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Archive for the ‘Lindsay JENKINS’ Category

#0669* – More Lies on Anthony BUTCHER’s UKIP Forum!

Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 04/10/2011

Steve MORSON’S abusive apologia has been added 05-Oct-2011 02:12hrs.

#0669* – More Lies on Anthony BUTCHER’s UKIP Forum!

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Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 


The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!  
More Lies on Anthony BUTCHER’s UKIP controlled Forum!
This time about The Sunday Times!!



I know that it is to be expected that Anthony Butcher’s UKIP controlled Forum is prone to publishing outright dishonesty but it was surprising to see this garbage from the particular poster as his comments are usually quite sound.

I presume he is regurgitating some piece of propaganda he has been fed!

The Sunday Times has been vehemently anti-UKIP for years, and my thoughts go back to Nov. 2009, when Daniel Foggo recycled some long-slayed rubbish about Mike Nattrass, for no seeming reason other than space-filling. A subsequent OLAF investigation completely cleared him.

To view the original comment on The corrupt & dishonest UKIP Controlled Forum CLICK HERE

Let us consider this in detail:

The Sunday Times has been vehemently anti-UKIP for years,

I very much doubt that one shred of evidence can be provided to back this statement – I believe that it is completely groundless, and maybe an appologia for the fact that UKIP get very little coverage in serious papers as they have achieved so very little having only managed to win less than 30 elected seats out of the 19,500 available in British politics in 20 years!

UKIP are hardly news worthy except when they do something of some note! Mostly exemplared by childish stunts, fraud, drunken dishonesty or stupidity, racism, xenophobia, anti homosexuality or support for violence and the behaviour of Anders Breivik whom their group praised!

and my thoughts go back to Nov. 2009,

The comment does indeed indicate lobotomy!

when Daniel Foggo recycled some long-slayed rubbish about Mike Nattrass,

Presumably this article:

The link to The Sunday Times is: CLICK HERE
 & reads:

UKIP MEP Michael Nattrass in expenses fraud inquiry

An MEP for the United Kingdom Independence party is being investigated by the European Union’s anti-fraud watchdog over his use of expenses.
Michael Nattrass, who has represented the West Midlands in the European parliament since 2004, is the subject of an inquiry into whether Denis Brookes, one of his former aides, was paid through public funds while he was working as a regional organiser for UKIP. The EU does not allow taxpayers’ money to be used to pay party officials.
The inquiry into Nattrass, which is part of a wider investigation into UKIP’s finances, comes as one of its former MEPs, Tom Wise, was jailed last week for two years for embezzling funds out of his assistant’s allowance.
Separately, it has also emerged that Nattrass was using a business of which he was an equity partner as the “paying agent” for all his assistants’ salaries provided by the EU.
Between 2004 and summer this year, all of his assistants’ allowances were channelled through the business account of Nattrass Giles, a chartered surveyors in Birmingham which he founded nearly 30 years ago.
Nattrass was a signatory to the bank account, although he insisted last night that the administration was handled by another partner in the firm who has since died.
MEPs must not act as their own paying agents. The role can only be performed by “third parties”.
New rules brought in since July this year have further tightened the controls and MEPs can now only use accredited people or companies as paying agents.
Nattrass said he had been told by EU officials that he could use his Birmingham company.

He also insisted that Brookes had worked for him in his capacity as an MEP until his employment as an aide came to an end three years ago.

The article was of course 100% true and directly based on comments made by OLAF at the time.

for no seeming reason other than space-filling.

Yes indeed responsible journalists working on responsible newspapers use NEWS as space fillers to produce what is called a ‘News Paper’.

A subsequent OLAF investigation completely cleared him.

I am unaware of any subsequent OLAF investigation ever being made into Mike Nattrass – perhaps the author might care to publish the details of said ‘Subsequent’ investigation.

I am aware that the investigation into Mike Nattrass and Graham Booth to which Daniel Foggo referred in his article was ongoing when the article was written in that OLAF had NOT published its outcome.

Interestingly, although Mike Nattrass made much huff and puff about the article and risibly tried to claim it was the reason he was not elected leader – firstly that Mike having taken most of the summer off in his villa in Portugal had then gone, when the EU pretend parliament resat, had gone on holiday to The Phillipines to visit his daughter. His absence and the fact that he had done so very little clearly had much to do with him being little more than a joke candidate for leader of UKIP but then again weren’t they all a joke!

The investigation when it was concluded showed beyond all reasonable doubt that Mike Nattrass’ claims regarding Daniel Foggo’s article were ungrounded.

Graham Booth was found guilty by the investigation and ordered to repay a substantial amount of money he had fraudulently obtained and the FoI made it clear, or so it seemed to me, that it did not exhonourate Mike Nattrass but clearly stated that it was taking no further action against him.

Some, who have NOT been lobotomised, may remember the pack of lies published by Mark Croucher on The UKIP web site regarding the article written by Daniel Foggo regarding Roger Knapman and his people traffiking business and importing Polish labour to undercut local labour working on his house at:

Coryton House,
EX20 4PA

Some will remember the lies from UKIP written by Mark Croucher in the complaint to The Press Complaints Commission which were totally rejected and the substance of Daniel Foggo’s article was proven and upheld!

Others will remember the competence of the reporting by Daniel Foggo with regard to the fraud claims regarding Lindsay Jenkins and Tom Wise and the amount of deceit produced by Nigel Farage, Douglas Denny, Bob Feel Martinis, Mick McGough and others in trying to cover-up the fraud. Many will remember the Courts decided to take no further action against Lindsay Jenkins when Tom Wise finally realised he was not going to get away with it and mid case changed his plea to guilty and was sentenced to 2 years in prison.

You may also remember that it was Daniel Foggo who exposed the facts and let UKIP members and MEP colleagues know that Nigel Farage was paying his wife £30,000 a year yet no one could be identified in his office who could show any work she did for The EU or for UKIP.

You may also remember that on a Saturday, based upon seemingly sound information received from a member of UKIP and subsequently outline confirmed by a third party in The EU Daniel Foggo rang Nigel Farage for a comment on the fact that he had been informed that Nigel Farage was paying his son also. Nigel Farage was not only unable to deny this but also refused!

Having already shown that Nigel Farage was in breech of his undertakings to UKIP and the electorate as he was paying his wife, which I understand he does to this day, despite the fact that at the time no meaningful work that she did could be identified. On the Tuesday although Farage had failed to deny he paid his son there was no paper trail to show he did and the paper paid a tokenry amount of damages to Farage.

I have not checked but presumably Farage still pays his wife which makes his claim of being broke all the more risible and one wonders why with Steve Harris already on his staff he felt it apposite that the pensioners and patriots who support UKIP should be asked to fund a chauffeur for him as granted by UKIP NEC we understand!

We also hear that despite the large income he and his wife make out of UKIP and the various fiddles he has boasted of, running to £Millions it is claimed his life style is so profligate and ill managed that he claims to have had to remortgage his house – it was as I recall an error made by his father who was similarly a showman, drinker and professional gambler as a stock broker.

Perhaps in view of the FACTS the UKIP controlled forum might care to revert to the truth for a change! Though it is unlikely as it is a rats nest of cowardly sock puppets acting in support of Nigel Farage and greatly to the downfall of UKIP.

For further details CLICK HERE

Steve MORSON’S abusive apologia has been added 05-Oct-2011 02:12hrs.
FIRSTLY for the record I stand by every word of my statement above and not one item has Steve Morson provided a fact to negate just some self indulgent whining!

Poor Old Steve Morson seems not to have been able to help himself but to respond in an effort to justify himself and here it is – posted on Butcher’s UKIP controlled Forum at 17:49hrs yesterday (04-Oct). I would have replied earlier but have been out with close friends for dinner.

I am a tad busy at the moment.

Clearly he had no new facts to present so in UKIP style he fell back on being gratuitously offensive and childish:

Quote Originally Posted by Steve Morson View Post
I agree on the editorship – under Max Hastings it was a magnificent newspaper. The Sunday Times has been vehemently anti-UKIP for years, and my thoughts go back to Nov. 2009, when Daniel Foggo recycled some long-slayed rubbish about Mike Nattrass, for no seeming reason other than space-filling. A subsequent OLAF investigation completely cleared him…

Farbeit from me to reply to my own posts, but I see the pony-tailed uber-miserablist in Chepstow (barred from this forum!)

Indeed I still have a pony tail which makes it almost 30 years – so what?
Yes I was banned from Butcher’s dishonest and corrupt forum based upon a pack of lies from Paul Nuttall which neither he nor little Anthony Butcher could substantiate – I was in fact banned for telling the truth and challenging the dishonesty and corruption of UKIP – A fact of which I am rather proud when you note the damage UKIP has done to these United Kingdoms, in supporting fraud and EU institutions.

You will note that one of the items was telling the truth about Tom Wise who then went to prison another was telling the truth about David Bannerman who has recently proved me right on all counts.

Have YOU ever done anything worthwhile politically? Have you made any efforts to expose corruption or theft from the public purse? Have you ever done ANYTHING that justifies your dishonesty?

has used this post for his bog (sic).

If it goes down well with the children in your playground to make such childish remarks do be my guest – often people whistle when frightened of the dark or name call to belittle those they fear.

He doesn’t approve of dissenting, exculpatory or contrary views on it, so I resort to this.

Invent what you like if it makes you feel important – though I do understand your feelings of inadequacy they are well earned.

When we spoke (earlier this year), he was an engaging cove, belying the reputation he’d garnered as Satan’s right-hand man.

Then he goes and writes that $**t on his bog today. Well, it seems there are lies, damn lies, statistics, and what GL-W writes, now!

 Sadly poor Steve can only resort to defamatory name calling as he lacks a single fact to present to back his childish behaviour.

What the cerebrally-deficient Monmouthshire resident doesn’t seem to have realised is that I was working for Mike Nattrass MEP in his office at the time

Of course I was aware of that as you have discussed it with me and how that was the only work you had had for some time – it is very childish of you to try desperately to seem intelligent using long words but without evidence or support for your use of Roget’s you just seem foolish.

1) the article I mentioned was published,

Indeed it was as I showed.

2) The OLAF investigation was launched and

The OLAF inquiry was under way when the article was published and had NOT published a result.

3) I was shown the subsequent letter clearing him. If anyone thinks they can trump that in terms of veracity, I’d like to see it!

I believe you will find the FoI and the Sunday Times lawyers more than adequately trumped that!
You will be aware being so in contact!!!! Mike Nattrass spent a considerable amount of money on lawyers seeking an apology from The Sunday Times but I gather he has recently dropped his claim – no doubt in the realisation that his claim was not valid and no apology was either apposite or forthcoming for the veracity of The Sunday Times article by Daniel Foggo.

(And by the way, a lobotomy was performed by cutting nerve fibres connecting either the prefrontal or frontal lobe of the brain with the thalamus, the areas of the brain involved with emotion. Modern psychotropic drugs obviate the need for such invasive and harrowing surgery. I’m not on those. Are you competing with Mr. Nuttall in an internet debating contest!?)

Try not to be childish – in the context it is well understood what was meant by any adult used to conversation.

I am well aware that your internet search will show the detailed medical deffinition but this is not a childish competition for show offs or you might have actually copied the information correctly, which it seems you did not – do check you’ll find it explained on the internet and where it seems you went wrong – such inaccuracy of transcription and self dellusion may explain why you have so much time on your hands!

I have a great deal of time on mine as I am largely housebound and also sleep little as we have discussed before you lost your confidence – this as you allude later on is due to the various treatments and sideffects of my cancer.

You seem to have plenty of time on your hands, Greg. Maybe trawling the Sunday Times archive for a piece even slightly flattering to UKIP is something you could take up, to counterpoint me?

There have been many very EUroSceptic articles in The Sunday Times by journalists such as Rob Watts, Marie Wolf, Daniel Foggo and others but true UKIP has indeed earned very little publicity and most that it has earned has been bad – as with the many and varied OLAF inquiries – The fraud for which on UKIP MEP went to prison for 2 years, the article regarding People traffiking and under cutting British tradesmen was I believe you will find also by Daniel Foggo and so was the expose of Tom Wise’s criminality though in The Sunday Telegraph as I recall where Rob Watts wrote a large spread damning Farage with faint praise.

Perhaps you could identify something UKIP has actually achieved – beyond childish name calling which sadly you seem to have assimilated – lost Court cases, criminality, bullying and abuse of members and others, employing thieves and liars, consorting with racist extremists as partners who are anti Jewish, xenophobic, advocate violence are anti homosexual and include holocaust deniers and supporters of Anders Breivik.

Just what has UKIP EVER achieved that could be considered laudable and news worthy to Sunday Times readers?

They have a paywall now. And I’m busy!

Going through the motions of self justification is likely to keep you busy for a long time yet precluding the ability to fund a pay wall I presume.

Hope you’re keeping as well as can be, and that the chemo is working a storm. Steve

Indeed after 13 years of cancer, major surgery numerous small operations and this year 3 months of chem and 20 hits of radiation – all of which you can read about on my healt6h blog if you have a friend or family member who may need support – I am pleased to say I am considered remarkably fit and am inordinately pleased to have not lost my hair having had it long ever since the days of 3 haircuts in a day whilst in the army.

Of course with the parlous state of my cancer who knows what tomorrow may bring but depression and misery, inadequacy and underconfidence are not on my menue though I can surely empathise with you though I fail to see how demeaning yourself with childish name calling can be seen to raise your obviously low self esteem.

Never mind I guess you earned it. If it makes you feel better by all means invent anything you like to bolster your confidence.
. .

 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance

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Posted in Daniel FOGGO, Lindsay JENKINS, Mike NATRASS MEP, Mike Nattrass MEP, Nigel FARAGE MEP EFD Leader, Sunday Times, Tom WISE, UKIP | Leave a Comment »


Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 10/01/2011

Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 
The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!  




many will remember the very public spat Niall Warry had with Douglas Denny as Douglas Denny dishonestly and duplicitously wriggled and squirmed to Cover-Up for the proven criminality of Tom Wise.

Many will remember his insulting and abusive comments regarding myself and Daniel Foggo and the fact that I refused to hand over the evidence to Douglas Denny as he was both a known liar and utterly untrustworthy.

Many will remember when his own colleagues by a majority voted him out of office for his dishomnesty and corruption as Returning Officer and Geoffrey Kingscott was put in place to replace him – sadly Kingscott was little better in the long run, and he too refused to run a fair and honest election, thus Farage was able to capitalise on the sordid dishonesty of Mark Croucher and Annabelle Fuller and the lies and chicannery of John Moran, David Lott and Jim Carver and seize the position of leader.

Not to mention the two faced and untrustworthy behaviour of Christopher Gill and his clandestine meetings with Richard Suchorzewski in his support at David Rowland’s golf course or the duplicity of Toby Mickelthwaite and his damning support for Suchorzewski (who clearly had the measure of the pond life that formed UKIP’s leadership CLICK HERE)

The corrupt cover-up attempts of the clearly untrustworthy bent ex copper Trevor Colman rewarded for his efforts to cover for Farage and protect Tom Wise by taking over the odious and inept Graham Booth’s seat was an integral part of Niall Warry’s efforts to have Tom Wise brought before a disciplinary committee – which I offered to attend with cast iron proof that Tom Wise had defrauded the tax payers and embezzeled money and had been aided in his efforts by Lindsay Jenkins who signed the instruments of the fraud.

As a part of the cover-up Douglas Denny insisted that only evidence handed over to him could be used – as the Court cases were still pending I declined Denny’s offer to take control of the evidence as it was clear that he was untrustworthy and Trevor Colman knowing I held the evidence also refused to take it into consideration.

It is probable that if they could have gained control of the evidence Tom Wise would not have faced trial and been sent to prison for two years.

Here is a brief comment by Niall Warry: 

It was I who asked for a disciplinary hearing which was turned down by that well known Nige€ sycophant Douglas Denny as there was no evidence!!!

You will find much more of the lies of Douglas Denny and his general dishonesty if you CLICK HERE

I understand that Ian Gilman is rather belatedly making much of the fact that he claims to have also asked Denny to instigate a disciplinary hearing – though I do concede that Ian Gilman was most usefull in obtaining facts and links for me I do not recall his formal application in the October of 2005 but if he did make such a request as an NEC member it is surprising that I missed it, in view of my information sources at the time.

You may well remember that it was the payment of a sum of money Nigel Farage owed to Lindsay Jenkins that he was trying to renege on that brought the matter to the surface and led to the inept and arguably criminal attempt of Mark Croucher to ‘set up’ Petrina Holdsworth as having received money in Strasbourg – which she most emphatically did not.

To pay his personal debt to Lindsay Jenkins either David Lott, Robin Collett or Farage himself put the bite on Tom Wise for a part of the stolen money, I believe, which was used to settle Farage’s debt. Since I had arranged the foreward for which he had agreed to fund Jenkins’ printing costs in her booklet on EU police, I had unequivocally stated to Farage that I had no desire to fall out with him but he was not going to renege on his undertaking made via me to Lindsay and it was entirely up to him whether he acted honourably and paid or subsequently paid bailiffs together with costs.

IF Ian Gilman made a claim beyond his position on the NEC I am surprised as I say, but if he did he is more honourable than I incline to believe he is – well done. Perhaps he would care to supply details and they can be added to the Denny blog to further show what a ghastly unstable fantasists the liar is.

I am aware a couple of other people also called for a disciplinary hearing to show that the FACT that Tom Wise had beyond doubt brought UKIP into disrepute but Douglas Denny seemingly blocked these also.

Interestingly during the period that I was under attack from the low lifes of UKIP at the time like Denny, Mark Croucher, McGough, Bob Feel Martinis, Butcher and others for my efforts to clean-up UKIP and bring Tom Wise to book for his corruption – including Butcher jumping together with Brendan Padmore through a series of hoops and dishonestly banning me from their increasingly squalid forum for telling the truth against the instructions issued to them by UKIP, Tom Wise spent some £8,000 on lawyers trying to silence me and suppress the truth.

Tom Wise was a criminal.
Tom Wise was aided in his criminality by Lindsay Jenkins.
Nigel Farage made material benefit from the stolen money.
That a number of individuals in UKIP’s leadership colluded in Tom Wise’s criminality after the even is irrefutable.

 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance

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(IF You Have No INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance Candidate) .
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Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
tel: 01291 – 62 65 62
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Posted in David LOTT, Ian GILMAN, Jim CARVER, John MORAN, Lindsay JENKINS, Mark CROUCHER, Mike McGOUGH, Niall WARRY, Nigel FARAGE MEP UKIP, Petrina HOLDSWORTH, Tom WISE UKIP MEP, Trevor COLMAN MEP | Leave a Comment »


Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 18/10/2010

Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 
The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!  


ALL DONE IN THE NAME of UKIP MEMBERS! <!–var googleUrl="/telegraph/template/ver1-0/templates/fragments/search/components/google/GAFSTransform.jsp?";function doneGAFShtml (htmlstr) { //alert(htmlstr); htmlstr = htmlstr.split("<").join("”).join(“>”).split(“&”).join(“&”); var parts = htmlstr.split(“[BREAK]”); var slot1 = document.getElementById(“gafsslot1”); var slot2 = document.getElementById(“gafsslot2”); if (parts[0] != null) { slot1.innerHTML=parts[0]; if (parts[1] != null) { slot2.innerHTML=parts[1]; } }}function initGoogleWS () { var ajaxgws = new AJAXInteraction(googleUrl+’q=%22tim+Congdon%22&ua=Mozilla%2F5.0+%28Windows%3B+U%3B+Windows+NT+5.1%3B+en-US%3B+rv%3A1.9.1.10%29+Gecko%2F20100504+Firefox%2F3.5.10+%28+.NET+CLR+3.5.30729%29&ip=’, null, doneGAFShtml); ajaxgws.doGet();}initGoogleWS();//–>

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I note one of UKIP’s resident pornographers postings are still given credence by UKIP Liverpool at:

But indubitably what puzzles me more, besides the fact that wee Willy Dartmouth had neither a spoilt brat tantrum nor denied his investment holdings with his chum Hanson (both using money their Fathers bequeathed them and I note seemingly Hanson has bought a young Russian though I understand Murdoch’s ex does not fall into that catagory despite the dowry!)

Indeed it seems Dartmouth’s only effort was to advertise for a personal spin Doctor on a salary of about £80K, as I recall, in The Guardian – One must assume Baron von Lottsov considers he is already adequately rewarded for his full time occupation shovelling ordure for the enrichment of the corrupt with the predictability of Gawain Croucher Skeptyk and the balance of the pond life that is in support of UKIP leadership, and their un Patriotic attacks and racist, xenophobic, anti Jewish anti homosexual behaviour as supporters of The EFD!

The news item I find most puzzling of the last few days is:

Former Southampton UKIP chairman Ryam Newell faces sex charges

Pic. c/o The Daily Echo

A FORMER Southampton UK Independence Party chairman faces a trial over the alleged sexual abuse of a schoolgirl and another woman.

Ryan Newell, 29, is accused of sexually activity with a child and sexual assault of a woman, the Daily Echo can reveal.
Hampshire police have charged him with five counts of sexually touching a girl aged between 13 and 15 and one of sexually touching a woman over 16.
He denies all the charges which relate to the period between March 2008 and April 2010 and now faces a trial next year at Southampton Crown Court.
Mr Newell, formerly of Honeysuckle Road, Southampton, worked as a manager at British Gas in St Mary’s Road.
He rose through the ranks of UKIP from a branch officer to chairman of the Southampton party.
He was a leading critic against plans for a gypsy and traveller transit site in Swaythling three years ago and of the Liberal Democrat administration running the city at the time. Mr Newell was later ousted from the local party. A UKIP spokesman said he was not a party member when the alleged offences came to light.
Mr Newell moved to Southampton nearly ten years ago when an amateur boxing career was cut short.
He has since moved back to Maidstone, Kent, where he grew up.
Alan Kebbell, current chairman of Southampton UKIP, said: “While I accept that members of all parties may be prone to the occasional lapse, the alleged offence is not one that would ever be condoned, or any mitigation accepted, by the party or me.
“The result was that his membership renewal from 2007 was never made and he is currently banned from reapplying.”

To view the original article CLICK HERE

It is not the obvious aspect that I find strange, as any political party is prone to sexual perverts and the immature overly active phillanderers without morality or ethics – as with UKIP or the 3 Political Parties. Whether ‘Porking’ the hired hands as we know Nuttall, Towler, Bloom, Farage are alleged to do as they all swop bicycles to keep fit, or whoring in the nightclubs and bordellos as we know several do or saving money buy defaulting on payment as Bloom is known to do – ever the cheap skate but to get arrested for intercourse with a black whore on the bonnet of a car in the street and then claim ‘Diplomatic Immunity’ because you are a UKIP MEP was surely not in the brief which you clearly misread as ‘Fighting The Next Erection’ jargon no doubt from your experiences with sex slaves in Hong Kong forced into prostitution by their poverty – There is NO ROMANCE in the world of Suzie Wong!

What surprises me in this instance is that Mr. Newell was removed from  his post as Chairman of Southampton Branch of UKIP in 2006 0r 2007 and he was debarred from membership renewall in 2007 – yet he was not charged until this month!

Minded that Nigel Farage took no consequential action against Tom Wise, in fact permitting him to manage his own EU allowances and never making ANY move to withdraw his membership of UKIP – in fact Trevor Colman went so far as to permit the NEC to issue a statement that he believed to be a pack of lies to cover-up Tom Wise and Lindsay Jenkins’ apparent fraud and Tom Wise’s embezzlement:
see the signed documentary proof CLICK HERE as used in evidence thereof until the realisation that the documentary proof on his computer had him ‘banged to rights’ and Tom Wise changed his plea leading to the release of Jenkins, although most clearly guilty of signing the instruments of the fraud. As of course the documents showed!

That Douglas Denny had duplicitously engaged to prevent a disciplinary hearing seemingly because he believed Tom Wise should not be allowed nor would be able to clear his name and exhonourate UKIP in collusion in the crime CLICK HERE & also HERE which shows just what a vile creature of the under belly of life Douglas Denny is in reality – note how dishonest he was in his attempts to prevent the efforts of Niall Warry to clean up UKIP!

You will find most of the facts you may wish to ascertain about UKIP can be found by use of the Right SideBar LINKS and/or the >SEARCH< facility at the top of the Bar.

However it fails to explain why Ryam Newell was dumped from the Chairmanship AND The Party in 2007. In fact few of the dates tally in the report, whether deliberate obfuscation or journalistic incompetence is hard to tell, did UKIP KNOW of this young man depravity – did UKIP make their fears/belief or knowledge known to the authorities at the time or did they fail those who were his victims in 2008 to 2010 by failing to acquit their duty and register misprission just as Trevor Colman did when he failed to report Tom Wise’s criminality – can we expect the current Chairman to also shortly become an MEP filling ‘Dead Mens Shoes’ as Trevor Colman did?

Clearly UKIP is ill placed to pretend they might have acted honourably based upon their track record as the dishonesty of the leadership would seem to be its only consistency!
To protest would be farcical as this shows, since corruption has been an integral part of UKIP’s behaviour since inception it seems:

Such corruption is a norm for UKIP as with Tom Wise spending £8,000 of tax payers’ stolen money to fund solicitors to seek to stop me telling the truth, or the efforts of UKIP fronted by Mark Croucher and aided by Paul Nuttall as Chairman and his chum Clive Page in Court which was tossed out and we still await payments of my £12.5K costs details of which they were ordered to pay can be seen CLICK HERE.

Just as their corruption can be seen to be endemic by the Guilty Verdict awarded by The Courts and upheld by The Supreme Court against UKIP in accepting unlawfull payments from both Dick Horsnell and also from Alan Bown who had removed himself from the electoral role, despite remaining in Britain – Unlawfull in its own right I believe!

Then again one may note the involvement of David Bannerman in fraud as openly boasted of and confirmed to be aware it was unlawfull by his partner in crime Stuart Agnew – as Agnew set out on video tape to conspire with Lord Pearson in the criminal act of Money Laundering to obfuscate donations to the Electoral Commission by the dishonest laundering through Pearson’s Company Global Britain which he clearly states, as does Farage, has been used for this identical criminality before!

I understand no further action will be taken over the criminal money laundering – no doubt because a Peer was involved and in the light of his services to the Tory Party by betraying UKIP members at the General Election I presume this is his ‘Payolla’.

However the direct fraud against the tax payers by David Bannerman and Stuart Agnew is still a matter under investigation as using stolen money to fund political staff who do no work for you is just as criminal for Agnew & Bannerman as it is for Derek Clark who is still under investigation and is almost exactly the same crime – ie drawing tax payer’s money fraudulently and then spending it on personal gain – Just as Tom Wise did to garner a 2 year prison sentence.

Minded of the decrepitude of Derek Clark and his advanced years if they do not call the investigation together and put it to trial in his case there is every possibility he will die in prison as clearly he will not deserve the compassion extended to the entirely innocent Magrahi – and already we have the precedent of Tom Wise and it would clearly be unjust that a similar sentence were not handed down for so similar a crime.

As for endemic corruption do not forget that when it was known that Piers Merchant was in the terminal stages of cancer (I knew being a veggie didn’t help) Mark Croucher and Douglas Denny pounced and tried to portray him first as Junius and then realising their folly repainting the evidence to claim he was a witting and deliberate supplier of information to Junius.

No doubt an obscene vengeance for his having the timerity to speak out and tell the truth about the corruption that put David Bannerman, Stuart Agnew, Martha Andreasen, Paul Nuttall both in seat and liars like McTrough, Farage, Andrew Smith, Gulleyslime, Curtis, Reeve and others in positions for details CLICK HERE

 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance

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Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
tel: 01291 – 62 65 62
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Posted in Andrew SMITH, Annabell FULLER, David Bannerman, Farage, Julia LANGMAID, LEADERSHIP, Lindsay JENKINS, Lord Pearson, Mark CROUCHER, Paul Nuttall, Peter REEVE, Ryam Newell, Stuart AGNEW, Tom WISE | Leave a Comment »


Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 08/06/2010


Clean EUkip up NOW  make UKIP electable!  
The corruption of some of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!  





What a sordid little scoundrel Tom Wise is

Jailed MEP will 'point the finger' when he comes out of prison

Jailed MEP will ‘point the finger’
when he comes out of prison

Shamed former MEP Tom Wise plans to “point the finger”   at those he says were culpable in his fall from grace when he leaves prison.

According to a well-placed source he will “pull no punches” in a book he plans to write when he is released from prison later this month.

Wise is expected to be released from jail on 29 June having served just six months of a two-year sentence for fiddling his parliamentary expenses.

The 62-year-old, a former UK Independence Party MEP, was jailed in November 2009 for false accounting and money laundering.

At his trial, the court was told he spent parliamentary money on cars and wine.

Wise, a former policeman, is currently working as a trustee and prison carpenter at Ford Open Prison in the south of England.

He has also been working with young inmates who have drink and drug problems.

According to a close friend, the former deputy will start work on a book when he is released outlining details of his downfall.

“It will pull no punches and he will not hesitate to point the finger at those who were culpable in what has happened to him,” he said.

Wise has been allowed out of prison to spend time at this home with his family in Leighton Buzzard.

The source said Wise had been “bowled over” by the response from his former constituents to his imprisonment.

“People have been coming up to him in the street saying how much they are pleased to see him.

“He says the worst part of it all is that, even when he comes out of jail, he will not be able to visit his grandchildren who live in Luxembourg due to the terms of his release.”

News of his release, however, has not met with universal approval.

Ukip MEP Gerard Batten said, “I regarded Tom Wise as a friend. He consistently maintained his innocence to me up until a week before his trial, at which point he changed his plea to guilty.

“He could have saved himself and UKIP a great deal of trouble by admitting his guilt at the beginning. If he had anything to say about his colleagues he could and should have said it at his trial.

“If a book ever appears, I shall not be buying it.”

To view the original article CLICK HERE

 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance
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Posted in CRIMINAL, Fraud, JENKINS Lindsay, Lindsay JENKINS, Prison, Tom WISE, UKIP, WISE Tom | Leave a Comment »

#0038 – Breaking LAWS & Tom WISE

Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 29/05/2010

#0038 – Breaking LAWS & Tom WISE    

Clean EUkip up NOW  make UKIP electable!
The corruption of some of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER the NEC
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!




It was stated in The Cambridge News newspaper online at the end of an article rehashing the NotW feature on Tom Wise:

>Mr Wise was last year suspended by the UK Independence Party after being accused of claiming £36,000 for a researcher who he was actually paying just £6,000.

Mr Wise was cleared of any wrongdoing by a European Parliament inquiry, but still awaits the outcome of an investigation by the EU’s anti-fraud chiefs OLAF.<

This is unsound, unchecked and untrue! I don’t wish to be pickey but:

‘Mr Wise was last year suspended by the UK Independence Party
Wise was NOT suspended – there was the comment loosely bandied around, of no meaning, that he had had the whip withdrawn – this is fallacious as Ukip do not hold a whip nor do they sit as Ukip in the so called Parliament in the EU but as Ind.Dem.Group at the time, of which they were a member and Nigel Farage was co-chairman. You will note that up until Saturday evening prior to the NotW article exposing his behaviour Tom Wise was both a member of the group with all Ukip’s remaining MEPs and listed therein as a Ukip representative and MEP for EUkip.

You will also note that Tom Wise was accorded an uncorrected attribution, as with Nigel Farage, on The London Swinton Circle’s web site as a Ukip MEP despite repeated warnings they lept into Tom Wise’s gutter witjh gusto and gave him a platform as a speaker in Westminster.

You will also note Tom Wise’s web site AND eMail addresses at the time were both as hosted by Ukip making something of a lie of Nigel Farage’s dishonest claims on the main party web site!

The provenance that Ukip had taken no effective action to distance themselves from Tom Wise’s corruption is extensive and that they acted likewise in many areas is indisputable Nigel Farage unsatisfied with his salary paid Kirsten his wife £30,000 a year, despite promising nepotism would NOT exist in Ukip. To date Farage had not shown what work Kirsten could possibly have earned her that kind of salary with 4 children 2 of whom being babies! Particularly in the light of the fact that his constituency office had no idea she was on the pay role and being paid more than they!

‘after being accused of claiming £36,000 for a researcher who he was actually paying just £6,000’.
Tom Wise together with a Tory on the ppc list, at the time, drew up documentation constituting a ‘false instrument’ to then carry out a fraud transferring some £36,000 of public money initially into an obfuscated account called STAGS controlled by Tom Wise at Co-Op bank – I provided documentary proof of these claims to Bedfordshire Constabulary as prima facie evidence of fraud and money laundering more prosaically termed embezzlement or theft, signed and authorised by Tom Wise and his assistant Lindsay Jenkins!

These documents can in part be seen on the internet CLICK HERE

‘Mr Wise was cleared of any wrongdoing by a European Parliament inquiry,
This was unsound and may I ask what provenance anyone had of this statement?
I understand that Tom Wise deliberately selectively quoted from an EP letter to formulate this untruth, when this was done on the Party web site for and on behalf of Wise I understand that the EP demanded it was removed as it misrepresented their letter which stated appx. ‘having received the repayment of much of the money subsequent to exposure of the fraud in The Sunday Telegraph we do not intend to take further action at this time having passed the details to OLAF…’ or some such!

‘but still awaits the outcome of an investigation by the EU’s anti-fraud chiefs OLAF’.
Indeed Wise did await, at that time, the outcome of OLAF who have passed the file and details to Bedfordshire Constabulary for further investigation. An investigation that was ongoing but as no charges had at the time been made against Wise or Lindsay Jenkins, despite prima facie evidence, and neither party had at that time been interviewed though statements of fact and evidence had been gathered from others with pertinent evidence such as myself, The Chairman at the time, Daniel Foggo and also from those with hearsay evidence such as Ian Gillman, Dennis Brooks, Trevor Colman and others. The case was thus not ‘sub judice’.

That Stuart Gulliford, known by many in UKIP for his personality as Gollom, was seeking to distance himself despite his embroilment is shown by false statements he has made regarding the matter – Hardly surprising that he sought to promote himself as he was angling dishonestly to take Tom Wise’s seat on the gravy train encouraged so to do by Jeffrey Titford, who although he was still the EU’s UK Eastern Assembly Region MEP lived in Sussex; I understand leaving the gerrymandering of party lists and the dishonest attacks on other wanabe gravy train passengers in the hands of his neophyte Gulliford, who colluded in the dishonesty and lies of David Bannerman to position himself on the list in the corrupt selection process.

For details of the corruption see the Report of UKIP’s own Returning Officer CLICK HERE

One reasonably expected Robin Page to be expediently de-selected from the list and surplanted by a dishonestly imposed candidate – ever hopeful of a preferential chance alongside the dubious and dishonest David Bannermann, to be seated at the troughs in EUrope! And so it transpired.

I shall refrain from being over gleeful in reminding you that I provided you with the bulk of this story many many months ago, shortly after a piece of particularly sloppy journalism in the Cambridge paper which failed to check one fact in a PR handout printed as a story in support of Tom Wise!!

It is interesting to note that eventually Tom Wise was brought to trial though never did UKIP terminate his position, despite the lies of Nigel Farage, who clearly personally benefited from the money stolen. Tom Wise resigned from the IDG on the eve of the NotW sting when advised by the paper of its data and he eventually permitted his membership of UKIP to lapse at its due renewal date in March 2009, declining subsequent requests from UKIP that he could renew.

Tom Wise was eventually proven guilty and admitted to his criminality and further proceedings were dropped against Lindsay Jenkins in November 2009.

Tom Wise was sentenced to 2 years in prison for his criminality and shamefull abuse of public office yet astonishingly we note he would seem to have been released in May 2010 having served a mere ¼ of his sentence, released to live with his wife on the massive pension he did absolutely nothing to earn, as was made abundantly clear in the interview with The News of the World. He would seem not only to have stuffed his cellar with over 1,000 bottles of wine from his ill gotten gains but also to have stuffed his pension fund with over £1/4 Million in just 5 years.

One is forced to wonder whether he has had preferential treatment in stealing tax payers’ money whilst in public office, elected to a position of trust, or is it now Government policy to release all criminals when they have served a mere ¼ of their sentence.

Such a policy could be considered staggering as it could well leave certain rapists, murderers and child molesters who have been held on remand in a position where they could well be released from custody before their victims had time to get home from the sentencing Courts!

Is it perhaps that so many Politicians have stolen public money such as David Laws as revealed today who stole some £40,000 expecting the tax payer to fund his sexual perversions so that his deviancy profited him and his partner in the purchase of houses whilst concealing their homosexuality from his electorate. The man is not just a pervert, which is both legal and common amongst politicians but is a fraud, a thief and a liar – not to mention a Cabinet Minister!

One assumes that it is this low level of probity and moral turpitude that we have come to expect from our politicians that leads to them having show trials and show sentences – as with Tom Wise – but being released as soon as possible once out of the public eye as they are after all politicians and therefore expected to be corrupt!

I trust this information to which I am more than happy to attest is of some help and you can now print an accurate story showing Tom Wise for the greedy, self seeking, self serving crook he irrefutably is! No doubt you would wish for balance to include David Laws and the many other criminals we have in politics.

 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance
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Posted in CRIMINAL, David LAWS MP, Lindsay JENKINS, UKIP, WISE MEP Tom | Leave a Comment »

#96* – Don’t study Maggots Without A Strong Stomach!!

Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 28/10/2008

#96* – Don’t study Maggots Without A Strong Stomach!!

Clean EUkip up NOW & make UKIP electable!

The corruption of some of EUkip’s leadership & NEC is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!


Firstly may I take this opportunity of thanking Len Baynes for having the good grace and integrity to publicly appologise for having dishonestly made an accusation against me and when challenged and finding he was unable to substantiate his claim he had the wisdom and fundamental decency to withdraw his false and unfounded accusation and appologise.

Thank – you Len and as far as I am concerned the matter is not only history but is accepted as being an error that is as if it had never happened and may I wish you good luck in your efforts to clean up EUkip and make it electable for people of integrity in the best way you see fit.Unfortunately it would seem that Bruce Lawson is, unlike Len Baynes, a fool without integrity, short of morality and utterly untrustworthy as proven by his abuse, harassment and bullying threats which he was neither man enough to substantiate nor wise enough to apologise for.

Bruce Lawson is clearly a pompous self important self imprest pratt who whilst Treasurer of EUkip failed in his claimed intent, abrogated on his duty and has proved untrustworthy having published confidential correspondence written and received in a position of trust as Treasurer – a duty and responsibility he freely accepted yet betrayed by publishing confidential material on his wersonal web site under the guise of UKIP – Mr. Lawson you are no gentleman and not to be trusted even amongst the odious scum that would seem to have floated to the top of EUkip.

Having been proven a bully and dishonest you have clearly failed to have the integrity to appologise when proven in the wrong – may I suggest that you stick to impressing yourself in the shaving mirror for the standard of behaviour you have displayed impresses no individual or integrity or morality and falls far short of the behaviour any gentleman would have the right to expect.Both EUkip & UKIP are well rid of you and it is to be hoped you never bring your contemptible lack of morality to the body politic ever again as it befould the aims of liberty and the values we seek to re-establish in Britain.

On the matter of irresponsibility and EUkip being brought into disrepute one need look no further than a letter I received from the NEC late this evening wherein it is clear that in its irresponsibility EUkip’s leadership and NEC bring the party into disrepute by failing to act with decency, integrity and morality – this time in the matter of refunding the money quite clearly owed to John West – in as far as it was obtained from him and EVERY other EUkip candidate in the dishonest selection of those the leadership wanted appointed on their list of MEP candidates.

That the process was dishonest is clear in two very clear aspects:

Christopher Gill the ex Tory MP was appointed to oversee the application phase and he utterly failed to acquit his duty and then like a pussy cat rolled on his back to oblige the leadership – having dishonourably failed to acquit his duty both in deserting his post to suit HIS convenience supposedly/claimed on holiday and also displaying his utter incompetence by failing expeditiously to answer correspondence and failing in his duty of care under the law relative to The Data Protection Act or the control of the staff working for him.

Christopher Gill’s behaviour was nothing less than shamefull and a disgrace and any man of calibre would have had the integrity to tender his irrevocable resignation having brought EUkip into such disrepute.

We must consider the selection process as irrelevant and invalid as shown by The Returning Officer, the facts I have published and the mailings of Ms. Lynnda Robson & Mr. Robin Page.

Clearly the positions of such as:
Bannerman (a Fraud, liar and cheat employed by the EU!),
Tiny Tim Whatzit (Resident in Portugal and thus not fulfilling requirements),
Ms. Andreassen (an alien with no plausible interest in Britain beyond the money scammed from EUkip, a track record of being pro. EU, resident in Barcelona, Spain and having failed to comply with the rules)

WHERE WAS GILL? It was Gill’s DUTY to oversee a fair & just selection process – Gill FAILED as has been made very clear.


Letter 01:

Date: Monday, 20 October, 2008, 5:00 PM
For the attention of the Party Chairman
Copied to the NEC

Dear Mr Nuttall,

I am still waiting for the return of my £250 deposit. In a previous email to you I requested the return of this money as it was obtained under false pretences. The MEP selection process was clearly unfair, dishonest and rigged to benefit certain individuals. The report on the MEP section/ election process written by Piers Merchant, the Returning Officer, proves this beyond doubt.

Indeed, he recommended that a special committee be appointed to investigate the whole selection process in the East. The NEC’s failure to follow his advice is simply another example of how it has brought the Party into disrepute by failing to deal with the corruption and dishonesty that now threatens to destroy UKIP.

Unfortunately, rather than deal with the genuine concerns raised by myself and others it apparently now plans to conduct a witch-hunt in order to remove those of us who have had the courage to fight for honesty, accountability, decency and transparency. How very EU! If the Party should decline to co-operate I will have no choice but to follow the steps taken by Lynnda Robson and take legal action. I am now in contact with Ipswich County Court. Unless I receive a cheque for £250, plus £20 interest, within seven days I will instigate legal proceedings against UKIP.

Yours sincerely,
John West
Chairman UKIP Ipswich & East Suffolk
Secretary UKIP Suffolk CoastalLetter

Letter 02:

Subject: Re: Legal action against UKIP

Dear John

After taking legal advice, the party has concluded that you have no right to ask for the return of £250.

Best wishes
Paul Nuttall

Letter 03:

Subject: RE: Legal action against UKIP
Date: Mon, 27 Oct 2008 14:12:27 +0000

Dear Paul,

I am saddened that you are prepared to listen to misguided legal advice from, I presume, Michael Zuckerman.

You will be aware that your own returning officer’s report ( now in the public domain) expressed grave concerns about the selection process and recommended that a sub-committee be appointed to investigate the whole matter. The NEC, of course, ignored his recommendations. It is quite clear that the whole selection process was rigged to favour certain candidates.

What saddens me is your willingness to go along with this corruption and dishonesty. You did tell me upon becoming chairman that you would be ‘a new broom’. You forgot to mention that you would be using the same handle! You have already conceded your liability to refund the money by refunding Lynnda Robson’s deposit, plus costs. If the selection process had been fair the leadership would have contested her claim in court. You also returned Robin Page’s deposit for the same reason.

Paul, your response is wholly inadequate. May I suggest that you obtain competent legal advice from someone other than Michael Zuckerman as both my wife and I will be taking UKIP to the Small Claims Court.

Yours sincerely,
John West
Chairman UKIP Ipswich & East Suffolk
Secretary UKIP Suffolk Coastal

Letter 04:

Subject: FW: Legal action against UKIP
Date: Mon, 27 Oct 2008 22:33:12 +0000

Dear Paul,

I have now issued a county court claim against UKIP.

You gave me no other choice.

Yours sincerely,
John West


I presume that John West has lodged a statement in full and also has lodged the supportive evidence of the rules AND the Returning Officer’s very clear report placed in the public domain.

It will be noted that to prove the process was fair John West is entitled to demand copies of the cheques paid by EVERY other member with proof their check was cleared, also the CRB checks for each and every applicant should be lodged in confidence with the Court together with proof of their residency and voter role entry.

I understand Lynnda Robson made such an application and it would seem EUkip leadership knew they would loose through the Courts for EVERY entrant in the failed process and not only refunded Lynnda Robson’s £250.00 but also have paid her expenses.

Similarly I understand that £250.00 was paid to Robin Page as the first acceptance of fault on their part and as the first stage in such claims for damages he will eventually seek! In that Robin Page was within 4 votes of election at the last EU Election and this only because it seems Tom Wise abused his access to the membership lists and self promotion in his EU employed capacity at the time. This time there is no competent candidate notable in the Eastern Region and thus it would be reasonable then, I presume, for Robin Page to make damages claim for the loss of potential income as an MEP!!!

This may be fanciful but you must be aware that the lead candidate will not be able to stand eventually as he has brought EUkip into disrepute as a fraud, a liar, a cheat having proved a failure in the Tories he came to EUkip based upon lies and dishonesty which befoul the reputation of EUkip – this he has compounded by taking a job with the EU with an undertaking to act in a manner directly contra his position with EUkip. As the realisation that he is beneath contempt in his exploitation of EUkip for his personal gain integrity will overcome pity on the part of EUkip and he will have no option but to resign – even based on his corrupt morality!

The number 2 is Stuart Agnew and he has openly made it clear he intends to exploit the job for his own gain and considers his absolute right to election claiming directly that he has bought the position. Further he is aware that he is taking advantage of dishonesty – a contemptible little bully of a man with no integrity and the bombast of a fool.

No. 4 in the Region is Andrew Smith who is on EVERY count unsuitable – it was his indisputable dishonest abrogation of duty that has led to a guilty verdict against EUkip for having endeavoured to cheat the Electoral Commission, it is his dishonesty that makes EUkip at risk of forfeiture and costs of around £500,000 in a Judicial Review. Further it was Andrew Smith who as Treasurer failed to acquit his professional duties and resign when faced by some 20+ questions relative to his duties which proved beyond doubt he had acted dishonourably and contra the simplest of professional competence as a book keeper let alone the Party Accountant/Treasurer – Andre Smith also failed to protect EUkip from the debts and liabilities of call centres considered by many members to be corrupt.

I would contend if EUkip were to have a candidate elected in June 2009 there is little doubt that had EUkip complied with democratic process, which the Returning Officer attests it was not – Robin Page would be an MEP in June – Just what do YOU believe will be the level of damages in the Courts minded of the damage to Robin Page as a journalist by the loss of this position?Interestingly having spoken with both the Police and the DPA there is every intention that they WILL be vigerously prosecuting enquiry and subsequent due process in the matter of the publishing of material of a confidential nature on YouTube with regard to John West.

The cowardly and dishonourable action of John Wittacker in signing the dishonest letter regarding the foul mouthed slut Annabelle Fuller (Those who feel I may be harsh in branding this sordid slut thus might care to view her pathetic and obscene childish Blog!).

Wittacker may well have lied as Chairman and subsequently resigned having felt he was forced to sign the lies by Farage but I doubt he would lie under oath in Court when the time comes – probably around April on next year.

Then after the guilty verdicts against EUkip and its leadership and NEC there will no doubt be the open and shut damages case that could run well towards 6 figures for reasons which will become apparent in the fullness of time!On the matter of LAW – I am given to believe that the Police have failed to let Tom Wise the EUkip MEP off the hook for fraud, embezzling and money laundering as a liar in abuse of his position of trust as made clear in the media.

I do not know as yet whether Lindsay Jenkins will be charged or whether they will consider her too irrelevant and merely a rather foolish woman impressed by a younger man! Tom Wise was I am reliably informed due to surrender to bail to the Police on Wednesday 29-Oct-08 – However I understand he has announced, confirming what I had heard previously, that The Police have had ‘words’ with him and have shown they have more than a passing interest!

The Police I understand have extended the Bail Period for a further 3 months.

I do NOT personally believe that this action indicates the Police do not intend to charge and prosecute in the long run – I shall therefore NOT publish the documentary evidence I hold at this stage copies of which have been provided to the Police – I believe that there is reason to believe that since the Police have evidence that they consider to make the case open and shut as we understand it – I believe the extension of bail is because they have as a result of this case opened the edge of a MUCH larger case which they do not wish to damage by moving too soon on the larger and more serious issue.

It I was Trevor Colman I would not sleep easy in view of the corruption in which he participated to use his status as a retired Police Officer to orchestrate a cover-up of the criminality of Tom Wise as made public and as a result of Trevor Colman’s shameful dishonesty it led to collusion in the criminality of Tom Wise as known by the leadership and NEC at the time colluding in the cover-up. I appreciate it does seem that Trevor Colman has benefited from his dishonesty, weakness, corruption and prostitution of his Queen’s Commission – both in the pecuniary gain of his partner/mistress Sue Palfrey and also in his seeming reward by being placed in the position of MEP – shame on EUkip that they see this as seemly behaviour for their representatives – though I do appreciate they are well off in having rid themselves of the liar and low life Graham Booth a man of very little merit who went so far as to try to parachute his clearly unsuitable relative into his job – I guess since her only notable claim was her relationship to the odious Booth and claims that her hobby of parachuting was any better or more relevant qualification than knitting or gardening!

The members of EUkip are well shot of the liar and all round nebbish Graham Booth but surely they did not deserve to have him replaced by the corrupt and bent copper Trevor Colman – surely even EUkip have SOMEONE of better calibre in the South West – the list is risible for next June.EUkip seek votes for election to run/represent our Country – what a shameful display of competence they have made of running their own Party – Clearly until EUkip is cleaned up and re-structured no individual of integrity would wittingly vote for them.

I call Farage DIRECTLY to account – on the hustings whilst his staff were cheating and publishing lies to keep they snouts in the trough as with the ex and much failed Press Officer a proven liar and cheat – Do you deny Nigel Farage that time and again you made the proud and dishonest boast that it was essential members voted for you as if you were elected there were various senior Tory MPs who had undertaken to join EUkip under your leadership and there were various individuals willing to put up big money to back the party the moment you became leader.Despite the many witnesses do you deny these lies?

Nigel Farage having lied to get yourself elected perhaps you would care to apologise for your lies and admit you are, as I stated at the time, incompetent to lead the party, without the gravitas and not trusted having gathered around yourself spivs, chavs, liars, cheats, frauds and failures it does not in fact elevate your position it shows the calibre of those who you can afford to buy.

Nigel Farage other than as a rather lightweight affable performing monkey can you identify a single solitary area of competence you bring to leadership other than as a rather glib and shallow barrow boy who trades on myths of success from almost 20 years ago in a City boom you rode briefly as a gambler.

Nigel Farage you have brought little but shame on EUroScepticism almost no publicity of gravitas and virtually no leaflets of calibre, no training, no credible structure and a collection of VERY low grade acolytes as praise singers. You have not eben produced sufficient men of stature to form an NEC risible puppets and parasites who would be unable to hold down a meaningfull position of power and stature.

By the way there has been so many letters leaked to me from the NEC in attempts to clean up EUkip that I do appologise to those who are sending them _ I regret I can not publish them all and also PLEASE accept my judgement as there are some that I believe would not help and may well unfairly damage so those I will withhold at the moment – there are lots more to come.

To come full circle – let us hope Farage and others have the stature and integrity of Len Baynes who was man enough to apologise when he made a mistake rather than continue to emulate the shabby and cowardly behaviour as displayed by Bruce Lawson who acted in a manner so redolent of EUkip’s leadership and MEPs – a coward, a bully, untrustworthy and with no political merit – merely an inflated opinion of himself as with the low lifes and nere do wells that sadly represent EUkip all too often! Follow Lawson’s lead and run away PLEASE give UKIP a chance!

Greg L-W.
01291 – 62 65 62

MAY I SUGGEST – since there is no political party of repute advocating or campaigning for withdrawal of these United Kingdoms from the EU and restoration of our independent sovereign democracy, with Justice & the right to self determination in a free country:

Write Upon Your Ballot Paper:

Posted in Andrew SMITH, EUkip, Fuller, Graham Booth, Lawson; Agnew; Farage; Nuttall; Wittaker, Len Baynes, Lindsay JENKINS, Robin Page; John West;, Tom WISE, Trevor Colman, UKIP | Leave a Comment »