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Archive for the ‘PEPP’ Category

#0650* – So Very Little Changes In UKIP’s Navel Gazing!

Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 06/09/2011

#0650* – So Very Little Changes In UKIP’s Navel Gazing!

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Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 


The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!  
So Very Little Changes In UKIP’s Navel Gazing!
It is just a treadmill for enrichment of a small claque it seems!
Well what EXACTLY has UKIP achieved in 18 years that has moved us one inch closer to Leave-The-EU?



as we run up to the UKIP conference it is sad to read the article about UKIP in NewEUrope OnLine dateline 05-September:

UKIP: Smears and signatures

Nikki Sinclaire MEP, who left the Europe of Freedom and Democracy over allegations of extremism and homophobia, has started a petition in the UK, asking for a referendum on EU membership.
She believes that the UK is, in practice, neither in or out of the union and is dithering on the sidelines.  Although she is a strong supporter of leaving the EU, she wants to have a genuine referendum, with both sides of the argument being able to make their case in a fair contest.
So far, she has collected over 10,000 signatures, 10% of her 100,000 target. This has put the UK Independence Party in a bit of a spot. They are hurrying out their own petition, so the Brits will at least get a choice of which petition to sign. To outsiders, it looks like the typical chaos surrounding the party. Sinclaire is visiting all the party conferences, starting with UKIP, who are meeting in Torquay, the home town of Basil Fawlty, where she will be holding a fringe event. Meanwhile, UKIP are holding elections for their National Executive, which has run into problems. 
Godfrey Bloom MEP sent out a letter and sample ballot form to members, where he had considerately filled in the ‘right’ candidates for them.  The night before Sinclaire’s fringe meeting about her petition, Tory blogger Iain Dale reported that,  the newly formed NEC, “were told that former UKIP MEP Nikki Sinclaire MEP is currently under investigation by OLAF, the EU Anti-Fraud Unit, and the West Midlands Economic Crime Unit on allegations of misuse of European Parliamentary allowances.”
He added that the meeting had been presented with documentary evidence.
Impeccable timing!

A well placed source has told New Europe that OLAF is not investigating Sinclaire and West Midland Police have insisted to us that they have not initiated an investigation into the MEP.

To view the original CLICK HERE

 as I said – so little changes and UKIP has spent a whole year with not an achievement to its name just more squabbling, a few more largely irrelevant councillors have defected in various directions, some old Tory hacks have tried to be noticed tottering around on Zimmer Frames and UKIP has tried to cover up its losses to the Tories.

In the year since the article was published Nikki Sinclaire has generated a great deal of good publicity whilst Farage’s ‘protege‘ Annabelle Fuller had considerable coverage for her drink fueled antics and stealing an MPs Blackberry and his House of Commons Pass.

The NEC has had its usual quota of knock down drag ’em out fights with the clearly out of control leadership and the liar Mick McGough has been given credibility by UKIP to show himself as a dishonest liar beyond his normal train trips and on You Tube where he gave a master class in how not to do politics he has added forums, the NEC and YouTube to his repetoire of dragging UKIP’s name into the gutter he inhabits but as ever he is not alone!

Then almost as predictably as day follows night an insider presents a dossiere of material, published over the years on my blogs and Junius producing it like a rabbit out of a hat with covering theories of their own to explain why they have finally, like some 100,000 before them, have lost confidence with UKIP and its endless navel gazing and failure to achieve anything of note as a party, much beyond the enrichment of its leadership claque!

Whilst on the subject of 100,000 Sinclaire has easily surpassed her target for the year presenting her figures to the media which they saw as so consequential together with the hugely valuable poll she commissioned and paid for that the story even broke the fog of war (well riots actually).

100,000+ is no mean achievement when you consider UKIP’s last petition raised 13,000 and lost the tax payer £1/4M – lost being the operative word!!

You will note her petition way outstrips the John Gaunt version which seemingly has ground to a halt with what is now a very out of date web site and also the Tory Party approved Plastic EUrosceptic poll which I gather is still trying to break 50,000 despite the support of Milliband, Bob Crow and others!

As for Mrs. Dale’s Diary revelations it would seem clear that he was set up with false information and used by malicious and malevolent factions in UKIP though I do understand that Derek Clark was found guilty of fraud but OLAF have not published their findings nor the details of the substantial amount he had to pay back as I gather the file has been passed to the British police but it is likely he will not be sent to prison if tried in view of his decrepitude.

I gather the OLAF enquiry into the fraud confessed to by Stuart Agnew has yet to be resolved as is the David Bannerman enquiry – though I gather Mike Nattrass seems to have dropped his legal complaints against The Sunday Times as their every word was true and interestingly although found guilty and having repaid monies fradulently obtained by Graham Booth his retirement to his UKIP earned pension seems not to have been matched with any generosity of spirit beyond the £Millions he has accrued and boasts of an Aston Martin!

Still a year on Farage is trying to dupe the party deeper into The EU as ever permitting the EU to dictate the agenda in return for them paying for the conference – frankly who in UKIP cares what Finland’s or any continental Country’s opinion of The EU is.

UKIP’s remit is to Leave-The-EU not to enrich a small claque and pose around doing The EU’s bidding in return for its bribes – which is why the membership voted 2 to 1 against helping The EU gain credibility in return for bribes with PEPP membership.

Clearly the membership of UKIP have made it VERY clear they are disgusted with the Pan EU Party EFD Group and its vile extremists lessons and clearly they just don’t care howmuch Farage will personally lose if UKIP does not join a PEPP. That said it is still on the cards Farage may be self serving and unscrupulous enough to try a re-run of the 2000 conference with an emulation of Michael Holmes’ back me or sack me – at least this time we will be spared the dullard comic antics of Booths’ skit on the stupidity of Devonians – though one can hardly put a similar version as a temper tantrum from First Legge!!

Having stalled since January to try to avoid what would inevitably be another High Court defeat at the hands of Sinclaire will we see much pretence of sweetness and light till the day after the conference ends.

Remember the year Tom Wise was exposed as a criminal by The Sunday Telegraph, the duplicitous behaviour of UKIP leadership making promises to Petrina Holdsworth they were proven they had no intention of keeping leading to her resignation after the dishonest attempts to keep her on board for the conference.

It really is astonishing just how little would need to be changed in the 2010 article above to suit todays scenario in UKIP!!

 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance

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Posted in Derek CLARK EFD MEP, Graham Booth MEP, Mick McGOUGH, Nigel FARAGE EFD MEP, Nikki SINCLAIRE MEP, PEPP, Petrina, William DARTMOUTH MEP | Leave a Comment »

#0636* – Where Is UKIP? ‘Wither UKIP & seems it has’!

Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 25/08/2011

#0636* – Where Is UKIP? ‘Wither UKIP & seems it has’!

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Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 


The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!  
Where Is UKIP? ‘Wither UKIP & seems it has’!
With 3 or more defections, a call from his Spanish bit to resign, defeat on AV, catastrophic local elections, failure to promote UKIP to betray Britain in a PEPP, his doxy caught stealing a House of Commons Pass & a Blackberry when drunk, his chum Bannerman predictably betraying UKIP,!

With merely disasters and surrounded by the spineless and liars where can UKIP possibly go with Farage as pretend leader?



Mea Culpa!

I was phoned up and told of this posting by the author on the day it was written and then forgot to post it or link it.

Though it is now a week late it is none the less prescient!

The Conference is approaching fast an UKIP has nothing but divisive arguments to show for itself and partners who openly applauded Anders Breivik!

At a cost of £Millions often weeks pass without activity of any note and publicity is most common of scandals and low life behaviour from the likes of Annabelle Fuller, Godfrey Bloom, Nigel Farage in their drink soddened culture.

No doubt there will be desperate moves for the sake of show at the conference to rehabilitate the likes of Trevor Colman who has made no secret of his contempt for Nigel Farage and how Farage must be hoping that after his prolonged holiday in Portugal Mike Nattrass may opt, as last year, to vanish to the Phillipines for a further prolonged holiday!

The play acting at the conference will be all too similar to the conference one year when the ONLY publicity UKIP received was a pack of lies from Annabelle Fuller who duped Farage into endorsing – dishonest as they were! Then there was the year when the only notable publicity was regarding Nigel Farage’s testicles.

Time for another plane crash so The Messiah can be seen walking on water perhaps – sadly UKIP seems never to be taken seriously by the media but then again what have they done that is of Serious value?

Will we see an Autumn blooming of a love in by Farage of Nikki Sinclaire for harmony sake (WELL ACTUALLY so that Farage can lay claim to her successes, particularly well over 100,000 signatures to HER Petition for a Referendum, a subject on which Farage spiked UKIP’s guns and seemingly did all in his power to help The EU) – well with his track record of dishonesty and incompetence that should last till the following week before the Court Case!

Farage has a litigious bent there is no doubt – just think how much better off the Party would be if he hadn’t been such a consistent loser!

There is a touch of Labour supporter in Nigel Farage for as Margaret Thatcher said ‘The trouble with socialism is it soon runs out of other peoples’ money’!

You will note Farage has still made no effort to honourably acquit his debt of around £12.1/2K to me – a constant source of shame to UKIP.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Where is UKIP?

We haven’t mentioned UKIP for a while because we have seen very little happen recently.

The only person we see in the press doing something appears to be the ex-Farage sychophant Nikki Sinclaire MEP (who has since fallen out with her Leader and is standing as an Independent) and seems to be earning her money. As for the rest, who knows?

Interestingly, many UKIP members are also turning on their Leader, as shown by his recent defeat of 2 to 1 against his PEP Membership  Proposal.

How can the Leader of UKIP think it viable and acceptable to want to remain part of, and actively participate in, the very entity which it originally swore to extricate itself from???

“Jobs for the Boys” spring to mind yet again.

If only UKIP was led by a (Congressman) Ron Paul type, Uncorruptable, Defender of the Rule of Law, devout follower of the Constitution and a belief in “Real Money” and tight Monetary Control.

Surely UKIP members must see, that its MEPs have been corrupted by the allure of the EU bribe – even John Bufton MEP was caught on camera 2 years ago for claiming his Parliamentary Attendance Allowance on a Friday, when the Parliament doesn’t sit – and we thought he was one of the most honest and moral of the bunch.

Unless someone of vision steps forward soon and is supported by UKIP members and the general public at large, we shall all be entrapped by the EU Tyranny.

To view the original CLICK HERE
. .

 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance

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Posted in COURT DEBTS, John BUFTON EFD MEP, Nigel FARAGE MEP EFD Leader, Nikki SINCLAIRE MEP, PEPP, Ron Paul | Leave a Comment »

#0586* – Stuart AGNEW NFU MEP Tries To Justify His Dishonesty

Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 12/07/2011

#0586* – Stuart AGNEW NFU MEP Tries To Justify His Dishonesty

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Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 


The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!  
~Stuart AGNEW NFU MEP Tries To Justify His Dishonesty!
Clearly a man with huge self interest and no moral compass!



Stuart AGNEW NFU MEP Tries To Justify His Dishonesty


it really is astonishing, well I guess not in that Stuart Agnew NFU MEP has been shown and proven to have been involved in breech of electoral law, money laundering in cahoots with the ridiculously incompetent and duplicitous fool Malcolm Lord Pearson and also embroiled in conspiring to involve an innocent party in a criminal act by deception and then also involved, together with David Bannerman the liar and fraud MEP who has now betrayed both UKIP & The Tories, they were shown to be involved together defrauding the tax payers a case which I believe is still under investigation by OLAF and which will eventually be passed on to The British Police to prosecute.

The sums involved would seem to be about the same as those obtained by Tom Wise which you may recall he obtained as a result of signature by Lindsay Jenkins and from which Nigel Farage derived direct benefit in paying a personal bill of around £5,000.

You may recall Tom Wise went to prison for much the same crime and much the same amount!

Astonishingly the odious and clearly dishonest Stuart Agnew having obviously little understanding of ethics or morality would seem to have almost no understanding of democracy or decency either!

This particularly concerned one member of UKIP who took the trouble to clarify the details of Stuart Agnew’s that he would betray the principles of democracy and ignore the democratic will of the party.

Just who does this arrogant fool think he is? Little wonder it is he and Mick McGough who are so clearly lieing through their teath to try to dupe UKIP’s more gullible members into assisting The EU by supporting PEPP membership to ‘give a clearer EUropean identity to Political Parties’.

I include Stuart Agnews quite astonishing response – even showing that although the selection of UKIP MEP candidates in his EU region was undeniably and utterly corrupt with liars like Mick McGough, David Bannerman and their ilk corrupting the process as shown CLICK HERE it was clearly with the collusion of low lifes like Stuart Agnew, Andrew Smith, Stuart Gulleford, Peter Reeve, Paul Nuttall, George Curtis etc.

Mr Agnew has stated on video that he would join a PEPP irrespective of the outcome of the ballot.

As this statement directly refutes the result of the democratic ballot to be held on the subject if that ballot decides NO, I wrote to Mr Agnew asking for clarification of his position .

His reply does indicate that he will abide by the democratic result and hence I withdraw my criticisms and apologise for possibly misleading members with  statements that are not true. I will delete any such references

Below is the reply Mr Agnew addressed to me:


Thank you for your email dated 9th July 2011.

At the beginning of the campaign we were informed that the result would not be binding. I was therefore free, at that stage, to do what I felt would have been in the best interests of the Party, in my own opinion.

This might even have meant defying the wishes of  my own Regional Committee, and really going it alone. In such a circumstance, I would have to be very confident that I could deliver a result. The result would need to be a significant proportion of the 36,000 euros (net) per year that I would have access to being applied to the tangible benefit of the Eastern Counties.

Had I failed to achieve this, I could have rightfully expected de-selection by the Party as an MEP candidate next time around. Had I succeeded, I would still have needed to justify my conduct to the Eastern members and they would have had to make the decision of acknowledging that I had proved my point and re-instating me. Or insisting that my conduct was reprehensible, irrespective of any achievement, and punishing me accordingly.

My motivation for sticking my head on the block in this way is that in the last two European Parliament elections I have been the largest single financial donor to the Eastern Counties election funds. I will be expected to put in another big effort next time and I would quite naturally want to use all tools at my disposal. In my view turning £10 into £100 is a good move.

However, all of this is now theoretical as the NEC have ruled that the result will be binding.

I would like you to  know that I respect and adhere to NEC decisions, even if I do not necessarily agree with them.

You should also know that in 2008, all MEP candidates signed up to a list of principles/commitments/codes of conduct.

Of the 13 MEPs elected, I think that there are now only three of us who are adhering to all of these points, and their subsequent redefinitions, to the letter. I will not name names of course, but those who chose to lecture me about principles have not observed the principles they themselves signed up to.

I do hope that this makes my position clearer.  Please do not hesitate to contact me should you require any further information.

Yours sincerely,

Stuart Agnew  MEP
UK Independence Party
145 New London Road

Tel: 01245 266466
Fax: 01245 252071


. .

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Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
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Posted in David BANNERMAN MEP, Fraud, MEPs, PEPP, Stuart AGNEW MEP NFU, Tom WISE MEP | Leave a Comment »

#0574* – Gerard BATTEN’s Views on Joining A PEPP

Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 29/06/2011

#0574* – Gerard BATTEN’s Views on Joining A PEPP

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Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 


The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!  
UKIP’s Gerard BATTEN MEP May Not Be The Brightest or Boldest but he has Views on Joining A PEPP!!


Gerard BATTEN’s Views on Joining A PEPP

 Gerard BATTEN’s Views on Joining A PEPP


although I know Gerard Batten is far from bright and also has little understanding of morality, ethics or Justice here are his views as a list MEP for UKIP regarding membership of a PEPP.

He does rather make a fool of himself in part when he claims he is a withdrawalist and would not wish to be associated with  a reformist PEPP.

After a couple of years as a member of the extremist, racist, anti homosexual, anti Jewish and pro EU membership Reformist EFD with no sign that he will ever develop a backbone of his own – One has to wonder why Gerard Batten introduces this outright dishonesty so undermining the rest of his opinions and claims.

I did however point out he really isn’t very bright and when it comes to backbone he is indubitably a spineless coward.

Why I will be voting No to UKIP joining a European Political Party:

by: Gerald Batten MEP

I have taken a pragmatic approach to this issue and I base my decision to vote No in the internal ballot in September on the available information. In my view there are two main issues to be considered before making a decision. . 

Firstly, can UKIP MEPs or members join a European Political Party without compromising our withdrawalist principles? . 

Secondly, if the answer to the first question is ‘yes’, can the money or resources available be used to assist UKIP and our cause of British withdrawal from the EU? 

Would joining a European Political Party compromise UKIP’s withdrawalist principles? 

The honest answer to that we don’t know. 

We don’t know what it is we are being asked to join. We are being asked to sign a blank cheque and give blanket approval for UKIP MEPs and members to join an unknown quantity. What is the Constitution or ‘Statute’ of the party in question? Either we haven’t been told or it doesn’t yet exist. 

This ballot question should not even be posed at this time. It should wait until we can be presented with a specific European party constitution or statute that we can consider. 

If such a party were for example the ‘European Party of EU Withdrawlists’ specifically dedicated to nation states unilaterally leaving the EU then I might consider joining – but that is not what is on offer. 

The only statute that we have is that of the European Alliance for Freedom. The statute of this party is in the public domain and can be found on the internet. 

This includes the aim to: “campaign for a non-centralised, transparent, flexible and democratically controlled EU…” This is clearly not a withrawalist party but a reformist one. Do you want to reform the EU or to leave? I was a founder member of UKIP in September 1993 and it was I who proposed the name UK Independence Party. 

I am an unconditional withdrawalist and I would not join a reformist party. 

Can the money or resources available be used to assist our cause of British withdrawal from the EU? The basis on which European political parties will take part in the European elections in 2014 has not yet been decided by an EU Directive and transposed into national law. 

The practicalities of how a list of 25 or so candidates will campaign across the European Union has not been finalised and is causing some practical difficulties for those drafting the legislation. 

However one thing we know is that is that the list of candidates will fight under the name of their party, e.g. the ‘European Alliance for Freedom’ – not the UK Independence Party. 

The voters will most likely be presented with two ballot papers: one will bear UKIP’s name the other will not, it will bear the name of the European political parties. 

This will not directly help UKIP or our withdrawalist cause. 

The money available cannot be spent on UKIP. It can only be used on European political parties. The EU’s regulations clearly state the money cannot be spent on: 
Campaign costs for referenda and elections (except for European Elections for a European Party). 
Direct or indirect funding for national parties, election candidates and political foundations both at national and European level. . Debts and debt service charges 


European Political Foundations: 
Great play is being made of the money that could be used to set up a political foundation as a ‘think tank’ to assist our cause. But once again, who will determine what this think tank produces? A foundation will be affiliated to a European political party.

We have the same problem as in our first question: what will be its platform?Will it produce studies advocating EU withdrawal or just EU reform? We don’t know. 

Is this issue similar to the one UKIP faced in the 1990s concerning taking up seats in the European Parliament? No. In 1994, as UKIP’s European Election Organiser, I argued that UKIP should fight on the platform of not taking up our seats in the European Parliament. After some years of careful consideration I changed my view in 2001. 

I was able to change that view because taking up our seats did not compromise UKIP’s withdrawalist principles. UKIP fights European elections on our terms – not those of the European Union or foreigners influencing or determining our party constitution or manifesto. 

The Yes campaign website in this ballot have kindly referred to me as follows, “Nobody who has the privilege of working with Gerard would describe him for a second as an ‘integrationist’ or a ‘federalist’. But to his substantial credit, he remains fully and properly engaged with the enemy at the front”
I am grateful for their generosity in acknowledging my efforts. But because I am an uncompromising, unconditional withdrawalist. I will not vote Yes to UKIP members joining a European political party until I know what it is, what it stands for, and that it will campaign for outright withdrawal from the EU. 

I intend to vote No in this ballot, and I hope that a majority of my fellow UKIP members will do likewise. When we are presented with a specific statute for a European political party, and a proposal for the work of a Political Foundation we can make an informed decision. 

Not until then. 

The horse must come before the cart.

To view the original article CLICK HERE


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Posted in Gerard BATTEN MEP, PEPP, YES to PEPP | Leave a Comment »

#0531* – PEPPs Offer UKIP No Gain for THINK TANKS

Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 06/06/2011

#0531* – PEPPs Offer UKIP No Gain for THINK TANKS
Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 
The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!


THINKING is an natural action for some – NOT a cost center!

Just read the output of Dr. Richard North, Junius, The Purple Scorpion & this blog each day to start to learn THE FACTS. It costs NOTHING.




for the record – membership of a PEPP will not in any way help UKIP to have a Think Tank – that costs nothing in real terms as ‘FUTURUS’ will soon show.

What UKIP lacks for a ‘Think Tank’ is NOT money as they overpay a large number of hired praise singers of no other value.

What UKIP needs is adequate brains and intelligence TO THINK – something they have shown they are utterly incompetent to do as they are much too busy copulating, carousing and squabbling like ferrets in a sack!

18 Years and still they have NO VISION, NO STRATEGY, NO TACTICS & have NEVER had any meaningful training.

What is UKIP’s exit and survival strategy? 

18 years and they haven’t a clue.

UKIP just runs around in chicken suits, inflatable toys and hurls childish insults, suffice for them to pass as competence!

It would be funny were it not MY COUNTRY they are betraying!


 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance

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Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
tel: 01291 – 62 65 62

Posted in European Union, FUTURUS, PEPP, Think Tank | Leave a Comment »

#0439* – IF AGNEW, McWILLIAMS & McGOUGH Advocate A Sell Out:

Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 25/04/2011

Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 
The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!
IF Stuart AGNEW, Steph McWILLIAMS &Mick  McGOUGH Advocate A Sell Out:!!


10-Apr-2011 – IF AGNEW, McWILLIAMS & McGOUGH Advocate A Sell Out:

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Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
#08 Middle Street, Chepstow, NP16 5ET, Monmouthshire, United Kingdoms.
tel: 01291 – 62 65 62
IF AGNEW, McWILLIAMS & McGOUGH Advocate A Sell Out then let us face it that should be enough for decent folk to know that a Yes vote makes no sense for Britain!

Let us look at the claimed reasons for a yes vote which they put forward:

By Stuart Agnew MEP, Steph McWilliam of the South West Region
and NEC Member 
Mick McGough
        Stuart AGNEW MEP


This vote is about three vital opportunities for our Party. First, this vote is about the Party being able to pay for a wide range of activities in the UK using, effectively, UK Taxpayer’s money returned to us by the EU.
Clearly larger parties will have a hugely larger amount. More tax payers’ money squandered on useless politicians – take the moral high ground and Vote NO.
Secondly, this vote will provide the Party with the services of a Think Tank which will enable us, for the very first time, to match our opponents in strategy and policy-formation. If we are to be a serious contender in British politics, this is a vital strength we must add.
A Think Tank requires individual capable of political thought – every time UKIP has had anyone of this ilk it has permitted its leader to fire them and replace them with a fully funded sycophant!
Thirdly, this vote is about denying our enemies approximately £1,300,000 in funding which will otherwise be divided up between them.
Slightly less than the cost of ONE MEP – if UKIP MEPs had danated a percentage of their salary to the party this sum would be dwarfed.
Above all, this vote is about building upon our successes from 2009 to today to displace the Liberal Democrats and win the European Elections in 2014.
UKIP has had no success – it has merely dishonestly capitalised on the lack of factual knowledge of the electorate relative to expenses and the promotion of The BNP by Farage & Croucher.

UKIP has lost its ONLY MEPs with any integrity.

Vote “NO” if you want UKIP to languish on the fringe of politics.
Vote NO and concentrate on Clening Up UKIP to make it electable – rid of liars, low lifes and cheats like McGough, Agnew, Bloom, Nuttall, Bannerman, Clark, Andreasen etc.
Vote “YES” for progress in our noble cause.
There is absolutely nothing ‘Noble’ about UKIP’s self serving garbage that forms its leadership and its parasites.
The scheme involves UKIP joining a European political party based on the existing Europe of Freedom and Democracy Group
But they are unprincipled trash – anti Jewish, anti homosexual, racist, xenophobic and pro EU membership and revisionism. EVER UKIP MEP of any morality has resigned because of these filth!
and creating a professional Think Tank to enable us
With the permission of UKIP’s utterly corrupt co-campaigners in the gutter of EU politics.
– for the first time – to produce policy papers explaining our messages.
Richard North waas producing those on a regular basis as was Heather Cunningham but UKIP leadership were too stupid to understand the value – so they fired them!
Starting from our current, comfortable set of working relationships with our prospective allies, we are advised that the ANNUAL allocation of funds would be:
But NO ONE would want to be associated with filth like that EVEN for money!

For the political party € 850,000 (£733,000 approx) and;
For the Think Tank € 500,000 (£431,000 approx)

That gives €1,350,000 (£1,164,000 approx.) gross per year.
PEANUTS relative to the amount UKIP leadership could contribute and a fraction of the cash they could raise if anyone respected or trusted them.
Deducting administration and salaries leaves about € 600,000 (£518,000 approx) for the political party and €350,000 (£219,000 approx) for the Think Tank.
UKIP Hugely over pays mediocre trash and for rational salaries could tripple the staff for research – Not ONE UKIP staff member is worth the money they are paid and these idiots want to squander more!.
UKIP might expect, with the size of its delegation, to get approximately half that sum every year. This would mean that, EVERY YEAR, we would have the benefit of the sum of up to € 475,000 (£400,000 approximately) from the political party and the Foundation.  To put this in perspective, the 2010 general election cost us some £350,000.  We currently have nothing like that at our disposal.
Due to profligacy, fraud, failures of accounting and seemingly amounts running into at least 7 figures that have seemingly been nicked. Farage alone boasts he has made £2Million over and above his salary and expenses!

He has been paying his wife £30K for years and now he pays a so called Tory based PR agency to rig internal elections for him whilst seemingly funding one of his mistresses a foul mouthed woman of proven low morality and gutter morays – with clearly little ability and corrupt – paid from Party funds or at very least funds available to the party!
By the end of this Parliament we will have had access to more than £1 million. This is a sum which we scarcely dream of raising by conventional methods.
RUBBISH this is a fraction of the money that has gone missing due to corrupt internal accounting.

What makes anyone think this new money wouldn’t be stolen too?
The grant is used to meet expenditure linked to the objectives set out in the European  party’s political programme, such as:

Meetings, conferences
Publications, studies, advertisements
Administrative, personnel, travel costs
Campaign costs connected to European elections.

This is just jumping through The EU’s hoops to get The EU bribes – how does this differ from prostitution?
For example, we might use it to produce a flyer for the UK’s young female voters on the effects of the recent European Court of Justice decision which will drive up their insurance premiums – in the name of equality!
IF OF COURSE the partners in this scam don’t wish to see it spent altering imigration from Afriica to Southern Italy to pay for train tickets for them to relocate to Britain.

SCARILY JUST AS POSSIBLE (though just as unlikely as UKIP producing a well thought out and designed leaflet!).
Given its direct connection to EU Law, we can pay for it under the publications heading.
WITH CLEARANCE from The EU AND partners in the Group!
As part of EFD we already have to conform to similar rules about what we can do and how. It has not caused a problem – and it will not cause a problem if we take this grant.
This is not true.

There is no accounting for the £76,000 per MEP currently obtained under the 400 Budget. Further there is no accounting for the 6000 Travel Budget – is the money designated but not used by UKIP MEPs used as bribes to buy members of the EFD Group?
We cannot use the grant to meet expenditure such as:
DO READ THE RULES! GoTo CLICK HERE & then CLICK the first picture.

Campaign costs for referenda1
Non-European elections
Funding national parties, candidates
Debts and debt service charges.

Much may be made of the exclusion of “direct or indirect funding”. But when 2014 comes along, we can use a big chunk of our share for the campaign costs of that year’s European Elections quite legitimately.

WITH the permission of one’s partners!
Do also bear in mind the fact that the leading parties will receive far more so all it means is that the cost of politics increases and UKIP will be absolutely no better off – whereas if they refused to please The EU they could make huge issue of how the public were not being allowed to vote democratically on a level playing field!

The EU itself makes that clear.

Do YOU really believe that the EU EVER makes anything clear? How very naiive!

In other years imagine what we could do with our grant to campaign on issues such as the European Arrest Warrant, European Court of Human Rights’ judgments or how the EU and the Treaties undermine our immigration policy.

Just think UKIP might even have thought of campaigning to Leave-The-EU!!

Right now we simply do not have the money.

The intelligence, the integrity or the ability!

Given that at least 75% of our laws are now made in Brussels, almost every subject that UKIP campaigns upon is affected by EU legislation.

One wonders how these clowns could have reached such a profound insight without a Think Tank!

That means that we can direct this money to help us in the UK.

Might that include publishing an exit and survival strategy that they have lacked the ability to produce in 18 years despite the many £Millions that have gone amiss!

Indeed it is probable that 90% of the funds can be so utilised.

IF UKIP’s partners don’t want the money spent on ammending the fisheries policy to benefit Mediteranean fishermen – maybe if the bribes are adequate they can also help fund Austria’s maritime policies!

On top of that we will have the Think Tank (Foundation).

Already a percentage of what support UKIP could give is being squandered on support of GM Foods, and other NFU policies. As for intelligence surely no one can take seriously any advice on research from a slime like Mick McGough who lied to and cheated his associates and Party members with his lies about being PPC for Harlow CLICK HERE

We would be able to match the likes of Open Europe and the Tories in producing high quality research and policy proposals.

Don’t be daft – they have both ability and experience – They also seem able to fund Think Tanks when clearly UKIP can’t even think let alone directionally!

We can  produce strategic material to set the agenda for political debate in the UK instead of always being the party which has to react to others’ ideas.

Hardly likely as UKIP under its present leadership is scared to death of intelligence and relies on bullying and abuse as a management style, not to mention distortion and lies!

We can use Think Tank funding to give professional presentations to the press.

Anyone can do that with just the simplest of ability and wise use of software and IT. All at virtually no cost.
IF UKIP is too incompetent for the huge amount squandered on the parasites it gathers in its Press Office & PR it could hire a professional.

In short, a Think Tank will help UKIP to punch above its weight and mix it with the Old Parties at an entirely new level.

RUBBISH you on the one hand explain how the professional politicians are streets ahead then you add money in liberal tranches to those same politicians and miraculously you expect UKIP to develope a brain!!
Get Real!

If we are to match our ambitions to become the third party of British politics and winners in 2014, this is a vital step to attain the professionalism so roundly endorsed by our membership in the 2010 leadership election.

Is there a reason you have chosen to fail and merely remain the third party?

All this does require a small amount of matched funding: as little as 10% of the amount. And initially we only have to raise a share proportionate to our size – and of that only a small  proportion has to be found up front. The rest can be found as individual projects are brought forward.  We can achieve that.

How come there is no record of consistent donation to the party by its MEPs other than for their own personal re-election and even then some like Farage NEVER make donations, as the record shows!

If conditions or the Regulations change unfavourably, we can leave at any time, just as one can leave an alliance or a coalition.

They are unfavourable!
There are no signs of UKIP disassociating from the scum in The EFD

There is, in addition, another side to these grants. Our €1,350,000 (£1,170,000 approx) comes from a finite pot. Presently 10 parties take money from that pot. If we become number 11, then the other ten parties lose, on average, €135,000 (£117,000 approx).

So UKIP’s insignificant gain would not significantly harm the larger parties!

So, there are benefits to UKIP which at one and the same moment harm our enemies: a double-whammy with our enemies in the middle!

Doesn’t this denote the weakness of the argument in favour of prostituting UKIP to obliging The EU?

Just as the Salvation Army used to go around pubs and sell their publications with the slogan “Take the Devil’s money to do God’s work!”, so might we take what is after all UK Taxpayer’s money and use it to bring us victory in our noble cause. Would you rather that YOUR money is used to fund our enemies’ campaigns or to fund UKIP’s?

Even ignoring the moral issue of obliging the EU and jumping through their hoops –
Consider the wisdom of providing ones enemies with £20 to buy weapons in return for being given £2.50.
The sum one receives relative to ones’ enemies is so paultry in relationship that it is better to hold the moral high ground and sabotage the scheme.

If you think that this money might just come in a bit handy to help destroy Federalism and Integration, vote ‘YES’!

Voting YES I believe I have clearly shown aids The EU to advance its corrupt aims at the expense of these United Kingdoms whilst some completely idiotic numpties can be duped into assisting The EU with a Yes vote!

The ‘NO’ campaign alleges that the UKIP brand would be diluted. This is nonsense.

You fail totally to make an argument let alone a convincing OR valid argument. Giving other parties £20 and UKIP £2.50 by definition dilutes UKIP’s efficacy – the only answer is to block the EU’s scam and seize the moral high ground.

The Conservatives are part of a European Political Party. Which is better known in the UK: ‘The Conservative Party’ or ‘The Alliance of European Conservatives and Reformists’?

Stop 100 people in the street and not more than 5 would be able to tell you this, possibly even less.

Indeed has anyone ever heard of ‘The Alliance of European Conservatives and Reformists’? Of course not, because the Tories still fight under their own name and their brand is not diluted in any way.

You make my point for me yet you seek to grant legitimacy to Pan EU Political Parties supplanting National Parties in international Groups – DO READ THE RULES!

The ‘NO’ campaign claims taking part in a European Political Party is ‘Federalist’ and ‘Integrationist’.

It undeniably is as it requires subsuming ones’ National Party and asspirations to a Pan EU Party. Do WAKE-UP!

But surely to do so is no more ‘Federalist’ and ‘Integrationist’ than taking part in European Elections or, once elected, taking your seat and being an MEP.

Don’t be daft – there is absolutely no similarity and giving bufoons like you money to run a think tank shows the danger of this new EU Scam.

Every month our MEPs receive substantial sums. Are they thereby taking the ‘Federalist’ and ‘Integrationist’ Shilling? No! The money for the party is no more ‘Federalist’ and ‘Integrationist’ than the money paid to MEPs.

This is a falsehood and clearly it is a calculated risk – though equally clearly most UKIP MEPs have gone totally Native and even Farage has castigated MEPs like Derek Clark for doing no work in their constituencies – naturally he fears the liar and dishonest Marta Andreasen and has not commented on her disinterest in her constituency, wherever she may consider that to be, Barcelona?

And, remember, using this money, they are daily carrying the fight to the very heart of the EU in Brussels and Strasbourg.

Which in 18 years has been shown to be a complete waste of time as The EU Parliament is a complete irrelevance and only of use, as Nikki Sinclaire uses it, to provide sound bites to address in the British Media – That her hard work has spread across the media of the rest of The EU is a measure of her efficacy!

Stuart Agnew’s ONLY National coverage has been for his corruption, dishonesty and fraud!

The ‘NO’ campaign says that “accepting its money is corrupt”. So is the ‘NO’ campaign saying that our MEPs and their staff are corrupt?

Well? Answer that for yourself and you will soon realise why UKIP has NEVER achieved anything of value in The UK – They are not trusted because of their widely publicised corruption – whether theft by Agnew, Fraud by Clark, Agnew, Bannerman, self enrichment and infantile behaviour of Farage, the lies of Andreassen, Agnew, Bannerman, Agnew, Batten, the collusion in corruption by each and every UKIP MEP CLICK HERE

There is absolutely no way that it can be denied, on numerous counts, that UKIP MEPs and staff are corrupt – one even went to prison for fraud, so far, despite strenuous protection by his associates who colluded in his criminality and Farage even p[rofitted from it. Consider the undeniable dishonesty of Annabelle Fuller bringing UKIP into disrepute and the contempt for British Courts and dishonourable behaviour of Mark Croucher acting with UKIP’s support CLICK HERE

Of course not.

We all have different standards, I appreciate, however clearly yours are shown to be beneath contempt.

That they make this allegation merely demonstrates the absurdity of their argument.

I will happily debate your lies, dishonesty, corruption and misrepresentation on ANY public platform which I can attend.

As we see below, some time ago, after proper debate, the Party took the pragmatic decision to fight and take up seats in the European Parliament. It did so notwithstanding the ‘Federalist’ and ‘Integrationist’ nature of the institution.
Who now says this was the wrong decision?

Many still consider it was a mistake and the glee with which MEPs and their parasites leap onto the gravy train and seem to do NOTHING of value towards Leave-The-EU but much to further their election chances would incline to display this fact!

May I remind the author that at the UKIP Party Conference there was a very clear debate against joining Pan EU Political Parties – Yet just like the EU those who hope for self enrichment seek to overturn the Party Members’ Decision to seek a different result.

And some claim UKIP MEPs have not adopted the morays of The EU!

No one, for the simple reason that it provides the noble cause we all serve with an enormous platform to fight the enemies of British Independence

Is this a management decision to LIE and deny the unequivocal rejection of the concept by Members?

– a platform which the gerrymandered Westminster electoral system denies us.

Do look up ‘gerrymander’ rather than display your complete political ignorance when relative to this issue!

Taking what some called the ‘Federalist’ and ‘Integrationist’ Shilling has boosted our cause exponentially.

It CAN be argued that it has prostituted the integrity hence we have filth like Mick McGough, Stuart Agnew and their ilk telling lies to try to promote a Yes Vote and the sell out of UKIP.

The ‘NO’ campaign alleges UKIP will have to pay tax to HMRC on this money. They are wrong. The only tax that a European Political Party will have to pay is VAT.

So the Party will have to pay tax on the income – Surely even political ignorami like Mick McGough and Stuart Agnew realise that VAT stands for Value Added TAX – which is a tax of £2 in every £10!

A TAX Dummy!

The ‘NO’ campaign contends that this money may not be used for UK political activity.

Read the rules – this is still a matter of debate!

This too is nonsense.

Please quote the exact authorisation that this money may be freely used to influence domestic politics – even WITH permission from UKIP’s pro EU associates!

As we have seen much of our grant may properly and legally be directed at our target audience.

We have also noted that much of it can be paid into off shore accounts and that UKIP can not be trusted to produce transparent open accounts with even the slightest semblance of probity.

You may be astonished to know that UKIP MEPs are so unaccountable and UKIP NEC are so ill informed that when Mike Nattrass MEP in a forthright rejection of the manner in which UKIP was led and managed there were NEC members who disn’t even realise Nigel Farage was paying his wife despite his promise to UKIP, the members and the electorate that never would he or any elected UKIP official pay a family member.


Moreover, does anyone imagine that the Tories take all their money (the best part of €2,000,000 or £1,750,000 approx) and spend it all in Brussels? Only the utterly naive would credit such an idea.

The vagiaries of other Parties are NOT the issue the issue is how clearly it has been proven that UKIP is not to be trusted and its MEPs and staff are as a generalisation reasonably denounced as corrupt, dishonest and untrustworthy.

The contention of the ‘NO’ campaign that we must concentrate on the UK media to the exclusion of Brussels is, once again, deeply misguided.

No wonder you can give no example why! Clearly IF UKIP sees itself as a withdrawalist party its ONLY relevant audience is Britain and its ONLY place of power to achieve withdrawal is the British electorate.

The ‘NO’ campaign asserts that a European Political Party might endorse integration. Hardly, as we would have a major part in drawing up the party’s political programme. Are we likely to endorse a programme encouraging integration?

EXACTLY what HAS happened. Wee Willy Dartmouth has advocated additional laws to be implemented by The EU.
Clark advocated GREATER subsidiarity of Britain to The EU and also co-operation with The EU to strengthen the control of its committees over the vassal states.
Marta Andreassen has openly advocated Reform rather than withdrawal.
UKIP’s election leader even advocated voting for The Tories.
Stuart Agnew advocates policies for The NFU.

I believe my point is clearly made!

The absurdity of the question demonstrates just how weak are the ‘NO’ campaign’s arguments.

Better that the NO campaign weaklly put their facts than stridently lie like the Yes Campaign fronted by liars.

It is suggested that a European Political Party would somehow lead to the end of national political parties.

Do read the rules in conjunction with the EU Constitution Lisbon Treaty.

Ask yourself this: is the Conservative Party likely to abolish itself and campaign in UK elections as ‘The Alliance of European Conservatives and Reformists’?

YES – Do not forget Edward Heath later admitted that he had LIED to deliberately mislead the electorate.

A moment’s thought reveals that this too is absurd. 

Are YOU capable of a moment’s thought? Almost every point made for a Yes vote has been a complete misrepresentation.

The Tories would be committing political suicide.

What bunkum if they believe they will hold a controlling role in a major Pan EU Political Party – They would see this as an advance in their political ambitions as they are, as a party, pro EU membership.

We may think the Tories stupid, but they are not that stupid.

Is it not YOU being ‘stupid’ that you lack the political comprehension to understand guile rather than your own coarse dishonesty?

The Regulations make it clear we can use this money to campaign for European Elections.

WITH your partners’ permission and in accordance with EU constraints – Do read the rules!

In 2014 we aim to come first.

Yet a mere few paragraphs earlier the aim was to come third or was that only in the more important UK Political genre?

How are we to fund that ambition?

Particularly if as part of voting Yes we are giving our enemies more money than we get proportionately – That would clearly exacerbate the problem to no gain.

Will access to several hundred thousand Euros help or hinder us?

Hinder if it is beset with regulation and if in gaining that sum we morally grant the 3 main parties who are ALL pro EU £1Million each!
Do try joined up thinking!

As to raising money, the EU’s rules on donations are, compared to the UK’s, short, simple and elastic.

UKIP found UK rules eleastic and were found guilty in Court of being on the fiddle! Aided largely by Farage and Andrew Smith – Mick McGough’s sponsor!!
You may recal Andrew Smith was exposed as treasurer issuing an internal ‘e’Mail which I published advocating corruption and dishonesty with the intent to deceive the Electoral Commission – a matter about which, without ANY credibility Mick McGough has repeatedly lied and misrepresented as we see in the Yes Campaign’s dishonest presentation for personal gain.

Thus we shall be able to receive donations from expatriates and others who are otherwise prohibited in the UK.

Indeed – watch out Rob McWhirtter, they will be tracking you down in Switzerland! 
UKIP has already laundered corrupt donations from foreign donors as The Sunday Times exposed, using Global Britain a scam set up by Michael Pearson.

This will provide a new, untapped resource.

Rubbish – as a resource it is easily circumvented within the framework of electoral law it is just that UKIP has consistently been too stupid to act within the law!

And, remember that UKIP will be one of the big beasts in this party and so will be able to call the shots.

RUBBISH – UKIP currently has a mere 10 out of the 29 MEPs with 2 more likely to leave after the election and possibly as many as 6 wishing to leave to position themselves for re-election by the end of November.

Already we know that Bannerman is making further overtures to the Tories as has Andreassen in the past and it seems likely the dim wit Wee Willy temper tantrum will also jump ship. Then since John Bufton’s aims and values are those of UKIP members rather than the corrupt EFD and Farage it seems likely he will have the integrity to leave.

I doubt Batten will have the integrity as he lacks both integrity and moral conviction and I would guess that those outside of The EFD whether calling themselves UKIP or not would rather he did not join them as he is both untrustworthy and of very little merit or competence.

Rather Ruritainian as Big Beasts go – More The Mouse That Roared!

Finally, are we about to compromise our principles, as the “NO” campaign suggest?

Did they ‘suggest’ that – Irather thought they stated it unequivocally and again may I remind those of you on the make and the take that at The UKIP Conference the Membership soundly rejected the idea of joining a Pan EU Political Party.

Again, No!

Just how thick are you – surely you can not believe your own lies?

The Regulation says that a European Political Party must subscribe to the principles of liberty, democracy, respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms, and the rule of law.

Run that past me again!
You are quoting The EU as your founding principles – personally I trust virtually NOTHING that has emanated from The EU in the last 60 years.

UKIP might be said to support these principles more honestly and more comprehensively than any other party in the UK or, indeed the EU itself.

It is sad that there are so many proven liars, cheats and scoundrells seeking self aggrandisement and self enrichment as part of the leadership of UKIP and it parasites that climb all over the party like maggots in betrayal of principles seeking rewards!

This issue is the third substantive battle within UKIP between the purists and the pragmatists. Taking the money is the pragmatic option. It has prevailed twice before – and if the party is to succeed, then the pragmatists need to win again.

Pragmatists? Every time one eneters into a deal that prostitutes the party the party is demeaned.

Just look at how the party has collapsed in terms of informed activists, replacing much of the party with chavs, fools and the self seeking – unable after 18 years to field sufficient candidates to earn an electoral broadcast!

The pragmatism has led to making the party a laughing stock – would the purists act like fools and dress up as chickens? Would they field a schoolgirl unselected by due process as candidate for Mayor in a Major City? Would pragmatism back a series of failed publicans? Would pragmatism bring the party into disrepute in the Courts?

Yes twice before the pond life and filth have demeaned UKIP and yet again they seek self enrichment at the expense of the Party and principles –That is not pragmatism, that is prostitution.

In 1994 there was furious debate about the proposal to fight seats for the EU Parliament elections but not to take them up. Then in 1998 we agreed to take our seats if elected.

Since UKIP has effectively rendered itself irrelevant – Do you have a point?

One of those who left the party in disagreement over these very issues was Gerard Batten. Now an MEP, Gerard is a valued colleague, using his position (and money from the EU’s taxpayers) to fight – hard and effectively – for this great cause.

The man is a twerp of no value to the party as shown by his vote in The Mayoral Election and the near total collapse of his constituency. A man with no understanding of morality or Justice – show boating on Phillipino Catholic Politics of anti Islamism – his sole claim to achievem,ent being a brief re-write of the Government Pink Book on occasions to show the costs of EU membership – which The Pink Book shows without the re-write and used to be produced by Harry Randall on EUroRealist and SilentMajority within 2 days of The Government publishing The Pink Book!

How many of UKIP’s members would seriously oppose those decisions now?

As well over 30.000 have left in that period it is not hard to argue that the outcome suited the rump and dross of UKIP that remained.

The next step was to form part of a Group.

Which was catastrophic as the first group was led by the willey old Piers Bonde and it was through him that Farage would seem to have learned many of the tricks of corruption and dishonesty it seems.

Many saw it as a betrayal. Now, not only has it helped financially but it boosts speaking time and thus our profile: would UKIP and Nigel Farage have any hope of such exposure if he was not a Group leader?

Provably untrue and the EFD bears no resemblance. Farage is now linked irrevocably to the racism, anti Judaism, violence, dishonesty, corruption, anti homosexuality and pro EU stance of the majority of the group he runs and has duplicitousy subsumed UKIP into in direct contravention of the wishes of the members and it seems without the knowledge of some of the dim wits and fruit cakes on the NEC.

We know that the Parliamentary authorities try every legal trick in the book to censor and silence Nigel. 

Rubbish – cite a single example to substantiate such a silly claim.

Being in a Group means they can no longer freeze him out at key moments.

He manages to do this himself with the inanity of many of his comments – a performing monkey without the control of an Organ Grinder is a liability.

Do read the column inches in the press and the near total lack of National coverage of UKIP of any gravitas – because none is earned!

Above all, the formation of an opposition Group was exactly what the Europhiles and our enemies didn’t want us to do.

That UKIP has made itself look fools and behaved like fools and conjoined with the gutter sweepings of EU politics can surely not, in the most tortured and deluded mind, be construed as of benefit to these United Kingdoms.

That equally applies to creating a new political party in the Parliament.  It is exactly the step our enemies do NOT want us to take – which is why we MUST take it.

You are beyond ANY doubt your own worst enemies.

Would supporters of UKIP have so much ammunition in their efforts to clean-up the Party to TRY to make it electable as a Party that honourable men and women would vote for if informed – It is the very style of leadership and parasites l;ike yourselves that provide the amjmunition and drive true UKIP supporters and Patriots to exposing your corruption, dishonesty and outright lies – so clearly made for self enrichment.

Winston Churchill said in a speech in April 1941:“Give us the tools and we will finish the job”

It is well known that it is a bad workman that endlessly blames his tools.

UKIP Leadership and its maggots can find any number of excuses for their failure but are clearly unwilling to

That clarion call might have been crafted with this issue, this Party and this moment in history in mind.

Wordy and pretentious cr@p – which book did which illiterate find this in!

This vote is about giving the Party the tools to finish the job.

It is clearly NOT the Tools at Fault but the corrupt leadership.

1 As a result of a vote in committee in March 2011, it is very likely that the restriction on using grants for referenda will be totally abolished. This is particularly relevant to any referendum held under the proposed European Union Bill 2011 currently going through Parliament. If a sovereignty referendum is called, all three of the old parties will in future be able to use this money to campaign for a “YES” vote. If we do not take this money we will be severely at a disadvantage in such a referendum. If we join up, however, we can use their funds to fight for a “No Transfer” vote.

My Word YOU have Gone Native – YOU can not be real quoting EU woffle as justification for your foolish claims.

YOU imply that EU committees have some relevance in the law making process – SINCE WHEN!

To View the original CLICK HERE


To View The Rules CLICK HERE

Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
#08 Middle Street, Chepstow, NP16 5ET, Monmouthshire, United Kingdoms.
tel: 01291 – 62 65 62

 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance

Reclaim YOUR Future 
Write Upon Your Ballot Paper at EVERY election:
(IF You Have No INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance Candidate) .
to Reclaim YOUR Future 
Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
tel: 01291 – 62 65 62

Posted in Member of the European Parliament, Mick McGOUGH, NO to PEPPs, PEPP, Steph McWILLIAMS, Stuart AGNEW MEP | Leave a Comment »

#0408* – UKIP Seems Willing To Prostitute Principles For MORE Tax Payers’ Money!

Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 08/04/2011

#0408* – UKIP Seems Willing To Prostitute Principles For MORE Tax Payers’ Money!
Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 
The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!
UKIP Seems Willing To Prostitute Principles For MORE Tax Payers’ Money! 
Can UKIP Leadership Be Either As Dishonest Or As Stupid As They Seem?



08-Apr-2011 – UKIP Seems Willing To Prostitute Principles For MORE Tax Payers’ Money!

08-Apr-2011 – UKIP Seems Willing To Prostitute Principles For MORE Tax Payers’ Money!

John Stuart Agnew, on behalf of the EFD Group.

– Mr President, this legislation will allow the EU to throw money at referendum campaigns to ensure that it purchases the right result first time, for a change!
The UK will in future be holding a referendum each time the EU proposes to remove power from its electorate. The EU is frightened out of its wits that we may give a series of wrong answers. So it intends to remove money from UK taxpayers to indoctrinate them into its version of the path of true righteousness.
Fronting the legislation is Andrew Duff, a liberal democrat MEP from my own region. Support in the UK for his party has collapsed recently – a party of course desperate for EU institutions to govern the UK. Never has the EU’s gerrymandering been so clearly displayed alongside its contempt for UK voters. It is sowing the seeds of its own destruction, because the legislation will allow us to fund the referendum campaign that many in my country have for a very long time been waiting for – the one that gives us the opportunity to remove ourselves entirely from its control.


Would my colleague Mr Agnew agree with me that a political party that would accept funding under this legislation, as a single European party, and which in particular would have to observe the EU’s programme and activities and the founding principles of European law, and the development of European law at all levels regionally, nationally and at European level, em> would be a party which has lost its principles? 

Would you agree with me, Mr Agnew?


I say to Ms Sinclaire that we will take what we can out of this because we use the devil’s money to do God’s work. That is what we do, and well you know it.


Will you accept the principle of European law though?


No, of course we do not. That is why we are here.

For the original comments by Agnew and Sinclaire: LINK

What UKIP MEPs seem not to understand (well one fact clearly of many) as shown by their clearly out of his depth spokesman Stuart Agnew, is that if they are foolish enough to join a PEPP not one Iota nor EUro will accrue to UKIP.

UKIP seem to be trying to dupe their more gullible members into the belief that if they vote for PEPPs and join one they will have extra money to promote their claimed withdrawalist agenda.

One wonders if UKIP MEPs are so stupid that they believe this or are they so dishonest that they are deliberately telling lie and employing their muppets and parasites to lie to the members also.

It will not be long before the members receive a rude awakening!

The new centralised funding whether it is like the extra funding that is currently obtained seemingly used to bribe others to join the group to keep the numbers up or if it is like the formerly titled 4000 Account now abbreviated to being the 400 account (keep changing the names! It help obfuscate the scams!) seemingly unaccounted and falling under the control of the group leader even possibly used as bribes and even possibly trousered!

The funding for PEPPs would just fall under the control of the group, be that the extremist pro EU membership EFD Group or some new group such as that which the racist and generally irresponsible buffoon Godfrey Bloom and others have joined CLICK HERE.

The new money thus extorted from the tax payers might seem a bonanza but firstly it is only available on compliance with the aims and ambitions of The EU but also its disbursement would be a matter of group voting and as at the moment UKIP would find that its diminished authority would once again leave them as the junior partner – out voted in The EFD which is by a large majority a pro EU reformist body and not in favour of withdrawal as are several of the UKIP members of The EFD – no doubt with a view to their future self enrichment!

Thus, whatever The Group decided, UKIP would only be able to enact the Group policy within these United Kingdoms.

Thus although the original rules CLICK HERE may predicate against domestic use of the new funding the rule changes covered on this blog back in March CLICK HERE will make little or no difference to the domestic funding of National referendums that could be construed as positive.

In their stunning ignorance or more likely utter duplicity, UKIP aspirants to yet more money claim that the new rules permit them to fund opposition to membership in UK Referendums – a particularly disingenuous claim as what it conveniently overlooks is that FIRSTLY UKIP would merely be the representative of a Group and would legally be bound by Group Policy – Secondly The Group’s funding will be determined by The Group’s performance in ‘PROMOTING’ the views, values and aspirations of The EU!

The very stupid or singularly dishonest leadership of UKIP and its parasites will do much to get their hands on more money but their argument that it would be other than for themselves is unconvincing!

Let us consider for a moment that their foolish claims were just stupid – Yes UKIP by virtue of their group might have more money and by flouting the rules and risking the money for EVERY member of The Group they were legitimately permitted to campaign in the interest of their members ( a rare occurance these days!).

The down side risk of their tactic with a mere 30 or so members in their Group and with maybe 10 or less UKIP members – so UKIP could fund from their cut of Group funds activities in these United Kingdoms in a referendum – Wat of the other 700+ fully funded MEPs, they of course immediately become eligible to fund EU policy and EU interests in such a referendum!

I note the sound words of Barbara BOOKER on the subject:

An inkling of the near impossibility for UKIP of drawing up a political programme with Europarty colleagues whose aim is to stay in the EU and improve how it works and develops and is perceived, can be gained from studying the way the EFD voted following Tuesday’s Europarties debate. UKIP’s MEPs and three others voted against the resolution. With one exception the Italian MEPs abstained, as did one of the Lithuanians. One Italian, the two Greeks, the Slovakian and another Lithuanian all voted in favour of the resolution.
The significant thing about this is that four of those who either voted in favour or abstained (Imbrasas, Paska, Provera and Paksas) were named in Sharon Ellul Bonici’s e-mail last October as being already confirmed/about to confirm their membership of the Europarty that Godfrey Bloom has already joined, and presumably the one that Nigel Farage wants the rest of UKIP also to join.
These group colleagues who act against what UKIP MEPs see as being in the UK’s interest, are among the very people for whom UKIP principles will be compromised or abandoned in the cause of agreeing a joint programme for the promotion of an improved EU.

Clearly prostituting what few principles UKIP has managed to hang onto, though for the life of me I’m not sure what they are would seem a very poor exchange for the 30 pieces of silver they hope to trouser!

Let us also not forget that Sharon Ellul Bonici stood as a Marxist in her home constituency in Malta! Is there nothing nor any gutter UKIP leadership will befoul themselves with for money?



 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance

Reclaim YOUR Future 
Write Upon Your Ballot Paper at EVERY election:
(IF You Have No INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance Candidate) .
to Reclaim YOUR Future 
Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
tel: 01291 – 62 65 62
Enhanced by Zemanta

Posted in European Union, Godfrey BLOOM MEP, Nikki SINCLAIRE MEP, PEPP, Pro-Europeanism, Stuart AGNEW MEP | Leave a Comment »

#0405* – ex UKIP MEP Nikki SINCLAIRE, Fish, Food, & More Money

Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 06/04/2011

#0405* – ex UKIP MEP Nikki SINCLAIRE, Fish, Food, & More Money
Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 
The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!
ex UKIP MEP Nikki SINCLAIRE Now INDEPENDENT on Various Subjects in Strasbourg on Tuesday ALSO The EU on Fish, Food, & More Money for Politicians & PEPPs!!




I note from my Inbox and from the internet that this week was off to a rapid start in The EUroRealist camp with Indepemndent ex UKIP Nikki Sinclaire MEP putting out a Press Release from Brussels on Monday morning and then in Strasbourg for the plenary on Tuesday and I have tracked down 3 video clips made by close of play on Tuesday!

Having watched the debate on PEPPs live on video link I must congratulate Daniel Hannan MEP for his very good speech repudiating the very concept of PEPPs funded or unfunded by the Tax Payers. the EFD  and NFU rep Stuart Agnew MEP gave an exorable speech and embarrassingly voted for more money for Politicians and to help the EU gain more control and power over Britain and other vassal states!

When challenged on the Blue Card intervention Stuart Agnew was mistaken for The BNP MEP Andrew Bronze, clearly he is seen as an extremist and has had little impact in his 2 years on The Gravy Train!

The Blue Card question by Nikki Sinclaire MEP was to clarify how the principle of wanting more money and Pan EU Political Parties to aid The EU helped Britain – Poor man had a hissy fit and clearly lost his temper and was unable to answer the question so he invented a question of his own to answer and gave a rather silly answer – even when charged to clarify the morality he was unable to act coherently!

Here are the video clips I have found so far and I will add Dan Hannan’s if I can find it and also van Orden’s when they come to light!

There was also an EU style non debatet on The Common Fisheries Policy but it did show what a con The EU is having factory fished the food from the third world from under their noses off West Africa, forcing 1,000s of Africans to risk the 800 miles at sea in small boats to The Canary Isles rather than starve without fish in their homelands – The EU has fished out the waters of Somalia leaving the Somalis with their ancient survivalist methods of piracy as their only way to live.

The EU is now exploiting Seychelles, Madagascar and Mozambique in The Indian Ocean handing EU tax payers’ money to the rulers and then systematically stealing the fish from local subsistence fishermen!

Much was made of a new ‘agreement’ with The Comoros Islanders and Capulo Santos MEP explained how The EU was entering an agreement with The Comoros and paying them what sounded like €600K a year for 70 EU fishing boats to destroy their fisheries as well!! 30,000 of the 80,000 Comoros peoples WERE dependent on fish and fishing!

A Mr. Alphonsin MEP did point out that there was nothing really to discuss and that a vote on the matter, due on Wednesday, was a total farce as the Commission had already signed the ‘agreement’ without consulting the parliament – rather shows how irrelevant the parliament is in the face of the unelected dictator committee of The Commission!

A Mrs. Leben? MEP of the Greens went on to point out that the agreement had been in place long enough for EU Tax Payers to have given the government of The Comoros €2.7Million meanwhile EU private enterprise fishermen had TAKEN €13Million of fish – so The EU Tax Payers pay The Comoros Government so that Privately owned fishing vessels can make over €10Million stealing fish from subsistence fishermen!

Doesn’t it make you proud to be a member of the EU – meanwhile Austin Mitchell MP Labour has in his career watched his constituency of Grimsby diminish from a fleet of 120 vessels to 4 and the fishermen of Ireland with inshore and coastal boats are now forced 800 miles out to sea to find fish!

My word what a great policy The CFP has been well yes if one wishes to destroy the fishing fleets and the fish stocks of the world but NOT if you want a thriving industry that is sustainable that feeds our peoples!

Back to the videos for Tuesday that I have found:


Nikki SINCLAIRE MEP explains why she believes her constituents have no interest in paying for more politicians as The West Midlands are suffering from economic deprivation as it is without The EU Buying its way to Power with funded PEPPs.


Nikki SINCLAIRE MEP explains why she believes this is a con & souinds like a time warp to the Politically Correct issues of the 1970s being exploited by The EU to introduce ever more laws to their shame.
Leave the legislation to the member states!


Nikki SINCLAIRE MEP explains why she believes that the £48 Million a day tax payers in Britain pay should be kept at home and why her constituents in The West Midlands deserve to keep the money having been damaged by membership of The EU.


 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance

Reclaim YOUR Future 
Write Upon Your Ballot Paper at EVERY election:
(IF You Have No INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance Candidate) .
to Reclaim YOUR Future 
Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
tel: 01291 – 62 65 62

Posted in Capulo SANTOS MEP, CFP, Comoros, Daniel HANNAN MEP, Nikki SINCLAIRE MEP, PEPP, Stuart AGNEW MEP EFD, UKIP | Leave a Comment »


Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 04/04/2011




Pan EU Political Parties

Pan EU Political Parties
for MORE on Pan EU Political Parties
& How MEPs Feather Their Nests
from A EUroRealist Viewpoint!


 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance

Reclaim YOUR Future 
Write Upon Your Ballot Paper at EVERY election:
(IF You Have No INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance Candidate) .
to Reclaim YOUR Future 
Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
tel: 01291 – 62 65 62

Posted in New LINK, Pan EU Political Parties, PEPP | Leave a Comment »


Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 03/04/2011

Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 
The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!
No Candidates for The NEC!
No Election Date for The NEC!

No Independent UKIP House Comic for March!
No REAL Debate About PEPP!
THREE MEPs Now Lest In Disgust At The Corruption!

They now claim they have a cash flow problem and can’t produce the comic – WE THOUGHT prostituting UKIP to The EFD was to get that MONEY!

Has the sad figure of Stuart Wheeler had ‘A CRISIS OF CONFIDENCE’?
It won’t be his first!!




Here is a new LINK for YOU.

Pan EU Political Parties

Pan EU Political Parties
JUST CLICK The Pic. for MORE on Pan EU Political Parties & How MEPs Feather Their Nests from A EUroRealist Viewpoint!


despite the abject failure at UKIP Conference to convince the membership that they should comply with The EU and help The EU put in place Pan EU Political Parties (PEPP) Nigel Farage was heard to angrilly accuse a fellow MEP of having just cost HIM A Million A Year by his defeat in debate!

One starts to have an inkling what all this is about!

Minded that I am a little short of time this week with playing medical games I thought it only fair to put my notes in the public domain for YOU to view pending my eventually sorting them out.

Make of it what YOU will.

That I repudiate totally the betrayal of Britain by both membership of The EU and also of even contemplating prostituting principles for cash by helping The EU in any way – Least of all by forming PEPPs you will find my notes a muddle but they may give you a starting point.

Prof. Tim Congdon did much to stir the debate with his comments in October last year which you can find on the blog under the appropriate date if you CLICK HERE

I will do what I can during this week to try to sort these notes into an order which you can follow but I think much of the info. is already here in the muddle.

I had hoped that UKIP’s in house comic would have been produced by now – you may remember that it was promised for early March!!

It will of course be likely to have a pro PEPP bias and be shoddily dishonest in the extreme if previous issues are to be the model!

However had it been anywhere near on time or showed any signs of competence we could have written our blog addressing its points on a level and fair basis rather than use the types of lies so often resorted to by the undeniably corrupt leadership of UKI(P amd the ever fattening maggots that feed on the corpse of the party they are destroying for their personal gain.

Whilst on the subject of UKIP’s incompetence let us be minded that several members of their scrophulous NEC are time expired and it has been the custom to announce new candidates before Christmas for inclusion in The House Comic in February and election in March for their first NEC on the firts Monday of April!!!!

Then again much was made of summoning Mike Nattrass to their NEC on Monday 4th. only to find it conflicts with Strasbourg Pleniary!

Did someone tell you, as ever, their aim was to professionalise the party. Well he said that to get elected on previous occasions – this is the man who PROMISED not to employ Family and whilst trousering over £2 Million paid his wife £30K a year as a child minder!


 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance

Reclaim YOUR Future 
Write Upon Your Ballot Paper at EVERY election:
(IF You Have No INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance Candidate) .
to Reclaim YOUR Future 
Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
tel: 01291 – 62 65 62

Posted in Mike Nattrass MEP, NEC ELECTION, Nigel FARAGE MEP, Pan EU Party, PEPP, Tim Congdon | Leave a Comment »