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Archive for the ‘Mike NATRASS MEP’ Category

#0702* – Mike NATTRASS & The Sunday Times + PEARSON’S HoL BILL

Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 27/11/2011

#0702* – Mike NATTRASS & The Sunday Times + PEARSON’S HoL BILL

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To Spread The Facts World Wide



Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 


The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!  

Mike NATTRASS & The Sunday Times + PEARSON’S HoL BILL!

Mike Nattrass gets his clarification 2 years late!
Malcolm Lord Pearson obtains his 2nd. Reading of his
‘EU Membership (Economic Implications) Bill’

Only 9 more steps to go CLICK HERE!



November two years ago was a buy time on my UKIP blog with 49 entries which are still available on the archive at CLICK HERE

It is astonishing just how little UKIP has changed – still squabbling and back stabbing – still with its army of cowardly sock puppets sneering and smearing in cowardly anonymity and still going out of their way to antagonise the media!

It was November 2009 that Tom Wise let Nigel Farage and Lindsay Jenkins off the hook legally as you may remember Lindsay Jenkins was a co defendant in a fraud and embezellment case before the courts with Tom Wise and Nigel Farage was likely to become more than just a simple witness in the case having serially lied about his relationship with Wise but Tom Wise finally developing some back bone when he realised the game was up and his posturing and denials were on the verge of being blown wide open changed his plea to Guilty and was sentenced to 2 years in prison and the repayment of the money he had stolen.

In that same month after being insulted and lied about by UKIP members Daniel Foggo wrote another factual article about UKIP as many will remember and the actual blog I wrote on the matter was on November 15 at CLICK HERE

Some will remeber the precursor I wrote:

Sunday, 8 November 2009



Clean EUkip up NOW & make UKIP electable!

The corruption of some of EUkip’s leadership, their anti UKIP claque & the NEC is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!


The list is quite interesting but currently sub judice – suffice to say ex chairman, 6 interviewed in London, ex MEPs, ex leader, 5 MEPs I noted, numerous ex staff, numerous others with case numbers etc.

UKIP MEPs’ expenses probed
EU anti-fraud investigators are conducting an inquiry into the United Kingdom Independence party over its MEPs’ use of expense allowances. Olaf, the body that polices MEPs, has sent officers to the UK, who were last week interviewing potential witnesses.

The development comes in the same week that Tom Wise, a former UKIP MEP, was convicted of embezzling taxpayers’ money intended as his assistant’s salary while he was working for the party.

Original Article CLICK HERE

It took 4 Years to bring Tom Wise to book!


What is the exit and survival plan for these United Kingdoms to maximise on the many benefits of leaving The EU. It is the DUTY of our Politicians and Snivil Cervants to ensure the continuity, liberty and right to self determination of our peoples they have a DUTY to protect against crime and secure both our food and our border.

NONE of these DUTIES has a single British politician upheld for 40 years. They have drawn their incomes fraudulently and dishonesty.

Politicians are failing to tell the truth, but so are almost all wanabe Politicians, the MSM and Snivil Cervants.

The fact is that even if EVERY British MEP wanted change in The EU it would achieve NOTHING.
Every single British Politician, of EVERY Party, elected since before we joined the EUropean Common Market, has promised to change The EU’s CAP – In 40 Years they have achieved absolutely NOTHING!

To try to put a value on OUR Freedom is as futile as floccipaucinihilipilification and as odious as the metissage of our societies, as we rummage in the ashes of our ancestors dreams, sacrifices and achievements, the flotsam of our hopes and the jetsam of our lives, consider the Country and Anglosphere which we thus leave our children and the future, with shame!

Greg L-W.
01291 – 62 65 62


I SUGGEST – since there is clearly no political party of repute, advocating or campaigning for withdrawal of these United Kingdoms from the EU and restoration of our independent sovereign, democracy, with Justice & the right to self determination in a free country. Deny the self seeking & meaningless wanabe MEPs the Mythical Mandate for which they clamour. Diktat is imposed from The EU but Law should be made at Westminster, for our Country & our Peoples.

Write Upon Your Ballot Paper at EVERY election:


I subsequenrt to the article in The Sunday Times wrote further on:

Sunday, 22 November 2009



Clean EUkip up NOW & make UKIP electable!

The corruption of some of EUkip’s leadership, their anti UKIP claque & the NEC is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!



NATTRASS SEEKS A FACE SAVER for his risible result in the leadership election and beig publiclly humiliated as an uncredible leader! Years liking Farage’s boots and doing what he was told like a sad puppet only to be treated like that on National TV true as it was it was clearly unkind of Farage, in his fear that Sinclaire might actually beat his chosen puppet Pearson.

You may well have read the article here CLICK which covered/contained The Sunday Times announcement that Mike Nattrass was, along with various others, under investigation on various counts by OLAF and of course Daniel Foggo published the story and subsequent facts pertaining to Tom Wise which eventually saw Wise in Prison and showed beyond doubt that Nigel Farage was a liar when he claimed he had removed/fired whatever Wise as soon as they knew – It was Foggo who made it clear that EUkip had colluded in numerous attempts to cover-up the crimes.

The story was not in-accurate – it is conveniently forgotten by the pond life of EUkip that Daniel Foggo is a leading award winning investigative Journalist who has broken some huge stories around the world whilst they merely feed from the public purse in a sordid self enrichment programme. Daniel having exposed the hypocracy of Knapman and then Farage who despite promises to the contarary employed his wife.

Unfortunately part of his next story was sourced elsewhere and although it led to a letter of apology from Farage’s solicitors to The Times the Sunday Times opted to make a payment not on the principle of hypocracy being wrong, but that the new informant had supplied incomplete information and checks with the authorities were then equally as erroneous.

In this instance Michael Nattrass EUkip MEP is being investigated by OLAF.

Amusingly an ‘e’Mailer of long standing with BNP leanings circulated the story:

Andrew Edwards circulated the Sunday Times article with the comment:

Subject: UKIP MEP Michael Nattrass in expenses fraud inquiry:

Looks like Daniel Foggo has uncovered another one of UKIP’s ‘innocent men‘!!!  As Foggo implies, this investigation is part of a wider one, so who will be next.  There will be some other very nervous UKIP MEP’s this morning!

The link to The Sunday Times is: CLICK HERE
 & reads:

UKIP MEP Michael Nattrass in expenses fraud inquiry

(Paul Vicente)
MEP Mike Nattrass
An MEP for the United Kingdom Independence party is being investigated by the European Union’s anti-fraud watchdog over his use of expenses.
Michael Nattrass, who has represented the West Midlands in the European parliament since 2004, is the subject of an inquiry into whether Denis Brookes, one of his former aides, was paid through public funds while he was working as a regional organiser for UKIP. The EU does not allow taxpayers’ money to be used to pay party officials.
The inquiry into Nattrass, which is part of a wider investigation into UKIP’s finances, comes as one of its former MEPs, Tom Wise, was jailed last week for two years for embezzling funds out of his assistant’s allowance.
Separately, it has also emerged that Nattrass was using a business of which he was an equity partner as the “paying agent” for all his assistants’ salaries provided by the EU.
Between 2004 and summer this year, all of his assistants’ allowances were channelled through the business account of Nattrass Giles, a chartered surveyors in Birmingham which he founded nearly 30 years ago.
Nattrass was a signatory to the bank account, although he insisted last night that the administration was handled by another partner in the firm who has since died.
MEPs must not act as their own paying agents. The role can only be performed by “third parties”.
New rules brought in since July this year have further tightened the controls and MEPs can now only use accredited people or companies as paying agents.
Nattrass said he had been told by EU officials that he could use his Birmingham company.

He also insisted that Brookes had worked for him in his capacity as an MEP until his employment as an aide came to an end three years ago.

The facts behind this are at CLICK HERE

Quite the idiot Nattrass had someone write a letter for him (it is in intelligible English!) as:

Dear All.

I am pleased to say there is no truth in the Foggo article.

Foggo knows this because we spoke prior to him going to press… but it made no difference…. so much for the facts.

There is no enquiry into paying agents. So there is no “Fraud Enquiry” However>

Nattrass Giles were not Limited. Foggo knows this and the shares stuff is a made up Foggo mythe. He even confirmed he knew it was not limited when I spoke to him!

NG were suggested as paying agent by the EU officials when I filled in the forms in 2004. I declared my connection with NG and it complied with the rules. NG paid very few employees as paying agents and the payroll was overseen by Chartered Accountants. It more than complied with the EU rules, because at that time the Chartered Accountants were not essential

They are asking whether Brookes worked for me or for the Party as RO. This is Brookes again complaining and I have beaten him off many times in court on this already. He worked for me and the fact is obvious as this was my very high profile argument with him when he failed to attend meetings.

Anyway it appears the Times want to stop me in the leadership race.

I like a challenge like this. But it may be time to go for damages against the Sunday Times and Edwards and the inflamed way Edwards reports these things will not impress the court. 


So lets look at this in some detail:

I am pleased to say there is no truth in the Foggo article. 

 Having read Foggo’s article and having checked the details what wasn’t true – I can see no errors in it so why are you making a fool of yourself Nattrass?
Foggo knows this because we spoke prior to him going to press… but it made no difference…. so much for the facts.
Well having spoken to him you will probably have told him that when you got back from swanning around in the Philippines on a family holiday having had all summer off it seems! As a doughty MEP for EUkip you had received the information that Derek Bennett the fireplace chap and part time Regional Organiser had been questioned by OLAF and I presume that they had tried to clarify Lynn Ashraff’s position too and others. No doubt Nattrass also told Foggo that he had received some of the details  from OLAF regarding the fraud enquiry.

Which fact was it Nattrass didn’t understand exactly?

There is no enquiry into paying agents. So there is no “Fraud Enquiry” However>

I wonder if that was what Nattrass was told or what he would like to portray or even believe.

Nattrass Giles were not Limited. Foggo knows this and the shares stuff is a made up Foggo mythe. 
 Even in the original article there was no mention of Limited!

It has also emerged that Nattrass was using a company of which he was a shareholding partner as the “paying agent” for all his assistants’ salaries provided by the EU.

You will note since it is a standard paper rather than a financial journal it called Nattrass a ‘shareholding partner’ had it been a financial journal it would no doubt have said he had ‘a share in the equity having been a founding partner’.
He even confirmed he knew it was not limited when I spoke to him!
So Foggo was right – glad Nattrass confirmed that!
NG were suggested as paying agent by the EU officials when I filled in the forms in 2004. 
I do doubt that they understood because this clearly is not compliant with the intent of ‘paying agents’. 

I declared my connection with NG and it complied with the rules.

This is just not very plausible – what would be the point of paying agents? The aim is to remove the MEP from control of the money not just to put it into an account with a different name that the MEP controls!

NG paid very few employees as paying agents and the payroll was overseen by Chartered Accountants. It more than complied with the EU rules, because at that time the Chartered Accountants were not essential

 No but the purpose was that Nattrass did NOT have control of his own expenses.

They are asking whether Brookes worked for me or for the Party as RO.

Then why is Nattrass dennying he is being investigated when he is?

This is Brookes again complaining and I have beaten him off many times in court on this already.

Oh so there is an on going investigation!

He worked for me and the fact is obvious as this was my very high profile argument with him when he failed to attend meetings.

In normal parlance this is called a defence!

Anyway it appears the Times want to stop me in the leadership race.

This is delusional – The Sunday Times could care less who wins and clearly Nattrass is nowhere near a runner – he even Miked off on holiday during the campaign. Farage was spot on when he said of Nattrass & Batten they were ‘uncrdible candidates for the leadership!

I like a challenge like this. But it may be time to go for damages against the Sunday Times and Edwards and the inflamed way Edwards reports these things will not impress the court.

If Nattrass is serious he is an even greater idiot than many of us thought him to be!

Before emulating Farage and making an utter pratt of himself in the Courts and risking the same type of debts Farage has incurred I suggest poor old Mike tries to explain what his case against The Sunday Times is as to more than shout rude words and sabre rattle could well do Nattrass a huge financial damage.

Interestingly, much as EUkip might like to control Freedom of Speech just what crime does Nattrass believe Edwards has committed? That would look good as Nattrass would surely loose!

Now – 2 years later in response to the large investment in legal fees Mike Nattrass has made – the story has been confirmed as 100% accurate by the Sunday Times this weekend.

Mike Nattrass MEP

The Sunday Times Published: 27 November 2011

An article (print headline: “MEP in fraud inquiry”; online headline: “UKIP MEP Michael Nattrass in expenses fraud inquiry”, November 15 2009) reported an investigation by a European Union watchdog into whether Mike Nattrass MEP had used public funds intended for the payment of parliamentary aides to pay a UK Independence party regional organiser. That investigation has been completed with no action taken against Mr Nattrass. The article also stated that payments were channelled through the firm Nattrass Giles Limited. We were not suggesting the company was part of, or merited, any investigation and are happy to clarify the position.

To view the original of this confirmation that the original article was true CLICK HERE

It is easy for the cowardly UKIP sneerers as they shelter in shame behind their false identities to check that I consistently stated that it was unwise for Mike Nattrass to waste time and money on lawyers as no apology would be published since the first article was correct.

In fact one could speculate that a polite letter asking that a clarification of the original statement of facts and the subsequent outcome could well have been obtained at no cost many months ago!

What was surprising was that in clarifying the fact that OLAF were not taking further action against Nattrass in this issue that they did take action against Graham Booth ordering him to repay money – Just as with nigel Farage, Tom Wise, Jeffrey Titford, Derek Clark and no doubt others in the past – and the inquiries by OLAF would seem still to be being taken agaimnst Stuart Agnew and David Bannerman – a list to which OLAF # OF/2011/10/17 into Gerard Batten would seem to have been recently added.

It was during that time that Nigel Farage was off show boating and had endeqavoured the coronation of his puppet leader Malcolm Lord Pearson – who to be fair had played a passable hand as a EUroSceptic in The House of Lords but was to prove to be a catastrophic, incompetent, weak and dishonest leader of UKIP.

To be fair he eventually admitted he was hopeless at politics and had been a disaster as a leader of UKIP – If only Nigel Farage had learned from him and also admitted he has been a catastrophic leader of UKIP like Pearson bringing UKIP into disrepute though to be fair Pearson’s behaviour was not as squalid and amoral as that of Farage.

Both Pearson & Farage have great skills in their own areas but as leaders they are an embarrassment.

Fasrage has proved a quick tongue and lively speaker able to perform slickly and competently in a manner that impresses many but like Pearson is no leader!

Pearson on the other hand has turned in consistent sterling work in The House of Lords as shown by the recent second reading of his excellent:

European Union Membership (Economic Implications) Bill [HL]

Second Reading

10.10 am
Moved By Lord Pearson of Rannoch
    That the Bill be read a second time.

Lord Pearson of Rannoch: My Lords, I am truly grateful to all noble Lords who are to speak today. This is not the first time that your Lordships have debated this or a similar Bill at Second Reading. We did so last some four and a half years ago, on 8 June 2007, and we had similar debates on 11 February 2004, 27 June 2003 and 17 March 2000. The series would not be complete without mentioning 31 January 1997, when your Lordships’ House voted at Second Reading for a Bill that would have taken us out of the European Union altogether.

etc. ……………….

To read the balance of this second reading CLICK HERE at the end of column 1214 of 25-Nov-2011and you will note if you read on to the end the Second Reading was passed!

Hopeless, dishonest, corrupt and incompetent as a political leader as Pearson may be he is to be congratulated for his work on this Bill and its outcome so far.

Would that Farage would learn from his example and stand aside to do what he can do well rather than endlessly damage and divide UKIP by pretence to leadership skills he has shown he not only lacks but has no understanding of – staying in place only by shinning like a nickel in a dung heap having gathered around him low lifes and nere-do-wells on the make and the take, purely to outshine their shoddy behaviour.
. .

 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance

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Posted in EUkip, Fraud, House of Lords, LEADERSHIP, Lord Pearson, MEPs, Mike NATRASS MEP, OLAF, Tom WISE, UKIP | Leave a Comment »

#0669* – More Lies on Anthony BUTCHER’s UKIP Forum!

Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 04/10/2011

Steve MORSON’S abusive apologia has been added 05-Oct-2011 02:12hrs.

#0669* – More Lies on Anthony BUTCHER’s UKIP Forum!

 Please Be Sure To 
.Follow Greg_LW on Twitter.  
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& Publicise My Blogs 

To Spread The Facts World Wide



Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 


The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!  
More Lies on Anthony BUTCHER’s UKIP controlled Forum!
This time about The Sunday Times!!



I know that it is to be expected that Anthony Butcher’s UKIP controlled Forum is prone to publishing outright dishonesty but it was surprising to see this garbage from the particular poster as his comments are usually quite sound.

I presume he is regurgitating some piece of propaganda he has been fed!

The Sunday Times has been vehemently anti-UKIP for years, and my thoughts go back to Nov. 2009, when Daniel Foggo recycled some long-slayed rubbish about Mike Nattrass, for no seeming reason other than space-filling. A subsequent OLAF investigation completely cleared him.

To view the original comment on The corrupt & dishonest UKIP Controlled Forum CLICK HERE

Let us consider this in detail:

The Sunday Times has been vehemently anti-UKIP for years,

I very much doubt that one shred of evidence can be provided to back this statement – I believe that it is completely groundless, and maybe an appologia for the fact that UKIP get very little coverage in serious papers as they have achieved so very little having only managed to win less than 30 elected seats out of the 19,500 available in British politics in 20 years!

UKIP are hardly news worthy except when they do something of some note! Mostly exemplared by childish stunts, fraud, drunken dishonesty or stupidity, racism, xenophobia, anti homosexuality or support for violence and the behaviour of Anders Breivik whom their group praised!

and my thoughts go back to Nov. 2009,

The comment does indeed indicate lobotomy!

when Daniel Foggo recycled some long-slayed rubbish about Mike Nattrass,

Presumably this article:

The link to The Sunday Times is: CLICK HERE
 & reads:

UKIP MEP Michael Nattrass in expenses fraud inquiry

An MEP for the United Kingdom Independence party is being investigated by the European Union’s anti-fraud watchdog over his use of expenses.
Michael Nattrass, who has represented the West Midlands in the European parliament since 2004, is the subject of an inquiry into whether Denis Brookes, one of his former aides, was paid through public funds while he was working as a regional organiser for UKIP. The EU does not allow taxpayers’ money to be used to pay party officials.
The inquiry into Nattrass, which is part of a wider investigation into UKIP’s finances, comes as one of its former MEPs, Tom Wise, was jailed last week for two years for embezzling funds out of his assistant’s allowance.
Separately, it has also emerged that Nattrass was using a business of which he was an equity partner as the “paying agent” for all his assistants’ salaries provided by the EU.
Between 2004 and summer this year, all of his assistants’ allowances were channelled through the business account of Nattrass Giles, a chartered surveyors in Birmingham which he founded nearly 30 years ago.
Nattrass was a signatory to the bank account, although he insisted last night that the administration was handled by another partner in the firm who has since died.
MEPs must not act as their own paying agents. The role can only be performed by “third parties”.
New rules brought in since July this year have further tightened the controls and MEPs can now only use accredited people or companies as paying agents.
Nattrass said he had been told by EU officials that he could use his Birmingham company.

He also insisted that Brookes had worked for him in his capacity as an MEP until his employment as an aide came to an end three years ago.

The article was of course 100% true and directly based on comments made by OLAF at the time.

for no seeming reason other than space-filling.

Yes indeed responsible journalists working on responsible newspapers use NEWS as space fillers to produce what is called a ‘News Paper’.

A subsequent OLAF investigation completely cleared him.

I am unaware of any subsequent OLAF investigation ever being made into Mike Nattrass – perhaps the author might care to publish the details of said ‘Subsequent’ investigation.

I am aware that the investigation into Mike Nattrass and Graham Booth to which Daniel Foggo referred in his article was ongoing when the article was written in that OLAF had NOT published its outcome.

Interestingly, although Mike Nattrass made much huff and puff about the article and risibly tried to claim it was the reason he was not elected leader – firstly that Mike having taken most of the summer off in his villa in Portugal had then gone, when the EU pretend parliament resat, had gone on holiday to The Phillipines to visit his daughter. His absence and the fact that he had done so very little clearly had much to do with him being little more than a joke candidate for leader of UKIP but then again weren’t they all a joke!

The investigation when it was concluded showed beyond all reasonable doubt that Mike Nattrass’ claims regarding Daniel Foggo’s article were ungrounded.

Graham Booth was found guilty by the investigation and ordered to repay a substantial amount of money he had fraudulently obtained and the FoI made it clear, or so it seemed to me, that it did not exhonourate Mike Nattrass but clearly stated that it was taking no further action against him.

Some, who have NOT been lobotomised, may remember the pack of lies published by Mark Croucher on The UKIP web site regarding the article written by Daniel Foggo regarding Roger Knapman and his people traffiking business and importing Polish labour to undercut local labour working on his house at:

Coryton House,
EX20 4PA

Some will remember the lies from UKIP written by Mark Croucher in the complaint to The Press Complaints Commission which were totally rejected and the substance of Daniel Foggo’s article was proven and upheld!

Others will remember the competence of the reporting by Daniel Foggo with regard to the fraud claims regarding Lindsay Jenkins and Tom Wise and the amount of deceit produced by Nigel Farage, Douglas Denny, Bob Feel Martinis, Mick McGough and others in trying to cover-up the fraud. Many will remember the Courts decided to take no further action against Lindsay Jenkins when Tom Wise finally realised he was not going to get away with it and mid case changed his plea to guilty and was sentenced to 2 years in prison.

You may also remember that it was Daniel Foggo who exposed the facts and let UKIP members and MEP colleagues know that Nigel Farage was paying his wife £30,000 a year yet no one could be identified in his office who could show any work she did for The EU or for UKIP.

You may also remember that on a Saturday, based upon seemingly sound information received from a member of UKIP and subsequently outline confirmed by a third party in The EU Daniel Foggo rang Nigel Farage for a comment on the fact that he had been informed that Nigel Farage was paying his son also. Nigel Farage was not only unable to deny this but also refused!

Having already shown that Nigel Farage was in breech of his undertakings to UKIP and the electorate as he was paying his wife, which I understand he does to this day, despite the fact that at the time no meaningful work that she did could be identified. On the Tuesday although Farage had failed to deny he paid his son there was no paper trail to show he did and the paper paid a tokenry amount of damages to Farage.

I have not checked but presumably Farage still pays his wife which makes his claim of being broke all the more risible and one wonders why with Steve Harris already on his staff he felt it apposite that the pensioners and patriots who support UKIP should be asked to fund a chauffeur for him as granted by UKIP NEC we understand!

We also hear that despite the large income he and his wife make out of UKIP and the various fiddles he has boasted of, running to £Millions it is claimed his life style is so profligate and ill managed that he claims to have had to remortgage his house – it was as I recall an error made by his father who was similarly a showman, drinker and professional gambler as a stock broker.

Perhaps in view of the FACTS the UKIP controlled forum might care to revert to the truth for a change! Though it is unlikely as it is a rats nest of cowardly sock puppets acting in support of Nigel Farage and greatly to the downfall of UKIP.

For further details CLICK HERE

Steve MORSON’S abusive apologia has been added 05-Oct-2011 02:12hrs.
FIRSTLY for the record I stand by every word of my statement above and not one item has Steve Morson provided a fact to negate just some self indulgent whining!

Poor Old Steve Morson seems not to have been able to help himself but to respond in an effort to justify himself and here it is – posted on Butcher’s UKIP controlled Forum at 17:49hrs yesterday (04-Oct). I would have replied earlier but have been out with close friends for dinner.

I am a tad busy at the moment.

Clearly he had no new facts to present so in UKIP style he fell back on being gratuitously offensive and childish:

Quote Originally Posted by Steve Morson View Post
I agree on the editorship – under Max Hastings it was a magnificent newspaper. The Sunday Times has been vehemently anti-UKIP for years, and my thoughts go back to Nov. 2009, when Daniel Foggo recycled some long-slayed rubbish about Mike Nattrass, for no seeming reason other than space-filling. A subsequent OLAF investigation completely cleared him…

Farbeit from me to reply to my own posts, but I see the pony-tailed uber-miserablist in Chepstow (barred from this forum!)

Indeed I still have a pony tail which makes it almost 30 years – so what?
Yes I was banned from Butcher’s dishonest and corrupt forum based upon a pack of lies from Paul Nuttall which neither he nor little Anthony Butcher could substantiate – I was in fact banned for telling the truth and challenging the dishonesty and corruption of UKIP – A fact of which I am rather proud when you note the damage UKIP has done to these United Kingdoms, in supporting fraud and EU institutions.

You will note that one of the items was telling the truth about Tom Wise who then went to prison another was telling the truth about David Bannerman who has recently proved me right on all counts.

Have YOU ever done anything worthwhile politically? Have you made any efforts to expose corruption or theft from the public purse? Have you ever done ANYTHING that justifies your dishonesty?

has used this post for his bog (sic).

If it goes down well with the children in your playground to make such childish remarks do be my guest – often people whistle when frightened of the dark or name call to belittle those they fear.

He doesn’t approve of dissenting, exculpatory or contrary views on it, so I resort to this.

Invent what you like if it makes you feel important – though I do understand your feelings of inadequacy they are well earned.

When we spoke (earlier this year), he was an engaging cove, belying the reputation he’d garnered as Satan’s right-hand man.

Then he goes and writes that $**t on his bog today. Well, it seems there are lies, damn lies, statistics, and what GL-W writes, now!

 Sadly poor Steve can only resort to defamatory name calling as he lacks a single fact to present to back his childish behaviour.

What the cerebrally-deficient Monmouthshire resident doesn’t seem to have realised is that I was working for Mike Nattrass MEP in his office at the time

Of course I was aware of that as you have discussed it with me and how that was the only work you had had for some time – it is very childish of you to try desperately to seem intelligent using long words but without evidence or support for your use of Roget’s you just seem foolish.

1) the article I mentioned was published,

Indeed it was as I showed.

2) The OLAF investigation was launched and

The OLAF inquiry was under way when the article was published and had NOT published a result.

3) I was shown the subsequent letter clearing him. If anyone thinks they can trump that in terms of veracity, I’d like to see it!

I believe you will find the FoI and the Sunday Times lawyers more than adequately trumped that!
You will be aware being so in contact!!!! Mike Nattrass spent a considerable amount of money on lawyers seeking an apology from The Sunday Times but I gather he has recently dropped his claim – no doubt in the realisation that his claim was not valid and no apology was either apposite or forthcoming for the veracity of The Sunday Times article by Daniel Foggo.

(And by the way, a lobotomy was performed by cutting nerve fibres connecting either the prefrontal or frontal lobe of the brain with the thalamus, the areas of the brain involved with emotion. Modern psychotropic drugs obviate the need for such invasive and harrowing surgery. I’m not on those. Are you competing with Mr. Nuttall in an internet debating contest!?)

Try not to be childish – in the context it is well understood what was meant by any adult used to conversation.

I am well aware that your internet search will show the detailed medical deffinition but this is not a childish competition for show offs or you might have actually copied the information correctly, which it seems you did not – do check you’ll find it explained on the internet and where it seems you went wrong – such inaccuracy of transcription and self dellusion may explain why you have so much time on your hands!

I have a great deal of time on mine as I am largely housebound and also sleep little as we have discussed before you lost your confidence – this as you allude later on is due to the various treatments and sideffects of my cancer.

You seem to have plenty of time on your hands, Greg. Maybe trawling the Sunday Times archive for a piece even slightly flattering to UKIP is something you could take up, to counterpoint me?

There have been many very EUroSceptic articles in The Sunday Times by journalists such as Rob Watts, Marie Wolf, Daniel Foggo and others but true UKIP has indeed earned very little publicity and most that it has earned has been bad – as with the many and varied OLAF inquiries – The fraud for which on UKIP MEP went to prison for 2 years, the article regarding People traffiking and under cutting British tradesmen was I believe you will find also by Daniel Foggo and so was the expose of Tom Wise’s criminality though in The Sunday Telegraph as I recall where Rob Watts wrote a large spread damning Farage with faint praise.

Perhaps you could identify something UKIP has actually achieved – beyond childish name calling which sadly you seem to have assimilated – lost Court cases, criminality, bullying and abuse of members and others, employing thieves and liars, consorting with racist extremists as partners who are anti Jewish, xenophobic, advocate violence are anti homosexual and include holocaust deniers and supporters of Anders Breivik.

Just what has UKIP EVER achieved that could be considered laudable and news worthy to Sunday Times readers?

They have a paywall now. And I’m busy!

Going through the motions of self justification is likely to keep you busy for a long time yet precluding the ability to fund a pay wall I presume.

Hope you’re keeping as well as can be, and that the chemo is working a storm. Steve

Indeed after 13 years of cancer, major surgery numerous small operations and this year 3 months of chem and 20 hits of radiation – all of which you can read about on my healt6h blog if you have a friend or family member who may need support – I am pleased to say I am considered remarkably fit and am inordinately pleased to have not lost my hair having had it long ever since the days of 3 haircuts in a day whilst in the army.

Of course with the parlous state of my cancer who knows what tomorrow may bring but depression and misery, inadequacy and underconfidence are not on my menue though I can surely empathise with you though I fail to see how demeaning yourself with childish name calling can be seen to raise your obviously low self esteem.

Never mind I guess you earned it. If it makes you feel better by all means invent anything you like to bolster your confidence.
. .

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Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 19/09/2011


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Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 


The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!  

With all their Navel Gazing, Back Biting & Squabbling they have become part of The EU Problem with no sign of being part of the solution!



we note even now the scum that act as emisaries for UKIP hidden in cowardly fashion behind false identities do little but bring shame on UKIP and in The EU Parliament nothing more than derision with their silly antics and clear support for racism, extremism, xenophobia and anti Judaism.

Whilst The EFD is posturing and preening and seeking to improve and serve The EU.

Nikki Sinclaire MEP not only went out with UKIP’s knives endlessly being placed in her back by cowards, low life and filth that are the leadership and sycophants, staff and parasites of The Farage Party.

Not only did she whilst The Judas Goats and Plastic EUroSceptics squabbled for glory and FAILED – she just ploughed ahead with her small group of staff, cross party supporters and genuine EUroRealists who want no part of membership of The EU and she obtained whilst the others bragged and jockeyed for position Nikki Sinclaire & her team DELIVERED.

Nikki Sinclaire has Delivered the required 100,000 signature petition, fully verified and cross checked to Downing Street by arrangement thus ensuring it has been officially lodged with The House of Commons.

Not stopping there Nikki Sinclaire, at her own expense, having purchased 2 advertising vehicles to take her campaign Nationwide also commissioned a YouGov Poll – The results showed:
When offered a vote in a referendum
52% of all adults poled would vote to leave The EU.
30% would vote to stay in The EU!!!

Of Tory Voters:
76% want an IN/OUT EU Referendum
66% would vote to Leave-The-EU

On the back of her efforts not only was there a write up about her 100,000 signatures delivered to Drowning Street in The Mail on Sunday but also details of the Referendum in The Mirror but there is also this article in today’s Daily Telegraph.

Shame on the scum that are now the clearly failed UKIP rump – visionless, strategyless, tacticless, leaderless and with not a single solitary achievement beyond the enrichment of a small self selected Clique looking after their own interests.

Good to see Kate Hoey & cross party MPs
also Trevor Colman MEP & Mike Nattrass MEP as the trolley boy ;-).

Tory MPs demand referendum on Europe

David Cameron must call a referendum on Europe or face a rebellion from his own party and a backlash from voters, a leading back-bench Tory warns today.

David Cameron gives a press conference prior to a meeting of the European Council; Europe has fallen for the Tories, but a quarrel is in the offing; AFP

Mr Pritchard accuses Mr Cameron of failing to honour a ‘guarantee’ to hold a referendum on the Lisbon Treaty Photo: AFP

Mark Pritchard, the secretary of the 1922 committee of Conservative MPs, is the most senior Tory yet to demand a vote on Britain’s membership of the European Union following the eurozone crisis.
Writing in The Daily Telegraph, Mr Pritchard says that the EU has become an “occupying force” which is eroding British sovereignty and that the “unquestioning support” of backbenchers is no longer guaranteed.
He says the Government should hold a referendum next year on whether Britain should have a “trade only” relationship with the EU, rather than the political union which has evolved “by stealth”.
He warns that the Conservatives will see constituents “kick back” if taxpayers are forced to foot the bill for the failure of “unreformed and lazy” eurozone countries to introduce fully-fledged austerity measures.
Mr Pritchard is a leading figure in a group of 120 Conservative MPs who are pushing the Prime Minister to set out a “clear plan” for pulling back from Europe.

George Eustice, a backbench MP and former close aide to Mr Cameron, is also demanding a “new relationship” with the EU.
William Hague, the Foreign Secretary, recently threw his weight behind the Eurosceptics by saying that Britain might prosper by loosening its ties with Europe.
Mr Pritchard’s intervention will further increase tensions within the Coalition.
Danny Alexander, the Liberal Democrat Treasury minister, yesterday attacked Eurosceptics as being “enemies of growth”.
In a clear warning to Mr Cameron, Mr Pritchard says Tory MPs have become tired of tolerating the “Europhile views” of Liberal Democrat ministers.
He writes: “Conservative backbenches can no longer be taken for granted.
”Conservative MPs will not continue to write blank cheques for workers in Lisbon while people in London and Leicester are joining the dole queue.
“For many Britons, the EU has already become a kind of occupying force, setting unfamiliar rules, demanding levies, curbing freedoms, subverting our culture, and imposing alien taxes.
”In less than four decades, and without a single shot being fired, Britain has become enslaved to Europe — servitude that intrudes and impinges on millions of British lives every day.
“Brussels has become a burdensome yoke, disfiguring Britain’s independence and diluting her sovereignty.”
Mr Pritchard accuses Mr Cameron of failing to honour a “guarantee” to hold a referendum on the Lisbon Treaty.
He says: “The Coalition should agree to a referendum on Europe asking whether Britain should be part of a political union or of the trade-only relationship we thought we had signed up to.
“This is a moderate proposition that would attract voters from across the political spectrum, unite many on the Left and Right within Parliament and galvanise the support of most in the media.” Mr Cameron recently ruled out a referendum on the EU asking whether Britain should opt in or out. Mr Pritchard believes his “stepping stone” approach will provide a compromise.
He says that if Britain votes for a trade-only relationship with the EU, there should then be a referendum about membership on the date of the next general election.
Mr Pritchard writes: “The British have grown weary of Europe. The Coalition government should end decades of political appeasement by successive governments and champion freedom and democracy for Britain – and agree a referendum.”
Mr Cameron and George Osborne, the Chancellor, know that the unfolding crisis in the eurozone will give the Conservative party’s Eurosceptic MPs a chance to argue more powerfully for a realignment of Britain’s position in the EU.
The 2010 intake of new Tory MPs is regarded as the most Eurosceptic in a generation and large numbers of government ministers remain privately anti-Brussels.
Some hope that Mr Osborne, the Conservative election strategist, will advance a series of policies that can address the concerns of his party before the next election and in the process tap into the worries of voters.
But Mr Osborne’s Liberal Democrat deputy at the Treasury, Mr Alexander, yesterday criticised those who want to take Britain away from the EU.
The Chief Secretary to the Treasury, told Liberal Democrat activists: “Sadly, Eurosceptics on left and right fail
to understand Winston Churchill’s
central insight that sharing sovereignty strengthens influence and isolation weakens us.
“Scottish Nationalists make the same mistake. We will never let the anti-Europeans or nationalists frustrate our national interest. They are enemies of growth.”
Backbencher Mr Eustice is spearheading the challenge to the Prime Minister over the EU.

Eurosceptic Tory backbenchers want the party leadership to act more decisively on Europe and return some powers to Westminster.

To view the original article CLICK HERE
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#0653* – I Hear Sinclaire will be at Downing St & Farage on Question Time.

Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 07/09/2011

#0653* – I Hear Sinclaire will be at Downing St. & Farage on Question Time.

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Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 


The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!  
I Hear from Meeeeja contacts that Independent MEP Nikki Sinclaire was interviewed by The BBC earlier today and will be at Downing St. with a number of cross party MPs and MEPs supporting her & Farage on Question Time.!!



I’ll post the details of the story later as I expect a call from a chum on one of the picture desks and also from within the BBC.

Check Back Later!

I see Nikki Sinclaire has just put this on her blog:

Taking the petition to Downing Street tomorrow

Wednesday September 7, 2011
The Prime Minister will come under mounting pressure to hold a referendum on Britain’s EU membership tomorrow (Thurs) when his own MPs march on Downing Street.

Tories will join a seven-strong delegation who will hand a 100,000-name petition demanding a straight “in or out” vote at the door of Number10.
David Cameron has ruled out an early vote on the issue, but the huge public demand for one will give fresh impetus to 80 Eurosceptic back-benchers who want action.
The mountain of signatures has been collected in a cross-party campaign led by West Midlands MEP Nikki Sinclaire.
It raises the prospect of a Commons debate on Britain’s relationship with Europe.
Mr Cameron has promised to give Parliamentary time to any issue which gets the support of at least 100,000 people on any e-petition set up on the official government website.
But Commons leader Sir George Young has written to Ms Sinclaire telling her that her traditional pen-and-ink petition will carry the same weight if it also has the support of an MP.
Her petition has so far been backed by dozens of MPs – many of them Conservative.
David Nuttall, Tory MP for Bury North, will raise the matter with Sir George at business questions tomorrow.
The campaign’s new head of steam comes as a new group of more than 80 Tory MPs
Plan to meet next week to press Mr Cameron into withdrawing Britain from the debris of the eurozone crisis.
Ms Sinclaire will be flanked by four MPs and two MEPs from all parties when she hands in the sacks full of signatures at 11.45am on Thursday, September 8, 2011.
They include: Kelvin Hopkins MP , Trevor Colman MEP , Austin Mitchell MP, Nigel Dodds MP , Mike Nattrass MEP and Kate Hoey MP
Nikki will say: “This is an encouraging development and raises the prospect of an early debate on our continued membership of the EU – Almost eight in ten people want a national debate on the pros and cons of EU membership” 

“To insist that only an online petition will count would disenfranchise millions of people, particularly the poor and elderly, who do not have an email account or access to a computer.”

The breakthrough is bolstered by a YouGov poll which reveals a clear majority want ordinary people to have the final say on whether we pull out of Europe.
It shows for the first time a majority of people would actually vote to leave the European Union in an referendum.

The poll results will make uncomfortable reading for Mr Cameron with mounting dissatisfaction over Europe on his own benches.

While he insists the names must be collected on individually entered electronic petitions, the Commons Leader’s office has indicated that a traditional pen-and-ink petition could be lodged with the backbench business committee if it has one or more MPs sponsoring it.

Ms Sinclaire added: “The huge response to our campaign, together with the findings of our poll, show that most people want their say.”

The poll shows overwhelming support for letting the public decide our future in the EU – and if they got their way they would vote to pull out. 

Some 60 per cent of voters want a referendum on whether Britain should remain a member of the EU, according to the YouGov survey commissioned by Nikki’s campaign.

If there was a vote, a massive 52 per cent would vote to leave, with only 30 per cent preferring to stay in and 15 per cent undecided and 4 per cent not bothering to vote. 

Nikki, an independent MEP, added: “Clearly the people of Britain want to decide who governs Britain. It must be alarming to the government that despite all their assurances on sovereignty and cast iron promises, more and more people have given up on this European project.  This argument has gone on far too long, we must decide our course once and for all in a binding referendum”

MPs are already facing demands to debate bring back hanging after 100,000 backed the move in an e-petition.

But Nikki points out that Britain is powerless to restore the death penalty while still in the EU because it would breach the UK’s membership conditions by breaching the EU’s Fundemental Charter on human rights.

She believes we get the worst of both worlds while inside the EU but outside the eurozone.

“We have one foot in and one foot outside it,” she said. “This is detrimental to our interests and to those of the EU, both politically and economically. We need to take a decision as to where our future lies.

“Despite numerous promises, nobody under the age of 54 has ever had a say on Britain’s relationship with the EU. This issue needs to be resolved.”

EU membership costs Britain £48 million a day – or £4,912 per household over the last 11 years.

But we have signed away power to decide our own future, with 75 per cent of British regulation coming from EU law.

Nikki also pays tribute to the hundreds of people across the country who have helped collate the petition including one gentleman in Dorset who has collected 2,000 signatures. Nikki said “I’m overwhelmed by the level of support and the dedication of these people who truly are an inspiration.”


Note to Editors.

The Campaign has collected in excess of 70,000 signatures on paper and in excess of 30,000 online at 

The paper petition forms will be handed in at 10 Downing Street at 11.45pm on Thursday September 8, 2011.

According to the Office of National Statstics report in 2010 9.2 million people have never accessed the internet. 

For further information please contact Josh O’Nyons or

Nikki Sinclaire MEP can be contacted at: 0794 146 1255

Supporting Mp’s and MEPs include
Kate Hoey MP Labour
Richard Shepherd MP Conservative
Austin Mithchell MP Labour
Christopher Chope MP Conservative
Philip Davies MP Conservative
Kelvin Hopkins MP Labour
Rt. Hon. Nigel Dodds MP Dem’ Unionist
Mike Nattrass MEP UKIP
Rodger Godsiff MP Labour
Phillip Hollobone MP Conservative
Trevor Colman MEP UKIP
Graham Stringer MP Labour 

and others 


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#0652* – Nikki SINCLAIRE MEP Steals A March on The Judas Goats!

Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 07/09/2011

#0652* – Nikki SINCLAIRE MEP Steals A March on The Judas Goats!

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Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 


The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!  
Independent Nikki SINCLAIRE MEP Steals A March on The Judas Goats & The Plastic EUrosceptics of EUkip & The Tory Party!!




this discussion from one of the many Forums where I post material opposed to membership of The EU may interest you:

    I agree.

    However, even if people haven’t got computers we can’t hold progress up.

    Computers are part of our lives and they won’t go away.

    We must adapt to modern society or we will be left behind.

    All kids at school are computer literate, with the rest of the population following fast.

    Over 50s are one of the fastest groups that are jumping on the computer bandwagon.

    We must embrace things like ePetition/ modern technology.


woopy – subsequent to my last posting I have been sent a copy of a letter I have been awaiting for some days – AGAIN we have The Independent MEP Nikki Sinclaire to thank for this:

This means that her petition of over 100,000 signatures as announced and surprisingly widely published, in view of the fact her schedule was committed to announcement from Smith Square slap bang the day after the civil unrest when all the looters in suits were mumbling and squeeeeeling at the thought of competition from the proles.

This letter solves all problems as it can thus be an ‘e’petition on the .gov site AND a paper addition.

With Parliament resitting watch out for the presentation of the petition shortly and on a totally cross party basis.

I believe we all owe Nikki Sinclaire for her efforts – have you signed her petition? It can be signed on line OR on paper as the letter above shows – in fact her office is transposing all ePetition data onto paper and I gather an outside agency is erradicating duplicates and collating the data under strict data protection terms.

This letter now to hand I hear that Thursday will be likely to be the next ratchet turn 😉

Obviously the YouGov Poll was hugely significant and now the aim is to go on to yet more signatures to ensure no one tries to duck out on the Government benches when a Referendum becomes inevitable now, especially as well over 70% of Tory voters want a referendum on In/Out with regard to the EU, and embarrassingly the Judas Goats approved by the Tories as Plastic EUrosceptics with their other ‘PLEDGE’ Polls have rather lost control with, I gather, less than 50,000 signatures and I am given to understand some 30,000 of those are merely recycled and laundered Democracy Movement signatures though this is I concede hear say from the previous referendum that was given them!

Interestingly I gather on various technicalities The Express signatures are invalid as the poll was not carried out properly, or so I hear. However I doubt Mr. Despond will be giving praise to Nikki as we all know she is not a pornographers lap dog and seeks only relevant and serious publicity – hence her achievements.

She can in all fairness now say she has actually achieved, laterly with Mike Nattrass & Trevor Colman once they left Farage’s control and thus The EFD, they have achieved more in real terms than UKIP has done in all its 18 years of self enrichment and posturing for its leadership!

At least every single signature on Sinclaire’s Petition is genuine and her ad vans etc. have paid off – even if she is hoping for donations to help her fund them!!!

See her site CLICK HERE and sign up to the future 😉



 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance

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Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 24/05/2011

Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 
The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!
All a matter of:

 Trust UKIP to get it wrong EGO stupid I meant EGO!

Clearly too busy squabbling for a place at the troughs to pay attention!




you will be well aware that whilst still an MEP before he retired Roger Knapman resigned from the extremist grouping in The EU and wrote an excorriating letter in denunciation of the incompetence of Nigel Farage MEP as a leader.

Roger Knapman believed that Nigel Farage MEP had completely squandered the legacy of goodwill that he, Roger Knapman, had built up during his own leadership – during which he had led UKIP from 3 MEPs to 12 MEPs and had increased the membership to 30,000.

Many will remember that it was believed at the time that a leak by Nigel Farage supporters had set Roger Knapman up over his foolish embroillment regarding Polish workers and his family involvement in ‘People Trafficking’ – importing primarily Polish workers to undercut British skilled workers in exploitation of EU regulations designed to damage Britain.

Whether it was at Farage’s instigation it was clearly at the instigation of one of Farage’s vile little puppets Mark Croucher that Roger Knapman’s position was made infinitely worse. Mark Croucher was behind the lies in the letter to The Press Complaints Commission which was so roundly and soundly rejected!

Further it was Mark Croucher who exacerbated the problem by describing his employers as ‘a bunch of F***wits’ – though some may have agreed with him it was very damaging to make such comments when telling lies to the media!

In a most professional manner loyal to UKIP Roger Knapman waited until AFTER the local elections, in which Farage as so called leader had performed so attrociously and has now admitted on TV that his strategy was all wrong and he had proved unable to lead UKIP – Roger Knapman reitterated part of his comments from a year earlier see CLICK HERE

Nikki Sinclaire MEP was lied about, bullied and abused eventually being dishonestly barred from UKIP based on base lies and distortions.

Then of course Mike Nattrass MEP distanced himself from Nigel Farage as leader refusing to continue supporting the extremist racist, anti Jewish and anti homosexual EFD Group with its pro EU membership stance and reformist values. More recently Trevor Colman MEP has also renounced Nigel Farage’s leadership and envolvement in The EFD – though I doubt either will have the courage to endorse the FACTS as presented by Marta Andreasen even those they know to be true.

A measure of the disaray and splits in UKIP is the vituperative attacks being made, as with the poisinous response to the difference in opinion based on principles that we saw when Nikki Sinclaire was attacked by those who feared their snouts might be kicked out of the feeding troughs – the crass incompetence of the response to Marta Andreasen’s self serving stupidity, true as its content clearly was.

Next we see the foolish and odious leap into the gutter by all of those two faced children Farage has gathered around him who were praising and supporting David Bannerman but a mere few days ago, being far too stupid to to use their brains and blinded by their own self importance and need to act as sycophants to stay with a chance of remaining relevant!

The bile in their vaulte face has been an object lesson for many – whilst the silence from the hirelings and cowards as they keep a low profile to weather the storm is also notable.

We are now informed that further divisions are leaving Farage yet more isolated and insecure as a result of last Saturday’s SW Committee meeting where Christopher Palmer (aka Palmer) is picking a fight with Brian Slade’s opinion of the minutes.

Meanwhile Bob Feal-Martinez is missing no opportunity to attack the idiotic Steve Crowther and his incompetence!

Saturday Meeting:

as promised, an update [for your info] following the meeting held at lexdum on sat 21st, re item 12 on agenda, “loss of s/west support” and the outcome of a rather heated [at times] debate on the loss of financial support for the funding of the regional organiser due to trevor colman withdrawing his contibution of financial support for this purpose.
1/  it was agreed we need an r/o in place full time to co-ordinate the region,
2/  trevor explained the reason he had withdrawn his financial support for the funding was because the eu allowances given to mep`s cannot be used directly and legally for this purpose and his actions were to protect his good name etc.
3/  trevor stated he was very unhappy in the way the issue had been presented to the membership by the letter sent out by the s/west chairman, and how in his opinion .it tarnished his name and reputation due to the incorrect and misleading way it presented the facts, he felt the issue should have been discussed between the committee and himself, and he had therefore to attend the meeting to defend his reputation.
4/  the chairman made comment that his intended action to withdraw his financial support also had not been made known to the committee for discussion.
5/  trevor asked if he still had the support of the committee to carry out his role and following a frank open discussion it was agreed that trevor had been very active for ukip and had contributed substancial financial support as well as donations of  material items such as desks chairs computers etc used at head office.
6/  a vote was taken on the specific point of continued support to trevor and all members voted in favour.
7/  an alternative way to secure financial support by trevor from his eu allowances to help fund a full time r/o was proposed by the chairman, this was agreed by trevor in principle that should it be found to be legal and within the eu rules of how an mep`s can be used he would be happy to contibute to the r/o`s cost`s.
8/ a much needed and frank clear the air meeting that concluded a wrong approach to the issue had been taken regards actions and communication by both sides, and all present agreed that the alternative way suggested to enable trevor to legally use part of his allowances to fund the r/o should be investigated, trevor agreed to this.
brian slade 

The splits and divisions don’t end there:

Interestingly she was described by one of UKIP’s more independent senior members as ‘One of the very few UKIP members he would consider welcome in his home’.

Rather says it all doesn’t it!
Perhaps we can all be excused in quoting Sir Walter Scott with:

‘Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive’

 Perhaps the phenomenon quoted even earlier by Heywood in his ‘Dialogue of Proverbs’ of 1546 may be considered even more apposite when he said:

‘And olde folke vnderstood, Whan theues fall out, true men come to their good,’

But let us not forget he continued:

‘Which is not alwaie true’.

Whilst on the subject of falling out!!!

I hear Wee Willy Dartmouth has had one of his temper tantrums and has refused to continue funding Lextrum House with Trevor Colman! This leaves Trevor colman in the unenviable position of being expected to fund UKIP Party HQ on his own!

There is the simple explanation as to why Wee Willy has had a hissy fit and that is Acid Raine has refused to give him more pocket money and he is finding that funding robert Maxwell’s cast offs is proving more onerous that he had expected and although she sold her flat for 13Million she isn’t prepared to give Wee Willy any more loose change to play the fool!

However I believe there is a simpler explanation and it revolves around Nigel Farage’s self interest and insecurity and realising he is without friends – except his paid for ones, he is trying to control HIS withering party – we can expect announcements that:

‘UKIP ‘HAS DECIDED’ (yeah really) that it doesn’t need the headquarters and Nigel Farage intends to rent an accomodation address in London to TRY to keep control of the party’.

To say this is all so very predictable is an understatement as anyone who has read my blogs and ‘e’Mails before that or the Blogs by The Junius team will be well aware – many of these details we warned of some years ago!

It does rather make the likes of Mark Croucher, Douglas Denny, Gawain Towler, Derek Clark MEP, Mick McGough, Andrew Smith, Malcolm Wood, David Lott, Kevin Mahoney, Stuart Agnew MEP, Roger Thomas, George Curtis, Gerard Batten (who we note was in a car accident with his wife in London in the early hours of Sunday and with no thought of others is quoted as saying ‘I’m just relieved I wasn’t more seriously hurt’ as an aside I trust his wife was OK!!), Stuart Parr, Skeptyk (aka Paul Finch and possibly others), John Ison, Independent UKIP and many more look like the odious idiots they have clearly proved themselves to be.

Fair play to him one of UKIP’s village idiots who has lied, cheated and defamed having been taken for and shown to be a fool has had to admit they were so stupid that they didn’t see this coming from the very start when this blog was regularly predicting it and the idiot Douglas Denny was telling endless lies and inventing desperate fantasy scenarios to try to defame us for consistently and continuously telling the truth.

Even now humiliated as he is we doubt he will be man enough to issue the apology he must surely have the intelligence to know that he owes me and numerous others for his lies.

You can read more of this odious liar Douglas Denny with fact after fact corroborating our statement of fact that Douglas Denny is a liar, a cheat and a fantasist embroilled up to his neck in the frauds and thefts from the public purse and members and a prime mover in the rigging of corrupt internal elections CLICK HERE

This is his latest homily – having betrayed Britain, the electorate UKIP members and more he now calls the pot black!

Dear David,

To learn of your defection to the Conservative Party after years of your denouncing them is the most cynical, self-serving act of betrayal I know of in all the years of politics that I have been engaged in.

I am appalled and disgusted with you: – a person who I thought had integrity but has now proven without a shadow of doubt how shallow in principles you really are.

What is worse for me personally to learn of this event, is I considered you a friend too, someone invited to stay under my roof, eaten at my table, and considered a trusted companion on the road towards a great cause for Britain against the EU; a person who had previously denounced all the other cynical political parties – especially the Conservatives – who have been for over thirty years and still are – busy selling the country down the river….. and now you have joined them !! For what? … your own selfish, power-greed, tongue-slavering, money-grabbing reasons? What a traitor ! What a Judas! How can you can face yourself in the mirror every day?

To salvage any kind of credibility as a decent human being you should now resign your MEP position – so hard worked for and gained on the back of UKIP’s many workers who deserve better than you by far !

Resign, and I shall accept you still as an honourable person but understand that you cannot continue with UKIP (for whatever reasons) – then, and only then, at least you will have done the decent thing.

Stay as an MEP, having got there under the UKIP banner only to have defected and distanced yourself from your own previously announced principles – espoused so volubly for years under UKIP’s name – and you will prove to all you are as base as the lowest on the planet.

Douglas Denny. NEC member. UKIP.

Yes clearly The Kettle and The Pot have fallen out!

 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance

Reclaim YOUR Future 
Write Upon Your Ballot Paper at EVERY election:
(IF You Have No INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance Candidate) .
to Reclaim YOUR Future 
Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
tel: 01291 – 62 65 62



Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 19/05/2011

Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 
The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!  
Whilst UKIP Leadership & its parasites PLAYS THE FOOL Nikki SINCLAIRE & Mike NATTRASS seem to have been more than earning their money as they strive to Leave-The-EU!!




whilst UKIP plays the fool and squabble like ferrets in a sack over who keeps their snout in the troughs on The EU Gravy Train and how much the party is to be prostituted and for how much an hour whilst they are on their back!

I note Mike Nattrass even managed to promote the cause in The Times of India espousing Leave-The-EU – none of this vile Pan EU Political EFD Group nonsense of anti Jewish pro EU Reformist clap trap for ANY amount of money!

It may seem foolish to be promoted in The Times of India but consider the huge number of his constituents who draw their origins from The Indian sub continent and just howmuch aid Britain sends to India with its Space Programme, 1 Billion population (Dwarfing the population of The EU) and its burgeoning young with their high tech industries – not to mention our subsidies making it easier for India to maintain wars against Pakistan!!!

I note the immense amount of money India is able to pay to fund their asset Hamid Karzai thus ensuring Pakistan’s Pashtune (Taliban) are forced to fight on another front.

One wonders if the British Government is aware of this – perhaps that is the reason Mike Nattrass has been pushing his views in The Times of India recently!

I also note Nikki Sinclaire is also keeping busy and rising above (no pun intended) the mental midgets of the corrupt and dishonest squabbling UKIP leadership and its parasites.

onward with the campaign and the efforts to Leave-The-EU.

Interestingly I note that she drove over to Brussels on Sunday to try to clear her paperwork so as to leave the rest of the week clear for activity in Britain!

Monday was spent on clearing her ‘stuff’ in The EU and acquitting essential duties there – then after leaving the office at gone midnight it was a very early start to pick up the car from the Parliament building carpark and drive back to London for meetings with various MPs on a cross party basis before an evening drive back to her constituency to check her post and drop off a ‘staffer’ before an early stary to be at High Wycombe for a day starting at 09:00hrs. as Squadron leader N. Sinclaire as a part of her Military commitment AND to keep in touch with Military briefings so that she can argue their corner with authority. – Today I believe was dedicated to work in the constituency office with her staff – that she has so little time with them leads to SNAFUs such as last week when a junior employee made the mistake of leaving their contact details on a circular Roger Knapman had asked Nikki Sinclaire to circulate for him as he no longer runs an office being largely retired.

Then on Friday whilst the battle bus is in Stone – Nikki Sinclaire has a meeting with her Press Agency and staff to discuss future plans.

I wonder where nigel Farage was lunching and carousing with his chums!  Probably trying to pick his way out of his foolish showboating over Geoff Huhne before another round of UKIP Stitch up & Malice so popular amongst his spokespeople!


 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance

Reclaim YOUR Future 
Write Upon Your Ballot Paper at EVERY election:
(IF You Have No INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance Candidate) .
to Reclaim YOUR Future 
Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
tel: 01291 – 62 65 62

Posted in Afghanistan, CAMPAIGN for an EU Referendum, Hamid Karzai, Indian, Mike NATRASS MEP, Nikki SINCLAIRE MEP, Pashtune, PETITION, Roger KNAPMAN MEP, Times of India, UKIP Achievements | Leave a Comment »


Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 06/05/2011

Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 
The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!
Petty Minded Local JOBS WORTH Demeans Democracy!




lets face it they WERE aspiring to Snivil Cervice and there is no more visible sign of ‘Jobs Worth’ in our society.

That said one has to feel sorry for Trish Edwards & Peter Cope they were trying to get elected as largely irrelevant minor politicians and in all fairnes statistically stood no chance – FIRSTLY this was NOT a spelling test, nor even an intelligence test SECONDLY just how is democracy served by this Council Numptie discouraging people from participation by holding them up to ridicule?

YES it was foolish of UKIP not to check the forms but neither do they proof read much of their documentation and their fun idea of ‘Policies’ no doubt in the realisation no one votes for UKIP or has an interest in their policies they vote for the ONE core value of Leave-The-EU and as a protest vote more acceptable to decent folk unaware of UKIP’s racist, anti Jewish, anti homosexual, reformist pro EU partners than would be a vote for The BNP who have now largely collapsed without the promotion given to them by Nigel Farage and Mark Croucher.

At the level up for election in this instance why would we expect such people to read and write? Further since one can obtain many voting documents in as many as 26 languages one wonders what the person marking the spelling test is like in Arabic, Hebrew and Gujerati!

It was good to see Mike Nattrass MEP Independent Group now being taken seriously AND QUOTED having regained his credibility by rejecting membership of Nigel Farage’s repugnant EFD Group, a sordid extremist group he has prostituted UKIP to for luttle more than his personal gain!

‘Y’ two UKIP candidates got the boot from today’s election

TWO UKIP election hopefuls were disqualified from today’s district ballot because they spelled the name of their political party incorrectly on a form.

Peter Cope and Trish Edwards, who had planned to stand in the Chadsmead and Boney Hay wards, submitted their official nomination papers to Lichfield District Council two hours before the deadline.

But Mr Cope, who is chairman of the party’s Lichfield branch, wrote “UK Independence Part (UKIP)” under the “Description (if any)” section of the document.

Mrs Edwards’s nomination form read “UK Indepence Party (UKIP)”.

The disqualified candidates claim the papers had been checked by the council and were “verbally confirmed” as acceptable.

“The obvious intention of these candidates was to stand for UKIP,” said the party’s West Midlands MEP Mike Nattrass.

“What happened to common sense? How can a missing “Y” disqualify a candidate who had his papers checked and accepted?

“This is petty and two hard-working UKIP candidates have been blocked from the elections. Where is the democracy in that?

“Any correction should have been made when the form was checked and accepted.”

UKIP officials blamed “a catalogue of errors” by Lichfield District Council for causing a “chain of delays” which led to a rush in submitting nomination papers.

The council denies this, saying all candidates were advised to submit papers well before deadline, to leave time to rectify mistakes.

Mr Cope, of Lime Grove, Lichfield, said: “Some candidates with no previous experience needed time to complete their forms and there was no time.

“This episode has lost us two seats before the ballot even takes place.”

However, he added: “I do feel there was nothing malicious about it. I wouldn’t particularly criticise the Lichfield District Council staff – we were all doing our best at the time in very busy circumstances.”

Mrs Edwards, of Coppice Close, Chase Terrace, said the stringent rules on spelling seemed unnecessarily “over the top”.

“They said it was a spelling mistake but there was a UKIP logo put in with the application as well – it was obvious which party I was representing,” she added.

“By the time they had let me know, they said it was too late to do anything about it.

“I was flabbergasted and I felt very angry. It’s not very good for democracy.”

This week, Lichfield district’s electoral registration officer Nina Dawes said: “Peter Cope and Trish Edwards had ample opportunity to submit their papers well before the deadline, and had they done so we could have helped them to correct their mistakes.”

Ms Dawes said Mr Cope was at a “training session” on March 15 where he received six nomination packs, plus some spare copies.

“Many councils don’t hand packs out Continued on page 2

From front page

before the notice of election is published, which was on March 25 this year, but we gave packs out at the training session to give potential candidates even more time to fill in the forms,” she said.

“We also told Mr Cope and everyone at the session that further copies of the packs could be downloaded from our website and from the electoral commission website.

“At the session we stressed how important it is for potential candidates to submit their nomination papers well before deadline, so we can spot mistakes and they have time to correct and resubmit their forms.

“Mr Cope and Trish Edwards both made a mistake on their form.

“Parliament has laid down very clear rules for nomination papers, and we must abide by them.

“We double-checked this with the Electoral Commission but they told us because the political party was spelled wrong on both forms we could not legally accept them.”

She added: “Mr Cope and Trish Edwards’s nomination papers were handed in within hours of the deadline.

“While we give nomination packs a brief check on reception, we always stress it is only an informal check and it is up to the candidate to provide the correct information.”

To view the original article CLICK HERE

 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance

Reclaim YOUR Future 
Write Upon Your Ballot Paper at EVERY election:
(IF You Have No INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance Candidate) .
to Reclaim YOUR Future 
Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
tel: 01291 – 62 65 62

Posted in Mark CROUCHER, Mike NATRASS MEP, Nigel FARAGE MEP, Peter Cope, spelling, UKIP | Leave a Comment »

#0459* – UKIP – The Morning After The Night Before!

Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 05/05/2011

#0459* – UKIP – The Morning After The Night Before!
Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 
The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!  
UKIP – The Morning After The Night Before!

They may even get a superannuated regional Councillor in Wales!

They could move from 14 elected Councillors to as high as 20!!!!




With around 9,000 seats up for election today and with UKIP fielding about 1,200 candidates I predict UKIP will NOT break the magic 30 seats elected.


as the electioneering is now over and the desperate job of talking up the outcome arrives for UKIP’s unprofessional leadership team and and the parasites around them seeking preferment and crumbs from the troughs on the gravy train will all be busy crowing atop their dung heap whilst Farage talks up the net gain (which it would have been hard not to achieve!)

Let us remember UKIP entered this election period with 14 or 16 elected seats (it takes more effort to pin down the exact figure and as it is dismally low it is largely obfuscated by UKIP).

They started out with 13 MEPs but 3 have resigned so far from the extremist group The Pan EU Political EFD Group which Farage set up off his own bat without democratic consent to support racist, xenophobic, pro EU membership, anti Jewish, violently anti homosexual policies based on a REFORM policy.

The fractures apeared within a very short space of time with Trevor Colman speaking out and ‘claiming’ he would not go along with it almost immediately and stating he would leave in the September as did Nikki Sinclaire.

Out of concern for UKIP neither did leave as with an election upcoming Farage took the utterly selfish step of abandoning the party for his personal glory, forcing a leadership election. It is also claimed Farage had to go as the party had so squandered its money on hiring family and friends and half wit schemes to distract from the fact that almost no money was coming in and the MEP donations of any size were only being contributed in self interest and not to the central party – the party after crass mismanagement and catastrophic leadership with serial court cases lost was all but broke.

With an election up coming and no man of stature funding the party, even the bemused booky Bowne was seemingly a spent force his reputation on a low ebb and his property investments down it is said. Thus we hear Stuart Wheeler made it clear he would donate but not with Farage anywhere near the money or as leader.

Impressed with the title and the efforts of the outgoing leader on his behalf the duplicitous and underhand Malcolm Lord Pearson was put in as Wheeler/Farage’s puppet. Even then Stuart Wheeler was so disillusioned he had one of his ‘Crises of Confidence’ as with David Cameron, that his share income was dropping like a brick and he had more than halved the fortune he made gambling – he wrote a final cheque and quit UKIP to stand against them with a rather silly scheme forming a new party – who talked him into that honourable but idiotic idea so late must have hoped for income and a job!

UKIP’s results in the general election were risible in every single constituency in which they stood.

By this time Sinclaire having had detailed discussions with Pearson prior to Christmas and his assurance that her principles would be respected and her position in UKIP would be unaffected when she left The sordid EFD Group. At this Nigel Farage had one of his imature and unedifying hissy fits and yet again threatened to leave UKIP if Nikki Sinclaire remained. Pearson terrified at the thought of being left alone with this bag of vipers capitulated and reneged on his undertakings to Nikki Sinclaire – I for one was not surprised he is after all an Old Etonian!

Sinclaire was manouvered against, propagandised against, lied about and when her regional committee voted  6 to one in har favour they were ignored and Farage engineered her being removed and her offices robbed on the instructions of the discreditted and useless Christopher Gill. The implications for Mike Nattrass from whom she rented the offices were horrendous as his employee had carried out the robbery and rapidly the goods stolen were returned and profuse apologies accepted by Sinclaire.

The folder of evidence in Sinclaire’s defence put before the NEC was impressive but in normal style the mostly useless boot likers and yes men on UKIP’s NEC acted without any ethics, morality or sense of justice and obeyed their inner voice in the form of Farage’s hit squad having seen the way he and Croucher had pumped up The BNP to create their own Night of The Reichstag Tower and a subsequent Crystal Nacht removing those of probity who called the NEC to account.

More low life placemen were of course readily available and Sinclaire although remaining a member of UKIP was forced to cease being a UKIP MEP or using UKIP logos or badging – She was thus forced to enter the election in opposition to EU membership in her own capacity.

Her position was untennable – a professional politician being courted by rival parties, she again took the only rational and ethical stand and declined offers of standing for national parties and stood on purely local issues highlighting EU influence, supporting and standing for the nascent Residents association SAMRA.

There was even an outside danger based on local recognition and work done that had Sinclaire been permitted to stand for UKIP she just might have unseated Caroline Spelman and could with a fair wind and help have been UKIP’s first MP – there was no one else in UKIP who stood a prayer! Standing for SAMRA obviously she was never likely to get many votes but it legitimised her campaigning against EU membership.

So what of the outcome in todays vote?

I incline to the opinion, in view of the well earned unpopularity of Nick Clegg Chris Hoohne and Vincent Cable that the Lib.Dims will take a bath.

The Labour pro EU movement will make big gains as it reclaims the Lib.Dim. disillusioned faction and there will be small gains for The Tories in the better informed wards where they realise that the cuts need to be a hell of a lot tougher if Britain is to survive the economic illiteracy and corruption of the 13 unlucky years of Labour misrule and the £4.8Trillion of debt they created in their self serving greed.

IF the Snivil Cervice and Government jobs are not halved Britain WILL NOT survive.

IF the Kleptocratic QUANGOcracy feeding like maggots on The NHS are not erradicated THERE WILL BE NO FUNCTIONING NHS within 5 years. Consider Wales where £1Billion of NHS money has been squandered on fashionable projects aggrandising inadequates like rebadging NHS Gwent and creating ever more hugely over paid management structures whilst basic equipment needs and cleaning go by the board!

OK in this atmosphere I predict net gains for UKIP that may even bring them up to 30 in elected office for the first time ever – that leaves a mere19,470/2 to go to be in a majority!!!


May I suggest that whilst they take stock, root out the parasites, maggots and hangers on – ensure they haven’t a single staff member earning more than £30K and that each MEP donates not less than £40K a year from their salary to the central party and all accounts are presented in detail openly to the full NEC and both authorised and signed off by each member.

– the party would do well to: 

Read the article below by Bruno Waterfield on 20-Apr-2011

Then structure a plan to get UKIP activists NOT TO STOP their efforts of the last week or two in the elections but to continue to ensure EVERY household in Britain knows not less than 5 of the facts Bruno Waterfield has highlighted and whilst at it a simple flier showing how Britain pays £50M a day to fund membership of The EU and £120M a day in interest on the borrowings of 13 unlucky years of Labour dishonesty and incompetence.

Those who wish to act positively can go to CLICK HERE and read up on the facts before downloading a form and actively campaigning for signatures and supporters.

The plight of the discreditted UKIP will come later!

This is just an infill movement to give the remaining Party some sort of aim to carry it forward until it is reformed and can attract a leader of both stature and probity, competence and charisma, professionalism and authority thus liberating Farage to do what he does best ‘Be A Performer’.

If UKIP fails to act it will continue to bump along enriching a few whilst disapointing many and betraying more.

EU spending in numbers

Brussels has demanded that British taxpayers stump up more than £600million in extra contributions to the European Union next year to meet a proposed £5.5billion increase. Here is a breakdown of the EU’s spending.

a one euro coin above the flag for the United Kingdom


The nine tenths of the EU’s budget in 2009 that was “materially affected” by irregularities, projects that included the spending of more than £350,000 “improving the lifestyle and living standard of dogs” in Hungary.
The annual cost of paying pensions to Eurocrats by 2040, British taxpayers will end up paying £350million of the total. 


The amount British taxpayers paid for EU pensions in 2010, giving the average retired Eurocrat an income of almost £60,000. 
The annual pay and perks package for Baroness Ashton, the EU foreign minister and highest paid female politician in the world 
The number of senior EU officials, earning £185,000 a year, who were entitled to three months time off work on full pay last year. 
The amount that the European Parliament’s 736 MEPs can collectively claim this year in “daily subsistence” and “general expenditure” expenses without having to provide any receipts or proof of expenditure. 
The annual cost of moving the entire EU parliament hundreds of miles from Brussels to Strasbourg for a plenary sitting once a month as a symbol of Franco-German reconciliation. 
The European House of History, to be built by 2014 by MEPs, despite a continuing argument over fundamental historical event, such as what happened during the Second World War. 
The annual cost of EuroparlTV, a television channel, which highlights the work of MEPs, and has only 830 daily viewers, less than 10 per cent of the 9,000 people working in the parliament every day.
Cash to train teenagers in Burkina Faso and Mali, two of the world’s poorest countries, in “therapeutic dancing” because Africans find that “expression of feelings through the spoken word is often difficult and complicated”.
The sum paid on the EU’s “project of generosity” set up to “spread the movement of reaching out and sharing”. 

The funding went to the London-based Flying Gorillas troupe, whose acts includes the “brilliant smelly foot dance”.

To view the original article CLICK HERE



 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance

Reclaim YOUR Future 
Write Upon Your Ballot Paper at EVERY election:
(IF You Have No INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance Candidate) .
to Reclaim YOUR Future 
Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
tel: 01291 – 62 65 62

Posted in Bruno WATERFIELD, Council Election Day, Mike NATRASS MEP, Nigel FARAGE MEP, Nikki SINCLAIRE MEP, Stuart WHEELER, Trevor COLMAN MEP, UKIP | Leave a Comment »


Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 29/04/2011

Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 
The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!




and here is the advert which I have found courtesy of The Daily Mail

 The Daily Mail 30-Apr-2011

Brilliant advert – great design – Costly I’ll Bet!

Well done – it proves what can be done liberated from a vile Pan EU Political Party Group like The EFD and the malign self serving control of The EU’s puppets.

Do buy a copy of The Daily Mail and fill it in and send it back to reward the expense and the initiative by Nikki Sinclaire MEP, Mike Nattrass MEP & Trevor Colman MEP to encourage them to do more patriotic things for Britain IN Britain.

Great idea to use the Daily Mail the day after THE Wedding when they will probably print far more copies than any similar issue as they try to do justice to the most Patriotic Day in Britain’s history since 1953.

This edition with its advert will be around in homes for far longer than normal and may become a collectors item – just as was The Times of Coronation Day 1953 when there was a clear explanation not just of Tenzing Norgay & Ed. Hillary reaching the summit of Chomolungma (renamed after Sir Henry Everest) but also a long exposition of The EU being an economic entity aimed at being a fully fledged political entity centrally controlled!

 Paul Martin REMFRY
UKIP South Herefordshire

Friday, 29 April 2011

Excellent Referendum Idea

Three MEPs elected under the UKIP banner agree to pool their EU budgets to advertise for an EU Referendum to get the UK out. Buy Mail on Saturday


Please look at the attachment.

It is an advert asking readers of The Daily Mail (or any paper) to sign up to a request for a referendum on Britain’s membership of the EU.

Can you think of any better information about the EU and it could be used in any paper.

If Trevor Colman, Nikki Sinclaire and I pool our EU budgets to fight the EU with adverts on this basis, would you say that it is a good use of our EU budget for education/information about the EU?

What do you think?

As three UKIPers in the Non Attached section of the EU parliament we fight for our country. MEPs should stop wasting time in any European Parliament and save taxpayers the money. We look forward to the Independence of country and our own redundancy.


WRONG AV Referendum?
• EU makes 75% of UK law
• Prisoners to get the vote
• Cuts at home to bail out Greece, Ireland and Portugal
• Unlimited EU migration
• The EU costs us £48,000,000 per day
When did you get your say on our membership of the European Union? Tel 0800 157 7916
Campaign for a Referendum
Referendum Petition
I the undersigned call upon the Prime Minister and his
Government to enable an Act of Parliament, to allow the
British people a referendum on the United Kingdom’s
continued membership of the European Union.
Sponsored by Non-attached Members of the
European Parliament, Nikki Sinclaire MEP
Mike Nattrass MEP & Trevor Colman MEP
Please return to: Campaign for a Referendum,
123 New John Street, BIRMINGHAM B6 4LD
The opinions stated above are those of the authors. Sole liability rests with the authors. The
European Parliament is not responsible for any use that may be made of the above information.



As a long term dedicated supporter and participant in the grass roots principles of UKIP:

Congratulations you have my full support.

For more details and how you can do more to help see:



 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance

Reclaim YOUR Future 
Write Upon Your Ballot Paper at EVERY election:
(IF You Have No INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance Candidate) .
to Reclaim YOUR Future 
Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
tel: 01291 – 62 65 62

Posted in Daily Mail, European Parliament, European Union, Mike NATRASS MEP, Nikki SINCLAIRE MEP, Paul REMFRY, PETITION for an EU Referendum, Trevor COLMAN MEP, UKIP | Leave a Comment »