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Archive for the ‘Mark DANIELS’ Category

IN MEMORIAM: Mark Fitzgeorge-Parker aka Mark Daniel Born 1942 Died 03-May-2014 …

Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 03/05/2021

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This entire posting would seem to have been hijacked and maliciously altered – to what gain I have absolutely no idea!

The substance of the posting was not in any way endorsed by me, as the owner of this site, nor was it altered by me. I DO NOT endorse the content of the posting which would seem to have been made by someone using the following URL:

Having made the alterations it seems they deleted their original post/URL

I Reject & do not Support the claims in this post and Possibly others on this web site.



IN MEMORIAM: Mark Fitzgeorge-Parker aka Mark Daniel Born 1942 Died 03-May-2014



Posted by:
Greg Lance – Watkins



The Main Web Site:


The corruption of EUkip’s leadership,
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC

is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!

000a ukip-025 count.png~~~~~~~~~~#########~~~~~~~~~~


IN MEMORIAM: Mark Fitzgeorge-Parker aka Mark Daniel Born 1942 Died 03-May-2014 Mark sadly died in Cheltenham of pneumonia aged 72


DANIELS, Mark 02 aka Mark Fitzgeorge-Parker
Mark Fitzgeorge-Parker who used the nom de plume Mark Daniel was born 1942
he sadly died early in the morning on Saturday 03-May-2014, in Cheltenham of pneumonia, aged 72.
I was saddened to hear of the untimely death of Mark who I first met in 2005 when he phoned me up and asked if I would permit him to buy me lunch in Chepstow as he was researching a book on UKIP for Roger Knapman:
KNAPMAN, Roger 02
who was at that time the leader of UKIP.
Subsequently we spoke in detail, often several times a week and asked to be on my mailing list, whilst he researched his book.
Mark was an interesting and well informed character and I soon learned from him of his Ampleforth & Cambridge education and the background and details of his earlier life and career. He made no effort to disguise any part of his colourful life, be that prison for passing dud cheques or being sued by his Father!
In 2005, shortly before the election, he published his book ‘Cranks & Gadflies, The Story of UKIP’, which is still thwe best and most accurate history and exposee of UKIP to that date. I well recall at the time Roger proclaimed his support for the book however I well remember Nigel Farage’s reticence to promote the book as he felt it was a little too accurate and comprehensive, perhaps as comment6ators said ‘warts and all’. Sadly no better nor more accurate book has been written about UKIP.
It is notable that despite Nigel’s reticence the book soon sold out and was very readable such that Mark was subsequently commissioned by Nigel Farage to write the two books about him, Mark was sufficiently competent a writer to write to a brief and be able to put a slant on a book to flatter and promote his client!
FARAGE, Nigel 39 The BookThe quote which was added was a comment made by Nigel farage’s long term associate the anti Islamic extremist and liar who inclines to incite racial hatred, Gerard Batten a UKIP MEP.
Mark’s second book promoting Farage was ‘Flying Free’ published in 2011.
In keeping with Mark’s willingness to publish warts and all when unrestrained the following review of his book on UKIP tells much of his history and personality:

‘A party of idiots, paranoiacs, whores and vagabonds’

Alexander Waugh reviews Cranks and Gadflies: the Story of UKIP by Mark Daniel.
19 Jun 2005
Isn’t it odd how people who group together under the banner of a shared opinion always seem to disagree more violently among themselves than with their declared enemies? It has always been the case. Take, for example, the early Christians. According to the ancient record of Celsus, written in about 178 AD: “Christians utterly detest each other, they slander each other constantly with the vilest forms of abuse… Each sect fills the head of its own with deceitful nonsense and makes perfect little pigs of those it wins over to its side.”
And so it is with UKIP – the United Kingdom Independence Party – whose founding purpose (to extricate Britain from the European Union) has been subsumed, in the 12 short years since its formation, by such a torrent of plotting, denouncing, suing, counter-suing, shrieking, back-stabbing and cussing that one wonders how many of its members have retained any memory of why they signed up with the party in the first place.
At a recent National Executive Council meeting one member became so livid with rage that he suffered a heart attack and died. And what about the time when such an almighty row broke out over who should be UKIP’s leader that the party was rent in twain and, for a while, two defiant UKIPs ran simultaneously out of two separate offices ?
In his absorbing history of the party, Mark Daniel appears to relish each scandal as it arises, gleefully relating how UKIP’s founder drained the party’s coffers to defend himself against accusations of slander and how a South East MEP stood for election in 2004 without mentioning that he was facing charges of housing benefit fraud (which remain subjudice and he denies fiercely).
Daniel also reveals how the party was infiltrated by the BNP activist, Mark Deavin; how UKIP’s Scottish organiser wrote to the newspapers declaring that the Nazi holocaust was grossly exaggerated; and he describes, with seeming glee, a party membership that is comprised of “idiots, paranoiacs and conspiracy theorists… freelance artists… traders, whores and vagabonds”.
From the outset, Daniel declares: “I have never been a party member.” It might easily be assumed from this that he is a disaffected party apparatchik whose sole purpose is to discredit UKIP in such a way that nobody ever votes for it again. But a couple of seconds of Google espionage reveals that Mark Daniel is in fact a nom de plume for Mark Fitzgeorge-Parker – who stood as a UKIP candidate in Exeter at this year’s General Election, ending in sixth place with 3.37 per cent of the vote.
A further scrimmage into the Fitzgeorge-Parker mystery reveals that the author enjoys something of a maverick past himself. Having been imprisoned as a young man for issuing duff cheques and pilfering precious books from Cambridge University libraries he used the Daniel pseudonym for a fictionalised account of his jail experiences. After his release, he found himself once again up in court on charges of libel and, in a parallel action, was sued by his own father for breach of copyright.
Perhaps none of this would be relevant had Daniel not chosen to call his book Cranks and Gadflies, a phrase drawn directly from Michael Howard’s intended slur on the UKIP membership, or if Nigel Farage, UKIP’s second-in-command, had not stood before the European Parliament denouncing individual members of José Barrosa’s Commission as ex-crooks, ex-communists and liars.
Daniel’s purpose in this warts-and-all exposé is not then, as far as I can tell, to discredit UKIP but, on the contrary, to make it seem like a quaintly attractive collective of “real people”. “Don’t mind me, I’m mad,” folks used to say to endear themselves to their school friends. That ploy didn’t work then and is unlikely to work for UKIP now. And if Daniel’s high-risk public relations experiment backfires it will cost the cranks and gadflies dearly.
To see the original of this extended review CLICK HERE
A close friend of Mark’s, Hannah Wright, said:

“He was just so intelligent and had a vast knowledge. He was a person that people would turn to for help and he would do anything for anyone.

“He had a great interaction with people and he was a real showman. But he was a complicated man and had a private side and could be reclusive at times.

“He was very kind and generous, but he could also be a difficult man, cantankerous and rude at times, but people were never offended.

“He was very good at reading people and was a truly gifted man.

“As one neighbour put it, he was often outrageous, but generally right”.

“He was passionate about so many things in Cheltenham – with one of them being that the town’s Jazz Festival was too quiet and should be louder.

“He had a massive impact on people’s lives and will be missed.”

I must say I found Mark to have all of these attributes and characteristics and thoroughly enjoyed my conversations with him and was flattered by the amount he used my then frequent eMails and my blogging as a source for his research, as of course did both media and UKIP leadership alike.

Mark in his younger days had been a keen fisherman and surfer and had inheristed his fathert’s love or art and also his father’s interest in horses, having been a competitive steeplechaser.

Tim Fitzgeorge-Parker was well known as a character and author particularly in the horse racing world.

Mark having lived in Italy, Ireland and France was fluent in both French and Italian and during my dealings with him was taking trips on costal cruisers in Norway and other Scandinavian ports as part of his work whilst living in Exeter as a regular columnist for The Western Morning News. Not only had he written 1,000s of columns for a variety of media but had published some 41 books.
In 2011 Mark moved to Cheltenham to live closer to his 20 year old son Kit.
Having moved to Montpellier in Cheltenham he threw himself, with his notable enthusiasm and commitment to people into life in Cheltenham and last year stood in the Gloucester County Council election for Lansdown and Park and this year was standing for a seat on Cheltenham Borough Council in Charlton Park ward. He had also stood for UKIP in the past when in Exeter.
An impressive intellect and sound knowlege in many fields will make the death of Mark a loss to many – the world is less colourful for his departure.
My condolences to his family and those whose lives he had touched.



Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
tel: 44 (0)1594 – 528 337

Calls from ‘Number Withheld’ phones Are Blocked

All unanswered messages are recorded.

Leave your name & a UK land line number & I will return your call.

‘e’Mail Address:




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I try to make every effort to NOT infringe copyrights in any commercial way & make all corrections of fact brought to my attention by an identifiable individual

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Re-TWEET my Twitterings

& Publicise My Blogs
To Spread The Facts World Wide

Posted in EU, EUkip, GL-W, GLW, Greg Lance - Watkins, Greg_L-W., IN MEMORIAM, Mark DANIELS, UKIP | Tagged: , , , , , , , | Leave a Comment »

IN MEMORIAM: Mark Fitzgeorge-Parker aka Mark Daniel Born 1942 Died 03-May-2014 …

Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 03/05/2020

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The Top Bar >PAGES<


IN MEMORIAM: Mark Fitzgeorge-Parker aka Mark Daniel Born 1942 Died 03-May-2014



Posted by:
Greg Lance – Watkins



The Main Web Site:


The corruption of EUkip’s leadership,
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC

is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!

000a ukip-025 count.png~~~~~~~~~~#########~~~~~~~~~~


IN MEMORIAM: Mark Fitzgeorge-Parker aka Mark Daniel Born 1942 Died 03-May-2014 Mark sadly died in Cheltenham of pneumonia aged 72


DANIELS, Mark 02 aka Mark Fitzgeorge-Parker
Mark Fitzgeorge-Parker who used the nom de plume Mark Daniel was born 1942
he sadly died early in the morning on Saturday 03-May-2014, in Cheltenham of pneumonia, aged 72.
I was saddened to hear of the untimely death of Mark who I first met in 2005 when he phoned me up and asked if I would permit him to buy me lunch in Chepstow as he was researching a book on UKIP for Roger Knapman:
KNAPMAN, Roger 02
who was at that time the leader of UKIP.
Subsequently we spoke in detail, often several times a week and asked to be on my mailing list, whilst he researched his book.
Mark was an interesting and well informed character and I soon learned from him of his Ampleforth & Cambridge education and the background and details of his earlier life and career. He made no effort to disguise any part of his colourful life, be that prison for passing dud cheques or being sued by his Father!
In 2005, shortly before the election, he published his book ‘Cranks & Gadflies, The Story of UKIP’, which is still thwe best and most accurate history and exposee of UKIP to that date. I well recall at the time Roger proclaimed his support for the book however I well remember Nigel Farage’s reticence to promote the book as he felt it was a little too accurate and comprehensive, perhaps as comment6ators said ‘warts and all’. Sadly no better nor more accurate book has been written about UKIP.
It is notable that despite Nigel’s reticence the book soon sold out and was very readable such that Mark was subsequently commissioned by Nigel Farage to write the two books about him, Mark was sufficiently competent a writer to write to a brief and be able to put a slant on a book to flatter and promote his client!
FARAGE, Nigel 39 The BookThe quote which was added was a comment made by Nigel farage’s long term associate the anti Islamic extremist and liar who inclines to incite racial hatred, Gerard Batten a UKIP MEP.
Mark’s second book promoting Farage was ‘Flying Free’ published in 2011.
In keeping with Mark’s willingness to publish warts and all when unrestrained the following review of his book on UKIP tells much of his history and personality:

‘A party of idiots, paranoiacs, whores and vagabonds’

Alexander Waugh reviews Cranks and Gadflies: the Story of UKIP by Mark Daniel.
19 Jun 2005
Isn’t it odd how people who group together under the banner of a shared opinion always seem to disagree more violently among themselves than with their declared enemies? It has always been the case. Take, for example, the early Christians. According to the ancient record of Celsus, written in about 178 AD: “Christians utterly detest each other, they slander each other constantly with the vilest forms of abuse… Each sect fills the head of its own with deceitful nonsense and makes perfect little pigs of those it wins over to its side.”
And so it is with UKIP – the United Kingdom Independence Party – whose founding purpose (to extricate Britain from the European Union) has been subsumed, in the 12 short years since its formation, by such a torrent of plotting, denouncing, suing, counter-suing, shrieking, back-stabbing and cussing that one wonders how many of its members have retained any memory of why they signed up with the party in the first place.
At a recent National Executive Council meeting one member became so livid with rage that he suffered a heart attack and died. And what about the time when such an almighty row broke out over who should be UKIP’s leader that the party was rent in twain and, for a while, two defiant UKIPs ran simultaneously out of two separate offices ?
In his absorbing history of the party, Mark Daniel appears to relish each scandal as it arises, gleefully relating how UKIP’s founder drained the party’s coffers to defend himself against accusations of slander and how a South East MEP stood for election in 2004 without mentioning that he was facing charges of housing benefit fraud (which remain subjudice and he denies fiercely).
Daniel also reveals how the party was infiltrated by the BNP activist, Mark Deavin; how UKIP’s Scottish organiser wrote to the newspapers declaring that the Nazi holocaust was grossly exaggerated; and he describes, with seeming glee, a party membership that is comprised of “idiots, paranoiacs and conspiracy theorists… freelance artists… traders, whores and vagabonds”.
From the outset, Daniel declares: “I have never been a party member.” It might easily be assumed from this that he is a disaffected party apparatchik whose sole purpose is to discredit UKIP in such a way that nobody ever votes for it again. But a couple of seconds of Google espionage reveals that Mark Daniel is in fact a nom de plume for Mark Fitzgeorge-Parker – who stood as a UKIP candidate in Exeter at this year’s General Election, ending in sixth place with 3.37 per cent of the vote.
A further scrimmage into the Fitzgeorge-Parker mystery reveals that the author enjoys something of a maverick past himself. Having been imprisoned as a young man for issuing duff cheques and pilfering precious books from Cambridge University libraries he used the Daniel pseudonym for a fictionalised account of his jail experiences. After his release, he found himself once again up in court on charges of libel and, in a parallel action, was sued by his own father for breach of copyright.
Perhaps none of this would be relevant had Daniel not chosen to call his book Cranks and Gadflies, a phrase drawn directly from Michael Howard’s intended slur on the UKIP membership, or if Nigel Farage, UKIP’s second-in-command, had not stood before the European Parliament denouncing individual members of José Barrosa’s Commission as ex-crooks, ex-communists and liars.
Daniel’s purpose in this warts-and-all exposé is not then, as far as I can tell, to discredit UKIP but, on the contrary, to make it seem like a quaintly attractive collective of “real people”. “Don’t mind me, I’m mad,” folks used to say to endear themselves to their school friends. That ploy didn’t work then and is unlikely to work for UKIP now. And if Daniel’s high-risk public relations experiment backfires it will cost the cranks and gadflies dearly.
To see the original of this extended review CLICK HERE
A close friend of Mark’s, Hannah Wright, said:

“He was just so intelligent and had a vast knowledge. He was a person that people would turn to for help and he would do anything for anyone.

“He had a great interaction with people and he was a real showman. But he was a complicated man and had a private side and could be reclusive at times.

“He was very kind and generous, but he could also be a difficult man, cantankerous and rude at times, but people were never offended.

“He was very good at reading people and was a truly gifted man.

“As one neighbour put it, he was often outrageous, but generally right”.

“He was passionate about so many things in Cheltenham – with one of them being that the town’s Jazz Festival was too quiet and should be louder.

“He had a massive impact on people’s lives and will be missed.”

I must say I found Mark to have all of these attributes and characteristics and thoroughly enjoyed my conversations with him and was flattered by the amount he used my then frequent eMails and my blogging as a source for his research, as of course did both media and UKIP leadership alike.

Mark in his younger days had been a keen fisherman and surfer and had inheristed his fathert’s love or art and also his father’s interest in horses, having been a competitive steeplechaser.

Tim Fitzgeorge-Parker was well known as a character and author particularly in the horse racing world.

Mark having lived in Italy, Ireland and France was fluent in both French and Italian and during my dealings with him was taking trips on costal cruisers in Norway and other Scandinavian ports as part of his work whilst living in Exeter as a regular columnist for The Western Morning News. Not only had he written 1,000s of columns for a variety of media but had published some 41 books.
In 2011 Mark moved to Cheltenham to live closer to his 20 year old son Kit.
Having moved to Montpellier in Cheltenham he threw himself, with his notable enthusiasm and commitment to people into life in Cheltenham and last year stood in the Gloucester County Council election for Lansdown and Park and this year was standing for a seat on Cheltenham Borough Council in Charlton Park ward. He had also stood for UKIP in the past when in Exeter.
An impressive intellect and sound knowlege in many fields will make the death of Mark a loss to many – the world is less colourful for his departure.
My condolences to his family and those whose lives he had touched.



Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
tel: 44 (0)1594 – 528 337

Calls from ‘Number Withheld’ phones Are Blocked

All unanswered messages are recorded.

Leave your name & a UK land line number & I will return your call.

‘e’Mail Address:




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I try to make every effort to NOT infringe copyrights in any commercial way & make all corrections of fact brought to my attention by an identifiable individual

Please Be Sure To

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To Spread The Facts World Wide


Posted in EU, EUkip, GL-W, GLW, Greg Lance - Watkins, Greg_L-W., IN MEMORIAM, Mark DANIELS, UKIP | Tagged: , , , , , , , | Leave a Comment »

IN MEMORIAM: Mark Fitzgeorge-Parker aka Mark Daniel 1942 > 03-May-2014

Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 07/05/2019

IN MEMORIAM: Mark Fitzgeorge-Parker aka Mark Daniel 1942 > 03-May-2014

 Please Be Sure To .Follow Greg_LW on Twitter. Re-TWEET my Twitterings
& Publicise My Blogs 
To Spread The Facts World Wide
Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 


The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 

is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!  


IN MEMORIAM: Mark Fitzgeorge-Parker aka Mark Daniel Born 1942 Died 03-May-2014 Mark sadly died in Cheltenham of pneumonia aged 72


Mark Daniel photo
Mark Fitzgeorge-Parker who used the nom de plume Mark Daniel was born 1942
he sadly died early in the morning on Saturday 03-May-2014, in Cheltenham of pneumonia, aged 72.
I was saddened to hear of the untimely death of Mark who I first met in 2005 when he phoned me up and asked if I would permit him to buy me lunch in Chepstow as he was researching a book on UKIP for Roger Knapman:
KNAPMAN, Roger 02
who was at that time the leader of UKIP.
Subsequently we spoke in detail, often several times a week and asked to be on my mailing list, whilst he researched his book.
Mark was an interesting and well informed character and I soon learned from him of his Ampleforth & Cambridge education and the background and details of his earlier life and career. He made no effort to disguise any part of his colourful life, be that prison for passing dud cheques or being sued by his Father!
In 2005, shortly before the election, he published his book ‘Cranks & Gadflies, The Story of UKIP’, which is still thwe best and most accurate history and exposee of UKIP to that date. I well recall at the time Roger proclaimed his support for the book however I well remember Nigel Farage’s reticence to promote the book as he felt it was a little too accurate and comprehensive, perhaps as comment6ators said ‘warts and all’. Sadly no better nor more accurate book has been written about UKIP.
It is notable that despite Nigel’s reticence the book soon sold out and was very readable such that Mark was subsequently commissioned by Nigel Farage to write the two books about him, Mark was sufficiently competent a writer to write to a brief and be able to put a slant on a book to flatter and promote his client!
FARAGE, Nigel 39 The BookThe quote which was added was a comment made by Nigel farage’s long term associate the anti Islamic extremist and liar who inclines to incite racial hatred, Gerard Batten a UKIP MEP.
Mark’s second book promoting Farage was ‘Flying Free’ published in 2011.
In keeping with Mark’s willingness to publish warts and all when unrestrained the following review of his book on UKIP tells much of his history and personality:

‘A party of idiots, paranoiacs, whores and vagabonds’

Alexander Waugh reviews Cranks and Gadflies: the Story of UKIP by Mark Daniel.
19 Jun 2005
Isn’t it odd how people who group together under the banner of a shared opinion always seem to disagree more violently among themselves than with their declared enemies? It has always been the case. Take, for example, the early Christians. According to the ancient record of Celsus, written in about 178 AD: “Christians utterly detest each other, they slander each other constantly with the vilest forms of abuse… Each sect fills the head of its own with deceitful nonsense and makes perfect little pigs of those it wins over to its side.”
And so it is with UKIP – the United Kingdom Independence Party – whose founding purpose (to extricate Britain from the European Union) has been subsumed, in the 12 short years since its formation, by such a torrent of plotting, denouncing, suing, counter-suing, shrieking, back-stabbing and cussing that one wonders how many of its members have retained any memory of why they signed up with the party in the first place.
At a recent National Executive Council meeting one member became so livid with rage that he suffered a heart attack and died. And what about the time when such an almighty row broke out over who should be UKIP’s leader that the party was rent in twain and, for a while, two defiant UKIPs ran simultaneously out of two separate offices ?
In his absorbing history of the party, Mark Daniel appears to relish each scandal as it arises, gleefully relating how UKIP’s founder drained the party’s coffers to defend himself against accusations of slander and how a South East MEP stood for election in 2004 without mentioning that he was facing charges of housing benefit fraud (which remain subjudice and he denies fiercely).
Daniel also reveals how the party was infiltrated by the BNP activist, Mark Deavin; how UKIP’s Scottish organiser wrote to the newspapers declaring that the Nazi holocaust was grossly exaggerated; and he describes, with seeming glee, a party membership that is comprised of “idiots, paranoiacs and conspiracy theorists… freelance artists… traders, whores and vagabonds”.
From the outset, Daniel declares: “I have never been a party member.” It might easily be assumed from this that he is a disaffected party apparatchik whose sole purpose is to discredit UKIP in such a way that nobody ever votes for it again. But a couple of seconds of Google espionage reveals that Mark Daniel is in fact a nom de plume for Mark Fitzgeorge-Parker – who stood as a UKIP candidate in Exeter at this year’s General Election, ending in sixth place with 3.37 per cent of the vote.
A further scrimmage into the Fitzgeorge-Parker mystery reveals that the author enjoys something of a maverick past himself. Having been imprisoned as a young man for issuing duff cheques and pilfering precious books from Cambridge University libraries he used the Daniel pseudonym for a fictionalised account of his jail experiences. After his release, he found himself once again up in court on charges of libel and, in a parallel action, was sued by his own father for breach of copyright.
Perhaps none of this would be relevant had Daniel not chosen to call his book Cranks and Gadflies, a phrase drawn directly from Michael Howard’s intended slur on the UKIP membership, or if Nigel Farage, UKIP’s second-in-command, had not stood before the European Parliament denouncing individual members of José Barrosa’s Commission as ex-crooks, ex-communists and liars.
Daniel’s purpose in this warts-and-all exposé is not then, as far as I can tell, to discredit UKIP but, on the contrary, to make it seem like a quaintly attractive collective of “real people”. “Don’t mind me, I’m mad,” folks used to say to endear themselves to their school friends. That ploy didn’t work then and is unlikely to work for UKIP now. And if Daniel’s high-risk public relations experiment backfires it will cost the cranks and gadflies dearly.
To see the original of this extended review CLICK HERE
A close friend of Mark’s, Hannah Wright, said:

“He was just so intelligent and had a vast knowledge. He was a person that people would turn to for help and he would do anything for anyone.

“He had a great interaction with people and he was a real showman. But he was a complicated man and had a private side and could be reclusive at times.

“He was very kind and generous, but he could also be a difficult man, cantankerous and rude at times, but people were never offended.

“He was very good at reading people and was a truly gifted man.

“As one neighbour put it, he was often outrageous, but generally right”.

“He was passionate about so many things in Cheltenham – with one of them being that the town’s Jazz Festival was too quiet and should be louder.

“He had a massive impact on people’s lives and will be missed.”

I must say I found Mark to have all of these attributes and characteristics and thoroughly enjoyed my conversations with him and was flattered by the amount he used my then frequent eMails and my blogging as a source for his research, as of course did both media and UKIP leadership alike.

Mark in his younger days had been a keen fisherman and surfer and had inheristed his fathert’s love or art and also his father’s interest in horses, having been competitive steeplechased.

Tim Fitzgeorge-Parker was well known as a character and author particularly in the horse racing world.

Mark having lived in Italy, Ireland and France was fluent in both French and Italian and during my dealings with him was taking trips on costal cruisers in Norway and other Scandinavian ports as part of his work whilst living in Exeter as a regular columnist for The Western Morning News. Not only had he written 1,000s of columns for a variety of media but had published some 41 books.
In 2011 Mark moved to Cheltenham to live closer to his 20 year old son Kit.
Having moved to Montpellier in Cheltenham he threw himself, with his notable enthusiasm and commitment to people into life in Cheltenham and last year stood in the Gloucester County Council election for Lansdown and Park and this year was standing for a seat on Cheltenham Borough Council in Charlton Park ward. He had also stood for UKIP in the past when in Exeter.
An impressive intellect and sound knowlege in many fields will make the death of Mark a loss to many – the world is less colourful for his departure.
My condolences to his family and those whose lives he had touched.




 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance

Reclaim YOUR Future 
Deny the self serving political clique ANY Democratic claims to legitimacy
Write Upon Your Ballot Paper at EVERY election:
to Reclaim YOUR Future 

Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins

tel: 01594 – 528 337
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To Leave-The-EU

Posted in Mark DANIELS, Mark Fitzgeorge - Parker, UKIP | Tagged: , , , , , , , , , | Leave a Comment »

IN MEMORIAM: Mark Fitzgeorge-Parker aka Mark Daniel Born 1942 Died 03-May-2014 …

Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 03/05/2019

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IN MEMORIAM: Mark Fitzgeorge-Parker aka Mark Daniel Born 1942 Died 03-May-2014



Posted by:
Greg Lance – Watkins



The Main Web Site:


The corruption of EUkip’s leadership,
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC

is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!

000a ukip-025 count.png~~~~~~~~~~#########~~~~~~~~~~


IN MEMORIAM: Mark Fitzgeorge-Parker aka Mark Daniel Born 1942 Died 03-May-2014 Mark sadly died in Cheltenham of pneumonia aged 72




DANIELS, Mark 02 aka Mark Fitzgeorge-Parker
Mark Fitzgeorge-Parker who used the nom de plume Mark Daniel was born 1942
he sadly died early in the morning on Saturday 03-May-2014, in Cheltenham of pneumonia, aged 72.
I was saddened to hear of the untimely death of Mark who I first met in 2005 when he phoned me up and asked if I would permit him to buy me lunch in Chepstow as he was researching a book on UKIP for Roger Knapman:
KNAPMAN, Roger 02
who was at that time the leader of UKIP.
Subsequently we spoke in detail, often several times a week and asked to be on my mailing list, whilst he researched his book.
Mark was an interesting and well informed character and I soon learned from him of his Ampleforth & Cambridge education and the background and details of his earlier life and career. He made no effort to disguise any part of his colourful life, be that prison for passing dud cheques or being sued by his Father!
In 2005, shortly before the election, he published his book ‘Cranks & Gadflies, The Story of UKIP’, which is still thwe best and most accurate history and exposee of UKIP to that date. I well recall at the time Roger proclaimed his support for the book however I well remember Nigel Farage’s reticence to promote the book as he felt it was a little too accurate and comprehensive, perhaps as comment6ators said ‘warts and all’. Sadly no better nor more accurate book has been written about UKIP.
It is notable that despite Nigel’s reticence the book soon sold out and was very readable such that Mark was subsequently commissioned by Nigel Farage to write the two books about him, Mark was sufficiently competent a writer to write to a brief and be able to put a slant on a book to flatter and promote his client!
FARAGE, Nigel 39 The BookThe quote which was added was a comment made by Nigel farage’s long term associate the anti Islamic extremist and liar who inclines to incite racial hatred, Gerard Batten a UKIP MEP.
Mark’s second book promoting Farage was ‘Flying Free’ published in 2011.
In keeping with Mark’s willingness to publish warts and all when unrestrained the following review of his book on UKIP tells much of his history and personality:

‘A party of idiots, paranoiacs, whores and vagabonds’

Alexander Waugh reviews Cranks and Gadflies: the Story of UKIP by Mark Daniel.
19 Jun 2005
Isn’t it odd how people who group together under the banner of a shared opinion always seem to disagree more violently among themselves than with their declared enemies? It has always been the case. Take, for example, the early Christians. According to the ancient record of Celsus, written in about 178 AD: “Christians utterly detest each other, they slander each other constantly with the vilest forms of abuse… Each sect fills the head of its own with deceitful nonsense and makes perfect little pigs of those it wins over to its side.”
And so it is with UKIP – the United Kingdom Independence Party – whose founding purpose (to extricate Britain from the European Union) has been subsumed, in the 12 short years since its formation, by such a torrent of plotting, denouncing, suing, counter-suing, shrieking, back-stabbing and cussing that one wonders how many of its members have retained any memory of why they signed up with the party in the first place.
At a recent National Executive Council meeting one member became so livid with rage that he suffered a heart attack and died. And what about the time when such an almighty row broke out over who should be UKIP’s leader that the party was rent in twain and, for a while, two defiant UKIPs ran simultaneously out of two separate offices ?
In his absorbing history of the party, Mark Daniel appears to relish each scandal as it arises, gleefully relating how UKIP’s founder drained the party’s coffers to defend himself against accusations of slander and how a South East MEP stood for election in 2004 without mentioning that he was facing charges of housing benefit fraud (which remain subjudice and he denies fiercely).
Daniel also reveals how the party was infiltrated by the BNP activist, Mark Deavin; how UKIP’s Scottish organiser wrote to the newspapers declaring that the Nazi holocaust was grossly exaggerated; and he describes, with seeming glee, a party membership that is comprised of “idiots, paranoiacs and conspiracy theorists… freelance artists… traders, whores and vagabonds”.
From the outset, Daniel declares: “I have never been a party member.” It might easily be assumed from this that he is a disaffected party apparatchik whose sole purpose is to discredit UKIP in such a way that nobody ever votes for it again. But a couple of seconds of Google espionage reveals that Mark Daniel is in fact a nom de plume for Mark Fitzgeorge-Parker – who stood as a UKIP candidate in Exeter at this year’s General Election, ending in sixth place with 3.37 per cent of the vote.
A further scrimmage into the Fitzgeorge-Parker mystery reveals that the author enjoys something of a maverick past himself. Having been imprisoned as a young man for issuing duff cheques and pilfering precious books from Cambridge University libraries he used the Daniel pseudonym for a fictionalised account of his jail experiences. After his release, he found himself once again up in court on charges of libel and, in a parallel action, was sued by his own father for breach of copyright.
Perhaps none of this would be relevant had Daniel not chosen to call his book Cranks and Gadflies, a phrase drawn directly from Michael Howard’s intended slur on the UKIP membership, or if Nigel Farage, UKIP’s second-in-command, had not stood before the European Parliament denouncing individual members of José Barrosa’s Commission as ex-crooks, ex-communists and liars.
Daniel’s purpose in this warts-and-all exposé is not then, as far as I can tell, to discredit UKIP but, on the contrary, to make it seem like a quaintly attractive collective of “real people”. “Don’t mind me, I’m mad,” folks used to say to endear themselves to their school friends. That ploy didn’t work then and is unlikely to work for UKIP now. And if Daniel’s high-risk public relations experiment backfires it will cost the cranks and gadflies dearly.
To see the original of this extended review CLICK HERE
A close friend of Mark’s, Hannah Wright, said:

“He was just so intelligent and had a vast knowledge. He was a person that people would turn to for help and he would do anything for anyone.

“He had a great interaction with people and he was a real showman. But he was a complicated man and had a private side and could be reclusive at times.

“He was very kind and generous, but he could also be a difficult man, cantankerous and rude at times, but people were never offended.

“He was very good at reading people and was a truly gifted man.

“As one neighbour put it, he was often outrageous, but generally right”.

“He was passionate about so many things in Cheltenham – with one of them being that the town’s Jazz Festival was too quiet and should be louder.

“He had a massive impact on people’s lives and will be missed.”

I must say I found Mark to have all of these attributes and characteristics and thoroughly enjoyed my conversations with him and was flattered by the amount he used my then frequent eMails and my blogging as a source for his research, as of course did both media and UKIP leadership alike.

Mark in his younger days had been a keen fisherman and surfer and had inheristed his fathert’s love or art and also his father’s interest in horses, having been a competitive steeplechaser.

Tim Fitzgeorge-Parker was well known as a character and author particularly in the horse racing world.

Mark having lived in Italy, Ireland and France was fluent in both French and Italian and during my dealings with him was taking trips on costal cruisers in Norway and other Scandinavian ports as part of his work whilst living in Exeter as a regular columnist for The Western Morning News. Not only had he written 1,000s of columns for a variety of media but had published some 41 books.
In 2011 Mark moved to Cheltenham to live closer to his 20 year old son Kit.
Having moved to Montpellier in Cheltenham he threw himself, with his notable enthusiasm and commitment to people into life in Cheltenham and last year stood in the Gloucester County Council election for Lansdown and Park and this year was standing for a seat on Cheltenham Borough Council in Charlton Park ward. He had also stood for UKIP in the past when in Exeter.
An impressive intellect and sound knowlege in many fields will make the death of Mark a loss to many – the world is less colourful for his departure.
My condolences to his family and those whose lives he had touched.



Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
tel: 44 (0)1594 – 528 337

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Posted in EU, EUkip, GL-W, GLW, Greg Lance - Watkins, Greg_L-W., IN MEMORIAM, Mark DANIELS, UKIP | Tagged: , , , , , , , | Leave a Comment »

IN MEMORIAM: Mark Fitzgeorge-Parker aka Mark Daniel 1942 > 03-May-2014

Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 07/05/2018

IN MEMORIAM: Mark Fitzgeorge-Parker aka Mark Daniel 1942 > 03-May-2014

 Please Be Sure To .Follow Greg_LW on Twitter. Re-TWEET my Twitterings
& Publicise My Blogs 
To Spread The Facts World Wide
Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 


The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 

is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!  


IN MEMORIAM: Mark Fitzgeorge-Parker aka Mark Daniel Born 1942 Died 03-May-2014 Mark sadly died in Cheltenham of pneumonia aged 72


Mark Daniel photo
Mark Fitzgeorge-Parker who used the nom de plume Mark Daniel was born 1942
he sadly died early in the morning on Saturday 03-May-2014, in Cheltenham of pneumonia, aged 72.
I was saddened to hear of the untimely death of Mark who I first met in 2005 when he phoned me up and asked if I would permit him to buy me lunch in Chepstow as he was researching a book on UKIP for Roger Knapman:
KNAPMAN, Roger 02
who was at that time the leader of UKIP.
Subsequently we spoke in detail, often several times a week and asked to be on my mailing list, whilst he researched his book.
Mark was an interesting and well informed character and I soon learned from him of his Ampleforth & Cambridge education and the background and details of his earlier life and career. He made no effort to disguise any part of his colourful life, be that prison for passing dud cheques or being sued by his Father!
In 2005, shortly before the election, he published his book ‘Cranks & Gadflies, The Story of UKIP’, which is still thwe best and most accurate history and exposee of UKIP to that date. I well recall at the time Roger proclaimed his support for the book however I well remember Nigel Farage’s reticence to promote the book as he felt it was a little too accurate and comprehensive, perhaps as comment6ators said ‘warts and all’. Sadly no better nor more accurate book has been written about UKIP.
It is notable that despite Nigel’s reticence the book soon sold out and was very readable such that Mark was subsequently commissioned by Nigel Farage to write the two books about him, Mark was sufficiently competent a writer to write to a brief and be able to put a slant on a book to flatter and promote his client!
FARAGE, Nigel 39 The BookThe quote which was added was a comment made by Nigel farage’s long term associate the anti Islamic extremist and liar who inclines to incite racial hatred, Gerard Batten a UKIP MEP.
Mark’s second book promoting Farage was ‘Flying Free’ published in 2011.
In keeping with Mark’s willingness to publish warts and all when unrestrained the following review of his book on UKIP tells much of his history and personality:

‘A party of idiots, paranoiacs, whores and vagabonds’

Alexander Waugh reviews Cranks and Gadflies: the Story of UKIP by Mark Daniel.
19 Jun 2005
Isn’t it odd how people who group together under the banner of a shared opinion always seem to disagree more violently among themselves than with their declared enemies? It has always been the case. Take, for example, the early Christians. According to the ancient record of Celsus, written in about 178 AD: “Christians utterly detest each other, they slander each other constantly with the vilest forms of abuse… Each sect fills the head of its own with deceitful nonsense and makes perfect little pigs of those it wins over to its side.”
And so it is with UKIP – the United Kingdom Independence Party – whose founding purpose (to extricate Britain from the European Union) has been subsumed, in the 12 short years since its formation, by such a torrent of plotting, denouncing, suing, counter-suing, shrieking, back-stabbing and cussing that one wonders how many of its members have retained any memory of why they signed up with the party in the first place.
At a recent National Executive Council meeting one member became so livid with rage that he suffered a heart attack and died. And what about the time when such an almighty row broke out over who should be UKIP’s leader that the party was rent in twain and, for a while, two defiant UKIPs ran simultaneously out of two separate offices ?
In his absorbing history of the party, Mark Daniel appears to relish each scandal as it arises, gleefully relating how UKIP’s founder drained the party’s coffers to defend himself against accusations of slander and how a South East MEP stood for election in 2004 without mentioning that he was facing charges of housing benefit fraud (which remain subjudice and he denies fiercely).
Daniel also reveals how the party was infiltrated by the BNP activist, Mark Deavin; how UKIP’s Scottish organiser wrote to the newspapers declaring that the Nazi holocaust was grossly exaggerated; and he describes, with seeming glee, a party membership that is comprised of “idiots, paranoiacs and conspiracy theorists… freelance artists… traders, whores and vagabonds”.
From the outset, Daniel declares: “I have never been a party member.” It might easily be assumed from this that he is a disaffected party apparatchik whose sole purpose is to discredit UKIP in such a way that nobody ever votes for it again. But a couple of seconds of Google espionage reveals that Mark Daniel is in fact a nom de plume for Mark Fitzgeorge-Parker – who stood as a UKIP candidate in Exeter at this year’s General Election, ending in sixth place with 3.37 per cent of the vote.
A further scrimmage into the Fitzgeorge-Parker mystery reveals that the author enjoys something of a maverick past himself. Having been imprisoned as a young man for issuing duff cheques and pilfering precious books from Cambridge University libraries he used the Daniel pseudonym for a fictionalised account of his jail experiences. After his release, he found himself once again up in court on charges of libel and, in a parallel action, was sued by his own father for breach of copyright.
Perhaps none of this would be relevant had Daniel not chosen to call his book Cranks and Gadflies, a phrase drawn directly from Michael Howard’s intended slur on the UKIP membership, or if Nigel Farage, UKIP’s second-in-command, had not stood before the European Parliament denouncing individual members of José Barrosa’s Commission as ex-crooks, ex-communists and liars.
Daniel’s purpose in this warts-and-all exposé is not then, as far as I can tell, to discredit UKIP but, on the contrary, to make it seem like a quaintly attractive collective of “real people”. “Don’t mind me, I’m mad,” folks used to say to endear themselves to their school friends. That ploy didn’t work then and is unlikely to work for UKIP now. And if Daniel’s high-risk public relations experiment backfires it will cost the cranks and gadflies dearly.
To see the original of this extended review CLICK HERE
A close friend of Mark’s, Hannah Wright, said:

“He was just so intelligent and had a vast knowledge. He was a person that people would turn to for help and he would do anything for anyone.

“He had a great interaction with people and he was a real showman. But he was a complicated man and had a private side and could be reclusive at times.

“He was very kind and generous, but he could also be a difficult man, cantankerous and rude at times, but people were never offended.

“He was very good at reading people and was a truly gifted man.

“As one neighbour put it, he was often outrageous, but generally right”.

“He was passionate about so many things in Cheltenham – with one of them being that the town’s Jazz Festival was too quiet and should be louder.

“He had a massive impact on people’s lives and will be missed.”

I must say I found Mark to have all of these attributes and characteristics and thoroughly enjoyed my conversations with him and was flattered by the amount he used my then frequent eMails and my blogging as a source for his research, as of course did both media and UKIP leadership alike.

Mark in his younger days had been a keen fisherman and surfer and had inheristed his fathert’s love or art and also his father’s interest in horses, having been competitive steeplechased.

Tim Fitzgeorge-Parker was well known as a character and author particularly in the horse racing world.

Mark having lived in Italy, Ireland and France was fluent in both French and Italian and during my dealings with him was taking trips on costal cruisers in Norway and other Scandinavian ports as part of his work whilst living in Exeter as a regular columnist for The Western Morning News. Not only had he written 1,000s of columns for a variety of media but had published some 41 books.
In 2011 Mark moved to Cheltenham to live closer to his 20 year old son Kit.
Having moved to Montpellier in Cheltenham he threw himself, with his notable enthusiasm and commitment to people into life in Cheltenham and last year stood in the Gloucester County Council election for Lansdown and Park and this year was standing for a seat on Cheltenham Borough Council in Charlton Park ward. He had also stood for UKIP in the past when in Exeter.
An impressive intellect and sound knowlege in many fields will make the death of Mark a loss to many – the world is less colourful for his departure.
My condolences to his family and those whose lives he had touched.




 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance

Reclaim YOUR Future 
Deny the self serving political clique ANY Democratic claims to legitimacy
Write Upon Your Ballot Paper at EVERY election:
to Reclaim YOUR Future 

Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins

tel: 01594 – 528 337
Accuracy & Copyright Statement: CLICK HERE
Summary, archive, facts & comments on UKIP:
DO MAKE USE of LINKS & >Right Side Bar< & The Top Bar >PAGES<
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Views I almost Totally Share: CLICK HERE
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General Stuff ongoing:
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 Please Be Sure To .Follow Greg_LW on Twitter. Re-TWEET my Twitterings
& Publicise My Blogs 
To Spread The Facts World Wide


To Leave-The-EU

Posted in Mark DANIELS, Mark Fitzgeorge - Parker, UKIP | Tagged: , , , , , , , , , | Leave a Comment »

IN MEMORIAM: Mark Fitzgeorge-Parker aka Mark Daniel 1942 > 03-May-2014

Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 03/05/2017

IN MEMORIAM: Mark Fitzgeorge-Parker aka Mark Daniel 1942 > 03-May-2014

 Please Be Sure To .Follow Greg_LW on Twitter. Re-TWEET my Twitterings
& Publicise My Blogs 
To Spread The Facts World Wide
Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 


The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 

is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!  


IN MEMORIAM: Mark Fitzgeorge-Parker aka Mark Daniel Born 1942 Died 03-May-2014 Mark sadly died in Cheltenham of pneumonia aged 72


Mark Daniel photo
Mark Fitzgeorge-Parker who used the nom de plume Mark Daniel was born 1942
he sadly died early in the morning on Saturday 03-May-2014, in Cheltenham of pneumonia, aged 72.
I was saddened to hear of the untimely death of Mark who I first met in 2005 when he phoned me up and asked if I would permit him to buy me lunch in Chepstow as he was researching a book on UKIP for Roger Knapman:
KNAPMAN, Roger 02
who was at that time the leader of UKIP.
Subsequently we spoke in detail, often several times a week and asked to be on my mailing list, whilst he researched his book.
Mark was an interesting and well informed character and I soon learned from him of his Ampleforth & Cambridge education and the background and details of his earlier life and career. He made no effort to disguise any part of his colourful life, be that prison for passing dud cheques or being sued by his Father!
In 2005, shortly before the election, he published his book ‘Cranks & Gadflies, The Story of UKIP’, which is still thwe best and most accurate history and exposee of UKIP to that date. I well recall at the time Roger proclaimed his support for the book however I well remember Nigel Farage’s reticence to promote the book as he felt it was a little too accurate and comprehensive, perhaps as comment6ators said ‘warts and all’. Sadly no better nor more accurate book has been written about UKIP.
It is notable that despite Nigel’s reticence the book soon sold out and was very readable such that Mark was subsequently commissioned by Nigel Farage to write the two books about him, Mark was sufficiently competent a writer to write to a brief and be able to put a slant on a book to flatter and promote his client!
FARAGE, Nigel 39 The BookThe quote which was added was a comment made by Nigel farage’s long term associate the anti Islamic extremist and liar who inclines to incite racial hatred, Gerard Batten a UKIP MEP.
Mark’s second book promoting Farage was ‘Flying Free’ published in 2011.
In keeping with Mark’s willingness to publish warts and all when unrestrained the following review of his book on UKIP tells much of his history and personality:

‘A party of idiots, paranoiacs, whores and vagabonds’

Alexander Waugh reviews Cranks and Gadflies: the Story of UKIP by Mark Daniel.
19 Jun 2005
Isn’t it odd how people who group together under the banner of a shared opinion always seem to disagree more violently among themselves than with their declared enemies? It has always been the case. Take, for example, the early Christians. According to the ancient record of Celsus, written in about 178 AD: “Christians utterly detest each other, they slander each other constantly with the vilest forms of abuse… Each sect fills the head of its own with deceitful nonsense and makes perfect little pigs of those it wins over to its side.”
And so it is with UKIP – the United Kingdom Independence Party – whose founding purpose (to extricate Britain from the European Union) has been subsumed, in the 12 short years since its formation, by such a torrent of plotting, denouncing, suing, counter-suing, shrieking, back-stabbing and cussing that one wonders how many of its members have retained any memory of why they signed up with the party in the first place.
At a recent National Executive Council meeting one member became so livid with rage that he suffered a heart attack and died. And what about the time when such an almighty row broke out over who should be UKIP’s leader that the party was rent in twain and, for a while, two defiant UKIPs ran simultaneously out of two separate offices ?
In his absorbing history of the party, Mark Daniel appears to relish each scandal as it arises, gleefully relating how UKIP’s founder drained the party’s coffers to defend himself against accusations of slander and how a South East MEP stood for election in 2004 without mentioning that he was facing charges of housing benefit fraud (which remain subjudice and he denies fiercely).
Daniel also reveals how the party was infiltrated by the BNP activist, Mark Deavin; how UKIP’s Scottish organiser wrote to the newspapers declaring that the Nazi holocaust was grossly exaggerated; and he describes, with seeming glee, a party membership that is comprised of “idiots, paranoiacs and conspiracy theorists… freelance artists… traders, whores and vagabonds”.
From the outset, Daniel declares: “I have never been a party member.” It might easily be assumed from this that he is a disaffected party apparatchik whose sole purpose is to discredit UKIP in such a way that nobody ever votes for it again. But a couple of seconds of Google espionage reveals that Mark Daniel is in fact a nom de plume for Mark Fitzgeorge-Parker – who stood as a UKIP candidate in Exeter at this year’s General Election, ending in sixth place with 3.37 per cent of the vote.
A further scrimmage into the Fitzgeorge-Parker mystery reveals that the author enjoys something of a maverick past himself. Having been imprisoned as a young man for issuing duff cheques and pilfering precious books from Cambridge University libraries he used the Daniel pseudonym for a fictionalised account of his jail experiences. After his release, he found himself once again up in court on charges of libel and, in a parallel action, was sued by his own father for breach of copyright.
Perhaps none of this would be relevant had Daniel not chosen to call his book Cranks and Gadflies, a phrase drawn directly from Michael Howard’s intended slur on the UKIP membership, or if Nigel Farage, UKIP’s second-in-command, had not stood before the European Parliament denouncing individual members of José Barrosa’s Commission as ex-crooks, ex-communists and liars.
Daniel’s purpose in this warts-and-all exposé is not then, as far as I can tell, to discredit UKIP but, on the contrary, to make it seem like a quaintly attractive collective of “real people”. “Don’t mind me, I’m mad,” folks used to say to endear themselves to their school friends. That ploy didn’t work then and is unlikely to work for UKIP now. And if Daniel’s high-risk public relations experiment backfires it will cost the cranks and gadflies dearly.
To see the original of this extended review CLICK HERE
A close friend of Mark’s, Hannah Wright, said:

“He was just so intelligent and had a vast knowledge. He was a person that people would turn to for help and he would do anything for anyone.

“He had a great interaction with people and he was a real showman. But he was a complicated man and had a private side and could be reclusive at times.

“He was very kind and generous, but he could also be a difficult man, cantankerous and rude at times, but people were never offended.

“He was very good at reading people and was a truly gifted man.

“As one neighbour put it, he was often outrageous, but generally right”.

“He was passionate about so many things in Cheltenham – with one of them being that the town’s Jazz Festival was too quiet and should be louder.

“He had a massive impact on people’s lives and will be missed.”

I must say I found Mark to have all of these attributes and characteristics and thoroughly enjoyed my conversations with him and was flattered by the amount he used my then frequent eMails and my blogging as a source for his research, as of course did both media and UKIP leadership alike.

Mark in his younger days had been a keen fisherman and surfer and had inheristed his fathert’s love or art and also his father’s interest in horses, having been competitive steeplechased.

Tim Fitzgeorge-Parker was well known as a character and author particularly in the horse racing world.

Mark having lived in Italy, Ireland and France was fluent in both French and Italian and during my dealings with him was taking trips on costal cruisers in Norway and other Scandinavian ports as part of his work whilst living in Exeter as a regular columnist for The Western Morning News. Not only had he written 1,000s of columns for a variety of media but had published some 41 books.
In 2011 Mark moved to Cheltenham to live closer to his 20 year old son Kit.
Having moved to Montpellier in Cheltenham he threw himself, with his notable enthusiasm and commitment to people into life in Cheltenham and last year stood in the Gloucester County Council election for Lansdown and Park and this year was standing for a seat on Cheltenham Borough Council in Charlton Park ward. He had also stood for UKIP in the past when in Exeter.
An impressive intellect and sound knowlege in many fields will make the death of Mark a loss to many – the world is less colourful for his departure.
My condolences to his family and those whose lives he had touched.




 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance

Reclaim YOUR Future 
Deny the self serving political clique ANY Democratic claims to legitimacy
Write Upon Your Ballot Paper at EVERY election:
to Reclaim YOUR Future 

Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins

tel: 01594 – 528 337
Accuracy & Copyright Statement: CLICK HERE
Summary, archive, facts & comments on UKIP:
DO MAKE USE of LINKS & >Right Side Bar< & The Top Bar >PAGES<
Details & Links:
Views I almost Totally Share: CLICK HERE
General Stuff archive:
General Stuff ongoing:
Health Blog.:

 Please Be Sure To .Follow Greg_LW on Twitter. Re-TWEET my Twitterings
& Publicise My Blogs 
To Spread The Facts World Wide


To Leave-The-EU

Posted in Mark DANIELS, Mark Fitzgeorge - Parker, UKIP | Tagged: , , , , , , , , , | Leave a Comment »

IN MEMORIAM: Mark Fitzgeorge-Parker aka Mark Daniel 1942 > 03-May-2014

Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 03/05/2016

IN MEMORIAM: Mark Fitzgeorge-Parker aka Mark Daniel 1942 > 03-May-2014

 Please Be Sure To .Follow Greg_LW on Twitter. Re-TWEET my Twitterings
& Publicise My Blogs 
To Spread The Facts World Wide
Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 


The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 

is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!  


IN MEMORIAM: Mark Fitzgeorge-Parker aka Mark Daniel Born 1942 Died 03-May-2014 Mark sadly died in Cheltenham of pneumonia aged 72


Mark Daniel photo
Mark Fitzgeorge-Parker who used the nom de plume Mark Daniel was born 1942
he sadly died early in the morning on Saturday 03-May-2014, in Cheltenham of pneumonia, aged 72.
I was saddened to hear of the untimely death of Mark who I first met in 2005 when he phoned me up and asked if I would permit him to buy me lunch in Chepstow as he was researching a book on UKIP for Roger Knapman:
KNAPMAN, Roger 02
who was at that time the leader of UKIP.
Subsequently we spoke in detail, often several times a week and asked to be on my mailing list, whilst he researched his book.
Mark was an interesting and well informed character and I soon learned from him of his Ampleforth & Cambridge education and the background and details of his earlier life and career. He made no effort to disguise any part of his colourful life, be that prison for passing dud cheques or being sued by his Father!
In 2005, shortly before the election, he published his book ‘Cranks & Gadflies, The Story of UKIP’, which is still the best and most accurate history and exposee of UKIP to that date. I well recall at the time Roger proclaimed his support for the book however I well remember Nigel Farage’s reticence to promote the book as he felt it was a little too accurate and comprehensive, perhaps as comment6ators said ‘warts and all’. Sadly no better nor more accurate book has been written about UKIP.
It is notable that despite Nigel’s reticence the book soon sold out and was very readable such that Mark was subsequently commissioned by Nigel Farage to write the two books about him, Mark was sufficiently competent a writer to write to a brief and be able to put a slant on a book to flatter and promote his client!
FARAGE, Nigel 39 The BookThe quote which was added was a comment made by Nigel farage’s long term associate the anti Islamic extremist and liar who inclines to incite racial hatred, Gerard Batten a UKIP MEP.
Mark’s second book promoting Farage was ‘Flying Free’ published in 2011.
In keeping with Mark’s willingness to publish warts and all when unrestrained the following review of his book on UKIP tells much of his history and personality:

‘A party of idiots, paranoiacs, whores and vagabonds’

Alexander Waugh reviews Cranks and Gadflies: the Story of UKIP by Mark Daniel.
19 Jun 2005
Isn’t it odd how people who group together under the banner of a shared opinion always seem to disagree more violently among themselves than with their declared enemies? It has always been the case. Take, for example, the early Christians. According to the ancient record of Celsus, written in about 178 AD: “Christians utterly detest each other, they slander each other constantly with the vilest forms of abuse… Each sect fills the head of its own with deceitful nonsense and makes perfect little pigs of those it wins over to its side.”
And so it is with UKIP – the United Kingdom Independence Party – whose founding purpose (to extricate Britain from the European Union) has been subsumed, in the 12 short years since its formation, by such a torrent of plotting, denouncing, suing, counter-suing, shrieking, back-stabbing and cussing that one wonders how many of its members have retained any memory of why they signed up with the party in the first place.
At a recent National Executive Council meeting one member became so livid with rage that he suffered a heart attack and died. And what about the time when such an almighty row broke out over who should be UKIP’s leader that the party was rent in twain and, for a while, two defiant UKIPs ran simultaneously out of two separate offices ?
In his absorbing history of the party, Mark Daniel appears to relish each scandal as it arises, gleefully relating how UKIP’s founder drained the party’s coffers to defend himself against accusations of slander and how a South East MEP stood for election in 2004 without mentioning that he was facing charges of housing benefit fraud (which remain subjudice and he denies fiercely).
Daniel also reveals how the party was infiltrated by the BNP activist, Mark Deavin; how UKIP’s Scottish organiser wrote to the newspapers declaring that the Nazi holocaust was grossly exaggerated; and he describes, with seeming glee, a party membership that is comprised of “idiots, paranoiacs and conspiracy theorists… freelance artists… traders, whores and vagabonds”.
From the outset, Daniel declares: “I have never been a party member.” It might easily be assumed from this that he is a disaffected party apparatchik whose sole purpose is to discredit UKIP in such a way that nobody ever votes for it again. But a couple of seconds of Google espionage reveals that Mark Daniel is in fact a nom de plume for Mark Fitzgeorge-Parker – who stood as a UKIP candidate in Exeter at this year’s General Election, ending in sixth place with 3.37 per cent of the vote.
A further scrimmage into the Fitzgeorge-Parker mystery reveals that the author enjoys something of a maverick past himself. Having been imprisoned as a young man for issuing duff cheques and pilfering precious books from Cambridge University libraries he used the Daniel pseudonym for a fictionalised account of his jail experiences. After his release, he found himself once again up in court on charges of libel and, in a parallel action, was sued by his own father for breach of copyright.
Perhaps none of this would be relevant had Daniel not chosen to call his book Cranks and Gadflies, a phrase drawn directly from Michael Howard’s intended slur on the UKIP membership, or if Nigel Farage, UKIP’s second-in-command, had not stood before the European Parliament denouncing individual members of José Barrosa’s Commission as ex-crooks, ex-communists and liars.
Daniel’s purpose in this warts-and-all exposé is not then, as far as I can tell, to discredit UKIP but, on the contrary, to make it seem like a quaintly attractive collective of “real people”. “Don’t mind me, I’m mad,” folks used to say to endear themselves to their school friends. That ploy didn’t work then and is unlikely to work for UKIP now. And if Daniel’s high-risk public relations experiment backfires it will cost the cranks and gadflies dearly.
To see the original of this extended review CLICK HERE
A close friend of Mark’s, Hannah Wright, said:

“He was just so intelligent and had a vast knowledge. He was a person that people would turn to for help and he would do anything for anyone.

“He had a great interaction with people and he was a real showman. But he was a complicated man and had a private side and could be reclusive at times.

“He was very kind and generous, but he could also be a difficult man, cantankerous and rude at times, but people were never offended.

“He was very good at reading people and was a truly gifted man.

“As one neighbour put it, he was often outrageous, but generally right”.

“He was passionate about so many things in Cheltenham – with one of them being that the town’s Jazz Festival was too quiet and should be louder.

“He had a massive impact on people’s lives and will be missed.”

I must say I found Mark to have all of these attributes and characteristics and thoroughly enjoyed my conversations with him and was flattered by the amount he used my then frequent eMails and my blogging as a source for his research, as of course did both media and UKIP leadership alike.

Mark in his younger days had been a keen fisherman and surfer and had inheristed his fathert’s love or art and also his father’s interest in horses, having been competitive steeplechased.

Tim Fitzgeorge-Parker was well known as a character and author particularly in the horse racing world.

Mark having lived in Italy, Ireland and France was fluent in both French and Italian and during my dealings with him was taking trips on costal cruisers in Norway and other Scandinavian ports as part of his work whilst living in Exeter as a regular columnist for The Western Morning News. Not only had he written 1,000s of columns for a variety of media but had published some 41 books.
In 2011 Mark moved to Cheltenham to live closer to his 20 year old son Kit.
Having moved to Montpellier in Cheltenham he threw himself, with his notable enthusiasm and commitment to people into life in Cheltenham and last year stood in the Gloucester County Council election for Lansdown and Park and this year was standing for a seat on Cheltenham Borough Council in Charlton Park ward. He had also stood for UKIP in the past when in Exeter.
An impressive intellect and sound knowlege in many fields will make the death of Mark a loss to many – the world is less colourful for his departure.
My condolences to his family and those whose lives he had touched.




 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance

Reclaim YOUR Future 
Deny the self serving political clique ANY Democratic claims to legitimacy
Write Upon Your Ballot Paper at EVERY election:
to Reclaim YOUR Future 

Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins

tel: 01594 – 528 337
Accuracy & Copyright Statement: CLICK HERE
Summary, archive, facts & comments on UKIP:
DO MAKE USE of LINKS & >Right Side Bar< & The Top Bar >PAGES<
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Views I almost Totally Share: CLICK HERE
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 Please Be Sure To .Follow Greg_LW on Twitter. Re-TWEET my Twitterings
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To Spread The Facts World Wide


To Leave-The-EU

Posted in Mark DANIELS, Mark Fitzgeorge - Parker, UKIP | Tagged: , , , , , , , , , | Leave a Comment »

IN MEMORIAM: Mark Fitzgeorge-Parker aka Mark Daniel 1942 > 03-May-2014

Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 03/05/2015

IN MEMORIAM: Mark Fitzgeorge-Parker aka Mark Daniel 1942 > 03-May-2014

 Please Be Sure To .Follow Greg_LW on Twitter. Re-TWEET my Twitterings
& Publicise My Blogs 
To Spread The Facts World Wide
Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 


The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 

is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!  


IN MEMORIAM: Mark Fitzgeorge-Parker aka Mark Daniel Born 1942 Died 03-May-2014 Mark sadly died in Cheltenham of pneumonia aged 72


Mark Daniel photo
Mark Fitzgeorge-Parker who used the nom de plume Mark Daniel was born 1942
he sadly died early in the morning on Saturday 03-May-2014, in Cheltenham of pneumonia, aged 72.
I was saddened to hear of the untimely death of Mark who I first met in 2005 when he phoned me up and asked if I would permit him to buy me lunch in Chepstow as he was researching a book on UKIP for Roger Knapman:
KNAPMAN, Roger 02
who was at that time the leader of UKIP.
Subsequently we spoke in detail, often several times a week and asked to be on my mailing list, whilst he researched his book.
Mark was an interesting and well informed character and I soon learned from him of his Ampleforth & Cambridge education and the background and details of his earlier life and career. He made no effort to disguise any part of his colourful life, be that prison for passing dud cheques or being sued by his Father!
In 2005, shortly before the election, he published his book ‘Cranks & Gadflies, The Story of UKIP’, which is still thwe best and most accurate history and exposee of UKIP to that date. I well recall at the time Roger proclaimed his support for the book however I well remember Nigel Farage’s reticence to promote the book as he felt it was a little too accurate and comprehensive, perhaps as comment6ators said ‘warts and all’. Sadly no better nor more accurate book has been written about UKIP.
It is notable that despite Nigel’s reticence the book soon sold out and was very readable such that Mark was subsequently commissioned by Nigel Farage to write the two books about him, Mark was sufficiently competent a writer to write to a brief and be able to put a slant on a book to flatter and promote his client!
FARAGE, Nigel 39 The BookThe quote which was added was a comment made by Nigel farage’s long term associate the anti Islamic extremist and liar who inclines to incite racial hatred, Gerard Batten a UKIP MEP.
Mark’s second book promoting Farage was ‘Flying Free’ published in 2011.
In keeping with Mark’s willingness to publish warts and all when unrestrained the following review of his book on UKIP tells much of his history and personality:

‘A party of idiots, paranoiacs, whores and vagabonds’

Alexander Waugh reviews Cranks and Gadflies: the Story of UKIP by Mark Daniel.
19 Jun 2005
Isn’t it odd how people who group together under the banner of a shared opinion always seem to disagree more violently among themselves than with their declared enemies? It has always been the case. Take, for example, the early Christians. According to the ancient record of Celsus, written in about 178 AD: “Christians utterly detest each other, they slander each other constantly with the vilest forms of abuse… Each sect fills the head of its own with deceitful nonsense and makes perfect little pigs of those it wins over to its side.”
And so it is with UKIP – the United Kingdom Independence Party – whose founding purpose (to extricate Britain from the European Union) has been subsumed, in the 12 short years since its formation, by such a torrent of plotting, denouncing, suing, counter-suing, shrieking, back-stabbing and cussing that one wonders how many of its members have retained any memory of why they signed up with the party in the first place.
At a recent National Executive Council meeting one member became so livid with rage that he suffered a heart attack and died. And what about the time when such an almighty row broke out over who should be UKIP’s leader that the party was rent in twain and, for a while, two defiant UKIPs ran simultaneously out of two separate offices ?
In his absorbing history of the party, Mark Daniel appears to relish each scandal as it arises, gleefully relating how UKIP’s founder drained the party’s coffers to defend himself against accusations of slander and how a South East MEP stood for election in 2004 without mentioning that he was facing charges of housing benefit fraud (which remain subjudice and he denies fiercely).
Daniel also reveals how the party was infiltrated by the BNP activist, Mark Deavin; how UKIP’s Scottish organiser wrote to the newspapers declaring that the Nazi holocaust was grossly exaggerated; and he describes, with seeming glee, a party membership that is comprised of “idiots, paranoiacs and conspiracy theorists… freelance artists… traders, whores and vagabonds”.
From the outset, Daniel declares: “I have never been a party member.” It might easily be assumed from this that he is a disaffected party apparatchik whose sole purpose is to discredit UKIP in such a way that nobody ever votes for it again. But a couple of seconds of Google espionage reveals that Mark Daniel is in fact a nom de plume for Mark Fitzgeorge-Parker – who stood as a UKIP candidate in Exeter at this year’s General Election, ending in sixth place with 3.37 per cent of the vote.
A further scrimmage into the Fitzgeorge-Parker mystery reveals that the author enjoys something of a maverick past himself. Having been imprisoned as a young man for issuing duff cheques and pilfering precious books from Cambridge University libraries he used the Daniel pseudonym for a fictionalised account of his jail experiences. After his release, he found himself once again up in court on charges of libel and, in a parallel action, was sued by his own father for breach of copyright.
Perhaps none of this would be relevant had Daniel not chosen to call his book Cranks and Gadflies, a phrase drawn directly from Michael Howard’s intended slur on the UKIP membership, or if Nigel Farage, UKIP’s second-in-command, had not stood before the European Parliament denouncing individual members of José Barrosa’s Commission as ex-crooks, ex-communists and liars.
Daniel’s purpose in this warts-and-all exposé is not then, as far as I can tell, to discredit UKIP but, on the contrary, to make it seem like a quaintly attractive collective of “real people”. “Don’t mind me, I’m mad,” folks used to say to endear themselves to their school friends. That ploy didn’t work then and is unlikely to work for UKIP now. And if Daniel’s high-risk public relations experiment backfires it will cost the cranks and gadflies dearly.
To see the original of this extended review CLICK HERE
A close friend of Mark’s, Hannah Wright, said:

“He was just so intelligent and had a vast knowledge. He was a person that people would turn to for help and he would do anything for anyone.

“He had a great interaction with people and he was a real showman. But he was a complicated man and had a private side and could be reclusive at times.

“He was very kind and generous, but he could also be a difficult man, cantankerous and rude at times, but people were never offended.

“He was very good at reading people and was a truly gifted man.

“As one neighbour put it, he was often outrageous, but generally right”.

“He was passionate about so many things in Cheltenham – with one of them being that the town’s Jazz Festival was too quiet and should be louder.

“He had a massive impact on people’s lives and will be missed.”

I must say I found Mark to have all of these attributes and characteristics and thoroughly enjoyed my conversations with him and was flattered by the amount he used my then frequent eMails and my blogging as a source for his research, as of course did both media and UKIP leadership alike.

Mark in his younger days had been a keen fisherman and surfer and had inheristed his fathert’s love or art and also his father’s interest in horses, having been competitive steeplechased.

Tim Fitzgeorge-Parker was well known as a character and author particularly in the horse racing world.

Mark having lived in Italy, Ireland and France was fluent in both French and Italian and during my dealings with him was taking trips on costal cruisers in Norway and other Scandinavian ports as part of his work whilst living in Exeter as a regular columnist for The Western Morning News. Not only had he written 1,000s of columns for a variety of media but had published some 41 books.
In 2011 Mark moved to Cheltenham to live closer to his 20 year old son Kit.
Having moved to Montpellier in Cheltenham he threw himself, with his notable enthusiasm and commitment to people into life in Cheltenham and last year stood in the Gloucester County Council election for Lansdown and Park and this year was standing for a seat on Cheltenham Borough Council in Charlton Park ward. He had also stood for UKIP in the past when in Exeter.
An impressive intellect and sound knowlege in many fields will make the death of Mark a loss to many – the world is less colourful for his departure.
My condolences to his family and those whose lives he had touched.




 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance

Reclaim YOUR Future 
Deny the self serving political clique ANY Democratic claims to legitimacy
Write Upon Your Ballot Paper at EVERY election:
to Reclaim YOUR Future 

Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins

tel: 01594 – 528 337
Accuracy & Copyright Statement: CLICK HERE
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Views I almost Totally Share: CLICK HERE
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 Please Be Sure To .Follow Greg_LW on Twitter. Re-TWEET my Twitterings
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To Leave-The-EU

Posted in Mark DANIELS, Mark Fitzgeorge - Parker, UKIP | Leave a Comment »

IN MEMORIAM: Mark Fitzgeorge-Parker aka Mark Daniels 1955 > 03-May-2014

Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 03/05/2014

IN MEMORIAM: Mark Fitzgeorge-Parker aka Mark Daniels 1955 > 03-May-2014

 Please Be Sure To .Follow Greg_LW on Twitter. Re-TWEET my Twitterings
& Publicise My Blogs 
To Spread The Facts World Wide
Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 


The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 

is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!  


IN MEMORIAM: Mark Fitzgeorge-Parker aka Mark Daniels Born 1955 Died 03-May-2014 Mark sadly died in Cheltenham of pneumonia aged only 59


Mark Daniel photo
Mark Fitzgeorge-Parker who used the nom de plume Mark Daniels was born 1955
he sadly died early in the morning on Saturday 03-May-2014, in Cheltenham of pneumonia, aged only 59.
I was saddened to hear of the untimely death of Mark who I first met in 2005 when he phoned me up and asked if I would permit him to buy me lunch in Chepstow as he was researching a book on UKIP for Roger Knapman:
KNAPMAN, Roger 02
who was at that time the leader of UKIP.
Subsequently we spoke in detail often several times a week and asked to be on my mailing list, whilst he researched his book.
Mark was an interesting and well informed character and I soon learned from him of his Ampleforth & Cambridge education and the background and details of his earlier life and career. He made no effort to disguise any part of his colourful life, be that prison for passing dud cheques or being sued by his Father!
In 2005, shortly before the election, he published his book ‘Cranks & Gadflies, The Story of UKIP’, which is still thwe best and most accurate history and exposee of UKIP to that date. I well recall at the time Roger proclaimed his support for the book however I well remember Nigel Farage’s reticence to promote the book as he felt it was a little too accurate and comprehensive, perhaps as comment6ators said ‘warts and all’. Sadly no better nor more accurate book has been written about UKIP.
It is notable that despite Nigel’s reticence the book soon sold out and was very readable such that Mark was subsequently commissioned by Nigel Farage to write the two books about him, Mark was sufficiently competent a writer to write to a brief and be able to put a slant on a book to flatter and promote his client!
FARAGE, Nigel 39 The BookThe quote which was added was a comment made by Nigel farage’s long term associate the anti Islamic extremist and liar who inclines to incite racial hatred, Gerard Batten a UKIP MEP.
Mark’s second book promoting Farage was ‘Flying Free’ published in 2011.
In keeping with Mark’s willingness to publish warts and all when unrestrained the following review of his book on UKIP tells much of his history and personality:

‘A party of idiots, paranoiacs, whores and vagabonds’

Alexander Waugh reviews Cranks and Gadflies: the Story of UKIP by Mark Daniel.
19 Jun 2005
Isn’t it odd how people who group together under the banner of a shared opinion always seem to disagree more violently among themselves than with their declared enemies? It has always been the case. Take, for example, the early Christians. According to the ancient record of Celsus, written in about 178 AD: “Christians utterly detest each other, they slander each other constantly with the vilest forms of abuse… Each sect fills the head of its own with deceitful nonsense and makes perfect little pigs of those it wins over to its side.”
And so it is with UKIP – the United Kingdom Independence Party – whose founding purpose (to extricate Britain from the European Union) has been subsumed, in the 12 short years since its formation, by such a torrent of plotting, denouncing, suing, counter-suing, shrieking, back-stabbing and cussing that one wonders how many of its members have retained any memory of why they signed up with the party in the first place.
At a recent National Executive Council meeting one member became so livid with rage that he suffered a heart attack and died. And what about the time when such an almighty row broke out over who should be UKIP’s leader that the party was rent in twain and, for a while, two defiant UKIPs ran simultaneously out of two separate offices ?
In his absorbing history of the party, Mark Daniel appears to relish each scandal as it arises, gleefully relating how UKIP’s founder drained the party’s coffers to defend himself against accusations of slander and how a South East MEP stood for election in 2004 without mentioning that he was facing charges of housing benefit fraud (which remain subjudice and he denies fiercely).
Daniel also reveals how the party was infiltrated by the BNP activist, Mark Deavin; how UKIP’s Scottish organiser wrote to the newspapers declaring that the Nazi holocaust was grossly exaggerated; and he describes, with seeming glee, a party membership that is comprised of “idiots, paranoiacs and conspiracy theorists… freelance artists… traders, whores and vagabonds”.
From the outset, Daniel declares: “I have never been a party member.” It might easily be assumed from this that he is a disaffected party apparatchik whose sole purpose is to discredit UKIP in such a way that nobody ever votes for it again. But a couple of seconds of Google espionage reveals that Mark Daniel is in fact a nom de plume for Mark Fitzgeorge-Parker – who stood as a UKIP candidate in Exeter at this year’s General Election, ending in sixth place with 3.37 per cent of the vote.
A further scrimmage into the Fitzgeorge-Parker mystery reveals that the author enjoys something of a maverick past himself. Having been imprisoned as a young man for issuing duff cheques and pilfering precious books from Cambridge University libraries he used the Daniel pseudonym for a fictionalised account of his jail experiences. After his release, he found himself once again up in court on charges of libel and, in a parallel action, was sued by his own father for breach of copyright.
Perhaps none of this would be relevant had Daniel not chosen to call his book Cranks and Gadflies, a phrase drawn directly from Michael Howard’s intended slur on the UKIP membership, or if Nigel Farage, UKIP’s second-in-command, had not stood before the European Parliament denouncing individual members of José Barrosa’s Commission as ex-crooks, ex-communists and liars.
Daniel’s purpose in this warts-and-all exposé is not then, as far as I can tell, to discredit UKIP but, on the contrary, to make it seem like a quaintly attractive collective of “real people”. “Don’t mind me, I’m mad,” folks used to say to endear themselves to their school friends. That ploy didn’t work then and is unlikely to work for UKIP now. And if Daniel’s high-risk public relations experiment backfires it will cost the cranks and gadflies dearly.
To see the original of this extended review CLICK HERE
A close friend of Mark’s, Hannah Wright, said:
“He was just so intelligent and had a vast knowledge. He was a person that people would turn to for help and he would do anything for anyone.“He had a great interaction with people and he was a real showman. But he was a complicated man and had a private side and could be reclusive at times.

“He was very kind and generous, but he could also be a difficult man, cantankerous and rude at times, but people were never offended.

“He was very good at reading people and was a truly gifted man.

“As one neighbour put it, he was often outrageous, but generally right”.

“He was passionate about so many things in Cheltenham – with one of them being that the town’s Jazz Festival was too quiet and should be louder.

“He had a massive impact on people’s lives and will be missed.”

I must say I found Mark to have all of these attributes and characteristics and thoroughly enjoyed my conversations with him and was flattered by the amount he used my then frequent eMails and my blogging as a source for his research, as of course did both media and UKIP leadership alike.
Mark in his younger days had been a keen fisherman and surfer and had inherited his father’s love or art and also his father’s interest in horses, having been competitive steeplechased.Tim Fitzgeorge-Parker was well known as a character and author particularly in the horse racing world.

Mark having lived in Italy, Ireland and France was fluent in both French and Italian and during my dealings with him was taking trips on costal cruisers in Norway and other Scandinavian ports as part of his work whilst living in Exeter as a regular columnist for The Western Morning News. Not only had he written 1,000s of columns for a variety of media but had published some 41 books.
In 2011 Mark moved to Cheltenham to live closer to his 20 year old son Kit.
Having moved to Montpellier in Cheltenham he threw himself, with his notable enthusiasm and commitment to people into life in Cheltenham and last year stood in the Gloucester County Council election for Lansdown and Park and this year was standing for a seat on Cheltenham Borough Council in Charlton Park ward. He had also stood for UKIP in the past when in Exeter.
An impressive intellect and sound knowlege in many fields will make the death of Mark a loss to many – the world is less colourful for his departure.
My condolences to his family and those whose lives he had touched.




 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance

Reclaim YOUR Future 
Deny the self serving political clique ANY Democratic claims to legitimacy
Write Upon Your Ballot Paper at EVERY election:
to Reclaim YOUR Future 

Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins

tel: 01594 – 528 337
Accuracy & Copyright Statement: CLICK HERE
Summary, archive, facts & comments on UKIP:
DO MAKE USE of LINKS & >Right Side Bar< & The Top Bar >PAGES<
Details & Links:
Views I almost Totally Share: CLICK HERE
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 Please Be Sure To .Follow Greg_LW on Twitter. Re-TWEET my Twitterings
& Publicise My Blogs 
To Spread The Facts World Wide


To Leave-The-EU

Posted in Mark DANIELS, Mark Fitzgeorge - Parker, UKIP | Tagged: , , , , , , , , , | Leave a Comment »


Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 28/04/2011

Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 
The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!
Promoted by ‘Right Now’ Magazine & The Spectator!!



UKIP: Is there a hidden agenda?

by Tebbit, Norman

Norman Tebbit has uncovered an intriguing story about a possible link between

Europe and the security services
I HAVE heard more than a few conspiracy theorists telling me of plots against the Queen or how the KGB had infiltrated the Vatican, not to mention absolutely reliable sightings of Little Green Men from Mars. The Little Green Men fraternity are not too much trouble. A promise that their news will be passed to the special unit monitoring LGM is sufficient cover to escape. The conspiracy theorists are more difficult as they are reluctant to accept that the cock-up theory is more often right than the conspiracy one. So when a disgruntled ex-employee of the United Kingdom Independence Party told me that the party had been infiltrated by – of all things – MIb, my first thought was `Here’s another one’.
Mr X did not impress at first sight. Though he was not wearing an anorak, he had the air of a man who would. His credentials, however, were good: a long-time Labour supporter, opponent of entry into the Common Market, assistant to the late Eric Heffer when the party’s policy (to which young Tony Blair subscribed) was to negotiate Britain’s exit from the EEC. He told me a story full of circumstantial – but not direct – evidence. One phrase and two names stuck in my mind.
`However often you take off the overcoat,’ he said, `it still fits when you put it back on.’ He claimed (and I agree with him, but the leaders of UKIP do not) that the party had veered away from a policy of standing against sitting Europhile MPs to one of standing in seats where a sitting Tory MP might be ousted or a Tory candidate might be kept out, however good their Eurosceptic credentials might be. Many such seats are in the West Country where the arch-sceptic Patrick Nicholls has a majority of only 281 over the Liberal Democrats, with 13,000 Labour votes available to be squeezed. UKIP polled 1,600 and clearly has no chance of winning, but maintain that their candidate will take votes mainly from the LibDems and Labour, not from Patrick Nicholls. I find that hard to believe.
If I am right, UKIP’s intervention will be immensely damaging to the Tories, and will give their Europhiles the platform to overturn a Eurosceptic leadership; Lord Brittan fired the first shots in that campaign in the Times earlier this week. Nigel Farage who left the Tories at the time of Maastricht – is confident that I am mistaken. If he is wrong, however, UKIP will have played into the hands of Blair and Brussels. A badly battered Tory party plunged into a leadership crisis would offer Blair the perfect opportunity to bounce Britain into the euro before the sceptics could be rallied to organise a No cam aian. That overcoat fits. It even fits with Blair’s fanatical obsession not just to beat but to destroy the Conservative party.
Then there were the two names. Mr X had no proof, but he believed that they had links to a British intelligence service. Somewhat half-heartedly, I made my own inquiries and unexpectedly struck gold. There is no doubt in my mind about what is known in the trade as their ‘provenance’. I challenged one directly: `Are you or have you ever been a member of [that agency]?’ Denial came there none, only an angry retort that I should be ashamed of myself for asking such a question.
The agency does not answer questions of that sort either – and quite right too. Its practice is firmly but non-attributably to deny that it would ever sanction an agent on the active list to intervene in the affairs of a British political party. The agency would say that the recent legislation on political oversight of the intelligence services makes it impossible for such action to be authorised. However, I am perfectly sure that the individuals had been active agents, although both would claim to have retired some years ago, well before joining UKIP.
The conspiracy theory was given a boost when I discovered this week that during the 1997 election both individuals worked for Jimmy Goldsmith‘s Referendum party. The first to be employed promptly recruited the other. With its single manifesto commitment to seek a referendum on British membership of the European Union, it was seen, and proved to be, a more credible contender than UKIP, polling more than 800,000 out of about one million Eurosceptic votes. It was a poor return for Goldsmith’s 20 million investment. I have often reflected that I could have made much better use of that money to advance his cause.
After the 1997 election both individuals moved to UKIP. One is still there. I understand the other resigned his post some three months ago, having lost the confidence of some of his colleagues. I do not believe the leaders of UKIP were aware of the background of these people when they were employed. Although there was no shock at UKIP when I told them what I knew about the person who had left, there was some surprise about the other one.
There is nothing illegal or improper in former intelligence officers joining political parties as staff members or to seek election. There are former agents in both Houses of Parliament, but to find two in such small organisations as the Referendum party or UKIP is somewhat against the odds. It is easy enough to postulate innocent explanations for the activities of these two people. One can believe the denials of the agency for which they worked – although in the immortal words of Miss Mandy Rice-Davies, `They would say that, wouldn’t they?’ It is possible that they might have been recruited by a non– British agency with a particular interest in the politics of Europe in this country. 
Maybe the leaders of UKIP, whose good faith I do not doubt, are right to believe that hordes of former LibDem voters are poised to jump ship from the most extreme Europhile party in Britain to vote for the most anti-European party in Britain. I can only say that I will be as surprised as Charles Kennedy if it works out that way.
Since Attlee’s Labour government helped to create Nato, all three major parties have agreed that membership of that alliance is in the British national interest. Through the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s those opposing membership were regarded as certainly misguided and possibly subversive.
It is possible to draw a parallel with the present agreement of the three major parties that Britain should remain within the European Union – in, of course, our national interest. A party whose sole raison d’etre is British withdrawal might be regarded as subversive. Already New Labour equates patriotism with membership and describes calls for withdrawal as `unpatriotic’.
The Cold War is over. The EU is not Nato. UKIP is not a danger to the United Kingdom (though it may be to the European Union). If the Conservative party moved further into Euroscepticism, even contemplating withdrawal, the state would not be endangered, so interference in UKIP could not be justified.
Once away from the heat and dust of an election compaign, it would be wise to set up an independent inquiry to establish whether anything improper has gone on. I hope it would conclude that despite apperances there has been nothing more then a string of coincidences and some bad political judgements. In the meantime, the voters should be informed of the facts and left to make up their minds by 7 June.
They should also listen to what the parties say about Europe. Essentially the Blair position is that anything the EU wants goes. There is quibbling but no lines drawn in the sand. Labour might drag its feet or grumble – but in the end it agrees to what our partners want. Hague is different. His position on the euro was painfully caricatured by John Humphrys: `If you are only committed to the pound for one parliament, what about the monarchy?’ Hague’s answer is sound. He cannot commit the British people for more than one parliament. He sees not just an ephemeral economic advantage from keeping the pound but that, if our currency goes, the Bank of England’s economic policy will too, with tax and public expenditure following soon after. He has no need to offer a referendum. The election promise is to keep the pound, but Hague’s refusal just – to say `No euro on principle; No for ever’ has allowed Tory Europhiles to accept his policy.
More broadly, the slogan `In Europe but not ruled by Europe’ makes sense to millions of voters nervous of the trauma of disengaging from the European Union. In practice Prime Minister Hague might find our ‘partners’ unwilling to offer that option. What then? Who would favour `in and ruled by’ and who would opt for `out and rule ourselves’?
Hague’s promise not to ratify the Nice Treaty would shock Europe. His policy to allow other states to integrate, even into a single state if they wished (getting the British dog out of the federal manger), would require a fundamental rewriting of the Treaty of Rome. That could allow the Central European states into the EU, with Britain and several other states ‘in’ a Europe to which they did not have to concede the right to independent self-government. Germany and France could merge – if that is what they wanted – into a federal republic, a more realistic project than the merger of ten or 20 states. 
Hague’s proposal for `reserved powers’ to prevent the EU from overriding Parliament in areas where we never intend to give powers to them sounds innocent enough, but is bound to lead to clashes with Brussels. This, too, could be resolved only by British surrender or a new treaty. The refusal to ratify Nice would be a clear signal and a powerful bargaining token.
Whatever the outcome of the UKIP affair, even UKIP knows that only a victory for Hague can prevent Britain being bounced into the euro in a rigged referendum and dragged down the federal road to the point of no return. Not even ten seats for UKIP could stop that – and I’m afraid they will not win even one.
UKIP supporters who want their votes to count would be wise to vote for Tory candidates wherever the seat might otherwise fall to Europhile LibDems or Labour.
Copyright Spectator May 26, 2001

To view Norman Tebbit’s Article in context CLICK HERE

Here is the ancient  ‘STORY’ attributed to Norman Tebbit by ‘Right Now Magazine’ in 2001:

Norman Tebbitt – now Lord Tebbit was asked by ‘Right Now’s’ interviewer:

“During the general election campaign (presumably this means the l997 election) you alleged that UKIP had been infiltrated by the security services, to spoil Conservative changes in particular seats. Can you recapitulate the story?”

Lord Tebbit replied:

“A disgruntled former employee of UKIP came to see me. His credentials were excellent – he had a long career on the Left of the Labour Party and had once opposed our membership of the European Community. He said UKIP had been manipulated by two people at least – whom he named – whom he believed to be working for British secret intelligence. The story sounded unlikely, but I discovered that both of these people were, indeed, ‘former’ agents, although I was told they were no longer active. I rang one of the people concerned and asked if they were still active. I was told this was a ‘disgraceful’ and ‘shameful’ thing to ask, to which I said ‘You can dispose of the question very easily by saying ‘No’. The ‘phone was slammed down – so I concluded that the person concerned was at the very least a former agent. I then discovered that the same two people had entered the Referendum Party before the l997 election in exactly the same way – one entering first, and then recruiting the second. And of course, Jimmy Goldsmith didn’t achieve as much as he ought to have done, despite his determination and expenditure. I think this may go some way to explaining why UKIP deviated from its earlier tactic of standing principally against Europhile candidates towards a new tactic of concentrating a great deal of fire in seats where Eurosceptic Conservatives were either defending a narrow majority or had a chance of overturning one.

It may seem incredible that British intelligence should intervene in the affairs of a political party, but if you look back at the past it’s not so incredible. First of all, the Central Intelligence Agency was funding the European movement in the early 1970’s, presumably with our government’s consent. Secondly, after the Attlee government’s brave decision to help establish NATO , there was always pressure from the Left for Britain to pull out of NATO. Since all three major parties had declared that it was in Britain’s national interest to be part of NATO, there was a locus for the intelligence services to take an interest – to put it mildly – in small parties or individuals within the major parties that tried to get us out, or who were trying to get their party’s policy changed. Today, all three major parties have been saying for some time that it is in Britain’s national interest to be part of the EU. The same logic could presumably apply.”

I understand the two supposed Agency staffers were as I recall allegedly Heather Connyngham and Mark Daniels though in fact more likely to have been Christopher Skeet (you may remember The Express article of that time as I recall) – there were of course malicious claims, long after this frippery from Norman Tebbit, that one of the Agency staffers was I and the other Lindsay Jenkins.

That there were claims that it was me shows just how desperate some of the fantasists in UKIP are to lie and defame in the invention of their conspiracy theories to account for their greeds and personal failures in life and as people of any repute – you will note many of them are too cowardly and ashamed to even put their names to their defamatory lies, spin and malice.

Some of you may also be aware of the lies and spin published by Notes From The Borderland – for which of course there was no shred of sustainable evidence at the time and the malicious repetition of the pack of lies of that conspiracy theory has been desperately promoted to the present day by some of UKIP’s failures, too idle, malicious, or stupid to check the facts.

Similarly the lies and distortions deliberately put about regarding Anna Lindh in yet another effort to defame for their personal gain – so often from behind the shield of false names and cowardly anonymity aware of how foolish they look and too ashamed to put their names to the lies.
For further details and facts CLICK HERE

The claim that UKIP had much effect on Tory holding of seats was largely a myth put about by Richard North and I as the polls closed where we decided a plausible number where we could make a believable claim would be around 25-30 seats where UKIP blocked or lost the Tories the seat – clearly that would not have stood a prayer of causing the political mud slide that brought New Labour into power nor the continued mud slide that kept them there the slump in their mud bank that moved them out to watch the coallition was of no making of UKIP’s.

That UKIP may foolishly and damagingly for EUroScepticism have overturned the Tory majority of 281 in Patrick Nichol’s seat in the South West IS more than probable as UKIP polled 16?? which had they not would have kept in place one of the most outspoken of Tory EUroRealsts speaking out loudly for Fishermen and leaving The EU and most effectively so.

Indeed UKIP’s presence has in real terms been more hinderance to EUroRealism than it has been help as it has betrayed its electorate and done so very little that has been other than crass, self serving and completely incompetent.

Would that UKIP had been, as I and others had hoped, our lifeboat but sadly the scum that has floated to the top and the parasites in support has brought our only lifeboat to a standstill and all but swamped it in corruption and defamatory lies to keep the sel;f enriching and the self serving in the boat at the cost of Patriotism and genuine UKIP supporters and activists.

 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance

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Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
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Posted in BETRAYAL of UKIP, Christopher SKEET, Heather CONNYNGHAM, Jimmy GOLDSMITH, Mark DANIELS, MI5, MI6, Nigel FARAGE MEP, Norman TEBBITT, Notes From The Borderland, Patrick NICHOLLS MP | 2 Comments »