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Archive for the ‘Daniel HANNAN MEP’ Category

#0485* – UKIP Backs Damaging Non Event Rally For Cuts!

Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 15/05/2011

#0485* – UKIP Backs Damaging Non Event Rally For Cuts!
Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 
The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!
UKIP Backs Damaging Non Event Rally For Cuts!

The more you Big Up such a failure the more damage is done!

Just like TRYING to make defeating The Greens or having a New Mare in a Town Council demeans even that humble achievement!




this article in The new Statesman is a little crass and overly harsh as I do believe there were a few more than the 200 claimed present – indeed The BBC quoted The Met. as pronouncing 3-350 were present.

Further the magazine article ends with a question best applied to itself –

Why did this failure of an event generate so much news coverage?

Simples – it was clearly incompetently organised, poorly publicised and failed to attract – as a result that they had as one person being quoted the utterly discreditted liar and cheat Mick McGough which can hardly have helped and no one of gravitas or stature attended to speak – although it had been claimed, falsely as it transpired, that Daniel Hannan AND Bill Cash were to be speakers.

Whether this was a deliberate lie by the likes of McGough and the all too amateur kids who organised it or that having rightly read the runes both speakers cried off leaving a stream of largely well meaning but hardly known bit players.

May I submit that to lay on events like this is an object lesson to all.

You do your cause, whatever it might be, more harm than good by failing to get a significant gathering as a result of incompetence, amateurism and without a driving force backed by a significant name.

I am sure I am not alone in having attended private weddings with larger guest lists at the near by St. Margarets.

Such an obvious failure hands our opponents a stick to beat us with and is as crass and damaging as making much in pretence that leading a Village Council is some sort of relevant achievement for a Political Party after 18 years!

That anyone attended to listen to Farage is something of a miracle after the week he has just had, where there was a call for his resignation from his only significant MEP liar though she may be, and he could, by the end of the week, only muster the support of 3 corrupt and proven liars – Derek Clark MEP, Mick McGough and Hugh Williams they were not the only ones on the make and the take in support there were several kids who posted on their In House Forum and a couple of employees off of the Farage salary roll – Not a single individual of probity or stature has spoken out publicly on his behalf, not ONE, the Party is in such disarray!

That Marta Andreasen MEP was misguided to claim the party is bankrupt was something of a hostage to fortune and UKIP’s only plausible comeback – even then it was not made by THE donor Stuart Wheeler who acts as Treasurer and Malcolm Pearson‘s support was conspicuous by its absence, as was Lord Willoughby de Broke who had spoken out AGAINST Farage’s foolish poliy in the days before the AV Vote and we note no murmour from Christopher Monkton UKIP’s other Peer (Non Sitting) nor from the dullard Wee Willy The Earl of Dartmouth (probably couldn’t get permission from Acid Raine!).

In fact not only was support of any stature (I think there are still a few) from members conspicuously silent but even the meeeja find UKIP so irrelevant now that there was little sign of them. UKIP must be an irrelevance that they themselves count beating The Greens in the local elections an achievement and they can not muster publicity by significance when a resignation call is made on their only known figure (or so he has ensured!).

The final embarrassment of the Rally, for whatever, was that it was noted that its failure gained a surprising amount of publicity after the event – would that anyone trying such a childish stunt in future gets a grown up to help – at least someone who ensures adequate clout to be sure of advertising and promotion beyond the childrens hour social networking and Twits Tweeting.

By the by did anyone actually know what the strap line for the event was for if they did they managed to spectacularly fail to get it across!

Rally Against Debt? It was more of a long queue

Lisa Hamilton, who observed the pro-cuts demonstration, was not impressed.

Signs at the Rally Against Debt. The organisers say these are counter-protest placards. Photo: Getty Images

On 26 March nearly half a million people descended on the capital to oppose the Government’s cuts agenda and demand an alternative. Six weeks later 200 people (I’m being generous) stood on a pavement outside parliament to give a big “thumbs up” to the same policies.
To say turnout at the Rally Against Debt was low is to be very polite. It was abysmal. Don’t think protest. Think long queue.
In an attempt to gloss over the low turnout, one attendee has described the event as “not bad for a Facebook flash mob“. (Presumably the traditional Tory “blame it on the weather” excuse was rejected due to the unfortunately good weather.)
Hmm. A flash mob is, at least according to Wikipedia, a group of people who assemble to perform a seemingly pointless act often for the purpose of satire. A flash mob is not a publicised event with a shiny website.
The site (which hasn’t been updated since a “we’re trending on twitter” post on Friday afternoon) promised a “great networking opportunity”, a number of “high profile guests” and “plenty to do” during the rally.
Unfortunately, the low turnout (Guido Fawkes claimed 500, but it looked less than half that to me) meant that most of the attendees already seemed to know each other and while Ukip’s Nigel Farage had indeed flown in for the event, “plenty to do” seemed to involve standing increasingly closer together in order to make the crowd look bigger. There were also a couple of short-lived chants and EU flag-burning for those who like that sort of thing.
Toby Young, one of the most high-profile supporters of the rally, came in for mockery when he missed it – because he took his children to an exhibition about pirates in a (publicly funded) museum.
If the March for the Alternative suggested that a cross-section of society strongly opposed the cuts being made by the Tory government, then the Rally Against Debt suggested that white, middle class, middle-aged men are opposed to taxation, don’t like Europe or public services, but do like chinos, rugby shirts, looking after their own interests, and causing minor obstructions outside parliament.
The Rally Against Debt taught us nothing new. However, it did leave one big question: Why did this failure of an event generate so much news coverage?
Perhaps the snappers enjoyed the novelty of outnumbering the crowd.

To view the original article CLICK HERE

I guess we shouldn’t complain at the amateur nature of this event when you think we have some 29,000 professional politicians with their aids who cost us a basic salary of £1/2 A Billion a year.

Ten Bob spent on this event would have been of some help in default of competence!

Rather than do the damage it clearly did to the cause. Perhaps there were those who had arrived thinking they were at the ‘Rally for Sluts’ for was that not last Saturday too?

 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance

Reclaim YOUR Future 
Write Upon Your Ballot Paper at EVERY election:
(IF You Have No INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance Candidate) .
to Reclaim YOUR Future 
Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
tel: 01291 – 62 65 62

Posted in Bill CASH MP, Daniel HANNAN MEP, Derek Clark MEP, Marta ANDREASEN MEP, Nigel FARAGE MEP, Rally For Cuts, Stuart WHEELER | Leave a Comment »

#0405* – ex UKIP MEP Nikki SINCLAIRE, Fish, Food, & More Money

Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 06/04/2011

#0405* – ex UKIP MEP Nikki SINCLAIRE, Fish, Food, & More Money
Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 
The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!
ex UKIP MEP Nikki SINCLAIRE Now INDEPENDENT on Various Subjects in Strasbourg on Tuesday ALSO The EU on Fish, Food, & More Money for Politicians & PEPPs!!




I note from my Inbox and from the internet that this week was off to a rapid start in The EUroRealist camp with Indepemndent ex UKIP Nikki Sinclaire MEP putting out a Press Release from Brussels on Monday morning and then in Strasbourg for the plenary on Tuesday and I have tracked down 3 video clips made by close of play on Tuesday!

Having watched the debate on PEPPs live on video link I must congratulate Daniel Hannan MEP for his very good speech repudiating the very concept of PEPPs funded or unfunded by the Tax Payers. the EFD  and NFU rep Stuart Agnew MEP gave an exorable speech and embarrassingly voted for more money for Politicians and to help the EU gain more control and power over Britain and other vassal states!

When challenged on the Blue Card intervention Stuart Agnew was mistaken for The BNP MEP Andrew Bronze, clearly he is seen as an extremist and has had little impact in his 2 years on The Gravy Train!

The Blue Card question by Nikki Sinclaire MEP was to clarify how the principle of wanting more money and Pan EU Political Parties to aid The EU helped Britain – Poor man had a hissy fit and clearly lost his temper and was unable to answer the question so he invented a question of his own to answer and gave a rather silly answer – even when charged to clarify the morality he was unable to act coherently!

Here are the video clips I have found so far and I will add Dan Hannan’s if I can find it and also van Orden’s when they come to light!

There was also an EU style non debatet on The Common Fisheries Policy but it did show what a con The EU is having factory fished the food from the third world from under their noses off West Africa, forcing 1,000s of Africans to risk the 800 miles at sea in small boats to The Canary Isles rather than starve without fish in their homelands – The EU has fished out the waters of Somalia leaving the Somalis with their ancient survivalist methods of piracy as their only way to live.

The EU is now exploiting Seychelles, Madagascar and Mozambique in The Indian Ocean handing EU tax payers’ money to the rulers and then systematically stealing the fish from local subsistence fishermen!

Much was made of a new ‘agreement’ with The Comoros Islanders and Capulo Santos MEP explained how The EU was entering an agreement with The Comoros and paying them what sounded like €600K a year for 70 EU fishing boats to destroy their fisheries as well!! 30,000 of the 80,000 Comoros peoples WERE dependent on fish and fishing!

A Mr. Alphonsin MEP did point out that there was nothing really to discuss and that a vote on the matter, due on Wednesday, was a total farce as the Commission had already signed the ‘agreement’ without consulting the parliament – rather shows how irrelevant the parliament is in the face of the unelected dictator committee of The Commission!

A Mrs. Leben? MEP of the Greens went on to point out that the agreement had been in place long enough for EU Tax Payers to have given the government of The Comoros €2.7Million meanwhile EU private enterprise fishermen had TAKEN €13Million of fish – so The EU Tax Payers pay The Comoros Government so that Privately owned fishing vessels can make over €10Million stealing fish from subsistence fishermen!

Doesn’t it make you proud to be a member of the EU – meanwhile Austin Mitchell MP Labour has in his career watched his constituency of Grimsby diminish from a fleet of 120 vessels to 4 and the fishermen of Ireland with inshore and coastal boats are now forced 800 miles out to sea to find fish!

My word what a great policy The CFP has been well yes if one wishes to destroy the fishing fleets and the fish stocks of the world but NOT if you want a thriving industry that is sustainable that feeds our peoples!

Back to the videos for Tuesday that I have found:


Nikki SINCLAIRE MEP explains why she believes her constituents have no interest in paying for more politicians as The West Midlands are suffering from economic deprivation as it is without The EU Buying its way to Power with funded PEPPs.


Nikki SINCLAIRE MEP explains why she believes this is a con & souinds like a time warp to the Politically Correct issues of the 1970s being exploited by The EU to introduce ever more laws to their shame.
Leave the legislation to the member states!


Nikki SINCLAIRE MEP explains why she believes that the £48 Million a day tax payers in Britain pay should be kept at home and why her constituents in The West Midlands deserve to keep the money having been damaged by membership of The EU.


 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance

Reclaim YOUR Future 
Write Upon Your Ballot Paper at EVERY election:
(IF You Have No INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance Candidate) .
to Reclaim YOUR Future 
Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
tel: 01291 – 62 65 62

Posted in Capulo SANTOS MEP, CFP, Comoros, Daniel HANNAN MEP, Nikki SINCLAIRE MEP, PEPP, Stuart AGNEW MEP EFD, UKIP | Leave a Comment »


Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 06/04/2011

Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 
The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!  
At least Mike’s commedy of errors will distract from those he is facing on a legal front!!




no one said Mike Nattrass was anything but slow off the mark – you will note how long it took him to act ethically and quit the vile Pan EU Political EFD Group!

So he took a few days to twig that it was All Fools Day!

At least he showed he is not as dishonest a fool as Gerard Batten MEP, David Bannerman MEP, Stuart Agnew MEP and John Bufton MEP who are still happy to support and lend credibility to the racist, extremists of The EFD Group and their odious anti Judaism and violent anti homosexuality – though to be fair David Bannerman has been all but pestering The Tories for a job ANY job!

Perhaps he could join in the fun with Stephen Sobey and Athena-PR who are promoting the Tory attempt to respond to wee Millipied’s Protest Group with March against Debt!!! They seem to have become a Tax Payers Appliance!

In passing it was quite funny watching Stuart Agnew’s little temper tantrum in The EU mock parliament during The PEPP Debate last night! Poor sould when challenged on ethics completely lost it and started ranting about money and the devil like some barmy evangelist – he never did manage to address the ethics of helping The EU – Nikki Sinclaire in her one minute speech was so much more convincing as she lambasted The EU on behalf of her financially strapped West Midlands constituents her speech and intervention were on a par with van Orden’s opposition to PEPPs and their funding.

Howvere Dan Hannan put on one of his bravura performances in defence of Britain and the tax payers – it is such a pitty The Tory Party leadership are so out of step with the electorate.

I have a feeling that not only had Mike Nattrass forgotten the First of April but it seems he and Trevor Colman had forgotten the 5th. as well and toddled off to the flesh pots of Strasbourg leaving Diane Dodds and Nikki Sinclaire to do the work they are paid for as there was no sign of them in the chamber or on the record speeking in defence of Britain and against PEPP.

Let us hope that ‘Lobbydog’ didn’t take their little jape at Mike Nattrass’ expense too seriously as clearly he didn’t as he merely toddled off for dinner!

Tuesday, 5 April 2011

UKIP MEP fooled…

A UKIP MEP sent over an excited press release to one of my desks this morning detailing how those damned bureaucrats in Brussels were fiddling around in our lives again.

Incensed Mike Nattrass, West Midlands MEP, copied and pasted an article from the “Classic Cars for Sale” website into his email which told how “EU Directive 2011/35/T” was going to destroy people’s ability to own and drive classic cars.

The article said the directive would mean anyone wishing to keep a car over 20 years old would have to register it as “off road” permanently and would then need to apply for a special license to drive to classic car events.

This licence would need to be applied for three months before attending any event and a maximum of 5 licenses will be granted per year – how dare they!

But while Nattrass noticed all of this, he failed to notice that the article had been posted on April 1 – the day on which fools get taken in.

If that was not enough of a clue there were several other posts on other car websites pointing out exactly what the story was, including one featuring a big laughing cat and the caption “April Fools Day bwahahaha!”

Last year Nattrass wrote a letter to UKIP members criticising his party’s leader Nigel Farage as a “control freak” who tried to steal all the party’s publicity. If this is the start of his attempt to get some back I suggest he gives up now.

To view the original CLICK HERE

In passing it was pleasant to see that Derek Clark had shuffled into the chamber for the fisheries debate – his wee speech in the fisheries debate would have had a great deal of merit had his position not been so hopelessly undermined by his membership of the extremist racist EFD Group and clearly no one listened and in fact it was apparent even he could not hear what was going on!

That Derek Clark is under investigation by OLAF and a fraud and a liar without a shred of integrity ever willing to abuse his position and having destroyed The East Midlands for UKIP almost single handed with his puppets – does little to make it worth anyones while to have him in The EU but clearly he does less damage there having managed to lose over 90% of the members in his region on his infrequent appearances!

 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance

Reclaim YOUR Future 
Write Upon Your Ballot Paper at EVERY election:
(IF You Have No INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance Candidate) .
to Reclaim YOUR Future 
Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
tel: 01291 – 62 65 62

Posted in April Fools Day, Daniel HANNAN MEP, David BANNERMAN MEP, Derek Clark MEP, LobbyDog, Mike Nattrass MEP, Nikki SINCLAIRE MEP, Stuart AGNEW MEP, Trevor COLMAN MEP | Leave a Comment »


Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 15/03/2011

Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 
The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!

May I also bring to the attention of both Stuart Wheeler and his 800 would be funders of UKIP:

That UKIP is “all we’ve got” simply doesn’t wash. Futile gestures are still futile gestures, however they are dressed up

A Fool & His Money are Easily Parted – who better than a clever spiv to achieve such an aim!



15-Mar-2011 – BEWARE THE IDES of MARCH & The Ghost Absent at The Party


absolutely on cue and as predicted!

the Judas goat has arrived leading the beguilled to the slaughter CLICK HERE

What could be more apposite than to see The Judas Goat AND Myrtle arrive like lambs to the slaughter and on The Ides of March no less – duped by their own egos to dance to the tune of the Millipede to embarrass The Boy King!

With at most 40 people at their sorry little launch it became clear this was NOT a people’s referendum campaign but the very people who got us into this vile and corrupt EU scam with all the usual suspects following eachother like processionary caterpillars around the rim of a plant pot.

The guest list leaked to me showed form on ‘HIGH’ that the ghost of the party was surprisingly absent but with so uninspiring founders one need only glance at the list of supporters to know that yet again poor old Malcolm Pearson would seem to have been duped into parting with his Zionist scheckles – adding this to a long list of his abject failures where increasingly making a fool of himself early in the piste, as he did with his outrageous comments about Muslim women and his risible incompetence as puppet leader at UKIP – this dishonest and dishonourable little chap will soon be scuttling off to try to stem the outflow of cash he lacks the brains to earn and the wit to hang onto (hence flipping and downsizing his London Home recently).

Where was Malcolm Pearson at the launch today upon The Ides of March?

We note that the house idiot young Zac Goldsmith was conspicuous by his absence of clear funding despite the Millions Daddy earned for him (I appreciate much has been transfered to his last failed marriage) which he squanders hand over fist with his idiotic self indulgent claims of being a journalist, a task he carries out with little rigor it seems when it comes to his farcical beliefs in Anthropogenic Global warming but when Daddy gave you £300 Million I guess people would say ‘Yes Sir’ if you claimed to be The Wizard of Oz – or for that matter fiddled election expenses!

That this new top down referendum is a setup by The Millipedes to embarrass The boy king is in little doubt and that it panders to those whose careers have lost their way in The Tory fold is self evident.

However one wonders if The Judas Goat and Myrtle have as yet realised that Goat Stew is fast approaching on the menus with Malcolm seasoning and Zac dressing to enhance a meal of revenge for The Boy King, best served cold!

The story of The Judas Goat foretold this risible debacle in some detail CLICK HERE 

We note with some interest that there was no one from either of Malcolm Pearson’s last two follies present at the launch of any stature unless of course you count the Judas Goat himself and little Myrtle who when denied the status of Prima Donna were bound to set up to rival the EU Referendum Pledge managed by Bridget Rowe and James Pryor, fronted by Jon Gaunt DELIBERATELY non party political and backed generously by a man of substance he EARNED rather than merely inheritted without the brains to go with it Tony Blackwell has made his money through his own hard work and in depth knowledge of books and ancient texts the wisdom of many having been osmotically imbibed at very least!

One has to pity little Dan Hannan with his excellent command of the language, his superbe penmanship and great competence as a speaker the poor lad would seem not to have an ounce of common sense and has progressively managed to manipulate his own career up a creek and throw away the paddle – as a politician that leavs him merely as a performer of much accumen and a scribbler of some competence but politically – even with this latest throw of the dice he is finished, had he the aspirations he claims.

We have watched poor little Daniel make error after error until now we see him as part of agit pro alongside such professional EU cream puff salaried political terrorists as Stuart Costa and Marc Glendenning – who also tried to be important in Tony Blackwell’s EU Referendum Campaign Pledge, yet quit on the pretext they could not find time for involvement in a Referendum and continue their work with what is left of the democracy movement.

I wonder how much their time cost to join this latests ego trip – notably lifting the ideas they could understand from The EU Referendum Campaign Pledge – yet entirely failing to understand the basic concept!!!

I guess when one has lived in the gutter of politics eventually all one can smell is ….

This latest ego trip set up by such pillars of society as Bob Crow, Labour EUnoch Safeguards, Mr. Placeman Pearson (or Ruth Lea wouldn’t be allowed out past her bed time), Wacky Zacky, Keith Vaz, Mark Seddon (who he? Tribune!!!), Christopher Bruni-High, The liar and rascal Marta Andreasen as she wheedles her way to try to jump ship from the sinking and stinking leadership of UKIP,

In fact is you want a list of those you would clearly want NOT to have on your side in anything representing The People or Grass Roots you will find them at CLICK HERE Perhaps you would care to play a small game with yourself in ABSOLUTE confidence and see if you can find a fourth person to select to join the three you would be prepared to invite to your home for a weekend!

I am surprised that they could not even find someone with the intelligence not to play straight into the hands of Noooo Labour and The Millipieds who are clearly the band for this particular Dance Macabre – Not even a new idea these sad muppets have even had to steal the EU Referendum Campaign Pledge concept but their failure to understand it has guaranteed a win for the forces of evil and a Referendum no self respecting EUroSceptic would go within 100 miles of, as it hands a victory to The EU.

“There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order.”
 -Ed Howdershelt

“In politics, stupidity is not a handicap.” Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821),

Greg L-W.

for all my contact details & Blogs: CLICK HERE  

British Politicians with pens and treachery, in pursuit of their own agenda and greed, have done more damage to the liberty, freedoms, rights and democracy of the British peoples than any army in over 1,000 years.

The disastrous effects of British politicians selling Britain into the thrall of foreign rule by the EU for their own personal rewards has damaged the well-being of Britain more than the armies of Hitler and the Franco – German – Italian axis of 1939 – 1945.

It does rather look as if this twittering bunch of twerps are yet again in persuit of their egos and in arrogant belief in their own importance are about to act in such self serving hubris that it will be they who deliver Nemesis for our enemies AGAIN!

I shall continue to support the well thought out cross party and no party Grass Roots efforts of The Petition for a Referendum campaign which has obtained so very many absolutely new and non political signatures so far and also The EU  Referendum Campaign Pledge as original conceived to grow on a slow burn basis pandering to no egos and NOT LED by the Political pond life that has already betrayed these United Kingdoms.

One need only look for a moment at CLICK HERE to see where the problems lie! With their obvious smugh self satisfaction and divisive self interest!

The Daily Mail when checked upon The Ides of March would seem to clearly endorse my assesment:

Indeed it is abundantly clear that even The Ghost of Banquo would have been ill advised to attend this launch from the winter fastness of Rannoch Moor let alone Dunsinane as clearly The Judas Goat leads Duncan to his room whilst Mertle has seemingly armed Lady MacBeth.

Consulting The Daily Mail would lead one to realise that indeed young Marc Glendenning and You Gov may well be too busy mugging up on polling techniques to stir this new pot as clearly their Poll results are far wide of the actuality of grass roots in The Daily Mail when it reads of their plans to sabotage a Referendum with their chums – Just who is keeping The EU supported to maintain their incomes, one is forced to ask!

To read The Daily Mail article which obfuscates more than it clarified on the day prior to The Launch of this latest self serving Ponzi style scheme CLICK HERE The article shows the enriching process for politicians and professional campaigners but what of those grass roots that they so consistently walk on!

Richard North as one of Britain’s most respected and best informed Bloggers and authors in this field had some interesting and prescient comments with which I largely agree at CLICK HERE

Thinking straight

Posted by Richard Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The response to latest make-work scheme for redundant campaigners seems, from the poll response

One never ceases to wonder, however, at how easy it is to milk the Eursoceptic community with one faux campaign after another, often with the seductive cry of: “better to do something than nothing”. There are far too many people thinking with their backsides instead of their brains. When you get the Speccitwats and a failing newspaper in it together, it is time step back and ask what is going on.

Interestingly, I quoted J B Priestley quite recently (“Out of the People”, 1941), on the issues of activism and strategy. He wrote:

We often hear people cry: “Never mind all this writing and talking, get on and do something.” The answer to that is, that at the stage at which most people in the country have arrived, writing for them and talking at them is the best kind of action. It is a change of ideas and mental attitudes they primarily need.

That is especially true now – what we need is a “change of ideas and mental attitudes”.  The reason we got into the Common Market in the first place was because people were attracted by the idea … not the practicalities … they had no notion of what those entailed.  The way we get out is to reverse the process. We have to devise an alternative idea, a “vision” of a Britain of the future. You think of a Britain as you want it to be, a Britain that you believe would be attractive to the majority, and which is achievable.

Then you “sell” that vision. When and if it comes to an EU referendum, all you then have to do is point out that the vision is not achievable as long as we are members of the EU. In that context, instead of leaving the EU being seen as a leap into the dark, it is seen as a barrier preventing us from reaching the light. That is a winnable position.

One of our commenters got the point:

Our eventual withdrawal from the EU must come about as a natural consequence of a new national way of thinking … a new ‘ism’. Which will have gained such purchase within the hearts and minds of the nation, that continued EU membership becomes untenable simply because it is at odds with that new thinking. Withdrawal won’t even require a referendum … it’ll just happen as a matter of course.

My point, which very much reflects what is said above, is that the battle is won or lost in the preparation: think Monty and el Alamein. The battle was won before the first shot was fired. This is the position we must be in. If they lose the battle, they lose the battle … if we lose the battle, we lose the war.

Cranmer gives it a fair outing, and offers far more thought that that idiot Myrtle, but his conclusion that it is “all we’ve got” simply doesn’t wash. Futile gestures are still futile gestures, however they are dressed up.

If we lose a referendum, Euroscepticism is wiped out for a generation. There is too much at stake here, for us to be playing games, or allowing the agenda to be taken over by lightweights who are only after a meal ticket. Just for a complete change, let’s stop being professional losers and instead consider a winning strategy. In two or three years, we could be there.

(illustrated above), to be one of less than total enthusiasm.


 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance

Reclaim YOUR Future 
Write Upon Your Ballot Paper at EVERY election:
(IF You Have No INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance Candidate) .
to Reclaim YOUR Future 
Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
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Posted in Bridget Rowe, Daniel HANNAN MEP, Ides of March, JUDAS GOAT, Malcolm Pearson, Mark Seddon, Myrtle, Nikki SINCLAIRE MEP, Stuart WHEELER, Tony BLACKWELL, Zac Goldsmith | Leave a Comment »