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Archive for the ‘Richard NORTH’ Category

FleXcit is born – Thank YOU Dr. Richard North

Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 28/04/2015

FleXcit is born
Thank YOU Dr. Richard North



CONGRATULATIONS on the birth of the fully fledged offspring!

I appreciate all too well just what a prodigious amount of work has gone into the gestation period – now it can only be refined, sharpened and presented to patriots all over Britain to spread the word.

May I ask EVERYONE with a blog or web site to PLEASE place a link to this seminal document on their site, to help guide our future as we work (and it will be hard work) to restore & improve our democracy as an Independent Sovereign Nation free to trade globally and arrange our own affairs within the WORLD community rather than being fettered as vassals of the introspective and corrupt EUropean Union.

Moving as we can, as shown by FleXcit, towards Independent membership of the EUropean Economic Community with an option similar to Norway & Switzerland as global traders and leaders not followers – Once again Westminster as the seat of Government of these United Nations can provide the beacon in ethics and democratic values for the world to share and follow.

Thank YOU Richard for the huge amount of work YOU have done in the face of the sniping and sneering of those too besotted by cults to understand the view over the horizon.

The work starts now for the rest of us in our endeavours to raise the profile of FleXcit and spread the word that we can responsibly enact an EU eXit and Survival Strategy, honourably and responsibly.

“If the choice is to be a part of Europe [The EU] or take to the open sea”, then let us follow the advice of our greatest modern leader Sir Winston Churchill and take to the open sea!

Our lifeboat is clearly provided by FleXcit.



TO INCLUDE A Link to FleXcit:





Posted in FleXcit, Richard NORTH, Richard NORTH Dr | Tagged: , , , , , , , , | Leave a Comment »

GP-RN: ‘Free Speech’ & Charlie Hebdo +Ukip!

Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 18/01/2015

GP-RN: ‘Free Speech’ & Charlie Hebdo +Ukip!

 Please Be Sure To .Follow Greg_LW on Twitter. Re-TWEET my Twitterings
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To Spread The Facts World Wide
Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 


The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 

is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!  


Guest Post – Dr. Richard North:
Christopher Booker’s ‘Free Speech’ & Charlie Hebdo article with North’s comments +some opinion and facts regarding Ukip!


Hi,in the light of my earlier postings on this subject and its background I must admit I was unsurprised to find that both Christopher Booker and Richard North would seem largely to hold the same views, though clearly they have expressed them in a more susinct and less verbose manner!

Though the style may be different it seems the understanding and belief is the same – this I attribute to the fact that both of them are professional journalists whilst I am but a casual (unpaid) blogger, expressing my views and exposing the criminality and venal nature of some in public office.

Though it goes unexpressed by both Booker & North, in this article, I found the glee with which Nigel Farage and his cult lept on the bandwagon to seek out populist votes by presenting the racist aspects of these crimes as an example of the folly of ‘multiculturalism’, as they saw it as little more than an attempt at self serving efforts for personal gain – by poring fuel onto a raging fire.

Clearly neither Nigel Farage nor the main body of his cult and advisers would seem to have had a clue in terms of the background of the events and were all too willing to take the knee jerk anti Islamic stance so prevalent amongst the ignorant and the irresponsible.

I guess no one ever lost out in the short term by leaping on a bandwagon to stir up support in the gutters of politics, but as Ukip have proved time and again this has shackled them  to the ‘also ran’ end of politics and after 22 years they not only still have absolutely zero responsible, ethical and workable EU eXit and survival strategy – very few Councillors and zero Ukip MPs bar two Tory turncoats from the disgruntled tendency of the Conservatives.

Ukip, with their populist buffoons, omni present internal squabbling, Viz like behaviour and desperqate self doubt that leaves them following rather than leading or representing any other than those who value politicians as drunks in the pub and who seek to build an impenetrable glass ceiling to their clamouring by seeking to blame everyone but themselves for their failures.

A party clearly willing to use and abuse the Police, Justice and due process to dishonestly try to protect themselves from exposure for what they are whilst sneering at the law whilst stuffing their pockets at public expense.

You will I believe find Christopher Bookers’s and Richard North’s articles below both informative and unequivocal – enjoy, assuming you are not a follower of Nigel Farage’s cult!


Sunday 18 January 2015

000a Booker-018 Hebdo.jpg
As the founding editor of Private Eye, Christopher Booker has a better claim than most to judge the nature of satire. And, in this week’s column, he explores the dark side of Charlie Hebdo, and the events surrounding the recent horrendous events in Paris.

As the dust begins to settle on those, writes Booker, a clearer sense of perspective is starting to creep in round the edges. The Pope suggests that those who are too provocative to Islam can expect “a punch”. And even a co-founder of Charlie Hebdo says that its murdered editor’s urge to provoke had “dragged the team to its death”.

And it is as the original editor of Private Eye, who over the years has probably contributed as many words as anyone to its “satirical” pages, that Booker has looked askance at much of what has been said and written about these events in recent days.

When David Cameron announced on Twitter that he was joining that vast rally in Paris “to celebrate the values of Charlie Hebdo”, one wondered whether he had even previously heard of that little magazine, let alone looked at its pages.

Did he really wish to celebrate crude cartoons showing a naked Mohammed with a star coming out of his bottom, captioned: “A star is born?” Or another, captioned “The film that embraces all the Muslim world”, showing a naked Prophet holding a camera to his bottom, saying: “And my ass? You love my ass? “

Did our Prime Minister really want to applaud a picture of the Pope, scantily clad as a Rio prostitute, saying: “Ready for anything to win some clients?” Even these are only among the images available online. There are others even more dubious, showing Jesus masturbating and the Virgin Mary engaging in sexual acts.

If this is meant to be “satire” that only someone without “a sense of humour” would find offensive, some might point to that strain of British cartooning exemplified by Gerald Scarfe.

For decades, he has repeated images of some powerful man exposing his bottom to a lesser figure trying to kiss it. At different times, these might have represented Harold Wilson grovelling behind President Lyndon Johnson, or Tony Blair likewise behind President Bush, or David Cameron with Rupert Murdoch.

But this hardly ever has represented satire at the wittiest and cleverest level of which it is capable. (The only cartoon on recent events that evoked a faint smile was one that showed a masked terrorist standing with his gun over a dead cartoonist, saying “He drew first”.)

In trying to understand in human terms why this particular conflict came to such a gruesome climax, we must also call into play the plight of those five million Algerians living in France. For decades, they have lived as third-class citizens, stuffed away in the ghastly concrete suburbs of Paris and other cities, treated with contempt by the authorities and horrifying violence by the police, and this has created a sense of utter alienation and despair.

It is out of that rejection that the terrorists came, with murder in their hearts, seeking deadly revenge for the deliberate insults given to the religion which, however pervertedly, gave them a sense of identity. Thus did we see yet again that age-old pattern whereby opposing extremes feed on their obsessive hatred for each other.

All this culminated in last Sunday’s extraordinary display of emotion on the streets of Paris, led by an array of besuited “world leaders”, with television interviewers rushing round trying to get people to explain why they had wanted to join this demonstration of “solidarity”. With shining exceptions, they replied like automata that they were there to support “democracy” and “the right to free speech”.

No sooner did these pious phrases emerge than one began to wonder how meaningful it is any longer to talk about “democracy” in a Europe where people have never felt more estranged from their politicians – and where they are now so lost and unhappy in the grip of that great act of make-believe, the “European Union”.

How ironic, we thought, that this mass demonstration in favour of “the freedom of the press” should take place in a country whose “Ministry of Culture” has lately detailed the huge state subsidies given to France’s leading newspapers, to help keep its press more cowed and tightly controlled than any west of Russia.

In a time when there is such pressure to prevent people saying things that do not conform with group-think – when every kind of “political correctness” rules; when Christians are arrested for quoting the Bible in the street, for fear of giving “offence to minorities”; when boarding-house owners are prosecuted for not wishing to let rooms to gay couples; when there are calls for “climate change deniers” to be sacked or put on trial; when judges repeatedly threaten people with imprisonment for trying to expose the travesties of justice in their “child protection” system – who really knows what “freedom of speech” is any longer?

There has been no better comment on the clouds of humbug recently billowing in all directions than the admission of BBC employees that they are under an edict from apparatchiks on high that they must not on any account describe to their audiences the contents of any of those Charlie Hebdo cartoons.

It is the kind of thing that made Booker want to put a collective photo-bubble on those shots of the politicians leading two million people through the streets, all in grey unanimity, intoning the words of the old song, “Clap hands, here comes Charlie”. They didn’t really have the faintest idea what they were talking about.

Richard North 18/01/2015

To view the original Richard North post CLICK HERE
To view my original post on the background CLICK HERE
To view my original post on Charlie Hebdo CLICK HERE
To view the original of this post CLICK HERE




 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance

Reclaim YOUR Future 
Deny the self serving political clique ANY Democratic claims to legitimacy
Write Upon Your Ballot Paper at EVERY election:
to Reclaim YOUR Future 

Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins

tel: 01594 – 528 337
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 Please Be Sure To .Follow Greg_LW on Twitter. Re-TWEET my Twitterings
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To Leave-The-EU

Posted in Charlie Hebdo, Christopher BOOKER, Nigel FARAGE MEP, Richard NORTH, UKIP | Tagged: , , , , , , , | Leave a Comment »

Despite His Generous Over Income #Nigel Farage Taps Up Ukip Funds

Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 03/12/2014

Despite His Generous Over Income #Nigel Farage Taps Up Ukip Funds

 Please Be Sure To .Follow Greg_LW on Twitter. Re-TWEET my Twitterings
& Publicise My Blogs 
To Spread The Facts World Wide
Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 


The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 

is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!  


Despite His Generous Over Income Nigel Farage Taps Up Ukip Funds, taking 10% of the money to pay for a chauffer also the party pays for him to have body guards (for effect).


clearly it is fair to say, especially when Nigel farage lied on national media about never employing family members and subsequently employed his wife at almost £30,000 a year and nw that employing wives is not permitted by the EU has given her work ostensibly working for one of his lackeys who he placed as an MEP!
With these displays of dishonesty it is little wonder that members of Ukip have consistently criticised him and his cronies for not producing open and transparent accounts.
Nigel Farage is clearly and repeatedly on record assuring members that he will provide transparent accounts year after year but never once has he honoured his promises – but then again Nigel Farage has consistently displayed a low cunning and a total lack of integrity.
Many will remember the huge amount of money that went missing on his watch relative to the Ashford Call Center, which is just one example of his duplicity and we have all read Douglas Denny’s resignation letter in which he clearly states he has unequivocal evidence of Nigel Farage’s criminal behaviour. After all Denny should know he was a major player in Farage’s team of dishonest and sordid fixers over many years.
Of course Douglas Denny is cleaqrly involved in criminality having stated he has clear evidence of crimes having been committed that would lead to the prosecution of Nigel Farage we note he had failed to report the matter and seemingly seeks to capitalise on his crimes by touting the stories around to the media.
Many of the media have already made it clear they will not pay thus collude in profiting from crime. I gather from a couple of sources, though I have no documentary evidence, that Denny, being the idiot he always has been, is claiming he is in some way indemnified by leaking info. to The Times which I should imagine is annoying The Times as not only would they not do that but it is beyond their remit!
Anyway to get back to The Times, here is their story, which is hidden behind a paywall so you may wish to either sign up or buy today’s edition to check the original article!

Impoverished Ukip gives Farage £60,000 to spend on chauffeur

  • Nigel Farage
    Nigel Farage continues to receive the chauffeur allowance and since last spring, Ukip has been paying for bodyguards Joel Goodman/LNP

Ukip is “very, very short of money” and has failed to build up a war chest for the general election yet has still granted Nigel Farage a £60,000 annual chauffeur allowance, The Times can reveal.

Stuart Wheeler, the spread-betting millionaire who has bankrolled the party for years and who served as treasurer until July this year, said Ukip “desperately needs more money”.

Ukip had only £600,000 in the bank at the start of 2014, according to its accounts, and needs several million pounds to fight a successful nationwide general election campaign. Having broken into the political mainstream with the recent by-election wins, it plans to contest every constituency but will focus efforts on 40 target seats.

Although it has secured a number of sizeable donations in the past year, the money has largely been spent on this spring’s European election campaign and on recent by-elections.

Major donors have been allowed to spend their money on pet projects, including private polling, focus groups and direct marketing, rather than handing it over to Ukip’s central office.

“I’m fairly sure that we are very, very short of money,” Mr Wheeler said. “Nigel Farage ideally would like six or seven million to run a perfect general election campaign. It will be a hell of a job, but we will do the very best we can to raise a good proportion of that.”

Despite its unsteady finances, internal documents show that Ukip’s governing committee granted a “Nigel Farage expense allowance” of £60,000 a year from September 2013.

Hugh Williams, Ukip’s registered treasurer, said the money was “because he needs a chauffeur to drive him around the place”, and covered the driver’s salary and motoring costs. “It was totally necessary and there was no hesitation about granting it,” he said.

Mr Williams said the Ukip leader was continuing to receive the chauffeur allowance and that, since last spring, the party had been paying for bodyguards. “We realised when he needed security, we just had to pay for it whatever the bills were,” he said.

Former officials said they were not aware of Mr Farage having received significant amounts of party money previously, and one said that Ukip was “very short of money at the time”.

According to a party budget drawn up in August last year, Ukip expected to have just under £370,000 available for elections last year, £60,000 less than during the previous year.

The Lib Dems, the smallest of the other three major parties, spent almost £5 million at the 2010 general election.

Ukip also had to bear the cost of paying several staff who had previously been funded by EU staffing allowances.

Pete Reeve, a Ukip regional organiser in the east of England, was previously employed on the staffing allowance of Stuart Agnew, the MEP. He has been paid a £28,000 salary by Ukip since September last year, while Steve Crowther, the party chairman, began receiving a £36,000 salary at the same time.

Alexandra Phillips, a press officer, began receiving her £60,000 salary in April 2013. She had previously been paid with EU funds as she was employed by the European Parliament’s EFD group, of which Ukip was a member.

The party also hired Tim Aker as head of policy on £62,000 a year in June 2013. He was elected as an MEP last May, but retains his policy role. In the past year, Ukip has attracted several significant donations but one contributor admitted that wealthy Eurosceptics were reluctant to accept the scrutiny and attention that came with it. “That’s probably still the biggest bar that we face,” he said.

The party has allowed donors to retain control over how their money is used. Paul Sykes, who has given £1.3 million out of the £2.3 million Ukip has reported receiving in donations this year, spent all of the money on a billboard campaign during the European elections. He recently said he did not expect to make further donations and said he was “encouraging all the constituencies to start raising funds so we can be less reliant on major donors”.

A recent attempt to raise money through the crowdfunding software Nationbuilder has brought in £80,000 in small donations and the party has increased revenue from subscriptions. It now has around 41,000 members, each paying between £2 and £30 a year.

Last night, a Ukip spokesman said: “Ukip has over the past year won a national election, gained its first two Westminster seats at by-elections, increased its number of councillors by over 50 per cent and increased its membership by more than 50 per cent, not a bad year considering your concerns over our ability to fight elections.”

• A Ukip MEP was at the centre of an international spat last night after plans to host Egypt’s most senior Muslim cleric were left in tatters. Amjad Bashir, Ukip’s communities spokesman, had invited MPs, peers and diplomats to an audience with the Grand Mufti in London on Friday. However, a spokesman for Shawqi Ibrahim Abdel-Karim Allamclaimed that he had never agreed to take part in the event on youth radicalisation. The MEP said that the event would still go ahead with other guests.

You may be interested in the details of the spat with Egypt’s Grand Mufti:

TIMES - Ukip and The MUFTI 02-Dec-2014 - 01I do have a feeling that some of the dots were not joined up on this fanciful idea and have little doubt that had he attended, minded of Ukip’s racist track record, it could well have ended catastrophically with some fool like Gerard Batten demanding he sign an undertaking to do as he was told!
Ukip’s track record on race is at best unpleasant and we note even Nick griffin aims to vote for them and much of their recent gain in members has coincided with the collapse of the BNP!
Perhaps more people should read their extremist Immigration Policy Document:
IMMIGRATION POLICY - EUkip 01& follow the odious machinations of Gerard Batten:
BATTEN, Gerard 10whose views on Islam and policies likely to cause racial insightment based on thinly disguised anti Islamic beliefs would seem most likely to be based upon his own superstitions that hark back to the odious earlier pamphlets associated with Ukip as produced by Tony Bennett, which branded the profet Mohammed as a paedophile!
Gerard Batten’s views and superstitions are likely to be heavily imnflueenced by his Phillipino wife’s beliefs which would doubtless have been through her upbringing under the doctrine of Cardinal Sin in the Phillipines of the day!
Ukip with its implausible exploitation of tokenistic parading of members based on their ethnicity or beliefs seem not to realise just how racist such behaviour is as with a ‘Friends of Israel’, ‘Friends of Palestine’ and other such groups it just prostitutes the party in a seeming effort at unprincipled grab at populism either for cash or a few naive and ill informed votes!
I note that Richard North has had even more to say on the subject 😉
almost without exception I found his comments compelling:

Wednesday 3 December 2014

000a Times-003 skint.jpg

A writer claiming to be Peter Evans, a former UK news editor of The Times, writes in the comments section of the latest story on Ukip, complaining of the paper’s campaign to undermine Ukip in a way which it does not do to the Tory Party.

Whether he is genuine we have no means of knowing, although he does not seem to have a web footprint. And it seems hardly likely that a man of the stature of a former news editor would be reduced to making his views known in the comments section of his erstwhile employer.

The piece is of note, however, in that it represents a split between those who applaud The Times for opening up Ukip to scrutiny and those who complain that it is being criticised. Of the latter, many certainly do tend to harbour the view that the party should get a free pass from the media, no matter how crass its behaviour.

Nevertheless, it should not be necessary to say that political parties should undergo the most rigorous of scrutiny, and that must include Ukip. It is in receipt of substantial funds from the taxpayer – it is in a position to affect the outcome of the general election, and it is upon this party that many rest their hopes of leaving the EU.

This blog, of course, has a special interest in Ukip – aside from the personal. Whatever its many detractors might aver, it would be absurd for a blog of this nature not to take a keen interest in a party which claims as its main objective our withdrawal from the EU.

So it is that for the second day running that The Times is running hostile coverage of Ukip, and we find ourselves mirroring that coverage.

The essence of the first of two stories is that, despite its high profile and the support of some wealthy donors, the party is “very, very short of money” and has failed to build up a war chest for the general election. Yet, we are told, it has still granted Nigel Farage a £60,000 annual chauffeur allowance.

It might also have added that this matches the annual chauffeur allowance awarded to Farage by the European Parliament, in recognition of his position as group leader, complete with a top-of-the-range Mercedes limousine, for his personal use. Man of the people, Farage may present himself as, but he has no intention of being one of them.

This story also gets some coverage in the Financial Times, which also notes that Ukip also pays for a six-man security detail to protect The Great Leader, despite the party having received less than £100,000 in donations for the third quarter of this year.

Such matters, of course, pale into insignificance compared with the news that departing Council President Van Rompuy is to be paid £133,723 a year – 55 per cent of his basic salary – until December 2017, on top of his annual Brussels pension of £52,000, plus a £21,000 one-off payment, taking his earnings to £578,000 over the next three years.

Nonetheless, like most human beings, we are able to process details on more than one issue at a time. That one is important doesn’t mean that the other isn’t.

The detail of the Ukip stories indicate that the party is having a far harder time building the funds needed to fight an effective general election campaign, for which it estimates it needs six or seven million. But of as great an interest is the second story in The Times, headed “Inside Nigel’s house of cards”.

This starts with the legend that “Nigel Farage is trying to create a professional party from a ragtag group more accustomed to setting the world to rights over pints of real ale”, thereby demonstrating that, for all resource expenditure on tracking Ukip and Mr Farage, it doesn’t even begin to understand the subject on which it is reporting.

At the heart of the party’s failure to professionalise is, in fact, none other than Mr Farage, the Lord of Misrule. He personally has gone out of his way to undermine any part of the party that could constitute an alternative power base, which might provide a platform to challenge his grip on the party.

That, in the past, has included the party’s head office. Thus, it comes as no surprise to learn from the Times’s story that after Ukip had moved into a new Mayfair office, a Ukip “director” had drafted a less than favourable report on it, writing of being “embarrassed” at “the lack of cleanliness, silliness and lack of organisation and lack of people in offices”.

This came a few days after another attempt to professionalise the party had ended in disaster, when Will Gilpin, a former RAF pilot, had begun work in the £72,000-a-year post of chief executive in December 2012 but had been sacked in August 2013.

He subsequently wrote to one member of the executive: “I’m afraid I came to the role in the belief it was actually a chief executive they were after, rather than chairman’s assistant”, exactly mirroring my experience when, after leaving, I complained of being treated as a “bag carrier”. Neither Farage nor the party have any idea of how to use professional staff.

But then of special interest is the tale of Tim Aker, a “political campaigner and former researcher”, who was put forward for the £62,000 post of head of policy. William Dartmouth, a Ukip MEP and wind farms supporter, apparently wrote to members of the NEC complaining that Mr Aker was being offered as the sole candidate, despite having been “directly concerned [with] and therefore partly responsible for the embarrassment of the 2010 Ukip general election manifesto”.

That Aker survived and has gone on to become an MEP is seen as entirely due to the personal support of Mr Farage, even though he has disowned the 2010 manifesto as “drivel” and claimed he had never read it.

Dartmouth had dismissed the manifesto as “electorally toxic” and avers that Mr Aker’s involvement with it should be a “total disqualification” for the post of head of policy. That, though, is to misunderstand the way Mr Farage thinks.

When Andrew Moncreiff, a member of Ukip’s national executive committee, wrote that Mr Aker was “harmless enough but thoroughly lightweight and has done virtually nothing for the party”, he was perhaps unwittingly setting out the perfect qualification for someone occupying high office in Ukip – thereby ensuring that they will never mount an effective challenge to The Great Leader.

This, of course, is what the supporters of the cult-like Ukip are wilfully failing to see. Ukip is a multi-million-pound operation, with several hundred staff – paid and volunteers – yet it consistently underperforms.

At the heart of its failure is one man, a charismatic figure who can attract the support of weak people looking for leadership, but is unable to organise or deliver an effective party machine and who devotes much of his energy to preventing anyone else achieving that which he cannot do.

As to the possibility of rescuing the party from the grip of this man, many hopes are pinned on Douglas Carswell. Popcorn has been purchased in industrial quantities in anticipation of the coming joust between two “titans” as they struggle for the leadership of the party.

It seems likely that, if Carswell regains his seat at the general election while Farage fails to score – which also seems likely – then the MP will be in pole position to displace the current leader. Small wonder, therefore, that we are already hearing rumours that relations between the two men are “frosty”, with communications having completely broken down.

Despite having gone full Ukip, Carswell does at least have some pretensions to intellectual rigour, with the publication of The Plan. He also worked for the Conservative Party’s Policy Unit, helping prepare the manifesto for the 2005 general election – which the Conservative Party failed to win.

However, Mr Carswell’s work has less coherence than his skill at self-promotion might suggest, and his current idea for an EU exit plan remains seeking “a Swiss-style bilateral free-trade agreement”.

Those hoping that Mr Carswell might provide us with an intellectually invigorated Ukip, therefore, might be disappointed, although it comes clearer by the day that Farage’s failure to embrace policy is causing the party considerable damage. Something, as the say, must be done – but it is unlikely to happen before the general election.




 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance

Reclaim YOUR Future 
Deny the self serving political clique ANY Democratic claims to legitimacy
Write Upon Your Ballot Paper at EVERY election:
to Reclaim YOUR Future 

Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins

tel: 01594 – 528 337
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To Leave-The-EU

Posted in Richard NORTH, UKIP | Tagged: , , , , , , , , | Leave a Comment »

>GP – RN: A Personalised Example Of Ukip’s Endemic Corruption

Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 03/12/2014

>GP – RN: A Personalised Example Of Ukip’s Endemic Corruption

 Please Be Sure To .Follow Greg_LW on Twitter. Re-TWEET my Twitterings
& Publicise My Blogs 
To Spread The Facts World Wide
Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 


The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 

is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!  


>GP – RN: Richard North gives A Personalised Example Of Ukip’s Endemic Corruption and shows just how long and how widely the corruption has existed in Ukip.


further to m,y post regarding this widely covered presentation of Ukip’s endemic corruption CLICK HERE, which was in both the blogosphere and the legacy media,
Richard North has shown there is nothing new about this Ukip corruption of basic democratic principles and their unethical rigging of selection processes and elections, both internally as a party and thus corrupting UK elections, North has given details of his own direct experience and then the desperate and dishonest efforts of Ukip to try to belittle and denigrate his factual reporting of such matters.

Wednesday 3 December 2014

000a Times-002 fixed.jpg

The trouble with doing reviews of Times pieces is that they are behind the paywall, so you can’t just link to them and rely on the reader to click-through to get the details, thereby only having to publish the bare bones of the story. You have to post virtually the whole thing, which sometimes means giving more emphasis to a story than it merits.

This would have been the case with this not very important story, albeit on the front page (above). It’s about UKIP rigging their own selection procedures for MEP candidates. Fortunately, though, the Independent has run it, which means I don’t have to go into the detail.

The reason I needed to mention it at all is to make a quick point, as part of a more general piece about Ukip, correcting what appears to be a standard attack briefing that party supporters use to libel me on comment threads, in a usually forlorn attempt at character assassination.

The claim is made that I resigned the party “before I was pushed”, after the election of Godfrey Bloom as Yorkshire Region MEP in 2004. To stop this falsehood spreading it, I have to rebut it. In fact, I resigned in 2003, in protest at the way the selection procedure had been rigged, and the way Farage, with the complicity of David Lott, then party chairman, quite deliberately blocked the appeal which could have set aside this selection and put me in pole position.

It is the case, therefore, that Ukip has been rigging its selection processes for many years, which partly explains why so many of the current batch of MEPs are such dross. Any such assertion from me, though, brings forward the accusation that I hold a “grudge” against The Dear Leader – so it is useful to have the legacy media detail other examples of rigged selection – doubtless because it too has a “grudge”.

Actually, no one who knows me would ever suggest that I had such a base relationship with a man with whom I shared a desk for four years, and for whom I wrote speeches. Life is far too short. And even if I had become a Ukip MEP, I would almost certainly have resigned over the embarrassing Kilroy debacle, so the past hasn’t been changed that much. Right now, I would still be out on my own.

Rather than a grudge, what I do have is the most profound contempt for Farage – the calm, icy sort. Any passion has long gone. And that’s actually a very different thing. Outside the cult, his incompetence, dishonesty and other less than savoury personal attributes do not really support any other view, but above all else, his attempts actively to block policy development have to be the most important reasons for regarding him in such an unfavourable light.

Overall, this “rolling dysfunction” is holding back the party and threatens to bring down the entire anti-EU movement. An example of the immediate effects are picked up by Dr Eric Edmund, a perceptive critic of Ukip and its leader. He links to yet another train-wreck interview, this one with current chairman, Steve Crowther, graphically illustrating the policy chaos that exists within the party.

This is chaos which intensifies by the hour, after Farage disowned a policy on camera, despite it having been minted by deputy leader Nutall at the Doncaster conference in September – of which Farage was apparently unaware. That left him to admit he had “misspoken“, after being forced to acknowledge that the policy on sex education remained party policy.

However, frequenting – as one does – the occasional comment thread, I recently had my own personal epiphany, coming to the realisation that Ukip’s root problem is that its people don’t even understand what policy is. Even with the benefit of a thoroughly-grounded seminar in the principles of policy-making, I asserted, they wouldn’t understand what they were being told, much less be able to put it into practice.

What, in essence, the party is producing is a list of aspirations rather than policies. The core failure is the lack of any connection between what they want to happen, and the means of making those things happen, in such a way that one can be assured that the outcomes are deliverable. This confusion between aspiration and policy means that the party can never progress to a state of coherence.

Party supporters, on the other hand (and not entirely unreasonably), point to the similar inadequacies of the established parties. But this simply highlights the further failure to understand the nature of politics. It is for the challengers, with no track record, to demonstrate their capabilities. Conventionally, this is done through the mechanism of policy statements – something which Ukip has so far failed to do.

Over the months to come, this failing will become increasingly evident, as Mr Cameron unveils his “play”, with which he seeks to undermine and eventually destroy the upstart. Putting together a series of technical measures, complete with some theatrical contrast provided by apparently obstructive Poles, he will attempt to do this by delivering a policy which shows that he has the potential to control immigration from within the EU.

On the other hand, Ukip – despite making immigration its core issue, eliding it with its anti-EU sentiment – has failed yet to deliver a credible (or any) policy on how it would control immigration from outwith the EU.

It has failed in this context to realise that “controlling our borders” is not a policy, per se, but an aspiration – and a wholly unrealistic one at that. As long as the UK admits 34 million visitors to this country each year – the majority without visas – it has effectively ceded perimeter control, the system then relying on other layers and stratagems.

The party might be better off calling for control over immigration policy. That is an altogether more realistic and focused aspiration than “controlling and managing our borders”, which it currently tells us it would seek to do. The act or process of “controlling and managing” is exactly that – an act or process – a means to an end. In policy terms, it is meaningless without declared objective and then the detail of how the controlling and managing would be done.

Nor indeed does it help having Ukip telling us that: “We will extend to EU citizens the existing points-based system for time-limited work permits”. That does not begin to constitute a policy. Nor even is it, in itself, a component of a policy.

To have the makings of a policy, the putative policy would have to be directed to, and linked with, a specific objective or outcome. It would then have to be couched in such terms as to make it clear that it could contribute to the declared objective – whatever that might be. Any system or process, as such, is blind – and has as much a capability to obstruct as support any particular policy line.

But where the real policy wonks play is in co-ordination – the thing known more commonly as “joined up policy”. The “perfect” policy is one thing, but can get a little bit raggy when you have to take other considerations into account. For instance, you might well come up with the best in highly-polished defence policies, only to have it fall apart when your foreign policy delivers you enemies you didn’t want, didn’t expect and can’t fight – a bit like UK policy really.

Here, the rank amateurism of Ukip comes to the fore, best evident when one reads that: “UKIP would not seek to remain in the European Free Trade Area (EFTA) or European Economic Area (EEA) while those treaties maintain a principle of free movement of labour, which prevents the UK managing its own borders”.

Now here one must recall that Ukip hasn’t actually declared what it is trying to achieve, and we also know that “managing” borders is not a policy as such, but a process. So we end up with a political party that is prepared to ditch a proven and workable trade relationship because it interrupts an indeterminate process aimed at an undefined effect, with no specified outcome.

In this event, we are open to the suggestion that Ukip may be well-motivated and be seeking a desirable outcome. But since the party has neither defined its preferred outcome nor any credible means by which it might achieve it, we can be excused from accepting that it has any policies.

Meanwhile, we can see Mr Cameron’s policy being rolled out, the overall objective undeclared but loosely translated as “stuff Ukip”. Helping in this noble endeavour are his allies who are talking down immigration. They are also rubbishing the “Norway option”, something they have in common with Ukip – which must tell you something.

Meanwhile, we have the entertaining prospect of theatrical Poles, providing the backcloth for Mr Cameron’s stunning victory to come. The harder he has to battle, the better and more convincing he will look.

If Ukip had policies, of course, it would be easier to assess Mr Cameron’s games, by reference to what Ukip had on offer. One would simply compare what is with what could be. That’s the way politics is supposed to work. Poor Ukip, though, hasn’t discovered this yet – and Farage never will. If his party grows up, things might be different but, for the moment, contempt seems in order for the Peter Pan of politics.

Richard North 03/12/2014

To view the original of this article CLICK HERE




 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance

Reclaim YOUR Future 
Deny the self serving political clique ANY Democratic claims to legitimacy
Write Upon Your Ballot Paper at EVERY election:
to Reclaim YOUR Future 

Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins

tel: 01594 – 528 337
Accuracy & Copyright Statement: CLICK HERE
Summary, archive, facts & comments on UKIP:
DO MAKE USE of LINKS & >Right Side Bar< & The Top Bar >PAGES<
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Views I almost Totally Share: CLICK HERE
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 Please Be Sure To .Follow Greg_LW on Twitter. Re-TWEET my Twitterings
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To Spread The Facts World Wide


To Leave-The-EU

Posted in Richard NORTH, UKIP, UKIP Corruption, UKIP Dishonesty | Tagged: , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments »

>GP – RN: EU exit: the Paterson speech

Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 25/11/2014

&gt;GP – RN: EU exit: the Paterson speech


Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins (Greg_L-W)

“To achieve One World Government it is necessary to remove from the minds of men their individualism,
their loyalty to family, traditions and national identification.”
Brock Chisholm, when director of UN World Health Organisation



Monday 24 November 2014

000a Times-024 Paterson.jpg

The actual speech text is here, delivered at 11am this moning. It is reviewed in The Times, in the Telegraph, the BBC, the New Statesman and elsewhere (140 reports and counting).

The essence of speech is that, instead of pussy-footing around, Cameron should cut to the chase and commit to invoking Article 50 the moment a Conservative government takes office after the election. With an electoral mandate, there is no need for a referendum.

Negotiations on a exit settlement should then proceed, using the “Norway option” as the base, involving joining EFTA and adopting the EEA agreement. Additionally, the entire EU body of law should be repatriated, to ensure legislative continuity, allowing for selective repeal and amendment as appropriate and necessary.

The loss of influence in leaving the EU is more than made up for by the restoration of our standing in international organisations such as Codex, UNECE, OECD, and many others, where we would be negotiating in our own right, determining standards which, under WTO rules, the EU is obliged to adopt.

In this, there would be no “fax democracy” as such. We would be sending laws down to Brussels – not the other way around.

The issue of “freedom of movement” is dealt with by dropping out of the ECHR and the EU treaties, so that we would only be obliged to grant freedom to workers, and not their dependents unless we chose to do so – plus restoring the ability to deport illegal immigrants.

Also, there would be continued measures to address “push” and “pull” factors, making the UK unattractive for unskilled migrants seeking low-paid work

However, Paterson reminds us that it took 40 years to progress to this stage of integration and we are not going to resolve all the issues in one stage. For the longer term, therefore, he argues that we would need to progress from the EEA to ensure a genuine Europe-wide Single Market, working on a truly intergovernmental basis.

One possible alternative, he suggests, is to strengthen the regional UNECE, so that it can administer the Single Market as an economic project rather than a political construct. Using that body, we would be able to negotiating directly across the board, cutting out the EU as the middle man, and substantially enhance the transparency of the system.

With a more durable European solution in place, we would be better able to promote our economic interests and we would also be able to take a lead in revitalising international trade. Free from the EU, says Paterson, we would have real influence on shaping the global regulatory models where true power lies.

The UK would have a key role in building transparency with enormous benefits to tackling organised crime, such as human trafficking, addressing issues of migration constructively.

In conclusion, Paterson adds, the Eurozone has already embarked upon a path that we can never follow. We are simply recognising that reality. We must either be fully committed to “Le Projet” or we must build an entirely new relationship.

The British people must be allowed to make that decision. Article 50 is the best method of making this happen. By this means we would forge ahead and resume our rightful place as a global leader. With our own independent status, working closely with our many allies, we would massively increase our influence.

As Churchill said, “We have our own dream and our own task. We are with Europe but not of it. We are linked but not comprised. We are interested and associated but not absorbed”. He was right then and he is right now. Get this message across and the UK has a spectacular future as a flourishing world power.

Richard North

To view the original of this post CLICK HERE

Greg Lance-Watkins


Life’s Roller Coaster
Skype: gregl-w
For detailed analysis of selected items in the news:

“The practice of sport is a human right!. Every individual must have the possibility of practicing sport, without discrimination of any kind and in the Olympic spirit, which requires mutual understanding with a spirit of friendship, solidarity and fair play.” –Olympic Charter

There are times when it is reasonable to believe ‘Sport’ is not so much a right but an obligation by diktat!
However boring you may find sport: there are many who derive great vicarious pleasure from watching it – Particularly Women’s Beach Volleyball & Women’s Gymnastics; some even enjoy being a part of a baying mob at football games!

I never post anonymously on the internet.
For details & declaration of accuracy please see:


Posted in FleXcit, FleXcit Plan, Owen Paterson, Richard NORTH | Leave a Comment »

>GP – RN: EU exit: the Paterson speech

Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 24/11/2014

Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins (Greg_L-W)

“To achieve One World Government it is necessary to remove from the minds of men their individualism,
their loyalty to family, traditions and national identification.”
Brock Chisholm, when director of UN World Health Organisation



Monday 24 November 2014

000a Times-024 Paterson.jpg

The actual speech text is here, delivered at 11am this moning. It is reviewed in The Times, in the Telegraph, the BBC, the New Statesman and elsewhere (140 reports and counting).

The essence of speech is that, instead of pussy-footing around, Cameron should cut to the chase and commit to invoking Article 50 the moment a Conservative government takes office after the election. With an electoral mandate, there is no need for a referendum.

Negotiations on a exit settlement should then proceed, using the “Norway option” as the base, involving joining EFTA and adopting the EEA agreement. Additionally, the entire EU body of law should be repatriated, to ensure legislative continuity, allowing for selective repeal and amendment as appropriate and necessary.

The loss of influence in leaving the EU is more than made up for by the restoration of our standing in international organisations such as Codex, UNECE, OECD, and many others, where we would be negotiating in our own right, determining standards which, under WTO rules, the EU is obliged to adopt.

In this, there would be no “fax democracy” as such. We would be sending laws down to Brussels – not the other way around.

The issue of “freedom of movement” is dealt with by dropping out of the ECHR and the EU treaties, so that we would only be obliged to grant freedom to workers, and not their dependents unless we chose to do so – plus restoring the ability to deport illegal immigrants.

Also, there would be continued measures to address “push” and “pull” factors, making the UK unattractive for unskilled migrants seeking low-paid work

However, Paterson reminds us that it took 40 years to progress to this stage of integration and we are not going to resolve all the issues in one stage. For the longer term, therefore, he argues that we would need to progress from the EEA to ensure a genuine Europe-wide Single Market, working on a truly intergovernmental basis.

One possible alternative, he suggests, is to strengthen the regional UNECE, so that it can administer the Single Market as an economic project rather than a political construct. Using that body, we would be able to negotiating directly across the board, cutting out the EU as the middle man, and substantially enhance the transparency of the system.

With a more durable European solution in place, we would be better able to promote our economic interests and we would also be able to take a lead in revitalising international trade. Free from the EU, says Paterson, we would have real influence on shaping the global regulatory models where true power lies.

The UK would have a key role in building transparency with enormous benefits to tackling organised crime, such as human trafficking, addressing issues of migration constructively.

In conclusion, Paterson adds, the Eurozone has already embarked upon a path that we can never follow. We are simply recognising that reality. We must either be fully committed to “Le Projet” or we must build an entirely new relationship.

The British people must be allowed to make that decision. Article 50 is the best method of making this happen. By this means we would forge ahead and resume our rightful place as a global leader. With our own independent status, working closely with our many allies, we would massively increase our influence.

As Churchill said, “We have our own dream and our own task. We are with Europe but not of it. We are linked but not comprised. We are interested and associated but not absorbed”. He was right then and he is right now. Get this message across and the UK has a spectacular future as a flourishing world power.

Richard North

To view the original of this post CLICK HERE

Greg Lance-Watkins


Life’s Roller Coaster
Skype: gregl-w
For detailed analysis of selected items in the news:

“The practice of sport is a human right!. Every individual must have the possibility of practicing sport, without discrimination of any kind and in the Olympic spirit, which requires mutual understanding with a spirit of friendship, solidarity and fair play.” –Olympic Charter

There are times when it is reasonable to believe ‘Sport’ is not so much a right but an obligation by diktat!
However boring you may find sport: there are many who derive great vicarious pleasure from watching it – Particularly Women’s Beach Volleyball & Women’s Gymnastics; some even enjoy being a part of a baying mob at football games!

I never post anonymously on the internet.
For details & declaration of accuracy please see:


Posted in FleXcit, FleXcit Plan, Owen Paterson, Richard NORTH | Tagged: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a Comment »

GP-RN: Trouble at t’web

Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 21/11/2014

 GP-RN: Trouble at t’web

From: Greg Lance-Watkins (Greg_L-W)

“The practice of sport is a human right!. Every individual must have the possibility of practicing sport, without discrimination of any kind and in the Olympic spirit, which requires mutual understanding with a spirit of friendship, solidarity and fair play.” –Olympic Charter

There are times when it is reasonable to believe ‘Sport’ is not so much a right but an obligation by diktat!
However boring you may find sport: there are many who derive great vicarious pleasure from watching it – Particularly Women’s Beach Volleyball & Women’s Gymnastics; some even enjoy being a part of a baying mob at football games!


Friday 21 November 2014

Evenin’ folks, webmaster here!Sorry about the service outage. Some Vietnamese chaps were trying to hijack the site to sell you discount Ugg boots but I thwarted them eventually. Personally, I wasn’t aware our reader demographic was into that kind of thing. But thanks to the ministrations of, we’re back.

Meanwhile, being a complete bastard, I’ve been busy over on my blog. We have maintained for sometime that the rump of the Ukip vote is in the bag come an EU referendum. In order to win it, we need to start cultivating a new breed of eurosceptic with bigger ideas and give them more positive reasons to leave the EU.

Here at Eureferendum we’ve charted everything that’s wrong with the EU and we’ve been informing the debate for a decade, but we’re preaching only to the converted. Now is the time to start fighting to win. This isn’t about tribal supremacy or the success of Ukip. This is about selling an idea bigger than the EU. Flexcit is a start but Harrogate Agenda is the ultimate destination. We can’t afford to waste time with the Mr Angry Party.

You can follow us on Twitter at @eureferendum. Retweet us, share us, work with us. Let’s show the world you don’t have to be a little Englander miserablist to want bigger and better for Great Britain.

#Flexcit #HarrogateAgenda
Peter North 21/11/2014 2 Comments

Friday 21 November 2014

Evenin’ folks, webmaster here!Sorry about the service outage. Some Vietnamese chaps were trying to hijack the site to sell you discount Ugg boots but I thwarted them eventually. Personally, I wasn’t aware our reader demographic was into that kind of thing. But thanks to the ministrations of, we’re back.Meanwhile, being a complete bastard, I’ve been busy over on my blog. We have maintained for sometime that the rump of the Ukip vote is in the bag come an EU referendum. In order to win it, we need to start cultivating a new breed of eurosceptic with bigger ideas and give them more positive reasons to leave the EU.

Here at Eureferendum we’ve charted everything that’s wrong with the EU and we’ve been informing the debate for a decade, but we’re preaching only to the converted. Now is the time to start fighting to win. This isn’t about tribal supremacy or the success of Ukip. This is about selling an idea bigger than the EU. Flexcit is a start but Harrogate Agenda is the ultimate destination. We can’t afford to waste time with the Mr Angry Party.

You can follow us on Twitter at @eureferendum. Retweet us, share us, work with us. Let’s show the world you don’t have to be a little Englander miserablist to want bigger and better for Great Britain.

#Flexcit #HarrogateAgenda

Peter North 21/11/2014 2 Comments



Life’s Roller Coaster
Skype: gregl-w
For detailed analysis of selected items in the news:

I never post anonymously on the internet.
For details & declaration of accuracy please see:


Posted in FleXcit, FleXcit Plan, Harrogate Agenda, Richard NORTH | Leave a Comment »

GP-RN: Denial Of Service Attack

Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 20/11/2014

GP-RN: Denial Of Service Attack

From: Greg Lance-Watkins (Greg_L-W)

“The practice of sport is a human right!. Every individual must have the possibility of practicing sport, without discrimination of any kind and in the Olympic spirit, which requires mutual understanding with a spirit of friendship, solidarity and fair play.” –Olympic Charter

There are times when it is reasonable to believe ‘Sport’ is not so much a right but an obligation by diktat!
However boring you may find sport: there are many who derive great vicarious pleasure from watching it – Particularly Women’s Beach Volleyball & Women’s Gymnastics; some even enjoy being a part of a baying mob at football games!




Thursday 20 November 2014

For nearly 24 hours, the EU Referendum domain has come under massive denial of service (DOS) attack, from servers bearing Chinese IP addresses. All the action we can take is being taken, but there are limits to what can be done to deal with what is a deliberate, malicious attack, directed specifically at EU Ref.

We hope to be up and running soon, but in the meantime please bear with us.

Richard North 20/11/2014

This site will over the next few days publish significant items from Richard’s web site in their support and would ask you to republish as widely as possible.
Richard is still publishing but on a mirror account, many may not find, so PLEASE help them defend against this cowardly and criminal attack being made to try to silence his site.
ALL repostings from Richard during this period with be >TITLED< with the prefix:
PLEASE re-post all these posts that pertain as widely as possible.


PS. MEA CULPA – sorry this announcement would have occurred sooner had I not been a medical emergency admitted to The Royal Gwent on Tuesday 18-Dec-2014 released late 21-Nov-2014 – OK thanks 😉


Life’s Roller Coaster
Skype: gregl-w
For detailed analysis of selected items in the news:

I never post anonymously on the internet.
For details & declaration of accuracy please see:

Posted in Cyber Attack, Denial Of Service, DOS, Richard NORTH | Tagged: , , , , , , , , , | Leave a Comment »

Ukip, Like Achillies, Was Dipped In The Water

Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 13/11/2014

Ukip, Like Achillies, Was Dipped In The Water

 Please Be Sure To .Follow Greg_LW on Twitter. Re-TWEET my Twitterings
& Publicise My Blogs 
To Spread The Facts World Wide
Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 


The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 

is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!  


Ukip, Like Achillies, Was Dipped In The Water – held by one point that was, is and will be its weak point – Leading to its destruction, inevitably, as increasingly the thinking public will ask ‘Is Ukip All It Seems’.


let us not forget that with the approval of its NEC, MEPs and Glorious Leaderr, Nigel Farage not only commended Ukip’s 2010 Manifesto, going so far as to write its forward and give it his personal impramature praising David Bannerman for having put together such a comprehensive publication.
There was nor so much as a bleat from the sheep he controls with some of the most unpleasant and dishonest sheep dogs Britain has ever seen in modern politics.
Yet expediency has now led him to denounce his own protege as ‘drivel’ and pretend he had no idea what was in it ‘I never read it’! Can one take as serious a political party that is so incredibly irresponsible merely on the fact that itsonly recognised salesman and undeniable authoritarion controller seems not to be able to hold a thought in his brain beyond his 3 set speeches and todays 90 second sound bite.
To be fair there are other subjects he does remember seemingly all too often
FERRARI, Laure 02
LALOUX, Aurelie 01
EU MEP Cartoon 03
A measure of just how lightweight Ukip really is is shown by the fact that after 21 years of pretending to a policy of Leave_The_EU it has absolutely zero responsible, honourable, workable exit and survival strategy – only hiding its nakedness behind their new found meme of Brexit which clearly is no prize winner and not only unworkable but is inconclusive.
It seems all too clear Ukip are only there for the glory &

Thursday 13 November 2014

000a Guardian-013 Farage.jpg

Mark Reckless is set to win next week’s Rochester & Strood by-election with a lead of 12 percent, a poll commissioned by Lord Ashcroft suggests. Ukip gets 44 percent, the Conservatives 32, Labour 17 and the Lib-Dems a mere two percent.

However, only 72 percent of those intending to vote for Ukip next Thursday are likely to repeat the experience in May, leading to suggestions that the Conservatives will retake the seat at the general.

That much would be par for the course. It is not uncommon for by-election wins to be reversed once the drama of the special circumstances have abated, so it is quite possible that Mr Reckless’s new-found career as a Ukip MP might be short-lived.

However, there is another reason, aside from Lord Ashcroft’s poll, and it is one which may well have more general effect, possibly helping to bring crash the Ukip effect altogether. Such would be a much overdue corrective to a situation that has fed on the disintegration of classic party politics, which are becoming weirder by the day.

Predictions in this game – especially as to timing – are always fraught, but what is of special interest is this article in the Guardian, which takes apart Farage, in particular, and Ukip in general, over the inconsistencies in their policy statements.

We’ve been long convinced that these inconsistencies are Ukip’s Achilles’ heel, and our Pete has been doing a heroic job over at Complete Bastard analysing the increasingly dysfunctional mindset. But, while real Conservatives can beat Ukip where they are weakest, in coming up with sensible policies, what the Guardian has “discovered” for itself could be a game-changer for the “Left”.

Moving on from what Ukipists would call “smears”, the newspaper is now recognised that it has a bottomless well, one which will provide an inexhaustible supply of material to fuel attack copy for as long as there any point in publishing it.

And with the Guardian discovering the motherlode, the BBC can’t be far behind and then, as the Tory tribalism kicks in with the onset of the general election campaign, we may well see the “Right” take turns to capitalise on this weakness.

Parties and politicians can stand most things, especially when they are on the ascendancy, but the one thing that is always damaging is ridicule. And Ukipists have been laying down material for so long now that it would be positively uncharitable not to mine it.

How can one possibly resist the entertainment value of Farage proselytising on an insurance funded health service, only for a spokesman now to say of his opinion, “Obviously things have moved on significantly since then. That was then and this is now. It doesn’t stand up to say that’s still his view”. That, of course, it this week … next week is an altogether different matter. 

Sadly for the party, there is no prospect of a cure for this policy incontinence. The die has already been cast. UKIP has been all over the place for so long that virtually any new material is almost bound to provide ammunition for an “inconsistency” meme. For instance, if anyone cares to look closely at their ideas for free trade and “Brexit”, there is endless scope for amusement.

For all that, the party cannot say it hasn’t been warned. Candid friends have for decades been telling it that its lack of coherent policy is a potentially terminal weakness, but since this has evoked defensiveness and and the tedious, if predictable hostility, few outside the party are prepared to do much more than stock up with the popcorn and wait for the train crash.

Maybe the party will defy all predictions and make it big-time at the general election, but Farage’s latest stunt on a “deal” with Miliband is nothing if not spectacularly ill-timed, and bodes ill for the future. He is shackling himself to the rotting corpse of a failing party leader, as Miliband polls only 13 percent in the leadership stakes.

Nothing on the other hand, is calculated to build confidence in the Conservatives as the alternatives, but with the Scottish Labour Party in a state of collapse and the polls tilting in favour of Mr Cameron’s party, three points ahead of Labour, the only thing that looks capable of stopping them now is Ukip.

When people look at Miliband, they obviously have serious difficulty thinking of him as a prime minister, and with Farage and his train-wreck policies behind him, the Conservatives are struggling to avoid looking an attractive electoral proposition. How ironic it would be if making that so was Farage’s lasting gift to politics.

To view the original of this article CLICK HERE

Embed from Getty Images





 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance

Reclaim YOUR Future 
Deny the self serving political clique ANY Democratic claims to legitimacy
Write Upon Your Ballot Paper at EVERY election:
to Reclaim YOUR Future 

Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins

tel: 01594 – 528 337
Accuracy & Copyright Statement: CLICK HERE
Summary, archive, facts & comments on UKIP:
DO MAKE USE of LINKS & >Right Side Bar< & The Top Bar >PAGES<
Details & Links:
Views I almost Totally Share: CLICK HERE
General Stuff archive:
General Stuff ongoing:
Health Blog.:

 Please Be Sure To .Follow Greg_LW on Twitter. Re-TWEET my Twitterings
& Publicise My Blogs 
To Spread The Facts World Wide


To Leave-The-EU

Posted in Mark RECKLESS, Nigel FARAGE, Richard NORTH, UKIP, Ukip Contradictions, Ukip Policies, Ukip Policy Inconsistencies | Tagged: , , , , , , , , , | Leave a Comment »

EU Budget Suppliment Debacle Deepens!

Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 27/10/2014

 EU Budget Suppliment Debacle Deepens!

 Please Be Sure To .Follow Greg_LW on Twitter. Re-TWEET my Twitterings
& Publicise My Blogs 
To Spread The Facts World Wide
Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 


The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 

is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!  


EU Budget Suppliment Debacle Deepens! Leaving all in some confusion yet showing just how emasculated these United Kingdoms are in democratic terms as vassals of the EU.


further to my posting at CLICK HERE it would seem that David Cameron is not the only one who is poorly briefed or telling lies! it does look as if The EU Commission themselves are muddled by the complexity of their own rules!
A careful read of this Press Release below, would SEEM to contradict al else that has been published and earlier understanding by both the British Government (aka David Cameron) and The EU itself – not to mention myself who had found myself going down exactly the same line as the professional blogger and political researcher Dr. Richard North!
Further with care in your reading of the Press Release it would SEEM to contradict itself within its own text!
European Commission

Brussels, 24 October 2014


1. Who decides to increase Member states’ GNI contribution to the EU budget and why?

The different types of own resources of the EU budget and the method for calculating them are set out in a Council Decision on own resources and its implementing regulation. Thus the rules relating to the calculation of Member states’ contribution based on their respective Gross National Income are established in the own resources legislation.

In May of each year the Commission and representatives of each Member state meet to establish the estimated GNI of every member state for the year to come. That specific source of income for the EU budget is then adopted in agreement with the Member states.

Each autumn, the Commission and representatives of each Member state meet a second time, this time to check whether there are differences between the original GNI estimates and the “real” GNI for the previous year, and whether there any further adjustment to older GNI data, still based on the figures provided by each Member state.

Member states’ individual GNI contribution is then adjusted upwards or downwards to compensate for the adjustments. This is a purely mathematical, technical process. So much so, that member states agreed that the Commission can implement the adjusted figures by 1 December every year without any need to submit a proposal to the Council and/or to the European Parliament.

2. Does this year’s technical adjustment take into account the new method to calculate member states’ GDP (ESA 2010)?

No. This new method to calculate member states’ GDP will have no impact on their GNI contribution to the EU budget until the new own resources decision comes into effect, which is probably 2016.

3. Why does this year’s technical adjustment see such big increases of contributions to the EU budget for some member states?

This year’s adjustment includes GNI re-calculation dating back to 2002 for most member states and to 1995 for one, as there were a number of unresolved issues that had accumulated over the last years. The decision to resolve these historic issues now results from a joint effort of member states in cooperation with Eurostat. With all these issues now cleared, future such corrections will again be rather minor, as they were in recent years.

Some member states have consistently reported too low values for their GNI over the last years, this obviously explain the size of some adjustments upwards.

4. Why has the Commission decided to act just now?

As explained earlier, the adjusted GNI contributions must come into force by 1 December at the latest. However, the earlier in the year you calculate the real GNI for that given year the less accurate you are. The Commission must therefore find a compromise between announcing the revised GNI figures as late as possible in order to be as accurate as possible, and as early as possible in order to give member states enough time to adapt to the new figures. This year, member States were informed of the budgetary impact of the new data on 17 October.

5. Do those adjustments always increase member states’ GNI contributions?

Not at all; it mostly depends on member states themselves as the basis for such revision is the figures provided by the member states. If your recorded GNI for any given year is lower than what was estimated at the beginning of the year, your GNI contribution will go down.

The original of this Press Release fom the EU Commission can be seen at:
The one thing of which we can all be certain is that the central bureaucracy has NOT, as some would like you to believe, carried out some gratuitous act of enbittered bullying as the present Commission leaves office, in order to vivtimise these United Kingdoms and slap down David Camerons efforts to ‘re-negotiate’ and hold an IN / OUT Referendum when re-elected after May 2015, as promised.
What we can be certain of is the unpalatable, for David Cameron and part of the Tory party, is that unilateral re-negotiation just is not on the cards. EU Treaty after EU Treaty to which the British Government has freely, if duplicitously much of the time, signed up clearly states that there is no possibility of an substantial or substantive re-negotiation and that ALL decisions must be on the basis of either QMV or unanimous vote of the EU’s vassal states!
This of course places David Cameron and his Government when re-elected, assuming that Ukip has not garnered enough votes to destroy Britain by so consequentially damaging the Tories as to place the utterly incompetent, economic idiots and extremist Fabians etc., in the Labour party, in a controlling position!
The problem for David Cameron will be that he will be honour bound to actively campaign, with his Government for Britain to leaver the EU, which is counter to his aims to subjugate Britain yet further to the globalist control of the arcane and outdated EU, which merely acts as obfuscation and a rubber stamp for the issuance of International law by the likes of UN, CODEX, WTO, IMF, WHO and the like. He will have proved that Britain’s 8% influence and voting control of our destiny, whilst still in the EU, is of absolutely no material consequence!
You will find the article below by Richard goes into further detail regarding the ‘Budget Confusion’  first here is the article in The Telegraph which Richard wrote with Tim Ross:

George Osborne under pressure over EU budget row

European Union officials warned Britain in January that new bills were coming, and produced figures showing that the UK was likely to have to pay higher fees this autumn

David Cameron in Brussels for the European Council. Photo: REX

The European Union warned Britain months ago that it was facing a massive increase in its EU membership fee, according to documents seen by The Telegraph.

A furious David Cameron vowed on Friday that he would not pay an “appalling” and unexpected demand for an extra £1.7 billion in British contributions to the EU budget by the December 1 deadline.

However, The Telegraph can disclose that EU officials warned member states in January that new bills were coming, and produced figures showing that Britain was likely to have to pay higher fees this autumn.

The disclosure cast doubt on Mr Cameron’s claims that he had been ambushed out of the blue by the demand for more money on the eve of the Brussels summit on Thursday.

The development will intensify pressure on the Prime Minister and George Osborne, the Chancellor, over why Britain was apparently so unprepared for the extra surcharge.

In other developments as the row grew:

:: Treasury ministers are to be hauled before MPs this week to explain why Mr Cameron was not informed of the impending£1.7 billion charge from the European Union;

:: Mr Osborne is preparing to launch talks with other European finance ministers, ahead of a meeting on November 7 at which the dispute is expected to be discussed. The Chancellor will raise Britain’s concerns with the German Finance Minister, Wolfgang Schaeuble, and others, when they meet in Berlin this week at a global forum on tax transparency;

:: Senior Treasury officials are meeting this weekend, and will be speaking to their counterparts in the Netherlands, Italy, and Greece to build an alliance of countries to fight the extra demands for money.

:: Labour’s Treasury spokesman, Chris Leslie, wrote to Mr Osborne demanding that the Chancellor set out what he knew, when about the demand for more money. Mr Leslie told Mr Osborne he had “serious questions to answer”about how long the government had known about the potential for Britain to be hit with such a massive surcharge;

:: A senior Member of the European Parliament warned that Mr Cameron would have to pay the £1.7 billion, saying the confusion was “an entirely British affair” and that the rest of Europe “expects” the UK to pay up;

:: It emerged that Britain would face EU fines worth more than £1.3 million a day for every day the country refuses to pay the extra bill.

The call for the extra cash, which followed a review of member states’ economic performance since 1995, was described by Mr Cameron as “completely unacceptable”.

The detailed demand for £1.7 billion was first sent to EU member state governments on October 17, several days before the information reached the Chancellor.

The Chancellor has said he learnt about the bill “earlier this week”, but it appeared to catch the Prime Minister off guard.

On Saturday, Sir Bill Cash, chair of the Commons European scrutiny select committee, announced that ministers from the Treasury would be summoned to explain the apparent lack of action over the bill which left Mr Cameron exposed at the summit.

Sir Bill said: “I’m calling in Treasury ministers next week to my committee so that we can go through how this happened in addition to what they have to say about the way in which they intend to handle it from now on.”

“So we’ll have a proper examination which will obviously include looking at the system itself which I’ve already described as crazy.”

The extra £1.7billion bill is a result of changes in the way national accounts are calculated across the world, which have had the effect of increasing Britain’s GDP by more than the European average. This meant Britain’s required contribution to the overall EU budget would also increase by more than the EU average.

Different EU member states make different contributions to the EU budget, depending on their national incomes.

On January 16, European statisticians said the EU-wide average increase resulting from the change in the way national accounts are calculated was a rise of 2.4 per cent in GDP. For Britain, the projected figure was higher, between 3 per cent and 4 per cent.

A prominent MEP warned Mr Cameron yesterday that Europe “expects” Britain to pay the surcharge by the December 1 deadline.

“It appears the Prime Minister was surprised by this in Brussels,” said Alexander Graf Lambsdorff, vice-president of the European Parliament.

“And that I can understand, because a bill of €2bn, £1.7bn, is significant enough to be informed about before you go to a summit and then are confronted with it in a surprising way. But that is an entirely British affair. The rest of Europe expects you to pay and that’s that.”

On Saturday, The Telegraph reported that Angela Merkel, the German Chancellor, had told Mr Cameron he should have anticipated the European Union’s demand.

According to a diplomatic record of talks between European leaders seen by the paper, the German Chancellor told the Prime Minister the call “did not come out of the blue”.

“I understand that it is difficult to come up with €2 billion [£1.7billion] David, but this should have been expected,” Ms Merkel said.

The European Commission president, Jean Claude Juncker, also told Mr Cameron to “show some political courage” over the call.

 The article can be found at CLICK HERE
& now for Richard North’s latest take on the issue:

Monday 27 October 2014

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Something of the story behind the story on Mr Cameron’s £1.7bn began to emerge in the Sunday Telegraph yesterday, with lead writer Tim Ross kindly adding my by-line to the copy. The Mail on Sunday, however, went for a fictional version of events, going for Mr Gove’s incredible theory that the Barroso personally dumped a £1.7 bill on the UK as an act of revenge.

The Financial Times though, is coming up with a completely different version of events. The £1.7bn figure, it tells us, is a one-off payment which accounts for less than 0.1 percent of UK GNI, representing a top-up to UK contributions covering 11 years. Thus, the paper says, Britain is being asked to pay a “modest” adjustment of an extra £150m a year over the period, a sum that would barely deserve a footnote in the UK’s annual accounts.

Now, the Mail is saying much the same thing, that “the European Commission issued the demand to the UK after using rules dating back to 1995 and finding Britain’s economy has grown faster than expected, so must pay a greater share to Brussels”.

This, one assumes, is based on the Commission Q&A on the revision of Member States’s GNI, which I only saw last night. Contradicting completely my report on the application of ESA 2010, it states that this year’s technical adjustment does NOT take into account the new method of calculating member states’ GNIs. This new method, it says, will have no impact on their GNI contributions to the EU budget until the new own resources decision comes into effect, which is probably 2016.

To the question of why this year’s technical adjustment sees such big increases of contributions to the EU budget for some member states, the Commission tells us that this year’s adjustment includes GNI re-calculation dating back to 2002 for most member states and to 1995 for one.

There were, we are told, a number of unresolved issues that had accumulated over the last years. The decision to resolve these historic issues now results from a joint effort of member states in cooperation with Eurostat. With all these issues now cleared, future such corrections will again be rather minor, as they were in recent years. This seems to be borne out by sight of an (undated) information note to member states, which sets out the sums involved, on which much of the media publicity has been based.

As to the legal authority to apply retrospective adjustments, the Commission cites Council Regulation No 1150/2000 of 22 May 2000 implementing Decision 94/728/EC on the system of the Communities’ own resources. It would seem that Article 10(8) applies, referring to Article 3(2) of Directive 89/130/EEC on the harmonization of the compilation of gross national product at market prices.

There is nevertheless something very odd about the Commission Q&A, because it cites Council Decision 2007/436/EC on the system of the European Communities’ own resources, as being the basis for calculating the Members’ contributions. Yet, as we see here, that Decision has been repealed and replaced by Council Decision 2014/335/EU on the system of own resources of the European Union. It takes effect from 1 January of this year.

The crucial thing about this updated Decsion is that it tells us that Member States’ GNIs “shall mean an annual GNI at market price, as provided by the Commission in application of Regulation (EU) No 549/2013 (ESA 2010)” – thereby installing the new European System of Accounts, except that pro temp contributions were to be based on ESA 95 because ESA 2010 had not been available at the time of the adoption of this Decision.

But, the Decision went on, “the contributions should be adapted as soon as all Member States have transmitted their data on the basis of ESA 2010”. “In the event that there are any amendments to ESA 2010 which entail a significant change in the level of GNI”, it then said, “the ceilings for own resources and for commitment appropriations should be adapted again”.

On this basis, it would appear that the Commission is wrong in claiming that ESA 2010 does not apply. Its own legislation says it does, and unless there is an unknown factor here, the new standard applies to the current figures and the adjustments.

Therefore, what I think has happened is that, guided by Directive 89/130/EEC, the UK and other Member States have revised their GNIs retrospectively using ESA 2010, which has given rise to the adjustments recorded. But it must also be remembered that the procedure requires Member States to calculate their own GNIs, and send the results to the Commission. This is not something the Commission does for us – we do it for ourselves.

Thus, as far as the awareness and the advance notice goes, my previous report would seem to be accurate (unless or until we see further developments).  The UK was informed that changes were in progress. It is unlikely that Mr Cameron can claim that the Commissions was not entitled to the money it is claiming, as the sum is based on data provided by the UK – presumably calculated by the ONS – in accordance with well-established procedures.

Since the ESA 2010 changes have been flagged up continuously, the UK government – and therefore Mr Cameron – can have no justification for saying they didn’t know what was coming.

Seldom though have I met a more complex scenario – where the Commission also seems to be getting it wrong. Even Mr Barroso didn’t seem to know what was going on. And that may just provide a small window of opportunity for Mr Cameron. It the Commission itself is all at sea, he could claim that it is unfair to expect him to know better.

Of course, his “Rolls-Royce” civil service could have told him, except that Rolls-Royce cars is now owned by the Germans. That is perhaps why Mrs Merkel was in the know and Mr Cameron wasn’t.

To view the original of this article CLICK HERE




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