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Archive for the ‘Mike Nattrass MEP’ Category

#0718* – BEST WISHES to the unpaid who work to Leave-The-EU

Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 25/12/2011

#0718* – BEST WISHES to the unpaid who work to Leave-The-EU

 Please Be Sure To .Follow Greg_LW on Twitter. Re-TWEET my Twitterings
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To Spread The Facts World Wide



Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 


The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!  

BEST WISHES for The Season to the unpaid who work to Leave-The-EU!

Our Thanks to the few honest folk salaried to work towards these United Kingdoms Leaving-The-EU – Particularly The Independent MEP & UKIP member Nikki Sinclaire who has invested so much of her salary & expenses in her principled stand, despite the sabotage efforts of UKIP Leadership!



as UKIP moves forward after a rather embarr assing year with not a positive achievement to their name one wonders when a political party of group will materialise that is fit for purpose to represent the aspirations of the majority who wish to Leave-The-EU.

The year started out embarrassingly with a guilty verdict against UKIP and its leadership Nigel Farage & his oppo Godfrey Bloom.

The OLAF enquiry into Fraud by Mick Nattrass & Graham Booth did not order Mike Nattrass to repay money but even the redacted FoI report showed his position was more akin to the Scottish position of ‘Not Proven’ whilst Graham Booth faced a guilty verdict and was ordered to repay a substantial sum.

Derek Clarke was also found guilty of fraud and ordered to repay a considerable amount – whilst Stuart Agnew & David Bannerman were still under investigation for fraudulent use of public money.

The year continued with not a single notable achievement by UKIP but at least with an apology published for Farage & UKIP’s abuse of Nikki Sinclaire in an effort to circumvent a near certain defeat and VERY costly damages in The High Courts.

Alan Hardy followed the example of others and won his case against UKIP costing UKIP some £30K for their appeal alone!

UKIP have as yet failed to act honourably and pay me the money ordered by the courts for the case Mark Croucher lost on their behalf despite the support of the clearly corrupt Paul Nuttall and the benefits fraudster and UKIP Press Officer Clive Page – UKIP lacks the integrity and morality to honour its debts – clearly UKIP does NOT represent British values as it hides behind the skirts of The EU succkling on tax payers money dishonourably extorted.

We then note that UKIP tried their best to talk down and distract from the efforts to obtain 100,000 signatures to obtain a Parliamentary debate on a Referendum based on In/Out of The EU.

UKIP leadership have prostituted UKIP to their income by association with The EFD Group a pro EU Membership reform group who have supported praise of Anders Breivik the mass murderer and extremist nutter of Norway.

We note that the ex leader of UKIP placed as a puppet to suit Nigel Farage’s personal ambitions has returned to opposing The EU in The House of Lords – Despites his dishonesty and despicable behaviour whilst UKIP leader Malcolm Lord Pearson has shepperded through The HoL his new Bill fopr a cost benefit analysis of membership of The EU – so far he has achieved the first faltering steps that include Reading 1 & 2 + the committee stage in The House of Lords and now this week he has managed to steer the Bill to its first stages in The House of Commons so we can expect Farage to climb on the band wagon and try to show this was a UKIP achievement just as he dishonestly did on the day of the House of Commons debate obtained by Nikki Sinclaire – UKIP and its vile band orf self serving sock puppets still try to talk down the achievement!

All who are remotely politically aware realise a Referendum is unlikely and even dangerous as we can count on our Civil Servants and Politicians cheating just as they did to dupe these United Kingdoms into membership of the EU in the first place.

None are as clearly aware of the dangers than Nikki Sinclaire hersel;f and hence her new campaign which will become more noticed in the spring.

The risks are great but not as great as complacency or working with our enemies or even with the scum of EU politics in the form of The EFD!

The year ends for UKIP with nothing of note achieved by the leadership in fact one member of their leadership has betrayed the Party as this blog warned some 7 years ago! David Bannerman has defected to The Tories in the false misapprehension that they trusted him yet his continued employment of Peter Reeve a UKIP staffer has done little to convince – He believed he would find himself a leading Tory candidate but it seems clear he has far too many enemies in the Tories and is rightly not trusted – a position not helped by David Bannerman’s serial lies about his ancestry.

All rather embarrassing for UKIP!

Now I note that nepotism is not confined to The Farage family though I doubt Stuart Gulleford’s son is earning the £30K a year paid to Kirsten Farage from UKIP funds. Though as shown by his confession to The Sunday Times Stuart Agnew is only too happy to fiddle the public purse!

A measure of UKIP leadership’s morality is well presented by the odious liar, cheat and low life Mick McGough – just imagine a party that finds someone so discredited, dishonest and obsessive is acceptable on its NEC this bufoon bases his comments on guesses and inaccuracy, vitriol and the assumption that others are so bereft of integrity they might sink to his levels and values!

My spam system has filtered out about 17,000 offensive, childish and unread spam eMails

consider Mick McGough is a UKIP NEC member and candidate for UKIP participation in the EU London assembly – also a prospective candidate for MEP and advocate of helping the EU structure in return for money as a leading spokesman for EU Party Membership!

Astonishingly Mick McGough is so convinced that others are as corrupt as he and would not act with integrity and publish the facts and the truth unless it was for money. The foolish old man tries desperately to defame me and my blog and that of Junius team – Mick McGough is a proven liar and cheat yet compounds that with his fantasies about Junius and myself.

Firstly unlike him I have NEVER received a single cent of EU money or any payment for my patriotic efforts and time spent seeking to Leave-The-EU.

Secondly I have NEVER lied or misled anyone on my blogs and he and the other liars working for UKIP have utterly failed to show a single solitary fact of the remotest consequence on my blog that could be defined as ‘untrue’ or ‘misleading’ – I have strenuously made efforts to ensure the material on my blogs is substantially correct and true and have assured all that ANY correction of note will be made if the correction exists and can be substantiated – Unlike Mick McGough I seek to tell the truth and work to Leave-The-EU.

Finally in further embarrassing conditions Gerard Batten finds himself on the stand in The Courts on allegations of racism, prejudice and incitement to racial and religious hatred, charges all who know him are likely to be aware of as likely!

It rather looks as if 2012 could lead to several of UKIP leadership being found guilty in the courts and maybe the realisation that UKIP are unfit for purpose in its present form!

My thoughts at this time of year are with those who lost a partner or child duruing the year and face the holiday period without them – particularly those whose loss has been due to cancer – also my thoughts are with those who know that their cancer will prevent them ever repeating this time of holiday next year.

I am minded that I faced just such a death sentence last year and give thanks to all who have helped and supported Lee and I during the year.
. .

 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance

Reclaim YOUR Future 
Write Upon Your Ballot Paper at EVERY election:
(IF You Have No INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance Candidate) .
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Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
tel: 01594 – 528 337
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To Spread The Facts World Wide of OUR-ENEMY-WITHIN & To Leave-The-EU  
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Posted in David BANNERMAN MEP, Derek Clark MEP, Gerard BATTEN MEP, Graham Booth MEP, Mick McGOUGH, Mike Nattrass MEP, Nikki SINCLAIRE MEP, OLAF, Stuart AGNEW MEP | Leave a Comment »

#0686* – UKIP TRIES to deny Racism for years!

Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 03/11/2011

#0686* – UKIP TRIES to deny Racism for years!

Gerard Batten MEP poses with protesters outsid...Image via Wikipedia
 Please Be Sure To .Follow Greg_LW on Twitter. Re-TWEET my Twitterings
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To Spread The Facts World Wide






Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 


The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!  
UKIP TRIES to deny Racism for years!
Racism & bullying is at the core of UKIP!
Not so much the BNP in Blazers but more a choice of The BNP on Zimmer frames or in Nappies!

Again & again they fall foul of employment laws, abuse laws and blatant racism or anti homosexual stances!

Whether they like it or not they are judged by their associates and behaviour!



probably one of the greatest acts of folly on the part of UKIP so called leadership has been to link UKIP with racists, xenophobes, anti Jewish and violent anti homosexuals in Continental politics forming the damaging and repugnant Pan EU Political Party EFD Group

Be minded of UKIP’s track record of racism and that includes the obscene extremism of Christian evangelism and some of the Baptist cults and sects from House to the Satanic Mormon cults.

Some may remember the clear and undeniable activities of Tony Bennett with his vile and intolerant campaigning against Muslims – to be fair he was eventually removed from UKIP

Then there was Jeffrey Titford and his connection with extremists with Mike Nattrass prior to their days with UKIP.

Bloom’s praise of the killing of Green peace activists in New Zealand were ill considered & the Court decision against him and Farage were further damaging to UKIP’s credibility!

Next we saw UKIP’s puppet leader the idiotic Malcolm Lord Pearson and his anti Islamic extremism and dishonesty as featured and exposed by The News of The World!

Association with The Swinton Circle by Farage, Tom Wiseand others has done little to enhance UKIP credibility! Nor Farage’s efforts to negotiate with The BNP:

Now we have the dedicated fundamental extremism of Gerard Batten!

One has to wonder who on UKIP NECthought it was a good idea to have Batten colluding with Sam Solomon and not just consorting with but he has written the foreward to the odious and extreme:

A Proposed Charter of Muslim Understanding
By Sam Solomon
Foreword by Gerard Batten
UK Independence Party
Member of the European Parliament for London
1st Edition – December 2006
Revised Edition – April 2007

Seemingly distributed via Gerard Batten’s UKIP office and no doubt at the expense of UKIP Funds, which he  is entitled to. Funds that were allocated for the use of UKIP and to further the Leave-The-EU aims of UKIP!

One is forced to speculate as to whether Harold Batten was the printer and what that was billed out as

Whatever your superstitions or beliefs I can not believe that even UKIP is stupid enough to have endorsed Gerard Batten’s evil and divisive racism be that on colour, creed or views!

A Proposed Charter of Muslim Understanding

I, the undersigned, as an individual, or as an official representative
of an organisation, accept in principle the need to re-examine and
address the meaning and application of certain Islamic texts and
doctrines; and that the issues identified in the Proposed Charter of
Muslim Understanding represent the basis for further discussion of
these issues.
I affirm my belief in:
1. The equality of all human beings, before God and the law
2. Equal rights for women, in principle and practice
3. The rejection of coercion, intimidation and violence in the
name of religion
4. Religious freedom and rejection of the persecution of those
who convert from one faith to another
5. Tolerance of other religions, and their believers, and the
rejection of religious teachings that discriminate against
others on the basis of their religious beliefs.

Please detach and return to:
Proposed Charter of Muslim Understanding
P.O. Box 51542
London, SE1 3XS

One has to wonder who and what degree of malevolence was required for someone to believe this garbage has any place in British politics – You will note the fanciful assumption that religion is a plausible concept on which any sane individual could legislate!!

Can one rationally believe that ANY of this childish drivel has any part in a campaign to Leave-The-EU – Here is more nauseating clandestine material being published under cover by Gerard Batten it would seem – One must wonder who exactly he sees to be his master and surely even UKIP would not subscribe to this racist prejudice:

Gerard Batten MEP
Dismantling Multiculturalism
Policy Discussion Document
10th February 2011
Multiculturalism has failed
Multiculturalism depends on the proposition that all cultures, cultural beliefs, customs and practices are equally valid. Mass immigration into many western countries for the last forty years or more has brought with it some cultures and cultural practices that are alien to western cultures and liberal, democratic political systems. Instead of taking a robust attitude against these alien practices western countries have mostly adopted an attitude of appeasement and cultural relativism. Western Governments have been terrified of criticising or standing up against these practices for fear of being branded ‘racist’ or ‘Islamaphobic’.
Most European and Western countries are multi-ethnic societies and is no reason why people of difference racial and ethnic origins cannot live together peacefully; but to do so requires emphasising those things we have in common rather than those things that separate us.  It requires that all citizens living in a given state have broadly the same allegiance, loyalty and belief in a common set of public and political institutions and the acceptance of one legal system. Multiculturalism does precisely the opposite: it creates different and competing groups within one public and political space and is a recipe for division and conflict.
Many European and Western countries have adopted a policy of state-sponsored multiculturalism, designed to preserve and enshrine the beliefs and cultural practices of migrants and to protect and advance them by law and public subsidy. The objective was that the policy of multiculturalism would help absorb and integrate vast waves of migrants from foreign lands. In that it has conspicuously failed – as now has been publicly attested by figures such as Trevor Philips Head of the Race Relations Commission, President Angela Merkel of Germany, President Sarkosy of France, and latterly Prime Minister David Cameron of the UK, to name just four.
However from the point of view of those groups that use multiculturalism to promote their own separate interests it has and is succeeding and they have a vested interest in seeing it continue.
Private Multiculturalism Good: Public Multiculturalism Bad.
A clear distinction must be drawn between private and public multiculturalism. The private practice of religious and cultural beliefs, customs and traditions should be precisely that – private. We can all enjoy the private practice of different cultures and beliefs and share them with our friends and neighbours. That is a good and positive thing that can help bring people together.
The public policy of state-sponsored multiculturalism is quite another thing and it has created an increasingly more fractured, divided, contentious and uneasy societies. It cannot go unsaid that the biggest beneficiaries of this public policy of multiculturalism are Islamic fundamentalist and extremists who use it to extend their own power and influence in order to bring about their long term goal of an Islamic or Islamic dominated state in each one of those countries where they settle. Multiculturalism also undermines those moderate Muslims who wish to embrace Western values but see power and influence being extended to their extremist co-religionists.
Islamic fundamentalism is the cuckoo in the Western multicultural nest. We can either address it now or be destroyed by it in the course of time.
Dismantling Multiculturalism
This short paper is not a detailed history, analysis and critique of multiculturalism and its failure. It is taken as a given that it has failed and has to be dismantled. The points below are suggested policies that could be adopted by political parties and governments of any political colour and in any country in the world that wishes to preserve and promote common western liberal democratic values. The points below are specifically aimed at Britain but can adapted as required.
Policy Suggestions
  1. Recognise that Christianity is the cultural heritage of Britain and affirm the secular nature of government and public institutions. This should be recognised by an exception for the Church of England as the historically established church but bishops should be removed from their positions in the House of Lords and the Monarch should lose the power (exercised through the Prime Minister) to appoint the Archbishop of Canterbury.
  1. A commitment to end the policy of state-sponsored and funded multiculturalism by local and national government.
  1. A commitment to promote a common public culture, expressed in a common language (excluding existing historic regional differences), one legal system and one set of political institutions – none other should be formally recognised by the state.
  1. There must be equal application of the law. There can be no separation of people based on religious practices in public places, e.g. in swimming pools and hospital chapels.
  1. There must be one language used in national and political institutions and publicly funded places (excluding historical differences such a Welsh in Wales or Gaelic in Scotland). In England only English must be displayed in public buildings such as local and national government offices, universities, colleges, schools, hospitals, clinics etc.
  1. Repeal the Act of Parliament that recognises Sharia law in some tribunals, (e.g. for family law, child custody, inheritance etc). Sharia law must be given no official recognition or legal status whatsoever.
  1. Repeal the Act (???) that gives official recognition to Islamic Banking. There must be no financial or banking regulations based on religious law.
  1. Repeal those Acts (???) which give recognition to polygamous marriage for tax or social security and benefits purposes. There must be no official or legal recognition of polygamous marriages.
  1. Stop all government funding to organisations that promote religious fundamentalist or extremist views, e.g. the Muslim Council of Britain, the Quilliam Foundation, the Union of Imams & Mosques in the UK and Ireland etc. Any organisation that requests public funding must be required to sign and actively abide by a Code of Conduct (see Appendix I).
  1. Social Security and benefits payments can only be claimed in English where the recipient has been living in the UK for 12 months or more. For those who have entered the UK and do not speak English subsidised English classes must be made available.
  1. No granting of planning permission to religious organisations that: do not abide by and actively practice a Code of Conduct (see Appendix I); are funded from outside the UK  unless they have a special dispensation from the Home Secretary, such dispensations should discretionary and will only granted where it can clearly be shown where the money originates from, and where it can be demonstrated that it is not from extremist sources, or is intended to promote religious fundamentalist or extremist views.
  1. Repeal the Religious Hatred Act (???). The promotion of hatred or violence against individuals or groups is catered for under the normal criminal law. No religious belief system or ideology may be protected from criticism by law.
  1. Ensure that the law on forced marriages and female genital mutilation is rigorously enforced.
  1. Religious schools should only be allowed where they can sign and show actively to abide by a Code of Conduct (see Appendix I). 
  1. Repeal the Act of Parliament that gives exception for ritual slaughter for religious reasons. These are outmoded and barbaric practices that have no place in the 21st century or n the light of humane animal welfare policies.
  1. Something on the funding of universities???
  1. Enact a law of face coverings in public places. (see Appendix II)
Appendix I
Code of Conduct
To be added as per existing ‘Affirmation’
Appendix II
Face Coverings Policy
To be added later a per existing ‘burka and face coverings policy’.
One must wonder what twisted mind outside of Nazi Germany would believe this acceptable or even moral – Herman Goerring would be proud of Gerard Batten’s efforts and many will remember Nigel Farage & Mark Croucher‘s collusion to exploit their BNP friends like Buster Motram who was a family friend of Nigel farage’s whom he had personally sponsored within UKIP as with his own Election Agent from The National Front!
Nigel Farage was set to not just orchestrate his own Crystal Nacht to seek to rid himself of his enemies (those who believed in probity and that ALL were answerable to the members and the rule of law) – Their own Reichstag Fire was in place and when triggered by Farage at an NEC meeting the low grad clowns on the NEC like puppets jumped through every hoop placed before them.

The result of this ‘Night of The Long Knives’ was the removal of Dr. Eric Edmond & Dr. David Abbott from the NEC despite their undeniable elected status. The removal of honest men made way for more sycophantic and dishonest puppets – the likes of the fantasist Douglas Denny, the odious and idiotic Mick McGough and others – now UKIP has the misfortune of the Tory reject and the image of sleaze that the risible Niel Hamilton brings as his main contribution to his own very personal ambitions!

Little wonder that Gerard Batten is in trouble with The Courts and facing an Industrial Tribunal with the expectation of some staggeringly bad publicity for UKIP that has absolutely NOTHING to do with the aim to Leave-The-EU. It seems that Gerard Batten may well find himself facing some of the best legal brains in the field of Human Rights and Race Relations, for more details CLICK HERE.

. .

 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance

Reclaim YOUR Future 
Write Upon Your Ballot Paper at EVERY election:
(IF You Have No INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance Candidate) .
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Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
tel: 01594 – 528 337
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Posted in David ABBOTT Dr, Douglas DENNY, Eric EDMOND Dr, Gerard Batten EFD + UKIP MEP, Jeffrey TITFORD MEP rtd, Mark CROUCHER, Mick McGOUGH, Mike Nattrass MEP, Tom WISE MEP UKIP, UKIP | Tagged: , | Leave a Comment »


Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 24/10/2011


 Please Be Sure To .Follow Greg_LW on Twitter. Re-TWEET my Twitterings
& Publicise My Blogs 

To Spread The Facts World Wide



Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 


The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!  
Watch the self serving & corrupt MPs squirm & wriggle
to ensure their place on the Gravy Train!
In Betrayal of Democracy when they have shown they are all too willing to bomb, maim, kill and abuse other Countries and their peoples in a pretence of IMPOSING democracy. 



Independent MEP
& Her Team & Supporters
Outside number 10 about to hand over the petition of OVER 100,000 Signatures
L-R Trevor Colman MEP, Mike Nattrass MEP, Kelvin Hopkins MP,
Nikki Sinclaire MEP, 
Rt. Hon Nigel Dodds MP, Kate Hoey MP, 
Maggie Inglis, Josh O’Nyons, and a Kate Hoey staff member

Let us hope that the MPs & MEPs have the democratic good sense to be in Downing Street in support of Nikki Sinclaire TODAY of all days as she and supporters deliver another 20,000 signatures+ to Downing Street and the debate follows at Westminster.

I submit we will be able to ascertain with one hundred percent accuracy which MPs & MEPs 1are there to represent the best interests of these United Kingdoms and its peoples and their own constituents and which were absent – more interested in representing their personal interests by not campaigning to ensure the peoples of Britain receive the fundamental human right of self determination.

There will of course be many self interested politicians only interested in themselves and trying to seek personal glory but today was the achievement of Nikki Sinclaire and Nikki Sinclaire alone with the team she put together and the example she has set other MEPs and MPs.

This is the first very momentous step in a very hard battle for freedom and our greatest enemies will be, as ever, Continental EUrope and our own Enemy Within – politicians, Snivil Cervants and petty fogging self important parasites and hangers on seeking self enrichment and self agrandisement by selling our the peoples of Britain to foreign and VERY ALIEN rule.

Good Luck and thank you to everyone who has supported Nikki Sinclaire on this momentous day – YES of cvourse we know this first step will be thwarted and the people betrayed in every way self serving and corrupt politicians and their parasites know how.

We will publish, as a permanent record, the list of SHAME & GLORY
showing how every MP voted as soon as feasible!

Monday, 24 October 2011

THE EU Commons Debate: Nikki Sinclaire Press Release


The Independent MEP Nikki  Sinclaire with supporting MP’s will be in Downing Street at 10.30am delivering the remainder of petition forms to the Prime Minister.

The Campaign vehicle largely responsible will be located fro 11am to 7pm at Old Palace Yard opposite the Houses of Parliament.


Sunday 23rd October 2011


The founder and coordinator of the 100,000 petition handed in to Downing street last month triggering off the process that has given the debate has criticized the main political parties for treating the petitioners and the electorate with contempt.

Independent MEP Nikki Sinclaire set up the cross party initiative ‘Campaign for a Referendum’ to give a say to the ordinary people sick and tired of the constant arguing on Brittan’s membership of the EU. The Campaign has been supported by many MPs from across the political spectrum.

Ms Sinclaire feels a strong responsibility for those who signed the petition saying “We submitted 100,000 voices to Downing Street and as the ‘Guardian’ of those people I feel the need to speak up for them”

The majority of the signatures were collected by Ms Sinclaire’s campaign bus that went town to town, city to city and canvassed huge support.

Ms Sinclaire says “The signatures were given in good faith by people who wanted to establish for once and for all the UK’s membership of the EU. We would have stuck by the verdict of the people, but the politicians don’t trust democracy any more. They won’t allow us to have our say. We’ve forced them to have the debate, but they have imposed whips. This shows complete contempt for the people who gave them their positions.”

Nikki is urging all MP’s of whatever political persuasion to defy the whips and vote for what the people who put them into power want.

Recent YouGov polls show an overwhelming majority of the electorate want a referendum with 52% would vote to leave and only 30% would vote to remain in the EU

Nikki, an independent MEP, added: “Clearly the people of Britain want to decide who governs Britain. It must be alarming to the government that despite all their assurances on sovereignty and cast iron promises, more and more people have given up on this European project. This argument has gone on far too long, we must decide our course once and for all in a binding referendum”

Ms Sinclaire will deliver the remainder of the petition forms to Downing Street tomorrow morning at 10.30 am with supporting MPs making the total submitted in excess of 120,000


Note to Editors.

The Campaign website is

The Campaign vehicle that collected the signatures will be situated to Old palace yard opposite the Houses of Parliament from 11am to 7pm tomorrow Monday 24th October

NIKKI SINCLAIRE and supporters will be on College Green, Westminster on Monday, 24th October. NIKKI is available for interview on 23rd, 24th and 25th.

For further information Nikki Sinclaire MEP can be contacted at: 0794 146 1255 . .

Once Again & DeservedlySo:

Independent MEP
& Her Team & Supporters
 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance

Reclaim YOUR Future 
Write Upon Your Ballot Paper at EVERY election:
(IF You Have No INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance Candidate) .
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Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
tel: 01291 – 62 65 62
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Posted in Kate HOEY MP, Mike Nattrass MEP, Nikki SINCLAIRE MEP, PETITION for an EU Referendum, Trevor COLMAN MEP | Leave a Comment »

#0669* – More Lies on Anthony BUTCHER’s UKIP Forum!

Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 04/10/2011

Steve MORSON’S abusive apologia has been added 05-Oct-2011 02:12hrs.

#0669* – More Lies on Anthony BUTCHER’s UKIP Forum!

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Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 


The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!  
More Lies on Anthony BUTCHER’s UKIP controlled Forum!
This time about The Sunday Times!!



I know that it is to be expected that Anthony Butcher’s UKIP controlled Forum is prone to publishing outright dishonesty but it was surprising to see this garbage from the particular poster as his comments are usually quite sound.

I presume he is regurgitating some piece of propaganda he has been fed!

The Sunday Times has been vehemently anti-UKIP for years, and my thoughts go back to Nov. 2009, when Daniel Foggo recycled some long-slayed rubbish about Mike Nattrass, for no seeming reason other than space-filling. A subsequent OLAF investigation completely cleared him.

To view the original comment on The corrupt & dishonest UKIP Controlled Forum CLICK HERE

Let us consider this in detail:

The Sunday Times has been vehemently anti-UKIP for years,

I very much doubt that one shred of evidence can be provided to back this statement – I believe that it is completely groundless, and maybe an appologia for the fact that UKIP get very little coverage in serious papers as they have achieved so very little having only managed to win less than 30 elected seats out of the 19,500 available in British politics in 20 years!

UKIP are hardly news worthy except when they do something of some note! Mostly exemplared by childish stunts, fraud, drunken dishonesty or stupidity, racism, xenophobia, anti homosexuality or support for violence and the behaviour of Anders Breivik whom their group praised!

and my thoughts go back to Nov. 2009,

The comment does indeed indicate lobotomy!

when Daniel Foggo recycled some long-slayed rubbish about Mike Nattrass,

Presumably this article:

The link to The Sunday Times is: CLICK HERE
 & reads:

UKIP MEP Michael Nattrass in expenses fraud inquiry

An MEP for the United Kingdom Independence party is being investigated by the European Union’s anti-fraud watchdog over his use of expenses.
Michael Nattrass, who has represented the West Midlands in the European parliament since 2004, is the subject of an inquiry into whether Denis Brookes, one of his former aides, was paid through public funds while he was working as a regional organiser for UKIP. The EU does not allow taxpayers’ money to be used to pay party officials.
The inquiry into Nattrass, which is part of a wider investigation into UKIP’s finances, comes as one of its former MEPs, Tom Wise, was jailed last week for two years for embezzling funds out of his assistant’s allowance.
Separately, it has also emerged that Nattrass was using a business of which he was an equity partner as the “paying agent” for all his assistants’ salaries provided by the EU.
Between 2004 and summer this year, all of his assistants’ allowances were channelled through the business account of Nattrass Giles, a chartered surveyors in Birmingham which he founded nearly 30 years ago.
Nattrass was a signatory to the bank account, although he insisted last night that the administration was handled by another partner in the firm who has since died.
MEPs must not act as their own paying agents. The role can only be performed by “third parties”.
New rules brought in since July this year have further tightened the controls and MEPs can now only use accredited people or companies as paying agents.
Nattrass said he had been told by EU officials that he could use his Birmingham company.

He also insisted that Brookes had worked for him in his capacity as an MEP until his employment as an aide came to an end three years ago.

The article was of course 100% true and directly based on comments made by OLAF at the time.

for no seeming reason other than space-filling.

Yes indeed responsible journalists working on responsible newspapers use NEWS as space fillers to produce what is called a ‘News Paper’.

A subsequent OLAF investigation completely cleared him.

I am unaware of any subsequent OLAF investigation ever being made into Mike Nattrass – perhaps the author might care to publish the details of said ‘Subsequent’ investigation.

I am aware that the investigation into Mike Nattrass and Graham Booth to which Daniel Foggo referred in his article was ongoing when the article was written in that OLAF had NOT published its outcome.

Interestingly, although Mike Nattrass made much huff and puff about the article and risibly tried to claim it was the reason he was not elected leader – firstly that Mike having taken most of the summer off in his villa in Portugal had then gone, when the EU pretend parliament resat, had gone on holiday to The Phillipines to visit his daughter. His absence and the fact that he had done so very little clearly had much to do with him being little more than a joke candidate for leader of UKIP but then again weren’t they all a joke!

The investigation when it was concluded showed beyond all reasonable doubt that Mike Nattrass’ claims regarding Daniel Foggo’s article were ungrounded.

Graham Booth was found guilty by the investigation and ordered to repay a substantial amount of money he had fraudulently obtained and the FoI made it clear, or so it seemed to me, that it did not exhonourate Mike Nattrass but clearly stated that it was taking no further action against him.

Some, who have NOT been lobotomised, may remember the pack of lies published by Mark Croucher on The UKIP web site regarding the article written by Daniel Foggo regarding Roger Knapman and his people traffiking business and importing Polish labour to undercut local labour working on his house at:

Coryton House,
EX20 4PA

Some will remember the lies from UKIP written by Mark Croucher in the complaint to The Press Complaints Commission which were totally rejected and the substance of Daniel Foggo’s article was proven and upheld!

Others will remember the competence of the reporting by Daniel Foggo with regard to the fraud claims regarding Lindsay Jenkins and Tom Wise and the amount of deceit produced by Nigel Farage, Douglas Denny, Bob Feel Martinis, Mick McGough and others in trying to cover-up the fraud. Many will remember the Courts decided to take no further action against Lindsay Jenkins when Tom Wise finally realised he was not going to get away with it and mid case changed his plea to guilty and was sentenced to 2 years in prison.

You may also remember that it was Daniel Foggo who exposed the facts and let UKIP members and MEP colleagues know that Nigel Farage was paying his wife £30,000 a year yet no one could be identified in his office who could show any work she did for The EU or for UKIP.

You may also remember that on a Saturday, based upon seemingly sound information received from a member of UKIP and subsequently outline confirmed by a third party in The EU Daniel Foggo rang Nigel Farage for a comment on the fact that he had been informed that Nigel Farage was paying his son also. Nigel Farage was not only unable to deny this but also refused!

Having already shown that Nigel Farage was in breech of his undertakings to UKIP and the electorate as he was paying his wife, which I understand he does to this day, despite the fact that at the time no meaningful work that she did could be identified. On the Tuesday although Farage had failed to deny he paid his son there was no paper trail to show he did and the paper paid a tokenry amount of damages to Farage.

I have not checked but presumably Farage still pays his wife which makes his claim of being broke all the more risible and one wonders why with Steve Harris already on his staff he felt it apposite that the pensioners and patriots who support UKIP should be asked to fund a chauffeur for him as granted by UKIP NEC we understand!

We also hear that despite the large income he and his wife make out of UKIP and the various fiddles he has boasted of, running to £Millions it is claimed his life style is so profligate and ill managed that he claims to have had to remortgage his house – it was as I recall an error made by his father who was similarly a showman, drinker and professional gambler as a stock broker.

Perhaps in view of the FACTS the UKIP controlled forum might care to revert to the truth for a change! Though it is unlikely as it is a rats nest of cowardly sock puppets acting in support of Nigel Farage and greatly to the downfall of UKIP.

For further details CLICK HERE

Steve MORSON’S abusive apologia has been added 05-Oct-2011 02:12hrs.
FIRSTLY for the record I stand by every word of my statement above and not one item has Steve Morson provided a fact to negate just some self indulgent whining!

Poor Old Steve Morson seems not to have been able to help himself but to respond in an effort to justify himself and here it is – posted on Butcher’s UKIP controlled Forum at 17:49hrs yesterday (04-Oct). I would have replied earlier but have been out with close friends for dinner.

I am a tad busy at the moment.

Clearly he had no new facts to present so in UKIP style he fell back on being gratuitously offensive and childish:

Quote Originally Posted by Steve Morson View Post
I agree on the editorship – under Max Hastings it was a magnificent newspaper. The Sunday Times has been vehemently anti-UKIP for years, and my thoughts go back to Nov. 2009, when Daniel Foggo recycled some long-slayed rubbish about Mike Nattrass, for no seeming reason other than space-filling. A subsequent OLAF investigation completely cleared him…

Farbeit from me to reply to my own posts, but I see the pony-tailed uber-miserablist in Chepstow (barred from this forum!)

Indeed I still have a pony tail which makes it almost 30 years – so what?
Yes I was banned from Butcher’s dishonest and corrupt forum based upon a pack of lies from Paul Nuttall which neither he nor little Anthony Butcher could substantiate – I was in fact banned for telling the truth and challenging the dishonesty and corruption of UKIP – A fact of which I am rather proud when you note the damage UKIP has done to these United Kingdoms, in supporting fraud and EU institutions.

You will note that one of the items was telling the truth about Tom Wise who then went to prison another was telling the truth about David Bannerman who has recently proved me right on all counts.

Have YOU ever done anything worthwhile politically? Have you made any efforts to expose corruption or theft from the public purse? Have you ever done ANYTHING that justifies your dishonesty?

has used this post for his bog (sic).

If it goes down well with the children in your playground to make such childish remarks do be my guest – often people whistle when frightened of the dark or name call to belittle those they fear.

He doesn’t approve of dissenting, exculpatory or contrary views on it, so I resort to this.

Invent what you like if it makes you feel important – though I do understand your feelings of inadequacy they are well earned.

When we spoke (earlier this year), he was an engaging cove, belying the reputation he’d garnered as Satan’s right-hand man.

Then he goes and writes that $**t on his bog today. Well, it seems there are lies, damn lies, statistics, and what GL-W writes, now!

 Sadly poor Steve can only resort to defamatory name calling as he lacks a single fact to present to back his childish behaviour.

What the cerebrally-deficient Monmouthshire resident doesn’t seem to have realised is that I was working for Mike Nattrass MEP in his office at the time

Of course I was aware of that as you have discussed it with me and how that was the only work you had had for some time – it is very childish of you to try desperately to seem intelligent using long words but without evidence or support for your use of Roget’s you just seem foolish.

1) the article I mentioned was published,

Indeed it was as I showed.

2) The OLAF investigation was launched and

The OLAF inquiry was under way when the article was published and had NOT published a result.

3) I was shown the subsequent letter clearing him. If anyone thinks they can trump that in terms of veracity, I’d like to see it!

I believe you will find the FoI and the Sunday Times lawyers more than adequately trumped that!
You will be aware being so in contact!!!! Mike Nattrass spent a considerable amount of money on lawyers seeking an apology from The Sunday Times but I gather he has recently dropped his claim – no doubt in the realisation that his claim was not valid and no apology was either apposite or forthcoming for the veracity of The Sunday Times article by Daniel Foggo.

(And by the way, a lobotomy was performed by cutting nerve fibres connecting either the prefrontal or frontal lobe of the brain with the thalamus, the areas of the brain involved with emotion. Modern psychotropic drugs obviate the need for such invasive and harrowing surgery. I’m not on those. Are you competing with Mr. Nuttall in an internet debating contest!?)

Try not to be childish – in the context it is well understood what was meant by any adult used to conversation.

I am well aware that your internet search will show the detailed medical deffinition but this is not a childish competition for show offs or you might have actually copied the information correctly, which it seems you did not – do check you’ll find it explained on the internet and where it seems you went wrong – such inaccuracy of transcription and self dellusion may explain why you have so much time on your hands!

I have a great deal of time on mine as I am largely housebound and also sleep little as we have discussed before you lost your confidence – this as you allude later on is due to the various treatments and sideffects of my cancer.

You seem to have plenty of time on your hands, Greg. Maybe trawling the Sunday Times archive for a piece even slightly flattering to UKIP is something you could take up, to counterpoint me?

There have been many very EUroSceptic articles in The Sunday Times by journalists such as Rob Watts, Marie Wolf, Daniel Foggo and others but true UKIP has indeed earned very little publicity and most that it has earned has been bad – as with the many and varied OLAF inquiries – The fraud for which on UKIP MEP went to prison for 2 years, the article regarding People traffiking and under cutting British tradesmen was I believe you will find also by Daniel Foggo and so was the expose of Tom Wise’s criminality though in The Sunday Telegraph as I recall where Rob Watts wrote a large spread damning Farage with faint praise.

Perhaps you could identify something UKIP has actually achieved – beyond childish name calling which sadly you seem to have assimilated – lost Court cases, criminality, bullying and abuse of members and others, employing thieves and liars, consorting with racist extremists as partners who are anti Jewish, xenophobic, advocate violence are anti homosexual and include holocaust deniers and supporters of Anders Breivik.

Just what has UKIP EVER achieved that could be considered laudable and news worthy to Sunday Times readers?

They have a paywall now. And I’m busy!

Going through the motions of self justification is likely to keep you busy for a long time yet precluding the ability to fund a pay wall I presume.

Hope you’re keeping as well as can be, and that the chemo is working a storm. Steve

Indeed after 13 years of cancer, major surgery numerous small operations and this year 3 months of chem and 20 hits of radiation – all of which you can read about on my healt6h blog if you have a friend or family member who may need support – I am pleased to say I am considered remarkably fit and am inordinately pleased to have not lost my hair having had it long ever since the days of 3 haircuts in a day whilst in the army.

Of course with the parlous state of my cancer who knows what tomorrow may bring but depression and misery, inadequacy and underconfidence are not on my menue though I can surely empathise with you though I fail to see how demeaning yourself with childish name calling can be seen to raise your obviously low self esteem.

Never mind I guess you earned it. If it makes you feel better by all means invent anything you like to bolster your confidence.
. .

 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance

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Posted in Daniel FOGGO, Lindsay JENKINS, Mike NATRASS MEP, Mike Nattrass MEP, Nigel FARAGE MEP EFD Leader, Sunday Times, Tom WISE, UKIP | Leave a Comment »

#0667* – Absolutely Brilliant 100% Nikki SINCLAIRE’s Achievement

Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 01/10/2011

#0667* – Absolutely Brilliant 100% Nikki SINCLAIRE’s Achievement

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Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 


The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!  
Absolutely Brilliant 100% Nikki SINCLAIRE’s Achievement!
Congratulations to Nikki Sinclaire and the team she pulled together

including her staff, Mike Nattrass MEP, Trevor Colman MEP, Kate Hoey MP, Austin Mitchel MP, Kelvin Hopkins MP, Roger Godsiff MP, David Nuttall MP, Philip Davies MP, Gordon Henderson MP, Philip Hollobone MP, Graham Stinger MP, Richard Shepherd MP, Dianna Dodds MEP and many others whose contributions were varied but all supported her!

Sadly she had to achieve this despite the efforts of UKIP Leadership to sabotage her efforts and defame her!



so the discussions with The leaders of The House of Commons have paid off and unlike the Judas Goats with their endless posturing and pretend petitions and pretence at EUroScepticism and the 120 Tory MPs who have followed the whip’s requirements in setting up a EUroPlasticSceptic Group Nikki SINCLAIRE Independent MEP has actually delivered the required 100,000 signatures with another 20,000 ready to deliver as her campaign continues to grow.

Frankly Westminster debating the issue makes the point – we know that Turkeys don’t vote for Christmas any more than we can expect the MPs to represent either our wishes or our best interests and Leave-The-EU.

Frankly our MPs are so totally discreditted who gives a stuff how they vote – The EU may think it will be making the decisions but do not forget it was on October 01st. 1946 that the first GUILTY verdicts and the hanging of 11 Guilty Men was ordered at The Nuremberg Trials – Politicians don’t call the shots when it comes to war and we are teetering on the start of The Wars of Dissassociation be it the Riots in Greece, the Default of The Greek Government, the failing of the Portuguese, Italian, Irish, Greek, Spanish and shortly the Cypriot economies that will win this argument.

The wheels are falling off of the EU scam.

Let us see if our politicians want to hang onto their jobs and Leave-The-EU or hang on lamp posts as the lights go out!

Their vote in Westminster is no longer relevant they gave away their authority so their debate is pointless – as pointless as they are.

76% of Tory voters want a Referendum, 66% of Tory voters would vote to Leave-The-EU when given their vote and only 30% of the entire population would vote to stay in The EU.

A measure of the accuracy of The Media is that for all the huff and puff from The LibDims & Tories it was a single INDEPENDENT MEP Nikki Sinclaire with the support of not a single Tory or Liberal delivering to Drowning Street the 100,000 signatures so far as the photographs clearly show:
It was Nikki Sinclaire’s advertising vans all over Britain getting the signatures:
& at sports events:

At last: We get vote on Europe as MPs are forced to decide on referendum

  • Vote will be held in the Commons before Christmas
  • Eurozone crisis has led to surge in anti-Brussels feeling

Last updated at 11:19 PM on 1st October 2011

A historic vote on growing demands for Britain to leave the European Union will be held in the Commons before Christmas.

MPs will debate whether the Government should give voters a chance to decide the issue once and for all in a referendum.

It will be the first time Parliament has held a major vote on seeking the public’s view since the 1975 referendum confirming the decision to join the Common Market.
Enlarge   Diktat: Unelected EU bureaucrats have no right to insist on changes to Britain's immigration laws

A historic vote on growing demands for Britain to leave the European Union will be held in the Commons before Christmas

If MPs vote in favour of  a referendum, the result would not be binding on the Government. 

But, combined with growing public opposition to the increasing power of the EU, it would put enormous pressure on David Cameron to let the people decide the country’s European fate.
The Commons vote has been forced on MPs – and a reluctant Prime Minister –  by public demand, after the crisis in the eurozone, with desperate attempts to prop up the Greek economy, led to a surge in anti-Brussels feeling.
Prime Minister David Cameron. MPs will debate whether the Government should give voters a chance to decide the Europe issue in a referendum

Prime Minister David Cameron. MPs will debate whether the Government should give voters a chance to decide the Europe issue in a referendum
The decision to hold a debate was made after a petition signed by more than 100,000 people demanding a referendum was submitted to a new group of MPs given the job of making sure Parliament does not sweep controversial issues under the carpet.

The Mail on Sunday has learnt that the Commons Backbench Business Committee will agree to grant a one-day debate on a referendum after Parliament returns next week.

Committee chairman Natascha Engel, a Labour MP, said: ‘Given the crisis in the eurozone, this issue has become more relevant than ever. There is a clear majority of backbench MPs who want to debate this and we have to respond to that.

‘The EU today is completely different from the one the British people voted to join in the 1975  referendum.  It is time to examine the position again. For years it has suited successive governments to avoid debating whether Britain should stay in or leave the EU.

‘The whole purpose of my committee is to make sure the big issues of the day are aired in Parliament. People in pubs and shops all over Britain are discussing our membership of the EU and it is time MPs openly debated it too.’

The debate will be held before the end of the year.
Anti-European campaigners are divided over the question that should be put in a referendum. Some want a simple ‘in or out’ question. But others want to offer the choice of going back to an old- style trading association, along the lines of the Common Market which British voters agreed to in 1975.

If the nation voted ‘yes’ to this proposition, the Government could demand that key powers over immigration, industrial relations, health and safety, City regulations and other issues are handed back to Westminster. If the EU refused to do so, Britain could leave altogether.
Deputy Prime Minister and leader of the Liberal Democrats Nick Clegg is an avowed Europhile
Labour MP Natascha Engel siad given the crisis in the eurozone the issue has become more relevant than ever
Deputy Prime Minister and leader of the Liberal Democrats Nick Clegg is an avowed Europhile. Labour MP Natascha Engel said the eurozone the issue has become more relevant than ever
Recent opinion polls show that when asked directly, nearly one in two people want Britain to come out of the EU, with about one in three in favour of staying in. But when the question was rephrased to give the choice of returning to a Seventies-style trade association, a clear majority chose that option.

Tory MPs plan to use this week’s party conference in Manchester to step up their demand for a referendum.

Withdrawing from the EU has support at the highest level of the party, including from Mr Cameron’s senior No 10 adviser, Steve Hilton.

The Commons vote is a nightmare for the Coalition. Mr Cameron was heavily criticised in Opposition for going back on a pledge to hold a referendum on the 2007 Lisbon Treaty which continued the process of switching sovereignty to the EU.
Protests in Greece over cut backs. The crisis in the eurozone with desperate attempts to prop up the Greek economy has led to a surge in anti-Brussels feeling

Protests in Greece over cut backs. The crisis in the eurozone with desperate attempts to prop up the Greek economy has led to a surge in anti-Brussels feeling

He fears a referendum would be a distraction from his attempts to solve Britain’s economic problems.

But he will face a mass revolt if he orders Tory MPs to vote against it.

Although Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg is an avowed Europhile, he made an Election pledge to hold an ‘in or out’ EU referendum.

It was seen as a crude Lib Dem ploy to prove that whatever their reservations about the EU, most Britons want to stay in. But with hostility to the EU growing by the day, Mr Clegg may now be hoist with his own petard. A sizeable number of Labour MPs also want a referendum.

The historic Commons debate is set to be agreed after Tory MP David Nuttall approached the Backbench Business Committee on the strength of the petition.
The Bury MP said he would defy any attempt by Mr Cameron to silence him. ‘I will vote in favour of a referendum come what may. It is about whether we stay in the EU and it is time the people had their say.’

Fellow Eurosceptic Tory MP Peter Bone said: ‘This poses an almighty dilemma for Mr Cameron. He will face huge problems if he orders MPs to vote against it.’

Since Britain joined the Common Market, there have been a series of Commons votes on whether there should be referendums on EU treaties such as Maastricht and Lisbon – although none at all on whether we should remain in the EU. All have been defeated, largely down to Governments ordering MPs to vote them down.

The Government has suffered three  defeats as a result of debates ordered by the Backbench Business Committee. They were forced to pay compensation to victims of a contaminated blood scandal; to reject a European bid to give prisoners the vote; and to ban wild animals in circuses without delay.

. .

 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance

Reclaim YOUR Future 
Write Upon Your Ballot Paper at EVERY election:
(IF You Have No INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance Candidate) .
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Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
tel: 01291 – 62 65 62
of: DO MAKE USE of LINKS & >Right Side Bar< Also:
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Posted in Euroscepticism, JUDAS GOAT, Mike Nattrass MEP, Nikki SINCLAIRE MEP, PETITION for an EU Referendum, Trevor COLMAN MEP | Leave a Comment »

#0656* – UKIP Conference & Its True Calliber!

Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 14/09/2011

#0656* – UKIP Conference & Its True Calliber!

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Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 


The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!  
UKIP Conference & Its True Calliber!
Displayed in all its failed values & Grubby Greed!!


do excuse me for having failed to post for a few days but knowing The EFD (Friday) & UKIP (Saturday) Party Conference were on and well aware it would just be a repeat of the sound bites of such events in UKIP I felt it to be an appropriate time to spend a few days away (which we never announce in advance 😉 
On return today I note from the many reports that the event almost totally lived down to prediction with the only real highlight being the number of people observed congratulating Nikki Sinclaire MEP, now an Independent who alone (with her team) and a little help from Mike Nattrass MEP & Trevor Colman MEP now that they have disassociated themselves from the vile extremism of The Pan EU Political EFD Group, she has achieved far more towards raising serious awareness and having delivered a petition of over 100,000 signatures at Drowning Street, in Petition towards an In/Out Referendum to Leave-The-EU has out performed the Plastic EUroSceptics and Judas Goats so prevalent in The Tories and amongst EUkip leadertship.
Itt is clear they have very little desire to Leave-The-EU as their income streams & bribes would cease and pension funds would collapse having been dishonestly gained.
It was almost amusing to watch the true supporters wishing to Leave-The-EU making every effort to curry favour with her and making every effort to welcome her and seek to convince her to return and those who felt their incomes and positions challenged doing all they could to avoid her – Farage included, even the stupid woman who in her ill mannered ignorance felt it incumbent on her to berate Sinclaire for her efforts – amusingly no one knew who the foolish woman was! Well she must have done a lot for UKIP and the cause of leaving the EU!
Nikki Sinclaire’s Petition as a concrete action to Leave-The-EU speaks so much more clearly than all of EUkip’s fluffy words and efforts to ReForm The EU, with their various extremist partners over the years.
Sadly there was absolutely nothing else of worth or merit to report from a very lack luster conference with around 400 in attendance and many of the same soundbites of recent previous years, the same calliber of low lifes and self serving scoundrels making the same noises to great adulation from a handfull of gullible followers mostly hoping for preferment or at very least crumbs from the table in some cases like Mick McGough and the like in return for their lies and willingness to show themselves for the unpleasant and dishonest people they most clearly are, like maggots and flies on a dung heap with their strutting poppinjay crowing from on top.


Anti-immigration ally of Silvio Berlusconi says 

Breivik had ‘some excellent ideas’

By Nick Pisa

Last updated at 2:47 PM on 27th July 2011

A coalition ally of Italian prime minister Silvio Berlusconi has provoked outrage after he praised the rantings of Norwegian right-wing terrorist Anders Behring Breivik.
Mario Borghezio, an MEP with the anti-immigration Northern League party, who have campaigned against Muslims and the building of mosques, said Breivik had some ‘excellent’ ideas.
Speaking on an Italian radio show he said he agreed with the maniac’s ‘opposition to Islam and his explicit accusation that Europe has surrendered before putting up a fight against its Islamisation.’
Mario Borghezio
Norway's twin terror attacks suspect Anders Behring Breivik
‘Excellent’ ideas: Mario Borghezio, an Italian MEP for the anti-immigration Northern League party, left, said he agreed with terrorist mass-murderer Anders Breivik, right, on his views about Muslim immigrants and Islam in Europe

Though Borghezio added that he did not however agree with the use of extreme violence, or Breivik’s anti-Papal views, his comments immediately unleashed a storm of fury with his own party apologising to still grieving Norway.
Northern League chief Roberto Calderoli said: ‘His comments are terrible and completely unqualified and we can only apologise to the families of the victims for the delirium of what he said.’

The Northern League is a key ally of Berlusconi’s ruling right-wing coalition and, although the prime minister did not comment personally, members of his party also rounded on Mr Borghezio.
Carlo Giovanardi, an MP for the Christian Democratic Party, said: ‘Is it too much to ask for our Northern League friends to throw Borghezio out of their party?
‘We have vain hopes he will resign for what he said but that is unlikely to happen.’
Italy’s Foreign Minister Franco Frattini also stepped into the row over Borghezio’s comments and said: ‘He should offer Norway his personal apologies.
‘We as a government cannot intervene directly with an MEP – but we have made it very clear that the best course of action would be for him to make a personal apology.
‘His own party has disassociated themselves from him and that is a very important sign – he must feel the duty to say himself that he is sorry for what he said.
‘Any message of racism, xenophobia and exclusion or which leads to an incitement of violence or an emulation of violence must be condemned.’
Horror: This picture shows Breivik stalking Utoya island, surrounded by the bodies of his young victims, with one in the water pleading for his life

Horror: This picture shows Breivik stalking Utoya island, surrounded by the bodies of his young victims, with one in the water pleading for his life

Terror: Debris is seen on the street after the car bomb planted by Breivik detonated outside a government building in Oslo

Terror: Debris is seen on the street after the car bomb planted by Breivik detonated outside a government building in Oslo

Today internet forums were ablaze with furious comments against Borghezio with one popular post saying that he ‘needs to be locked up in a mental asylum and have the key thrown away.’
But there were some comments in his favour with some saying he was ‘speaking the truth’ and calling on the Northern League to ‘support him instead of attack him’.
A new headache: Italian prime minister Silvio Berlusconi is still reeling from national debt problems and a string of high profile scandals

A new headache: Italian prime minister Silvio Berlusconi is still reeling from national debt problems and a string of high profile scandals

Borghezio himself was unrepentant and added: ‘I said what I said because I have the impression this massacre has a purpose, I don’t think this lunatic meant his act to have this outcome.
‘What we should ask ourselves is how can someone who was supposed to have been on a watch list been allowed to go around and do what he did?
‘Christians should not be sacrificial animals – they should be defended.’
Borghezio has a long history of anti-immigration campaigning – in 2005 he was found guilty of arson, after setting fire to pallets of some migrants sleeping under a bridge in Turin during a vigilante raid.
The centre-left opposition called for Borghezio to resign from the European Parliament.
David Sassoli, an MEP with Italy’s Democratic Left opposition, said: ‘It is a matter of shame for all of us that a representative of the ruling coalition made apologetic remarks about one of the cruelest acts of terrorism.’
To view the original article CLICK HERE


UKIP supporters and those genuinely anti EU membership are clearly far from happy with the attrocious behaviour of Nigel Farage and his claque in his extremist EFD Group and when one then finds these self same scum of EU Politics turning up as guest speakers at UKIP events and are minded that The EFD members represent each other on EU Committees it is clear that with Farage and his leadership claque UKIP has no meaningful future acting on behalf of informed British people.
UKIP would seem to be determined to move itself from being a possible part of the solution to being a very clear part of the problem.
No one could reasonably say that Nigel Farage is other than a good performer and Liga one of the prostitutes with whom he was well publicised cavorting, as with Annabelle they have been both explicit and graphic in describing him as a good performer.
However I have never heard anyone with one wit of judgement, that could be respected, describe him as having any of the OQ (Officer Qualities) essential for a leader. He is an attrocious judge of character and it seems a worse strategic or tactical planner with no vision for the future much beyond his various scams, bank accounts and zip!
Yet again we have further provenance of his lack of integrity, self serving dishonesty and undeniable corruption – that is not for a moment to gain say he is UKIP’s greatest asset – sadly that is more a reflection on the low calliber of those he has gathered around him than of his abilities – a good sound bite man, a well rehearsed speaker and his scripts are well performed.
Sadly it is undeniable that he is both untrustworthy and untrusted as shown in the exchanges below from the UKIP controlled Forum managed by the weak, dishonest and venal Anthony Butcher in default of the political career he so aspired to!



Quote Originally Posted by Tom Wilde View Post
the Northern League and UKIP are the two largest parties in EFD, each with 9 MEPs in the group out of a group total of 27 MEPs. And the leader of the Northern League MEPs – and co-president of EFD – is Francesco Speroni, who is one of the two MEPs to have made these astonishing remarks supportive of Norway’s worst ever mass murderer. So when Farage quite rightly demands a retraction and apology for the remarks, or else UKIP will suspend its EFD membership, he may well be signalling the end of the EFD group.


Such faith, Tom!

Compare your last sentence quoted above with what is actually happening. It took just 24 hours for the back-tracking to start!


Speroni was directly quoted by the Guardian, saying:

“Breivik’s ideas are in defence of western civilisation”, and “I’m with Borghezio. I don’t think he should resign. If [Breivik’s] ideas are that we are going towards Eurabia and those sorts of things, that western Christian civilisation needs to be defended, yes, I’m in agreement”.

In a statement on 28 July, UKIP said Nigel Farage had contacted Speroni, his EFD co-president,

“to demand an immediate retraction and apology following his remarks and those of his fellow Northern League MEP Mario Borghezio . . . . If no retraction is forthcoming then UKIP will suspend its membership of the EFD group in which it sits alongside the Italian political party”.

On 29 July, UKIP’s follow up statement said Speroni had written to Farage saying that he condemns the massacre and the extreme fundamentalism in question – an addition to his earlier remarks.

Has Speroni withdrawn the statements he made in support of Borghezio?

No, he has not.

Has Speroni retracted his agreement with Breivik’s ideas?

No, he has not.

Has Speroni apologised?

No, he has not.

Has Nigel Farage suspended UKIP MEPs’ membership of the EFD as he said he would?

Apparently not. It seems Borghezio has been suspended by his party and UKIP says it is satisfied that this

“will send a clear message that they, and we will not have any truck with such disgraceful sentiments now or in the future”.

Farage is convening the EFD next week to suspend Borghezio from the group.

So that’s it. The book thrown at Borghezio; Speroni quietly forgotten. UKIP can trumpet that Farage has taken “prompt action”, and the EFD can survive with the temporary loss of one Italian.

Note that Farage’s demands for “an immediate retraction and apology” from Speroni are for home consumption only. The EFD‘s website doesn’t mention them, or the threat to suspend UKIP MEPs’ membership of the group.



Quote Originally Posted by Revontulet View Post
Maybe he wasn’t trying to satisfy Guardian readers in particular, but to satisfy anyone who thinks that the comments made by Mr Borghezio were vile, which is hopefully the vast majority of people all over the world.


An interesting aspect of this is that one of those who has condemned Borghezio’s comments, calling them “terrible, unspeakable remarks”, is the Lega Nord MP and cabinet minister Roberto Calderoli, the man indirectly responsible for UKIP MEPs and their allies expelling the Lega Nord from their previous Independence & Democracy group.

Calderoli was not even an MEP, yet in 2006 his party was expelled from the Ind/Dem following his provocative comments and TV appearance wearing a T-shirt bearing a copy of one of the Danish Muslim cartoons.

There has been no talk of expelling Speroni and Borghezio, whose comments have caused the current outrage; only of UKIP MEPs ‘suspending’ their EFD membership.

And it looks like Farage is welching on even that!

He gave Speroni an ultimatum – make an immediate full retraction and apologise, or we suspend our membership of the group.

Speroni has done neither. He’s stuck two metaphorical fingers up at UKIP’s leader and Farage has backed down, talking now of convening the EFD Bureau to suspend Borghezio instead.

He wouldn’t need to run to the Bureau for consent if he’d kept his word and suspended UKIP’s membership. He could have done that all by himself!



Quote Originally Posted by Baron von Lotsov View Post
Well that is not so good. What are they doing in the EFD? I didn’t think the Lisbon Treaty had anything to do with either freedom or democracy. In my view that would be far more offensive than something someone said in front of a load of emotional halfwits.

Why shouldn’t they be in it? You didn’t think the EFD was anti-EU did you?
Out of their own mouths, Baron . . . . .

Outcome of the referendum in Ireland (debate) 7 October 2009

Fiorello Provera (EFD )

The Lega Nord , the party I represent, voted for the Treaty in the Italian Parliament and I personally was the rapporteur.

(Note: Signor Provera is the EFD member Sharon Ellul Bonici was hoping to sign up for Godfrey Bloom’s new PEPP)


Presentation of the work programme of the Swedish Presidency (debate) 15 July 2009
Francesco Enrico Speroni, on behalf of the EFD Group.

We must overcome the crisis of confidence that undoubtedly exists. The poor turnout at the elections of this Parliament is a symptom of this, and to overcome it, we must act fully in accordance with the will of our electorate. We must also perhaps avoid making comparisons: your country borders Norway; I live near Switzerland. They are outside the European Union, but they live well all the same; they have the same problems, but they are no worse off than us, and here it is important to see and to demonstrate that it is worth having the European Union.


Multi-annual programme 2010-2014 regarding the area of freedom, security and justice (Stockholm Programme) (debate) 24 November 2009

Mario Borghezio, on behalf of the EFD Group

We need to create a single European legal system if we want to combat, at European level, crime that has become international and moves easily between banks, tax havens, financial markets and movable and fixed assets markets.



Quote Originally Posted by Baron von Lotsov View Post
Farage is a bleedin idiot.
First to come across as Mr Big . . . . and now with bluff called Farage looks like the priick many suspect he has always been.



At the end of July, following the mass murder of young Norwegians by Anders Behring Breivik, UKIP issued two statements regarding comments made by their MEPs’ EFD colleagues Mario Borghezio and Francesco Speroni.

On 28 July, UKIP wrote: “Nigel Farage said: 

“Nigel Farage said: “I have written to the leadership of the Northern League party to demand an immediate full retraction and apology. If my request is not met, then we will suspend our membership of the EFD group”.

A clear and unequivocal undertaking.

On 29 July, following Speroni’s reply, UKIP wrote:

“Mr Farage is convening the governing Bureau of the EFD Group in the European Parliament next week in order to suspend Mr Borghezio from his membership of the group”.

Another clear and unequivocal undertaking, yet if Borghezio had retracted and apologised as Farage demanded, why was he to be suspended? And if he had not retracted and apologised, Farage (having suspended UKIP MEPs from the group as stated on July 28), would not then be in a position to convene the Bureau and suspend Borghezio.

So where is the retraction and apology, and on what date and with what outcome was the Bureau convened?

Because despite UKIP’s statements and Nigel Farage’s assurance, UKIP MEPs are still sitting and voting in the European parliament with their EFD colleagues Speroni and Borghezio. 

See Roll-call votes, Busuttil Report, 13.9.2011…EN&language=EN


(Against) EFD: (The Earl of) Dartmouth, Agnew, Andreasen, Batten, Bizzotto, Borghezio, Bufton, Clark, Farage, Fontana, Provera, Rossi, Salvini, Scotta, Speroni, de Villiers

Huffing and puffing empty promises to shut critics up at home; treated with contempt by MEPs he ‘presides’ over in Brussels; and all the time, out of sight of UKIP members, European parliament business as usual.

How utterly despicable!

Do not forget that if you want more details on EFD Group members they are available in the Right SideBar if you CLICK HERE

ALWAYS CHECK the right sidebar for details on people and events first.
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#0631* – UKIP MEMBERS REJECT PEPP MEMBERSHIP 19:30hrs. 16-Aug-2011

Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 16/08/2011

#0631* – UKIP MEMBERS REJECT PEPP MEMBERSHIP 19:30hrs. 16-Aug-2011

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Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 


The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!  
This leaves Resignations as the ONLY Honourable way forward for some!






It would seem that UKIP members have voted resoundingly against Farage’s recommendation – his political ineptitude in trying to force the support of The EU on members for his personal gain has backfired.

Having chosen two dishonest men to front his pro PEPP campaign with the fraudster Stuart Agnew EFD & NFU MEP and the liar and cheat Mick McGough. Farage made a terrible mistake as it became apparent to the membershiop that they were being deliberately lied to by their leadership – so much so that they were forced to withdraw some of their excesses and remake their video to remove some of the lies!

That this debate was forced on the party when Farage had resoundingly lost the support of members at last years conference and an overwhelming vote against membership of PEPPs was passed leading to Farage’s accusation that Trevor Colman having won had just cost him (Farage) £1 Million a year!

To try to save face Farage has not only cost UKIP over £10,000 in organising the debate & vote but has deeply split the party leaving those who lied to support him with no honourable course of action other than to resign and leaving Farage in a ludicrous position!

Farage has fractured his party, divided his leadership and surrendered his mandate as leader – this on top of a £10,000 bill and a catastrophic local elections in May all based upon his crass personal lack of leadership skills.

To add to this he is now in the embarrassing position that he has forced out of UKIP leadership Mike Nattrass, Trevor Colman & Nikki Sinclaire as they were unwilling to cohabit with Farage’s chosen extremist, racist, anti Jewish and violent EFD Pan EU Political Party Group!

How can Farage be taken seriously ever again having made such a mess of his job and so betrayed his members? No informed individual could still believe he was much more than a puppet for The EU filling the role that it seems he was invented for – an opposition giving spurious credibility to the pretence The EU is in any way democratic.

Today even The EU are losers as it seems clear that UKIP members have seen through their scam and Farage is left discreditted. Will The EU dump their blue eyed boy and invent another puppet to posture and pose as an opposition whilst sabotaging the credibility of The EUroSceptic wing of The Tory Party?

Clearly UKIP members have voted against membership of The EFD and wisely so but will their leadership in arrogant greed merely dismiss the members as the buffoon Michael Greaves did, stating his master’s view that UKIP Members are too stupid to understand the issues!

Farage has put himself into a corner, where his party has voted resoundingly against his leadership, and he has no honourable choice but to withdraw from leadership of The EFD, immediately suspending UKIP membership of The Pan EU Political Party EFD Group – Pending notification to The EU that UKIP has terminated its membership – UKIP MEPs have no honourable choice but to sit as Unattached Members of The EU Parliament – a status where you may recal Nikki Sinclaire showed the lead as clearly more in touch with the members than Farage and his claque of parasites.

I note that over 5 hours after the vote result was in the public domain on my blogs, on Twitter and on Junius there is no sign of letting the membership at large know with no announcement, comment or apology on the UKIP Web Site, The No Campaign Web Page or The Yes Campaign Web Page respectively.

Is it that the leadership are licking their wounds and trying to dream up a story to cover for this catastrophe they have engineered for themselves?

Greg_L-W.See also: CLICK HERE and also: HERE
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#0618* – THE Nikki Sinclaire Petition for an EU Referendum

Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 08/08/2011

#0618* – THE Nikki Sinclaire Petition for an EU Referendum

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Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 


The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!  
~THE Nikki Sinclaire Petition for an EU Referendum reaches over 100,000!

Press coverage in a number of papers was earlier promised I hear but with tonight’s mindless and moronic violence British Patriots may be disapointed by the sensationalism of the media!



congratulations to UKIP member and Independent MEP Nikki Sinclaire  – it was great to see the progress with the Petition for an EU Referendum Campaign which she launched and now has The Sun also involved.
Thank you SUN readers!

Further to the advert in the SUN last Friday Nikki Sinclaire’s office received a substantial postbag this morning – in fact two!

Well that’s a start with the first bag!

congratulations – it was great to see the progress with The Sun also involved.

I presume these letters include some full sheets of signatures that some may have downloaded and are vetted to remove duplication, as with the initial 100,000.

I trust the signatures on line have also grown significantly.

Good luck with the massive mail out of 65,000 magazines when that happens.

Well done to Mike Nattrass & Trevor Colman as MEPs ex EFD for having contributed to help.

It was sad to see the rump Faragistas all trying to run flack by supporting the rather muddled Express campaign which seems to have run into a sand trap!

Huge response again for the Campaign today

Today Nikki Sinclaire’s office was extremely busy answering calls about the campaign with huge media interest. 

In the photo below you can see almost a full bag of post she and her team managed to send out following the huge demand for petition forms and more info. 
65,000 glossy printed copies of the campaign magazine published on line last week will be dispatched in the post by an independent mailing company this Wednesday.

 All of this obviously costs a great deal of money and has been utterly dependent on donations by Nikki Sinclaire herself and her supporters.

I’m fairly sure any donations to help pay for adverts or to keep the ad vans on the raod would be more than welcome!

Now badged to The Petition Campaign
Having done sterling work in The HS2 Campaign

It looks as if tomorrow will be a big day in the media with the results but let us as Patriots working for withdrawal from The EU hope that neither the unrest in London nor the petty band wagon jumpers try to harm this initiative which has done so well.

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#0616* – Clarifying Some Issues & Questions Asked

Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 06/08/2011

#0616* – Clarifying Some Issues & Questions Asked

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Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 


The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!  
~Clarifying Some Issues Regarding UKIP & Answering Some Questions Asked!

NOT TO OVERLOOK the clarification!



Firstly some clarification:

Trevor Colman MEP: 
has resigned from The EFD and rejected the leadership of Nigel Farage MEP EFD Leader. 

He is currently actively campaigning against membership of The EU, actively campaigning for a Petition for a Referendum and working in support of Nikki Sinclaire’s initiative, as shown in The Sun advert yesterday see: CLICK HERE

He has been actively campaigning against The EU’s efforts to form Pan EU Political Parties to destroy Patriotic National Parties and is on record stating that if UKIP votes for membership of a PEPP he will personally resign from UKIP and sit as an Independent MEP.

Mike Nattrass MEP:   

He has resigned from The EFD and rejected the leadership of Nigel Farage MEP EFD Leader. He is currently actively campaigning against membership of The EU, actively campaigning for a Petition for a Referendum and working in support of Nikki Sinclaire’s initiative, as shown in The Sun advert yesterday see: CLICK HERE

He has been actively campaigning against HS2 rail line with Nikki Sinclaire and also with Nikki Sinclaire has campaigned for UK Farmers on the issue of Battery Hens and other issues which subsequently the NFU MEP Stuart Agnew tried to get involved in. Agnew however undermined his position by his blatant fraud against the tax payers and his unlawful money laundering and is still under investigation by OLAF we understand.

I presume like last year he has repaired to his villa in portugal some time ago and is likely to remain there until the EU reconvenes in mid September – whether like last year he will then take a protracted holiday in The Phillipines I know not (You may recall he tried to blame The Sunday Times for his failure to gain leadership of UKIP, when it was clear The Times article may have harmed him as it published the facts regarding his investigation by OLAF at the time, but that he was still on holiday for part of the election campaign was unarguably consequential in his failure.)

Marta Andreasen: 
A fraud and a liar who presents herself as a whistle blower and a past Chief Accountant of The EU – she is neither and never was see the Judgement against her showing her invented ‘back story’ to be a pack of 1/2 truths and outright lies CLICK HERE

Her election to MEP was based upon dishonesty and fraud and founded on lies in which Nigel Farage, and his squalid group of leadership parasites colluded.

Eventually the worm turned! Marta Andreasen wanting control of her 400 budget money and with a view to getting herself re-elected by any means (as is her wont) rounded on Nigel Farage calling for his resignation and highlighting how abysmally UKIP had done under his incompetent leadership. 

It was announced and made clear in a series of very public ‘e’Mails from the crassly un professional leadership  team of UKIP she had the whip withdrawn however Andreasen continues to sit with the extremist EFD Group but now has control of her own £76,000 a year 400 budget and her own staff which formerly were controlled by Farage and was seemingly unaccounted!
Nikki Sinclaire:  

has resigned from The EFD and rejected the leadership of Nigel Farage MEP EFD Leader. 
She is currently actively campaigning against membership of The EU, actively campaigning for a Petition for a Referendum and working with her team and others, as shown in The Sun advert yesterday see: CLICK HERE

She has been actively campaigning against HS2 rail line with Mike Nattrass and also has campaigned for UK Farmers on the issue of Battery Hens and other issues which subsequently the NFU MEP Stuart Agnew tried to get involved in. Agnew however undermined his position by his blatant fraud against the tax payers and his unlawful money laundering and is still under investigation by OLAF we understand.

Nikki Sinclaire has been outspoken on Human Rights and has taken a strong line against prejudice against certain sectors by use of the corrupt concept of positive descrimination. Her position with regard to equal standards of planning including building in green Belt areas has attracted a great deal of positive publicity particularly with regard to the unlawful developement of Green Belt land in Meridan by itinerants!
Since leaving The EFD and being lied about in order to suspend her as an MEP for UKIP – although she has continued her membership her Independent status seperated from the extremist EFD Group and the BNP in blazers chavery of UKIP the media has taken her far more seriously and she is now one of the most quoted UK MEPs and has many TV and press appearances and articles of consequence and gravitas – more in fact than the rest of Farage’s shrinking followers.
The lies and descrimination by Farage, Bloom and UKIP found them before the Courts where the Court ruled against them finding them Guilty in Sinclaire’s favour – this led to UKIP being forced to publish an apology to delay finding themselves before The High Court with a substantial damages claim to pay – meanwhile the clearly inept Steve Crowther is trying to come up with some sort of deal to bring Sinclaire back into UKIP as an MEP.
The longer Crowther fails the more obvious it becomes that UKIP need Sinclaire and her political experience and her ability to attract consequential publicity far more than she needs the froth and bickering and sordid behaviour of UKIP and its squalid publicity.
Here is a letter sent today to a UKIP supporter who had written to me for clarification of a couple of details on my blogs. I felt perhaps many might be asking ‘themselves’ similar questions and therefore it might help the many who read these blogs. to read the response.

By all means contact me if I can help you to clean-up UKIP and make it a force for good rather than a vicious squabbling and evil force for greed. The BNP in blazers using marginally more sophisticated techniques of bullying and lies to forward their better concealed racism, anti homosexuality, gender inequality and chavery, anti Judaism and self serving self enrichment at the expense of my Country.

My phone Number is 01291 – 62 65 62 and the best time to call is in the evenings up until about 1am. 

I have always said I am happy to be cross examined on any of the details and facts I have presented over the many years that I have supported the principles that were the core of UKIP. I have offered to attend any formal or informal public meeting to address the facts and dispel the lies of those who have set out to protect their lies and self aggrandisement with hysterical and unsustainable fantasies about me (Just look on the internet and track down the weapons grade nutters desperate to keep their scams afloat by trying to defame me! Frankly one need only note their anonimity and obsessions to see straight through their self serving stories!). 

Arrange a time, agree the format and book a venue within a radius of not more than 50 miles of Chepstow as due to health I do have a problem with travelling see: CLICK HERE – Do not forget I have no personal political ambitions – I am self funded and in political terms always have been and I do not nor have I ever sough yours or anyone elses vote. I represent no one other than those who agree with me, my values and aims.

Unlike the leadership of UKIP and their hirelings, lackeys and salaried praise singers.

My open letter:

if you need infill or back up to any detail on the blog. do feel free to phone me.
Or for that matter if you have any information that may help clean-up UKIP to make it electable by informed people of ethics and morality rather than just the ill informed and disenchanted BNP supporters or disenfranchised Tory voters.
I have supported UKIP principles for many years now, it is just sad that they have increasingly lost sight of what ‘principles’ are and have become part of the problem with no part in the solution, as they squabble and berate to keep the snouts of their leadership claque enriched with their positions at the troughs on the gravy train feeding off the bribes and largesse of The EU.
They are considered an irrelevancy at best and an embarrassing joke by most of the media and have done a huge amount to harm themselves by letting people like Mark Croucher, Annabelle Fuller, Gawain Towler, Adrian Lithgow and the like act as their press spokesmen as they are largely held in contempt and are low lifes and proven liars as the media probably know better than most!
However one feels about UKIP you know as well as the media they have absolutely no one of any political competence and typical was the statement in their manifesto that they supported HS2 and then AFTER the consultation period was over and the public enquiry finished to see UKIP press idiots put out a press release band wagon jumping by Nigel Farage & Paul Nuttall who have been conspicuous by their silence yet now claim to oppose the HS2 is a measure of their risible incompetence.
Just as with Nigel Farage’s press release berating EFD members for supporting Andres Breivik and demanding an appology or he would suspend UKIP’s membership of The EFD Group.
We all knew this was just noise, he only threatened to suspend UKIP where if he had ANY principles and morality he would have shut the vile little group – and so it was proven – Mario Borghezio was suspended from The EFD and Francesco Speroni made no comment on his support – no apology has been forrthcoming and for all his big words and bluster Farage has done nothing beyond alienate his own better informed members.
It is all too clear that even though the EFD Group is steadily disintegrating with barely enough to members to meet their legal requirements there is no chance of risking losing the unaccountable income stream and bribes UKIP MEPs enrich themselves from, particularly Farage as they scrabble to find members to join their racist, xenophobic, pro EU membership, anti Jewish, holocaust denying, anti homosexual Pan EU band of BNP in Blazers that form the extremist EFD Group Farage leads.
If you want to study The EFD Group more closely see:
To understand the arguments for and against helping The EU to undermine Patriotic National Political Parties and the rules behind the bribes for those who help further the EU aim to form Pan EU Political Parties and Groups see:
Do look through the links in the right Sidebar of most of my various blogs and you will find factual information sourced and presented on many of the issues regarding UKIP & its members past and present and the many scams that surround The EU. Also most of the laws that form our Constitution and the unlawful Treaties of The EU – in detail.
I trust this helps to clarify some of your questions.

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 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance

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Posted in Adrian Lithgow, Annabelle FULLER, BNP, CHEPSTOW, Claque, HS2, Mark CROUCHER, Mike Nattrass MEP, Nigel FARAGE MEP EFD Leader, Nikki SINCLAIRE MEP, Open Letter, Paul Nuttall MEP EFD | Leave a Comment »

#0615* – The Sun Shines Bright on The Petition for a Referendum!

Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 06/08/2011

Posted in Mike Nattrass MEP, Nigel FARAGE EFD MEP, Nikki SINCLAIRE MEP, The Petition, The Sun, Trevor COLMAN MEP | Leave a Comment »