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Archive for December, 2012

UKIP’s Published Firearms Policy

Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 29/12/2012

UKIP’s Published Firearms Policy

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UKIP’s Published Firearms Policy!

Straight from the office of Nigel Farage!

Make of it what you will!


Dear Mr Showell

Thank you for your message, which was forwarded to Nigel Farage.

UKIP is very much in favour of licensed gun-ownership, and deplored the Charity Commission’s removal of charitable status from organisations teaching the responsible use of firearms. We note also that the growing incidence of gun-crime is in direct proportion to the restrictions placed on the ownership, by respectable people, of firearms.

Yours sincerely

Andrew S. Reed

Office of Nigel Farage, Brussels

I post this as a statement of fact.

It is clear that there are a great many firearms in circulation, more indeed than there were prior to the utterly underhand and disreputable ‘Snowdrop Campaign’ run from Police HQ and seemingly spionsored by Police in the immediate aftermath of their approved shooter Thomas Hamilton had seen fit to take his revenge on the police with the shooting at Dunblane Primary School.

The details of which Lord Cullen corruptly and duplicitously embargoed, without moral or legal right, for 100 years – To hide the facts.

For more facts & details you may wish to follow up at CLICK HERE

Personally I endorse the official statement of America’s National Rifle Association:

The best defence against a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun‘.
Having spent many years of my life legitimately armed I hold no brief for the banning of firearms on a blanket basis as for sure the idiots in society, the police and other criminals will have no difficulty obtaining firearms and one has only to look at the long list of police murders without prosecution to realise the society’s understanding of firearms could be written on a postage stamp with a felt tip pen!

My personal belief is that any individual arrested with a firearm in the commission of a crime should first be sentenced for the crime and then receive a mandatory additional term of 10 years to run subsequent to the sentence. Similarly those who go armed to commit any crime.

Similarly licensed holders of firearms should be permitted to defend themselves on their own property facing a charge of murder to defend if they shot and killed a criminal on their property, where defence would be a valid defence.




 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance

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Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins

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UKIP Leadership Review by Witterings From Witney

Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 29/12/2012

UKIP Leadership Review by Witterings From Witney

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UKIP Leadership Review by Witterings From Witney!
In relation to the article by Jane Fryer in The Daily Mail yesterday!


here is an interesting guest posting from the Witterings from Witney site on The Daily Mail Article on Nigel Farage as written of on this blog yesterday.

Further thoughts on Ukip/Farage/EU/Exit

With the appearance today of an “interview” with Nigel Farage which appeared in the Mail, there are those that have classed it as a “hatchet-job”, while the dyed-in-the-wool “party-faithful” have lauded it on Twitter for showing their leader as a “man-of-the-people”.

At the outset – and before the “party-faithful” pile in, accusing me of bias – allow me a personal summation of the man, someone I have met and spoken to whilst I was a member of Ukip. Yes, he has the ability to communicate with the “man-in-the-street”; yes he “talks” their language, saying a lot of things that they are themselves saying, consequently he has the ability to resonate with the public. On the downside let us consider: once you have heard one speech in public, you have probably heard them all; his “Jack-the-lad” persona undoubtedly has a public appeal, but when looking at potential party leaders, the public expects a certain amount of what may be termed “gravitas”, a factor sadly lacking with Farage; when answering questions, invariably every response is “EU-based”, a strategy which undoubtedly does “turn-off” sections of those to whom he should be appealing.

Another area wherein Nigel Farage and Ukip are missing what may be termed an open goal is educating the public on ‘matters-EU’. The Lib/Lab/Con have no wish to talk about ‘matters-EU’ and when, on the rare occasions they do, invariably what they say is either slanted pro-EU, misleading or totally incorrect. The public are ill-informed about the European Union; have no idea of its aims; understand nothing about ‘matters euro’; know nothing about what mechanisms are available whereby our membership of the EU could be terminated; have never once had it explained to them that some form of trading arrangements are necessary – and what the options might be – to continue imports and exports with the EU; have never had explained what “life after the EU” would comprise. Should not Farage and Ukip be talking about these matters? What better time than when the subject of the EU and our membership is almost a daily news item? What better opportunity than now to expose Andrea Leadsom and her Fresh Start Group – along with Cameron et all – as the false prophets that they are?

Let us now turn to Farage’s “New Year Message“. At 1:50 in the video, Farage states:

“I won’t believe Cameron is really serious in renegotiation unless he invokes Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty which is the only mechanism by which somebody who wanted to stay in the EU could actually begin a process to claw back some powers.”

Who on earth allowed him to utter such rubbish? Anybody who wanted to stay in the EU would not invoke Article 50, which is the means of giving notice to leave the EU.  As for “clawing back powers”, then there are two words that prevent that, namely’ “Acquis Communautaire”. This is the “acquired Community practice and powers”; the irreversible and irretrievable body of laws, policies and practices which have at any given time evolved in the EC/EU – note the two words “irreversible” and “irretrievable”.

Later, in this “New Year Message” “Soviet-style-misinformation-broadcast”, Farage lauds the percentage of votes his party obtained at the recent by-elections held at Corby and Rotherham. Where the latter is concerned, as this post shows, Labour, with an unpopular candidate and dysfunctional campaign, delivered a record low majority. It polled 9,866 votes – less than MacShane’s last majority – taking votes from only 15.6 percent of the electorate to win the seat. UKIP, which had an unusually high profile during the election after the “child snatching” case, only managed a distant second with 4,648 votes. BNP was third with 1,804. Respect took 1,778, followed by the Conservative party with 1,157, the Lib-Dems coming eighth.

Still on the subject of percentages, Farage mentions that in two polls his party achieved 14%, pushing the Liberal Democrats into fourth place. To put that into perspective, tonight an Opinium poll, on the Guardian website, puts Ukip at 15% – a result which prompted Mike Smithson, Political Betting, to promptly pour cold water on Ukip hopes by tweeting that the UKPR commons seat projections with those figures would produce a HoC of: LAB 381: CON 219: LD 24: UKIP 0. So the vagaries of FPTP provides a party polling 8% with 24 MPs and Ukip, on polling nearly twice that figure, with not one MP. Smithson also notes on twitter that since the Rotherham Westminster by-election the Tories have lost 5 council by-elections: 1 to LAB, 4 to the LDs and none to UKIP.

When considering the outpourings of Farage – and also, on twitter, those of ex-candidates and those supposedly ‘running’ the party – then Ukip is guilty of providing a mis-service to the public, their supporters and members; and cannot by any logic be described as an alternative , credible opposition party. It is undeniable that Ukip, bearing in mind the present state of this country, bearing in mind that the EU is almost a daily news item, should be polling percentage figures in the high 20s or even the lower 30′s. The fact that they are not can, reasonably, be explained by their lack of strategy, their lack of administration, coupled with a complete lack of political ‘nous’.

Some may consider the opinions that I have expressed as being ‘over-critical’ – they are not. They are simply a recitation of facts that are plain for anyone to see – if they care to open their eyes.

To view the original article CLICK HERE





 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance

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The Toxic Behaviour of UKIP Befouls EUroScepticism AGAIN

Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 28/12/2012

The Toxic Behaviour of UKIP Befouls EUroScepticism AGAIN


Clean EUkip up NOW & make UKIP electable!


The corruption of some of EUkip’s leadership, their anti UKIP claque & the NEC is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!


The Toxic Behaviour of UKIP Befouls EUroScepticism AGAIN!
This time with Marta Andreasen & the utterly discreditted ex Tory MP Neill Hamilton airing a very public spat as they fight for position like rats in a corner!



this time it is two pieces of toxic waste locking horns over the corruption that is UKIP, with the utterly discreditted failed politician and self serving self publicist Neill Hamilton boasting immoderately of his qualification as a barrister to seek to intimidate the equally dishonest and self serving Marta Andreasen, over openly discussed rumours she has published.

Most unedifying, as clearly neither give a damn for EUroScepticism or even UKIP – merely for themselves!

Minded of the huge damage done to the EUroSceptic movement at large by UKIP, its corruption, its racism, its anti homosexuality, its anti Islamism, anti Judaism and seeming terror of foreigners, to judge by its behaviour and the allies it chooses, there is one yet more unedifying spectacle!

Here we see the naked greed and rivalry of the leadership members squabbling, presumably for position, whether that was John Wittacker in the past, who was described by a Judge in Court as ‘without credibility’ whilst Chairman of UKIP or his resignation in revultion at having to support Nigel Farage’s unstable doxy Annabelle Fuller who had breeched UKIP trust to criminally harass a contender in a UKIP selection process.

Subsequently she went on to falsely accuse an MP of groping her in the presence of others when she went to his flat at after midninght and stole his Blackberry & House of Commons Pass.

Or The criminal and dishonest behaviour of Mick McGough, the fantasies and stupidity of the extremist Douglas Denny, the jockeying for position by Nigel Farage in negotiations with The BNP or the lies and deceit of Mark Croucher or even the braggadocio of Stuart Agnew in stealing public funds or Derek Clark’s theft of over £30,000 from the public purse on a par with Tom Wise.

Or of course the willingness of Mike Nattrass to apparently betray people besides his wife and family and prostitute what he claimed as principles, seemingly to fund a pending divorce, as he lept back into bed in Portugal & The EFD!
Indeed, little that UKIP leadership does would seem to bring more than opprobrium on the EUroSceptic movement.

Yet again internecine warfare has broken out amongst the leadership with the utterly discreditted and dishonourable EX MP Neil Hamilton, seemingly in fear of losing his rumoured route to riches by exposure and defending his implausible posturings like any rat in a corner.

It takes a fertile imagination to guess what merit there is in having this odious self publicist on UKIP NEC, as I would put that on a par with the crass appointment of Mick McGough, Andrew Smith, Michael Zuckerman, Peter Reeve, Oxley, Duffy, Croucher, Fuller, Nattrass, Clark, Lott, Legg, Crowther, Collett or any of the other puppets & muppets Farage has appointed as the low lifes in his claque.

A rabble of toxic waste befouling the EUroSceptic cause.

Yet the legend in his own lunchtime and political failure Hamilton chooses to do open battle, regardless of the effect on UKIP or EUroScepticism, against the elected, if proven corrupt and dishonest, Marta Andreasen UKIP MEP like Spanish Fly in the ointment!

Dear Marta,

Your e-mail about MEP selection, apparently sent to SE UKIP members, contains a false and defamatory statement about me and Christine:

“While we learn about this selection procedure we are also hearing rumours about ….the Hamiltons having already been given top positions on the list in……. the South West.”

Firstly, Christine has no intention whatever of being a candidate in any elections.

Secondly, it is completely untrue that either of us has been ‘given top positions on the list in the…South West.”

I should be grateful to know why you have chosen to spread false rumours about Christine and me, without either identifying your source or having the courtesy to check the facts with either of us.

As you may know, I am a barrister by profession and a very experienced libel litigant. Your e-mail is defamatory and damaging to Christine and my reputations both within and beyond UKIP in its implication that we would countenance (still less be complicit in) any manipulation of the selection process for our own personal advantage.

Please identify

(1) the source of the ‘rumours’ to which you refer;
(2) who made the alleged offer of top positions on the SW list and
(3) where, when and by what means such alleged offer was made;
(4) Please also supply me with a list of every recipient of the e-mail containing the false statement of which we complain.

Unless you can answer the above questions to our satisfaction, we require you immediately by e-mail to apologise and retract your false statements about us.

We also require you to send an apology and retraction (in terms to be agreed with me) to all recipents of the offending e-mail. You should also warn them that if they, in turn, repeat your false statements, they would also be exposing themselves to the threat of legal action.

I am copying this e-mail to the Party Chairman and Party Secretary for obvious reasons.
Yours sincerely,

Neil H

Andreasen’s response is nothing if not informative both of the situation and her willingness to defend her position, whatever damage it does to EUroScepticism, but did anyone ever believe she had climbed on the band wagon for other than personal gain, and were that the case why did she tell so many lies to achieve her income stream?

Dear Members,

I have received the email ABOVE from Mr. Neil Hamilton which is self-explanatory.

He asks for apology and retraction: Well, the fact is that I heard the rumours I mentioned in my prior email. However I did not refer to the veracity of the rumours as I cannot verify if they are true or not, nor did I intend to portray them as true. I just wanted to point out how they became more credible to me when I learned about the new selection process. Whilst the rumours are in the public domain, I have not found any rebuttal from any of the parties mentioned.

Furthermore Mr. Neil Hamilton establishes a link which I did not certainly raise in my email when he refers to ” its implication that we would countenance (still less be complicit in) any manipulation of the selection process for our own personal advantage”. I have to say that I was not aware of his or his wife’s involvement in the make over of the MEP selection process when I wrote the email to you. I was told NEC members wanting to stand as MEP would not be involved in defining the selection process or any part of it. I now feel I might have been misinformed.

Overall I feel that Neil´s email is an attempt to deflect from the points that I was making in mine. He has not referred at all to the proposed gagging of MEPs in flagrant disregard for the terms of their mandate. Nor has he attempted to rebuff the claim that the now highly centralised NEC and the party leader have taken over the placement of candidates on the list in something that I have to say really resembles a totalitarian party.

Please note his warning to you, the recipients of my email, at the end of his message.

In any case I think it is disgraceful that as an elected representative of the British people I am threatened in such a way following a communication to my voters and UKIP executive should not tolerate this behaviour….but, in this respect, I only get silence from that corner.

While you will now hear that the procedure I forwarded to you in regards MEP selection is ” only a draft” for discussion…to be modified…inaccurate, etc., the fact is that if I had not made you aware the decision would have been taken in the next few days and be presented to all of us as a “fait accompli”.

Clearly, with the new party constitution, the decision on who will eventually become a UKIP MEP in 2014 has been left in the hands of the Party Leader, which is very different from saying that it is in the hands of the Party (its members). And there lies the problem.


Best wishes
Marta Andreasen MEP






What is the Exit and Survival Plan for these United Kingdoms to maximise on the many benefits when we Leave-The-EU. It is the DUTY of our Politicians and Snivil Cervants to ensure the continuity, liberty and right to self determination of our peoples – they have a DUTY to protect against crime and secure both our food and our borders.

They also have a duty to put in place contingency plans for the collapse of The EUro & The EU or the wishes of the peoples of Britain to Leave-The-EU.

NONE of these DUTIES has a single British politician upheld for over 40 years. They have drawn their incomes fraudulently and dishonesty.

Politicians are failing to tell the truth, but so are almost all wanabe Politicians, the Main Stream Media and Snivil Cervants.

The fact is that even if EVERY British MEP wanted change in The EU it would achieve NOTHING, at very best if they ALL agreed they would then  still have less than a 10% say in the governance of Britain by The EU.

Every single British Politician, of EVERY Party, elected since before we joined the EUropean Common Market, has promised to change The EU’s CAP – In 40 Years they have achieved absolutely NOTHING towards that unanimous promise!

To try to put a value on OUR Freedom is as futile as floccipaucinihilipilification and as odious as the metissage of our societies, as we rummage in the ashes of our ancestors dreams, sacrifices and achievements, the flotsam of our hopes and the jetsam of our lives, consider the Country and Anglosphere which we thus leave our children and the future, with shame!

Greg L-W.
01594 – 528 337


I SUGGEST – since there is clearly no political party of repute, advocating or campaigning to Leave-The-EU for these United Kingdoms and restoration of our independent sovereign, democracy, with Justice & the right to self determination in a free country & minded that membership of The EU is sucking out the life blood and identity of our Country in a counter patriotic manner and at a cost in hard cash of some £53 Million a day we must consider:

Denying the self seeking & meaningless wanabe MEPs and the no longer relevant MPs the Mythical Mandate for which they clamour.

Diktat is imposed from The EU but Law should be made at Westminster, for our Country & our Peoples, by the peoples of our Country.

It is time that the entire mechanism of governance in these United Kingdoms, which has so clearly failed our Country and our peoples, was radically overhauled and updated to democratic status – failure to change will mean when we Leave-The-EU and/or it finally collapses, as it surely will, we will be no better off as the self same self styled, self enriching clique will be all too willing to betray us as they have done relative to The EU and its fore runners.

To achieve change support rational planning as with The Harrogate Agenda and similar thinking of gravitas.

Demand a Royal Commission on the cost benefits of leaving The EU and of remaining its vassals with a clear ‘Exit & Survival Strategy‘ for implementation OR responsible contingency planning dependent on THEN holding a Referendum on IN or OUT to Let-The-People-Decide!

INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance
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Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins

tel: 01594 – 528 337
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Do YOU Believe he is A Competent Leader!

Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 28/12/2012

Do YOU Believe he is A Competent Leader!

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The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
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is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!  


Do YOU Believe he is A Competent Leader!

A Rather Too Clearly Earned hatchet job on Nigel Farage!

Clearly shows what UKIP might have achieved had they a competent leader and even a smattering of credible gravitas, at a time when over 50% of the electorate consistently poll as wanting to Leave-The-EU!

clearly without credible leadership UKIP has no future just a swahbuckling past and the cresibility of David Such when the history is written – IF they survive.
UKIP is entering its 20th. year and all it has realistically achieved to date is enrich a few buffoons who chose to ride on the EU gravy train, largely as a one man entertainment band. Gathering around him ne’re do wells and racists, bigots and fraudsters as his allies and team has had the one effect seemingly desired – It made Nigel Farage seem inexpendable and with no opne of competence on his team he shines out like a piece of glass on a dung heap as this article most clearly shows.

In 20 years UKIP has been an unmittigated disaster in domestic politics with less than 30 elected seats of any stature out of the 19,500 seats available. Not a single MP, not a single Mayor, not a single PCC, not a single Assembly Member in Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland, London or any other EU Regional Council.

Sadly UKIP has failed to achieve despite a following wind that has formed crest after crest on the wave moving toward Leave-The-EU.

Read on and draw your own conclusion regarding the following article from the Main Stream Media:

So, Mr Farage, why does UKIP’s leader have a German wife? …and did she make you kip in the spare room over that ‘seven-times-a night fling’ with a Latvian?

  • Love him or loathe him, Nigel Farage is impossible to ignore
  • He dresses like a City trader, smells of fags and speaks from the hip
  • The UKIP leader has been at death’s door three times in his 48 years
  • ‘Circumstances have changed, things could really happen now’

By Jane Fryer

PUBLISHED: 22:00, 28 December 2012 | UPDATED: 22:03, 28 December 2012

A lot of people don’t seem to like UKIP ­ leader Nigel Farage. They roll their eyes and dismiss him as brash and vulgar – part used-car dealer, part public-school fool, ‘utterly unembarrassable’ and ‘a poor man’s Boris Johnson’.

They mutter about the BNP, a supposed tryst with a very passionate Latvian lady and the £2 million of EU expenses that he claimed over ten years ‘to prove a point’.

They do, however, all know who he is. Because, love him or loathe him, he’s impossible to ignore – blasting the President of the European Council, Herman Van Rompuy, as having ‘the charisma of a damp rag and the appearance of a low-grade bank clerk’; dismissing Robert Kilroy-Silk as a ‘vain, orange buffoon and a monster’; camping it up on TV’s Have I Got News For You; or dangling upside down from the wreckage of a light aircraft in the middle of an election campaign, UKIP rosette still flapping.

Speaking his mind: UKIP leader Nigel Farage believes 'things could really happen' for his partySpeaking his mind: UKIP leader Nigel Farage believes ‘things could really happen’ for his party

Today, he’s sipping a small glass of red – ‘I only drink in moderation’ (it’s 3pm) – and discussing his political opponents with typical Faragian zest. ‘They’re a bunch of saddoes! They have no life outside politics – they’re desperate. DESPERATE! And so TERRIBLY DULL!’ he squawks. [For the record, his hobbies, or ‘fanaticisms’, as he calls them, include deep-sea angling, Test cricket and 1914-18 battlefields.]

‘None of them pass the Farage test. Number one, would I employ them? And number two, would I want to have a drink with them? No and NO!’

He’s delighted to get a bit more specific. David Cameron? ‘Agghh, so shallow – the bland leading the bland. I have no respect for him.’

Ed Miliband? ‘Soooo boring and geeky – he’s spent his whole life sitting around the kitchen table talking ­politics!’

Nick Clegg? ‘Nice enough, but what’s the point? You have to admit, there’s a bit of a gap in the ­market right now, isn’t there?’


It’s a gap Nigel and UKIP, with their anti-Europe, anti-immigration and anti-windfarms policies (they are, incidentally, pro grammar schools, smoking and defence spending) are doing their utmost to fill.

Indeed, the 20,000-strong party once described by Cameron as ‘fruitcakes, loonies and closet racists, mostly’ is having a ­purple patch, with commentators ­talking of shifting ‘tectonic plates’ and describing their rise as ‘this ­winter’s biggest political story’.

In the last general election, UKIP secured nearly a million votes. For over a year they’ve been scoring at least six or seven per cent in the polls – and sometimes as much as 11 per cent and relegating the Lib Dems to fourth place.


Last month, things really shifted. First, Tory vice-chairman Michael Fabricant (who reckons the battle between the Tories and UKIP cost his party 40 seats at the last election) published The Pact – a report advocating an electoral deal between the two parties, on the basis of a referendum on Britain’s EU membership and a place in the Tory Cabinet for Nigel.

Then, at the Corby by-election, UKIP won 14.3 per cent of the poll – its highest-ever share. And promptly topped that in Rotherham with 22 per cent.

Brush with death: Mr Farage survived a plane crash while contesting the 2010 General ElectionBrush with death: Mr Farage survived a plane crash while contesting the 2010 General Election

‘When I saw the boxes open, I thought, God Blimey! Goody-good. This is going to be exciting – we were neck and neck, but the postal votes did for us on the day,’ says Nigel.

UKIP’s votes were hugely boosted by the story of a UKIP-voting Rotherham family whose three Slovakian foster children were removed because of the couple’s political beliefs.

‘That was appalling, but it’s the tip of the iceberg – it’s not the first time UKIP people have been ­discriminated against.

‘And Mr Cameron is at the top of the discriminators! When the Rotherham foster row broke, Michael Gove was up in ­minutes saying: “This is outrageous!” Even Miliband said UKIP were a perfectly reasonable group of people. Only one person was rude about us. DAVID CAMERON!

‘At first he retracted his earlier ­statement [the 2006 one about the fruitcakes and racists]. Fantastic! I was delighted. Then he retracted the retraction, saying: “Not everybody is UKIP is racist!” Can you believe it? I’ve taken that very, very personally.’

Oh dear. Chatting to Nigel is a lively ­business. There are endless God ­Blimeys, goody-goods and ghastlys. He rolls his eyes, speaks in outraged capital letters and strongly ­resembles Zippy from Rainbow.


He’s also refreshingly unlike a ­normal politician. He’s not careful, smooth or strategic. He dresses like a City trader, smells of fags and wine and speaks from the hip.

So when someone phones to tell him the Duchess of Cambridge is ­pregnant, his reaction is: ‘She’s pregnant, is she? Good Lord. Well, not guilty! Never even met her, ha ha ha!’

Thirsty work: The UKIP leader enjoys a joke with friends at his local pub in Downe, KentThirsty work: The UKIP leader enjoys a joke with friends at his local pub in Downe, Kent

He famously adores pubs and drinking (‘Now what a bloody laugh that can be – I’ve no idea how much, but nothing like William Hague used to, ha ha’), loves Dad’s Army and ‘Allo ‘Allo! (‘just genius’) and smokes endless smelly ­Rothmans cigarettes.

‘I smoke too many. Too, too, TOO MANY. I did stop, but then they announced the smoking ban and I thought, sod ’em. So I started again.’

A former commodities trader (tin and cocoa) – ‘I wanted to be a yuppie and make stacks of money’ – he helped set up UKIP in 1993 in protest at the Maastricht Treaty.

‘I’ve felt from day one that being part of the European Union was a very, very, VERY BAD thing for this ­country. I can’t explain it, but I just KNOW I’m right. And I’ve dedicated myself to it in a way I don’t suppose has been wholly rational.’

He’s not joking. In order to spread his message, he gets up at 5am, works seven days a week, travels on average eight hours a day to speak in town halls and rugby clubs (‘I call it my Billy Graham tour’) and barely sees his ­second wife, Kirsten, (from ­Germany, oddly enough) and two daughters – his two sons from his first marriage are grown up now.

Household name: Robert Kilroy-Silk was once called a 'vain orange buffoon' by Mr FarageHousehold name: Robert Kilroy-Silk was once called a ‘vain orange buffoon’ by Mr Farage

‘Nobody else in British politics works harder than me. No question. My work load is astronomical. It’s mega and I don’t see nearly enough of my family, but I’ve never doubted it’s the right thing to do.’

Blimey. Does his wife ever think: ‘Oh God, just shut up about bloody UKIP won’t you, just for a minute’?

‘It’s a bit late for that, to be honest. We met when I was on business in Germany – which goes to prove I want us to engage with Europe, trade with Europe, be friends with Europe but I don’t want to be governed by, that bloody Herman Van Rompuy, aka Rumpy Pumpy. But I think being ­married to me is pretty difficult.’

Is he teased about having a German wife? ‘Funnily enough, people do tend to mention it. But most UKIP people see it as being as rather a triumphant position for us to be in, rather than a bad position.’

What is her view on Europe? ‘I don’t like to speak for her, but like all sensible Germans she would have kept the Deutsche mark and a German model of parliamentary democracy that since 1945 has produced one of the richest, happiest countries in Europe.’

He says she’s been astonished by his patience over the years with UKIP. At least he’s seen some progress. In 1995, UKIP’s first national conference was attended by 500 people.

In 1999, the party got its first three MEPs. Five years later, 12 were elected and ­celebrity supporters got involved.


‘Joan [Collins] supported us in the 2004 European elections – that was brilliant! Then the Kilroy-Silk thing buggered everything up.’

The ‘Kilroy-Silk thing’ was Nigel ­recruiting the sacked BBC presenter to UKIP.

‘He did make the party a household name. But after he got elected to leader he became impossible. He didn’t listen to anyone. All that mattered was what he’d got to say. There isn’t room for Kilroy and the rest of the world! He’s impossible. IMPOSSIBLE!’

The end came when Kilroy described UKIP as ‘Right-wing nutters’ and Farage responded with his brilliant ‘vain orange buffoon’ line.

Much calmer: Spread betting tycoon Stuart Wheeler is UKIP treasurerMuch calmer: Spread betting tycoon Stuart Wheeler is UKIP treasurer

Today, things are much calmer. ­Stuart Wheeler (the spread betting tycoon) is party treasurer and he, Nigel and his deputy Paul Nuttall are doing their best to move the party as far away as possible from the slightest whiff of closet racism and their old ‘BNP in blazers’ nickname.

So what about all that ‘ban the burka’ stuff a while back?

‘That was from a different time,’ he says quickly. ‘I wasn’t the leader then. It’s all different now – things are really beginning to change.’

Nigel has always been a ‘cup-half-full’ man – which is impressive given he’s been at death’s door three times in his 48 years.


The first was in 1985, when he 21 and working in the City, blowing most of his money on nightclubs and booze (‘but never cocaine, thank goodness’) and was run over on a pelican crossing after the customary liquid lunch and after-work drinks.

‘They just didn’t see me. It was nasty, really nasty. I don’t remember it or the hours afterwards, but my A&E notes said, lucid, but ­aggressive!’ he says proudly. He was in hospital for over three months, in plaster for 11 and plagued by tinnitus for years.

Then he got testicular cancer. ‘I was 22 and thought is this ever going to end? After spending 11 months saving my life, the NHS nearly killed me. They kept misdiagnosing me.

‘I kept going back every week. A lump? I won’t be crude, but it wasn’t good. I could barely bloody walk. It was awful. AWFUL!’

His third brush with death came in 2010 during his (unsuccessful) battle to win Speaker John Bercow’s Buckingham seat at the general election, when his UKIP banner became ­tangled around the tail fin of the light aircraft he was flying in.

‘We knew we were going down four minutes before we hit the ground. But with four children, which one would you ring? So I sat there and kept schtum.’

Protest vote: 'At the moment we're still being treated like the country cousins - and that's not justifiable'Protest vote: ‘At the moment we’re still being treated like the country cousins – and that’s not justifiable’

The plane disintegrated as they hit the ground. Amazingly, both he and the pilot survived.

‘I was upside down, I could barely breathe. My whole chest was caved in. Every one of these bones was broken,’ he says, thumping his chest dramatically.

‘I was battling for breath and covered in petrol and I remember thinking, there is nothing in the world that can get any worse than this!’

Needless to say, when he finally struggled out, he didn’t embrace post-traumatic therapy. Not even when his pilot was given a two-year community order after making bizarre death threats against him. (He believed UKIP was using the accident to generate PR.)

‘When they offered ­therapy, I did rather scoff – it’s just not my thing.’

Up against it: 'If I believe something's right, I tend to pursue it'Up against it: ‘If I believe something’s right, I tend to pursue it’

Unsurprisingly, his recipe for recovery was a bottle of red, a pack of fags and counting his blessings.

‘I just took the view: ‘God I’m lucky – this is just the most amazing piece of luck I’ve had in my life.’ I’m an optimist – a RIDICULOUS optimist.

‘I mean, to have joined a party like UKIP, you have to be. Just look at the history of British politics and there’ve been hundreds of parties like this – and they all fail, they all get nowhere. What a ridiculous thing to do! I mean BONKERS!’

So, er, why continue? Why work 18-hour days seven days a week and neglect your wife and health and two young daughters?

‘Because if I believe something’s right, I tend to pursue it. And I genuinely think circumstances have changed over the past 18 months. Things could really happen now.’

Maybe he’s right. UKIP has 12 MEPs, about 110 councillors, a good few ­skeletons in the cupboard and a lot of passion. What it needs now is a seat in the Commons.

‘At the moment we’re still being treated like the country cousins – and that’s not really justifiable. Once people think voting UKIP isn’t just a protest vote, then it can become a very different thing.’

Which begs the question – if former Lib Dem minister Chris Huhne’s Eastleigh seat comes up next year (his court case resumes on January 14) would Nigel throw his hat in the ring?

‘Heh heh! I’ve no idea. I doubt it. I’ve no idea. Ha ha!’ he rolls his eyes and stretches his face like a rubber band. ‘I haven’t made any decisions. But keeping the electoral momentum going after the past couple of weeks is very important to us!’

So that’s a yes, then? ‘Oooh, I don’t know, dear girl!’

Given his passion for publicity, would he go on I’m A Celebrity . . . Get Me Out Of Here! like Nadine Dorries?

‘No. But I can see what Nadine was doing. She’s not going to be promoted, is she? And it’s 40 grand – which, when you come from a council estate in Liverpool, really matters. But I wouldn’t do it – not that.’

Leadership: Mr Farage with the party's deputy leader Paul Nuttall and South East MEP Marta AndreasenLeadership: Mr Farage with the party’s deputy leader Paul Nuttall and South East MEP Marta Andreasen

It must be strange being Nigel. He clearly adores the limelight, but thanks to his readiness to speak his mind (‘Prince Charles – a deluded chap who wobbles around’) alienates people in droves and attracts bile. So is he very thick-skinned? Does he ever get upset?

‘Listen, I’ve survived cancer, car crashes, plane crashes – this stuff isn’t going to worry me. Arguing with my wife – that can upset me. My whole family can upset me. They can make me hyperventilate!’

I bet his wife was hyperventilating when the claims about his seven times-a-night tryst with a Latvian lady hit the news in 2005 and led to the joke ‘Ukip if you want to’.


‘Erm, well, that was all nonsense.’ Really? ‘Oh, come off it. I did  have a lot of phone calls from ex-girlfriends saying: ‘Gosh, it wasn’t like that with me.”

And presumably a frosty time at home? ‘Yes, that wasn’t so good. Of course I’ve done stupid things and made mistakes – everyone has. But is there any point in regrets? Life’s too short.’

With that, we call it a day and Nigel Farage (who is surprisingly likeable, in a camp, over-the-top way, though of course you’re not supposed to say) hurtles off into the night to spark up a Rothmans, make a million phone calls and limber up for his hundredth UKIP meeting of the day.

To view the original article CLICK HERE




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Nattrass, Andreasen & Batten show what trash UKIP really are!

Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 21/12/2012

Nattrass, Andreasen & Batten show what trash UKIP really are!

 Please Be Sure To .Follow Greg_LW on Twitter. Re-TWEET my Twitterings
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Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 


The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 

is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!  


Mike Nattrass, Marta Andreasen, Gerard Batten, Mick McGough, Douglas Denny, Linda Robson and many others show what trash UKIP really are!!!


the details of the overt corruption in the fundamental structures of UKIP as exposed by its own senior members below should prove of interest to anyone who believes in British values, ethics, integrity and our future ,as a Country.Astonishingly UKIP have permitted Nigel Farage to seize control of every office and appointment and every selection list in the party it seems.Presumably this has been done so that he can put in place the weak and the useless who will kiss his hand in return for their preferrment and be certain not to try to outshine him. Very much the reason why there isn’t a single honest individual of integrity amongst UKIP’s leadership, its toadies and its staff NOT ONE.
What exactly is the point of the pretence of an NEC if Farage cruises in at the end and announcing how the decision WILL be made as shown by Gerard Batten & Marta Andreasen out of self interest!
You will be unsurprised that we have very little sympathy for these two individuals the odious and outspoken racist Gerard Batten to go by the pamphlets he produces which incline to incite racial hatred based on his personal fear and superstitions.Let us not forget the totally dishonest Marta Andreasen who tries to pass herself off as a self styled whistle blower which was shown to be a pack of lies in Court see CLICK HERE
Both Batten & andreasen were only too happy to take advantage of corrupt UKIP selections and elections in the past!
Details of the rigged selection process will be noted from Linda Robson’s letter, she was a senior member of Gerard Batten’s staff:
I am writing about numerous breaches of the Rules for Candidates by three candidates in London. One of them is Ralph Atkinson, but I will not go into details as I know Gerard Batten has already informed you about his activities.The other two are Marta Andreassen and Tim Worstall who I believe should be disqualified from this election. I am aware that Marta has decided to run in SE Region but believe that she should be disqualified in London and her votes reallocated since she was not entitled to them. This is quite a long email, I’m afraid, but there are an awful lot of rules being broken. The reasons I believe they have both breached the rules are as follows: 1. Eligibility (external, under Electoral Commission Rules)

Under Section 4, Becoming a Candidate, of its European Parliamentary Election Rules, Elcom says that candidates must be:
A British citizen…. or a citizen of another member state who is resident in the UK or Gibraltar during the nomination period.
Both Marta and Tim are clearly not UK residents. When asked about this at the London hustings Marta airily replied she was ‘addressing’ this issue. Some people I spoke to afterwards interpreted this (possibly cynically, but in the light of recent developments perhaps not) as roughly meaning ‘ if I get a high place on the list I will find an accommodation address in the UK for the minimum time necessary to meet Elcom criteria’. Tim has apparently said he will move back to the UK ‘soon’. Seems odd since he is reportedly a tax exile who can only spend 183 days in the UK and he is building a house in Portugal for himself and his family and they are currently all resident there.
Christopher Gill’s response to this was that he had not bothered to consult Elcom or check its rules as this was an internal election – unbelievable!
One would hope that UKIP will not be a party to any breach of certainly the spirit, if not the letter, of the Electoral Commission rules but according to Christopher Gill: ‘At a later stage all candidates will of course have to comply with whatever electoral legislation is then in force or otherwise be disqualified from standing’ which seems to confirm the cynics’ idea that an accommodation address will be found for them for the minimum amount of time necessary.
2. Eligibility (internal, under UKIP rules)
Under its constitution UKIP restricts full membership to UK citizens and resident foreign nationals. It also requires its Parliamentary candidates to be fully paid-up members in good standing.
Marta could therefore not possibly be a full member at the time her nomination was made and must therefore be ineligible.
Christopher Gill says she is an Associate Member but cannot tell me exactly how many other Associate members we have in the Party and indeed how many of them there were before Marta was given this (possibly) unique status.
Certainly nowhere on the membership application form is there an option to become an Associate Member. The UKIP constitution also states (16.4) ‘All parliamentary candidates must be paid-up members of the Party in good standing…’ – no mention of associate members there, I see.
3. Same Proposer
Marta and Tim had the same proposer – Lord Pearson. This is expressly forbidden but Christopher Gill has told me categorically he is not prepared to take any action as he felt ‘Lord P. was only being helpful’! Apparently breaking rules is OK if it is Lord P. doing it for Marta and Tim!
4. CRB checks
All candidates were mandated to have a full, advanced CRB check (not something vaguely similar in another country, but the full UK version). Indeed, £41 of the £250 deposit was for this purpose. So important are these checks considered to be when identifying suitable candidates that the London Assembly candidates list was delayed for two months last year because of the requirement by the leadership, at a late stage, for all candidates to have these checks. You will all recall Nigel Farage stressing the importance of these checks and saying that if we had them in place in 2004 they would have picked up Ashley Mote’s transgressions – therefore it was imperative that all candidates must have them in 2008.
But to have a CRB check you need a UK address at which you reside and for which you can produce utility bills. Once again neither Tim (who I believe can only spend a certain amount of days in the UK, which would indicate he is non-resident for tax purposes) nor Marta (who lives in Barcelona) would have been able to obtain a UK advanced CRB check as neither is resident in the UK. Why was an exception made for them?
Very odd reply from CG to this one ‘Marta has never made any attempt to hide the fact that she lives in Barcelona’!! and ‘Tim lives in Bath’. However, TW told me that although he owns a flat in Bath this was rented out and he was living in Portugal with his family.
5. Candidates standing in more than one Region
It was clearly required that candidates make it clear, both at the hustings and by other means, if they are standing in more than one Region. Marta certainly didn’t mention it at the London Hustings, nor is it in her published candidate details. Many of these members who might otherwise vote for a certain candidate would be far less inclined to do so if they knew he/she actually considered our Region second best.
Christopher Gill’s response was: ‘The point you make about declaring an interest in another region is well made – in a message to all MEP Interview Panel Chairmen dated 10th July David Challice highlighted the fact that the onus was upon candidates to publicly disclose if they were standing in more than one region. This instruction seems to have been ignored in at least one other region to my certain knowledge and will feature in my report’.
What use is ‘featuring in his report’ going to be? The damage has been done and another rule broken.
I know that the fact the shortlists were published on the UKIP website should apparently have enabled members to do some detective work and identify who was standing in more than one Region – but again this does not seem to comply with the spirit of the rule or why it was made, as very few of our members ever look at the website, let alone delve deeply into the members section, and I doubt one in a thousand of our ‘ordinary’ members, as opposed to those of us more involved with the Party, is aware of multi-region candidates.
6. Electoral Roll number
All candidates were required to give their UK electoral roll number on the application form. Unless they have given a false address, neither of these candidates can possibly be on the UK electoral register.
Christopher Gill acknowledges this is a problem for MA which should have been noticed and addressed earlier, although he contends that TW is a UK resident (wonder if HMRC know this?) but again refuses to take any action.
From this litany you will realise why many of us are extremely sceptical about the validity of these two candidates. At every turn it would appear that exceptions and accommodations are being made, and rules broken and ignored, to get them on, and keep them on, the candidate lists. I would appreciate a full explanation of why they were exempted from the stringent criteria that the rest of us had to comply with in order to be considered and would ask the NEC to disqualify both of them.
To paraphrase George Orwell: ‘Why are some candidates more equal than others?’ I am absolutely sure that if when I had applied I had said :
I’m not a UK resident
I’m not a fully paid-up member of UKIP
I can’t get a CRB check
My proposer has also proposed someone else
I’m not on the UK electoral Register; and
I have no intention of mentioning I will be standing in two Regions
I believe I would have been very firmly rejected – and rightly so.
Such chicanery will not play well with Elcom or our other enemies in the media and the community at large. And there are a number of people already aware of these facts, and upset about them. Indeed some of these questions have already been asked on the Democracy Forum – whose members number many who most certainly do not wish us well – so are thus in the public domain . This really could badly damage our chances in the 2009 elections and we should not be putting ourselves in this position.
I would formally ask the NEC to disqualify these two candidates from standing in London Region.
Please do not think I have anything personal against Marta – on the contrary, my limited acquaintance with her has always been a pleasure. And Tim seems a personable sort of fellow. But rules are being broken and distorted to keep these two candidates on the list and this is simply WRONG.I have already informed Christopher Gill that should this request be ignored then I wish to withdraw from the London list, and whilst I will do everything to ensure Gerard is elected I will not campaign or fund-raise if Atkinson, Andreassen or Worstall remain on the List.
I have also told him that I want my £250 returned as this has obviously been taken from me under false pretences. The false pretext in this case being that all candidates would be treated equally and subject to the same rules, which is patently not the case.
It is also worth remembering the ways in which UKIP leadership chose to corrupt, rig and manipulate results as shown in the Party’s own report drawn up by the Party Returning Officer at CLICK HEREAnd Mr Batten was content to remain silent when complaints were brought to his attention regarding the same subject.
They are now, in my opinion, only expressing concerns because both their seats are due to be handed over to Farage’s toadies in 2014.Do excuse my scepticism perhaps even cynicism based on bitter experience and close observation of the underhand behaviour of UKIP’s leadership team and its weak and low life gofers.Frankly the corrupt around Farage have made a rod for their own backs – a problem the electorate have clearly noted and hence the constant and risible results UKIP gets in domestic elections whilst the media play them for fools and try to use them to bring pressure on the Government.Let us hope Britain survives long enough to Leave-The-EU and these corrupt self serving low lifes behind – though as a result of almost 100 years of idiots for politicians and the final straw of the economic illiteracy of Gordon Brown & the war crimes and lies of Tony Blair and his cabinet survival is by no means a certainty.

Someone has to find a way to repay some £10Trillion in debt and forward fund the overblown public services _ I fear it may prove impossible
 Please let me be an MEP again. I want the money!
Dear Fellow members,

I have recently received information from Gerard Batten (see below) about the procedure that the NEC will be implementing for the coming 2014 European elections.
I am of the opinion that the process, under which I was put second on the South East list in 2009, was a satisfactory one, notably in regards the involvement of the regional committees and the exercise of democratic rights by the members. Under the new rules, the Regional Committees will not establish the list of candidates; this will be determined by the NEC after certain interviews. More importantly the local party members will not have any say over the placement on the list, who you would prefer to see elected. Instead this will be done under the auspices of the NEC, but in reality by the Party Leader.A sitting MEP will not know if they will be permitted to stand again until literally just before the polls, giving no time to prepare or run a campaign or operate in a normal way. I value and respect your views as local members and activists. If you no longer want me to represent you, then that should be your choice.

But what has prompted me to communicate with you at this point in time, is the fact that this NEC has decided that for the period 2013-2014, no sitting MEPs will be allowed to communicate with you on any level. This is ostensibly to allow a level playing field for other candidates.

This restriction on communication is against my mandate, and therefore illegal, and prevents me as an MEP and you as a party activist or member from doing our jobs, effectively shutting down the region for twelve months in terms of campaign preparation and fund-raising.

As UKIP members and activists we are justly proud of our position in favour of individual freedom and minimal state interference. It is why we work against the anti-democratic laws and the government by decree emerging from the European Union.

I work everyday to uphold these principles and further our cause locally and at national level through constituency work and our activities in the media.

While we learn about this selection procedure we are also hearing rumours about Patrick O’Flynn and the Hamiltons having already been given top positions on the list in the South East and South West.

I want to see UKIP getting seats at the next European and the General elections. It is one of the things I have been working for since I was elected, second only to the objective of getting the UK out of the EU. But these arrangements are not the way to achieve it. There is a danger of coercion and cronyism, which should have no place in our party.

I am writing to you to bring these concerns to your notice, and ask you to speak out to the party leadership if you share my concerns at the direction that the party seems to be taking. I also wish to say that I intend to continue to communicate with you to the extent that it is necessary for my functioning as an MEP, regardless of any possible sanction.

If you agree, I ask you to show your support by writing to the leadership to demand a more democratic and transparent selection process which allows your voice to be heard and respected.

This would also have the benefit of allowing candidates to be selected in good time, and for sitting MEPs to function effectively both as MEPs and as candidates.

It seems ironic that a party which stands on a platform of opposing the undemocratic decrees of the institutions of Brussels is in danger of mirroring those very same methods. Thank you for your time and trouble in reading this, and for your continuing support.


Marta Andreasen

Then there is this letter from Batten which I received earlier this month:

Gerard Batten MEP
Report to the UKIP MEPs on the UKIP NEC meeting
3rd December 2012

MEP Selection 2014.
This subject arose towards the end of the meeting. Party Chairman, Steve Crowther, gave verbal report outlining the proposals for MEP selection in 2014. He said that written proposals would be circulated later.

I summarise what he said (I hope accurately) as follows:

These are threefold:
1. To ensure all MEP list are made up of quality candidates.
2. To maximise the enthusiasm of the activists and members
3. To avoid the perception that the Leader has picked the candidates

The Process
1. This would begin in the New Year, and finalise just before the 2014 elections begin. The process is summarised as follows:
2. Nominations to open in early 2013
3. Applications for one Region only
4. Assessment of candidates for March 2013
5. Assessment to include: retrospective assessment of existing MEP performance; psychometric testing; media testing; etc
6. Provisional selection would be by a ballot of the Region’s members, but this would only decide the list not the placing on the list
7. NEC to discuss candidates if any problems perceived
8. Regional list places to be decided by a ballot of the members in the first quarter of 2014
9. Formal adopting of candidates by the NEC just before the campaign begins

Further conditions
Steve said that during the period 2013-2014 sitting MEPs would not be allowed to communicate with their Regional membership as this gave them an unfair advantage. Not deciding the places on the list for twelve month it was proposed by Steve that this would stimulate competition in the Region between the candidates in terms of positive activity.

I made the obvious point that MEPs not being able to communicate with their Regions would impede them from doing their job, and would impact adversely on the members’ perception of their performance. It is also totally impractical since MEPs cannot be prevented from communicating with their constituents who may, or may not be, UKIP members. I made the point that sitting MPs and MEPs etc would always have an advantage over other candidates (unless they were seen to underperform) and that other parties usually had some kind of preferential system for them.

I repeated my view that the best system would be as used before: for the Regional members to rank the candidates twelve months before by a ballot; if the lead candidates proved themselves unsuitable before the election they could be removed.

Paul Nuttall made the point that this process would effectively shut down the Region for twelve months in terms of campaign preparation and fund-raising.

At this point I had to leave the meeting.

I understand from others at the meeting that Nigel then returned to the meeting (having been absent for this part of the agenda) and on being told what had been discussed said that a secondary ballot with members ranking the candidates was unnecessary and the ranking would the decision of the Leader and NEC. Nigel also thought that we should have the flexibility to slot people in at the end of the process.

Then of course there was the anti homosexual ranting of UKIP NEC member Douglas Denny.
The criminal spamming and attempted harrassment by NEC member and serial liar and cheat as proven Mick McGough.
#281* - Bob Feel-Martinis - PROVIDES MORE FOOLISH IDIOCY
The astonishing efforts of Farage to try to rehabilitate the corrupt and disgraced failed Tory MP Neil Hamilton.The fact that we reliably hear that every UKIP MEP is currently under investigation over financial irregularities by the British Police and OLAF – Interestingly to date not only are OLAF Not interested in the financial activities of Nikki Sinclaire but The WQest Midlands Police have clearly been unable to establish any culpible deliberate offence in her accounts and some indication may be that after 2.1/2 years they have taken absolutely no action and I gather there is every possibility John Ison and others have realistic expectation of being charged and prosecuted – interestingly it seems that the odious little John Ison is no longer a member of UKIP whether by his choice to distance himself or in a duplicitous attempt by UKIP to disown his behaviour!
Consider the self serving duplicity and betrayal by Mike Nattrass CLICK HERE but lets face it once you are thrown out by your wife for your stupidity and you show that for lack of brains in your big head you have destroyed people’s lives by thinking with the blood in your little head I guess after that – Even if you have openly boasted of spending £!M in cash on your Portuguese villa where you spend so much time on ‘holiday’ – after that betraying your allies, friends, electorate, members and Country by trying to buy your re-election prostituting your views and values for personal gain AND of course because without having someone else make your choices almost everything turns to rubbish.
The betrayal of Team Sinclaire and the electorate by Mike Nattrass is beneath contempt and it is worth noting that it is quite astonishing just how much publicity Team Sinclaire have generated for the Referendum and inspite of the endless poisonous sabotage by UKIP who have done so very little towards the campaign and considering the £Millions of public money they have so blatantly stolen or at very least guided to their personal gain.And of course Mike Nattrass’ toxic betrayals.

UKIP are in almost every aspect a disgrace with their extremist associates and their overt racism and their openly anti homosexual stance as they support anti Jewish, Holocaust deniers and racist criminals.
Now we see the spectacle of UKIP having to close its own incestuous supposedly in house Forum to hide the fact of just how barking mad are some of their members and how despite rigid censorship even their NEC members are prone to rant and vilely at that!It seems that the latest of many i8diotic rants from the fantasist and fool Douglas Denny was the final straw with his outpouring of hate and fear of homosexuals and ever permitting them to have legitimised marriages or some such.
The Guardian, I gather, were fascinated by this odious ranting not to mention the streams of abuse and the near institutionalising of attacks on Nikki Sinclaire who had already left the party, openly stating her reason to be revulsion as it was so bound up in racism and extremist politics and involved in the corruption of their EU partners in the EFD – Cash cow as that may be for Nigel Farage!

The Guardian would seem to have rather broadened the issue, stealing something of a march on the serious researchers of the more serious and plausible media – whose time is coming!To quote The Guardian:

I gather divorces are very expensive for philanderers so to buy friends extremism, racism, anti homosexuality and corruption are just details!

Mike Nattrass, MEP

Mike Nattrass, MEP (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Here is what Mike Nattrass really thinks of Farage & UKIP:

Dear All,

It may be too late but after all these years I can no longer stay silent.In the previous Leadership Election I, together with all candidates EXCEPT LORD PEARSON were rubbished by Nigel Farage on TV and elsewhere. This ensured the election of Nigel’s puppet Lord Pearson and allowed Nigel to continue to be the face of the party. That is Nigel’s view of the election rules and I think it is only fair and high time that his methods were exposed, USING HIS OWN RULES.Nigel already Leads the parliamentary Group and when he is also elected Leader this will amount to total control. Increasingly I am hearing the word “Spiv” used to describe him, from people who are not members but see his image. I am concerned that the UKIP party brand will be tarnished, even holed below the water line, by his monopoly of power.

Whilst Nigel is a very good speaker, he is also a control freak. He grabs all UKIP publicity to the detriment of any other UKIP spokesperson or MEP. He employs assistants with the MEP’s budgets without allowing those MEPs any say. This, despite the fact that UKIP MEPs demanded a chance to interview those who were being employed with their money. Nigel agreed, then totally ignored that promise. Consequently he has his own “group funded” team around him and all “hiring” takes place via his close friend Godfrey Bloom MEP (this person is said to be banned by 4 hotels for urinating in the corridors)

Nigel’s lack of experience in good staff management and his refusal to allow MEP consultation is complimented by the morals of an Alley Cat (and I will not go there). I have always said that this does not matter, because so long as we are all in the trench together with guns pointing at the enemy all are welcome. But he shot Nikki Sinclaire in the back when she became an MEP, for no Party reason, while she was giving all the effort she could give. She was expelled as a UKIP MEP for pointing out the Group facts. He does not like truth or competition.

I have put a lot of money, time and energy into promoting UKIP in the West Midlands and I watched it wrecked at the General Election by Nigel’s chosen people (Lords Pearson and Monckton) who appeared from nowhere and failed to understand our basic strategy or even comprehend from where our votes are derived. Worse, Nikki, who has vast energy at election time, was stopped from being a UKIP MEP by Nigel and has not been given a chance to defend herself or to state her case (legal matters are pending). She and I were told by Lord Pearson not to get involved in the election and not to fund the campaign. In fact you will see that we both made considerable financial contributions but our campaign was deeply damaged. Also the subsequent enquiry into the campaign, requested by the WM candidates, was “dealt with” by Monckton (who thought I was behind it) and because of this we have had resignations from very keen activists.

All this West Midlands destruction because Nigel hates Nikki and wants to rubbish me!! Do you know how much money Nigel has contributed to this party…next to nothing.

I found allegations of fraud were brought against me when I stood for Leadership. These were in the Sunday Times. They melted away afterwards and had no foundation in truth, but they did the job intended.(My legal case against the Times is pending) Nigel has had a number of very real cases against him.. funny how that word does not get out.

My first major annoyance with Nigel’s manipulations stem from the time when I was first elected in 2004 and all UKIP MEPs had a meeting to agree three very basic points. One was that we could not employ wives (other Parties did) and this was agreed. In fact my wife comes to each Parliament and does not get paid (not even travel expenses) and I said that she wanted to contribute any proper payment to the Party, but no, rules were rules and she could be paid nothing. It was then later exposed that Nigel’s wife was being secretly paid out of his budget, breaking this rule. He did not seek any permission (to change his own rule) from the MEPs. He was simply “caught out” with both hands in the till. I fear that the whole Parliamentary Group in the EU is run for Nigel’s financial and public image. I left that ugly group.

Nigel has derailed every leader since the very first, except peacemaker Jeffery Titford (under whom I was Party Chairman). He is therefore hated by them all (except JT). plus never to be leader Kilroy Silk who must feel that Nigel gave him a wrong prospectus.

I expect that Nigel will be elected leader as no one else is effectively allowed to stand without a spin campaign against them. I can see less MEPs in the UKIP squad when he does win.

There is a false attack on Tim Congdon from Boggers 4 UKIP, this must mean he is a real threat! Good.



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Minded of the huge damage done to the EUroSceptic movement at large by UKIP, its corruption, its racism, its anti homosexuality, its anti Islamism, anti Judaism and seeming terror of foreigners, to judge by its behaviour and the allies it chooses, there is one yet more unedifying spectacle!Here we see the naked greed and rivalry of the leadership members squabbling, presumably for position, whether that was John Wittacker in the past, who was described by a Judge in Court as ‘without credibility’ whilst Chairman of UKIP or his resignation in revultion at having to support Nigel Farage’s unstable doxy Annabelle Fuller who had breeched UKIP trust to criminally harass a contender in a UKIP selection process.Subsequently she went on to falsely accuse an MP of groping her in the presence of others when she went to his flat at after midninght and stole his Blackberry & House of Commons Pass.

Or The criminal and dishonest behaviour of Mick McGough, the fantasies and stupidity of the extremist Douglas Denny, the jockeying for position by Nigel Farage in negotiations with The BNP or the lies and deceit of Mark Croucher or even the braggadocio of Stuart Agnew in stealing public funds or Derek Clark’s theft of over £30,000 from the public purse on a par with Tom Wise.

Or of course the willingness of Mike Nattrass to apparently betray people besides his wife and family and prostitute what he claimed as principles, seemingly to fund a pending divorce, as he lept back into bed in Portugal & The EFD!
Indeed, little that UKIP leadership does would seem to bring more than opprobrium on the EUroSceptic movement.Yet again internecine warfare has broken out amongst the leadership with the utterly discreditted and dishonourable EX MP Neil Hamilton, seemingly in fear of losing his rumoured route to riches by exposure and defending his implausible posturings like any rat in a corner.It takes a fertile imagination to guess what merit there is in having this odious self publicist on UKIP NEC, as I would put that on a par with the crass appointment of Mick McGough, Andrew Smith, Michael Zuckerman, Peter Reeve, Oxley, Duffy, Croucher, Fuller, Nattrass, Clark, Lott, Legg, Crowther, Collett or any of the other puppets & muppets Farage has appointed as the low lifes in his claque.

A rabble of toxic waste befouling the EUroSceptic cause.

Yet the legend in his own lunchtime and political failure Hamilton chooses to do open battle, regardless of the effect on UKIP or EUroScepticism, against the elected, if proven corrupt and dishonest, Marta Andreasen UKIP MEP like Spanish Fly in the ointment!

Dear Marta,

Your e-mail about MEP selection, apparently sent to SE UKIP members, contains a false and defamatory statement about me and Christine: “While we learn about this selection procedure we are also hearing rumours about ….the Hamiltons having already been given top positions on the list in……. the South West.” Firstly, Christine has no intention whatever of being a candidate in any elections.

Secondly, it is completely untrue that either of us has been ‘given top positions on the list in the…South West.”

I should be grateful to know why you have chosen to spread false rumours about Christine and me, without either identifying your source or having the courtesy to check the facts with either of us.

As you may know, I am a barrister by profession and a very experienced libel litigant. Your e-mail is defamatory and damaging to Christine and my reputations both within and beyond UKIP in its implication that we would countenance (still less be complicit in) any manipulation of the selection process for our own personal advantage.

Please identify

(1) the source of the ‘rumours’ to which you refer;
(2) who made the alleged offer of top positions on the SW list and
(3) where, when and by what means such alleged offer was made;
(4) Please also supply me with a list of every recipient of the e-mail containing the false statement of which we complain.

Unless you can answer the above questions to our satisfaction, we require you immediately by e-mail to apologise and retract your false statements about us.

We also require you to send an apology and retraction (in terms to be agreed with me) to all recipents of the offending e-mail. You should also warn them that if they, in turn, repeat your false statements, they would also be exposing themselves to the threat of legal action.

I am copying this e-mail to the Party Chairman and Party Secretary for obvious reasons.
Yours sincerely,

Neil H

Andreasen’s response is nothing if not informative both of the situation and her willingness to defend her position whatever damage it does to EUroScepticism, but did anyone ever believe she had climbed on the band wagon for other than personal gain, and were that the case why did she tell so many lies to achieve her income stream?Dear Members,

I have received the email ABOVE from Mr. Neil Hamilton which is self-explanatory. He asks for apology and retraction: Well, the fact is that I heard the rumours I mentioned in my prior email. However I did not refer to the veracity of the rumours as I cannot verify if they are true or not, nor did I intend to portray them as true. I just wanted to point out how they became more credible to me when I learned about the new selection process. Whilst the rumours are in the public domain, I have not found any rebuttal from any of the parties mentioned.

Furthermore Mr. Neil Hamilton establishes a link which I did not certainly raise in my email when he refers to ” its implication that we would countenance (still less be complicit in) any manipulation of the selection process for our own personal advantage”. I have to say that I was not aware of his or his wife’s involvement in the make over of the MEP selection process when I wrote the email to you. I was told NEC members wanting to stand as MEP would not be involved in defining the selection process or any part of it. I now feel I might have been misinformed.

Overall I feel that Neil´s email is an attempt to deflect from the points that I was making in mine. He has not referred at all to the proposed gagging of MEPs in flagrant disregard for the terms of their mandate. Nor has he attempted to rebuff the claim that the now highly centralised NEC and the party leader have taken over the placement of candidates on the list in something that I have to say really resembles a totalitarian party.

Please note his warning to you, the recipients of my email, at the end of his message.

In any case I think it is disgraceful that as an elected representative of the British people I am threatened in such a way following a communication to my voters and UKIP executive should not tolerate this behaviour….but, in this respect, I only get silence from that corner.

While you will now hear that the procedure I forwarded to you in regards MEP selection is ” only a draft” for discussion…to be modified…inaccurate, etc., the fact is that if I had not made you aware the decision would have been taken in the next few days and be presented to all of us as a “fait accompli”.

Clearly, with the new party constitution, the decision on who will eventually become a UKIP MEP in 2014 has been left in the hands of the Party Leader, which is very different from saying that it is in the hands of the Party (its members). And there lies the problem.

Best wishes
Marta Andreasen MEP




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Dr. Richard North: “I come to bury UKIP, not to praise it”

Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 20/12/2012

Dr. Richard North: “I come to bury UKIP, not to praise it”

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The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
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A Guest Posting from Dr. Richard North:
“I come to bury UKIP, not to praise it”!!



EU politics: “I come to bury UKIP, not to praise it”

Thursday 20 December 2012

Mail 000-com.jpg
If we are to believe the Daily Mail and, to some extent, the The Daily Telegraph, David Cameron has been so spooked by the apparent rise in support for UKIP that he is now determined to “fight the 2015 general election as an anti-Europe party”.

To loud banging of desks, he told the 1922 Committee last night that the party had to get “the big calls right” and there was no bigger call than the decision the party had to make on Europe.

Thus, records the Telegraph, he told his MPs, “I want you all to be absolutely clear – we will go into the next election with a clear Eurosceptic position. It will clearly be in tune with the British people, we will be the ones offering the British people a genuine change and a genuine choice”.

What Cameron then said was that he wanted to “grab the opportunity” to win a “clear mandate” at the next election to reshape Britain’s relationship with Europe – so marking the transition from a man who, when he first became Tory leader, told his party to stop “banging on about Europe”.

Predictably, comments (where they are allowed) are hostile, with UKIPites to the fore, questioning Mr Cameron’s good faith. The failure to deliver on the “cast iron” promise of a referendum on Lisbon runs deep, and has gravely damaged his credibility.

However before UKIP crows too much, the game plan is very much as predicted, and can hardly have been shaped by recent events. On this blog, we have consistently maintained that Mr Cameron would hold off any action on the EU until after the election, and that we would see a promise of a referendum as a means of “parking” the issue until the election was over.

So far, this is exactly what we are seeing – despite the belief in some quarters that we would see a referendum before the election. That was never going to happen. And, while Mr Cameron might at this stage be pledging to fight the election on “Europe”, we can be pretty sure that he will use whatever pledge he makes to neutralise the issue for the duration of the election campaign.

What is emerging more clearly, though, is that Cameron is under huge pressure to offer an “out” option in any referendum promise. All the indications are that he is still going for a renegotiation, although he cannot have been cheered by Hollande’s responses at the last European Council.

The confused state, therefore, probably reflects the confusion that reins in Downing Street and, indeed, in Mr Cameron’s own mind. The best understanding of the state of the art suggests that we can get no sense of what is going to happen because Mr Cameron has not himself made up his mind as to what he is going to do.

Nevertheless, the prime minister has at least committed himself to delivering his “Big Speech” on the EU by mid-January. After the successive delays, he would find it very hard to resile on that, and further delay would be damaging. Reading the runes, with Cameron telling us that the Conservative Party will be offering the British people “a genuine change and a genuine choice”, he is going to have to come up with something very convincing to still the growing criticism of his inertia.

While the pundit are focusing on UKIP, though, there are some indications that strategists are looking beyond the superficial nostrums offered by the Mail. Whatever the polls might currently say, the fact is that UKIP has only been able to draw on an average three percent of the electorate over the last twelve by-elections.

Compared with that, we are facing the prospect of thirty percent of the electorate going AWOL at the next general election. Pulling in a proportion of that cohort could outnumber the dissidents and bury UKIP. After all, if Cameron does genuinely offer us a referendum with an “out” option, would it make sense to keep the Conservatives out of office?

Richard North 20/12/2012.

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A Sad Reflection on UKIP’s Damage to EUroScepticism

Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 20/12/2012

A Sad Reflection on UKIP’s Damage to EUroScepticism

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The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
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A Sad Reflection on UKIP’s Damage to EUroScepticism as Nigel Farage & his little band of crooks, liars, cheats and self serving ne’r do wells repeatedly bring shame on the very EUroScepticism they pretend to!!


much as I find the sneering tones and anti British comments and behaviour of the odious leader of the group The Tories have allied themselves with in the EU and as I hold Guy Verhofstadt the rabid EUroFedralist in little but contempt it is sad to see him so well armed by Nigel Farage’s Party that it is almost impossible to refute what the odious little man says.

It is worth remembering that as leader of ALDE in The EU this odious little Belgian creep speaks for the British Tories and their Limp.Dim. makeweights!

Sadly UKIP is hugely undermined by the irresponsible antics of its so called leadership team and its unprofessional behaviour – exacerbated by the apparent selection of its clearly low grade NEC & staff to ensure that like a cockerel on a dung heap Nigel Farage would seem to shine.

Possibly the greatest damage is done by the greed that has led to UKIP’s association with some of the most odious politicians in EU politics in the extremist, racist, anti Jewish and anti homosexual EFD Group which UKIP supports!

UKIP without competent leade4rship and with its utterly unprofessional behaviour and low grade low lifes and nere do wells plays right into the hands of EUroFedralists – UKIP in its present form is quite clearly EUroScepticisms worst enemy and beimng without ethics, integrity, morality, transparency or probity is beyond any doubt a part of the problem with no place in the solution or the Leave-The-EU stance of the majority of British citizens.

Nigel Farage, Ukip Leader, The ‘Biggest Waste Of Money In Europe’, Says MEP (VIDEO)

The Huffington Post UK


Ukip leader Nigel Farage has made a name for himself in the Brussels for delivering vehement attacks on the European Union and the excesses of European politicians.

However last month he got a taste of his own medicine when Guy Verhofstadt, the MEP who used to be Belgian prime minister, launched into a angry tirade against the British eurosceptic.

“What I think is the biggest waste of money in the EU today is the salary we all pay to Mr Farage,” he said.

“Oh no Mr Farage, let’s be honest about it, you are member of the fisheries committee and you’re never there. Never. In 2011 no attendance. In 2012 no attendance.”

To applause from other MEPs, Verhofstadt, an ardent European federalist, added: “It’s fantastic what you’re doing, you are coming here saying it’s a scandal, the salaries we are paid, and you pay yourself a salary without doing any labour in your committee.”

Farage found the rant highly amusing, which only served to wind up Verhofstadt further. “You can laugh. I hope maybe this will be sent out to the BBC this evening and all the private TV in Britain about how you are cheating your own citizens here.”

To view the original article CLICK HERE




 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance

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UKIP so Un-professional as to be Unfit for Purpose!

Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 19/12/2012

UKIP so Un-professional as to be Unfit for Purpose!


Clean EUkip up NOW & make UKIP electable!


The corruption of some of EUkip’s leadership, their anti UKIP claque & the NEC is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!


It is virtually impossible on ALL counts to deny that UKIP is so Un-professional as to be Unfit for Purpose!
They clearly haven’t a single individual of morality, ethics, aptitude or integrity of any gravitas in their leadership team, elected officers or staff.

How could such incompetence so consistently be the norm, even in an undeniably extremist, racist and anti homosexual party like UKIP?



Welcome to the Gravesham Branch of the UK Independence Party

The prime aim of the UK Independence Part is clear and to quote our former leader Nigel Farage:

The UK Independence Party is the only moderate, democratic party to advocate Britain’s withdrawal from the European Union.”

In the light of the publicity gained by Geoffrey Clark, for UKIP, as their Kent County Council candidate and seemingly EUgenics spokesman until the press explained to the utterly unprofessional and unfit for purpose UKIP leadership who had endorsed him as their candidate for Gravesham and also for a seat in Meopeth – one would think they just might check the details on the official web site even if they are utterly incompetent at vetting, training, managing and promoting their motley crew of inadequates posing as candidates.

One couldn’t make it up – even today the official web site describes Nigel Farage as UKIP’s ex leader!

Is this something else UKIP is keeping from the membership in embarrassment – I think not despite their clear lack of ability to appoint competent staff of any caliber in their press office, or on the leadership team!

For a moment consider the experience & training of their newly appointed CEO and TRY to explain what apposite experience and skills he brings to the job!.





What is the Exit and Survival Plan for these United Kingdoms to maximise on the many benefits when we Leave-The-EU. It is the DUTY of our Politicians and Snivil Cervants to ensure the continuity, liberty and right to self determination of our peoples – they have a DUTY to protect against crime and secure both our food and our borders.

They also have a duty to put in place contingency plans for the collapse of The EUro & The EU or the wishes of the peoples of Britain to Leave-The-EU.

NONE of these DUTIES has a single British politician upheld for over 40 years. They have drawn their incomes fraudulently and dishonesty.

Politicians are failing to tell the truth, but so are almost all wanabe Politicians, the Main Stream Media and Snivil Cervants.

The fact is that even if EVERY British MEP wanted change in The EU it would achieve NOTHING, at very best if they ALL agreed they would then  still have less than a 10% say in the governance of Britain by The EU.

Every single British Politician, of EVERY Party, elected since before we joined the EUropean Common Market, has promised to change The EU’s CAP – In 40 Years they have achieved absolutely NOTHING towards that unanimous promise!

To try to put a value on OUR Freedom is as futile as floccipaucinihilipilification and as odious as the metissage of our societies, as we rummage in the ashes of our ancestors dreams, sacrifices and achievements, the flotsam of our hopes and the jetsam of our lives, consider the Country and Anglosphere which we thus leave our children and the future, with shame!

Greg L-W.
01594 – 528 337


I SUGGEST – since there is clearly no political party of repute, advocating or campaigning to Leave-The-EU for these United Kingdoms and restoration of our independent sovereign, democracy, with Justice & the right to self determination in a free country & minded that membership of The EU is sucking out the life blood and identity of our Country in a counter patriotic manner and at a cost in hard cash of some £53 Million a day we must consider:

Denying the self seeking & meaningless wanabe MEPs and the no longer relevant MPs the Mythical Mandate for which they clamour.

Diktat is imposed from The EU but Law should be made at Westminster, for our Country & our Peoples, by the peoples of our Country.

It is time that the entire mechanism of governance in these United Kingdoms, which has so clearly failed our Country and our peoples, was radically overhauled and updated to democratic status – failure to change will mean when we Leave-The-EU and/or it finally collapses, as it surely will, we will be no better off as the self same self styled, self enriching clique will be all too willing to betray us as they have done relative to The EU and its fore runners.

To achieve change support rational planning as with The Harrogate Agenda and similar thinking of gravitas.

Demand a Royal Commission on the cost benefits of leaving The EU and of remaining its vassals with a clear ‘Exit & Survival Strategy‘ for implementation OR responsible contingency planning dependent on THEN holding a Referendum on IN or OUT to Let-The-People-Decide!

INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance
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Deny the self serving political clique ANY Democratic claims to legitimacy
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Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins

tel: 01594 – 528 337
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UKIP Seemingly Advocates Compulsory Forced Abortions!

Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 19/12/2012

UKIP Seemingly Advocates Compulsory Forced Abortions!


 Please Be Sure To .Follow Greg_LW on Twitter. Re-TWEET my Twitterings
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The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
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is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!  


UKIP Seemingly Advocates Compulsory Forced Abortions of any deformed or disabled foetus!
I quote the details on a UKIP controlled Forum with some incredulity!!



it seems little wonder that UKIP has closed down its in house and incestuous party Forum, which was heavily policed and censored, to control what the public found out about UKIP from reading it – including the sordid rants of UKIP NEC members, and the abuse of individuals by the ill informed and self interested on that Forum.We note the rant of the embarrassing toady of yesteryear who lied, cheated and defamed for Farage, Douglas Denny, who now as an NEC member further brings shame on UKIP with his rants, shame and fantasies which ended up in The Guardian exposing UKIP’s extremist anti homosexual stance as displayed by this UKIP NEC member.

Astonishingly there are still some who see UKIP as fit for purpose despite their racist, anti homosexual, extremist associates with whom they work in The EU pan EU political group The EFD!

Fortunately the media is starting to expose the corruption, dishonesty and defamatory bullying and criminal activities of UKIP.

It may well be just a case of the higher up the tree the monkey climbs the more you see its arse andf lets face it they have more than their fair share of fools, bullies, and self servers!

Though it may be just as a result of UKIP postings on Forums controlled by UKIP as with that of Douglas Denny, Mick McGough and other members of UKIP leadership or comments about them as with this following posting on a UKIP controlled and often dishonest and defamatory site:

Today, 12:14 AM #1


Join Date Jan 2011
Posts 197

Default Is it true what Dick Sniffen says about UKIP

This is what’s going out on the BNP website. Is this what the UKIP candidate said?
Expectant mothers with foetuses discovered to have Down’s syndrome and other disabilities should be made to have compulsory abortions, according to UKIP candidate Geoffrey Clark’s manifesto.
If it is it’s WRONG. Is this UKIP’S stance?

To view the original CLICK HERE.




IT DOES SEEM UKIP Has Belatedly Taken action Due to Bad Publicity!:

UKIP suspends Down’s syndrome abortion call candidate

Geoffrey Clark
Geoffrey Clark is standing for election to Kent County Council and Gravesham Borough Council

A UKIP candidate who called for an NHS review to look at compulsory abortion of foetuses with Down’s syndrome or spina bifida has been suspended.

The party said Geoffrey Clark, who is standing for Kent County Council, would not be a UKIP councillor if elected.

Mr Clark said on his website he did not endorse the abortion idea but suggested it to cut the national debt.

Learning disability charity Mencap said it was disgusted and horrified at Mr Clark’s personal manifesto.

UKIP said Thursday’s ballot paper would still list him as its candidate but, pending an investigation, he would not be a UKIP councillor.

Chartered accountant Mr Clark, 66, who is also standing for Meopham North ward on Gravesham Borough Council in Thursday’s by-election, says on his website his comments are personal and do not reflect UKIP policy.

He calls for a national debate and an urgent government review of the NHS, which he says “risks becoming unaffordable in the future”.

The review should look at “compulsory abortion when the foetus is detected as having Down’s, spina bifida or similar syndrome which, if it is born, could render the child a burden on the state as well as on the family”.

He says the review should also look at medical treatment for those aged over 80, “which is disproportionately costly to the NHS” and might also include “legalising euthanasia and giving free euthanasia advice to all folk over 80”.

He told the BBC: “I don’t intend to offend.

“What I am trying to do is to provoke a debate in the nation because I am so disenchanted with our politicians.”

‘Forced eugenics’Mark Goldring, chief executive of Mencap, said: “Much has been written about the Paralympics this summer changing attitudes towards disabled people for the better.

“Yet in the very same year, a council candidate has proposed forced eugenics against disabled people.

“It is abhorrent that Geoffrey Clark sees disabled people solely as a burden when people with a learning disability lead full lives and make valuable contributions to their communities and families.

“We question if he is fit for public office.”

Mr Clark, who describes himself as a member of Meopham Parochial Church Council, Rotary International, the Royal British Legion and the Youth Hostels Association, says population, immigration and threats to the green belt are linked issues close to his heart.

If elected, he promises to promote the Christian ethic and British culture, roll back Islam, contain UK population growth and restrict immigration.

A UKIP spokesman said the party rejected Mr Clark’s “abhorrent” views.

“The party was not aware of these views when it allowed him to stand under our name,” he said.

“Mr Clark has been formally suspended as a UKIP candidate and will not be standing for the party again.

“We would like to apologise to anyone who has suffered distress as a result of this matter.”

To view this article in its original context CLICK HERE

I incline, from a cursory look around the internet, that the choice of Geoffrey Clark right on Nigel Farage’s patch is just yet another example of UKIP’s utter ineptitude and unprofessionalism when you consider his apparent track record as director of a series of defuncy companies and the massive debt relative to apparent assets:

His own personal/political web site shows his utter ineptitude as a potential politician yet it was not until he had dragged UKIP’s name in the ordure in a large number of media stories that UKIP even noticed, it would seem.

As is so often the case the Press Office of UKIP has totally failed the members – it is often the cover-up that proves more damaging than the actual offence!

What ever happened to professionalism and the competence that U*KIP spe4nds a fortune trying to buy!

I note that a week or two ago a half baked letter from UKIP was mailed out announcing they were employing a fast jet junior pilot long ex RAF who seems to have absolutely zero qualifications for his new job as UKIP CEO – Are we to assume he is just another nepotistic placement of a drinking chum of Farage’s, employed as he will be of little threat and will not outshine Farage – like so many before him!

Many will be aware Ladies used to have monkeys to make them seem attractive and lap dogs, with their higher temperature, have been a common means by which to attract fleas from their owners.

UKIP clearly has a problem and not only lets any passing fool, untrained, stand for office and election (just look at its successes and imagine just how low grade its failures must be!), there seems no competent vetting process, no professionalism and just how low grade must its officers and leadership team be to ensure they do not outshine their in house performing monkey  when clearly they have no organ grinder!





 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance

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So I’m NOT The Only One To See Through Stuart PARR!

Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 18/12/2012

So I’m NOT The Only One To See Through Stuart PARR!


this is a re-posting from 16-Jan-2012 but with the addition of comments added as shown:

  1. 18/12/2012 at 18:04 eOn the 12-Apr-2012 I changed hosting facilities to using a WordPress blog system on a .com of my own for the reasons stated on the original blog hosted by Google.

    Sadly some are unable to follow the basic instructions and have continued to post comments on that now obsolete site despite the details shown.

    Occasionally, more by accident than design I notice a comment and sometimes bother to post it on this current site to facilitate discussion and provide additional facts.

    A couple of such comments can be found below:

    Posted 18-Dec-2012 by the owner and author of both blogs – Greg_L-W.

We welcome comments but reserve the right to moderate & refuse libelous or offensive comments and those we choose to delete when written by unidentifiable individuals hidden in anonymity in a cowardly manner to defame or abuse.

It would seem Stuart Parr wishes to make yet more of a fool of himself and add further provenance to the facts I had already presented and to that end I am happy to oblige the odious little appology offor a man!

Firstly by including the comments of a third party, not known to me, and also in direct response personally.

IF anyone on re reading my original blog published her be able or wish to defend the revolting little liar Stuart Parr or feel that I have been unsympathetic to his obvious shortcomings and inability to tell the truth perhaps they would wish to contact me in the normal terms I delineate on my blogs.

Also when you have read the details of the blog and the many facts I have presented by all means draw your own conclusions.

In response to the dishonest implication of Stuart Parr’s dishonest simpering I have  responded in person after his request at the end of the blog comments as copied across:

#0728* – So I’m NOT The Only One To See Through Stuart PARR!

Posted by Greg Lance-Watkins on 16/01/2012

#0728* – So I’m NOT The Only One To See Through Stuart PARR!

 Please Be Sure To .Follow Greg_LW on Twitter. Re-TWEET my Twitterings
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To Spread The Facts World Wide

Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 


The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!  

So I’m NOT The Only One To See Through Stuart PARR!My thanks to those who brought this exposure of the nasty little chap to my attention!

Stuart Par has a consistent track record of dishonesty and corruption and brings only shame to the body politic!


Hi,for once I have found something to agree with the rather sad specimen and serial liar Stuart Parr!

Stuart Parr’s fantasies and lies so frequently put forward as if they were serious political thought have been a constant source of embarrassment to UKIP and its members of any integrity or gravitas.

One wonders why until one realises that even as a mere parish councillor he seeks to present his muddled and corrupt comments at a standard clearly beyond his abilities even as a Parish Councillor!

UKIP Councillor Stuart Parr: describes UKIP Literature as “UKIP … the usual inconsistent xenophobic crap”

1 Vote
Disgraced UKIP Councillor – Stuart Parr – Former English Nationalist – who voted “Liberal Democrat” and decribes UKIP Literature as:-
“UKIP … the usual inconsistent xenophobic crap
…..stops me from taking UKIP seriously at all”

What like this then Stuart – your UKIP Leaflet?
Stuart Parr is a UKIP councillor for the Brookside ward of Stirchley & Brookside Parish.
He lived in Brookside as a young child until his family moved to Much Wenlock where he grew up until moving back to Brookside 10 years ago when he met his wife.
Stuart has 4 children, the eldest of which goes to the Thomas Telford School whilst the youngest three go to the Windmill School in Brookside. He works for a local IT company.

UKIP Councillor Stuart Parr Said “It has been brought to my attention that the English Democrats are fielding Garry Bushell in the delayed elections in South Staffs.
My contact forwarded me a copy of the election leaflets from each party that’s standing. Conservatives … dull. Labour … dull, lies and false promises (what else would you expect from a party headed up by Traitor Blair?). Lib Dems … dull and 4 pages! UKIP … the usual inconsistent xenophobic crap. English Democrats … excellent!
The EDP leaflet was a single page, bright and clear. It is in red and white (of course) and clearly sets out what they are standing for in a few paragraphs and bullet points. It looks completely different from the standard dullness of the main three parties and the garish purple and yellow of the UKIP.

While I’m on the subject of the UKIP leaflet, there were some inconsistencies. Their first bullet point said that they would withdraw the UK from the EU and save £39m a day. Then the third bullet point says that with the £30m a day saved from leaving the EU they would cut council tax. So which is it? £39m or £30m a day? Also, is that £39m (or £30m) a day net of the lost trade, subsidies, grants and preferrential trade agreements that we get from the EU? Apart from the inconsistencies such as the money side of things, the deliberate missing out of important information and deliberate misleading stops me from taking UKIP seriously at all.
South Staffs is a fairly rural constituency and I think it would benefit from the time and attention that the English Democrats could give it.
I also think it would benefit from the increased profile having a minor celebrity and journalist as it’s elected representitive. Finally, as an English constituency and one that would be swallowed up by a meaningless region that it has no links to, I think voting for a non-regional, pro-English party would be in its best interests.
I normally vote Lib Dems myself but if I was in South Staffs, I would certainly take this opportunity to vote for Garry Bushell.”

To view the original of this posting CLICK HERE

To see JUNIUS’s take on this latest behaviour of this odious and untrustworthy little creep and his self serving lies and dishonesty read on:

Tuesday, 17 January 2012

UKIP’s Stuart Parr describes UKIP literature as “xenophobic crap”

Stuart Parr (parish councillor, former Lib Dem supporter and twat) is perhaps best known for telling lies about Nikki Sinclaire and kissing Nigel’s backside at every opportunity via his ‘Farage Sycophants (bloggers) 4 UKIP’ blog. LINK

However, his ‘love affair’ with Nigel may soon come to an end after certain comments recently came back to haunt him!

Eyebrows have been raised in UKIPPER circles after it emerged that Parr once described UKIP literature on his blog asthe usual inconsistent xenophobic crap ……… stops me from taking UKIP seriously at all”. 

It moves, it talks, it walks but the lights went out years ago

And how apt that Mr Parr titled his blog ‘The Insane Ramblings of Wonko the Sane’!

So why is Parr now quite happy to promote a party and a leader that happily sits with fascists and racists in the EFD group in the EU parliament? LINK . So much for his concerns about xenophobia! The man is a hypocrite!

I also think it would benefit from the increased profile having a minor celebrity and journalist as it’s elected representitive. Finally, as an English constituency and one that would be swallowed up by a meaningless region that it has no links to, I think voting for a non-regional, pro-English party would be in its best interests.

I normally vote Lib Dems myself but if I was in South Staffs, I would certainly take this opportunity to vote for Garry Bushell.”


Posted by at 17:38

To read this on Junius’s site CLICK HERE
. .

 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance

Reclaim YOUR Future 
Write Upon Your Ballot Paper at EVERY election:
(IF You Have No INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance Candidate) .
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Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
tel: 01594 – 528 337
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This entry was posted on 16/01/2012 at 01:49 and is filed under Councillor, Stuart PARR, UKIP. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site. Edit this entry.


We welcome comments but reserve the right to moderate & refuse libelous or offensive comments and those we choose to delete when written by unidentifiable individuals hidden in anonymity in a cowardly manner to defame or abuse.

18/12/2012 at 18:04 e

On the 12-Apr-2012 I changed hosting facilities to using a WordPress blog system on a .com of my own for the reasons stated on the original blog, hosted by Google.

Sadly some are unable to follow the basic instructions and have continued to post comments on that now obsolete site, despite the details shown.

Occasionally, more by accident than design, I notice a comment and sometimes bother to post it on this current site, to facilitate discussion and provide additional facts.

A couple of such comments can be found below:

Posted 18-Dec-2012 by the owner and author of both blogs – Greg_L-W.

Posted FROM the now defunct blog for and on behalf of the author of the comment.

left UKIP months ago after a crashing disappointment… discovering YI has been infiltrated by ghastly little UAF morons; Stuart Parr is a vicious vindictive misogynist who gets off on attacking UKIP members, particularly females, he has never met before and calling them names on public pages.

Thoroughly obnoxious creature who regularly spouts bile against other members on the UKIP forum which is positively snided with lefties.

The big joke is the idiot lefties of the BBC and other media are still referring to UKIP as “far right” when it is swinging sharply to the left.

Olly Neville, a nasty little pinko Marxist of the YI has set up a pro Palestine UKIP group ratified by the NEC and supported by Parr. Crowther is an ineffectual nobody who does NOT do what it says on the tin when it comes to sorting out internal problems and public character assassinations by members on other members.
Then you have the hideous David Platt and Paul Perrin and an assortment of other nutjobs.

James on

#0728* – So I’m NOT The Only One To See Through Stuart PARR!

The English Lady

on 27/10/12

18/12/2012 at 18:12 ePosted FROM the now defunct blog for and on behalf of the author of the comment.

Please back up your claim that I am dishonest and corrupt. Please include verifiable facts. on #0728* – So I’m NOT The Only One To See Through Stuart PARR!

Stuart Parr

on 08/10/12

to which:

Greg Lance-Watkins said on 18/12/2012 at 18:34


I stand by every single fact which I have published on this blog and am happy to repeat that Stuart Parr is dishonest and corrupt based upon facts and details that are readily available in the public domain and which I will be happy to present as a defence of ‘Veritas’ should the foolish little man choose to take the matter further.

I would also have the endorsement of at leat one newspaper on whose pages he has published his fanciful lies, causing them the embarrassment of removing his corrupt and dishonest comments and feeling obliged to apologise for publishing his lies.

May I also draw readers attention to the frequent placement of dishonest and corrupt attacks based on fanciful lies as published on his officially sponsored and condoned UKIP site under the name Blogger For UKIP or some such.

May I suggest in default of other provenance and not wishing to drag any third party into this matter that readers should read the lies and fantasies published regarding myself published in UKIP’s name by Stuart Parr on the said squalid little blog and in various Forums.

To avoid any misunderstanding I am happy to state, as a fact, that Stuart Parr is dishonest, corrupt, duplicitous, untrustworthy and a liar and fantasist.

I trust this helps to clarify the matter and add further factual provenance to my statements of fact.

Greg Lance-Watkins

01594 – 528 337

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