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Archive for the ‘Petrina HOLDSWORTH’ Category

Godfrey Bloom Quits Nigel Farage’s Ukip

Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 13/10/2014

Godfrey Bloom Quits Nigel Farage’s Ukip

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Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 


The corruption of EUkip’s leadership
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 

is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!  


Godfrey Bloom Quits Nigel Farage’s Ukip & can now expect Farage to classify him as ‘Dregs & Rejects’ alongside the founder of Ukip Alan Sked, past leaders such as Roger Knapman and the majority of MEPs + around 70 NEC members who have dared to criticise!


Godfrey Bloom Quits Nigel Farage’s Ukip & can now expect Farage to classify him as ‘Dregs & Rejects’ alongside the founder of Ukip Alan Sked, past leaders such as Roger Knapman and the majority of MEPs + around 70 NEC members who have dared to criticise his one man band and self serving, self enriching Ukip scam!
Douglas Carswell would do well to heed the warning Godfrey Bloom gave him that was most appositely endorsed by Dr. Richard North on Panorama CLICK HERE
It would be unwise to forget that Nigel Farage has personally controlled the party for his own gain and in the last parliament started out with 13 MEPs elected, but had alienated so many that two quit to stand as Tory candidates, where David Bannerman, Farage’s ex Tory buddy Ukip Chairman and deputy leader of Ukip (personally brought into the party by Nigel Farage and put in position), as with Roger Knapman who he recruited and placed as leader and even lord Pearson his puppet who held the leadership for a short time for him has become near invisible.
Then of course there was Marta Andreasen who had been dumped as an accountant by the EU unable to complete her brief to improve the systems to reduce the amount of fraud and make the EU more accountable CLICK HERE she was recruited by Nigel farage with much fanfare and he made her Ukip Treasurer. She quit in disgust siting bullying and dishonesty of Farage!
Also let us not forget that Nigel Farage defended Tom Wise to the hilt and NEVER removed him from Ukip going so far as to accept stolen money from him, which he knew was fraudulently obtained and which he never repaid, permitting Wise to remain a Ukip member for some years after he was exposed when Tom Wise eventually left it was in the February before the EU election when his Ukip membership ran out and he served out his full MEP term becoming eligible to the full pension as accrued!
One should also remember Ashley Mote who Nigel Farage ‘boosted’ into his own region as his number two candidate to raise his own status doing a total knife job on his long term associates David Lott and Steve Harris who were promised second and third position – but Ashley Mote’s presentation skills were used to ensure Farage’s return to the gravy train only to find Farage stabbed him in the back acting against him at the first possible opportunity.
Farage even turned on his own Father’s associates having ‘used’ them as with Buster Motram who he personally brought into Ukip against advice and likewise the wife of David Volker, Guy Farage’s Commanding Officer in the TA,who he placed as Chairman of his party yet engineered her removal when she was unwilling to go along with his fiddles – Petrina Holdsworth is currently Chairman of CIB!
The list of other highly competent people Nigel Farage has felt threatened by and has dishonestly removed is long and some understanding can be found by reading many of them’s resignation letters and further details at CLICK HERE
Be minded also of the vault face of Ukip’s first representative in The House of Commons the MP Bob Spink and just how short a time he was willing to tolerate Nigel Farage’s behaviour!
The only conclusion anyone of intelligence can make is either that Nigel Farage’s absolute control of Ukip hugely damages Ukip and that as a judge of people whom he personally selects is stunningly inept or they are unwilling to be corrupted to dance to his dishonest tune!
Nigel Farage single handedly reduced the party from 13 MEPs to a mere 5 remaining in the Parliamentary party – one wonders how few Nigel Farage will reduce the party MEPs to this time!

Godfrey Bloom quits Ukip and warns Douglas Carswell of ‘back-stabbers’

  • Monday 13 October 2014 20.35 BST
Godfrey Bloom
Godfrey Bloom has decided to leave the party ‘with a heavy heart’. Photograph: Christopher Thomond for the Guardian

Godfrey Bloom, the colourful former Ukip MEP, has resigned from the party with a warning to its newest recruit, Douglas Carswell, to beware backstabbers among his colleagues.

The politician, whose gaffes have included calling women sluts and complaining of foreign aid going to “bongo-bongo land”, said he was leaving Ukip after party chairman Steve Crowther banned him from speaking at an event in Wearside.

Bloom initially had the Ukip whip withdrawn and subsequently resigned his official role last year, after Nigel Farage said his antics had overshadowed the party’s autumn conference.

He has now decided to leave the party entirely “with a heavy heart”, despite having had a role in founding Ukip and donating large amounts of money to campaigning over the years.

In a message to Carswell, who took up his role as Ukip’s first elected MP on Monday, Bloom told LBC Radio: “I would just say to Douglas: stick to your sort, you believe in libertarianism, you believe in classical liberal economics, don’t be pushed off. But I would say, Douglas, watch your back. If you bear in mind we started in 2009 in Europe with 13 MEPs, we ended up with five, so there are dead bodies of Ukip [politicians] all over the place with a knife quivering in their back, Douglas. Make sure it’s not yours.”

In a trenchant analysis of his former party, the ex-MEP said politics was not about the truth, and that he was “very sorry this disease has been picked up by Ukip”. “It seems to be drifting towards the politically correct mainstream like everyone else,” he said. “Instead of it being the libertarian party of common sense, I’ve been banned from speaking. I don’t know where the party has gone astray, but it has gone astray.”

Despite having formerly shared a flat with Farage in Brussels, Bloom said he had lost contact completely with his former party leader. He said Ukip was now being run by Crowther, who he described as a “svengali-like” figure and a “man of mystery”.

Bloom caused a controversy in summer last year after he criticised recipients of foreign aid in “bongo-bongo” land and proceeded to exacerbate the row by trying to justify the phrase in a series of broadcast interviews. He then became the centre of another row after hitting a journalist round the head with a Ukip brochure and joking that a room debating women in politics was “full of sluts”. He made these remarks after two of his colleagues admitted that they did not clean behind the fridge – a complaint previously made by Bloom – as they spoke at a fringe event at the party conference in London.

Bloom was then caught on camera ranting at Channel 4’s Michael Crick, who asked him why there were no black faces pictured on a Ukip conference brochure, before using the pamphlet to hit him over the head.

After Bloom resigned from the party, he gave an interview to the Guardian claiming Farage was “not interested in the running of the party, or in making policy” but was merely Ukip’s chief salesman.

In April, he argued Farage was not up to the role of “managing director or chairman of the board”, even though he was a “charismatic” and “articulate” advocate for the Ukip brand.

Farage, who described Bloom’s comments as “unhelpful”, has made repeated attempts to ensure Ukip candidates stop making off-colour and eccenrtic remarks by trying to “professionalise” the party. He has appointed a new raft of spokesman to his frontbench over the summer including more women and ethnic minority representatives.

To view the original article CLICK HERE




 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance

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Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins

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To Leave-The-EU

Posted in Bob Spink, David Bannerman, David LOTT, Douglas CARSWELL, Godfrey Bloom, Lord Pearson, Malcolm Pearson, Marta Andreassen, Nigel FARAGE, Petrina HOLDSWORTH, Roger Knapman, UKIP | Tagged: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a Comment »


Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 24/03/2011

Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 
The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!

EU Economic Incompetence & UKIP’s SORDID LEADERSHIP!




Dr. Eric Edmond has been an excellent commentator or the economics and monetary antics of The EU and The EUro – as many will be aware it was his forensic approach to ensuring that other peoples’ money was not stolen, purloined or fraudulently used that caused him difficulties with UKIP where he had been elected to The NEC by UKIP members.

It soon became clear that the dishonesty of UKIP leadership, its then corrupt and venal financial management and the corruption that surrounded UKIP, its leadership and its parasites were so scared to have an honest man in their midst they engineered his removal – as they had with David Abbott & Del Young subsequently and Ian Gilman, Petrina Holdsworth, Richard Suchorzewski, Martin Hasslam and Linda Guest previously.

For a fuller list of UKIP members who have resigned  mostly in disgust at the incompetence, dishonesty, corruption and behaviour of the trash that has risen to self enrichment as UKIP Leadership and its parasites CLICK HERE

That Eric Edmond has spent much of his time since being dishonestly removed from his elected post on UKIP’s NEC travelling it does not mean he has lost interest in the cause – merely that he now seemingly runs his blog on Pacific Standard Time (well until the tsunami arrives I guess 😉

Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Portugal government may collapse before EU summit

Thus reported Reuters today. The PIGS are falling like dominoes as economic reality bites and produces political unrest on the streets and in domestic parliaments, even that of the chief Eurocrat Barroso. Its gratifying to have one’s predictions come to pass! Only the S for Spain is now left. If that goes so does the Euro and the EU as we know it.

I spent last week driving around West France. I visited La Rochelle scene of the post St Bartholomew’s eve massacre Huguenot Protestants fight against their Catholic neighbours attempt to ethnically cleanse them. Many Huguenots fled to London where they made a huge contribution to the English economy.

I was quite appalled at some of the comments written by the usual Farage sycophants about the late Geoffrey Kingscott and the very much alive Greg Lance Watkins whose cancer has re-emerged. Both strongly supported the anti-EU movement and the nasty things written by the Farage sickos about Watkins, a very ill man tells everything you need to know about the Farage Cabal.

I gather someone asked why I no longer post on Anthony Butcher’s forum. Simple, Mr Butcher was afraid to apply his own rules on personal abuse to the Farage sycophants who now dominate what was once, but is no longer, a decent debating platform.

I have been amused to receive a number of emails from the prententiously entitled, Mr. Robert H. Brown – PPC for UKIP NW Cambs. When I pointed out to him the McTroughian error of his ways he then wrote as Mr. Robert H. Brown – Chairman of UKIP NW Cambs. He clearly has swallowed the Farage myth hook line and sinker. He would do better to listen to those who personally know what Farage is. NF boldly goes only where the TV cameras are!

But as long as UKIP is full of chairman like Mr Brown NF can carry on boozing in Brussels and turn up for his Uncle Tom Eurosceptic spot on QT. The BBC know every NF appearance on QT boosts their Europhile cause by Farage polishing UKIP’s fruit cake and loony image.


Greg_L-W. said…

Hi, your financial commentary, which I regularly read, aside: Thank YOU for your kind words regarding the return of my really rather irritating cancer. At the moment I feel a bit like Spike Milligan ‘I told you I wasn’t well’ but as you say – as yet I am VERY much alive and determined to route out the cancer within UKIP leadership and its vile parasites as – just at the moment – it is our only potential lifeboat. I do fear it is irreparably damaged by the detritus and ordure it carries for a crew and it is standing in the way of the a moral, ethical, honest group emerging to act as leaders of stature not self serving ner do wells like UKIP – a body which can redeem these United Kingdoms. I was interested to see the self serving antics of Mr. Baroso & the EU charlatans have taken his personal student Communism to the extreme and bankrupted his own Country. Do his ancestors know shame? The Portugese Government fell with the resignation to the President at about 21:00hrs. 23-Mar-2011 Spain NEXT – there are no fudges left in The EU ammunition locker, only lies. Regards, Greg_L-W.


 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance

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Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
tel: 01291 – 62 65 62
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Posted in David ABBOTT Dr, Eric EDMOND Dr, European Union, Euroscepticism, Ian GILMAN, Linda GUEST, Nigel FARAGE MEP, Petrina HOLDSWORTH, Richard SUCHORZEWSKI, West France | Leave a Comment »


Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 10/01/2011

Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 
The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!  




many will remember the very public spat Niall Warry had with Douglas Denny as Douglas Denny dishonestly and duplicitously wriggled and squirmed to Cover-Up for the proven criminality of Tom Wise.

Many will remember his insulting and abusive comments regarding myself and Daniel Foggo and the fact that I refused to hand over the evidence to Douglas Denny as he was both a known liar and utterly untrustworthy.

Many will remember when his own colleagues by a majority voted him out of office for his dishomnesty and corruption as Returning Officer and Geoffrey Kingscott was put in place to replace him – sadly Kingscott was little better in the long run, and he too refused to run a fair and honest election, thus Farage was able to capitalise on the sordid dishonesty of Mark Croucher and Annabelle Fuller and the lies and chicannery of John Moran, David Lott and Jim Carver and seize the position of leader.

Not to mention the two faced and untrustworthy behaviour of Christopher Gill and his clandestine meetings with Richard Suchorzewski in his support at David Rowland’s golf course or the duplicity of Toby Mickelthwaite and his damning support for Suchorzewski (who clearly had the measure of the pond life that formed UKIP’s leadership CLICK HERE)

The corrupt cover-up attempts of the clearly untrustworthy bent ex copper Trevor Colman rewarded for his efforts to cover for Farage and protect Tom Wise by taking over the odious and inept Graham Booth’s seat was an integral part of Niall Warry’s efforts to have Tom Wise brought before a disciplinary committee – which I offered to attend with cast iron proof that Tom Wise had defrauded the tax payers and embezzeled money and had been aided in his efforts by Lindsay Jenkins who signed the instruments of the fraud.

As a part of the cover-up Douglas Denny insisted that only evidence handed over to him could be used – as the Court cases were still pending I declined Denny’s offer to take control of the evidence as it was clear that he was untrustworthy and Trevor Colman knowing I held the evidence also refused to take it into consideration.

It is probable that if they could have gained control of the evidence Tom Wise would not have faced trial and been sent to prison for two years.

Here is a brief comment by Niall Warry: 

It was I who asked for a disciplinary hearing which was turned down by that well known Nige€ sycophant Douglas Denny as there was no evidence!!!

You will find much more of the lies of Douglas Denny and his general dishonesty if you CLICK HERE

I understand that Ian Gilman is rather belatedly making much of the fact that he claims to have also asked Denny to instigate a disciplinary hearing – though I do concede that Ian Gilman was most usefull in obtaining facts and links for me I do not recall his formal application in the October of 2005 but if he did make such a request as an NEC member it is surprising that I missed it, in view of my information sources at the time.

You may well remember that it was the payment of a sum of money Nigel Farage owed to Lindsay Jenkins that he was trying to renege on that brought the matter to the surface and led to the inept and arguably criminal attempt of Mark Croucher to ‘set up’ Petrina Holdsworth as having received money in Strasbourg – which she most emphatically did not.

To pay his personal debt to Lindsay Jenkins either David Lott, Robin Collett or Farage himself put the bite on Tom Wise for a part of the stolen money, I believe, which was used to settle Farage’s debt. Since I had arranged the foreward for which he had agreed to fund Jenkins’ printing costs in her booklet on EU police, I had unequivocally stated to Farage that I had no desire to fall out with him but he was not going to renege on his undertaking made via me to Lindsay and it was entirely up to him whether he acted honourably and paid or subsequently paid bailiffs together with costs.

IF Ian Gilman made a claim beyond his position on the NEC I am surprised as I say, but if he did he is more honourable than I incline to believe he is – well done. Perhaps he would care to supply details and they can be added to the Denny blog to further show what a ghastly unstable fantasists the liar is.

I am aware a couple of other people also called for a disciplinary hearing to show that the FACT that Tom Wise had beyond doubt brought UKIP into disrepute but Douglas Denny seemingly blocked these also.

Interestingly during the period that I was under attack from the low lifes of UKIP at the time like Denny, Mark Croucher, McGough, Bob Feel Martinis, Butcher and others for my efforts to clean-up UKIP and bring Tom Wise to book for his corruption – including Butcher jumping together with Brendan Padmore through a series of hoops and dishonestly banning me from their increasingly squalid forum for telling the truth against the instructions issued to them by UKIP, Tom Wise spent some £8,000 on lawyers trying to silence me and suppress the truth.

Tom Wise was a criminal.
Tom Wise was aided in his criminality by Lindsay Jenkins.
Nigel Farage made material benefit from the stolen money.
That a number of individuals in UKIP’s leadership colluded in Tom Wise’s criminality after the even is irrefutable.

 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance

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Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
tel: 01291 – 62 65 62
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Posted in David LOTT, Ian GILMAN, Jim CARVER, John MORAN, Lindsay JENKINS, Mark CROUCHER, Mike McGOUGH, Niall WARRY, Nigel FARAGE MEP UKIP, Petrina HOLDSWORTH, Tom WISE UKIP MEP, Trevor COLMAN MEP | Leave a Comment »


Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 04/11/2010

Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 
The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!  
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I understand that The Lottery is only one of many related to UKIP that are under investigation by the authorities.

Amongst the others I understand is the criminal obtaining of tax payers money by deception.
The failure of UKIP/staff to acquit their legal debts to The British Courts.
Criminal money laundering.
False accounting.
A wine scam unaccounted.
& others I understand!

Many will remember Mike Nattrass‘ expletive demeaned rant at Petrina Holdsworth, the then Chairman of UKIP when he claimed that exposing the criminal behaviour of Tom Wise was completely unreasonable when Nattrass went on to say ‘where the **** do you think we all get our money from for the party …’

It would seem that such wholesale apparent thefts as Ashford and the other unaccounted call centers – Ashford having been described by Nigel Farage as ‘The most profitable thing UKIP had ever done …’ yet the amount of money ever received by UKIP, less than 15% of that raised as donations, was a paltry sum. Was the balance ‘trousered’ and by whom?

Dear Sirs,

When is Mr Nattrass, the former Deputy Leader of UKIP going to reveal to the public exactly where our Prize Lottery Draw monies of perhaps £ 200,000 from perhaps 12/13 draws during the UKIP H.Q. days in Birmingham actually went ?
Is he, or any past or present member of UKIP; concerned about legal action, individual or of a class type action concerning the above ..?
Or, can he reveal any other officers of the party (past or present) who might be involved ?
A Regional Chairman has recently denied any knowledge of a requirement to licence Lotteries.. prize draws ..thus absolving himself in great company of any responsibilities whatsoever; and allowing him to get on with that which he does best…..
Given the denial of certain knowledge by others , what actually happened to our monies…
Was all of it banked in one of the three UKIP RBS accounts ?
If so, how much was banked, and when ? Or,….
Was it banked in a Lloyds TSB account in the South East with details sent to a private home (bungalow).
Was any of it sent to an Offshore Account ?
Was any of it sent to an Isle of Man account ?
Was any of it banked within a non specified account,/account of a private nature/account not declared to the |NEC.
Was any of it subject to question, in any way…..
Please, always remember, that most of those who gave; were pensioners or living upon a fixed income.
Why was it necessary to send our monies to a private address in London, when our H.Q. was in Birmingham.
Were there any connections between UKIP members/ officers and the private address in London where our monies were sent to.
Could he please confirm that 100% of monies were actually banked within a national UKIP account as understood by the NEC and clearly administered by all treasurers.

Thank you for bothering to read this;

Yours sincerely,

Ian Gillman.

Gillman raises a couple of good points here but as any follower of UKIP will be only too aware this is just the tip of the iceberg.

How can UKIP Leadership be considered to have a shred of integrity when elected on the duplicitous claim of exposing the corruption of The EU when we clearly observe their own corruption is undeniable and just like The EU they achieve absolutely nothing of value to members save self enrichment of themselves and their bureaucrats and enlargement based on lies – UKIP is an almost identical model of The EU itself with the same structure of ‘placemen’ and parasites, financial impropriety, wholesale and industrial fiddles, frauds and thefts, multiple bank accounts, unaccountability, incompetence and constant abuse of members.

UKIP seems nothing more than a small version of The EU in almost every way.

 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance

Reclaim YOUR Future 
Write Upon Your Ballot Paper at EVERY election:
(IF You Have No INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance Candidate) .
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Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
tel: 01291 – 62 65 62
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Posted in Ian GILLMAN, Mike Nattrass, Nigel FARAGE, Petrina HOLDSWORTH | Leave a Comment »


Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 25/10/2010

Mike Nattrass, MEPImage via Wikipedia

Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 
The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!  

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Let us not forget firstly the words of Dr. Richard North, ex-UKIP research officer, who said of Farage:

“I am not … prepared to pour him into a taxi when he was so blind drunk he could no longer stand, or cover for him when he failed to turn up for morning appointments because he had been out on the tiles all night.”

After many years of propping up Nigel Farage and covering for him – including much saber rattling against this blog with threats muttered of taking me to Court, Bankrupting me and bad mouthing me over many years with not a shred of evidence of any validity this little man finally has a Damascene conversion.

Well it was Winston Spencer Churchill, was it not, who said:

‘Get on
Get honest
Get honour’.

I do incline to think that Mike Nattrass‘ transition from Nigel’s poodle bitch to Rottweiler is completely unconvincing.
Do remember it was Mike Nattrass who had support for Tom Wise’s criminality on his web site long after the Courts had sentenced Wise (A liar, A cheat, A fraud, A Grubby little crook who betrayed his Country for personal gain) to 2 years in Jail.
May we remind readers how Nattrass’ foul mouthed and abusive attacks on Petrina Holdsworth to support Farage were deliberately leaked to remove her as Chairman and perpetuate the obfusscation of UKIP accounts which he admits Farage was fiddling for his own gain!
Mike Nattrass would seem to have served himself for as long as he could and much as I admire his denunciation in the letter below – Is he really trying to tell us that in all those years of working closely with Nigel Farage the best he could do was compile a letter without a single solitary fact that he had not read on this blog over several years – is Nattrass obliquely complimenting us by claiming this blog had ALL the facts, surely not!

Not one word in this letter is new, furthermore not one word in this letter is of consequence as although Nattrass stepped down from the Racist, anti Jewish, anti homosexual pro EU membership EFD Party of which he was happy to be a member until it was expedient for him to leave but a few weeks ago – this begs the question as to why he remained in support of Farage as every fact he puts forward is long since known and published!
Perhaps it is a little harsh of me, minded that he did at least eventually seek to salve his conscience, but perhaps Nattrass would care to explain himself:
Why did he collude in the corruption for so long?
Why does he claim to have a legal action against the Sunday Times when it is clear he has no case?
Why when he has known this for so long did he choose to release his excoriating attack in a leadership election that has dragged on for months on October the 25th. when ALL voting must be in the hands of UKIP for fiddling BY the 27th.?    

Dear All,

It may be too late but after all these years I can no longer stay silent.

In the previous Leadership Election I, together with all candidates EXCEPT LORD PEARSON were rubbished by Nigel Farage on TV and elsewhere. This ensured the election of Nigel’s puppet Lord Pearson and allowed Nigel to continue to be the face of the party. That is Nigel’s view of the election rules and I think it is only fair and high time that his methods were exposed, USING HIS OWN RULES.

Nigel already Leads the parliamentary Group and when he is also elected Leader this will amount to total control. Increasingly I am hearing the word “Spiv” used to describe him, from people who are not members but see his image. I am concerned that the UKIP party brand will be tarnished, even holed below the water line, by his monopoly of power.

Whilst Nigel is a very good speaker, he is also a control freak. He grabs all UKIP publicity to the detriment of any other UKIP spokesperson or MEP. He employs assistants with the MEP’s budgets without allowing those MEPs any say. This, despite the fact that UKIP MEPs demanded a chance to interview those who were being employed with their money. Nigel agreed, then totally ignored that promise. Consequently he has his own “group funded” team around him and all “hiring” takes place via his close friend Godfrey Bloom MEP (this person is said to be banned by 4 hotels for urinating in the corridors)

Nigel’s lack of experience in good staff management and his refusal to allow MEP consultation is complimented by the morals of an Alley Cat (and I will not go there). I have always said that this does not matter, because so long as we are all in the trench together with guns pointing at the enemy all are welcome. But he shot Nikki Sinclaire in the back when she became an MEP, for no Party reason, while she was giving all the effort she could give. She was expelled as a UKIP MEP for pointing out the Group facts. He does not like truth or competition.

I have put a lot of money, time and energy into promoting UKIP in the West Midlands and I watched it wrecked at the General Election by Nigel’s chosen people (Lords Pearson and Monckton) who appeared from nowhere and failed to understand our basic strategy or even comprehend from where our votes are derived. Worse, Nikki, who has vast energy at election time, was stopped from being a UKIP MEP by Nigel and has not been given a chance to defend herself or to state her case (legal matters are pending). She and I were told by Lord Pearson not to get involved in the election and not to fund the campaign. In fact you will see that we both made considerable financial contributions but our campaign was deeply damaged. Also the subsequent enquiry into the campaign, requested by the WM candidates, was “dealt with” by Monckton (who thought I was behind it) and because of this we have had resignations from very keen activists.

All this West Midlands destruction because Nigel hates Nikki and wants to rubbish me!! Do you know how much money Nigel has contributed to this party…next to nothing.

I found allegations of fraud were brought against me when I stood for Leadership. These were in the Sunday Times. They melted away afterwards and had no foundation in truth, but they did the job intended.(My legal case against the Times is pending) Nigel has had a number of very real cases against him.. funny how that word does not get out.

My first major annoyance with Nigel’s manipulations stem from the time when I was first elected in 2004 and all UKIP MEPs had a meeting to agree three very basic points. One was that we could not employ wives (other Parties did) and this was agreed. In fact my wife comes to each Parliament and does not get paid (not even travel expenses) and I said that she wanted to contribute any proper payment to the Party, but no, rules were rules and she could be paid nothing. It was then later exposed that Nigel’s wife was being secretly paid out of his budget, breaking this rule. He did not seek any permission (to change his own rule) from the MEPs. He was simply “caught out” with both hands in the till. I fear that the whole Parliamentary Group in the EU is run for Nigel’s financial and public image. I left that ugly group.

Nigel has derailed every leader since the very first, except peacemaker Jeffery Titford (under whom I was Party Chairman). He is therefore hated by them all (except JT). plus never to be leader Kilroy Silk who must feel that Nigel gave him a wrong prospectus.

I expect that Nigel will be elected leader as no one else is effectively allowed to stand without a spin campaign against them. I can see less MEPs in the UKIP squad when he does win.

There is a false attack on Tim Congdon from Boggers 4 UKIP, this must mean he is a real threat! Good.



Hardly revelatory I think you will agree!
How unfortunate that Nattrass’ conscience caught up with him too late to be of any consequence.
Don’t forget Mike Nattrass was well aware of the corruption and colluded in the suppression of the Returning Officer’s exposee CLICK HERE Nattrass took absolutely no action for honesty or integrity until he had ensured his comments were utterly inconsequential – where was his integrity when his Regional Organiser/Fireplace salesman raided Nikki Sinclaire’s office on the instructions of that duplicitous creep Christopher Gill (failed Tory) – Where was Nattrass’ integrity when he wrote an eMail attacking John West in support of UKIP corruption?
No I am not impressed with Nattrass’ contrived re-serving of stale news – surely a letter of apology would have been more apposite and as for the amount of ‘Pot Kettle’ in his letter it is quite staggering – I note he does not wish to visit the issue of morality!
BUT it does show just what low lifes UKIP has as MEPs and as a leadership claque as ALL collude in the corruption for their own personal gain.
The ONLY visible leaders on the UKIP horizon are Nikki Sinclaire (who Nattrass has followed) and Tim Congdon who many will remember resigned from UKIP as he was unwilling to be associated with the spiv Farage  and only returned when there was the very clear opportunity of unseating Farage with a view to CLEANING UP the ordure that is UKIP to make it electable – a status that Farage has totally failed to achieve as the party earns a mere 3.1% of the confidence of the electorate.
UKIP sees itself best led by an oik and to be sure one only needs to deal with UKIP MEPs, staff, supporters like Annabelle Fuller, Mick McTrough, Douglas Denny, Mark Croucher, Robing Collett, Andrew Smith, Stuart Gulleford, Stuart Agnew, David Bannerman, Stuart Parr, Peter Reeve, Lisa Duff, Jonathan Arnott, Malcolm Wood, Paul Nuttall, and the rest of the self serving trash gathered around Farage, to realise just how clearly they are most accurately reflected by an oik with childish stunts and idiotic posturings – at least he will not stand out from the crowd!
You will note that even the likes of Alan Wood were happy to remain silent until their personal ambitions were thwarted – Look at >They QUIT UKIP – Mainly In Disgust< in the Right SideBar and consider the huge number of people who have consciously distanced themselves from The Farage Fan Club.

 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance

Reclaim YOUR Future 
Write Upon Your Ballot Paper at EVERY election:
(IF You Have No INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance Candidate) .
to Reclaim YOUR Future 
Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
tel: 01291 – 62 65 62
Enhanced by Zemanta

Posted in BLOOM, David Bannerman, Mick McGOUGH, Mike Nattrass MEP, Nigel FARAGE, Nikki SINCLAIRE MEP, Petrina HOLDSWORTH, Richard NORTH, Stuart AGNEW, Tom WISE | Leave a Comment »

#0122b* – WITTERINGS FROM WITNEY: UKIP Go To War? Paint Balls At Dawn?

Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 26/09/2010

#0122b* – WITTERINGS FROM WITNEY: UKIP Go To War? Paint Balls At Dawn?
Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable!
The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
 their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!
UKIP Go To War? Paint Balls At Dawn? NO, Too serious for another UKIP stunt!
To Follow on from Posting #0122* – bringing you up to date!
One wonders at the ill manners & stupidity of many in UKIP!

Friday, 24 September 2010

UKIP Go To War?

The Talking Clock posts that Gerard Batten has formed an electoral pact with Tim Congdon, the latter who is standing for Leader – and that as part of this ‘pact’ Gerard Batten has withdrawn his candidacy for that position.

In a brief form of the statement, Tim Congdon tells potential supporters: “Tim Congdon and Gerard Batten have announced that they will be working together in a joint bid for the leadership of the UK Independence Party. Gerard Batten has decided to stand down and to support the candidature of Tim Congdon. If Tim Congdon is elected Leader of the UK Independence Party, he will appoint Gerard Batten as Deputy Leader and Head of Policy Development.

Follow the links in TTC’s post to read the statements by Batten and Congdon.

So now we will have the Farage/Nuttall camps in open warfare with the Batten/Congdon camps.

TTC ends his post:

This is a race that just got a darn sight more interesting…

And, I would venture, ‘bloody’………….. FFS UKIP!


James Higham said…

That sort of thing is hardly helpful.

The Talking Clock said…

Thank you for the generous hat-tip.

I’m hoping that the characters do not resort to internal warfare and hope that any – cough – ‘positioning’ of individual characters stays in the realm of private debate rather than bursting into the public domain.

I have met all three of the declared and known candidates for my interview series and, while all three are very different in terms of personality, they were all incredibly warm and kind people.

It’s for that latter reason that I *hope* that the gentlemen in the race can maintain a generous, fair and healthy contest. I’m optimistic that they will…

Witterings From Witney said…

JH – As they say, I do know that (only too well).

TTC – my pleasure. Unfortunately I believe your wishes are misplaced – seen it all before. Yes all three are reasonable men but………there will be blood!

Autonomous Mind said…

A new cenre-right party without the ‘single issue’ baggage is required now.

Witterings From Witney said…

AM, agreed. However UKIP do possess those policies but it seems that rather than promote them they would rather have a bloodbath. I say that with heavy heart in the I support their policies entirely – they most definitely are centre right.

As to your suggestion/conclusion – fine, how do we start one and who heads it? You can forget Hannan and Carswell – they are too wedded to their careers and I have virtually given up on them.

Greg_L-W. said…

Hi, I incline to agree with TTC and commend his comment: I *hope* that the gentlemen in the race can maintain a generous, fair and healthy contest. I’m not optimistic that they will be able to and thus in the face of the usual barage of smearing and deception – already started with abuse of staff and phone calls and the positioning of campaign managers and a toady as opposition to split the vote and prevent a fair fight I would hazard a prediction that it is all over bar the sneering & that was UKIP! There is absolutely no value in ANY Party from now on as our laws are made by our enemies at worst rivals at best. There is no value in discussion of policies that can NEVER be implemented whilst in The EU – and be minded NO PARTY has ever put forward an Exit & Survival Strategy. It will take 10 years from when we leave to be in a position to consider our own policies so play all you like at being political but without Leave-the-EU as a basis you are wasting yours and everyone elses time and working for the enemy. Have a look at on google and TheMidnightGroup.blogspot likewise. There are no answers but there is a step forward YOU can help build. When THE Gentleman in the UKIP blood bath wakes up perhaps he would care to come and help us do something constructive – UKIP is a part of the problem and offers no part of the solution. Regards, Greg_L-W.

Witterings From Witney said…

Greg, I do not stop any criticism or comment on this blog and you know full well that yours and my views on Ukip and the people in it are at total variance. It is a great pity that you force your views on those that don’t want them – witness you have been asked more than once to desist sending your email rants to me, yet continue to do so. For one who writes about “the usual barage of smearing and deception” I can only say to you that the words pot, black and kettle spring to my mind. The fact that you have a personal vendetta against certain members of Ukip is obvious and does your argument no good whatsoever. By all means argue and debate, but if you wish to do so on this blog then at least have the courtesy to provide provenance to your accusations.

Greg_L-W. said…

Hi, happy to – which bit did you not understand? It is a great pity that you force your views on those that don’t want them – witness you have been asked more than once to desist sending your email rants to me, yet continue to do so. Don’t read them – in the second row of keys down on the right you’ll find one marked delete. YOU are master of YOUR computer. For one who writes about “the usual barage of smearing and deception” I can only say to you that the words pot, black and kettle spring to my mind. Please be so good as to identify a lie, distortion, smear, untruth or deliberate inaccuracy I have EVER published – if you are unable an apology would be apposite when seeking to liken me to Croucher, Farage, Bloom, Bannerman, Clark, Andreasen, Agnew, Denny, McTrough and the rest of the pond life in UKIP leadership. The fact that you have a personal vendetta against certain members of Ukip is obvious and does your argument no good whatsoever. I have no vendetta with any member of UKIP merely utter contempt for corruption, dishonesty and bullying by public servants using tax payers’ money. By all means argue and debate, but if you wish to do so on this blog then at least have the courtesy to provide provenance to your accusations. Any time, Any place, with Anyone, withing 50 miles (health constraints – sorry). Regards, Greg_L-W.

Witterings From Witney said…

Greg, Re the delete button: what is it you do not understand, encapsulated in the words please do not send me your emails/please take me off your mailing list? I am fully aware where the delete button is located on my keyboard – unfortunately it does not work with people! Your comment about ‘pond life’ demonstrates you lack of courtesy and any ability to debate. Sorry to hear about your health being a tad problematical and trust it improves soon however not too sure what the waiting list is for the brain implant you so obviously require.

Greg_L-W. said…

Hi, The insignificance of your identity has passed me by – I merely respond to your ill informed witterings. That you are gratuitously offensive may well come naturally to you. However you have failed to identify what facts you had failed to understand: Was it the several £million that seem to have gone missing from UKIP funds? Was it Godfrey Bloom arrested for copulating in the street? Was it Gawain Towler boasting on his blog of his infidelity and perversion? Was it Derek Clark boasting of how he defrauds the EU at a public meeting? Was it the fact that Marta Andreasen is a fraud? Was it that David Bannerman lies about his identity? Was it that UKIP has held 2 petitions and raised money never accounted for and neither petition was ever delivered? Was it that Farage used staff to lie and cheat in his last leadership election? Was it that Malcolm Pearson was Money laundering to fraudulently misrepresent donors? Was it Bloom being banned from hotels for urinating in plant pots in public? Was it that Stuart Agnew was defrauding the tax payers? Was it that Trevor Colman criminally covered up for Tom Wise? Was it Farage promising Meridian TV he would publish his detailed accounts in 1999 yet never doing so? Was it that more than 85% of the money raise through Ashford never reached the party? Was it that Farage did NOT remove Tom Wise from UKIP but lied about it? Was it that Farage – chairs the most vile extremist group in the EU comprising criminals, violent xenophobes, holocaust deniers, racists, anti Jewish pro EU membership & The lisbon Treaty?   CONTINUED

Greg_L-W. said…

CONTINUATION Was it the blatant duplicity of Mark Croucher? Was it that David Lott lied about his employment status? Was it the industrialised criminal fraud and utter incompetence of Tom Wise for which he was jailed? Was it the corrupt and self serving behaviour of Annabelle Fuller? Was it that Mick McGough is a liar and a cheat? Was it that Farage & Croucher positioned the party by promoting The BNP? Was it the dishonesty of the treatment of Petrina Holdsworth when as Chairman she called for transparency? Was it that Douglas Denny corrupted the last proper leadership election and was fired by the NEC? Or was it something else you were confused about with the pond life that has risen to lead UKIP? As requested by YOU I am happy to debate these irrefutable FACTS with you or anyone else – however your ill manners and gratuitous abuse do little to assist in covering up the fact that UKIP’s leadership are little more than a rabble of parasitic petty crooks – prone to defaulting on their legal liabilities and without honour and with little dignity! May I remind you of your earlier rather more adult posting where you said: By all means argue and debate, but if you wish to do so on this blog then at least have the courtesy to provide provenance to your accusations. I replied: Any time, Any place, with Anyone, withing 50 miles (health constraints – sorry). Since you have now sunk to childish playground comments and insults – let us see if you have the maturity to debate as YOU requested. Which of the items listed are you not aware of and believe I can not provide provenance of? Regards, Greg_L-W.
 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance

Reclaim YOUR Future 
Write Upon Your Ballot Paper at EVERY election:
(IF You Have No INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance Candidate)
to Reclaim YOUR Future 

Posted in AGNEW, ANDREASEN, BLOOM, Coleman, CROUCHER, David Bannerman, DENNY, Derek CLARK, Farage, Malcolm Pearson, McGough, Petrina HOLDSWORTH, Tom WISE, Witterings from Witney | Leave a Comment »

#0080* – MORE LIES from UKIP’s Douglas DENNY!

Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 29/08/2010

#0080* – MORE LIES from UKIP’s Douglas DENNY!   

Clean EUkip up NOW  make UKIP electable!
The corruption of some of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!

MORE LIES from UKIP’s Self Serving Douglas DENNY!
These Clearly Anti UKIP Activities and Statements
of The Leadership Team – Are What Has Destroyed UKIP!

17 years & 3.1% Vote in The General Election

Out of about 19,000 electable seats UKIP holds less than 30 by election.

Clearly the utter corruption of the anti UKIP, Self Seeking & Corrupt
Leadership has hugely enriched a few but has destroyed UKIP.

For More Of Douglas Denny’s Dishonesty see:
Other Articles where his probity, integrity, wit, charisma and charm have 
shone through (NOT) can be found at the end of the posting! CLICK HERE!


Here is a revisionist history from Douglas Denny for UKIP – which is a pack of lies, which will hardly surprise anyone!

Sadly one expects dishonesty, false claims and childish abuse from UKIP Leadership and their parasites who feed off them!

The self serving drivel from the idiotic Denny is in blue:

Petrina appeared in train with with GLW and others including Mariline Swaine and Peter Baker and others for a disciplinary committee meeting I chaired, which was to ascertain if there had been a serious breach of confidentiality of UKIP business by Peter Baker.

A misrepresentation in that material witnesses had been asked to arrive early as I for one had not met the players and Ms. Holdsworth wished to briefly run through her ‘running order’ having been asked to act with Peter Baker in his defence against the utterly dishonest and duplicitous behaviour of Derek Clark and his Kangaroo Court Show Trial – masquerading as a disciplinary hearing to seize control of The East Region Committee which Peter Baker had been elected to chair.

It was aborted when on the day at the meeting after about two hours into the proceedings,

A LIE – The proceedings never commenced as Douglas Denny proudly announced he was not prepared to hear various witnesses. After discussion with Petrina Holdsworth & Peter Baker, forced to be held on the pavement of a seedy Council housing estate by Douglas Denny as the offices to be used were Gerard Batten’s.

Peter Baker, on advice from Holdsworth agreed to have a mediation meeting to set aside the matter. They then entered the building leaving the witnesses in the street, including 2 UKIP branch chairmen and the treasurer of the Eastern Regional Committee – courtesy and consideration of senior members of UKIP by its paid servants seems unheard of!

when the complainant, Derek Clarke, gave up on the proceedings, because the meeting was held in Gerard Batten’s rooms on London and had been compromised.

A lie – it became clear to the sordid pair Douglas Denny & Derek Clark that they were not going to get away with their corrupt action and also they were unable to constitute a Disciplinary Hearing under even a parody of their own rules.

Compromised because he (Gerard Batten) had disallowed by telephone that morning the presence of GLW in his property,

Gerard Batten being fundamentally a dishonest little oik and having absolutely no understanding of British Justice nor his duties as an MEP and representative of others – The little man showed himself to be self important, unjust, corrupt and a fool, an opinion I had formed previously which he has repeatedly confirmed by his actions and utterances.

and would not allow GLW (a valid witness to the proceedings) – entry.

Of course NOT what Denny said at the time – propositioning me in public to take a witness statement in a public toilet! I declined his importuning!
Denny also tried to imply that I was NOT a valid witness at the time.
Whatever the corrupt Batten may understand of British law and whatever his fear of me is immaterial to Justice – had it occurred to him responsible men and women who oversee and dispense Justice, the length and breadth of Britain, may well not like those in their premises and before them – clearly this jumped up telephone salesman was too stupid and too ill educated to understand his duties on the public purse.

Batten was not elected for his ability, intelligence, competence or integrity – he was selected in a corrupt internal ‘process’ and elected based upon votes for UKIP on a corrupt EU PR system – that is how slime like he and Derek Clark get to hold their overpaid sinecures way beyond their ability, intellect or probity.

That was a crass decision by Batten

Interesting to see Denny changing his tune – no doubt to seek corruptly to advantage his master’s chosen candidate for leadership by disadvantaging the corrupt Gerard Batten.

– I knew from that moment my meeting was a disaster.

It was Denny CLAIMS his meeting – yet if this were the case why is it clearly a fact that he lacked the integrity to cancel it forthwith nor did he voice his opinion that it was un Just and unfair and no more that a Kangaroo Court of no validity until years later – It will be noted that he did all he could to proceed with the case despite its corrupt circumstances and Denny has himself pronounced that it should have gone ahead and he would have won it!!! Denny was supposed to be a functionary in this event not a protagonist and it shows clearly by this statement alone how corrupt is UKIP’s disciplinary process and particularly Douglas Denny.

He had made my job impossible.

NO – Had Denny had a shred of integrity or one wit of moral compass Gerard Batten’s corruption had made Denny’s job simple. Cancel or set aside the proceedings, apologise to all for their being inconvenienced, thank them for their commitment to justice and ensure that UKIP acted honourably and refunded their expenses.

I knew it but went ahead.

Clearly because Douglas Denny lacked morality or any ethical understanding of how to behave.

It scuppered the meeting’s proceedings.

Douglas Denny permitted the proceedings to be scuppered by his incompetence and fundamental corruption.

Petrina made full use of that in her support of Peter Baker who she was acting as legal advocate

A measure of Douglas Denny’s incompetence is that he doesn’t even appreciate that is the duty of a legal advocate!!!

(in direct conflict of disciplinary proceedings protocol; and to which to my shame I allowed and should NOT have –

Are you seriously telling us that UKIP Disciplinary hearings dictate the manner in which defendents are permitted to defend themselves against corrupt individuals like Derek Clark who seek to hold Kangaroo Courts in the party name. Can it be that if it is a trial by UKIP rather than a hearing of two parties then UKIP will ham string the defendent and deny them a fair trial and select who may be witnesses and preclude the witnesses who show clearly that UKIP is in the wrong!!!

Next you will be telling us that UKIP should be elected to positions in Governance!!!

and should have slapped her down!).

What a foolish uppity little worm – since when is it the job of a clerical functionary – which was Denny’s job at that stage to ‘slap down’ anyone under any circumstances as he was representing the interests of UKIP members at large. Might this be why UKIP is a risible disaster that after 17 years obtained 3.1% in a General Election and out of 19,000 electable seats they hold less than 30 by election!

Are not people of the calliber of Denny, Clark, Batten and the like the very reason for UKIP’s abject failure in the light of the incredible popularity of the cause the members espouse.

I regret that: I did not. I should have – she was in contravention of the rules.

There are those of us who support UKIP who regret you have any part in it with almost if not all the leadership team and their parasites.

Petrina Holdsworth was not in contravention of the rules YOU were firstly as the rules are unlawfull being, as you have explained them, ultra vires to the basic tennets of Justice and it was YOUR duty to uphold such laws as were valid NOT Petrina Holdsworth’s duty to teach you your responsibilities – at least be man enough to not try to blame the lady present!

Petrina although an ex-chairman of the party has consistently been an anti-UKIP advocate here on this forum.

Perhaps you could site a single example of her ever being anti UKIP – she has without fail upheld the aims and principles of UKIP which she has done calmly and with courtesy. I appreciate you and others have made fools of yourself in your childish and totally unfounded aspersions and name calling – it has clearly been yourself and others colluding in the corruption, dishonesty, fraud, theft, embezelling and contempt for British values who have been anti UKIP – UKIP’s leadership has not for many years represented it members or the ethics of its members it has been scum like yourself who have lied, cheated, defamed and corrupted the party by your behaviour.

We all recall that Petrina Holdsw2orth resigned as Chairman as she was not prepared to collude in the corruption and lies of the leadership of UKIP which was anti UKIP and in complete betrayal of the principles and ethics of UKIP members.

We all remember also that even that usually corrupt UKIP body the NEC acted honestly, honourably and with integrity on one occasion and then by a majority of the vote, despite a corrupt and unlawfull attempt of John Wittacker to corrupt the process, they voted by majority to fire YOU Douglas Denny from the position you held for dishonesty, corruption and seeking to corrupt a leadership election on behalf of and on the instruction of Nigel Farage – however many revisionist histories and re-writes of the minutes you may commission, the truth is in the public domain and understood by the informed.

I leave you to make your own conclusions as to that fact – as I already have.

Oh but we have and that is why UKIP has to rig its internal elections and selections and why it obtained a mere 3.1% of the vote in the General election and less than 30 elected seats out of some 19,000.

UKIP’s results are based on just such examples as led by the utterly dishonest, dishonorable and corrupt Douglas Denny and the other parasites and self seeking, self enriching crooks that have formed UKIP’s leadership over many years.

So many in UKIP’s leadership believe attacking and defaming their critics is defending UKIP – when in fact attacking the messenger and unable to address the criticism is a mark of dishonesty and incompetence on the part of the name caller – so very UKIP!

We watch Croucher, Denny, Skeptyk, McTrough and others perpetually making fools of themselves and then believing repetition of their dishonesty and misrepresentation in some way makes it true – it is in fact a measure of their stupidity as they overlook the FACT that individuals like my self are not seeking votes or power nor to feed from the public purse.

Douglas Denny for instance is ONLY of ANY significance BECAUSE he seeks aggrandisement, authority and influence representing others as do Croucher, McTrough and others and as are those seeking to destroy UKIP by upholding corruption like Skeptyk and others of the anti UKIP faction.

For More Of Douglas Denny’s Dishonesty see:
Other Articles where his probity, integrity, wit, charisma and charm have 
shone through (NOT) can be found at the end of the posting! CLICK HERE!


 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance
Reclaim YOUR Future   
Write Upon Your Ballot Paper at EVERY election:
(IF You Have No INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance Candidate)
to Reclaim YOUR Future