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Archive for the ‘Tom WISE UKIP MEP’ Category

#0730* – This can’t HELP Gerard Batten’s claims re: Race Hatred!

Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 19/01/2012

#0730* – This can’t HELP Gerard Batten’s claims re: Race Hatred!

 Please Be Sure To .Follow Greg_LW on Twitter. Re-TWEET my Twitterings
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To Spread The Facts World Wide



Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 


The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!  

This can’t HELP Gerard Batten’s claims re: Race Hatred!

Amongst other FACTS is that a man is often judged by his associates!!



I am sure that many of you will realise just how damaging it is for UKIP to be members of the extreme anti Jewish, racist, violent and anti homosexual EFD – even if it does enrich Nigel Farage as its leader which he seems willing to be whatever revolting members he is willing to accept to keep his numbers up for the extra income!

An unfortunate bit of ‘photoshop’ fun that someone circulated long ago does seem to have more than just a whisper of truth to it – Batten’s apparent incitment of racial hatred founded it seems on his personal fear of Islam as a threat to his chosen superstitions has all the redollence of fascism and the religious insecurity and obscene behaviour of German fascists!Batten is of course not alone as shown by the Zionist extremism of the then puppet leader of UKIP Malcolm Pearson as featured by the press or the anti homosexuality of Godfrey Bloom and the bullying and lies of Malcolm Pearson, Godfrey Bloom, Nigel Farage amnd others relative to Nikki Sinclaire it all looks rather too much as if Batten reflects UKIP leadership!

It can not help Gerard Batten’s Court apearances facing accusations of racism, harassment, abuse and what seems to be dishonest claims!

Nor can it help that he pays his brother for work out of the expenses he gets for representing UKIP members.

The posting at CLICK HERE must be proving almost as embarrassing to him as being associated with low lifes like the proven liar, cheat and criminal spammer Mick McGough with what seems like a sad case of OCD.

Todays revalations and the various links at CLICK HERE must be making Gerard Batten’s squalid behaviour all too likely to be found against in COURT!

For further understanding of the depth of the problems Gerard Batten seems to have CLICK HERE then consider all the additional evidence at CLICK HERE The huge amount of evidence and the many links, as regularly provided by this blog and also for that matter those who post at Junius again and again shows UKIP to be unfit for purpose – largely due to the self enrichment, self interest and lies of its all too scuzzy leadership team who have NEVER shown one iota of professionalism and have surrounded themselves with biddable low lifes and criminals!

Despite employing liars & scum like Mark Croucher, Annabelle Fuller, John Ison, Mick McGough, Peter Reeve, Marta Andreasen etc. – thieves like Tom Wise, John Ison, Annabelle Fuller, Derek Clark, Clive Page, Stuasrt Agnew, David Bannerman and the like – not to mention the likes of Graham Booth, Nigel Farage, Derek Clark, Jeffrey Titford who have already been ordered to repay sums they had misappropriated from the public purse – Gerard Batten’s associates do little to make his claims seem credible.

Let us also remember the many liars and low lifes acting in a cowardly manner as they lie and seek to defame whilst hidden buy false names like Skeptic, Independent UKIP, Ranger 121, Gothmog and others, plus those with no reputation worthy of upholding like Paul Nuttal, Anthony Butcher, Gerard Batten, Godfrey Bloom, Stuart Gulleford, Mick McGough, Mark Croucher, Brendan Padmore, Stuart Agnew, Tom Wise etc. all too willing to lie and misrepresent – Clearly untrustworthy, self serving and beneath contempt.

Despite the serial dishonesty of UKIP whose unprofessional and incompetent leadership have never once publicly censured the trash amongst them for their sordid behaviour we note NEVER ONCE have any of these garbage shown that either this blog, me personally or those at Junius have EVER ONCE lied, misled or dishonestly misrepresented UKIP or any of the liars, low lifes and self serving trash who form their leadership and its claque!

Again I remind readers that there would be no point in publishing this blog if it was not provably founded on FACTS – I also remind readers that never ONCE has it been shown that I deliberately misled ANYONE nor culpably lied, also do remember that IF I were to get a single solitary fact, however minor, wrong I do not skultk in cowardly anonymity but publish my identity, my phone number, my eMail address and postal address so that IF a correction was apposite all you need to do is contact me and the correction AND an apology will be published where apposite if required!

I have made THREE minor corrections of minor errors of fact in the many 1,000s of blogs I have written and those 3 errors are still clearly shown. ALL my postings are in MY name and attributed – for a short time I published a blog FOR someone which was NOT mine, nor MY comments, but that was removed when I published corrections which THEY wished dishonestly to hide and I no longer have anything to do with their blog.

All postings I have made have been in MY name and I have NEVER despite the lies of some in UKIP been paid one cent to publish ANYTHING!

So having proved MY honesty and integrity it would be interesting to see if ANY of UKIP could do likewise! Clearly those I have exposed could not!
. .

 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance

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Posted in Derek CLARK EFD MEP, Gerard BATTEN EFD MEP, Mark CROUCHER, Mick McGOUGH, Nigel FARAGE MEP EFD Leader, Stuart AGNEW MEP NFU, Tom WISE UKIP MEP, UKIP | Leave a Comment »

#0548* – UKIP’s Grubby Little Criminal Tom WISE MEP (rt. to PRISON!)

Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 13/06/2011

#0548* – UKIP’s Grubby Little Criminal Tom WISE MEP (rt. to PRISON!)

 Please Be Sure To
My Blogs 
To Spread The Facts World Wide 

To Leave-The-EU  

Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 


The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!  
UKIP’s Grubby Little Criminal Tom WISE MEP (rtd. to PRISON!)!



Crown vs. Tom WISE MEP & Lindsay JENKINS his original co-defendant

I have never really understood Gary Cartright’s crano rectally retentive attitude to Tom Wise – especially now that he himself is a more or less free agent as an accredited employee of The EU and is no longer salaried by Tom Wise to try to dupe people!

It is very clear that Roger Knapman leader of UKIP at the time lied to The NEC, whether wittingly or due to his personal stupidity is hard to tell.

It is also clear that Trevor Colman MEP prostituted his Queen’s Commission as a senior retired Police Officer to become embroilled in constructing a cover-up of Tom Wise’s undeniable criminality and it is hard to draw any conclusion than that when Graham Booth MEP had stood down after the result of The OLAF enquiry into him and its outcome that Trevor Coleman was other than rewarded for his loyal dishonesty by being placed in his seat!

Quote Originally Posted by gc View Post
Roger actually informed the NEC that Tom Wise had been vindicated by the European parliament, which he had.

I quote directly from a letter (to Tom Wise) from Roger Vanhaeren, Director-General of Finances, dated Jan 15 2008 “Accordingly, as explained in a mail sent by Mr Priestley, former Secretary-General of the parliament on 8 May 2006 to Mr Verheirstaeten, Parliament’s services are satisfied that your financial position vis-à-vis Parliament in respect of the allowances you received is correct, this is the reason why no further action had been taken on this matter”.

There is, as you can see, a lot more to this episode than lies in the public domain.

Certainly Roger Knapman, being in posession of the facts as outlined in this and other communications, could not have seen this as anything other than a vindication. To suggest he had deliberately mislead the NEC is untrue.

Ian Gilman who was relatively well informed on the matter provides rather more of the facts than Gary, who was in Tom Wise’s employ at the time and thus subject to the lies he was promoting and the selective use of correspondence.

There is absolutely no doubt that by using the acquiescence or collusion of Lindsey Jenkins his Tory researcher – Tom Wise used false instruments to defraud the tax payer and the public purse.

There is no doubt that Tom Wise stole money by fraud.

There is no doubt that Tom Wise was on a self enrichment campaign using public money to enrich himself and buy favour.

There is no doubt Tom Wise embezelled public money to make personal purchases for his own gain.

There is no doubt Tom Wise spent around £8,000 of public money seeking to silence me and prevent me publishing the truth.

There is no doubt Tom Wise eventually, after TRYING to shift ALL the blame to Lindsay Jenkins, confessed to his criminality when in Court he realised the Police had ALL the evidence from his computer hard disks.

There is no doubt Tom Wise changed his plea – thus saving Nigel Farage MEP from embroilment in Court which he was panicing over having received and used part of the stolen money to settle a personal bill.

There is no doubt Tom Wise was guilty.

May I remind Gary Cartright and fools like Peter Cole that The British Courts sentenced Tom Wise to 2 years in jail for his criminality and dishonesty.

I do concede that many others should also have joined him there!

Here is Ian Gilman’s summary of some aspects:

I hope that nothing that I now say would cause Mr Roger Knapman to have reason to disagree with me. 

A decent man , he was badly let down by some around him, and advice from persons who had ulterior motives.

Please read that letter carefully, the truth is contained within its specific wording, including “in respect of the allowences you received”. “Allowences” ? then … ” there is, as you can see a lot more to this episode than lies in the public domain”…..Think about the useage of English; and the specific nature of the Crown Court case against Wise.

One particular effort to destabalise Mr Knapman; including from within the NEC came to my notice. I garnered all available information and spoke out ( carefully and using certain notes) at an NEC about this and similar matters.

I demanded that the practice cease.

I had gained possession of very personal information; names , dates and events used in an attempt to smear , thus damage the man. I and perhaps others too were being drawn into a crude attempt to damage our leader; perhaps to benefit another political party; and those within UKIP after his crown.

A terrible row happened.

I was asked to stand up and repeat everything that I had said.

I did so looking around at every face within that room ( The Rugby Room within the East India Club; from memory. ) I can recall those who dared to look me in the face, and those who cowed to their blotters.

For daring to speak the truth ( that others knew too; but were too timid to stand up for their leader) for that attempt to protect the elected leader I was subjected to several solicitors letters arriving , and an attempt to bring me into court.

I ignored the solicitors letters as intimidation. I have contempt for such practice.

The issue of the corrupt former police officer and UKIP MEP Tom Wise resurfaces.
A character who evidently; and from information explained and circulated, (which is contained within his C.C. case files too) was able to claim his friendships within the force / even department investigating him and where he lived, was sufficient to ‘save’ him.
Why his ‘home force’ clung to that investigation must be of great interest.
Surely an explanation is owed to those who were intimidated ; perhaps in an attempt to remove them from being prosecution witnesses.

Surely the files should be released to allow civil/criminal cases to be built thus enabling legitimate process; with claims against those who desired to see this case fail.
The crude use of the Data Protection Act to suppress access to those files is surely unlawful in itself ? It prevents legitimate civil action ! Useful.
What about the Freedom of Information Act?

His ‘home force’ should have handed that case over to a police force well away from Woburn Road, Kempston , Leighton Buzzard; The Ship Inn, Wing Road, Linslade crowd, his grouping of bon vivars; and Beds.

When Wise; within court precincts is able to boast; as reported and circulated; about his police contacts/friendships who will ‘save’ him (as previously to his staff; and they to others) it is a moment, or should have been anyway, for The Police Complaints Commission to be called in,the C.P.S. to react, The Home and Justice Secretaries to receive a file and warnings of just what might emerge, the case stopped; and suspensions from all duties of those implicated, pending ( in my own opinion) a retired Judge or senior criminal lawyer to investigate without fear or favour questions about this case.

Then the case should in my humble opinion be given to a force a long way away from Beds.

What regard and respect does Miss Debbie Simpson and Det. Insp. Shane Roberts, Supt. Tompkins, Mr Williams and others have for those who dared to stand up against this monster?

Well Miss Simpson became an Assistant Chief Constable , incredible; with these matters simmering. Mrs May, please note during your intended police reforms.
Why did a Det. Superintendent just shrug of the fact that a Crown witness (please note) was circulating around and around letters ; including such lines as: 

“Bedfordshire police are running little more than a protection racket “………………

This alone needed investigation. Why did the police have so little authority; that they had to evi pathetically accept this without complaint ? Surely this could have wrecked the crown’s case ?

Beds Police / Authority ran 3; yes three investigations simultaneously into Wise including The Economic Investigation Unit, wherein Wise claimed friends and two others. Why have we not been allowed a printed and signed explanation of the results when peoples lives are affected ?What about people’s property; if damage has been done in the run up to this case by friends of Mr Wise ?

One UKIP member (not me) had two days of statement taking with an officer who stayed over night at an hotel in order to supposedly look at complaints about this case. What happened?

Why was I left to carry out my own personal protection surveillance in Bedfordshire in the run up to this case ?

Internal resolutions are not acceptable; they have too much of a smell about them; especially when everything ( all three investigations)are tightly contained with the ‘home force’ of the defendant who is claiming friendships with those investigating him.
Indeed it appears from paperwork that perhaps 3 yes three police forces may now be colluding ( letters released are effectivly identical other than sending address) to prevent legitimate legal process of application (Freedom of Information Act) for the case file/information contained therein to be released in order that (without prejudice) cases against certain persons may be built.

Thankfully the C.C. legal people were keen-eyed , otherwise a lot of witnesses may have suffered from malicious useage of process; forms of intimidation and the activity associated with so called third world societies and their types of policing. The sight of the arrogant and quite grotesque Wise described by others as running from the court when caught out tells us just so much.

Wise and matters surrounding him cost me my NEC place, I resigned with a heavy heart.I could not sit upon that committee being told to collude in corruption. (police were given by someone on that NEC evidence to prove my point here).

I wanted to protect our members many of whom are pensioners. I was there for ideological and philosophical reasons. I want my country back; free and unfettered again.My father and two grandfathers served in wars to pass onto me just that.

Then a campaign was waged against me until with no support I resigned from the party. It sincerely saddened me after all of the work; time and resource put in.

In any corruption situation ,- a sort of cancer that permeates the body;- there can only be losers; bitterness with anger.It is unlikely that anything positive can emerge.

UKIP Wine World, under Tom Wise MEP, what was the VAT number ?

To which Customs office was the VAT paid ? What was the import licence number for wine imported ( as explained by Mr Wise himself ) from The Lebanon; (details held by Beds Police) and perhaps other places ?

Which bonded warehouse, and owned by whom; was used to store the wine ?
Mr Wise claimed within a newspaper article his own storage of a commercial quantity of wine,1,000 bottles. Was it all imported from The Lebanon , or did the police discover other chanels of distribution ?

Did any Beds. police/authority ,officer; serving or retired, or civil staff ever buy/receive wine from Mr Wise ? Were any of the above ever proffered wine or any other goods by Mr Wise ?

Were any of the above part of a greedy group of Bon-Vivars sharing food/wine and company even following the revelations about Mr Wise; from perhaps around 09/05?

Did any of the above frequent the Ship Inn, Wing Road, Linslade Beds ?

Where are the accounts for UKIP wine world and where was our money banked ?

Is it a fact that in the lead up to this case Mr Wise was able to holiday/ travel in Switzerland and Russia ? If true,( and only if true) his lifestyle does appear unconventional by comparison with certain witnesses.

I want to wish Roger Knapman well in whatever decision he takes. Gaining our freedom from the E.U. is going to continue to be a difficult process.As we know; many a pitfall will occur, but amongst the UKIP membership (despite reformers/juncketeers/fraudsters and freeloaders) is the basic decency and spirit needed to fight for our hard won British freedoms.

You may recal I was more than a tad involved and on Anthony Butcher’s forum the odious little worm of a man harboured continuous lies, defamation and attacks against me to try to suppress the truth – slime that the dishonest liar Anthony Butcher clearly is.

You may well have taken note of the hard evidence supplied by me to The Police together with much of the wordy material above. CLICK HERE

Also you may remember:


 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance

Reclaim YOUR Future 
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Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
tel: 01291 – 62 65 62
 Please Be Sure To
My Blogs 

To Spread The Facts World Wide To Leave-The-EU  

Posted in Contract, COURT, Crown Court, EUkip, Fraud, Gary CARTRIGHT, GUILTY, JENKINS, Lindsey Jenkins, Nigel FARAGE MEP, Prison, Roger KNAPMAN MEP, Tom WISE UKIP MEP, Trevor COLMAN MEP, UKIP, WISE | Leave a Comment »

#0528* – UKIP & FARAGE Share A Mary Hopkins Moment!

Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 05/06/2011

#0528* – UKIP & FARAGE Share A Mary Hopkins Moment!
Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 
The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!
UKIP & FARAGE Share A Mary Hopkins Moment!
To Help Understand CLICK HERE!
However it seems UKIP Is Learning Life Is What gets In The Way of Your Plans!

Even the sad inadequates who form the claque of sycophants are clearly bewildered as they trot out their juvenile hero worship – oblivious of just how stupid they show themselves to be!

The older ones see their scams and jollies threatened by their own corrupt inadequacy!




UKIP has been extraordinarily fortunate to date as they are considered of such little relevance that the media have, like the public, largely ignored their childish squabbling to keep their snouts in or near the troughs on the gravy train.

As Steve Allison so clearly put it there is no clear provenance that UKIP MEPs taking up their seats in the farcical EU Parliament has been of any benefit to EUroScepticism and withdrawal from The EU.

I trust this picture will help – The theory that it was ‘Set Up’ was one of several put forward by Nigel Farage over a period of time as each previous one was shot down in flames:

There were even claims made that the meeting had never taken place which somewhat unravelled when it was scientifically proven that the picture was NOT a photo montage.

Interestingly the many stories put forward by the Farage spin machine were so palpably dishonest that they destroyed any hope of rebuttal and an article in The Times Newspaper stood uncorrected as factually corrected.

To quote a senior elected party member:

“I don’t question HIS recollection of the incident or HIS interpretation of the story. I’m sure he is sincere in his beliefs. Similarly I don’t question anyone’s belief in an almighty God. I’m sure they are sincere in their beliefs. I don’t share those beliefs but it doesn’t  make me right and them wrong or visa versa. However, I know that you and I will never agree on this because there is no god but Farage and Heaver is his prophet so there is no point discussing it further really is there?”

And to think this was said long after intelligent people had realised what a nasty little creep Michael Heavers is – currently he is clearly Nigel Farage’s butt boy a funded cheer leader and praise singer without ethics, principles, vision or integrity, replacing the serial liar and utterly corrupt failed publican, press officer and much else – Mark Croucher.

Nigel Farage’s personal links with The BNP were irrefutable and his links with The National Front are ongoing though as The NF fades there is less notable a link.

That Farage’s father Guy had NF links as a Subaltern in the army before he left and that the close family friend Buster Motram, who was introduced by Farage to the party against wiser counsel. That Farage had racist and anti Jewish links is irrefutable – you will also note he spoke on numerous occasions at The Swinton Circle, seen by many a more balanced individual as racist and most clearly an organisation which harboured known fraud and corruption giving a frequent platform to the known criminal Tom Wise.

Do not be beguilled by the politically idiotic and malicious with stories of National Democrat membership being of overly much concern as it was a nascent organisation that was made up of those largely moving away from the hard core racism of The National Front or its splinter group The BNP. The ND had little time to formulate policy before it sallied forth into an election, largely making up policy as it went along.

The National Democrats didn’t last long and withered bringing down The National Front as it slid from obscurity to oblivion, some members drifting off to The BNP and others to meet up with chums from NF days in UKIP whilst the raw recruits in the main seem to have been welcomed by UKIP.

Farage’s election agent for a considerable time was National front.

The renunciation of The BNP of today is a desperate move to create a distance for publicity purposes from the racist, anti Jewish anti homosexual and violent agenda thinly disguised in The BNP whilst openly supported by UKIP within The EU – despite any protestations to the contrary.

Look closely at UKIP’s Pan EU Political EFD Grouping and you will realise just how corrupt and dishonest is their position renouncing The BNP on the one hand whilst all too willing to support their EFD equivallent in their violent anti homosexuality, holocaust denial, anti Judaism and racist comments and behaviour.

That members of UKFirstParty are banned is a pure act of petty spite as a result of shame at having lied cheated and rigged internal selection procedure and having been called to account by some who had spoken out against such corruption.

That UKFirstParty was set up as a UKIP spoiler party was a myth promoted to cover the shame of losing such a large chunk of relatively influential senior members as a result of the outright dishonesty of UKIP leadership and the parasites who feed from their largesse.

UKIP politician defects to Tories because he wants to join a ‘serious party’

A former deputy leader of UKIP today announced his defection to the Conservatives in a bitter blow for the anti-EU party and its leader Nigel Farage. 
David Campbell-Bannerman, the UKIP MEP for the East of England, said that he was switching to join the Tories because he wanted to represent a serious party and not a pressure group. 
Mr Campbell-Bannerman, 50, had been responsible for drawing up much of UKIP’s wider policy agenda including defence and foreign policy and his defection comes at a time of simmering discontent with Mr Farage’s leadership. 
Earlier this month, Marta Andreasen, UKIP MEP for South East England, called for Mr Farage to step down after disappointing results for the party in the local elections. 

“Party members and supporters are justifiably angry. After promises of success and claims that the party would triple the number of its seats, after large amounts of party members and donors money was spent on what was a poorly led campaign, the result was frankly dismal,” she said.

To view this article CLICK HERE

Meek Lib Dems pale next to squabbling UKIP

Here’s thrilling news for Nick Clegg. At last there’s a party leader who is having a more torrid time: Nigel Farage of the UK Independence party. First, the MEP David Campbell Bannerman, a former deputy leader, defected to the Conservatives. Now another MEP seems to be threatening legal action. 

When Marta Andreasen, once hailed as UKIP’s Sarah Palin, recently called on Farage to resign after the party’s dismal haul in local elections, he dismissed her as “hopelessly out of touch” and added “she hasn’t been in the UK for several months”. 

Andreasen now wants him to retract that remark, warning darkly of “other avenues of redress”. She says: “His comments create the impression that I am somehow an absentee MEP. Nothing could be further from the truth.” 

UKIP and Farage, who was only re-elected leader last November, are beginning to resemble a squabbling couple: can’t live with him, can’t live without him.

To view the original CLICK HERE

Also an interesting truth catches up with Nigel Farage from 2004 see: CLICK HERE

 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance

Reclaim YOUR Future 
Write Upon Your Ballot Paper at EVERY election:
(IF You Have No INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance Candidate) .
to Reclaim YOUR Future 
Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
tel: 01291 – 62 65 62

Posted in Anti Jewish, BNP, David BANNERMAN MEP, Marta ANDREASEN MEP, Nigel FARAGE MEP, racist, Racist EFD, Tom WISE UKIP MEP, UKIP anti homosexuality | Leave a Comment »


Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 30/04/2011

Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 
The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!  

When was it that UKIP was going to Professionalise & Which Lies Do Its Leadership Honour?

We know the pond life whose belief that smears and lies constitute political wisdom are all too prevalent amongs UKIP Leadership’s parasites!




in view of the endless pretence, never displayed, of UKIP being professionalised and the PROMISES made by the party’s ONLY credible asset that he will professionalise the party perhaps we should look at how their only competent performer left measures up for integrity, reliability, probity and honesty!

Do correct me if I am wrong but did not UKIP’s only performer give a promise on Meridian TV that NO UKIP ELECTED OFFICER WOULD EVER EMPLOY THEIR FAMILY!

Now I am aware that mistresses are not technically ‘family’ but employing them as staff funded from the tax payers must surely be seen as morally unacceptable but when the SO CALLED leader of the Party outright lies to the electorate and employs his wife as proven by The Sunday Times – on a salary of £30K that must be seen to be dragging the party name into the gutter just as readily as do many UKIP leadership supporters with their cowardly and dishonest comments about long term supporters with whom they disagree as they may find their income and gain chain exposed.

Clearly it is apposite when just about every aspect of UKIP leadership isd founded on lies to note that there are absolutely ZERO signs of the PROMISED professionalisation of the shambles!

Take for instance http://www. Crass isn’t it:

About London

UKIP is a new political party, of traditional values. What does that mean?

• Put simply, it is a party of Common Sense. Whether we like it or not, and in our heart of hearts we all do, we are all born into an extended family called Britain which feels a sense of kinship within itself. It is common sense to want to preserve this family intact and not to merge it with other countries who have their own and different aims and traditions. We must keep our independence and identity.

• It also stands for Small Government – we do not see the role of Government as that of interfering in every last detail of people’s lives ; on the contrary we believe in leaving people to run their own lives as they see fit, and intervening ONLY when abuses are occurring as a result.

UKIP is a NEW party, only formed in 1993. It currently has around 17,000 members, and is getting bigger. It is smaller than the much older “big three”, which are, however, shrinking rapidly. Tory and Labour have around 200,000 members a piece and the Lib Dems around 70,000 members.

In the Reigate branch which covers Redhill, Salfords and Merstham we have a dedicated team of people who are passionate about restoring local control over our town and being able to make decisions on what we want rather than an unelected bunch of people in Brussels. Please join us in this fight.

How could someone with aspirations to standing as London Mayoral Candidate as does Lawrence Webb I believe square the last paragraph with one iota of professionalism.

Surely the inclusion of that paragraph is about as professional as the endlessd lies from Nigel Farage whilst pretending to lead UKIP whilst bringing UKIP into disrepute by telling outright lies regarding Tom Wise and fraud within the party and how he HAD dealt with it when he most clearly had not.

Let us look in a little more detail at UKIP London – Gerard Batten’s province where I note under there is only the one article since 2009 and that was well over a year ago.

As for you will note nothing news worthy has attracted UKIP London’s attention as of any note since January 2010.

As professionalising the party goes well might the first point on the list, after tyhe self important little manifesto be >WHY UKIP<

Frankly I haven’t a clue and clearly UKIP are even worse informed as they had not even bothered looking!

A brief glance at UKIP Forum yet again shows the crass level of unprofessionalism of many of its more outspoken members – they seem to believe desperately smearing anyone who might have a political view passes as political intelligence and the still permit UKIP reputation to be dragged in the gutter by the ill informed and self serving vitriol of the liar and low life Mick McGough who has so demeaned UKIP, CIB & TFA with his outright lies, his odious and childish bullying and his lies about both himself and others – so very UKIP sadly!

Parading his dishonesty before the ignorami on UKIP Forum just shows him for the fool he is – I note he is desperately trying to sell the belief that UKIP MEP candidates were legally bound to obey the diktat of Farage when that is patently untrue and has been proven so.

However he does fail to show that he was only ever a candidate because he lied and was all too willing to cheat his own supposed friends and associates and lie to members for his personal advancement – just how low does such a creep have to go to be considered a liability bringing the name of UKIP into disrepute.

Mick McGough is a dishonourable, dishonest and corrupt liar and has been proven to be by UKIP itself but UKIP’s standards and lack of professionalism clearly find dishonesty acceptable CLICK HERE

 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance

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Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
tel: 01291 – 62 65 62

Posted in Annabelle FULLER, Kirsten FARAGE, Lawrence WEBB, London Mayor, Mick McGOUGH, Nigel FARAGE MEP, Sunday Times, Tom WISE UKIP MEP | Leave a Comment »


Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 12/04/2011

Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 
The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!  
UKIP LEADER & WHAT SEEMS TO BE A MENTAL HEALTH ISSUE as stated on this blog right at the outset of this debacle!




so finally the long delayed trial of Justin Adams has commenced – it was fast beginning to look like Justice Delayed is Justice Denied – Justin Adams has now been held in custody as an innocent man pending trial (British presumption of innocence!) for longer than Tom Wise as an MEP was held in prison on a 2 year prison sentence for fraud to which he pleaded guilty – which was until the very last minute condoned by UKIP!

Having, as I have already stated on this blog, been phoned up by Justin Adams and discussed the flight, the damage, the injuries and the aftermath and its effects on his life and health in some detail I incline to the opinion (based on no medical expertise) that Justin Adams is severely damaged.

Justin Adams has lost his plane, his confidence, his marriage, his health, his home, his income all in one, fortunately non fatal, plane crash during a routine stunt.

I am astonished on the information in the public domain that either Farage or the Inspector could have taken his comments seriously – that the Police became involved is of course unsurprising however it does all rather look like an over reaction to a mental health issue of tragic proportions.

Astonishingly we learn from the trial that when Nigel Farage & Justin Adams had a meeting after then Air incident report there was a mental health nurse (unfortunately described by the media as a ‘Mental Nurse’!!) – in view of the parties present can we be surprised 😉

A clash of mental health issues?

Whatever the outcome of the trial I hope Farage feels reassured and safer and Justin Adams is treated leniently, minded of his losses and health damage.

We all know what a plane crash can do to mental health – Nigel Farage was wandering around trying to pass himself off as some sort of a Mesiah having survived an accident!

Pilot ‘threatened to kill Nigel Farage for profiting from plane crash’

The pilot of a plane which crashed injuring Nigel Farage, the UKIP leader, made death threats to the politician, a jury heard yesterday. Justin Adams believed he was making money out of the incident.

Mr Farage is helped from the plane, which flown by Mr Adams had crashed after a publicity stunt went wrong Photo: INS
Mr Adams felt Mr Farage profited through speaking about the crash while he was forced to stay silent while an investigation took place.
Mr Adams was flying the light aircraft which nose-dived into a field on the day of the general election last year after a publicity stunt went wrong.
The 45-year-old pilot, of Buckland, Oxfordshire, was cleared of being at fault, but the jury was told yesterday that he was angry that the investigation had led to the failure of his marriage and his business. He said it left him with mental health problems as well as physical injuries.
The pair met after Mr Adams was cleared of blame by the Civil Aviation Authority. The pilot, who was accompanied by a mental health nurse, allegedly told Mr Farage that he had intended to kill him and could not be sure that he would not do so in the future. Mr Farage told Oxford Crown Court: “He said, ‘I used to be in the special forces and no one is safe, do you understand me?’ ”
Mr Farage went on: “He said, ‘I was going to kill you today but I have decided not to but I can’t preclude that happening in the future’. He said ‘I know this may not be rational, but I have lost everything and if I kill you I will then kill myself’.”
Mr Farage added: “He believed I had profited out of the accident and that was simply untrue. I was very, very worried indeed and not only a bit scared.”

Mr Adams denies making five threats to kill. The trial continues

To view the original article CLICK HERE


 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance

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Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
tel: 01291 – 62 65 62
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Posted in Aviation accidents and incidents, Civil Aviation Authority, Justin ADAMS, National aviation authority, Nigel FARAGE MEP, Plane Crash, Tom WISE UKIP MEP | Leave a Comment »


Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 04/04/2011

Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 
The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!  
When Skeptyk are unavalable there is no shortage of dishonest and corrupt supporters of UKIP on their NEC like Douglas Denny, Mick McGough and their ilk all too willing to lie and defame to curry favour!

Then there is a small army of liars, cheats, abusers all too willing to drag UKIP’s reputation in the gutter where they clearly belong such as Skeptyk, John Ison in various guises as with Mark Croucher, Annabelle Fuller in other guises and by her behaviour, Independent UKIP and many more – seeking to keep their status through dishonesty.

Too cowardly to put their names to their lies!



Ian Gillman Ian Gillman is online now Junior Member Ian Gillman is just starting out

Join Date
Aug 2010

DefaultQuote Originally Posted by skeptyk View Post

It has been suggested that Mr Gillman has complained about UKIP and/or Derek Clark to OLAF. If that is the case – perhaps Mr Gillman can confirm?? – it would suggest that he is very much aware of how to complain to the regulatory authorities. And if so, he would be kind enough to advise us of the progress of his complaints.

As for Collier? Don’t make me laugh Henry. When it comes to following up his allegations of wrong-doing with the relevant authorities, he is, shall we say, all fur coat and no knickers.

So very typical of the offensive style of dishonest posting many have come to expect from scum like Skeptyk!

In response Ian Gilman made the facts very clear rebutting the lies of Skeptyk, who has proved time and again to be dishonest, a liar and deliberately intent on misleading UKIP members on public Forums in support of UKIP’s corruption, dishonesty and leadership – very clearly dragging UKIP into the gutter they inhabit!


I have certainly NOT made a complaint to OLAF about Mr Derek Clark MEP, or any other MEP/member of staff.

Nor have I been interviewed concerning these matters as reported. Had I been; I would certainly not be writing here about the matter.

Please would you be king enough to pass this fact on, including to Mr Clark & Mr Farage; and be certain that the truth is spread.Paranioa and guilt complexes produce odd effects in humans.

My only knowledge of the E.U. fraud office OLAF investigations into Mr Clark has arrived from others, countrywide in fact. I have read upon the internet Case numbers/investigation references, and listened carefully to others talking about the matter.

I was briefed last autumn that during a regional meeting Mr Clark in fact denied any such investigation of him to a room of members. Catagorical : no investigation, ever.
I / We were briefed that when such questions about OLAF / Mr Clark were raised he explained I am assurred , that it was all lies, the numbers pertaining to an investigation were fakes, and correspondence about it a fraud.
Thus; evidently according to Mr Clark himself , as reported around by others; his OLAF investigation does not exist, and never did either.

Now please understand the following; quietly take it on board please.
NEC meeting, 10/2005. Precis only.
I was the only person present to attempt to do something about Tom Wise MEP. As I did so heads bowed to blotters.
I was threatened then.
Evidently threats to and against me were to be carried from that room , and were designed to intimidate me.
Mr Wise was to be jailed perhaps for thefts, fraud and moneylaundering.
Further; Mr Wise had destroyed and perhaps profitted from a legally constituted fundraising effort, UKIP Wine World, ( conceived and se-up by me) which had a legal status through and via the NEC and H.M. Customs / Commercial Bank. Mr Wise has never produced accounts/VAT evidence/Import licence details/bonded warehouse details/ Import details from The Lebanon; pertaining to this.
The fundraising was in response to Mr David Lott reporting a £ 93,000 debt from the 05 General Election (Charlie Endell describes the actual source of monies eventually used to cover the debt; via European funds ? )
At that NEC frauds were described.Frauds that would cause the Revenue and police “to lock us all up” according to one member present.
I understood the ‘jointly & severally liable’ status of NEC members.
I was a volunteer who had given much to the party.
I wished for no part in frauds .Utterly pointless and destructive.
I resigned from the NEC . I thought that would be the end of the matter.I did nothing but resign,
Immediately nasty things began to happen to me. I do seriously mean nasty things. Also to my family , my mother; unconnected with politics was traced and evidently threatened.
Someone upon that NEC passed my details to Beds. Police. I do not know who.
Beds Police investigating UKIP MEP; Mr Tom Wise contacted me about that NEC , UKIP Wine World etc.
I was read a transcript of parts of that NEC, my words and those of others were 100% accurate.
I do not know who provided those details. Nor do I wish to.
Leading up to the court case I was evidently intimidated to an extent that there were those perhaps hoping that I would lose my nerve concerning my evidence and attending Crown Court. I did not, and never would have.

Now sir, kindly pass on the original answers to your question to Mr Clark and Mr Farage; and stop creating inacurrate information and gossip.


 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance

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Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
tel: 01291 – 62 65 62

Posted in Annabelle FULLER, Athena-PR, Derek Clark MEP, Douglas DENNY, Mark CROUCHER, Mick McGOUGH, Nigel FARAGE MEP, Skeptyk, Tom WISE UKIP MEP, UKIP NEC | Leave a Comment »

#0380* – Further Thoughts on Scoundrels In Politics re: Tom WISE & UKIP

Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 26/03/2011

#0380* – Further Thoughts on Scoundrels In Politics re: Tom WISE & UKIP
Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 
The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!  
Further Thoughts on Scoundrels In Politics re: Tom WISE & UKIP + others!
We MUST Help The Genuine LEAKS Like Nikki’s Leaks that have created so much publicity!




I wonder what YOU believe should have been done regarding Tom Wise who fought against his case and was supported by Nigel Farage MEP who took no meaningfull action against him save accept around £5,000 of the stolen money to settle one of his own bills and also by officials of UKIP like Douglas Denny, Roger Helmer MEP, Mick McGough, Trevor Colman MEP, Brendan Padmore, Gerard Batten MEP, Mike Nattrass MEP, and others who fought every inch of the way to protect Tom Wise although it was clear he was a criminal.

Then consider having only paid back part of the money he stole and having held onto his grossly overpaid job after his brief stay at Ford Open Prison he now draws his full MEP Pension and also his secondary pension which is provided by a neo fraudullent route and is paid into from expenses in the main by almost every MEP which accrues a bonus pension pot of around £250,000 on top of the basic pension!

Then of course there would seem to have been around 1,000 bottles of good wine to tide him over, gained through yet another apparent scam as a UKIP MEP.

It has even been mooted that Tom Wise should receive a Royal Pardon as it was unfair that he was prosecuted for his thef because all the others are doing the same in scams and fiddles – If this is the case then I wish The Insight Team in The Sunday Times good fortune tomorrow and I understand there will be more well placed ‘leaks’ the week after!

It is time that politics was thoroughly overhauled and what better incentive than the austerity foist upon the people by the utter incompetence of The Political self styled elite.

That we will be Better-Off-Out relative to membership of The EU is a given but we MUST lend all the support we can to MEPs like Nikki Sinclaire who are doing all they can to expose the corruption in The EU.

Interestingly her exposures to dater are plastered across the media of The EU with 4 papers in Romania in one day carrying her stories – well done to journalists like the Insight Team, The Sunday Times, Marie Woolf, Daniel Foggo, Rob Watts, Jon Gaunt, Richard Littlejohn who relentlessly try to expose this filth.

Much of the work collapses due to either editorial partisanship or the belief the public don’t care – this being shown by the fact that the stories The Insight Team exposed, the story of rotting scanners, the story of MEP Boob Jobs, bum lifts and Viagra, cash for legislation and much more have not caught hol;d in Britain but have led to MEP resignations and headlines all around the balance of The EU.

There are still Newspapers (something of an oxymoron in this case) like The Guardian that are funded to put before the public a corrupt political line and propaganda amounting to lies as with such pond life as Polly Toynbee but then again there are few papers – even such toilet paper, that can afford a £171 Million loss just to peddle their crass ideology.

Let us hope it is not long before the general public cease to idiotically be manipulated and duped by the left wing self serving nutters and their thirst for anarchic violence rather than the democratic principle that so recently exposed them for the filth they are leaving them after 13 unlucky years handing over the £4.8 Trillion debt and daily interest repayments of £120 Million.

Let us have an end to this neo communist farce with its all too typical neo communist politicians feathering their own nests in socialist style at the expense of those who provide that wealth namely the working people of these United Kingdoms and their Non Government, private sector employers – as clearly no Government in history has been a wealth producer but there are those that can act as facilitators for creating greater wealth and thus providing better services rather than bigger debts, which has been proven even idiots can create!


 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance

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Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
tel: 01291 – 62 65 62

Posted in Daniel FOGGO, Gerard BATTEN MEP, Jon Gaunt, Marie WOOLF, Mike Nattrass MEP, Nikki SINCLAIRE MEP, Polly TOYNBEE, Richard Lttlejohn, Roger HELMER MEP, Sunday Times, The Guardian, Tom WISE UKIP MEP | Leave a Comment »

#0379* – Should Corrupt Politicians Go To Prison?

Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 26/03/2011

#0379* – Should Corrupt Politicians Go To Prison?
Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 
The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!
Should Corrupt Politicians Go To Prison?
Such as Den Dover, Stuart Agnew MEP, David Bannerman MEP, Malcolm Pearson etc.!
As did Tom Wise UKIP MEP, Ashley Mote MEP and others!




Should Corrupt Politicians Go To Prison?

Minded that various politicians have gone to prison when proven to have abused their position to enrich themselves for sums of around £20,000 and upwards.

Should ALL who hold political office and trust over the public purse face prison?

Let me make myself VERY clear and state that I believe they should.

Ashley Mote went to prison as an MEP for an offence long before he was a politician.

Tom Wise UKIP MEP was sent to prison for 2 years and let out in 5 months!! (would a burglar, mugger or rapist have only served 1/4 of their sentence or is this political privilege!!!)

Derek Clarke MEP UKIP, Stuart Agnew MEP UKIP, David Bannerman MEP UKIP are all currently under investigation by OLAF The EU fraud investigation body for their abuse of public funds for personal gain.

It is a matter of record that Nigel Farage MEP has hugely benefitted from scams built into the EU system and has trousered £Millions as a result.

Malcolm Lord Pearson of Rannock has been shown to be laundering money through his company Global Britain.

What might be the thoughts of Brian Denny, Mark Seddon, Marc Glendenning, Bob Crow and others that their apparent patron in their new EU Referendum wheeze is Lord Pearson with his record of outright dishonesty and Islamaphobia as a Zionist?

Now we have Den Dover who has this week been ordered to repay some £345,000 he ‘misappropriated from The Tax Payers via his position as an MEP – where he dishonestly claimed expenses he was not entitled to – including:
· £101,068 for three cars
· £15,404 for office supplies and equipment,
· £89,235 for postage and stationery
· £100,735 for the costs of rent and renovation of Den Dover’s ‘office’ which happened to be in his private home
· £20,767 for telephone costs (MEPs get a separate allowance for all these office expenses, none of which are supposed to be paid from the staff budget)
· £17,880 for ‘entertainment’
· £200 in donations to the Conservative Party

There is also the matter of some £167,000 vat he had avoided paying.

On this basis even when the money is repaid – as it was bar the stolen money Farage received, by Tom Wise – can we expect Den Dover to be encacerated?

Since Tom Wise got 2 years for stealing about £30K would this mean Den Dover would face 20 years for 10 times the size of theft – Perhaps the term could be spent in a Greek jail as then they could bill the EU for his care to reduce their debt!

Then he could face Britain’s vat authorities in 20 years for that theft.

I get the impression that the only way to get Giles Chichester MEP to honourably settle his moral liabilities would be for him to provide diaries for all of us until his demise – I understand we have probably paid for them already!

One wonders at what stage in politics might the Police step in to enforce honesty and integrity on liars, scoundrels and low lifes who use untrue defamation and distortion as political weapon in persuit of their personal salaries, incomes and agrandisement – think how much more electable UKIP would be and howmuch more credible if liars like Skeptyk, John Ison, Stuart Parr, Douglas Denny, Mick McGough, Mark Croucher, Marta Andreasen MEP and many more in UKIP’s befouled leadership (or blatant lack of!) and the like were facing incarceration for their serial dishonesty.


 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance

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Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
tel: 01291 – 62 65 62

Posted in Ashley MOTE MEP, Den Dover ex MEP, Mark CROUCHER, Marta ANDREASEN MEP, Nigel FARAGE MEP, Tom WISE UKIP MEP | Leave a Comment »

#0294* – In The Light of UKIP Corruption

Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 18/02/2011

#0294* – In The Light of UKIP Corruption!
Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 
The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!
In The Light of UKIP Corruption!
A Discussion of a Junius Post on A Forum!



In The Light of UKIP Corruption Posted By Junius

Quote Originally Posted by (REDACTED) View Post

Well, on that subject, did anyone catch a very interesting BBC radio 4 Documentary a while back called “The Political Club“. It was an investigation into the ways this country’spolitical parties are funded through “donations” made by the politicians elected to office from the salaries they collect.
At one level this seems fair enough, after all, what you do with your disposable income after tax is your business and nobody else’s.
But there was a darker side. Nigel Farage admitted it, speaking for what he said was the first time on the issue. In brief, as an MEP he is allowed to claim a certain amount of money which is supposed to be spent on projects of benefit to his constituents, but Farage admits in the programme that he allowed funds taken in that manner from the EU to be used for promoting his party at the national level.
And what was worse was what happened when the EU auditors found out. According to Farage on the programme, he was visited by officials who asked “whether or not he wanted to be made a martyr” and offered him a deal whereby they would misfile the paperwork they had uncovered, and he would be free to continue to abuse the EU expenses in this way, PROVIDED he stopped blabbing far and wide about it. So he agreed,he shut up, he kept on bleeding EU expenses into the UKIP coffers and the EU Officials went off and left him in peace. He claimed that this BBC programme was the first occasion on which he had made any comment since that visitation.
Now, I have no means to know if other parties are up to the same game as this. But I wondered if anyone had heard about this and what their views were.



sadly to collude in this corruption is unequivocally to admit you are corrupt and corruptible.

So from the horses mouth we have an admission he was offered a corrupt deal by The EU and accepted it.

I presume the corruption of promising the electorate before an election that NO UKIP elected official would practice nepotism and then paying his wife £30K a year without telling his colleagues, leaving them to read about it in the meeeeja is acceptable corruption – just as there are some who believe the UKIP MEP Towm Wise colluding with his researcher to steal public money should not have gained him a 2 year prison sentence.

Do you agree with the corruption of booking in on a Friday morning in Brussels to immediately (+-) and the dash off to the airport to steal £280.00 for a day’s attendance is acceptable corruption.

The corruption of stealing from the public purse by signing in on a Friday to get £280.00 and any other benefits in Strasbourg when there is no Official business on Fridays in Strasbourg is acceptable!

You would therefore side with The President’s Office then and refuse to answer a question on this subject – when challenged I presume you would say, after rejecting it, that you would look up some grounds to justify not answering.

Have you thought of campaigning FOR The EU? – As almost every aspect of The EU seems to be run on this level of corruption.

I for one find it unacceptable – I do NOT believe our National Representatives at a cost (for an MEP) of £2,590,000 a year EACH or £49,000 a week, which on an EU maximum hours is over £1,000 an hour cost of an MEP should on top of this be deciding WHAT fiddles they can and do make and what they spend them on!

To claim it is OK for UKIP MEPs to do because you believe in what they CLAIM to do with the money is clearly reprehensible – ipso facto it exhonorates UKIP’s partners in the vile EFD Group investing the money they steal from you and I to spend on Racism, anti Judaism, beating up homosexuals (actually dressing them as rabbits and hunting them with firearms!), holocaust denial or just stealing money as Tom Wise did to buy a car, over 1,000 bottles of wine and pay off his credit cards!

We do seem not to share the same morality – though to be fair (REDACTED) you do not go so far as to advocate corruption – merely seemingly condone it as you do not speak out against it.


 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance

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Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
tel: 01291 – 62 65 62
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Posted in BBC, Fiddles, Kirsten FARAGE, MEP, MEP Scams, Nigel FARAGE MEP, Tom WISE UKIP MEP | 1 Comment »


Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 10/01/2011

Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 
The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!  




many will remember the very public spat Niall Warry had with Douglas Denny as Douglas Denny dishonestly and duplicitously wriggled and squirmed to Cover-Up for the proven criminality of Tom Wise.

Many will remember his insulting and abusive comments regarding myself and Daniel Foggo and the fact that I refused to hand over the evidence to Douglas Denny as he was both a known liar and utterly untrustworthy.

Many will remember when his own colleagues by a majority voted him out of office for his dishomnesty and corruption as Returning Officer and Geoffrey Kingscott was put in place to replace him – sadly Kingscott was little better in the long run, and he too refused to run a fair and honest election, thus Farage was able to capitalise on the sordid dishonesty of Mark Croucher and Annabelle Fuller and the lies and chicannery of John Moran, David Lott and Jim Carver and seize the position of leader.

Not to mention the two faced and untrustworthy behaviour of Christopher Gill and his clandestine meetings with Richard Suchorzewski in his support at David Rowland’s golf course or the duplicity of Toby Mickelthwaite and his damning support for Suchorzewski (who clearly had the measure of the pond life that formed UKIP’s leadership CLICK HERE)

The corrupt cover-up attempts of the clearly untrustworthy bent ex copper Trevor Colman rewarded for his efforts to cover for Farage and protect Tom Wise by taking over the odious and inept Graham Booth’s seat was an integral part of Niall Warry’s efforts to have Tom Wise brought before a disciplinary committee – which I offered to attend with cast iron proof that Tom Wise had defrauded the tax payers and embezzeled money and had been aided in his efforts by Lindsay Jenkins who signed the instruments of the fraud.

As a part of the cover-up Douglas Denny insisted that only evidence handed over to him could be used – as the Court cases were still pending I declined Denny’s offer to take control of the evidence as it was clear that he was untrustworthy and Trevor Colman knowing I held the evidence also refused to take it into consideration.

It is probable that if they could have gained control of the evidence Tom Wise would not have faced trial and been sent to prison for two years.

Here is a brief comment by Niall Warry: 

It was I who asked for a disciplinary hearing which was turned down by that well known Nige€ sycophant Douglas Denny as there was no evidence!!!

You will find much more of the lies of Douglas Denny and his general dishonesty if you CLICK HERE

I understand that Ian Gilman is rather belatedly making much of the fact that he claims to have also asked Denny to instigate a disciplinary hearing – though I do concede that Ian Gilman was most usefull in obtaining facts and links for me I do not recall his formal application in the October of 2005 but if he did make such a request as an NEC member it is surprising that I missed it, in view of my information sources at the time.

You may well remember that it was the payment of a sum of money Nigel Farage owed to Lindsay Jenkins that he was trying to renege on that brought the matter to the surface and led to the inept and arguably criminal attempt of Mark Croucher to ‘set up’ Petrina Holdsworth as having received money in Strasbourg – which she most emphatically did not.

To pay his personal debt to Lindsay Jenkins either David Lott, Robin Collett or Farage himself put the bite on Tom Wise for a part of the stolen money, I believe, which was used to settle Farage’s debt. Since I had arranged the foreward for which he had agreed to fund Jenkins’ printing costs in her booklet on EU police, I had unequivocally stated to Farage that I had no desire to fall out with him but he was not going to renege on his undertaking made via me to Lindsay and it was entirely up to him whether he acted honourably and paid or subsequently paid bailiffs together with costs.

IF Ian Gilman made a claim beyond his position on the NEC I am surprised as I say, but if he did he is more honourable than I incline to believe he is – well done. Perhaps he would care to supply details and they can be added to the Denny blog to further show what a ghastly unstable fantasists the liar is.

I am aware a couple of other people also called for a disciplinary hearing to show that the FACT that Tom Wise had beyond doubt brought UKIP into disrepute but Douglas Denny seemingly blocked these also.

Interestingly during the period that I was under attack from the low lifes of UKIP at the time like Denny, Mark Croucher, McGough, Bob Feel Martinis, Butcher and others for my efforts to clean-up UKIP and bring Tom Wise to book for his corruption – including Butcher jumping together with Brendan Padmore through a series of hoops and dishonestly banning me from their increasingly squalid forum for telling the truth against the instructions issued to them by UKIP, Tom Wise spent some £8,000 on lawyers trying to silence me and suppress the truth.

Tom Wise was a criminal.
Tom Wise was aided in his criminality by Lindsay Jenkins.
Nigel Farage made material benefit from the stolen money.
That a number of individuals in UKIP’s leadership colluded in Tom Wise’s criminality after the even is irrefutable.

 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance

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Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
tel: 01291 – 62 65 62
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Posted in David LOTT, Ian GILMAN, Jim CARVER, John MORAN, Lindsay JENKINS, Mark CROUCHER, Mike McGOUGH, Niall WARRY, Nigel FARAGE MEP UKIP, Petrina HOLDSWORTH, Tom WISE UKIP MEP, Trevor COLMAN MEP | Leave a Comment »