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Archive for the ‘Roger Knapman’ Category

Godfrey Bloom Quits Nigel Farage’s Ukip

Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 13/10/2014

Godfrey Bloom Quits Nigel Farage’s Ukip

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Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 


The corruption of EUkip’s leadership
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 

is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!  


Godfrey Bloom Quits Nigel Farage’s Ukip & can now expect Farage to classify him as ‘Dregs & Rejects’ alongside the founder of Ukip Alan Sked, past leaders such as Roger Knapman and the majority of MEPs + around 70 NEC members who have dared to criticise!


Godfrey Bloom Quits Nigel Farage’s Ukip & can now expect Farage to classify him as ‘Dregs & Rejects’ alongside the founder of Ukip Alan Sked, past leaders such as Roger Knapman and the majority of MEPs + around 70 NEC members who have dared to criticise his one man band and self serving, self enriching Ukip scam!
Douglas Carswell would do well to heed the warning Godfrey Bloom gave him that was most appositely endorsed by Dr. Richard North on Panorama CLICK HERE
It would be unwise to forget that Nigel Farage has personally controlled the party for his own gain and in the last parliament started out with 13 MEPs elected, but had alienated so many that two quit to stand as Tory candidates, where David Bannerman, Farage’s ex Tory buddy Ukip Chairman and deputy leader of Ukip (personally brought into the party by Nigel Farage and put in position), as with Roger Knapman who he recruited and placed as leader and even lord Pearson his puppet who held the leadership for a short time for him has become near invisible.
Then of course there was Marta Andreasen who had been dumped as an accountant by the EU unable to complete her brief to improve the systems to reduce the amount of fraud and make the EU more accountable CLICK HERE she was recruited by Nigel farage with much fanfare and he made her Ukip Treasurer. She quit in disgust siting bullying and dishonesty of Farage!
Also let us not forget that Nigel Farage defended Tom Wise to the hilt and NEVER removed him from Ukip going so far as to accept stolen money from him, which he knew was fraudulently obtained and which he never repaid, permitting Wise to remain a Ukip member for some years after he was exposed when Tom Wise eventually left it was in the February before the EU election when his Ukip membership ran out and he served out his full MEP term becoming eligible to the full pension as accrued!
One should also remember Ashley Mote who Nigel Farage ‘boosted’ into his own region as his number two candidate to raise his own status doing a total knife job on his long term associates David Lott and Steve Harris who were promised second and third position – but Ashley Mote’s presentation skills were used to ensure Farage’s return to the gravy train only to find Farage stabbed him in the back acting against him at the first possible opportunity.
Farage even turned on his own Father’s associates having ‘used’ them as with Buster Motram who he personally brought into Ukip against advice and likewise the wife of David Volker, Guy Farage’s Commanding Officer in the TA,who he placed as Chairman of his party yet engineered her removal when she was unwilling to go along with his fiddles – Petrina Holdsworth is currently Chairman of CIB!
The list of other highly competent people Nigel Farage has felt threatened by and has dishonestly removed is long and some understanding can be found by reading many of them’s resignation letters and further details at CLICK HERE
Be minded also of the vault face of Ukip’s first representative in The House of Commons the MP Bob Spink and just how short a time he was willing to tolerate Nigel Farage’s behaviour!
The only conclusion anyone of intelligence can make is either that Nigel Farage’s absolute control of Ukip hugely damages Ukip and that as a judge of people whom he personally selects is stunningly inept or they are unwilling to be corrupted to dance to his dishonest tune!
Nigel Farage single handedly reduced the party from 13 MEPs to a mere 5 remaining in the Parliamentary party – one wonders how few Nigel Farage will reduce the party MEPs to this time!

Godfrey Bloom quits Ukip and warns Douglas Carswell of ‘back-stabbers’

  • Monday 13 October 2014 20.35 BST
Godfrey Bloom
Godfrey Bloom has decided to leave the party ‘with a heavy heart’. Photograph: Christopher Thomond for the Guardian

Godfrey Bloom, the colourful former Ukip MEP, has resigned from the party with a warning to its newest recruit, Douglas Carswell, to beware backstabbers among his colleagues.

The politician, whose gaffes have included calling women sluts and complaining of foreign aid going to “bongo-bongo land”, said he was leaving Ukip after party chairman Steve Crowther banned him from speaking at an event in Wearside.

Bloom initially had the Ukip whip withdrawn and subsequently resigned his official role last year, after Nigel Farage said his antics had overshadowed the party’s autumn conference.

He has now decided to leave the party entirely “with a heavy heart”, despite having had a role in founding Ukip and donating large amounts of money to campaigning over the years.

In a message to Carswell, who took up his role as Ukip’s first elected MP on Monday, Bloom told LBC Radio: “I would just say to Douglas: stick to your sort, you believe in libertarianism, you believe in classical liberal economics, don’t be pushed off. But I would say, Douglas, watch your back. If you bear in mind we started in 2009 in Europe with 13 MEPs, we ended up with five, so there are dead bodies of Ukip [politicians] all over the place with a knife quivering in their back, Douglas. Make sure it’s not yours.”

In a trenchant analysis of his former party, the ex-MEP said politics was not about the truth, and that he was “very sorry this disease has been picked up by Ukip”. “It seems to be drifting towards the politically correct mainstream like everyone else,” he said. “Instead of it being the libertarian party of common sense, I’ve been banned from speaking. I don’t know where the party has gone astray, but it has gone astray.”

Despite having formerly shared a flat with Farage in Brussels, Bloom said he had lost contact completely with his former party leader. He said Ukip was now being run by Crowther, who he described as a “svengali-like” figure and a “man of mystery”.

Bloom caused a controversy in summer last year after he criticised recipients of foreign aid in “bongo-bongo” land and proceeded to exacerbate the row by trying to justify the phrase in a series of broadcast interviews. He then became the centre of another row after hitting a journalist round the head with a Ukip brochure and joking that a room debating women in politics was “full of sluts”. He made these remarks after two of his colleagues admitted that they did not clean behind the fridge – a complaint previously made by Bloom – as they spoke at a fringe event at the party conference in London.

Bloom was then caught on camera ranting at Channel 4’s Michael Crick, who asked him why there were no black faces pictured on a Ukip conference brochure, before using the pamphlet to hit him over the head.

After Bloom resigned from the party, he gave an interview to the Guardian claiming Farage was “not interested in the running of the party, or in making policy” but was merely Ukip’s chief salesman.

In April, he argued Farage was not up to the role of “managing director or chairman of the board”, even though he was a “charismatic” and “articulate” advocate for the Ukip brand.

Farage, who described Bloom’s comments as “unhelpful”, has made repeated attempts to ensure Ukip candidates stop making off-colour and eccenrtic remarks by trying to “professionalise” the party. He has appointed a new raft of spokesman to his frontbench over the summer including more women and ethnic minority representatives.

To view the original article CLICK HERE




 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance

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Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins

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To Leave-The-EU

Posted in Bob Spink, David Bannerman, David LOTT, Douglas CARSWELL, Godfrey Bloom, Lord Pearson, Malcolm Pearson, Marta Andreassen, Nigel FARAGE, Petrina HOLDSWORTH, Roger Knapman, UKIP | Tagged: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a Comment »


Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 10/03/2011

Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 
The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!  
Why Would Anyone Be Surprised When The Cast In Leadership & Its Parasites Have Changed So Little!




many in UKIP and the media will have sufficiently long memories to recall the first attempt Nigel Farage made to be elected as leader.

That was when Roger Knapman’s hypocracy in leadership taking advantage of his position as leaders and an MEP with family involvement in people traffiking importing foreign labour to do British jobs and you will recall he was promoted use of foreign labour over British to a Sunday Times journalist Rachel Mostyn CLICK HERE This together with the fact that Nigel Farage had lied to Robert Kilroy Silk to get him to stand as an MEP.

That was the election where Douglas Denny wasremoved as Returning Officer for his dishonesty and corrupting the election to favour his chosen leader Nigel Farage. The NEC made a majority vote to remove him and put Geoffrey Kingscott in his place – ever since at various times Douglas Denny in true form has lied about this, as with so  much else, he has endeavoured to write and sell his own revisionist history to try to cover-up his personal dishonesty and corruption in office.

You will note that from time to time both Anthony Butcher AND Richard Suchorzewski have published the facts clarifying Douglas Denny’s dishonesty as he amongst other things not only campaigned for Farage but also solicited and obtained signatures for him. Hardly the behaviour of an honest man!

It was also the election where one of Nigel Farage’s mistresses Annabelle Fuller whom he employed in a Press Relations capacity was with others in association with the Press Office were phoning people to spread malicious and untrue lies about other candidates as with:

Even after Douglas Denny was removed for his dishonesty Geoffrey Kingscott failed to take any action to address this corruption by Farage’s staff and ‘FRIENDS’. It was understood that it had been intimated to Geoffrey Kingscott that were Farage to be elected he would ensure Kingscott had a salaried position.

It may well be for that reason that no action was taken when the utterly corrupt liar and fantasist Mark Croucher produced a copy of Independence News at Party expense which also contained smears and inuendo and was clearly little more than a ‘fanzine’ for Farage no action was taken despite a ruling that Independent News would be fully vetted by Kingscott before publication, which it was not – deliberately or I am sure he would have removed at least some of Mark Croucher’s dishonesty.

Sadly it seems we have yet further underhand corruption of the same nature and as a recipient of the salacious and unsubstantiated gossip smear which I was not going to even grace with publicity as it is all too redollent of Farage’s claque in the past and now that the foul mouthed Annabelle Fuller has been reinstated with her chum Stephen Sobey as Athena-PR working for Farage why would anyone be surprised when UKIP’s behaviour retuirns to her gutter morality and lack of morality.

You may wish to read more about this latest smear CLICK HERE

Let us not rehearse the corrupt and dishonest behaviour, yet again, of people like:
Douglas Denny, Andrew Smith, Derek Clark MEP, Gerard Batten MEP, Marta Andreasen MEP, Godfrey Bloom, MEP, Mark Croucher, Trevor Coleman MEP, Paul Nuttall MEP, Gawain Towler, John Ison, Peter Reeve, Lisa Duffy, Clive Page, David Lott, George Curtis, David Bannerman MEP, Malcolm Wood, Hugh Williams etc.They really are scum – no more than political flotasam and jetsome on the make and the take!

Liars, dissemblers, corrupt, incompetent fantasists – self seeking and self serving without morality.

You will find much more detail about these ‘slimes’ and low lifes who have so betrayed our Country for their gain if you use either the >SEARCH< box in the right hand sidebar or the hot links supplied below it.

Little wonder UKIP & their Pan EU Political EFD Group of Racists, Xenophobes, violent anti homosexuals, anti Jewish associates are held in such contempt by the informed with this cotterie of low lifes forming its leadership, parasites and paid claque of praise singers!

 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance

Reclaim YOUR Future 
Write Upon Your Ballot Paper at EVERY election:
(IF You Have No INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance Candidate) .
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Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
tel: 01291 – 62 65 62
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Posted in Annabelle FULLER, David BANNERMAN MEP, David LOTT, Gerard BATTEN MEP, Mark CROUCHER, Mike McGOUGH, Nigel FARAGE MEP, Paul Nuttall MEP, Roger Knapman | Leave a Comment »


Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 14/11/2010

Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 
The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!
‘That’s Our System’! <!–var googleUrl="/telegraph/template/ver1-0/templates/fragments/search/components/google/GAFSTransform.jsp?";function doneGAFShtml (htmlstr) { //alert(htmlstr); htmlstr = htmlstr.split("<").join("”).join(“>”).split(“&”).join(“&”); var parts = htmlstr.split(“[BREAK]”); var slot1 = document.getElementById(“gafsslot1”); var slot2 = document.getElementById(“gafsslot2”); if (parts[0] != null) { slot1.innerHTML=parts[0]; if (parts[1] != null) { slot2.innerHTML=parts[1]; } }}function initGoogleWS () { var ajaxgws = new AJAXInteraction(googleUrl+’q=%22tim+Congdon%22&ua=Mozilla%2F5.0+%28Windows%3B+U%3B+Windows+NT+5.1%3B+en-US%3B+rv%3A1.9.1.10%29+Gecko%2F20100504+Firefox%2F3.5.10+%28+.NET+CLR+3.5.30729%29&ip=’, null, doneGAFShtml); ajaxgws.doGet();}initGoogleWS();//–>

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<!–var googleUrl="/telegraph/template/ver1-0/templates/fragments/search/components/google/GAFSTransform.jsp?";function doneGAFShtml (htmlstr) { //alert(htmlstr); htmlstr = htmlstr.split("<").join("”).join(“>”).split(“&”).join(“&”); var parts = htmlstr.split(“[BREAK]”); var slot1 = document.getElementById(“gafsslot1”); var slot2 = document.getElementById(“gafsslot2”); if (parts[0] != null) { slot1.innerHTML=parts[0]; if (parts[1] != null) { slot2.innerHTML=parts[1]; } }}function initGoogleWS () { var ajaxgws = new AJAXInteraction(googleUrl+’q=%22tim+Congdon%22&ua=Mozilla%2F5.0+%28Windows%3B+U%3B+Windows+NT+5.1%3B+en-US%3B+rv%3A1.9.1.10%29+Gecko%2F20100504+Firefox%2F3.5.10+%28+.NET+CLR+3.5.30729%29&ip=’, null, doneGAFShtml); ajaxgws.doGet();}initGoogleWS();//–>

var gaJsHost = ((“https:” == document.location.protocol) ? “https://ssl.&#8221; : “http://www.&#8221;);document.write(unescape(“%3Cscript src='” + gaJsHost + “’ type=’text/javascript’%3E%3C/script%3E”)); try {var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker(“UA-7226372-1”);pageTracker._trackPageview();} catch(err) {} Hi,

John Bufton, UKIP MEP for Wales, taken on the ...Image via WikipediaHow Deborah Davies managed to drag out this story to fill pages 46 & 47 exposing John Bufton’s exploitation of The EU system and his turning up at 07:00hrs. to collect his £260 expenses for the day on a Friday morning before scuttling back to wherever his constituency is currently, because he WAS employed by Roger Knapman as SW Regional Organiser but materialised as an MEP for Wales!

It is worth noting that even The Mail didn’t much rate the story near burying it, failing to check the details in that they claim Tom Wise is still serving his 2 year prison sentence due to end next November when he was in fact released in May – making a mockery of the sentencing process as he repairs to his much boasted of 1,000 bottles of wine (UKIP WINE WORLD?) and his pension pot at the tax payers’ expense of over £250,000.

I gather John Bufton has one of the highest attendance records to claim his expenses of all the MEPs despite his near invisibility in the media or his constituency.

I note they have also decided to expose Nirj Diva for the same exploitation – though I must say John Bufton’s comment was amusing he apparently said:
“That’s our system”.

That Bufton believes this is viable when he knows that since he was elected he has been an exemplar of the utter irrelevance of UKIP as they pose and posture – totally ignored – in the Ponces parlour The EUropean Parliament giving aid and succour to the credibility of the place.

Sinclare is also singled out rather shoddily by Deborah Davies having completely failed to check her facts regurgitating The Sunday Times’ shoddy article by Jonathan Undgoed-Thomas when he was duped by UKIP slime with a situation that has resulted in the Sunday Times offering a rebuttal offer and OLAF being called in by Sinclare to have a specific member of her ex-staff investigated who I gather had already been removed from access to cash long ago as untrustworthy and subsequently ‘let go’ as it seemed much documentation had been purloined. Fortunately it is clear that she had not acted other than with probity as OLAF & The Payments Office have confirmed.

It is interesting that every UKIP MEP except Sinclare has failed to publish accounts – in fact it would not be unreasonable to say that not only have all the other MEPs in UKIP failed to produce honest transparent accounts but it is hard to note anything that they have done that has moved UKIP one inch closer to the exit as they consort with prostitutes in the streets, collude with racists and anti Jewish criminals in the EU’s pretend parliament and seemingly consider the staff to be there for their personal use and abuse.

I presume we can expect the foul mouthed Fuller to re-emerge soon using her own name as she continues to post her bile on Anthony Butcher’s corrupt and dishonest platform and whilst managing Farage’s FaceBook site and other more personal services.

IF there is anyone left in UKIP who has the slightest interest in Liberty and leaving The EU perhaps they would care to not just view but do some work to that end do please CLICK HERE

You may also find the article of interest and help to your campaigning if you CLICK HERE

 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance

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Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
tel: 01291 – 62 65 62
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Posted in Deborah DAVIES, John Bufton, John UNGOED-THOMAS, Nerj DIVA, Roger Knapman, The Sunday Times, Tom WISE | Leave a Comment »


Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 06/10/2010

Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 
The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!
Nigel FARAGE ACTUALLY BELIEVES IN MESSIANIC POWERS! <!–var googleUrl="/telegraph/template/ver1-0/templates/fragments/search/components/google/GAFSTransform.jsp?";function doneGAFShtml (htmlstr) { //alert(htmlstr); htmlstr = htmlstr.split("<").join("”).join(“>”).split(“&”).join(“&”); var parts = htmlstr.split(“[BREAK]”); var slot1 = document.getElementById(“gafsslot1”); var slot2 = document.getElementById(“gafsslot2”); if (parts[0] != null) { slot1.innerHTML=parts[0]; if (parts[1] != null) { slot2.innerHTML=parts[1]; } }}function initGoogleWS () { var ajaxgws = new AJAXInteraction(googleUrl+’q=%22tim+Congdon%22&ua=Mozilla%2F5.0+%28Windows%3B+U%3B+Windows+NT+5.1%3B+en-US%3B+rv%3A1.9.1.10%29+Gecko%2F20100504+Firefox%2F3.5.10+%28+.NET+CLR+3.5.30729%29&ip=’, null, doneGAFShtml); ajaxgws.doGet();}initGoogleWS();//–>

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And he seemed to lead a charmed life and be under some sort of supranatural protection. 
He recounted how, during the election, he was in a plane with only a pilot, when a crash became inevitable and suddenly He felt, for no apparent reason, a powerful knowledge that he would be OK. No sooner had he realised this than he was calm and lo the plane it did crash seriously injuring the pilot Justin who has returned for numerous further hospital visits but it was not Justin who had been chosen…but He was spared for a greater mission and He was safe.
that all sounds very much like The Kabalah to me, towards a better understanding of The New World Order, but I kid you not this is more or less what UKIP’s ‘Chosen One’ is saying at the hustings – how ANYONE could be induced to consider this Party Performer to be other than a party performer when you consider the party had almost 30,000 members when he officially took over from Roger Knapman and the Messiah managed to lose every decent member of principle and integrity and lost virtually all those who were dedicated to grow the organisation, the intelligent and the hard workers – ALL dedicated to Britain’s Patriotic future to Leave-The-EU.
Consider the calamitous collapse of The East Midlands under the guiding hand of Derek Clark MEP the admitted fraudster, underhand betrayer of his loyal staff, who betrayed our Country for his own gain and his Regional Organiser and family:

Between them they have steered UKIP membership in the Region from around 8,000 to under 800 – there seems to be no one left of any stature or ability in the area, save what seems to be a Circus Stunt Rider who proclaims his backing for Tim Congdon to lead the party, yet rides his other horse by signing Nigel Farage‘s papers as an asentor – there’s honourable commitment by UKIP standards!
What a farcical muddle UKIP is in with yet another of the leadership candidates put forward as an utter no hoper to split the opposition vote for Farage and his only claim to fame is 4 years as a County Councillor for another Party and that his father owns a dest!

It would be hard to make up but then again when you think it couldn’t get worse you realise:
Here is the original of Nigel Farage‘s quote:

And he seemed to lead a charmed life and be under some sort of supernatural protection. He recounted how, during WWI, he was in a trench with a group of fellow soldiers and suddenly felt, for no apparent reason, a powerful urge to move away from them. No sooner had he done so when a shell landed and killed them all…but Hitler was safe.

It is worrying when the leader of a small extremist Pan EU Party EFD group chooses for divine inspiration a man quite that evil – just look what Hitler did in pursuit of Unifying Europe which collapsed in a blood bathe and widespread famine!

Hitler’s earliest followers believed he was “The Messiah. The Saviour. Jesus Christ,” or even a god. 
“Is he John the Baptist? Is he Christ?” –Josef Goebbels, Nazi Propaganda Minister 
Hitler was deeply interested in the occult and repeatedly stated he had been chosen by God and Divine Providence. In Mein Kampf and elsewhere, Hitler spoke of hearing voices and having divine visions, and relates the following episode: 
“I was eating dinner in a trench with several comrades. Suddenly the Voice said to me, ‘Get up and go over there.’ It was so clear and insistent that I obeyed automatically. I rose to my feet, walked twenty yards, and sat down to go on eating. Hardly had I done so when a flash and deafening report came from the part of the trench I had just left. Every member in it was killed.” 
In Mein Kamph, Hitler relates that after he had been blinded by a gas bomb, and lay in a WWI military hospital, he again began having visions and hearing the Voice:
“And then the Voice thundered at me: ‘Miserable wretch, are you going to cry when thousands are a hundred times worse off than you!?” 
And then, the Voice spoke again and Adolf Hitler experienced a wonderful vision of the utmost clarity: 
“I was being summoned to save Germany…. I would go into politics.” 
Hitler’s perspective: He was chosen by God, or Divine Providence, but with a twist: 
Let’s pretend its 200 years ago, you are the Judeo-Christian God, and you have a problem: 
How to get the Jews to return to Palestine and reestablish the state of Israel. Four thousand years ago, God sent Moses into Egypt, and after much loss of life, the 600,000 Jews were kicked out and forced, many unwillingly, to journey to the “Promised Land.” 
God, eventually kills all 600,000, including Moses, and millions of other hapless souls, and only the children of these Jews establish the state of Israel/Judea. 
Four thousand years later, the Jews are living all over Europe and Russia. 
Would these Jews voluntarily return to Palestine if God sends another “Moses?” Remember: the Jews didn’t go willingly the first time. So what’s God to do? He creates Hitler, who, at age 17, begins hearing the voice of “god.” According to Hitler and the “voice”, Hitler was chosen by Divine Providence to lead God’s people back to the “promised land.
” Hitler’s followers also believe he had been sent by god, by Divine Providence. It is “God’s Will,” says, Hitler, that he drive the Jews from Europe, and exterminate those who refuse to leave. When Hitler takes power, he does exactly that. 
Two years after Hitler’s death, Israel (which means “God’s strength”) is re-established as a state.

 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance

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Write Upon Your Ballot Paper at EVERY election:
(IF You Have No INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance Candidate) .
to Reclaim YOUR Future 
Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
tel: 01291 – 62 65 62
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Posted in Adolph HITLER, CONGDON, David Bannerman, Hitler, Nigel FARAGE, Roger, Roger Knapman, Tim Congdon | Leave a Comment »


Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 04/09/2010

Clean EUkip up NOW  make UKIP electable!  
The corruption of some of EUkip’s leadership,   
their anti UKIP claque in POWER the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name! 


Campaign website:

For more general data CLICK HERE


You may have noticed that yesterday evening I featured rumours being spread by Parasites in UKIP that eventually surfaced through Nigel’s ‘chum’ on Mrs. Dale’s Diary – you may well remember that saccharine and sickly article in GQ that showed Farage as a complete light weight which is more well known than this latest offering!

Seems like such unrequited love must be fed the odd tit bit to buy its favours!

Revolted by the tought I just can’t see Nigel Farage as a Homosexual icon but he has featured in GQ – I asked some of my female friends and without exception they saw him as a homosexual icon each of them say ‘as they couldn’t imagine him being appealing to women’ – this MAY have some merit as he ensures their fidelity by ensuring they are unatractive to men , which I gather is common and is then predatory on the gullible and those shallow enough to put a value on his access to tax payers money – all rather makes sense when you put it that way.

Also do bear in mind it may explain why he can not form relationships except with people he controls and can disgard – people who put income above integrity.

It may also explain why he is so vicious when he is challenged – he is no alpha male he is bereft of all the talents of leadership and he is clearly not a man one can trust or respect on any level.

Yesterday evening (Thursday) I published this report:


An interesting if not unexpected attack on Nikki Sinclaire has been reported to me from the NEC – as the slime on the NEC largely cheated or were dependent on a clearly corrupt election to achieve their status and no effort is likely to be spared in seeking to damage Nikki Sinclaire’s Petition out of embarrassment on the part of the really staggering level of filth that is UKIP’s leadership – I convey this information but I look forward to hearing details of the assault on Nikki by her fellow UKIP members.

Let us see what Nikki has to say and what the details of the claims against her are.

There is every reason to believe, based upon track records, that Sinclaire has NOT offended against any rules and EVERY reason to believe members of UKIP’s leadership, NEC & parasites are yet again telling lies – that has been their habitual behaviour to date.


From my phone calls during the day I have established that The West Midlands Police have absolutely no idea what I was talking about and were happy to confirm that no such complaint had been made, as also from The Met. I gather from a friend in the meeeeja, one of my TV friends checked with with OLAF as did a press contact and they disclaimed knowledge of any complaint.

I have absolutely no doubt that Farage will seek to ensure his fingerprints are nowhere near the instructions but do bear in mind Farage’s insecure tantram and attempt at bullying when Sinclaire decided to leave the revolting racist, anti Jewish and pro EU membership EFD Group which Farage chairs.

Sinclaire had negotiated an honourable withdrawal to UKIP’s advantage with the then Party Leader Lord Pearson – a measure of his leadership was when Farage completely ignored his undertakings and set his sewer rat Mark Croucher to see what dirt he could dig up on Sinclaire – Mark Croucher was, as ever, utterly incompetent and failed to provide anything of substance.

It does seem that although Pearson being a weak and venal man of no integrity, which will come as no surprise to those who know him – he is after all a placeman having achieved nothing himself in life from his placement by Daddy at Eton onwards – he is now all but broke and clearly glad of his expenses as a peer as Rannoch Estate he inheritted may be very valuable but even a small estate like that costs a great deal to maintain and it is not long before one is dependent on handouts from the State, The EU or some trust or another – as dependent as a junkie on benefits and methadone!

We note only recently Pearson was flipping properties and encashing on his London house, no doubt with liquidity in mind to stay afloat.

If Dan Hannan, Nigel Farage, Marc Glendenning as the more money motivated political prostitutes believe the new scam will be any better than previous ones to milk Pearson for cash I believe they are even more stupid than I thought.

I do understand that the aim is claimed NOT to be a rival or spoiling operation for Nikki Sinclaire’s efforts at a cross party petition to lobby Parliament – yes ours, what is left of it – to hold a debate towards an in out referendum for the British peoples.

The Petition kicked off on the Conference fringe meeting trail and did hugely well at the first on the list with UKIP where well over 10% of the people attending UKIP’s conference came along and many signed up.

This was all the more astonishing when you consider UKIP leader’s lunch was on at the same time and although UKIP doesn’t have anything looking remotely like a leader for years – some might say if ever! It was noted Malcolm Pearson failed to have the common courtesy to attend – most probably advised not to risk discovering just how much he had let the party down by his betrayal, weakness, incompetence and outright dishonesty. I would imagine he would have asked everyone he met until he heard the advice he wanted to hear!

I do however expect the loudest volume was his protective and much brighter wife and Bridget Rowe – not unkindly nick named Death Rowe in press circles I gather!

Back to The Petition and we find the faintly ridiculous and utterly dishonest Peter Reeve turned up to show off the size of his mouth and his brain – he was very very successful as he always seems to be.

Peter Reeve made some vitriolic public comments to show off how little was in his brain attacking Roger Knapman a past leader over The Maastrict Treaty and Roger was able very rapidly to sho that he really was as much of a fool as we have always held him to be.

Sad little Reeve never one to miss an opportunity rounded on Sinclaire as he had an obvious bloody nose from Knapman but dozey as Roger is he had made Reeve look incredibly stupid (Reeve no longer has need of a mirror!) – His ploy with Sinclaire was to belittle the Petition but we all know UKIP leadership is working for themselves and not to get Britain off their Gravy Train!

Reeve however, being more stupid than most made that VERY obvious and as a recovery position scrambled to what he thought was high ground again belittling the Petition as standing no chance as UKIP had launched its own – this gave Sinclaire a perfet opportunity to point out it was NOT a UKIP venture – had he not heard Pearson had left UKIP and Dan Hannan had never been a member – she was also able to point out, much to Reeve’s embarrassment, but he is too stupid to understand embarrassment for long! She made it clear that The Referendum pressure group was NOT a Petition was complimentary to what The Petition is aiming for, and to cap it informed Reeve and the audience that the Referendum Group had approached her to see how they could help and the previous day she had met with their Campaign Manager.

Reeve clearly has little brain input to work his mouth but that does not stop him stuffing his foot in his mouth with consumate ease again and again and again.

One has top wonder just why UKIP keeps employing these low lifes but I guess the MEPs employ them and like Elizabethan ladies kept a monket in tow for comparison so they were thought of as beautiful it seems UKIP MEPs hire idiots so that the MEPs might look intelligent.

The meeting played to a packed room and received a great deal of support and promises of continued support.

Since this is without exception the very first visible activity from UKIP that has been entered into with thought, a plan and honestly that is working towards leaving The EU rather than a favoured few stuffing their pockets.

Good luck top the petition despite UKIP leadership clearly seeking to damage this positive effort to oppose membership of the EU – something UKIP leadership only ever talks about and has a track record of abject failure – criminality and lies.

Not to mention their efforts to harass people who oppose the EU openly, oppose The BNP openly and seek to clean up UKIP as supporters of UKIP to TRY to make it electable when you consider after 17 years they only attract 3.1% of the vote of the electorate and out of 19,000 seats available for election at various levels they have less than 30 people elected in UKIP.

It would be funny if it wasn’t so sad. So many decent people betrayed by the scum that has risen to the top – many corruptly and now criminally enriching themselves in the manner of other UKIP MEPs before them!

There is no depravity to which Farage and the filth he has gathered around him will not sink to seek to protect their income stream.

Further just look at the line up on the EU Referendum group and other than the obvious political prostitutes out for personal gain who would YOU be brave enough to trust. I am in touch with them as they have contacted me seeking clear water but it will take some convincing to me that they are not merely on the make and the take for their own gain – at least 4 of them I would not trust in my home alone and the other two would need to prove themselves and on the face of it I have my doubts – so cut no deals, these are people who are largely without ethics, clearly without principles and who would renege on an undertaking on a whim.

We have all seen Malcolm Pearson lie through his teeth, seek to dishonestly publicly defame and then go on to betray every principle on which UKIP was supposedly founded and he had a good master to teach him in Farage.

One is judged by the company one keeps and just look at the pond life of UKIP leadership.

Perhaps YOU could list the achievement over many years on a high salary as a political prostitute that has been achieved by ANY of the 7 so far known to be in this new group – not one would you wisely trust with the petty cash from a whelk stall.

Unlike previous petitions by UKIP this petition has a proud public aim to be presented to Paliament when it has the legal minimum signatures to engender a House of Commons debate to strive towards a full fledged National public debate and a referendum on leaving The EU.

In the interim it is intended to deliver Votes cast/petitions signed every time we have another 25,000.

Unlike the last UKIP petition, which seemed to have been a scam, as it did not have legal paperwork, was funded directly to the tune of £250,000 by the tax payer and was NEVER CARRIED OUT, leaving many in the belief that David Lott, Nigel Farage, Mark Croucher and maybe others had possibly trousered the money for their personal gain.

This Petition has been funded personally by Nikki Sinclaire from her personal allowances.

The documentation has been checked.

This Petition is NOT a dishonest spoiler for someone else’s efforts.

Though it is early days 

 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance

totally endorses this Petition and its aim to have a debate in Parliament and a Nationwide Referendum on IN or OUT of the EU.

September 3rd. The Toorak Hotel, Chestnut Avenue, opposite the conference centre.

To be held during conference lunch break. Approx 1.00 pm.

The campaign for a referendum on membership of the EU.

Speakers will included:

Nikki Sinclaire MEP

Roger Knapman, former UKIP leader.

& A Free buffet.

Campaign website:

For more general data CLICK HERE
They clearly chose the right day and venue as the Saturday is expected to attract 350 – 400 UKIsies with their stale platitudes and obvious loss of direction abandoning their core message for lack of leadership over many years as they have blown like dandelion seed in a tornado.

Since there are so few (IF ANY) individuals with any notable education I hardly want their views on it and their transport views are utterly irrelevant as are their pretences at fiduciary policies and even were Prof. Tim Congdon to be elected – which he will not be their economic theories would even then be as little use as flatulence in a huricane.

The aim is to leave the EU not ponse around being pretentious in the delusion but anyone other than a political numptie or a child has ANY interest in UKIP policies when they vote.

UKIP has NEVER understood politics as Steve Uncles made so clear in his little sketch!

Without exception UKIP has a leadership of political fools without one wit of understanding of the pragmatism of politics.

You do not drive a lumbering bulldozer at 5mph at an enemy that can scatter at 15mph – you use the technology and you use a laser lance to eviscerate.

 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance
Reclaim YOUR Future 
Write Upon Your Ballot Paper at EVERY election:
(IF You Have No INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance Candidate)
to Reclaim YOUR Future   


Posted in Farage, KNAPMAN, Nikki SINCLAIRE, PEARSON; Lord Pearson;, Peter REEVE, PETITION, Roger Knapman, SINCLAIRE | Leave a Comment »