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Archive for the ‘Big Society’ Category

#0241* – HAPPY NEW YEAR – to GENUINE UKIP Supporters! Consider The ECONOMICS

Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 03/01/2011

#0241* – HAPPY NEW YEAR – to GENUINE UKIP Supporters! Consider The ECONOMICS!
Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 
The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!  
Consider The ECONOMICS! 




I make no apology for cross posting this, although it has little to do with UKIP Leadership and the corruption that is endemic amongst them and their parasites.

I appreciate though there are still a few UKIP supporters left who although revolted by the behaviour of the leadership their parasites and disgusted by their involvement in funding and aiding Racism, Xenophobia, Ant Judaism, holocaust denial, Violence, Criminality and sexual intollerance with their partners in The Pan EU Political Party Group of The EFD 
they still can not think how else they can genuinely oppose membership of The EU.

Let us hope the few remaining UKIP supporters are still looking to the future and waiting either to get their party back without the lies, thebullying, the corruption, the crass behaviour and the pond life that are now its MEPs and the funded praise singers and parasites of the risible leadership claque.

They may well be wanting to follow events and wait for a viable alternative, or they may be considering the long term benefits of radical change and the election of MPs to Westminster on a fully INDEPENDENT basis with one common aim and their own policies on the less relevant matters.

There is absolutely no possible intelligence in drawing up a single item for a Manifesto – to do so is UTTERLY dishonest as from the moment we leave The EU the calliber of politicians incum,bent is so low that we will have no choice but to remove whips, disempower Parties and use a coalition of Britain’s best political and legal visionary brains to dismantle the cancerous EU’s intrusive fibers and revivify Justice and Democracy.

We will be sailing in dangerous seas with all the best hands on deck to re-establish our Liberty, Sovereignty and Independent Dignity as global traders once more unfettered by the malign and damaging evils of The EU.

It will take two terms of co-alition and co-option to restore Britain and purge it of the evils of The EU and identify the traitors and remove their hand from the wheel of The Ship of State and THEN we can start to consider policies, manifestos, referenda and new structures for election and localising decision making with small Government as the servant of the people.

Some of this can be found at INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance where you can discuss the principles, ethics and morays of the new horizon on >The Forum<, there is NOTHING to preclude genuine UKIP supporters from joining in to help formulate a better future liberated from The EU.

Meanwhile perhaps you can lend a direct hand towards a Referendum for a vote to remain IN or OUT of The EU – details and links can be found and you can read the thoughts and background of Nikki Sinclaire, Dan Hannan, James Pryor, Jon Gaunt, Bridget Rowe and many others actively campaigning at:

Sorry I have been a bit lax of late but first my Mother’s funeral and then some baaaad test results and then a teenage dream for New Year a night in bed with changing services of a group of nurses whilst high on drugs 😉 – Yeah great! an operation and biopsy on New Years Eve tends to take one’s eye off the ball!

I have a current window to utilise now but back to hospital again in 4 weeks, so lets see what we can achieve in that time.

THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH to the literally dozens of people who phoned Lee whilst I was in not only to give her support but also to wish me well.

THANK YOU particularly to the many genuine friends we have made in the years we have supported UKIP, its values and principles and have endeavoured to make the catastrophic leadership remotely fit for purpose (So unsuccessfully that our efforts are spread over a much wider area of opposition to EU membership, than we would have wished had UKIP had any semblance of competence, leadership, morality or common sense as we had hoped for so long!).




as the Government bangs on about ‘The Big Society‘ – surely it is ‘Big Government‘ with over taxation, social engineering, political correctness, QUANGOs, Kleptocracy, interferrence and utter incompetence as shown by the inability to accept responsibility for anything they get wrong, the lack of integrity that means when they are monumentally wrong yet hang onto their cronie based non jobs – these are the facts that preclude society of any damned size.

Society large or small is a matter of aim, desire, value and result NOT Legislate, Empire Build, Self Enrich and Over Regulate.

Government is merely the servant of the natural society and as soon as they exceed that role the end and collapse of society approaches with the speed escalating as taxes rise, interference increases and State employment burgeons.

The perfect example of a collapsing society is Britain after 13 unlucky years of utter incompetence from the morally bankrupt, economically illiterate Labour Party and now we have a weak and venal coalition of those who failed to be elected clinging onto a pretence of Governing ONLY because those tossed out by election were even worse.

We now have a National Debt of £4.8 Trillion and inevitably rising as the interest rates and destruction wrought by Labour incurred interest and future commitments that preclude any chance of even denting the debt.

These are glib figures as we listen to politicians talk of ‘we will spend £XXX Million to improve YYY’ the next intends to ‘Invest £X Billion over 5 years in improving YYY’
X insert appropriate figure
Y insert appropriate department.

The sonambulent audience applause not understanding for a moment that these clowns don’t have ANY money – what they have announced is how much more of yours and my money they intend to steal to justify their useless existence.

They talk glibly of a £Billion – OK so what is a Billion?
ONE Billion seconds ago it was 1963
ONE Billion minutes ago predates the Christian era
ONE Billion hours ago predates mammalian bipedal movement on this planet!

Now we have £Trillions so what is a Trillion?
Well if you took a £50 note new from the mint and put a stack of them on top of each other how high would a stack of ONE Trillion £ be?
Well astonishingly that stack of notes would be 1,281 miles high!

So Britain’s National Debt is in fact a pile of notes 6,150 Miles High!

So at a mere 5% interest rate compound the stack grows inexorably by 307 Miles a year!

The Government spent MORE money than every single British Citizen and every single British business put together – Considerably more than they actually earned in taxes stolen from us!

The Public Sector is now BIGGER than the Private Sector – If we sold EVERY single House, Flat or home in Britain it would NOT raise enough money to pay Britain’s debts!

The present shower in power are little better and in fact National Annual Government Spending will rise from £697 Billions to £757 Billions – based upon current commitment alone and the cuts and increases of tax as on Fuel will not even effect the interest let alone the debt!

On this basis who do YOU think is working for whom?

Is your Government the servant of OUR Society is it even a part of it or like some great maggot just feeding on the corpse their diseased policies have created until there is NO Society left Big or Little!

When the Society is gone and we are fighting eachother for food; because the CAP & CFP have so catastrophically failed, as we KNOW they have; what will the parasites in Government and the 53% of the people who have betrayed the Big Society by working for The Big Government then feed on as they make and produce NOTHING.


& ANYONE with an idea how we cut Government back to the bare minimum to give The Big Society a chance do let me know.

Do not forget when the servants are more powerfull, more numerous and more wealthy than those they serve it is just ONE STEP from La Guillotine and a very small step at that. One step from ripping up the wooden floor in your own home to heat what little food you may have, with every coat and jumper on the bed to keep warm and a collapsed Health Service with children found dead in their beds with hypothermia and malnutrition.

Northern Ireland after years and years of being betrayed by their leaders both secular and clerical whilst they squabbled, bombed and terrorised to gain power in a power struggle to gain control over control of building scams, taxi rackets and Government contracts whilst masquerading criminally in a pretence of faith and souls aided in the criminality by the Papacy and the Protestant criminal class – now they have found out a hidden cost of the irresponsibility with the complete collapse of their water supply infrastructure and even that was mild because for so many years the British Tax Payers have been paying for their self indulgent idiocy!

The model for Northern Ireland and now it seems the only hope for Britain would be to follow the economic principles of John Cowperthwait (April 25, 1915 – January 21, 2006) who was Financial Secretary of Hong Kong from 1961 to 1971and who in those 10 years by implementation of the economic principles of Adam Smith took Hong Kong from a transit post fishing community to being a power house economy driven and still upwardly mobile to this day.

John Cowperthwait removed ALL taxation from the poor, removed purchase taxes, set taxes around 15% with a top band of around 20% and almost immediately within months saw tax revenues rise as the output of the people increased with the added incentives and liberation as the tax burden was lifted – The wealth of the small banking and Colonial center very soon led to a burgeoning area of luxury with ever more ever higher towers of glass and ambitious design.

The growth was such that it spilled off of the island first to develope The New Territories on the mainland and then to enrich the ajoining Chinese provinces with the entrepenurial spirit spilling out to turn the region into one of the most vibrant economic growth areas in the world.

As a result of slashing taxes and creating wealth even Communist China has learned the lesson and despite the centralising control spirit ethos of Communism China controls only 28% of economic activity across its hugely diverse peoples and land, which you will note continues to grow year on year, as does the wealth of the State where currently they are seeking to further underpin their economy and growth for the future by increasing their gold holdings by an additional 10,000 physical tons which is driving the price of gold up on world markets whilst all but the BRICs are struggling.

China may well be Communist with 28% State control of the economy yet we see Britain as a capitalist Country, ostensibly, collapsing under the burden of 53% central Government control and a fraction of the growth of the BRICs dwarfed by China and India.

How long would YOU last if the food shops never opened again because The EU had so catastrophically mismanaged the CAP & CFP that there is no food to buy?
IT HAS – we are now net food importers right across EUrope, no longer able to feed ourselves!

I do not believe we have an economic leader with the wisdom or clout of John Cowperthwait and clearly we have only the dregs playing out their egos and greed in Politics with nothing but their failures and their egos to offer the people – I can see no sign of the kind of intelligence or vision in the body politic that it can or would turn The Ship of State around with the hazards of the channel with collapsing output on the one side, burgeoning unemployment on the other and a howling gale of over regulation from our malign Government in Brussels endorsed by its Gaulleiters rubber stamping its crassly incompetent and catastrophic squalls of bureaucratic paperwork and petty fogging, self serving over regulation with yet again more foolish vat rises to further hamper the economy emanating from The EU.

Just as the storm broke Britain found ourselves with the most squalid, most corrupt and most self serving and incompetent Governments for 200 years at the very time when also our enemies and the enemies of mankind were amassing their greatest hold on centralised power and malevollent control in EUropean history with the malice of Nazi Germany and the greed for self enrichment of The Peakock Throne of Persia.

We are little better off now with the also rans who were voted in not on their merit but as the apathetic public realised the heinous hubristic arrogance of the incumbent Government of economic illiterates and self enriching War Criminals of Blair & Brown’s Cabinets dancing to the tune of Julia Middleton’s Common Purpose hand in glove with the leader of the Government John Presscot and his old school Communist ambitions so in tune with the EU which now costs us £48 Million a day being squandered on ever larger palatial shrines and burgeoning levels of bribery and unaccountability sheltering behind a €2.1/2 Billion propaganda budget to tell us how wonderfull they are with OUR money!

It is just a matter of WHEN total collapse occurs not IF. Bringing with it The Wars of Disassociation and the propensity for 200,000,000 deaths as famine and anarchic violence stalk the planes of EUrope. Do not fool yourself these catastrophies won’t happen – in the realisation of their imminence the leadership of these New World Order Governments have tried to detract the people from what is really happening by inventing and imposing the nonsense of AGW (Anthropogenic Global Warming) minded to trick people, without ANY sound science into fear of an event NOT happening to use it to tax people to stave off the day of the economic collapse that IS happening!

Mankind is nearly ungovernable without an ever greater fear to salve his willingness to pay taxes so the State can grow and the political elite cover their mistakes and stuff their pockets – Yet have you EVER heard a politician of stature and integrity factor into the equation the simple fact that when the last World War of 1945 ended the Global population was a tad short of 2 Billion and we now have a population of just coming up to 7,000,000,000 or more simply in 65 years the planets population has grown by 3.1/2 times.

How can YOU possibly believe collapse can be avoided with the calliber of crud we have for politicians when numerous MPs were asked what Britain’s National debt was not one knew one to be fair said it was Trillions but went on to qualify that he had no idea what a Trillion was and of the others most believed it to be NOT £4.8 Trillion but a mere £150 > 175 Billion.

Not one of the random members of the public who tried could even read £4,800,000,000,000 (£4.8T) off of the side of an artic trailer!
“In politics, stupidity is not a handicap.” Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821),

Greg L-W.

for all my contact details & Blogs: CLICK HERE  

British Politicians with pens and treachery, in pursuit of their own agenda and greed, have done more damage to the liberty, freedoms, rights and democracy of the British peoples than any army in over 1,000 years.

The disastrous effects of British politicians selling Britain into the thrall of foreign rule by the EU for their own personal rewards has damaged the well-being of Britain more than the armies of Hitler and the Franco – German – Italian axis of 1939 – 1945.

Make your vote count vote:
INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance
or Write on YOUR ballot Paper 

First Published at: CLICK HERE

 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance

Reclaim YOUR Future 
Write Upon Your Ballot Paper at EVERY election:
(IF You Have No INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance Candidate) .
to Reclaim YOUR Future 
Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
tel: 01291 – 62 65 62
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Posted in A BILLION, Betrayal; Corruption; EU Funding;, Big Government, Big Society, Economic, economic collapse, MILLION, Politics, Taxation, TRILLIONS | Leave a Comment »