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Archive for the ‘Eric EDMOND’ Category

Lies Surrounding A Claim That UKIP NEC Members Favoured BNP Alliance.

Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 08/03/2014

Lies Surrounding A Claim That UKIP NEC Members Favoured BNP Alliance.

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The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 

is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!  


Lies Surrounding A Claim That UKIP NEC Members Dr. David Abbott & Dr. Eric Edmond Favoured Alliance between UKIP & The BNP & dishonesty in their removal from the NEC as with Richard Suchorzewski.


one has to wonder if some authors, be that media or book authors do any research or whether they just write the propaganda as it is fed to them!

Senior Ukip members ‘backed pact with BNP’

Proposal was canvassed among party’s National Executive Committee in 2008 according to a new book

Daniel Boffey, policy editor
Saturday 8 March 2014 16.29 GMT
Nigel Farage
Nigel Farage
Two members of Ukip considered forming a pact with the BNP five years ago but in 2008 Nigel Farage said the deal had been unanimously rejected. Photograph: Simon James/GC Images
A new book has revealed that Ukip considered forming a pact with the BNP six years ago, with two members of the party’s national executive committee at the time in favour of the idea.In 2008 Nigel Farage acknowledged that the BNP had proposed a deal for the European elections the following year, but insisted it had been unanimously rejected. Farage told reporters then: “I’m simply amazed that the BNP thought we would even consider such a thing.”

Now the new book, Revolt on the Right, by Dr Matthew Goodwin and Dr Robert Ford – called the most definitive account yet of the Ukip movement – reveals that the BNP’s proposal was canvassed among 17 members of the party’s NEC. Two members supported the proposal, it has emerged.

Farage, who said he had been against a pact, told the authors: “There were a lot of people saying to me at that time, ‘You’ve got to do a deal with them.’ I even had Tory MEPs saying to me, ‘Nigel, you’ve got to do a deal with these people.’ We were being beaten by them regularly in local elections. So there was huge pressure on me. The nature of the deal was the BNP would stand in some regions in the European elections in the north, and Ukip would stand in the south, and that would be the electoral pact: we wouldn’t oppose each other.”

Of the members who offered support for the pact, Farage said: “They were the angry old men of old Ukip who thought Ukip was doomed.”

The political predicament of Ukip in 2008 contrasts with its potential today, the authors say. In the book, published this week, they say the party has emerged from the crash with the potential to attract a third of the electorate.

Around 30% of voters are now believed to be both Eurosceptic and opposed to immigration, or Eurosceptic and politically dissatisfied, the defining themes for Ukip. Such sentiments are continuing to grow in strength among the electorate, according to the authors, who draw on the biggest pool of data so far amassed on the political movement.

The book provides evidence that the share of voters holding Eurosceptic views and at least one other radical right belief has increased by five to seven percentage points since 2008. Ukip is widely seen as not having a credible manifesto and has faced serious questions about the calibre of its MEPs, the authors note.

This weekend, the party was dogged by claims that it had misused EU funds in paying staff working in the UK. Yet Goodwin, from Nottingham University, and Ford, of Manchester University, say the “army of potential supporters for Ukip is growing in size” and is being aided by continued anger at Labour’s record and disaffection with the Tory leader.

They argue that Farage and Ukip face huge challenges in the first-past-the-post electoral system, and given the party’s continued unpopularity among women, ethnic minorities, graduates and the young. However, Ukip is now the favoured electoral option among those who strongly disapprove of the EU – 20% of all British voters.

Over the past three years, the party has also performed better than Labour among older, working-class voters and those who are struggling financially. The party is using tactics similar to those once successfully deployed by the Lib Dems, the authors say, in that they seek to deepen their vote in particular areas by getting into local councils and building strongholds.

It is claimed that, of the five constituencies where Ukip stands its best chance of general election success, four are Labour seats (Great Grimsby, Plymouth Moor View, Ashfield and Walsall North) and one is Tory (Waveney). The consistent feature in these areas is a splintering of the traditional vote and the existence of a large, older, blue-collar demographic.

The book suggests that the potential for Ukip’s rise can be clearly seen in societal changes that developed decades ago. The authors write: “Its seeds lay among groups of voters who struggled with the destabilising and threatening changes brought by deindustrialisation, globalisation and, later, European integration and mass immigration.”

The academics claim Farage is fusing three issues to make a coherent message: “Farage’s party now encourages voters to say ‘no’ three times: no to the Eurocrats in Brussels and Strasbourg; no to the politicians in Westminster; and no to immigration. This is not a grand ideological vision – there is no ‘Farageism’ – but it is a coherent and highly effective message.”

They add: “Ukip is not a second home for disgruntled Tories in the shires; it is a first home for disaffected working-class Britons of all political backgrounds who have lost faith in a political system that ceased to represent them long ago.”

To view the original article CLICK HERE
On publication of the book Revolt on the Right I read it but found it was tedious and pretentious in the extreme and the reporting of this story in the article above was just as inaccurate as shown! The story put forward regarding the claim that an official approach from the BNP was made and was supported by two members of UKIP’s NEC is utter hogwash.
At the time I wrote numerous factually based and sourced articles regarding this even which I showed to be nothing more than Nigel Farage’s ‘Reichstag Fire’ event giving him an excuse for his own ‘Crystalnacht’.
Never have those who Farage and his clique identified who actually proposed a link with the BNP backed by a single fact.
Was it in fact Nigel Farage?
FARAGE, Nigel 37 DEAVIN, Mark - LeCOMBER, TonyThis photo shows Nigel Farage, Mark Deavin (who sat with UKIP NEC) and Tony LeComber (National Front & subsequently BNP Lecomber was convicted for criminal damage in 1982, offences under the Explosives Act in 1985, and was sentenced to three years’ imprisonment in 1991 for an attack on a Jewish teacher.)
It is widely believed that the photograph was taken after a lunch between the three in which the possibility of Nigel Farage joining the BNP with a view to leading the party as at the time Farage was not a member of UKIP having fallen out with his colleagues!
The NEC meeting referred to in the article, and in the rather sloppy book, was attended by arrangement, as a guest of Martin Hasslam, an attendee at the NEC at the behest of Nigel Farage, agreed to by Nigel Farage, by Buster Mottram, a Farage family friend who I understand was living with a relation of Nigel Farage’s and let us not forget that Nigel Farage, against widespread advice, enrolled and welcomed Buster Mottram as a favoured member of UKIP and as something of a personality and spokesman.
Buster Mottram presented a scenario of association with the BNP claiming he had the approval of the BNP leadership!
I am reliably advised that NO ONE elected to UKIP NEC was in favour of the suggested scenario, interestingly by dint of lies and inuendo, rumours and spin it was claimed by the ‘Farage faction’, a view promoted via certain liars amongst UKIP’s press staff, that two members of the elected NEC supported the suggestion – this was and is a lie.

The claimed, by inuendo, supporters were Dr. David Abbott and Dr. Eric Edmond, both of whom have sought clarification of the implied slur and have promised to sue Farage and any member of his odious clique who claims they have supported the BNP in this context. It is interesting to note that both Abbott & Edmond had actively campaigned for transparency in UKIP’s use and abuse of both tax payers’ money and that of UKIP donors – particularly in respect of the apparent scam of The Ashford Call Center and its ramifications where another elected member of the UKIP NEC Richard Suchozevski had proved that less than 15% of the money raised by ‘Ashford’ ever reached the Party!
Interestingly not only were Drs. Abbott and Edmond forced off of UKIP NEC by Farage’s cult but so also was Richard Suchorzewski, a position that was inevitable once he had, in campaigning for clarity and probity, asked 30 questions regarding UKIP accounts and use of donors’ and tax payers’ money, questions that Andrew Smith, treasurer at the time, was seemingly unable to answer and quit his position thereby avoiding the question leaving UKIP accounts in total disaray  – seemingly with possibly £Millions unaccounted for.
I must apologise for not having posted this article when it was first published, but at the time I felt it was so shoddy, inaccurate and unchecked as to be irrelevant, as with the book quoted! I find that a subsequent article elsewhere made it relevant and therefore added the article with this comment on 10-May-2014.




 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance

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Posted in Buster MOTRAM, Buster Mottram, David ABBOTT, David ABBOTT Dr, Eric EDMOND, Eric EDMOND Dr, Martin HASSLAM, Nigel FARAGE, UKIP, UKIP and BNP | Tagged: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a Comment »

#0768* – Revisiting Steve ALLISON’s Dishonest Comments

Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 29/03/2012

#0768* – Revisiting Steve ALLISON’s Dishonest Comments

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Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 


The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!  

Revisiting Steve ALLISON’s Dishonest Comments made on Dr. Eric Edmond’s blog!!



to revisit Steve Allison’s dishonest and rather foolish comments dealt with at CLICK HERE The silly little man seems to believe he has the right to lie about me on Dr. Eric Edmond’s blog, which you can read at CLICK HERE 

My comments are made to correct the dishonesty of Steve Allison but that he has lied about me it is probable that he has likewise lied about Junius and other facts – those who lie tend to have a patern of dishonesty in their personality and you will note that NEVER ONCE has anyone shown a single blog or publication that I have posted to be a deliberate lie or deliberate attempt to mislead or dishonestly defame.

Blogger Greg_L-W. said…

sadly UKIP has a clear and undeniable track record of fiddling internal elections and thus regardless of Steve Allison’s offensive rejoinder.

May I suggest people study the abuse of the internet by extremist UKIP staff such as the odious and utterly dishonest Mark Croucher also the official censures of UKIP by The Data Protection Commission.

I appreciate there are those who were and are on the payrpll and seeking preferment on the gravy train who have and do lie about UKIP for personal gain.

One need only consider Nigel’s right hand Ms. Annabelle Fuller the foul mouthed liar who helped rig one of UKIP’s elections.

Steve Allison must be describing the deficiency of Farage’s testese or perhaps his own – Clearly his statement is wrong, untrue, unsound and dishonest!

One need only consider the liar and cheat Mick McGough and his criminal offensive spamming and serial dishonesty and corruption to PROVE Steve Allison’s claims to be false.

Just look at the calliber of the self seekers on The NEC and the lack of ethics of those who remain as UKIP MEPs

Pwehaps someone can cite an example, outside of dictatorships & the third world where a 92% vote – the only mittigation being that the ONLY publicity on the imposition of the new dictatorial and centra;ised Constitution was staggeringly dishonest – little wonder that UKIP completely reversed its vote when last this undemocratic concept was put forward.

Clearly 92% return from the claimed membership list is in itself far from plausible let alone that they ALL voted in favour of an EU style centralised dictatorship – Even going so far as to use The EU’s corrupt methods of if you don’t get the result you want represent the question and bully the victims to vote agai.

May I suggest a perusal of Nigel Farage’s various speeches in Ireland condemning the very methods he has chose to use for his own personal gain.

Sadly Steve Allison seems to be easily duped!


19 March 2012 07:30


Blogger Steve Allison said…

Hi Eric, well I was going to draw a line under this one but now I’m being attacked by both Junius and GL-W and so far neither have allowed any comments from me to appear on their pathetic little blogs. You do have the decency to allow comments and good on you for that. Junius and GL-W apparently only allow comments that agree with them, which of course is their right, after all they are so twisted and bile filled about UKIP that they are beyond any reasonable argument. Anyway, as someone who claims to only print true and accurate stories and knows what is going on in UKIP Junius and GL-W are well behind the times with his story describing me as a UKIP Staffer. I was never a UKIP Staffer, when I was paid by UKIP it was on a self employed contract basis, never staff, and I haven’t had any paid contract with UKIP for almost two years. So to describe me as a UKIP Staffer is hardly showing a finger on the pulse and knowledge of what is happening in UKIP. Similarly to describe ne as the UKIP Idiot of the month is a bit much since I’m not even a party member any more and haven’t been since last year, which is why having a go at me is “prety accademic” lol If they /he is going to try and sling mud then they should try to keep up to date. If they are two years behind the times as far as what a former member like me is up to then they must be well out of touch with what is going on at the moment.
28 March 2012 09:54

Blogger Greg_L-W. said…


I had not previously believed that Steve Allison was fundamentally dishonest though I have doubted his abilities and integrity.

Firstly I stand by my EVERY comment relative to him.

Secondly as a UKIP supporter far predating his personal self promotion via UKIP and subsequent departure I fimnd his comments offensive.

Thirdly I have NEVER received a posting from Steve Allison.

Fourthly I moderate postings on my blogs to eradicate cowards unwilling to put their names to abusive, ill informed and foul languaged postings also spam as with the 20,000 offensive spams filtered out by my virus checkers from UKIP NEC member the liar Mick McGough.

Finally it is not appropriate for Steve Allison to shelter on Dr. Edmond’s blog to lie about me.

Allison be man enough to admit the truth YOU HAVE EITHER deliberately lied about me in this posting or at very least set out to abuse this blog by misleading people deliberately.

IF you believe you have a genuine complaint to make them contact me directly using your own name and I will happily publish your posting, as with all others by identifiable individuals.

You have my ‘e’Mail address and phone number openly published on my blogs so you clearly demean yourself by trying dishonestly to defame me on Eric Edmond’s blog.

Sorry you became involved Eric – I shall address Allison’s posting to my blog on my blog if he has the integrity to follow up with a posting to me as clearly your blog is a most inappropriate place for his dishonesty to continue.


29 March 2012 00:51


Having had my attention drawn to Steve Allison’s dishopnest comments about me and responding – that ‘Junius’ have also responded to his comments about them:
Junius said…

Mr Allison is a liar. We have not published comments by the former UKIPPER because he had never sent us any to publish. His first comment was sent to us yesterday. And we published that!

That Mr Allison can so blatantly lie is, of course, of no surprise to us as he has turned lying on behalf of UKIP into an art form! His pathetic attempts to claim that 92% voted in favour of UKIP becoming a dictatorship is just the latest example of this.

Mr Allison claims that the Junius Team only publish comments that we agree with. More lies! There have been only four instances where we have declined to publish comments. Two were spam comments in Chinese, the other two contained nothing but foul language.

We are well aware that Mr Allison is no-longer officially a member of UKIP. However, he chose to defend UKIP’s leadership regarding the recent vote, plus he admits to watching the count. If you defend corruption then don’t be surprised to get caught in the crossfire!

So why not answer Mr Edmond’s question regarding the vote. Why wasn’t the Electoral Reform Society used to supervise the vote? And were they contacted for a quote?

The Junius Team

29 March 2012
I believe we can expect much bluster and wriggling, threats and abuse from Allison as he continues to desperately defend the indefensible. I also expect the pack of the claque of cowards from EUkip to pile in with their display of dishonesty and misrepresentation both on Eric Edmond’s blog and the various UKIP controlled forums and blogs – their aggresive abuse and serial dishonestly unfortunately does much to damage UKIP and drive away the few remaining decent members who are rapidly being replaced by a particularly unpleasant, dishonest and corrupt claque of cheats and liars masquerading as some sort of political party of low repute.

Their actions speak louder than the examples given on this blog and the blogs of others such as Dr. Eric Edmond, Junius, Dr. Richard North and the like as EUkip scrapes the barrel for attention yet continues to bump along third or fourth in UK Domestic Politics which is largely a two horse race!

Fortunately in view of the odious state EUkip is in it is unlikely they will ever gain a foothold in Domestic politics as the likes of Allison, McGough, Clark, Batten, reeve, Duffy and a host of nebishes too ashamed of their own behaviour to put their name to it have all but destroyed the hopes of the many decent activists who USED to support and campaign for them.

Sadly the notable levels of EUkip are comprised of ner do wells, parasites, liars, cheats and self serving self seekers all demeaning UKIP with their back stabbing and playground bullying – forefend they might ever gain control of ANYTHING bigger than some utterly irrelevant parish council but clearly that is unlikely with so few elected offices and such low caliber unprofessional personnel.

After several days I have checked back and there is clearly no posting to me by Steve Allison, he thus lives down to expectation – clearly unable to defend his dishonest and underhand efforts to defame me and lie about me on UKIP controlled forums such as that of the dishonest and corrupt Anthony Butcher or elsewhere where he believes I have no right of reply or he can make his dishonest self serving comments with relative impunity.
. .

 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance

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Posted in Eric EDMOND, Steve Allison, UKIP Claque, UKIP Corruption, UKIP Dishonesty | Leave a Comment »

#0442* – UKIP, Farage,The BNP & The Parasites

Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 26/04/2011

#0442* – UKIP, Farage,The BNP & The Parasites
Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 
The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!  
UKIP, Farage,The BNP & The Parasites Exposed!

NO INITIATIVE for honesty, integrity, transparency, probity or accountability HAS EVER been put forward by Farage or the maggots that feed off him!




Leicester’s Mayoral sideshow is no concern of consequence but it is a measure of both how UKIP behaves, UKIP’s utter contempt for the electorate and clearly the contempt of senior members of UKIP for the due process of the Party they exploit as their self enriching route to the troughs on the gravy train.

When will UKIP get serious competent respectable leadership rather than the liars, cheats, chavs, bullies and clowns they currently have.

Yes there is no doubt that Nigel Farage is a great asset as a performer for UKIP and his gutter cuning that manipulates the maggots around him to ensure his hand is visible in every action but never his fingerprint is clearly a skill some MIGHT aspire to.

That the party is so controlled that it has become bereft of any talent that might work alongside Farage is self evident – just look what lack luster, incompetent and ill informed trash for the NEC and just look at the length and dishonesty to which the party has been manipulated to suit the ambitions of the one remaining schpieller.

The huge effort that was put into raising the profile of The BNP and the lies put about by Mark Croucher and various filth in UKIP – mostly too ashamed to put their name to their lies – to TRY to link people with The BNP.

You may remember when with great glee and against sound advice Nigel Farage was the sponsor and promoter of bringing his families friend Buster Mottram into UKIP – I gather he had at one time been a tennis lothario and had been a long time associate of Lt. Guy Farage who himself had been a supporter of The National Front we are told.

You may find these details from The Western Morning News of interest:

‘UKIP defends ex-NF member over e-mail’ on 24.3.07:


UKIP leader Nigel Farage has defended the decision to allow a former National Front activist to join his party – and threaten Westcountry MPs with losing their seats. This week the WMN revealed that former British tennis ace Buster Mottram had written to a number of MPs warning they could be “decapitated” at the next election if they do not sign up to the “Better Off Out” campaign.

He also claimed to be “implementing this particular strategy on behalf of Mr Farage”.
Yesterday the UKIP leader suggested he had not expressly ordered contact to be made with Westcountry MPs – but did support the efforts in principle

It is interesting to watch the dishonest spin put out by UKIP’s habitual liars and defamers like William Shaw, who to be fair has little knowledge of UKIP or seemingly politics merely a lack of manners and a willingness to lie in his childish abuse.

Then there are the normal maggots that lie and dissemble in support of a place picking up crumbs from the troughs on the gravy train like Skeptic, Independent UKIP, Mick McGough and their ilk who have been proven again and again to be willing to lie and distort for their own gain and are without honour or integrity – that most such are too ashamed to use their own name is unsurprising.

That Mick McGough has accepoted he has no reputation worth defending even as a proven liar and low life can hardly surprise.

It is interesting, for those who have followed the heart of UKIP politics for best part of 15 years to note the spin put about to hide the gross behaviour of the leadership.

One need only remember the irrefutable FACT that Douglas Denny was fired by his colleagues on The NEC as untrustworthy having corrupted the pretence of an election that put Farage in position just as it is irrefutable that Annabelle Fuller is a foul mouthed slut and a liar and with Mark Croucher deliberately set out to lie to try to keep their jobs with Nigel Farage, for had an honest man won that election they would have been out of the door with their over paid bribes straight down the toilet.

As a family friend of Farage’s Buster Mottram was widely lauded within UKIP and his affiliation with The National Front and latterly with The BNP was plaid down, yet widely known. However the efforts of Nigel Farage and his parasites to raise the profile of The BNP are well known:

That Farage was clearly using third parties for contacts with The BNP would seem obvious and his duplicitous gofer Mark Croucher is well known to have extremist political contacts and no reputation of either honesty, honour or integrity – little surprise that he was promoting The BNP with such energy! He was all too willing to lie about anyone or anything to justify being over paid!

Mark Croucher is a whore of the worst kind, who has prostituted morality and decency, as he has constantly acted in his own interest regardless how dishonestly or the consequence to others – a particularly unpleasant type of human being, feared by some and respected by no one.

The members of UKIP ELECTED to represent them on UKIP’s leading management committee amongst others Dr. David Abbott who would stand no dishonesty and no racism He was elected having informed Nigel Farage that misguidedly some years earlier he had made two minor donations of about $100 each to a British Nationalist organisation which subsequently transpired to be a front for fund raising for The BNP.

Nigel Farage personally condoned this and was well aware of the paltry sum relative to the large amount of money David had already and would subsequently donate and use in the interest of UKIP.

Another individual of notable competence and excellent pedigree who was ELECTED by the members was Dr. Eric Edmond – a mathematician and economic analyst of no mean ability who had taught at Liverpool University, had been a Civil Service adviser in Downing Street and had subsequently worked as an executive within The Bank of England. Doctorates come apace it seems as his wife Mary is a Senior Paediatric Consultant in The West of England and thus with David Abbott able to provide a unique insight into The British Health Services!

That these two men of letters, seemingly the only qualified Doctorates on the NEC at the time (or for that matter within the meilleur of the Party leadership), were both independent men of stature and probity did not sit easy with the low lifes gathered around the inadequates that were passing UKIP leadership. That they believed that public and party money should be accounted for did not sit easy with those there to aggrandise and enrich themselves!

A campaign commenced to remove these two honest men – just as had been carried out to remove honest individuals like Linda Guest, Richard Suchorzewski, Jill Chant etc. before them and the campaign mounted, including death threats, against Delroy Young ALL ELECTED TO THE NEC BY THE MEMBERS also Anthony Butcher who however weak, corrupt and venal he might be was ELECTED by his supporters.

Over the years Farage has engineered and cheated, usually through others, to ensure a compliant team of nodding donkeys (in the main outright Asses) who are bought and paid for and moulded to his needs for corruption and weak incompetent leadership.

In the knowledge that UKIP was facing an election in the following Spring and aware that the likely expectation was a collapse in the vote during the preceding summer the stance of The BNP was built up by Farage’s associates such that eventually – despite the difficulty of UKIP leadership being hounded to account for the huge amount of money that had seemingly been stolen in self enrichment scams or at very least not been honestly accounted, as with the £211K listed as OTHER EXPENSES in an office budget of some £400,000, whilst the scam described by Farage himself as:

‘UKIP’s most successful fund raise ever’

Ashford – had so David Bannerman the Party Chairman informed members:

‘merely funded the party to the value of less than 15% of the income’

whilst in one cheque alone, paid into a private bank account sums of £1/4 Million were unaccounted and went missing.

That Petrina Holdsworth as Chairman had previously resigned as she was not prepared to have her name associated with the corruption and financial misdeeds, including criminal fraud is a matter of public record.

Now there was the embarrassment of The Two Doctors and Delroy Young seeking transparency – a situation that had to be resolved or Mike Nattrass’ prediction made earlier:

‘How do you think we get our money, if you don’t shut up we will all end up in prison’.

The promotion of The BNP continued apace but it seems that a contingency plan was put in place to blacken the names of Dr. Abbott and Dr. Edmond for fear of reprisals over what seems to have been the money stolen from the party which they were determined, with Del Young, to have exposed.

You will be minded that at this same time the grime squad of UKIP was mobilised and active spreading their filth and dishonesty everywhere to rig the selection of MEP candidates a process being overseen by Christopher Gill – a failed ex Tory who had joined UKIP to more spectacularly fail – as he did when asked to preside over the Selection process CLICK HERE his suitability as a politician in his own right was displayed by the risible result he achieved in the constituency he had been given to serve The Tories previously as a safe TORY seat.

Nowhere was it more clearly shown that the British people vote for Parties not the trash that represent them!

An integral part of the ‘Plan B’ besides linking, utterly dishonestly, Abbott, Edmond, Suchorzewski and most farcically of all myself, with The BNP was the acceptance of a suggestion made by Martin Hasslam, Nigel Farage’s place man, who had done a great deal of pro bono accountancy work for Farage and had been a consistent and substantial donnor to UKIP, Martin suggested that he bring his tennis partner Nigel Farage’s friend to The NEC.

Farage personally agreed this as how could he not since I understand that Mottram was at the time in an ongoing relationship with Farage’s cousin and Martin was Farage’s trusted accountant.

No other NEC members seem to have been aware of this as I feel sure that at very least Drs. Abbott and Edmond and Delroy Young would have cautioned against it.

However come the day and sponsored WITH PERMISSION FROM FARAGE, Martin Hasslam introduced Buster Mottram to The NEC. Having introduced him to Abbott, Young and Edmond immediately prior to the formal meeting as I recall.

There was some ill mannered braying from the asses which Farage silenced and as a matter of manners Eric Edmond openly advocated politely listening to his proposition – once heard the detail for individuals of integrity would provide the weapons of its destruction only braying asses would fear succumbing to involvement with something as odious as The BNP.

That realising that Buster Mottram’s idiotic concept, once aired, would stand no chance of favour with the far more discerning membership than it had with himself and others seeking their own aggrandisement the entire debacle was used by Nigel Farage as his personal Reichstag Fire and soon after came the obscenity of Crystal Nacht and the slaughter of the innocents advancing the odious and machevellian Adolf Hitler to his power base as with Farage and the simpering maggots he surrounds himself with.

Drs. Abbott & Edmond together with Martin Hasslam and the much abused Deroy Young were rapidly consigned to history and lied about to ensure no danger of probity, transparency or reasoned debate in the rejection of Farage’s attempt seemingly to conjoin with the less extreme element of The BNP.

It was not long before Farage – expressly against the wishes of the membership of UKIP, had conjoined – not with The BNP – with the low lifes and extremists of EU gutter politics where he now leads the racist, xenophobic, anti Jewish and violently antio homosexual Pan EU Political EFD Group.

It will be noted the odious and dishonest calliber of Nigel Farage’s chosen proponents of membership/forming a Pan EU Political Party men of no political caliber nor any intellectual standing liars, cheats, corrupt and ever willing to defraud for political gain – in this instance Farage’s chosen incubae are front run by Mick McGough and Stuart Agnew MEP both individuals proven to be without honour, integrity or probity.

Both Eric Edmond and David Abbott are as dedicated to the values and principles espoused by the members of UKIP, but have both discovered just how cheap and tawdry are the corrupt aims of the leadership and their parasites.

 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance

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(IF You Have No INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance Candidate) .
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Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
tel: 01291 – 62 65 62

Posted in Annabelle FULLER, BNP, Buster Mottram, David ABBOTT, Del YOUNG, EFD Group, Eric EDMOND, Independent UKIP, Mark CROUCHER, Mick McGOUGH, Nigel FARAGE MEP, NO to PEPPs, SKEPTIC | Leave a Comment »


Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 15/10/2010

Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 
The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!
LIKELY TO SIGN UP AS EFD & DUMP UKIP BY 15-Nov.!! <!–var googleUrl="/telegraph/template/ver1-0/templates/fragments/search/components/google/GAFSTransform.jsp?";function doneGAFShtml (htmlstr) { //alert(htmlstr); htmlstr = htmlstr.split("<").join("”).join(“>”).split(“&”).join(“&”); var parts = htmlstr.split(“[BREAK]”); var slot1 = document.getElementById(“gafsslot1”); var slot2 = document.getElementById(“gafsslot2”); if (parts[0] != null) { slot1.innerHTML=parts[0]; if (parts[1] != null) { slot2.innerHTML=parts[1]; } }}function initGoogleWS () { var ajaxgws = new AJAXInteraction(googleUrl+’q=%22tim+Congdon%22&ua=Mozilla%2F5.0+%28Windows%3B+U%3B+Windows+NT+5.1%3B+en-US%3B+rv%3A1.9.1.10%29+Gecko%2F20100504+Firefox%2F3.5.10+%28+.NET+CLR+3.5.30729%29&ip=’, null, doneGAFShtml); ajaxgws.doGet();}initGoogleWS();//–>

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quotations for those that back Nigel !

Nigel Farage.Image via Wikipedia


Craig Mackinlay, ex Vice Chairman and Leader of UKIP, on internal UKIP elections: “I will not be associated professionally or personally with what has become a perverted and shambolic process. Threats from the Party Chairman . . . merely add to the stink that now surrounds this election.

Frank Maloney Boxing Promoter UKIP Mayoral Candidate 2004 , PPC 2010- I stick by my opinions that ”Nigel is a schoolyard bully and I beleive that the other members have a right to know this” 2010

”Roger Knapman, ex Party Leader and MEP: “UKIP MEP’s met and agreed a statement of practice – first that we would not go on ‘junkets’ to other countries and secondly that we would not employ our wives. This was to prevent us getting dragged into the comfortable EU world that leads to ‘going native’. I am now very worried that this agreement is being ignored and that the attractions of the European Parliament as a career may beckon to some; where the delights of plush new office suites, Brussels titles and internal parliament or IndDem Group politics are more attractive than our original purpose

Richard North, ex UKIP Chief Researcher, writing of Farage: “He cannot tolerate anyone in the party who he feels is or might be in a position to challenge him. He prefers to surround himself with incompetents and deadbeats. Anyone who emerges who might show an independent streak, he ruthlessly eliminates, to ensure that they cannot be seen as competition.”

And again: “(Farage) . . . spends the bulk of his time manoeuvring and scheming to keep himself in the dominant position, while presenting to the world his “boyish charm.

“Gregg Beaman, ex North West Regional Organiser and former MEP candidate: “As far as Farage is concerned I knew when I met him, during the Preston by-election in 2000, that he was the personification of vanity and ego with little behind that wafer thin facade. I have seen his childish temper tantrums when he doesn’t get his own way, when I was on the NEC and later when I was on the Elections Committee. I have seen him bully people and have stood up to him when he has tried to bully me. He must be one of the coarsest most vulgar individuals I have ever come across. The proposed changes to the party constitution are a result of the complete lack of principle of the current leader and chairman and, it must be said, the lack of courage shown by certain members on the Party’s NEC.

”Bryan Smalley, Party Secretary for two years, wrote of Farage: “He is dishonest and frequently makes untrue statements”

”John Petley, ex UKIP researcher: “It really is now too much to expect the party to be turned round. Even removing Farage as leader will not solve it. His cronies hold all the positions of power, and there isn’t the time to winkle them all out. Sadly, for all the undoubted good UKIP has achieved, it is time for it to be dismembered. The wound is too deep. The poison has spread too widely. In 2004, UKIP had a great chance to advance the argument for British withdrawal from the EU. With the right approach, the argument could have been won irrevocably by now. Independence is so noble an objective, and there is so much to support this assertion.So UKIP has had its chance and blown it. We are left with only one option – to start again, learning from UKIP’s successes but more importantly, its failures.

“Dr Eric Edmond, ex NEC member and former MEP candidate: “He (Farage) has packed the NEC with his unelected nominees Andreasen, Nuttall and Arnott etc clearly to push through yet more undemocratic practices and consolidate his personal hold on the party.

Anthony Scholefield, Party Secretary for three years stated: “A disturbing feature is that Mark Croucher, UKIP Press Officer, shows UKIP members’ details to Communists and Socialist Workers via Searchlight and Unite Against Fascism. Croucher reports to Farage.

David Abbott, ex NEC member : “Our leader issues an edict that MEP’s wives must not be on the MEP’s payroll. Then he is caught paying his own wife.”And again: “These new revelations were on top of all his (ie Farage) more obvious defects including total amorality, bullying, adultery, and drunkenness, vengefulness and lying.


 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance

Reclaim YOUR Future 
Write Upon Your Ballot Paper at EVERY election:
(IF You Have No INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance Candidate) .
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Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
tel: 01291 – 62 65 62

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Posted in Anthony SCHOFIELD, Bryan SMALLEY, Craig Mackinlay, David ABBOTT, Eric EDMOND, John PETLEY, Mark CROUCHER, Nigel FARAGE, Richard NORTH | 1 Comment »

#0097* – UKIP new NEC MEMBER Mike McGOUGH Brings UKIP Further Into DISREPUTE

Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 07/09/2010

#0097* – UKIP new NEC MEMBER Mike McGOUGH Brings UKIP Further Into DISREPUTE   

Clean EUkip up NOW  make UKIP electable!  
The corruption of some of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER the NEC
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!


We note Brian Lee has the measure of the sad little failure:

Quote Originally Posted by mick mcgough 
So he,Edmundo,Juniarse and Greg Lee Whatisname are all peddling lies.
The Chepstow sword of truth ,held valiantly by the Chepstow Bore with the transgender ponytail is somewhat bent.I hope Herr Doctors reports for the BoE WERE MORE ACCURATE THAN HIS DODGY BLOG and that of glw.

Quote Originally Posted by Brian Lee

Many of us may be misguided, but the above puerile attack indicates that the UKIP membership is likely to gain very little benefit from having elected the poster to the NEC.

What Mr McGough fails to realise is that many of the contributors to this forum might still be active in, or promoting, UKIP if they had not lost all faith in the people who are running it.

May I also point out to the sick, thick McTrough that to lie is to deliberaterly state a miss truth as he did with his lies to deceive his colleagues and defraud them of their rightful candidates in the MEP selection.

McTrough IS a liar. Dr. Eric Edmond passed on what he genuinely believed to be factual information about himself that he had been told by a source he considered reliable at The UKIP Conference. Junius I believe copied Dr. Edmond’s own article and as I recal I said very little as I doubted my source but was substantiated by Eric Edmond.

My first substantive statement on the matter of Dr. Edmond was today and was, as I understand it, spot on accurate and I subsequently find it being upheld by UKIP Chairman although with his track record of dishonesty one would be unwise to take advice on the time from either Paul Nuttall or McTrough as neither is honourable or trustworthy, as proven repeatedly.

INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance
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(IF You Have No INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance Candidate)
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Posted in Brian LEE, Eric EDMOND, McGough, Mick McGOUGH, NEC | Leave a Comment »