highlight the issues for the public.

Ukip was a late arriver when Alan Skedd founded the party in 1993 – Farage joined quite early on,  as of course did Mark Deavin of the BNP!

Farage fell out with Skedd and at one stage quit the party during which time he is believed to have actively sought the leadership of the BNP as discussed with LeComber & Deavin:

FARAGE, Nigel 37 DEAVIN, Mark - LeCOMBER, Tony

and so the story goes on – all covered in detail elsewhere in this blog.

It is however worthy of note that Nigel Farage has done much to undermine and seemingly seek to sabotage the #BreXit movement – refusing to actively oppose the introduction of the New EU Constitution in Britain which having been voted down by the French, the Dutch, The danish and the Irish was rapidly reprinted with minor alterations in a different point size to seem different when restyled The Lisbon Treaty!.

Even when it came to the original campaign to get BreXit Farage did very little and in fact did a great deal to avoid leaving the EU as anyone who has followed the facts relative to his behaviour regarding Nikki Sinclaire can attest.

Although never creditted with the achievement Sit was Nikki Sinclaire who is directly responsible for forcing the Government to a debate and vote in Parliament and the inclusion of the promise of an In/Out vote in a Referendum and the solemn PROMISE that whatever the Peoples’ Vote decided would be honoured by the Government.

ASHDOWN, Paddy 03
It was Paddy Ashdown who said on the night of the count:

I will respect no one who does not respect the sovereign vote of the British people once it has spoken whether it is a majority of one percent or 20 percent.When the British people have spoken you do what they command. Either you believe in democracy or you don’t.

(Paddy Ashdown whilst awaiting the result of the Referendum count 23-Jun-2016)

His memory is soon forgotten by clearly lesser men in the Lib Dems who are clearly far from Liberal & no lovers of democracy.
I hope, inspite of the facts pertaining to Nigel Farage you will, like me, on the 23rd. May hold your nose and inspite of Farage & his cult VOTE FOR The BreXit Party, particularly if you value democracy after the obscene behaviour of our Parliament who have betrayed and lied to the electorate.
BUS 01

‘I dream about you Nigel!’ Liz Hurley confessed her affections for Farage, claim his camp as the Brexit Party maintains its 18 point lead over the Tories ahead of May 23 EU elections

  • Supermodel, 53, reportedly told Mr Farage her secret at a recent London party

  • Source said: ‘Nigel said that Liz Hurley once told him at a party: ‘I dream about you Nigel!’ Women are just sort of drawn to him – but then so are men’

  • Mr Farage has given up pints for a rare glass of wine and has a fitness regime

  • He said: ‘It’s made a massive difference. I’m not going to the pub every day. I had enough of not feeling good’

  • New EU election poll puts Brexit Party on 30%, Labour on 24% and Tories on 12%  

Liz Hurley allegedly confessed her admiration for Nigel Farage and told him that she ‘dreams about him’ as it was revealed the Brexit Party today opened up an 18-point lead over the Tories.

The claim about the supermodel, 53, was made by ‘friends’ of Mr Farage, 59, as he revealed a new clean-living regime with pints swapped for red wine while he campaigns around Britain.

His lifestyle change came in the wake of this 2010 plane crash and heavy drinking in previous elections – combined with a more professional American-style approach to politics – and he believes it has helped his anti-EU movement surge in the polls. 

Today a new survey for Good Morning Britain found that 30 per cent of people intend to vote for the Brexit Party in the May 23 European elections, with the Tories far behind on 12 per cent and Labour on 24 per cent.

And while Mr Farage campaigns around the nation – landing in Wales today – a source told the Telegraph that ‘women are queuing up to meet him’. 

The source added: ‘Nigel said that Liz Hurley once told him at a party: ‘I dream about you Nigel!’ Women are just sort of drawn to him – but then so are men’. 

The supermodel is a known Brexiteer having already backed the campaign to leave the EU by stripping off on the eve of polling day in 2016 declaring: ‘No whinging from the losers’. 

Liz Hurley, pictured this week enjoying the sun on Instagram, reportedly told Nigel Farage 'she dreams about him'
Liz Hurley, pictured this week enjoying the sun on Instagram, reportedly told Nigel Farage, pictured in Pontefract on Monday, 'she dreams about him'

Liz Hurley, pictured this week enjoying the sun on Instagram, reportedly told Nigel Farage (right in Pontefract on Monday) ‘she dreams about him’


A new GMB poll found that 30 per cent of people intend to vote for the Brexit Party on May 23 - way ahead of the Tories and leading Labour too


A new GMB poll found that 30 per cent of people intend to vote for the Brexit Party on May 23 – way ahead of the Tories and leading Labour too

Mr Farage, whose new party is set to give the Tories and Labour a bruising on May 23, has been in a relationship with 39-year-old French former waitress Laure Ferrari, ‘for around a decade’, according to the Telegraph.

Liz Hurley backed the campaign to leave the EU by stripping off on the eve of polling day in 2016 (pictured)


Liz Hurley backed the campaign to leave the EU by stripping off on the eve of polling day in 2016 (pictured)

In 2017 his second wife Kirsten revealed they were living ‘separate lives’ and he had moved out of their Kent home.

‘Nigel is not a misogynist – he loves women, but he is an old-fashioned sexist’, a Brexit Party insider claimed.

‘There are women queuing up to meet him. Mainly it tends to be women of a certain age these days’.

Mr Farage is in Wales today for another Brexit Party rally, but will not be going to the pub afterwards having decided to get ‘off the beer’ for the sake of his health – but does have a glass of Rioja from time to time.

He’s also doing fitness work after long days of campaigning for UKIP in general and European elections with his second wife Kirsten saying that she feared his drinking, smoking and long working hours could make him seriously ill.

He told the Telegraph today: ‘I did myself a lot of damage but it helps if I do exercise little and often. It’s made a massive difference. I’m not going to the pub every day. I had enough of not feeling good. I was just not physically as fit as I need to be’.

Ministers now fear a bloodbath at the hands of Nigel Farage’s Brexit Party next week when the country goes to the polls for European parliament elections that would not have taken place if the UK had left the EU on time.

A YouGov poll this week found that the Tories were on course to slump to fifth place behind the Greens in next week’s elections.

The survey for the Times put the Brexit Party on 34 points, well ahead of Labour on 16, the Liberal Democrats on 15 and the Greens on 11. The poll put Tory support on just 10 per cent.

After his second marriage ended two years ago, Mr Farage said he was ‘separated and skint’.

He has used his own cash built up from lucrative speaking tours in America in what he called the ‘start-up phase’ of the Brexit Party before securing huge donations from disillusioned Brexiteers.

Mr Farage, whose new party is set to give the Tories and Labour a bruising on May 23, has been in a relationship with 39-year-old French former waitress Laure Ferrari (pictured), 'for around a decade', according to the Telegraph

Mr Farage, whose new party is set to give the Tories and Labour a bruising on May 23, has been in a relationship with 39-year-old French former waitress Laure Ferrari (pictured), ‘for around a decade’, according to the Telegraph


Kirsten Farage, the second wife of former UKIP leader Nigel Farage, leaves the family home at Downe, Kent, after they officially split in 2017

Kirsten Farage, the second wife of former UKIP leader Nigel Farage, leaves the family home at Downe, Kent, after they officially split in 2017

Financier Jeremy Hosking, 60, a former Tory donor who owns a major share of Crystal Palace Football Club, said he has given £200,000 over the past two to three weeks.

Mr Farage has said the party had already raised ‘well over’ £2million to fight the European contests, with 90 per cent of it from some 88,000 people paying a £25 fee to become registered supporters. 

Away from work he has found love with Laure Ferrari, who once branded English women ‘drunken tarts’ in an email to a woman previously named as Mr Farage’s mistress.

Miss Ferrari began working for Mr Farage and fellow Ukip MEP Godfrey Bloom after meeting them in the Strasbourg restaurant where she waited tables in 2007.

Describing the meeting she said: ‘I met these two MEPs and we started talking about politics. The two Brits have no hierarchy and neither of them comes from a political background.’

In June 2013, Miss Ferrari posted on Twitter a link to a newspaper feature asking ‘Why do more women want to bed Nigel Farage over David Cameron?’ 

Miss Ferrari spoke alongside UKIP politicians and other Brexit campaigners at public events in Dorset and Norfolk ahead of the 2016 EU referendum and has moved in with Mr Farage.

In 2017 he described himself as ‘separated and skint’  as he walked away from his marriage to second wife Kirsten. They have two children.

Mrs Farage admitted at the time they have been living separate lives ‘for years’ and ‘that suits everyone’. Mr Farage remained silent but a month earlier, when asked about the state of his marriage, he replied: ‘We get by and bumble along, like most people.’ 

In 2014 he was accused of having had an affair with Annabelle Fuller, then 32, one of his spin doctors. 

According to the Mirror,  Mrs Farage confronted her at a UKIP election party and allegedly told her: ‘I will have security drag you out by your hair if you don’t leave’.

Both Farage and Fuller have vehemently denied any affair.

Farage married German-born Kirsten Mehr in 1999 after his divorce from first wife, Gráinne Hayes, an Irish nurse and the mother of his eldest two children. 

They met after he had serious car accident at the age of 21 because Ms Hayes was the nurse who treated him in hospital for months where he was in traction and unable to have a bath.

To view the original of this article CLICK HERE



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Nigel Farage Legs It From An Accident, Whilst Campaigning To Leave The EU …

Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 12/05/2019

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Nigel Farage Legs It From An Accident, Whilst Campaigning To Leave The EU …

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Nigel Farage ‘legs it’ after his driver crashed with Jag carrying 13-month-old toddler in Kent

The Brexit Party boss said he checked nobody was hurt before leaving

NIGEL Farage legged it after his chauffeur-driven 4×4 crashed head-on with a Jag carrying a toddler, it was claimed last night.

Pub landlord Patrick Tranter says son George, 13 months, was badly shaken by the Kent smas

Pub landlord Patrick Tranter says son George, 13 months, was badly shaken by the Kent smash involving Nigel Farage’s chauffeur-driven 4X4

He said of Brexit Party boss Farage, 55: “He didn’t even bother to see if we were OK.”

The pint-loving politician has now been banned from Mr Tranter’s pub amid the claims he walked away from the smash.

Furious Patrick Tranter, who needed hospital treatment, told The Sun: “He lives two miles away and loves a pint, but he won’t get one from me. Man of the people, my arse. As far as I’m concerned he’s barred.”

Last night Mr Farage insisted he checked nobody was hurt and claimed Patrick was abusive. He said he had visited the George and Dragon in Westerham, Kent, in the past but added: “If I’m banned, then it’s not too terrible is it?”

Patrick, 38, had dropped off his wife at the station and was driving home when his vintage Jag collided head-on with Mr Farage’s chauffeur-driven Range Rover on Thursday morning.

Son George, 13 months, was in his seat in the back. He was also rushed to hospital.


Patrick said: “We crashed  with an enormous bang. Farage could not possibly have failed to hear George screaming. I ran out to see if my little boy was OK.

“Farage stepped out of the Range Rover, collected his bag from the boot and walked off.

“He didn’t have the common decency to see if we were OK, and never even looked back.

“God knows where (he went) as it was a country lane. He just vanished. I turned around and asked one of his people, ‘Is that Farage?’ and she said yes.

“It would be pure speculation to guess how fast his car was going but it is his response which has really p***ed me off.

“His driver Dean Chapman confirmed it was him but I was dumbfounded by his behaviour. Who does he think he is?”

Patrick says his 1986 Jaguar Series 3 Sovereign was written off in the smash in Titsey at 9.30am.

Ex-Ukip leader Mr Farage, the driver and another  passenger escaped injury because their motor had airbags.

He continued with campaigning for his Brexit Party ahead of the European elections.

Pint-loving politician Nigel Farage has been banned from Mr Tranter’s pub — just two miles from his home — amid claims he walked away from the smash
Damage to the front of the Range Rover that Nigel Farage was being driven in
Where the smash happened in Westerham, Kent

Later he clashed with Change UK’s Anna Soubry on BBC TV’s Question Time in Northampton.

Patrick did not vote in the 2016 EU referendum and said he would not dream of backing Mr Farage’s new party.

He added: “If he’d asked how I was he would have recognised me.

“I worked with his daughter Victoria at a wedding a year ago.

“The cars crashed with so much force that my car was pushed back into the bushes on the other side of the road.

“His driver was really courteous and waited by our car. He called the police and ambulance too.”


Patrick and George — described as distressed by the ambulance service — were taken to Princess Royal University Hospital, Orpington. Patrick had neck and shoulder injuries and possible whiplash.

Mr Farage said last night: “The driver of the other car was abusive. He was swearing very loudly and after accidents people do all sorts of things. It was a pretty full-on smash and I understand why people can be a bit shocked.

“Once I had ascertained that everyone was OK I made discreet withdrawal from the situation.

“I didn’t think that me, with a rather a well-known face, going into that situation would have helped anything or anybody.

“Had anybody been hurt I would have stayed and waited for the ambulance.

“I just thought there was nothing to be added by me talking to him.

“I didn’t hear his child screaming so I walked up the road.”

Mr Farage said he had drunk at Patrick’s pub but wouldn’t be back.

Police are not investigating any offences relating to the accident.

A TORY Party backer, Crystal Palace and Flybe investor Jeremy Hoskins, has switched his allegiance and donated £200,000 to the Brexit Party.

Police at the scene of the smash near Westerham in Kent – but cops say they are not investigating any offences
Mr Farage said: ‘Once I had ascertained that everyone was OK I made discreet withdrawal from the situation’
To view the original article with pictures CLICK HERE



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Farage’s Son of Ukip Cult Seems To Have The Same Morals & Ethics As Its Odious Forerunner …

Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 05/05/2019

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Farage’s Son of Ukip Cult Seems To Have The Same Morals & Ethics As Its Odious Forerunner …

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it seems Farage’s inability to cope with details, racism and factual inexactitude follows him wherever he goes. As the article below shows!

In reality The BreXit Party is yet again a Farage Cult, with many of the same followers however in view of the lies and betrayal that have been emmanating from Parliament many people, like myself, will find that subsequent to Parliament’s betrayal of the electorate, its own promises and the manifestly self serving behaviour of the proven majority in the House of Commons – we are left with no choice, at the moment, but to hold our noses and inspite of Nigel Farage and some of his cult followers we shall vote for the BreXit Party, on matters pertaining to the EU.

Brexit Party figures who left over offensive posts are still directors

Catherine Blaiklock and Michael McGough.
Catherine Blaiklock and Michael McGough. Composite: Getty/Alamy

Two senior members of Nigel Farage’s Brexit party who left their roles after the Guardian uncovered offensive social media messages they had sent are still directors of the organisation weeks after they had supposedly cut all ties, it has emerged.

Catherine Blaiklock, the first leader of the party, who resigned over a series of anti-Islam messages, and the former treasurer Michael McGough, who was ousted because of antisemitic and other offensive Facebook posts, are still listed as directors.

Blaiklock, who also retweeted far-right messages, including one from a former British National party activist referring to “white genocide”, also resigned as company secretary of the party soon after the posts emerged, six weeks ago. But despite that change being made to the Companies House register, she remains listed as a director.

McGough is also still a director. He was removed as treasurer a month ago after posting what the party called “unacceptable statements”. A party statement at the time said he would no longer have any role in the organisation.

The only other two directors are Farage and the new treasurer, Phillip Basey, a former Ukip activist.

In some messages, McGough referred to Ed and David Miliband and Peter Mandelson as having “shallow UK roots” or being “devoid of UK roots” – seen as a common antisemitic trope about Jewish people.

One post from 2017 called David Miliband the “son of an east European communist now milking it from a charity in New York and devoid of UK roots”.

Another message said: “The Miliband dudes and Mandelson have the shortest of roots. Transient folk they have no loyalty to the UK.” One reply by another user tells McGough he is on “slightly dangerous ground”. McGough replies: “True, but there is a valid point to be made even if it seems offensive. It is not dissimilar to Lord Tebbit’s cricket test.”

A post about Mandelson reads: “I resent being called racist by an old queen with shallow UK roots.”

Blaiklock sent offensive tweets that she later deleted, including one saying: “Islam = submission – mostly to raping men it seems.”

She also retweeted seven messages from the far-right activist Tommy Robinson, whose real name is Stephen Yaxley-Lennon. Farage left Ukip after its current leader, Gerard Batten, made Robinson an adviser.

Other tweets sent by Blaiklock included one that referred to Islam as “a non-democracy ideology that is incompatible with liberal democracy”. Another said of Islam that it was “perfectly rational to be phobic about people who want to kill you”.

Both Blaiklock and McGough were longtime former Ukip members, and moved to the Brexit party with Farage. Their departures marked a tricky launch for the party, which has since rebounded spectacularly, and is leading in the polls for the European elections.

The Brexit party was approached for comment but did not respond.

To view the original article CLICK HERE



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#Ukip Has Yet Again BeenForced To Repay Public Money Fraudulently Obtained & Spent …

Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 03/05/2019

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#Ukip Has Yet Again BeenForced To Repay Public Money Fraudulently Obtained & Spent …

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is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!

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EU recovers £200,000 from Ukip MEPs accused of misusing funds

Time running out to recoup money from others alleged to have broken rules

Paul Nuttall
Paul Nuttall, the former Ukip leader, is entitled to a €68,428 transition allowance. Photograph: Victoria Jones/PA

The European parliament has recovered more than £200,000 from Ukip MEPs accused of misusing public funds through payments to party workers. But with three weeks to go until European elections, time is running out to recoup money from others alleged to have broken EU rules.

The parliament has suspended the pay of two staff attached to Ukip’s former leader Paul Nuttall and his fellow North West England MEP Louise Bours, the Guardian has learned. Neither MEP is standing for re-election on 23 May, which could make it harder for officials to recover money.

Since the Guardian revealed the parliament’s investigation into Ukip misspending in 2017, £202,667 has been recovered from two current MEPs and one former one.

Nigel Farage was docked half his MEP’s salary for 10 months in 2018, and he is judged to have repaid a £39,653 debt to the EU. European parliament financial controllers said Farage broke the rules by paying a Ukip party worker with EU funds meant to pay for staffing of his MEP office. Farage, who left Ukip in December and now leads the Brexit party, has always denied the charge.

Raymond Finch was docked £61,650 of his MEP’s salary over the employment of two assistants, including Farage’s estranged wife, Kirsten.

Roger Helmer, who stood down as an MEP in 2017 when allegations against him emerged, lost £101,364 of a transition allowance for former MEPs.

While Nuttall and Bours could lose their transitional allowances, it is not clear whether this would be enough to cover the alleged losses from the EU budget.

Elected in 2014, Bours would be entitled to a €40,949 (£35,025) after-tax transition payment, while Nuttall’s stint as an MEP since 2009 could entitle him to €68,428. The payments are based on the length of time served as an MEP, but are not meant to be claimed by ex-politicians with another job or pension.

Earlier calculations put repayment demands on then Ukip MEPs at around £500,000, but cases against two were later closed without any action.

All MEPs have strenuously rejected claims that the rules were broken. Their bloc in the European parliament, the Europe of Freedom and Direct Democracy, has previously described the investigation as “a vindicative campaign” against Eurosceptic MEPs.

Responding to the latest findings, an EFDD spokesman said the parliament had behaved “disgracefully” towards the former employees of Bours and Nuttall. “Both of them have been doing the jobs they have been contracted to do and one of the guys lost his house,” the spokesman said.

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IN MEMORIAM: Mark Fitzgeorge-Parker aka Mark Daniel Born 1942 Died 03-May-2014 …

Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 03/05/2019

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IN MEMORIAM: Mark Fitzgeorge-Parker aka Mark Daniel Born 1942 Died 03-May-2014



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IN MEMORIAM: Mark Fitzgeorge-Parker aka Mark Daniel Born 1942 Died 03-May-2014 Mark sadly died in Cheltenham of pneumonia aged 72




DANIELS, Mark 02 aka Mark Fitzgeorge-Parker
Mark Fitzgeorge-Parker who used the nom de plume Mark Daniel was born 1942
he sadly died early in the morning on Saturday 03-May-2014, in Cheltenham of pneumonia, aged 72.
I was saddened to hear of the untimely death of Mark who I first met in 2005 when he phoned me up and asked if I would permit him to buy me lunch in Chepstow as he was researching a book on UKIP for Roger Knapman:
KNAPMAN, Roger 02
who was at that time the leader of UKIP.
Subsequently we spoke in detail, often several times a week and asked to be on my mailing list, whilst he researched his book.
Mark was an interesting and well informed character and I soon learned from him of his Ampleforth & Cambridge education and the background and details of his earlier life and career. He made no effort to disguise any part of his colourful life, be that prison for passing dud cheques or being sued by his Father!
In 2005, shortly before the election, he published his book ‘Cranks & Gadflies, The Story of UKIP’, which is still thwe best and most accurate history and exposee of UKIP to that date. I well recall at the time Roger proclaimed his support for the book however I well remember Nigel Farage’s reticence to promote the book as he felt it was a little too accurate and comprehensive, perhaps as comment6ators said ‘warts and all’. Sadly no better nor more accurate book has been written about UKIP.
It is notable that despite Nigel’s reticence the book soon sold out and was very readable such that Mark was subsequently commissioned by Nigel Farage to write the two books about him, Mark was sufficiently competent a writer to write to a brief and be able to put a slant on a book to flatter and promote his client!
FARAGE, Nigel 39 The BookThe quote which was added was a comment made by Nigel farage’s long term associate the anti Islamic extremist and liar who inclines to incite racial hatred, Gerard Batten a UKIP MEP.
Mark’s second book promoting Farage was ‘Flying Free’ published in 2011.
In keeping with Mark’s willingness to publish warts and all when unrestrained the following review of his book on UKIP tells much of his history and personality:

‘A party of idiots, paranoiacs, whores and vagabonds’

Alexander Waugh reviews Cranks and Gadflies: the Story of UKIP by Mark Daniel.
19 Jun 2005
Isn’t it odd how people who group together under the banner of a shared opinion always seem to disagree more violently among themselves than with their declared enemies? It has always been the case. Take, for example, the early Christians. According to the ancient record of Celsus, written in about 178 AD: “Christians utterly detest each other, they slander each other constantly with the vilest forms of abuse… Each sect fills the head of its own with deceitful nonsense and makes perfect little pigs of those it wins over to its side.”
And so it is with UKIP – the United Kingdom Independence Party – whose founding purpose (to extricate Britain from the European Union) has been subsumed, in the 12 short years since its formation, by such a torrent of plotting, denouncing, suing, counter-suing, shrieking, back-stabbing and cussing that one wonders how many of its members have retained any memory of why they signed up with the party in the first place.
At a recent National Executive Council meeting one member became so livid with rage that he suffered a heart attack and died. And what about the time when such an almighty row broke out over who should be UKIP’s leader that the party was rent in twain and, for a while, two defiant UKIPs ran simultaneously out of two separate offices ?
In his absorbing history of the party, Mark Daniel appears to relish each scandal as it arises, gleefully relating how UKIP’s founder drained the party’s coffers to defend himself against accusations of slander and how a South East MEP stood for election in 2004 without mentioning that he was facing charges of housing benefit fraud (which remain subjudice and he denies fiercely).
Daniel also reveals how the party was infiltrated by the BNP activist, Mark Deavin; how UKIP’s Scottish organiser wrote to the newspapers declaring that the Nazi holocaust was grossly exaggerated; and he describes, with seeming glee, a party membership that is comprised of “idiots, paranoiacs and conspiracy theorists… freelance artists… traders, whores and vagabonds”.
From the outset, Daniel declares: “I have never been a party member.” It might easily be assumed from this that he is a disaffected party apparatchik whose sole purpose is to discredit UKIP in such a way that nobody ever votes for it again. But a couple of seconds of Google espionage reveals that Mark Daniel is in fact a nom de plume for Mark Fitzgeorge-Parker – who stood as a UKIP candidate in Exeter at this year’s General Election, ending in sixth place with 3.37 per cent of the vote.
A further scrimmage into the Fitzgeorge-Parker mystery reveals that the author enjoys something of a maverick past himself. Having been imprisoned as a young man for issuing duff cheques and pilfering precious books from Cambridge University libraries he used the Daniel pseudonym for a fictionalised account of his jail experiences. After his release, he found himself once again up in court on charges of libel and, in a parallel action, was sued by his own father for breach of copyright.
Perhaps none of this would be relevant had Daniel not chosen to call his book Cranks and Gadflies, a phrase drawn directly from Michael Howard’s intended slur on the UKIP membership, or if Nigel Farage, UKIP’s second-in-command, had not stood before the European Parliament denouncing individual members of José Barrosa’s Commission as ex-crooks, ex-communists and liars.
Daniel’s purpose in this warts-and-all exposé is not then, as far as I can tell, to discredit UKIP but, on the contrary, to make it seem like a quaintly attractive collective of “real people”. “Don’t mind me, I’m mad,” folks used to say to endear themselves to their school friends. That ploy didn’t work then and is unlikely to work for UKIP now. And if Daniel’s high-risk public relations experiment backfires it will cost the cranks and gadflies dearly.
To see the original of this extended review CLICK HERE
A close friend of Mark’s, Hannah Wright, said:

“He was just so intelligent and had a vast knowledge. He was a person that people would turn to for help and he would do anything for anyone.

“He had a great interaction with people and he was a real showman. But he was a complicated man and had a private side and could be reclusive at times.

“He was very kind and generous, but he could also be a difficult man, cantankerous and rude at times, but people were never offended.

“He was very good at reading people and was a truly gifted man.

“As one neighbour put it, he was often outrageous, but generally right”.

“He was passionate about so many things in Cheltenham – with one of them being that the town’s Jazz Festival was too quiet and should be louder.

“He had a massive impact on people’s lives and will be missed.”

I must say I found Mark to have all of these attributes and characteristics and thoroughly enjoyed my conversations with him and was flattered by the amount he used my then frequent eMails and my blogging as a source for his research, as of course did both media and UKIP leadership alike.

Mark in his younger days had been a keen fisherman and surfer and had inheristed his fathert’s love or art and also his father’s interest in horses, having been a competitive steeplechaser.

Tim Fitzgeorge-Parker was well known as a character and author particularly in the horse racing world.

Mark having lived in Italy, Ireland and France was fluent in both French and Italian and during my dealings with him was taking trips on costal cruisers in Norway and other Scandinavian ports as part of his work whilst living in Exeter as a regular columnist for The Western Morning News. Not only had he written 1,000s of columns for a variety of media but had published some 41 books.
In 2011 Mark moved to Cheltenham to live closer to his 20 year old son Kit.
Having moved to Montpellier in Cheltenham he threw himself, with his notable enthusiasm and commitment to people into life in Cheltenham and last year stood in the Gloucester County Council election for Lansdown and Park and this year was standing for a seat on Cheltenham Borough Council in Charlton Park ward. He had also stood for UKIP in the past when in Exeter.
An impressive intellect and sound knowlege in many fields will make the death of Mark a loss to many – the world is less colourful for his departure.
My condolences to his family and those whose lives he had touched.



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