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Archive for the ‘Michael SHRIMPTON’ Category

Michael Shrimpton’s Fantasies Land Him In Jail!

Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 08/02/2015

Michael Shrimpton’s Fantasies Land Him In Jail!

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Sometime speaker for Ukip & others Michael Shrimpton’s Fantasies have finally Landed Him In Jail!

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having known Michael Shrimpton ever since I was asked some 15 years ago to collect him from the station and deliver him to a Ukip Bristol meeting as the speaker I have taken an interest in him.

Michael has been well aware over the years that I saw him as being an amusing diversion and as barki9ng mad as they come when it had anything to do with  his fantasies and conspiracy theories.

I had never socialised with him beyond using him as divesrsion and comic relief at various meetings, until his return from Australia, save one meal with him when he came to Chepstow for my advice on disposing of his books, before fleeing the country when his business collapsed.

I have followed the case below in some detail as he made the phone calls from my home when Lee and I took pity on him as he was homeless and trying to get back on his feet!

Finally he found a flat and as we had surplus furniture we gave it to him to start anew, and so that he would eventually leave having overstayed his welcome considerably!

At one stage it became apparent he had been making more of a fool of himself than we had thought, when the police arrived here unannounced in the quaint belief that we might have been a part of his fantasy plot – a notion which was soon dispelled!

That said I can not for a moment see that justice has been done in this case nor can it be seen to be done in my opinion.

Michael Shrimpton needs help and not punishment – I can not disagree with the Judge when he stated that

‘Shrimpton was not just a harmless eccentric but a menace’

but many in our society are a menace, were they all to be put in prison the system would collapse!

Shrimpton’s sentence being custodial is staggeringly harsh for a case which is clearly one of mental health – Shrimpton is beyond any doubt delusional but there is little doubt that he believes his delusions – his life is a delusion for heaven’s sake and I see encaceration of such an unfortunate as a travesty of justice.

Not only will Michael Shrimpton be incarcerated but he will never again be able to practice as a barrister, a job he loved and in most instances did with due dilligence and effectively for his clients.

It was Shrimpton’s private life that was both chaotic and founded on fantasies poor man.

Michael Shrimpton will as a result of this sentence loose his income source and is clearly inelligible for retraining when he leaves prison at 58 and will thus face a life on benefits, such a prick to his ego and personna that I would be unsurprised to read of his suicide!

To add to his punishment he will never again see his parents, who are both elderly and infirm, unable to travel and living in Australia with his younger brothers and sisters – none of whom will he see again!

To my untrained and unqualified opinion I incline to the belief that Shrimpton has complex mental health issues largely based on the ‘autism’ scale, which would explain his ineptitude at relationships and making friends of any value. That he had managed to put himself through university and qualify as a barrister holding down the job and building his career in the face of the loadings against him is a tribute to his determination.

That Shrimpton succumbed to his own fantasies of personal importance and invented the character of some sort of intelligence operative is unsurprising – It is help Michael Shrimpton needs and not punishment!

That Shrimpton had deluded himself into the belief that he had pornography either as part of an investigation he invented or planted on him is both unsurprising and also of no significance in the custodial sentence as it was crime he had already been punished for.

Let us not forget that 1,000s of details of individuals who had purchased and circulated paedophile porn as supplied under The Ore Operation – just howmany were investigated and even of those only a tiny percentage were sentenced. Let us not overlook the consistent failure of police to effectively investigate and prosecute in case after case, yet here is a man who would seem to be being persecuted and punished rather than treated and helped!

I do not believe, yet again, that we as citizens can take any pride or satisfaction in this misapplication of justice.

Jail for pervert barrister who said nuclear bomb would blow up the Queen at the London Olympics

Michael Shrimpton on the USS Enterprise in 2006

Michael Shrimpton on the USS Enterprise in 2006



A barrister who made a high-level hoax call saying a nuclear bomb was poised to blow up the Queen at the London 2012 Olympics has been jailed.

Michael Shrimpton, 57, of Jusons Glebe, Wendover, was found guilty last year and today he was sentenced to 12 months at Southwark Crown Court.

On April 19 2012, Shrimpton contacted the office of the Defence Secretary Philip Dunne, and David Lidington MP claiming a nuclear warhead had been placed in London, possibly near to a hospital to be detonated at the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games.

He claimed that intelligence had been blocked from being passed through official channels because the Germans had infiltrated MI5, MI6 and GCHQ.

Both offices say they thought the calls were a hoax, but they had to be passed to the Olympic Security Team and the police due to the nature of the threat.

The court heard that Shrimpton is a self-appointed intelligence expert who suggested a sinister German intelligence agency was responsible for this plot to blow up the opening ceremony of the London Olympics.

Shrimpton had come to the attention of various police forces over the years and following the London terrorist attacks in July 2005, he earned himself the official label of ‘an intelligence nuisance’.

He was described by the prosecution counsel as an “unrelenting networker, desperate to associate himself with persons in real power and influence, and using any even marginal association with such people to bolster his credibility with other such people”.

On handing down the 12 month sentence HHJ Judge McCreath said: “I must have regard to the very clear risk of disruption which Mr Shrimpton must have recognised when he made the false reports.

“This is a case that cries out for immediate custody, it is impossible for me to suspend the sentence in this case, however I am prepared to take a merciful approach.”

Last year Shrimpton, who says he legally advised General Pinochet in the nineties, failed in his appeal against a conviction for possesing indecent images of children.

He said that images of young boys found on a computer memory stick were put there by secret service agents, and that he was the victim of a government stitch-up.

Senior investigating officer, Detective Sergeant Andrew Mottau, from the South East Counter Terrorism Unit, said: “The nature of such a claim had to be taken very seriously, despite it transpiring to be a hoax.

“This incident could have caused enormous disruption at a time of heightened tension and resulted in the diversion of valuable resources.

“I hope today’s sentence serves as a reminder that wasting police time is a serious offence and anyone who does it can expect to be robustly dealt with.

“I would like to thank the large number of witnesses in this case, their support cannot be understated and their testimony was vital in securing this conviction.”

Adrian Foster, Chief Crown Prosecutor for Thames and Chiltern Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) said: “This case involved the making of two bomb hoaxes on 19 and 20 April 2012 relating to the London 2012 Olympics when preparations for the Games were at an advanced stage.

“During the hoaxes Michael Shrimpton passed extraordinary and dramatic information about a threatened nuclear attack on the Games to senior authority figures. Although the information passed was outlandish and fanciful, there was a great deal of national tension in the months preceding the Games and it would have been foolish to reject or ignore the threats, especially when made by a professional man.

“Shrimpton is a barrister with a fascination for politics, the military and intelligence. The bomb hoaxes were not so much an attempt to cause disruption, but a mechanism to gild his self-constructed reputation as an intelligence expert. However, the imparting of such false information had the potential to cause enormous disruption, diversion of scarce resources, and wasted public money.

“Shrimpton represented himself during the trial and pleaded not guilty to the offences claiming he acted in good faith to pass on the information from his ‘sources’ and did so without malice or intent. However, he was found guilty by a jury on 25 November 2014, of two counts of communicating false information with intent after a two week trial at Southwark Crown Court.

“Due to the hard work and dedication of the prosecution team a just outcome has been achieved and Michael Shrimpton, who is not just a harmless eccentric, but a menace has today been sentenced accordingly.”

To view the original article CLICK HERE

To view the earlier court report article CLICK HERE
Also see other coverage CLICK HERE
Details of Michael Shrimpton’s earlier Court appearances and references to his fantasies can be found on my blogs with use of the >Search< facility, also comment on some of his other many conspiracy fantasies and theories of varying implausibility!




 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance

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& For Election Year – Ukip & The Box Of Frogs!

Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 01/01/2015

& For Election Year – Ukip & The Box Of Frogs!

 Please Be Sure To .Follow Greg_LW on Twitter. Re-TWEET my Twitterings
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Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 


The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 

is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!  


& For Election Year – Ukip & The Box Of Frogs that forms their legal representatives, associates, prospective candidates and even deputy leaders – not to mention the sociopathic standards of their so called leader!
FARAGE, Nigel 94 ORCHESTRATING A DEFECTION 01who many have of course seen through!
FARAGE, Nigel  104But then again I have consistently cautioned ‘The higher up the tree the monkey climbs the more you see its @rse’
as is becoming ever more apparent in the media as Nigel Farage’s irresponsibility and sociopathy comes under ever greater scrutiny.



firstly a Happy New Year to you all and may 2015 bring us all an irrevocable step nearer to our aim to Leave_The_EU. I hope you all had a great holiday period and return to the fray to work towards ensuring an IN/OUT Referendum and the task of ensuring we win the right to Leave_The_EU conclusively by ensuring thwe public are reassured as to the benefits of being a self determining democracy trading as an independent Nation world wide.

To move forward into the fray and arm for the battle ahead to obtain our independence and repatriate our democracy reinstating our borders and justice system with a restrengthened Westminster with the integrity to represent our peoples rather than themselves!

I have almost without exception enjoyed the perspicacity of Suzanne Cameron-Blackie aka Anna Raccoon whose sharp wit and ascorbic pen I have followed for many years.Again and again she deals in areas where I have experience of the scoundrels concerned be they Robert Green, Anne Greig (aka McKay), David the liar and fruit loop Icke, creepy little Brian Gerrish, the odity Tony Bennett and many more – not least of whom is Michael Shrimpton who somewhat embarrassingly had rather overstayed his couple of nights stay in my home when he once again ‘heard voices’ and saw fit to use my phone to relay his maunderings about nuclear bomb threats, using my phone!Read on, as I am sure you will enjoy the cutting wit of Anna Raccoon and her wicked expose of Rannock’s village idiot the Ukip buffoon and sometime deputy leader then leader for Scotland Christopher Monkton (could that be aka Sacha Cohen?), as much as you may derive amusement from Hayley O’Keeffe’s somewhat kinder reportage of the pure humour of Michael Shrimpton’s parody of himself which she so ably covers ‘with a wink and a nod’!

Anna Raccoon 01

On Ascending to Insanity and Shrimpton Fishing.

Post image for On Ascending to Insanity and Shrimpton Fishing.

by Anna Raccoon on November 26, 2014

I have often pondered why the cliché is ‘descending into madness’ – given the number of people who end up firmly believing that they are the son of the Man upstairs, and spend the rest of their life with arms outstretched and tending their goatee beard, having moved from ‘talking to themselves’ to believing that they are in fact God, or at least JC – without passing ‘Go’. Surely the cliché should be ‘Ascending to Insanity’?

What is the alchemy by which so many people end up convinced by the same fantasy? I have just caught up with a documentary on James Randi – available for another six days on iPlayer, and I cannot recommend it highly enough – utterly enthralling to anyone interested in how and why people not only become consumed by irrational beliefs, but that so many people become consumed by the same beliefs – without ever meeting each other. Randi’s thesis (very roughly!) boils down to a view that people ‘believe what they need to believe, though they think they ‘chose’ what to believe’. Randi describes replicating Uri Geller’s spoon bending trick and revealing it to be part of the Magician’s arsenal of trickery – ‘Geller Believers’ accused him of having psychic powers himself and ‘being in denial’…I was promptly reminded of the time I was accused of having ‘buried’ the ‘traumatic’ occasion on which Savile abused me in a Duncroft dormitory in 1965….it being ‘unbelievable’ to a ‘true believer’ that when I said he simply wasn’t there – that he simply wasn’t there!

Suddenly, our world is full of people who have just realised they were abused in childhood by a celebrity – and there’s not a spoon bender in sight. Vanished, the lot of them. Mind you, there aren’t too many people abducted by aliens around at the moment, either. Each of these ‘beliefs’ have their own lingo – and it is extraordinary how quickly people catch onto the new lexicon. I watched a documentary on Broadmoor too (part two tonight!) and marvelled at how, even incarcerated in there for 25 years, the Thesaurus of abuse had penetrated. Elderly patients now claim to have been ‘groomed’ in childhood, ‘plied’ with alcohol – nobody ever admits to having shoplifted alcohol any longer, or lied to get into a pub underage, as we used to – nope, they now remember they were ‘plied with alcohol’ by sinister older figures – and I wonder how much of this can be accounted for by an instinctive understanding of the lexicon that well meaning counsellors ‘need to believe’.

Before I had time (or rather inclination, let’s be honest here) to put pen to paper – along came Michael Shrimpton QC. What can I say? Wow! Put’s Andrea Davison in the shade.

I first came across Michael when I had the misfortune to be moderating a ‘Madeleine McCann’ forum. Michael managed to pip Mark Williams-Thomas to the Madeleine bandwagon with his seminal INTEL/INFO:

“In my report to the joint of intelligence committee, in the case of Madeleine McCann, She was going to be abused by a senior member of the European commission in Brussels whose name is known to British Intelligence, I can’t identify him in Spyhunter but I know who it is, there is no way that Madeleine could ever be returned alive to her family because the danger would be even at her tender age of 4 she would recognise him and know who was abusing her. So the Germans had to murder her and indeed they eventually did sadly in December 2008″

Strange how the same people pop up time and time again in different conspiracy theories. I ran into quite a few old ‘acquaintances’ from the height of Madeleine hysteria, the Hollie Grieg hoax, Common Purpose, et al as I researched Michael’s ‘ascendancy’ to hallowed high priest of the child abuse clique and honoured guest and Guru for David Icke.  These people must watch ‘Google trends’ like a hawk, and at the first sign of a word trending, formulate a theory full of buzz words like ‘cell’, ‘disinformation’, ‘intelligence operative’, and of course, the ever popular ‘plied’ and ‘grooming’. I’m amazed that none of them latched onto the Oscar Pistorius story, he could have been groomed by South African Intelligence, jailed so that he could be ‘terminated with prejudice’ and never reveal the presence of nuclear weapons removed from the Kursk when it sank, and, and, and….

Too late, Mark Williams-Thomas had already latched onto the Pistorius family…you have to be quick in this game.

Michael had been at full pelt while the media were interested in the London Olympics: he phoned a secretary at the Aylesbury Conservative Association – as you do when you are a self proclaimed ‘intelligence expert on national security’ – and patiently explained to her that German intelligence, which is ‘now in control of Al Qaeda’ was quietly steaming up the Thames in a submarine loaded with nuclear weapons removed from the Kursk, etc, etc,

‘The information was extraordinary and dramatic, in essence Mr Shrimpton announced that a nuclear weapon stolen from the sunken Russian submarine the Kursk a number of years ago, that such a nuclear weapon had been smuggled into the UK and was being stored in a London hospital in preparation to be used during the Olympic games.

He followed this up with calls to the Defence Secretary Philip Hammond to say that this ‘ere nuclear warhead had been stashed in an east London hospital…

His defence case statement filing is a joy to read…if you are behind in your study of current buzz words, do catch up – he has managed to work every single current conspiracy theory in there…but yesterday, our ‘corrupt judiciary’ (every conspiracy theorist knows that our judiciary is corrupt -and, er, Michael should know, ‘cos he used to be a judge…) sent him off for psychiatric evaluation before passing sentence on a charge of ‘communicating false information’. Will he end up in Broadmoor? He will certainly liven up that august establishment, and join forces with the ‘groomed’ and plied’ inhabitants of child abuse fantasy land – oh, did I mention that Michael is already on the sex offenders register? [see the article below this article re Michael Shrimpton’s conviction for child porn – appeal!Framed by the Secret Service, see.

No surprise to find that he was at university with Meirion Jones, Child Abuse Exposer Extraordinaire….


Indeed – Meirion was Editor of the University Paper, and Michael was President of the Union back in 1980… The same people pop up time and time again….

See, I was planning to write a piece yesterday about the latest Labour initiative about ‘Tory toffs’ and top public schools, and how Labour were going to remove their charitable tax relief if they didn’t start lending their best teachers to state school, and Harrods didn’t send their highly paid staff to stand behind the counter in Poundland, ‘cos it was all so unfair – if you went to a top school like Colet Court or St Paul’s School you ended up as Chancellor of the Exchequer or leader of the Liberal Party automatically and this was just an unfair advantage in life – only I couldn’t, because it just isn’t true.

You can go to Colet Court or St Paul’s School – and end up as Editor of the University Paper, or in the left luggage cupboard at Panorama, a left wing firebrand, part of the Labour fringe determined to expose those Tory toffs with all the advantages in life – just like Meirion Jones – who went to Colet Court and St. Paul’s and didn’t become Chancellor of the Exchequer.

But then he did get to meet Mark Williams-Thomas, who is busy ‘passing information to Operation Whateverthelatestnameis’ on the child abuse that took place at Colet Court and St Pauls’….

Stop! Stop! For pity’s sake Stop!

My head is reeling – how many of these people know each other?

Coming soon – Williams-Thomas reports on D-notice issued in respect of Meirion’s latest oeuvre on German submarine seen heading up the Thames in the direction of Duncroft piloted by Andrea Davison, carrying Shrimpton to safety with ISIS. Emily Thornberry resigns after accidentally tweeting picture of Pistorius carrying luggage holding Clegg bound and gagged and padlocked….

It’s got to the point where you can’t write anything without one of these nutters popping up in the story.

Edited by Anna to add: It seems that Michael is not a QC – though was a judge….I have now established that by following several more links including one where he was hired by the venerable Lord Christopher Monckton – who is the only Lord that the House of Lord’s have ever had to post on their web site a public note asking him to desist from describing himself as ‘sitting in the House of Lords’  after he appeared on an Australian TV show denying he was Sacha Cohen…

Well, actually the ‘Not sitting in the House of’ Lords Monckton was interviewed by Adam Spencer, following his hiring of the ‘Not QC’ Shrimpton about the ‘Not Nationalised’ Rannoch to Glasgow railway line which is now the only railway line in the world required to run – by law…

Are you sure you’ve got all that? Yes? I can climb out of this rabbit hole now? Personally, I’d sentence the whole lot of them to run the ‘Not Child Abuse Tribunal’.

Good. Now enjoy Lord Monckton attempting to prove that he’s not Sacha Cohen either…..

To view the original article + comments at source CLICK HERE

Ex-judge: ‘Secret service framed me over child porn’

Michael Shrimpton on the USS Enterprise in 2006

Michael Shrimpton on the USS Enterprise in 2006



A former judge claims secret service agents planted child porn on his computer memory stick in a plot to discredit him.

Michael Shrimpton, an outspoken critic of foreign affairs who advised Chilean dictator General Pinochet, said officers switched the memory stick, which also contained a book he was writing on German intelligence practices,

An appeal against his conviction heard his home in Jusons Glebe, Wendover was searched in April 2012 after he contacted the Ministry of Defence to warn them about an attempt he had uncovered to detonate a dirty nuclear bomb at the Olympics.

However, police instead arrested Mr Shrimpton and found a number of memory sticks which were bagged and labelled by officers.

Only one, which was found in a green glasses case next to Mr Shrimpton’s bed, was found to have contained deleted files, 40 of which were found by police specialists to be indecent images of young boys.

Mr Shrimpton, a barrister and former immigration judge who once advised Pinochet during his fight against extradition from Britain in the nineties, was sentenced to a three year supervision order, a five year Sexual Offences Prevention Order and was told to sign the Sex Offenders Register for possessing indecent images.

Representing himself, the 57 year old told the hearing at Aylesbury Crown Court sitting at Amersham that he believes intelligence services engaged a tactical interception system called G12, to monitor the search on his home and tamper with the items recovered.

He also claimed that he can prove his credentials as an intelligence specialist using a certificate gained when he was flown out to the USS Enterprise Navy aircraft carrier in 2006, and said that address books at his home contained direct numbers for world intelligence agencies.

Prosecuting, Richard Barton told Judge Karen Holt that he did not dispute that Mr Shrimpton had been aboard the USS Enterprise, but did not accept that it was as an intelligence specialist.

He also accepted that Mr Shrimpton’s own laptop computer was not the one used to download the indecent images onto the memory stick.

In court Mr Shrimpton said that he believed police did not have authority to take the laptop or memory stick, because his home is also used as his chambers for law work and could have contained legally sensitive information.

Speaking to the Bucks Herald outside court Mr Shrimpton said that he was ‘not worried’ about the case, and dismissed it as an effort to discredit him for being outspoken about key political issues as an intelligence specialist.

He said: “With every respect to the CPS and TVP this prosecution, based on an allegation of possession of a memory stick which has neither my fingerprints nor DNA on it, is a farce.

“TVP also admit my fingerprints are not on the laptop they have, which, absurdly, they claim is the one they unlawfully seized from my new home in April 2012.

“I wrote my new book Spyhunter on the original laptop. Spyhunter is a 330,000 word intelligence text, the writing of which involved at least a million keystrokes, i.e. the prosecution are alleging that a laptop which I touched at least a million times is mine even though there is not single fingerprint of mine on it, nor any of my DNA.”

The former chairman of Watermead Parish Council has been outspoken on issues including the search for Madeleine McCann, the 911 attacks, the war in Iraq, and international government involvement in the sinking of the Titanic.

Most recently he spoke out claiming that Malaysian Airlines Flight MH370 was shot down by a Chinese missile.

The case continues

To view the original of this article CLICK HERE






 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance

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Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins

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Michael Shrimpton Faces Jail For Bomb Hoax

Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 25/11/2014

Michael Shrimpton Faces Jail For Bomb Hoax

 Please Be Sure To .Follow Greg_LW on Twitter. Re-TWEET my Twitterings
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The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
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is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!  


Sometime speaker for Ukip & conspiracy theorist Michael Shrimpton Faces Jail For Bomb Hoax and fantasy of DVD sinking the Kursk & planning a nuclear bomb at 2012 Olympics!!!


having first met Michael around 15 years ago when he was the speaker at a Ukip supporters meeting I attended and having worked with him in the Ukip metric martyrs case, where he defended Steve Thoburn and having had him as a house guest for over a month on one occasion I have little doubt that he needs help rather than punishment and I hope he gets it.
I believe that if he receives a prison sentence it could make his obvious problems even more acute.
Good luck to Michael on the 6-Feb-2015 when he comes up for sentencing as I do not believe that Michael meant any harm and his over active imagination and general detachment from reality has been steadily building towards this problem over many years.
Amusing as Michael can be as a speaker his theories have made him a figure of fun and ridicule in the main though he has something of a cult following amongst some of the more gullible conspiracy theorists as with his risible theories regarding the McCann  case!

Fantasist barrister faces jail for sparking security scare with claim that German spies were planning ’24-style’ nuclear attack on the Queen at London Olympics

  • Michael Shrimpton, 57, called Parliament over nuclear threat in April 2012
  • Said German spies had weapon in London and were going to attack Queen
  • Is facing jail after being found guilty of communicating false information
  • But sentencing delayed until next year while psychiatric test carried out 
Michael Shrimpton, 57, is facing jail after being found guilty of phoning Parliament in April 2012 to say the Queen was the target of a nuclear attack

Michael Shrimpton, 57, is facing jail after being found guilty of phoning Parliament in April 2012 to say the Queen was the target of a nuclear attack

A barrister who claimed that German spies were plotting to attack the Queen with a nuclear weapon at the London Olympics has been found guilty of communicating false information.

Michael Shrimpton, 57, called a close colleague of former Defence Secretary Philip Hammond in April 2012 to say that a nuclear warhead had been stashed in an east London hospital and was going to be used to attack either the Queen, the Olympic Stadium, or the opening ceremony.

He also claimed his house in Wendover, Buckinghamshire, was a ‘bona fide’ HQ for an international intelligence network – but he is today facing jail after being found guilty at Southwark Crown Court.

A jury of nine men and three women found Shrimpton guilty of two counts of communicating false information after more than six hours of deliberation, with majority 11-1 verdicts.

Sentencing will take place in February of next year after Judge Alistair McCreath QC ordered that Shrimpton be sent for psychiatric evaluation.

Judge McCreath said: ‘The sentence that I pass upon you will have to reflect that gravity of the conduct of which you have been convicted.

‘But if, as may be the case, there is some underlying reason for it, then it seems to me important that I be informed of that underlying reason and I am therefore minded to order that you undergo psychiatric examination.’

Shrimpton, author of ‘Spyhunter: The Secret History of German Intelligence’, replied he had ‘no objection’ to the order.

In April 2012, just as preparations for the London Olympics were entering their final phase, Shrimpton contacted Barry Burton, the principal private secretary to Philip Hammond.

He told Mr Burton that spies from ‘a covert and rather sinister’ Germany agency had sabotaged Russian submarine Kursk, which sank in 2000, and stole four nuclear warheads.

The lawyer boasted of ‘credible European sources’, name-dropped members of parliament, and said intelligence had been blocked through official channels because the Germans had infiltrated MI5, MI6 and GCHQ.

During the 20-minute call Shrimpton said he had gathered intelligence from his own network of volunteers that one warhead was being stored in a hospital in London to avoid detection.

Mr Burton suspected that the call had been a hoax, but was forced to pass the information over to the Olympic security team and the police.

The following day Shrimpton phoned the Aylesbury Conservative Association and asked to speak with MP David Lidington about the threat, which he described as being in the style of American TV show ’24’.

The call was reported to a colleague at Parliament, and Shrimpton was arrested the same day.

Shrimpton called a close colleague of then Defence Secretary Philip Hammond to say German spies had looted four nuclear warheads from a sunken Russia sub and were hiding one in London for the attack

Shrimpton called a close colleague of then Defence Secretary Philip Hammond to say German spies had looted four nuclear warheads from a sunken Russia sub and were hiding one in London for the attack

Shrimpton claimed his arrest was a ‘colossal cock-up’, blamed the Germans and demanded a ‘nice lunch with MI5’.

In interview at Aylesbury police station he boasted he was a ‘national security specialist’ with hundreds of intelligence contacts who acted as a back channel between governments.

Representing himself at his two-week trial, he told jurors he worked on the investigation into Madeleine McCann’s disappearance and the case of Chilean dictator General Augusto Pinochet.

He read extracts from his address book with a number of ‘contacts’ in the CIA, FBI, MI6, the Pentagon, Chinese intelligence and Parliament.

Shrimpton said: ‘I admit that the stuff I deal with is bound to sound strange, high falutin, incredible and fantastic.It’s my world, welcome to my world.’

Shrimpton claimed he has rubbed shoulders with royalty, former Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and listed a number of famous names including Richard Branson and Steven Forbes.

Giving evidence he boasted of meeting Prince Philip twice in a social context and claimed to have to Royal’s phone number.

Shrimpton said the information had been blocked through official channels because the Germans had infiltrated MI5, MI6, and GCHQ (pictured, the Queen at the London 2012 opening ceremony)

Shrimpton said the information had been blocked through official channels because the Germans had infiltrated MI5, MI6, and GCHQ (pictured, the Queen at the London 2012 opening ceremony)

Among his other claims were that he was consulted by the makers of TV show Spooks on his specialist knowledge, that the CIA had allowed him to enter the U.S. carrying a weapon, and that the LA Sheriff’s Department had discussed terror attacks with him over a cup of coffee.

He also insisted he has the authority to issue a Defence Advisory Notice on behalf of the government to stop British media from publishing stories that could compromise national security.

He said he wanted to prevent the News of the World from blowing his intelligence, and added they were ‘very cooperative’.

Shrimpton told jurors that there had been an assassination attempt against him by the Chinese authorities who wanted to ‘whack’ him. 

In response, prosecutor Alan Blake said: ‘The information was extraordinary and dramatic, in essence Mr Shrimpton announced that a nuclear weapon stolen from the sunken Russian submarine the Kursk a number of years ago, that such a nuclear weapon had been smuggled into the UK and was being stored in a London hospital in preparation to be used during the Olympic games.

‘With the benefit of hindsight the information may seem outlandish, perhaps even laughable.

‘Before being too dismissive do recall the position in 2012 when those calls were made.’

Sitting at Southwark Crown Court, Judge Alistair McCreath QC delayed sentencing for Shrimpton until February next year while the lawyer has psychiatric tests

Sitting at Southwark Crown Court, Judge Alistair McCreath QC delayed sentencing for Shrimpton until February next year while the lawyer has psychiatric tests

At that stage, surface to air missiles had just been installed on the tops of a number of blocks of flats and it was feared terrorists could infiltrate G4S staff after the security company began frantically hiring after announcing a staff shortage, the court heard.

Mr Blake said Shrimpton was a ‘respected professional man’ who has ‘superficial plausibility’.

He added: ‘It is the prosecution’s case that the information provided by Mr Shrimpton was false and that when he communicated those threats he didn’t honestly or genuinely believe that they were true or rather knew or believed that they were false.’

Shrimpton was granted conditional bail ahead of sentencing on February 6

To view the original article CLICK HERE




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Sometime Ukip Speaker Michael Shrimpton Faces Bomb Charges!

Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 11/11/2014

Sometime Ukip Speaker Michael Shrimpton Faces Bomb Charges!

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The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
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is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!  


Sometime Ukip Speaker:

The Barrister Michael Shrimpton is in Court & Faces Bomb related Charges!


Shrimpton trial day two: Barrister called defence chiefs over plot to blow up the Queen
Published 11 November 2014

A barrister called a government minister to claim that a nuclear bomb was poised to blow up the Queen in a terrorist attack at the Olympics a court heard this week.

Michael Shrimpton, of Jusons Glebe, Wendover, called an agent at his local Conservative Association and allegedly told her he had heard reports of an “approach signed off by Putin” involving a warhead that could be aimed at the Queen.

The 57-year-old self-proclaimed intelligence and defence expert had called then-Defence Secretary MP Philip Hammond the previous day and told him the country was under threat of a nuclear attack from a weapon stolen from sunken Russian submarine the Kursk, the jury was told.

He said he had picked up information from “credible European sources” that intelligence was being blocked by official channels about the terror threat and left a message for Mr Hammond, in which he dropped the names of several MPs.
He told police who arrested him the following day that hauling him in for questioning was “a colossal cock-up worthy of an apology, damages and lunch on the MI5.”

Southwark Crown Court heard yesterday that after the claims made on April 19, 2012, Shrimpton called Sarah Sproat, who worked for the Conservation Association in Aylesbury, Bucks, the following day at 1.28pm.

Miss Sproat told the court her notes, taken during the half-hour call, read: “Mini panic – nuclear device in East London from Russian subs.

“Arming from Moscow, think approach signed off by Putin. Reporting confirmed overnight, one of four weapons taken from Kursk, denied in 2000. Russian warhead, in direct contact with Kremlin.”

Miss Sproat said Shrimpton wanted the message passed on to MP David Lidington, the National Security Council and Andrew Lansley, then health minister, as well as William Hague.

She said that Shrimpton, a former patron of the association, told her the bomb could be hidden near a hospital, and said: “The radiation from the hospital might be hiding the radiation from the bomb, so he needed to contact Andrew Lansley.”

Miss Sproat added: “It sounded like it could be possible but then probably not. I then thought if the Queen was blown up and I didn’t pass it on I would be worried,” adding that the barrister gave her the impression “it could go off and was aimed at the Queen”.

Shrimpton, representing himself, said her notes could have been taken down wrong as they were not a verbatim record of what was said. He claimed he had said there was “reporting” of a threat, rather than him having the information.

He said his concern was the Olympic opening ceremony was a rare occasion when the Queen, along with Prince Charles, Prince William and Prince Harry would be present at the same time. The court earlier heard that Shrimpton had claimed the German Defence Service, DVD, was responsible for sabotaging the Kursk and stated the service now controls Al Qaeda and had penetrated MI5 and MI6.

Shrimpton refused to reveal his sources to police but said they included “someone in Munich who lunches with the Pope.”

Judge Alistair McCreath warned Shrimpton about his behaviour while representing himself in court earlier in the case.

“I will not have conspiracy theories bandied around the court,” he said, following Shrimpton’s assertions that nuclear warheads had previously ‘gone missing’ in the UK.

To view the original of this article CLICK HERE
Also see other coverage CLICK HERE
Details of Michael Shrimpton’s earlier Court appearances can be found on my blogs with use of the >Search< facility also comment on some of his other many conspiracy fantasies and theories of varying implausibility!




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Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins

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#0145* – Harry BECKHOUGH SHARP AS EVER AT 97 @ The Tory Conference 2010

Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 07/10/2010

#0145* – Harry BECKHOUGH SHARP AS EVER AT 97 @ The Tory Conference 2010
Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 
The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!
Harry BECKHOUGH SHARP AS EVER AT 97 @ The Tory Conference 2010!
I am humbled to have first met Harry as a friend about 15 years ago –
He is a remarkable character! <!–var googleUrl="/telegraph/template/ver1-0/templates/fragments/search/components/google/GAFSTransform.jsp?";function doneGAFShtml (htmlstr) { //alert(htmlstr); htmlstr = htmlstr.split("<").join("”).join(“>”).split(“&”).join(“&”); var parts = htmlstr.split(“[BREAK]”); var slot1 = document.getElementById(“gafsslot1”); var slot2 = document.getElementById(“gafsslot2”); if (parts[0] != null) { slot1.innerHTML=parts[0]; if (parts[1] != null) { slot2.innerHTML=parts[1]; } }}function initGoogleWS () { var ajaxgws = new AJAXInteraction(googleUrl+’q=%22tim+Congdon%22&ua=Mozilla%2F5.0+%28Windows%3B+U%3B+Windows+NT+5.1%3B+en-US%3B+rv%3A1.9.1.10%29+Gecko%2F20100504+Firefox%2F3.5.10+%28+.NET+CLR+3.5.30729%29&ip=’, null, doneGAFShtml); ajaxgws.doGet();}initGoogleWS();//–>

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Sadly there is something of a dirth of characters like Harry or we might not be in the sad position we now hold.

That said he was and is an honourable man a rare commodity amongst politicians nowadays as it has become a ‘job’ with minimum work and maximum pay and attracts some of the most loathsone oiks – one need only read UKIP members only Forum or Anthony Butcher’s scrofulous followers who post with ignorant regularity.

May I commend other talks by Harry on You Tube for The Marlborough Research Group which he still runs with Robert Francis both friends who used to attend the political weekends at The Huntsman Nr. Chepstow, which I used to run (more like herding cats! and on that note not only have we lost Christopher Story but Michael Shrimpton is going back home to Oz at the end of this month!)

 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance

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Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
tel: 01291 – 62 65 62
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