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Archive for the ‘Matt QUINN’ Category

#G0285* – A GOOD WEEK for EUroRealists!

Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 13/02/2011

#G0285* – A GOOD WEEK for EUroRealists! 
Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 
The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!
A GOOD WEEK for EUroRealists!

Nigel Farage gets a video on YouTube promoting referendum & against Prison votes!

Nikki Sinclaire gets a number of articles in the media and featured on the EU TV Channel having a go at The EU & Mrs. Cathy Ashton!

The Petition for a Referendum got huge publicity outside Parliament & numerous Peers, MPs, MEPs and othewrs in the area signed up and gave support for a Referendum!

Will it be the public who take control & save OUR Country or will the fat cat politicians run out of cream and wake up to do their duty?




It seems to have been a good week for EUroRealists with the debate in Parliament on The FACT that The EU is forcing us to give Prisoners the vote – clearly the vote was a huge success but as Mary Ellen Synon in The Daily Mail at CLICK HERE The British Parliament has a long way to go before the vote this week has anything worthwhile to contribute.

I predict that the EU will spend huge amounts of OUR money having lavish dinners in exotic resorts for its fat cats to work out a fudge. The next British election will turn up and much will be made of Tory faux EUroScepticism and how they rejected The ECHR barmy concept of votes for prisoners (which by the way it was NOT, it was for given catagories of prisoners I understand!) – shortly after the election it will be made clear we had merel obtained a derogation (FUDGE) or on reflection rather than paying the price the British people want and leaving the politicians have decided it is a small price to pay for all the benefits (FUDGE) – By the way what benefits?

Then whilst that debate was on one of EUroRealisms most dedicated workers had something of a coup in that Nikki Sinclaire a UKIP elected MEP managed to get permission to park her constituency mobile office in right outside OUR Parliament at Westminster – a fortunate booking in that the date booked months ago turned out to be on the day of debate & vote on an issue perceived as related to The EU.

Fair play to Sinclaire’s staff they were willing to stay till 17:00hrs. on Friday but having had near constant rain they packed up when interest dwindled after lunch on Friday only to watch the sun come out as they reached the M1 on the long haul back to the constituency – having hugely raised the profile of EUroRealism and the need for a petition.

I appreciate there are bitter little voices from UKIP seeking to denigrate anyone’s efforts but their own – but would YOU want to be associated with the scum in UKIP’s leadership who have allied themselves with the racist, anti Jewish, violent sexually intolerant Pan EU Political EFD Group (Here is how UKIP aim to overturn the members democratic vote against UKIP surrendering to EU control CLICK HERE)

Nigel Farage as leader of The EFD published a letter through his office denigrating petitions and referendum CLICK HERE yet he was in Finland helping The EFD with a referendum last weekend – The duplicitous two faced nature of UKIP which is realistically our only lifeboat at the moment is a tragedy as clearly the lifeboat has been seized by rascals and the corrupt for personal gain and in betrayal of not just our voters but our Country as others have made most clear CLICK HERE

Now we see Farage lining up as if to follow the Judas Goat CLICK HERE

That said it was good to see his video clip at the end of the Channel 4 news in the political slot, which I understand UKIP get by rotation based upon the votes it has to date. A good video in that he had been persuaded not to rant but VERY weak on figures, usually Farage can provide a few soundbites to convince the trailing and arm the followers!

That said – well worth watching on YouTube at CLICK HERE sadly only 308 visits last time I checked but I felt the following comment was apposite:

Is The EU forcing us to comply merely to denigrate democracy since The EU is bereft of any meaningfull democracy?
We joined the ECHR in The 1950s where we could argue our values but British  Governments have unlawfully betrayed Britain & our peoples & handed over Government to the centralised & corrupt EU unelected control.
Any opportunity to bring this to public attention is worthwhile & Farage makes the points better than most when on form – well done, more please!
Champagne in Prison?? – How?

The good news for EUroRealists continued with 2 articles Nikki Sinclaire managed to get into the Sunday papers:

The Sunday Times CLICK HERE
The News of the World CLICK HERE

Let us hope the good news and promotion of EUroRealism rolls on – it would be nice to see our lifeboat repaired and retrieved from the self serving scoundrels and nere do wells of UKIP leadership and its parasites now wrecking it!

I hear the foul mouthed slut Annabelle Fuller is back officially on the play roll having parted company with The British Legion and then The British Forces Pensions or whatever – presumably when they read her vile blog and started to find out the truth.

I can see no way in which this addition to UKIP can do anything but more harm than she has done in the past – many will remember the pack of lies Farage told to try to keep her on his play roll last time and the general dishonesty and unpleasantness that surrounds her.

I gather this time a new story has been spun – it is being put about that The News of the World offered her a large amount of money to tell the truth about her activities with Nigel Farage and within UKIP leadership and the only way UKIP could stop the truth spilling out was to employ her.

Firstly do you honestly believe The NotW would pay her much – Lega from Rega hardly came out of her expose of Farageand his drunken reverie with a prostitute picked up in his local pub. Frankly knowing the Journalsist (several) at the NotW I just don’t believe it – it is hard to get ANY story about UKIP in the Meeeja at the moment as shown by how infrequently they feature, then usually because some sleaze like John Ison has leaked unsound fantasies to ingratiate himself for a job as a UKIP parasite CLICK HERE or some idiot like Douglas Denny has unwisely invented and irritated a journalist then finding it blows up in the face of UKIP due to his lies CLICK HERE

– I do hear Denny is on the verge of quitting which would be a start in cleaning up UKIP, this is some confirmation of the rumours that first started circulating at the utterly risible so called leadership campaign – we note the rewards Steve Allison is gathering for the manner in which he managed Prof. Tim Congdon’s campaign!!!.

I hope he is starting to realise just how much he has been duped by the other parasites and the extent he has been used as a patsy, well lets face it if he believes the fantasies he publishes on little Anthony Butcher’s UKIP controlled forum with all the filth he puts his name to he is far from bright though possibly not so corrupt, duplicitous and cowardly as Anthony Butcher who hosts the lies and disinformation for UKIP.

At least on my blogs I make every effort to be accurate and have NEVER been found to have presented a single solitary item of misinformation of any material nature despite tthe many stalkers I have like the obsessive liar and cheat Mick McGough, Douglas Denny, Matt Quinn, Gawain Towler, Annabelle Fuller, Mark Croucher, Steven Milne, David Icke, Brian Gerrish and the like the slime trapped in the U Bend of the gutter of conspiracies and corruption.

Secondly do you believe that UKIP should fund such an apparent case of blackmail to hide dishonesty, corruption and the childish insecure antics of UKIP leadership and its parasites?

I do question who in UKIP leadership and their parasites is fit for office ANY office, sadly I see UKIP as a part of the problem with no place in the solution under its present inept, incompetent, dishonest corrupt and self serving nere do wells of its leadership and their salaried praise singers and parasites.

We are not alone in being betrayed by our politicians on all sides but let us hope we are not forced onto the streets as were the Russians, the Hungarians, the Cheks. the Chechen, the East Germans, the Algerians, the Tunisians, the Egyptians and Iran – all of whom were forced to ignore their self serving self styled political elite!

 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance

Reclaim YOUR Future 
Write Upon Your Ballot Paper at EVERY election:
(IF You Have No INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance Candidate) .
to Reclaim YOUR Future 
Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
tel: 01291 – 62 65 62
Enhanced by Zemanta

Posted in Annabelle FULLER, Brian GERRISH, Cathy ASHTON, Douglas DENNY, John Ison, JUDAS GOAT, Mark CROUCHER, Matt QUINN, Midnight Group, Mike McGOUGH, Nigel FARAGE MEP, Nikki SINCLAIRE MEP, The Midnight Group | Leave a Comment »


Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 20/12/2010

Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 
The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!  






PLEASE NOTE: This is blog entry commenced as a result of the blog entry re Anna Lindh‘s tragic death 7 years ago and is mostly copied from CLICK HERE which I shall endeavour to reasonably update and correct, when apposite.

The vile behaviour within UKIP relative to that death and their dishonourable attempts to exploit her family’s loss, whether as with the odious and untrustworthy Stuart Gulleford at the time or subsequently, this led me to write this blog entry – which I shall repeat on a regular basis and openly circulate wide and far until action is taken to CLEAN UP UKIP.

The aim of the blog re: Anna Lindh was to give an outline of factual information, not a forensic accounting, that would help people understand the funadamental dishonesty of those cowards who see fit to shelter their misrepresentation of that tragedy behind cowardly anonymity – again seemingly in attempts to TRY 7 years after the event to distort and defame, exploiting her tragic death duplicitously and dishonestly, as a weapon to beat others.

As many have discovered, the leadership and those feeding at the table of UKIP are largely utterly and undeniably corrupt, beset with outright liars and efforts to protect them by funded filth that prostitute integrity to that end.

I appreciate that filth like Mark Croucher, Douglas Denny, Mike McGough, The Common Man and Skeptyk are too stupid to understand integrity, morality or duty and endlessly drag UKIP’s reputation into the gutter they inhabit, motivated by their personal gain – showing the depravity of the comments they are willing to make to desperately TRY to defame me and others.

To date – all they have achieved is to show the public yet more reasons not to vote for UKIP under its present leadership.

Were a serial murderer to set up a team of researchers, to keep his wife in funds whilst serving a life sentence, providing facts and data – the facts and data would be the issue NOT who owned the company!

By all means say what you like about me in an honest and moral way; it is liberty, my Country, just improvement and duty that motivate me;  you will have to go a very long way in childish dishonesty to do the damage to others that *** David Icke, George McKendrick. Steven Milne, Matt Quinn, Robert Green and similar filth have achieved in the similar manner in which they have consequentially managed to protect paedophiles and abusers by use of intimidation of those who seek to support the genuine victims and expose the genuine offenders whether within government, authorities, QUANGOs or beyond!

It is just so very sad that UKIP which was, many of us had hoped, our lifeboat has attracted such revolting and dishonest people.

One only needs to read their own Manifesto aims on Direct Democracy and then note the depravity of UKIP’s implementation of democracy in their own Party CLICK HERE

Just consider: IF UKIP EVER gained control of a Council (under its present leadership fortunately unlikely) would they implement a policy of dishonesty corruption, defamation and lies as they have in protecting their own income stream as MEPs – with attacks and lies on public Forum’s and sordid and clearly dishonest misrepresentation on squalid little obsessional blogs? UKIP’s very own SS with Kafkaesque show trials and sentencing defined prior to the hearings!

Could we expect such a Council to be producing poisonous and dishonest attack blogs, as with scum like Skeptyk or The Common Muck?

I call on UKIP to clean up its act and not just renounce these low lifes who bring such shame to the few remaining genuine UKIP members. 

Further to clean up UKIP I call upon its leadership to study my blogs once they have distanced themselves from filth like Denny, McGough, Croucher, Skeptyk, Stuart Parr and their poisonous ilk to appoint an outside honourable firm of Solicitors AND an independent firm of accountants to CLEAN UP UKIP, to make it electable. Clearly 3.01% in a General Election shows NO ONE trusts these spivs, charlatans and self serving self enriching low lifes. Out of 19,500 electable offices UKIP seemingly has had less than 30 individuals elected!

Once the independent Solicitors & Accountants are in place, make them openly available to supporters of UKIP like myself who wish to clear out the rats and other parasites that have infested UKIP leadership.

It is well known in the media and amongst honest and honourable individuals that I have NEVER deliberately misled, distorted or dissembled on ANY of my blogs.

Let us stick with those pertaining to UKIP and its members:

I have ALWAYS stated that any material error which I have made of ANY consequence will be corrected with the apposite apology if brought to my attention.

I have NEVER deliberately published a consequential untruth.

I have from day one provided full details of my identity and contact data.

NEVER ONCE has anyone EVER presented an example, from my blogs or web sites, of a single solitary consequential error requiring correction.

PLEASE BE ADVISED I will work with whoever UKIP appoints to clean up their squalid Party to make it electable, as soon as the vile defamatory blogs and lies emanating from UKIP supporters are  removed and letters of apology sent to all who have been dishonestly defamed and lied about, whether by direct lie or distortion and implication by filth like The Common Man, Skeptyk, Fuller, Croucher, McGough, Denny and the rest of the scum surrounding UKIP and seemingly acting on behalf of UKIP.

The letter will apologise to each one, regardless of weasel words and claims that it had nothing to do with UKIP, which are clearly implausible. The letters will be written and signed by hand by the leader, the deputy leader and not less than 2 other UKIP MEPs. These apologies WILL be in hard copy and electronic and made available on the internet.

I believe a posthumous apology should be made publicly by UKIP to Piers Merchant for the lies told about him by Mark Croucher and Douglas Denny immediately prior to his untimely death and subsequently.

Clearly amongst others owed apologies are Petrina Holdsworth, Robin Page, John West ALSO the staff and members of UKFirstParty which McGough, Skeptyk and others from UKIP have repeatedly and dishonestly bullied, lied and defamed on which I ran a supportive blog during its existence NEVER joining or donating to it and NEVER being officially privvy to ANY planning or details at any time beyond my own deductions.

Apologies for duplicitous and dishonourable treatment should indubitably be sent to Dr. David Abbott, Gregg Beaman, Richard Suchorzewski, Niall Warry, Nikki Sinclaire, Josh ONyons, ‘Fenboy’ and clearly others.

A letter of apology is clearly apposite from Douglas Denny, endorsed by UKIP, to Daniel Foggo for his having serially lied, defamed and insulted him.

A letter of apology from Nigel Farage on behalf of himself and endorsed by UKIP should be sent to Robert Kilroy Silk for having lied to him and having promised him the leadership of UKIP when it was not in his gift!

A separate letter of retraction should be provided by Annabelle Fuller and endorsed by UKIP for her duplicitous and outrageous lies in her official capacity regarding Richard Suchorzewski.

A separate letter of retraction should be provided by Mark Croucher and endorsed by UKIP for his duplicitous and outrageous lies in his official capacity seeking to smear Richard Suchorzewski.

A separate letter of apology should be provided by Douglas Denny and endorsed by UKIP for his duplicitous and outrageous lies in his official capacity in the corruption and dishonesty regarding his having been removed by vote of The NEC as Returning officer and the subsequent lies he has told seeking to re-write history.

A separate letter of retraction should be provided by Annabelle Fuller and endorsed by UKIP for her duplicitous and outrageous lies and behaviopur in her official capacity
in respect of John West.

A full and complete addressing of the corruption as manifest CLICK HERE with relevant resignations and reallocations in the light of fact and the truth, together with letters of apology where appropriate.

A full and complete letter of apology from every MEP unwilling to apologise and resign for having clearly and undeniably participated in corruption and lies.

A full letter of apology and a cheque refunding every single penny piece of PROFIT over and above his salary and legitimate declared costs as transparently and openly shown by him as at today – he having PROMISED when he originally sought election that ALL surplus in expenses would be paid to UKIP and no elected MEP would salary or pay their wives or family. Having had 10 years plus to implement this clearly it will be a simple matter to return the money he has stolen.

A full letter of apology and resignation from David Bannerman for having lied regarding his ancestry bringing UKIP into disrepute and criminally and fraudulently misrepresenting himself to gain public office.

The resignation of Malcolm Lord Pearson and Stuart Agnew for having brought UKIP into disrepute by acting fraudulently ultra vires to the law of the land to launder money and disguuise donors.

The refund of the money stolen from the public purse by Stuart Agnew and David Bannerman, as defined by The Sunday Times and admitted to on camera together with their resignations for having brought UKIP into disrepute – it will be remembered that Tom Wise received a custodial sentence of two years for having stolen a similar amount.

UKIP does not have a single solitary honourable MEP. Not ONE member of UKIP staff or current NEC has displayed a single reason to trust them as they have dishonestly and dishonourably feathered their own nests and supported the indisputable and undeniable corruption of their MEPs.

Should any UKIP MEP remain clearly that shall IMMEDIATELY disassociate themselves from the Racist, Xenophobic, Violent, Sexually Oppresive, anti Jewish EFD Group making apology for having smeared UKIP’s name with such an association and denouncing any and all relationship with these odious people.

I am told that Skeptyk even tried to make an issue to try to defame me with the comment that one should never speak ill of the dead – what bunkum. Please be assured that when Skeptyk dies I shall, as ever, meticulously ensure my accuracy, without the vile style of lies distortions and spin used by Skeptyk, and I will publish the truth just as I did in the instance of the revolting ex UKIP member at issue who committed suicide.

The world is better off without the type of filth portrayed by dishonourable scum like Mark Croucher, Skeptyk and what I know of the dishonest and corrupt Douglas Denny, Mike McGough, David Icke, Matt Quinn, George McKendrick, Steven Milne and similar – would any but their family other than rejoice at the demise of such low lifes?

IF UKIP CAN NOT BE CLEANED UP and such filth and their morays removed from the party may I submit there is no place for them in Politics befouling the name of UKIP itself and Britain which they pretend to represent as a vehicle for their self interest.

IF UKIP CAN NOT BE CLEANED UP and such filth and their morays removed from the party  then there is absolutely no benefit in keeping UKIP alive as it ONLY represents its own interest in remaining on the Gravy Train and absolutely no acceptable representation of those who voted for it or the interests of these United Kingdoms.

I CALL ON YOU to help Clean-Up UKIP and all genuine honest and decent supporters of the aims and principles that were the values of UKIP, and its members, until hijacked by the morally debased and reprehensible shower of scheisters currently enriching and engorging themselves for personal gain at the expense of Britain and the electorate.



*** Details of these unpleasant self serving folk can be found if you click on them:
David Icke, George McKendrick. Steven Milne, Matt Quinn, Robert Green
 and then look for their names individually under either >Dramatis Personnae< in the right sidebar OR as individuals in the convenient links also on the right sidebar.


You may also wish to seek out >TheGaggedTheMidnightGroup< both of which are set up to aid in improving both our democracy and our liberty and thus the standards of Justice and care for our peoples – come and help!


 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance

Reclaim YOUR Future 
Write Upon Your Ballot Paper at EVERY election:
(IF You Have No INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance Candidate) .
to Reclaim YOUR Future 
Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
tel: 01291 – 62 65 62
Enhanced by Zemanta

Posted in David ICKE, Douglas DENNY, George McKENDRICK, Hollie Greig, Mark CROUCHER, Matt QUINN, Mike McGOUGH, Robert GREEN, Skeptyk, Steven MILNE, Stuart PARR | Leave a Comment »