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Archive for the ‘DENNY’ Category

#0122b* – WITTERINGS FROM WITNEY: UKIP Go To War? Paint Balls At Dawn?

Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 26/09/2010

#0122b* – WITTERINGS FROM WITNEY: UKIP Go To War? Paint Balls At Dawn?
Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable!
The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
 their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!
UKIP Go To War? Paint Balls At Dawn? NO, Too serious for another UKIP stunt!
To Follow on from Posting #0122* – bringing you up to date!
One wonders at the ill manners & stupidity of many in UKIP!

Friday, 24 September 2010

UKIP Go To War?

The Talking Clock posts that Gerard Batten has formed an electoral pact with Tim Congdon, the latter who is standing for Leader – and that as part of this ‘pact’ Gerard Batten has withdrawn his candidacy for that position.

In a brief form of the statement, Tim Congdon tells potential supporters: “Tim Congdon and Gerard Batten have announced that they will be working together in a joint bid for the leadership of the UK Independence Party. Gerard Batten has decided to stand down and to support the candidature of Tim Congdon. If Tim Congdon is elected Leader of the UK Independence Party, he will appoint Gerard Batten as Deputy Leader and Head of Policy Development.

Follow the links in TTC’s post to read the statements by Batten and Congdon.

So now we will have the Farage/Nuttall camps in open warfare with the Batten/Congdon camps.

TTC ends his post:

This is a race that just got a darn sight more interesting…

And, I would venture, ‘bloody’………….. FFS UKIP!


James Higham said…

That sort of thing is hardly helpful.

The Talking Clock said…

Thank you for the generous hat-tip.

I’m hoping that the characters do not resort to internal warfare and hope that any – cough – ‘positioning’ of individual characters stays in the realm of private debate rather than bursting into the public domain.

I have met all three of the declared and known candidates for my interview series and, while all three are very different in terms of personality, they were all incredibly warm and kind people.

It’s for that latter reason that I *hope* that the gentlemen in the race can maintain a generous, fair and healthy contest. I’m optimistic that they will…

Witterings From Witney said…

JH – As they say, I do know that (only too well).

TTC – my pleasure. Unfortunately I believe your wishes are misplaced – seen it all before. Yes all three are reasonable men but………there will be blood!

Autonomous Mind said…

A new cenre-right party without the ‘single issue’ baggage is required now.

Witterings From Witney said…

AM, agreed. However UKIP do possess those policies but it seems that rather than promote them they would rather have a bloodbath. I say that with heavy heart in the I support their policies entirely – they most definitely are centre right.

As to your suggestion/conclusion – fine, how do we start one and who heads it? You can forget Hannan and Carswell – they are too wedded to their careers and I have virtually given up on them.

Greg_L-W. said…

Hi, I incline to agree with TTC and commend his comment: I *hope* that the gentlemen in the race can maintain a generous, fair and healthy contest. I’m not optimistic that they will be able to and thus in the face of the usual barage of smearing and deception – already started with abuse of staff and phone calls and the positioning of campaign managers and a toady as opposition to split the vote and prevent a fair fight I would hazard a prediction that it is all over bar the sneering & that was UKIP! There is absolutely no value in ANY Party from now on as our laws are made by our enemies at worst rivals at best. There is no value in discussion of policies that can NEVER be implemented whilst in The EU – and be minded NO PARTY has ever put forward an Exit & Survival Strategy. It will take 10 years from when we leave to be in a position to consider our own policies so play all you like at being political but without Leave-the-EU as a basis you are wasting yours and everyone elses time and working for the enemy. Have a look at on google and TheMidnightGroup.blogspot likewise. There are no answers but there is a step forward YOU can help build. When THE Gentleman in the UKIP blood bath wakes up perhaps he would care to come and help us do something constructive – UKIP is a part of the problem and offers no part of the solution. Regards, Greg_L-W.

Witterings From Witney said…

Greg, I do not stop any criticism or comment on this blog and you know full well that yours and my views on Ukip and the people in it are at total variance. It is a great pity that you force your views on those that don’t want them – witness you have been asked more than once to desist sending your email rants to me, yet continue to do so. For one who writes about “the usual barage of smearing and deception” I can only say to you that the words pot, black and kettle spring to my mind. The fact that you have a personal vendetta against certain members of Ukip is obvious and does your argument no good whatsoever. By all means argue and debate, but if you wish to do so on this blog then at least have the courtesy to provide provenance to your accusations.

Greg_L-W. said…

Hi, happy to – which bit did you not understand? It is a great pity that you force your views on those that don’t want them – witness you have been asked more than once to desist sending your email rants to me, yet continue to do so. Don’t read them – in the second row of keys down on the right you’ll find one marked delete. YOU are master of YOUR computer. For one who writes about “the usual barage of smearing and deception” I can only say to you that the words pot, black and kettle spring to my mind. Please be so good as to identify a lie, distortion, smear, untruth or deliberate inaccuracy I have EVER published – if you are unable an apology would be apposite when seeking to liken me to Croucher, Farage, Bloom, Bannerman, Clark, Andreasen, Agnew, Denny, McTrough and the rest of the pond life in UKIP leadership. The fact that you have a personal vendetta against certain members of Ukip is obvious and does your argument no good whatsoever. I have no vendetta with any member of UKIP merely utter contempt for corruption, dishonesty and bullying by public servants using tax payers’ money. By all means argue and debate, but if you wish to do so on this blog then at least have the courtesy to provide provenance to your accusations. Any time, Any place, with Anyone, withing 50 miles (health constraints – sorry). Regards, Greg_L-W.

Witterings From Witney said…

Greg, Re the delete button: what is it you do not understand, encapsulated in the words please do not send me your emails/please take me off your mailing list? I am fully aware where the delete button is located on my keyboard – unfortunately it does not work with people! Your comment about ‘pond life’ demonstrates you lack of courtesy and any ability to debate. Sorry to hear about your health being a tad problematical and trust it improves soon however not too sure what the waiting list is for the brain implant you so obviously require.

Greg_L-W. said…

Hi, The insignificance of your identity has passed me by – I merely respond to your ill informed witterings. That you are gratuitously offensive may well come naturally to you. However you have failed to identify what facts you had failed to understand: Was it the several £million that seem to have gone missing from UKIP funds? Was it Godfrey Bloom arrested for copulating in the street? Was it Gawain Towler boasting on his blog of his infidelity and perversion? Was it Derek Clark boasting of how he defrauds the EU at a public meeting? Was it the fact that Marta Andreasen is a fraud? Was it that David Bannerman lies about his identity? Was it that UKIP has held 2 petitions and raised money never accounted for and neither petition was ever delivered? Was it that Farage used staff to lie and cheat in his last leadership election? Was it that Malcolm Pearson was Money laundering to fraudulently misrepresent donors? Was it Bloom being banned from hotels for urinating in plant pots in public? Was it that Stuart Agnew was defrauding the tax payers? Was it that Trevor Colman criminally covered up for Tom Wise? Was it Farage promising Meridian TV he would publish his detailed accounts in 1999 yet never doing so? Was it that more than 85% of the money raise through Ashford never reached the party? Was it that Farage did NOT remove Tom Wise from UKIP but lied about it? Was it that Farage – chairs the most vile extremist group in the EU comprising criminals, violent xenophobes, holocaust deniers, racists, anti Jewish pro EU membership & The lisbon Treaty?   CONTINUED

Greg_L-W. said…

CONTINUATION Was it the blatant duplicity of Mark Croucher? Was it that David Lott lied about his employment status? Was it the industrialised criminal fraud and utter incompetence of Tom Wise for which he was jailed? Was it the corrupt and self serving behaviour of Annabelle Fuller? Was it that Mick McGough is a liar and a cheat? Was it that Farage & Croucher positioned the party by promoting The BNP? Was it the dishonesty of the treatment of Petrina Holdsworth when as Chairman she called for transparency? Was it that Douglas Denny corrupted the last proper leadership election and was fired by the NEC? Or was it something else you were confused about with the pond life that has risen to lead UKIP? As requested by YOU I am happy to debate these irrefutable FACTS with you or anyone else – however your ill manners and gratuitous abuse do little to assist in covering up the fact that UKIP’s leadership are little more than a rabble of parasitic petty crooks – prone to defaulting on their legal liabilities and without honour and with little dignity! May I remind you of your earlier rather more adult posting where you said: By all means argue and debate, but if you wish to do so on this blog then at least have the courtesy to provide provenance to your accusations. I replied: Any time, Any place, with Anyone, withing 50 miles (health constraints – sorry). Since you have now sunk to childish playground comments and insults – let us see if you have the maturity to debate as YOU requested. Which of the items listed are you not aware of and believe I can not provide provenance of? Regards, Greg_L-W.
 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance

Reclaim YOUR Future 
Write Upon Your Ballot Paper at EVERY election:
(IF You Have No INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance Candidate)
to Reclaim YOUR Future 

Posted in AGNEW, ANDREASEN, BLOOM, Coleman, CROUCHER, David Bannerman, DENNY, Derek CLARK, Farage, Malcolm Pearson, McGough, Petrina HOLDSWORTH, Tom WISE, Witterings from Witney | Leave a Comment »

#0106* – Extremism in UKIP – Leadership Make More Enemies with Farage Deity!

Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 12/09/2010

#0106* – Extremism in UKIP – Leadership Make More Enemies with Farage Deity!   

Clean EUkip up NOW  make UKIP electable!  
The corruption of some of EUkip’s leadership,   
their anti UKIP claque in POWER the NEC
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!  

Extremism in UKIP – Leadership Make More Enemies with Farage Deity!
Yet another young member driven away by authoritarian Leadership!

/*<![CDATA[ */var myStat_js=1;var myStat_ver='2.6';var js_version= 'myStat_js=1;’;js_version += ‘myStat_js=1.1;’;js_version += ‘myStat_js=1.2;’;js_version += ‘myStat_js=1.3;’;js_version += ‘myStat_js=1.4;’;js_version += ‘myStat_js=1.5;’;js_version += ‘myStat_js=1.6;’;document.write(js_version);var myStat_flash=”;if (navigator.plugins && navigator.plugins.length) {for (var ii=0;ii=2;ii–) {try {var f=eval(“new ActiveXObject(‘ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash.”+ii+”‘);”);if (f) { myStat_flash=ii + ‘.0’; break; };}catch(ee) {};};if((myStat_flash==””)&&!this.n&&(navigator.appVersion.indexOf(“MSIE 5”)>-1||navigator.appVersion.indexOf(“MSIE 6”)>-1)) {FV=clientInformation.appMinorVersion;if(FV.indexOf(‘SP2’) != -1)myStat_flash = ‘>=7′;};};var myStat_cookie = 1;if( !document.cookie ) {document.cookie = “testCookie=1; path=/”;myStat_cookie = document.cookie?1:0;};var myStat_n = (navigator.appName.toLowerCase().substring(0, 2) == “mi”) ? 0 : 1;var myStat_java=navigator.javaEnabled()?1:0;var myStat_sc=screen.width+’x’+screen.height;var myStat_dth=(myStat_n==0)?screen.colorDepth : screen.pixelDepth;var myStat_title=escape(document.title);myStat_title=myStat_title.replace(/\+/g,’%2B’);var myStat_uri=’;;myStat_uri=myStat_uri+ ‘?act=js&js=’+myStat_js+’&java=’+myStat_java+’&flash=’+myStat_flash+’&id=65422&cookie=’+myStat_cookie+’&title=’+myStat_title+’&sc=’+myStat_sc+’&dth=’+myStat_dth+’&rnd=’+Math.random()+”;document.write(‘‘);/*]]>*/myStat_js=1;myStat_js=1.1;myStat_js=1.2;myStat_js=1.3;myStat_js=1.4;myStat_js=1.5;myStat_js=1.6;We all know the majority of  UKIP members are non racist open minded members of society, as I would like to think I am!

However I encountered a wing of the party the other day which is far from open minded.

It all stemed from when I and 2 others dared to disagree with party policy on the smoking ban. I am a supporter of the ban however  as you probably know UKIP is against the ban, this isn’t the point however, at first all was going fine abit of friendly debate and so on. Then Mr UKIP arrives, accussing me of being a traitor! Why? I dared to disagree with the partys talisman Nigel Farage’s stance on something, a letter has now been sent to my branch manager requesting my expulsion from the party, need I say more about this Mr UKIP if he has time to waste writing letters about me.

I just thought I’d tell you that story because it backs up my point that, there is an extremest wing in UKIP that belongs in the BNP.  Its a dangerous thing that these people claim to be UKIP supporters and go around mis-quoting party policy giving the rest of us a bad name. Therefore I see it as essential that the next party leader purges the party ranks of these people before it gets too big of a problem to solve quietly.

The type of extremism varys in UKIP from racists to authoritarians etc. It worrys me that these people can shout that they are UKIP members from the rooftops and give party policy over in a false way, it is damaging for the party and if nothing is done it is the sort of problem that can destroy the party from the inside.

If UKIP really does have ambitions of joining the ‘big 3′ and turning it into the ‘big 4′ which they do, extremism has to dissapear from the party and not return.


Matt Smith
Matt Smith. A UKIP Member and a complete Eurosceptic. Other than politics my interests are mainly cricket and football. A die hard Manchester United fan! I also live in the Selby and Ainsty area.

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to be fair, at a guess Matt Smith’s blog is probably read by very few but then again if UKIP were to based on numbers in a proper election where they get 3.1% of the vote rather than aided by a corrupt EU system of dishonest selections and party hacks on lists appointed from a list by PR they would never get a seat.
I’m in the wonderful position that I have never nor will I seek preferment in UKIP or in politics. I care not howmany read my blogs – I am doing nothing more than publishing in some detail the truth as I see it to be – fortunately I seem repeatedly to be spot on accurate and to date have not made a single consequential gaff nor led anyone to believe something untrue, nor misled or lied in any area of consequence I know of or have been advised of.
Unlike the pond life Farage has gathered around him as bis bottom wipes like Croucher, Denny, McTrough, Bannerman, Andreasen, Colman, Agnew, Dartford, Bloom, Clark who without doubt owe their livelihood to Farage’s corruption as clearly they lack the competence to get salaries and lifestyles like they have in politics on their meager abilities and endemic dishonesty. 
Blogs are NOT about hit numbers they are about telling the truth and building a body of accurate and honest record – who cares if no one reads it as in the main bloggers are unlike politicians they are thinkers AND doers who derive no pleasure from the popularity they may gain.
I care not if 20,000 or 2 visit my site daily – in fact if the 2 are consequential ie press or opinion formers I am happy – I am therefore happy! I know my sites are on the reading list of MEPs, MPs, Peers and numerous lawyers paid to nit pick their way through it seeking ways to defame me and hopefully earn their bonuses by preventing me publishing the truth!

It is NOT a numbers game it is a matter of attracting some weight AND traction. 

INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance

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Posted in Authoritarian, CROUCHER, DENNY, Farage, Matt SMITH, McGough, Smoking | Leave a Comment »

#0099* – UKIP vs EUkip information CONFIRMED ACCURATE by UKIP

Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 07/09/2010

#0099* – UKIP vs EUkip information CONFIRMED ACCURATE by UKIP   

Clean EUkip up NOW  make UKIP electable!  
The corruption of some of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!  



despite the normal comments and accusations by idiots like Mick McTrough, Dippy Denny and the like this blog is pleased to say that it has maintained its track record of 100% accuracy on all substantive matters.

NEVER ONCE has this blog or its predecessor been shown to mislead or lie about any fact of consequence.

We concede on 3 occasions we have accidentally misled:

A./ once was claiming Richard Allen had been the other member of Blaby branch with Delroy Young – although 100% accurate we had assumed (based on two people who knew one or the other!) that the Richard Allen  who colludes as a moderator in the dishonest and corrupted Anthony Butcher Forum was one and the same – Within less than an hour of being corrected, having checked with 2 other sources the correction was made with an apology.

B./ The other occassion was on the employment status (which had just changed) of Tim Worsnipp (sorry unmemorable chap name may be wrong will correct if advised!!)

C./ and the third occassion I can not recal as it was even less significant! Sorry I have forgotten what it was but will add it if someone can remind me.

This Time:
I am pleased to confirm UKIP has issued a statement confirming the information we broke on this blog was correct.

Item 01:

We stated that Elizabeth Burton as a candidate, in breach of UKIP’s own rules participated in the count of NEC votes.

This information has been confirmed by UKIP’s delegated acting Returning Officer John Knott:

Elizabeth Burton did sit at the envelope opening when assisting opening envelopes at the first stage. When I noticed her she immediately agreed to move.

At no time was she in a position to influence counting of her votes. I was supervising her [and others] and am convinced there was no irregularity”.

To be pedantic it is claimed there was no irregularity!! Perhaps Mr. Knott should read the rules and if there was no irregularity why did he step in to order Burton‘s withdrawal?

May we also point out that we announced that UKIP would eventually dream up some official story to hide the facts which might include dog walking and leaving the room. The embarrassment of UKIP very late in the day issuing their statement does leave it open to criticism and naturally to skepticism – the incompetence of UKIP leadership is quite staggering!

Whether the irregularity was of consequence to the result is an entirely different matter, however it begs the question of how could someone this foolish be considered a suitably astute representative to be on UKIP NEC – but we must be minded how she comes to be there as she has stated herself that she votes as instructed by Nigel Farage!


We hold written affidavit from witnesses at the count that Elizabeth Burton was not only opening envelopes but discarding material and handling the votes for a protracted period.

We note Zuckerman’s gofer stated:

Elizabeth Burton did sit at the envelope opening when assisting opening envelopes at the first stage.

Who appointed her? Was anyone allowed to wander in and handle votes? Was there ANY control? This is crass, incompetent and implausible.

When I noticed her she immediately agreed to move.

When he noticed!!!
Did he notice whether the rest of the count was vaguelly acceptable?
Did he notice the rigid disposal of honest and genuine error by husband and wife sending their votes in the same envelope being discarded.
Did he notice votes to order by Godfrey Bloom were NOT discarded?

Did he notice the entire procedure did not comply with the rules.

Did he notice there were rules?

Did John Knott notice his utter incompetence as Zuckerman’s gofer?

At no time was she in a position to influence counting of her votes.

This is a direct and total untruth.

I was supervising her [and others] and am convinced there was no irregularity”.

He has just told us in the lines above that there was indeed an irregularity.

This vote is very clearly invalid.

That UKIP may find such dishonesty, corruption and breach of their own rules acceptable speaks volumes of their incompetence dishonesty and willingness to both cheat and lie –

UKIP Leadership is UNFIT FOR PURPOSE on every count.

Item 02:

This blog provided the information that Michael Zuckerman had tendered his resignation as Party Secretary – we did so in the form of hints as although it was long after any intelligent organisation would have issued a statement to prevent rumours we felt UKIP should have the opportunity to invent a plausible story to issue a statement to ‘quell’ rumours.


We understand the eventual story agreed confirming our hints is to say:

‘that due to pressure of work and expansion of his business (see his new web site with partners factoring legal cases for fees!) he has given his resignation to be effective as soon as a replacement can be found’!!! or some such!

My word Sonia will be relieved as it must have been deeply embarrassing at The Law Society and socially that her that her husband was Party Secretary of a Party that was part of the Pan EU Political EFD Grouping which is Racist, violently xenophobic, anti Jewish and harbours holocaust deniers amongst its executive members.

This will of course be even more embarrassing now that UKIP’s dim but titled dishonest puppet leader has quit as at least he was rabidly anti Islamic and an award winning Zionist.

Thus 2 posts the braying asses of UKIP leadership tried to denigrate have been confirmed as fundamentally spot on by UKIP.


of the many dishonest members of UKIP Leadership and their puppets and muppets – who are all too willing to lie, dissemble, mock and generally show themselves as crass, incompetent, dishonest and thoroughly unpleasant in their childish and ill informed behaviour and despite the endless untruths and dishonesties of UKIP leadership THIS BLOG supports UKIP The Party and has NEVER wittingly or deliberately lied or misled and has in fact NEVER consequentially misreported or defamed.

Would that the same could be said of UKIP Leadership, staff and theparasites including those too cowardly and ashamed of their behaviour to put their real name to their vituperative and dishonest behaviour.

 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance
Reclaim YOUR Future 
Write Upon Your Ballot Paper at EVERY election:
(IF You Have No INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance Candidate)
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Posted in Anthony Butcher, DENNY, Elizabeth Burton, Mick McGOUGH, ZUCKERMAN | Leave a Comment »

#0084* – UKIP Leadership & Skeptyk LIVE DOWN TO EXPECTATION

Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 31/08/2010

#0084* – UKIP Leadership & Skeptyk LIVE DOWN TO EXPECTATION   

Clean EUkip up NOW  make UKIP electable!  
The corruption of some of EUkip’s leadership,   
their anti UKIP claque in POWER the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!  

UKIP Leadership & its parasites and paid praise singers like Skeptyk are so very stupid the repeatedly LIVE DOWN TO EXPECTATION!

—–Original Message—–
From: The Skeptyk []
Sent: Tuesday, August 31, 2010 6:58 AM
Subject: Updated Skeptyk blog
I thought today’s updated blog would be of interest to you.
Have a pleasant day

From: Greg Lance-Watkins
eMail: Greg_L-W (

Tel: UK: 01291 – 62 65 62


I’m sure your squalid little blog makes you feel important – frankly knowing how damaging you are to the prospect of Britain’s liberty and your track record of dishonesty and consistent cowardice – frankly I can’t be bothered looking at it.

Just consider the source!

Skeptyk by Name and Septyk by NATURE!

Why would I want to read your lies and self serving filth?

I have visited your squalid little blog once, when you were dishonestly making a tastless and cowardly attack on John West in the most vile and tasteless manner and I haven’t bothered since.

Why would anyone want to voluntarily enter a Skeptyk Tank!

You are too embarrassed by your sleeze to even put your name to it, you cowardly little excrecence.

If the anti UKIP shower of self enriching scheisters and liars were thrown out and their parasites dumped there MIGHT be some hope for UKIP but 3.1% vote after 17 years shows what contempt the public hold for the likes of you.

As I ALWAYS post in my own identifiable name, and so far in 64 years can think of not one thing I am ashamed of nor an instance or action in my life I am not happy for the public at large to know and am not asking for anyone’s vote, nor do I seek to represent ANYONE – save my honestly held beliefs, and having NEVER drawn one bean in benefit or claim, I have absolutely no interest in your lies and vile attacks on UKIP supporters, in defence of the corrupt leadership, who I hold in utter contempt to a man, I couldn’t give a damn what posturing you do, you irrelevant cowardly pea brained pervert.

Further since my friends know exactly who I am and anyone who follows your filth or believes anything you say is unlikely to be a friend of mine, if they are remotely interested in your childish behaviour or stupid enough to believe you, let me know as I would not even want them as friends.

Invent, distort and write what you like you pathetic little creep.

By the way anyone wanting to read this sad creep’s blog is welcome to defile their time The URL is apparently:

though I haven’t tested the link.

Your site is far more likely to say a great deal; much more accurately, about the cowardly poster; than it does about me and I care not what some sad troll writes on any subject – it is why I rarely visit Anthony Butchers sordid little forum which seems inhabited by the scum of the septic tank that is UKIP’s leadership endlessly attacking and abusing genuine decent UKIP supporters who patriotically have Britain’s good at heart not their bank accounts and status.

It is such a shame that UKIP is so defiled with this sort of filth acting on behalf of its leadership against its interests. Scouring the gutters of life looking for some morsal of filth to feed on.

No wonder out of about 19,000 electable seats in British Governance UKIP, with its present pond life of paid praise singers and other parasites like this anonymous coward, have less than 30, by election, I understand.

With filth and liars like Septyk, McTrough, Dippy Denny, David Bannerman, Godfrey Bloom, Peter Reeve, Mark Croucher, Gawain Towler, Derek Clark, Stuart Gulleford and the rest of the Racist, anti Jewish, homophobic filth on their side there is little hope for the Party the members of which I have supported constantly in an effort to clean up the trash that pretend to lead.

Now run along and preen in your mirror because like the rest of UKIP’s leadership you offend common decency and drag the party into the gutter you inhabit.

Greg L-W.


 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance
Reclaim YOUR Future   
Write Upon Your Ballot Paper at EVERY election:
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Posted in CROUCHER, DENNY, McGough, Skeptyk | Leave a Comment »

#0081* – Measure The depth of FILTH IN The Anti UKIP MOVEMENT!

Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 30/08/2010

#0081* – Measure The depth of FILTH IN  The Anti UKIP MOVEMENT!   

Clean EUkip up NOW  make UKIP electable!  
The corruption of some of EUkip’s leadership,   
their anti UKIP claque in POWER the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name! 

Measure The depth of FILTH IN  The Anti UKIP MOVEMENT! 
FILTH LIKE Skeptyk, Mark CROUCHER, Douglas DENNY etc! 


It was an interesting coincidence that I had just written roughly this text on the blog pages of a few of the more damaging liars and anti UKIP trash  that are members of the leadership team of UKIP, their parasites and supporters

I rarely read the drivel from UKIP’s spin machine as I find it is so dishonest and distatefull – packed with lies and distracting fantasies.

The Leadership of UKIP and their parasites would seem to be so stupid that they do not realise the supporters of UKIP are those who seek to get rid of them, clean up UKIP and make it electable NOT those seeking status and enrichment!

I decided against the prize as it was too subjective as so many in UKIP’s leadership believe attacking and defaming their critics is defending UKIP when in fact attacking the messenger and unable to address the criticism is a mark of dishonesty and incompetence on the part of the name caller – so very UKIP!

We watch Croucher, Denny, Skeptyk, McTrough and others perpetually making fools of themselves and then believing repetition of their dishonesty and misrepresentation in some way makes it true – they are that stupid! – it is in fact a measure of their stupidity as they overlook the FACT that individuals like my self are not seeking votes or power nor to feed from the public purse.

Douglas Denny for instance is ONLY of ANY significance BECAUSE he seeks aggrandisement, authority and influence representing others as do Croucher, McTrough and others and as are those seeking to destroy UKIP by upholding corruption like Skeptyk and others of the anti UKIP faction.

That I am attacked, lied about defamed and libeled on the internet is hardly surprising as I spend almost all my time rooting out corruption, seeking out and exposing the Snake Oil Salesmen who feed on the underbelly of life, the weak, the gullible and the ill informed – people just like Skeptyk who set up web sites, blogs and forums in desperate attempts to defame me as do the Politicians and paedophiles all seeking to denigrate me to try to pretend that in attacking the messenger they are in some way adding credibility to their own status.

Indeed people like Skeptyk are that stupid! Repeating the libels and fantasies of each other these low lifes seek to dupe people – who I am is utterly irrelevant – I am merely the messenger, hence so few of the scum contact me to verify anything and so many of the decent folk pass on or seek out the facts.

Then whilst answering a few questions on the phone, for one of UKIP’s more dedicated members, to help them, I clicked onto Anthony Butcher’s corrupt and squalid forum – to find Skeptyk was performing almost to order, just as had the corrupt idiots Douglas Denny and Mick McTrough.

SCUM is very predictable in a septic tank – it floats to the top!

Skeptyk has provided a perfect example of this – so lets look at their self destructive maunderings:

But as we are getting so moralistic over the profiting of such ‘exploitative’ behaviour,

A comment on the apparent morality of one of UKIP’s more self serving excrecences – the multi Millionaire Willian Earl of Dartmouth whose latest wife has just sold a flat in Australia for 11Million – we note Dartmouth has never featured as a donor ! We also note he, like the rest of UKIP’s MEPs has never produced and presented accounts but the media have exposed him as a pornographer of some note being a Director of one of Hanson’s companies and profitting from the debasement of society as a pornographer.

Hardly in keeping with the principles and family values of UKIP but all too normal for the anti UKIP leadership and its parasites.

I would like to ask Tim, our resident spambot/guardian of morals,

An individual who does not use his full name for understandable reasons with filth like Skeptyk all too ready to attack the man not the message in as vile and cowardly way as they can.

what he thinks of the inescapable fact that one of the sponsored links (ie one that makes money) on a website belonging to his hero GLW is to a website that makes light of rape and child abuse

Skeptyk is a LIAR – that they repeats the lies of someone else does not in ANY way exonerate their dishonesty.

Please identify the web site I supposedly own and the link claimed.

Please be so good as to show that in any way by any means I profit from any use of the internet – save by vending legitimate goods from time to time via eBay (historic or my now defunct GlanceBack web site selling stamps, coins, medals etc.)

A site from which I am blocked as they find it expedient to lie and defame me behind my back- in fact this is the link that comes up when as claimed by Skeptyc I click on his link
 exactly the sort of behaviour I would expect of Skeptyc – but in fact more likely in this instance to be the gutter broadcaster in America Paul Drockton, who is deriving cash per click out of posting defamatory and sick sites all over the internet and aiding paedophiles and pederasts, abusers and exploiters by providing a platform and support for a collection of utterly corrupt con artists including Robert Green, Brian Gerrish, David Icke, Belinda McKenzie, Matt Quinn and others.

May I also point out that the other damaging piece of anti UKIP Filth Douglas Denny is also a supporter and correspondent of Paul Drockton’s for proof and details CLICK HERE

Skeptyc may also be interested in Paul Drockton’s opinions on other matters or his vile and debased attack on his own son, since they are obviously devotees who are happy to quote his efforts without any sense of integrity, decency or morality CLICK HERE
Or here is another piece of filth that would be abot the standard of the anti UKIP brigade of Skeptyc, Denny, McTrough and their ilk CLICK HERE

As Tim has a finely tuned antenna for what he views as immoral behaviour, I fully expect that he will be offering us all very stern criticism of his leader GLW’s antics (which are made even more grotesque by the fact that GLW claims to be a defender of those who were abused).

I think it is very clear that yet again the only grotesque behaviour here is that of the likes of Skeptyk, Croucher, McTrough, Denny and those who do such harm to UKIP by refusing to permit it being cleaned up and endlessly dragging it into the gutter where they live to aid corruption and sabotage the EUroRealist movement, on which many of them are dependent for a living – heaven forefend the EU might be dismantled or Britain might escape its malign clutch for where would these filth derive their status and in many cases income!

Or will Tim do what he normally does – run away when he doesn’t like the quest

Perhaps this piece of dishonest filth Skeptyk could identify one phrase of veracity that is of ANY consequence in his endless slime filled cowardly attacks on such UKIP supporters as Tim, Niall Warry, Dr. Abbott, Piers Merchant, Marcus Stead, Richard Suchorzewski, John Pratt, myself, Geoffrey Collier, John West, Petrina Holdsworth, Marilyn Swain, Peter Baker, Simon Muir, Dr. Eric Edmond, and their like – dedicated over many years to seeking a way out of The EU, resolute and determined – in fact hard working supporters of UKIP and the cause its members of principle support.

It is the likes of Douglas Denny, Mick McTrough,, Kevin Mahoney, George Thomas, Mark Croucher, Gawain Towler, Paul Nuttall, Derek Clark, David Bannerman, Marta Andreasen, Hugh Williams, Peter Reeve, George Curtis, Gulleford, Graham Booth, William Dartmouth, Malcolm Pearson, Malcolm Wood, and their ilk and cowardly filth and scum like Skeptyk in UKIP’s leadership and its parasites that have ensured that in 17 years UKIP has only ever achieved a few stupid stunts and a top vote of 3.1% in a General Election and out of some 19,000 available electable seats less than 30.

They are the real anti UKIP trash, as proven again and again.

The decent moral patriotic members of UKIP must be so ashamed to be associated with these charlatans, low lifes and self serving trash – clearly the British public want nothing to do with them.

Look at UKIP’s results with such trash in situ – it can not be the cause as the huge majority of Britain’s peoples espouse the same cause as UKIP’s members – it is the leadership and its vile parasites and paid praise singers.

Embarrassing as the logic may be it is clear and irrefutable.

I have this strange feeling that Skeptyk is unlikely to publish this blog by way of apology on Butcher’s squalid Forum where Skeptyc is so at home with their vile attacks, lies and key board bragadoccio in cowardly anonymity!

PERHAPS THOSE WHO GENUINELY CARE ABOUT OTHERS Might care to consider assisting with one of my other projects which can best be understood if you Go To and follow some of the links. I have been involved in exposing paedophiles, campaigning for decriminalisation of homosexuality, exposing corruption on the public purse, opposing racism and the like for best part of half a Century now – perhaps you would care to consider your position and possibly help if you can.

 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance
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Posted in CROUCHER, DENNY, McGough, Skeptyk | Leave a Comment »

#0080* – MORE LIES from UKIP’s Douglas DENNY!

Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 29/08/2010

#0080* – MORE LIES from UKIP’s Douglas DENNY!   

Clean EUkip up NOW  make UKIP electable!
The corruption of some of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!

MORE LIES from UKIP’s Self Serving Douglas DENNY!
These Clearly Anti UKIP Activities and Statements
of The Leadership Team – Are What Has Destroyed UKIP!

17 years & 3.1% Vote in The General Election

Out of about 19,000 electable seats UKIP holds less than 30 by election.

Clearly the utter corruption of the anti UKIP, Self Seeking & Corrupt
Leadership has hugely enriched a few but has destroyed UKIP.

For More Of Douglas Denny’s Dishonesty see:
Other Articles where his probity, integrity, wit, charisma and charm have 
shone through (NOT) can be found at the end of the posting! CLICK HERE!


Here is a revisionist history from Douglas Denny for UKIP – which is a pack of lies, which will hardly surprise anyone!

Sadly one expects dishonesty, false claims and childish abuse from UKIP Leadership and their parasites who feed off them!

The self serving drivel from the idiotic Denny is in blue:

Petrina appeared in train with with GLW and others including Mariline Swaine and Peter Baker and others for a disciplinary committee meeting I chaired, which was to ascertain if there had been a serious breach of confidentiality of UKIP business by Peter Baker.

A misrepresentation in that material witnesses had been asked to arrive early as I for one had not met the players and Ms. Holdsworth wished to briefly run through her ‘running order’ having been asked to act with Peter Baker in his defence against the utterly dishonest and duplicitous behaviour of Derek Clark and his Kangaroo Court Show Trial – masquerading as a disciplinary hearing to seize control of The East Region Committee which Peter Baker had been elected to chair.

It was aborted when on the day at the meeting after about two hours into the proceedings,

A LIE – The proceedings never commenced as Douglas Denny proudly announced he was not prepared to hear various witnesses. After discussion with Petrina Holdsworth & Peter Baker, forced to be held on the pavement of a seedy Council housing estate by Douglas Denny as the offices to be used were Gerard Batten’s.

Peter Baker, on advice from Holdsworth agreed to have a mediation meeting to set aside the matter. They then entered the building leaving the witnesses in the street, including 2 UKIP branch chairmen and the treasurer of the Eastern Regional Committee – courtesy and consideration of senior members of UKIP by its paid servants seems unheard of!

when the complainant, Derek Clarke, gave up on the proceedings, because the meeting was held in Gerard Batten’s rooms on London and had been compromised.

A lie – it became clear to the sordid pair Douglas Denny & Derek Clark that they were not going to get away with their corrupt action and also they were unable to constitute a Disciplinary Hearing under even a parody of their own rules.

Compromised because he (Gerard Batten) had disallowed by telephone that morning the presence of GLW in his property,

Gerard Batten being fundamentally a dishonest little oik and having absolutely no understanding of British Justice nor his duties as an MEP and representative of others – The little man showed himself to be self important, unjust, corrupt and a fool, an opinion I had formed previously which he has repeatedly confirmed by his actions and utterances.

and would not allow GLW (a valid witness to the proceedings) – entry.

Of course NOT what Denny said at the time – propositioning me in public to take a witness statement in a public toilet! I declined his importuning!
Denny also tried to imply that I was NOT a valid witness at the time.
Whatever the corrupt Batten may understand of British law and whatever his fear of me is immaterial to Justice – had it occurred to him responsible men and women who oversee and dispense Justice, the length and breadth of Britain, may well not like those in their premises and before them – clearly this jumped up telephone salesman was too stupid and too ill educated to understand his duties on the public purse.

Batten was not elected for his ability, intelligence, competence or integrity – he was selected in a corrupt internal ‘process’ and elected based upon votes for UKIP on a corrupt EU PR system – that is how slime like he and Derek Clark get to hold their overpaid sinecures way beyond their ability, intellect or probity.

That was a crass decision by Batten

Interesting to see Denny changing his tune – no doubt to seek corruptly to advantage his master’s chosen candidate for leadership by disadvantaging the corrupt Gerard Batten.

– I knew from that moment my meeting was a disaster.

It was Denny CLAIMS his meeting – yet if this were the case why is it clearly a fact that he lacked the integrity to cancel it forthwith nor did he voice his opinion that it was un Just and unfair and no more that a Kangaroo Court of no validity until years later – It will be noted that he did all he could to proceed with the case despite its corrupt circumstances and Denny has himself pronounced that it should have gone ahead and he would have won it!!! Denny was supposed to be a functionary in this event not a protagonist and it shows clearly by this statement alone how corrupt is UKIP’s disciplinary process and particularly Douglas Denny.

He had made my job impossible.

NO – Had Denny had a shred of integrity or one wit of moral compass Gerard Batten’s corruption had made Denny’s job simple. Cancel or set aside the proceedings, apologise to all for their being inconvenienced, thank them for their commitment to justice and ensure that UKIP acted honourably and refunded their expenses.

I knew it but went ahead.

Clearly because Douglas Denny lacked morality or any ethical understanding of how to behave.

It scuppered the meeting’s proceedings.

Douglas Denny permitted the proceedings to be scuppered by his incompetence and fundamental corruption.

Petrina made full use of that in her support of Peter Baker who she was acting as legal advocate

A measure of Douglas Denny’s incompetence is that he doesn’t even appreciate that is the duty of a legal advocate!!!

(in direct conflict of disciplinary proceedings protocol; and to which to my shame I allowed and should NOT have –

Are you seriously telling us that UKIP Disciplinary hearings dictate the manner in which defendents are permitted to defend themselves against corrupt individuals like Derek Clark who seek to hold Kangaroo Courts in the party name. Can it be that if it is a trial by UKIP rather than a hearing of two parties then UKIP will ham string the defendent and deny them a fair trial and select who may be witnesses and preclude the witnesses who show clearly that UKIP is in the wrong!!!

Next you will be telling us that UKIP should be elected to positions in Governance!!!

and should have slapped her down!).

What a foolish uppity little worm – since when is it the job of a clerical functionary – which was Denny’s job at that stage to ‘slap down’ anyone under any circumstances as he was representing the interests of UKIP members at large. Might this be why UKIP is a risible disaster that after 17 years obtained 3.1% in a General Election and out of 19,000 electable seats they hold less than 30 by election!

Are not people of the calliber of Denny, Clark, Batten and the like the very reason for UKIP’s abject failure in the light of the incredible popularity of the cause the members espouse.

I regret that: I did not. I should have – she was in contravention of the rules.

There are those of us who support UKIP who regret you have any part in it with almost if not all the leadership team and their parasites.

Petrina Holdsworth was not in contravention of the rules YOU were firstly as the rules are unlawfull being, as you have explained them, ultra vires to the basic tennets of Justice and it was YOUR duty to uphold such laws as were valid NOT Petrina Holdsworth’s duty to teach you your responsibilities – at least be man enough to not try to blame the lady present!

Petrina although an ex-chairman of the party has consistently been an anti-UKIP advocate here on this forum.

Perhaps you could site a single example of her ever being anti UKIP – she has without fail upheld the aims and principles of UKIP which she has done calmly and with courtesy. I appreciate you and others have made fools of yourself in your childish and totally unfounded aspersions and name calling – it has clearly been yourself and others colluding in the corruption, dishonesty, fraud, theft, embezelling and contempt for British values who have been anti UKIP – UKIP’s leadership has not for many years represented it members or the ethics of its members it has been scum like yourself who have lied, cheated, defamed and corrupted the party by your behaviour.

We all recall that Petrina Holdsw2orth resigned as Chairman as she was not prepared to collude in the corruption and lies of the leadership of UKIP which was anti UKIP and in complete betrayal of the principles and ethics of UKIP members.

We all remember also that even that usually corrupt UKIP body the NEC acted honestly, honourably and with integrity on one occasion and then by a majority of the vote, despite a corrupt and unlawfull attempt of John Wittacker to corrupt the process, they voted by majority to fire YOU Douglas Denny from the position you held for dishonesty, corruption and seeking to corrupt a leadership election on behalf of and on the instruction of Nigel Farage – however many revisionist histories and re-writes of the minutes you may commission, the truth is in the public domain and understood by the informed.

I leave you to make your own conclusions as to that fact – as I already have.

Oh but we have and that is why UKIP has to rig its internal elections and selections and why it obtained a mere 3.1% of the vote in the General election and less than 30 elected seats out of some 19,000.

UKIP’s results are based on just such examples as led by the utterly dishonest, dishonorable and corrupt Douglas Denny and the other parasites and self seeking, self enriching crooks that have formed UKIP’s leadership over many years.

So many in UKIP’s leadership believe attacking and defaming their critics is defending UKIP – when in fact attacking the messenger and unable to address the criticism is a mark of dishonesty and incompetence on the part of the name caller – so very UKIP!

We watch Croucher, Denny, Skeptyk, McTrough and others perpetually making fools of themselves and then believing repetition of their dishonesty and misrepresentation in some way makes it true – it is in fact a measure of their stupidity as they overlook the FACT that individuals like my self are not seeking votes or power nor to feed from the public purse.

Douglas Denny for instance is ONLY of ANY significance BECAUSE he seeks aggrandisement, authority and influence representing others as do Croucher, McTrough and others and as are those seeking to destroy UKIP by upholding corruption like Skeptyk and others of the anti UKIP faction.

For More Of Douglas Denny’s Dishonesty see:
Other Articles where his probity, integrity, wit, charisma and charm have 
shone through (NOT) can be found at the end of the posting! CLICK HERE!


 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance
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Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 27/07/2010


Clean EUkip up NOW  make UKIP electable!  
The corruption of some of EUkip’s leadership,   
their anti UKIP claque in POWER the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!


Nikki Sinclaire MEP : The ‘People’s Petition’

If there were any further proof needed of what UKIP’s MEPs could have achieved if they were free of the shackles of Faragism and his revolting anti Jewish, racist and pro EU membership aspirations as the leader of the Pan EU Political Party EFD grouping who advocate killing African immigrants, set fire to children and hunt down and drive out homosexuals – yes these are UKIP’s new friends with Farage in charge and why since they have clearly gone native I often call the Farage Party EUkip.

No wonder Mike Nattrass and Nikkie Sinclaire refused to remain in such vile company and clearly UKIP’s other MEPs feel at home stuffing money in Nigel Farage’s pocket and acting to help racists, anti Jewish Holocaust deniers, and convicted criminals!

This new initiative by Nikki Sinclaire is just what UKIP should be doing.

Do you remember when David Lott, Nigel Farage and Mark Croucher set up a fake petition to gather names seemingly to scam for money with their crooked and dishonest chum John Moran, and others, via the Ashford scam where over 85% of the money went missing and was never accounted for to the members but £250,000 WAS deposited into a private bank account!.

I’m sure you remember the scam as they stole £250,000 of tax payers money to run the petition and never did and no one ever knew where the money vanished – seemingly trousered but not long after David Lott retired to France and Mark Croucher opened a couple of pubs, where due to everyone else’s fault but his own unpleasant character, dishonesty and vile manners the businesses both failed and he returned to promote the corruption and racism of the EFD.

With their funds disappearing into Farage’s coffers, without any knowledge of what their money is spent on, UKIP’s MEPs have achieved precisely nothing.


Nikki Sinclaire, however, by leaving the corrupt EFD group, has not only published regular and fully auditted acounts which no other UKIP MEP has done, despite the promises and lies of Farage and others.

She has also used her resources to create a campaign designed to force a debate on continued membership of the EU in the House of Commons. Using the same web site she personally supplied for UKIP when Farage, Lott and others ran their scam through it – if it was NOT a scam where did the £1/4 Million go and to whom was the petition presented, where and when =- Personally I think it looks very much as if Nigel Farage, David Lott, Mark Croucher and others colluded to steal a very large sum of money and if they did not where is the petition, what happened to it and why was it never openly and freely accounted – It WAS public money!

Farage’s disciples should take note they were elected to strive to get Britain OUT of the EU not feather their nests, buy flashy cars (did you know when Graham Booth retired and was no longer paying so much for ‘accomodation’ in the EU, he bought himself an Aston Martin I am told!

I note the indollent oik from Liverpool has bought himself a drug dealer’s car  to fit in as he skulks around his constituency  posturing but achieving absolutely nothing of note as chairman of UKIP towards getting Britain out of the EU and colluding in Court with Mark Croucher to try to intimidate, harrass and bankrupt me vile little creep that he is – not content with his dishonesty in stealing the lead position as an MEP candidate. This worm walked off a stage in Britain because he refused to share it with the duelly elected British MEP from the BNP and then as Chairman of UKIP dragged the name of UKIP in the gutter by leaping into bed with the pro EU membership, sexually intollerant, violent extremist anti Jewish Racists of the EFD!

UKIP under Farage really are scum aren’t they!

 So deperate for publicity they have followed their Zionist titular leader in an attack on British citizens and visitors who are Moslems and choose by faith to wear a burqa.

Nikki Sinclaire having left the EFD is at least making strides not only in probity by publishing her accounts but it seems she is using her own money to start off a major petition.

She can count on my help any time she likes as I have supported UKIP for about 15 years and it is good to see some signs of it re-emerging from the squallor of Farage’s EUkip with the pond life he has gathered around him. I wonder when he will have the integrity to pay me the £12,500 for which he is clearly morally indepoted to me as the actual leader of UKIP.

I’m not holding my breath for Nigel Farage to act morally or ethically as there have never been signs of him doing so before as he stuffs his pockets and drags my County’s reputation in his gutter.



Here is her Press Release

West Midlands MEP Launches ambitious 100,000 ‘People’s Petition’ in Birmingham and Stoke
Campaigning West Midlands MEP Nikki Sinclaire has today launched a ‘people’s petition’ calling on the coalition government to hold a referendum on European Union membership
Said Nikki ‘It is a disgrace that no-one under the age of 53 has had the chance to say whether they want to be part of the European Union and yet it spends £45m of our money every day’. Nikki is using a campaign ‘battle bus’ to visit ‘every town and City in the Midlands over the next year to collect signatures. Said Nikki ‘I aim to collect the petition over the next year or so and have also launched an online version at
Nikki said that the battle bus also doubles as a mobile surgery and gives her a chance to meet ‘my employers’ i.e. constituents at first hand. Said Nikki ‘Although I have massive reservations about the European Union I do never the less want to use my time helping people and I am issuing an open invitation to people to talk to me about anything that concerns them from job security to Housing problems’. Nikki regularly receives enquiries on a broad range of concerns and has a high success rate resolving problems working in association with local Councils and Parliament
PRESS NOTES: Nikki starts her campaign in Stoke town centre on Wednesday the 28th of July 2010 and will also visit Birmingham City Centre for interviews and photographs

CONTACT POINT: For details of times, locations and photo opportunities contact: Josh O’Nyons on 0121 359 5933 or 07538 311334.

To contact Nikki directly


 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance
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Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 25/05/2010


#0018 – It is Pleasant To See Someone Elected By UKIP NOT JUST SHOWING OFF   

Clean EUkip up NOW  make UKIP electable!  
The corruption of some of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!


It is Pleasant To See Someone Elected By UKIP NOT JUST SHOWING OFF!



18th May 2010
Nikki fights for the rights of Meriden and Hatton residents

Local residents are up in arms about recent invasions by travellers of Green Belt Land


The Text – of Nikki SINCLAIRE MEP (Independent)

18th May 2010

“Madam President, the rapporteur states in his report that the accession to the ECHR will afford citizens protection against the actions of the Union. I would be far more interested in protecting the residents of my constituency, the West Midlands in the UK, against the action of the Convention on Human Rights.
Of course in the UK we incorporated this into our law in 1998, allowing the ECHR to have effect in all our courts. In the manifesto of the new Conservative Government it was promised that they would repeal the Human Rights Act but, as they should have known, Lisbon made the EU a legal entity and the EU has greater powers than the electorate of the United Kingdom. We are reminded of George Orwell. The writing is on the wall and, as we know, some people are more equal than others when it comes to human rights.
Earlier this month, my constituents in Meriden and Hatton suffered invasions by so-called ‘travellers’, who have broken the peace and who are building unauthorised and possibly illegal developments on what little remains of our precious green-belt land. Thanks to the Convention on Human Rights, these travellers have special protected rights. They have priority in health care and education, all at the expense of local taxpayers!
The rapporteur wants us to involve our national courts and ministries of justice in this process. I say that the Convention on Human Rights has done enough damage already. Perhaps the rapporteur would like to visit my constituency and witness at first hand the desecration of our land. Perhaps he would like to speak to the hardworking villagers who have seen the value of their homes plummet. He can inspect the lines of police drafted in to keep the peace and of course preserve the special rights of the travellers. He could even enjoy the spectacle of 90 lorries laden with gravel churning up the country lanes where parents walk with their children. He might help residents as they rush to install security equipment in anticipation of the surge in criminal activity that often accompanies such developments.
Of course these are but small tragedies and are nothing when compared to the important political project that is the European Union, but let us consider that when we propose special rights on one group of citizens we automatically degrade the rights of others.
The Convention on Human Rights has degraded the rights of my constituents. It should not be up to unelected officials to decide who is special and who is not. We have a newly elected government in the UK which has made promises in this area. In the name of democracy let them carry out those promises!”

UKIP is so busy trying to RIG the succession and ensure a coronation, for its latest leader, bypassing the members to ensure they get their planned Tory plant in place – the dishonest, corrupt and creepy David Bannerman who can be relied on to do as he is told by Farage until he too jumps ship for a better seat at the troughs in November with the EFD Party.

One should not be surprised at this level of dishonesty and corruption from UKIP – you will remember when Ian Gilman was asked to stand aside and Damien Hockney was asked not to stand so that they could hold a Coronation for UKIP’s latest reject Roger Knapman the Tory MP who had been voted out as useless from Stroud, one of the safest seats in Britain.

When he had befouled UKIP aided by Mark Croucher by dragging the Party name into a gutter of his own making over his hypocracy as a UKIP MEP and leader exploiting EU immigration law in conjunction with his son to run a people traffiking business to undercut British skilled workers. You will recal he was aided by Mark Croucher to extricate himself, regardless of the consequences to the Party by outright lies and dishonesty put to The Press Complaints Commission.

Fortunately the PCC were not stupid enough to fall for such UKIP dishonesty and did NOT uphold the complaint.

Knapman now forced out of leadership by his own hypocracy and Mark Croucher‘s endemic dishonesty and corruption you will recal against all common sense Nigel Farage put his name forward as leader, against common sense because he had absolutely none of the skills required and was lacking in any semblance of O.Q. or gravitas. Farage brought the office into disrepute before even completing his own selection, let alone supposed election.

At the time Douglas Denny, having been his puppet as Party Secretary was put in office as Returning Officer for the leadership election. Denny was removed from office in disgrace by a majority vote of the NEC when it was found he had set out to corrupt and rig the election to have his puppet master elected – hence the long suffering Geoffrey Kingscott was appointed but sadly he was little better and too weak and fundamentally corrupted to provide a level playing field.

It was during the election period that the UKIP Press Office staff were touring the toilets at Hustings meetings and collaring people to lie and mislead in favour of Farage and against his rivals – this was reported in detail to the Returning Officer for the election Geoffrey Kingscott and to the National Returning Officer of the Party Denis Brooks – BOTH abrogated on their duty

and did nothing to control the outright corruption of the election including the publication by Mark Croucher of a scurrilouse version of UKIP’s magazine with outright lies about candidates and others to rig the selection process for Nigel Farage.

It is utterly risible in the light of the lies of David Lott, Croucher, Annabelle Fuller, John Moran and others which went completely unchecked, to claim that Nigel Farage was elected leader.

We then had the spectacle of Nigel Farage who we understand Stuart Wheeler did not trust and insisted that if he was to give money to the party to pay its bills he required a new leader and thus the coronation of the puppet was orchestrated with a fake election in that Farage even went so far as to castigate ALL of UKIP’s MEPs on Television at one stage when he felt his puppet was not the clear front runner.

We would seem to have the same spectacle yet again as the succession is being squabbled over for a faux appointment of yet another puppet or more likely total muppet!

With Lord Pearson in Purdah in Perthshire it does look all to clear that UKIP is incrementally fulfilling every single prediction made by this blog and associates at Junius back at the end of November.

I think my only error was to over estimate the % of the vote at the General Election by about 1% and having taken my shoes and socks off to get the maths right I wasn’t far out with the amount of money squandered on lost deposits at around £1/4 Million!

I see Political Gossip has woken up not just on the odd one off but here is another posting from this well informed insider:

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Has UKIPs Leader Resigned?

We must add, this is only supposition at the moment.

The rumour doing the rounds is that Lord Pearson has resigned his leadership of UKIP and is hiding at Rannock on his Perthshire Estate, hoping no doubt, to be able to hide in a cloud of volcanic ash and not be able to fly back.

If this is the case, the difficulty is, who will replace him?

It may prove difficult for Farage to return as everyone realises that the policy of trying to help the Tories at the General Election was his – a repeat of the battle he had with Natrass and others at the previous General Election. (He may also not wish to be tainted should UKIP declare Bankruptcy after the Appeal hearing next month) but he must still control the Party. They surely would not want an election at this stage in case the wrong person wins.

We believe, that as Deputy Leader, Farage sock-puppet (No. 2) David Bannerman will be annointed as caretaker. If the ship sinks, he will be seen to have been at the helm. If successful, they may keep him in post, or more likely front someone more appealing and charismatic as Leader next year.

Either way, no real change at the top.

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