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Archive for the ‘AGNEW’ Category

ABC of Ukip! Agnew, Batten & Collins Quit Farage’s EFDD Group & JoinThe National Front & Le-Pen! …

Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 15/01/2019

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ABC of Ukip! Agnew, Batten & Collins Quit Farage’s EFDD Group & JoinThe National Front & Le-Pen! …

Posted by:
Greg Lance – Watkins



The Main Web Site:


The corruption of EUkip’s leadership,
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC

is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!

000a ukip-025 count.png~~~~~~~~~~#########~~~~~~~~~~



UKIP leader Gerard Batten and two other UKIP MEPs (Stuart Agnew and Jane Collins) have joined Marine Le Pen’s ENF group in the European Parliament. Batten had resigned from Farage’s more moderate EFDD group in December to sit as an independent. The far right ENF group was founded in 2014 following discussions between Marine Le Pen and Geert Wilders, and consists of a number of quasi-fascist parties across Europe.

To view the original article CLICK HERE



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Posted in AGNEW, BATTEN, Collins,, EU, EUkip, GL-W, GLW, Greg Lance - Watkins, Greg_L-W., UKIP | Tagged: , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a Comment »

#0122b* – WITTERINGS FROM WITNEY: UKIP Go To War? Paint Balls At Dawn?

Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 26/09/2010

#0122b* – WITTERINGS FROM WITNEY: UKIP Go To War? Paint Balls At Dawn?
Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable!
The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
 their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!
UKIP Go To War? Paint Balls At Dawn? NO, Too serious for another UKIP stunt!
To Follow on from Posting #0122* – bringing you up to date!
One wonders at the ill manners & stupidity of many in UKIP!

Friday, 24 September 2010

UKIP Go To War?

The Talking Clock posts that Gerard Batten has formed an electoral pact with Tim Congdon, the latter who is standing for Leader – and that as part of this ‘pact’ Gerard Batten has withdrawn his candidacy for that position.

In a brief form of the statement, Tim Congdon tells potential supporters: “Tim Congdon and Gerard Batten have announced that they will be working together in a joint bid for the leadership of the UK Independence Party. Gerard Batten has decided to stand down and to support the candidature of Tim Congdon. If Tim Congdon is elected Leader of the UK Independence Party, he will appoint Gerard Batten as Deputy Leader and Head of Policy Development.

Follow the links in TTC’s post to read the statements by Batten and Congdon.

So now we will have the Farage/Nuttall camps in open warfare with the Batten/Congdon camps.

TTC ends his post:

This is a race that just got a darn sight more interesting…

And, I would venture, ‘bloody’………….. FFS UKIP!


James Higham said…

That sort of thing is hardly helpful.

The Talking Clock said…

Thank you for the generous hat-tip.

I’m hoping that the characters do not resort to internal warfare and hope that any – cough – ‘positioning’ of individual characters stays in the realm of private debate rather than bursting into the public domain.

I have met all three of the declared and known candidates for my interview series and, while all three are very different in terms of personality, they were all incredibly warm and kind people.

It’s for that latter reason that I *hope* that the gentlemen in the race can maintain a generous, fair and healthy contest. I’m optimistic that they will…

Witterings From Witney said…

JH – As they say, I do know that (only too well).

TTC – my pleasure. Unfortunately I believe your wishes are misplaced – seen it all before. Yes all three are reasonable men but………there will be blood!

Autonomous Mind said…

A new cenre-right party without the ‘single issue’ baggage is required now.

Witterings From Witney said…

AM, agreed. However UKIP do possess those policies but it seems that rather than promote them they would rather have a bloodbath. I say that with heavy heart in the I support their policies entirely – they most definitely are centre right.

As to your suggestion/conclusion – fine, how do we start one and who heads it? You can forget Hannan and Carswell – they are too wedded to their careers and I have virtually given up on them.

Greg_L-W. said…

Hi, I incline to agree with TTC and commend his comment: I *hope* that the gentlemen in the race can maintain a generous, fair and healthy contest. I’m not optimistic that they will be able to and thus in the face of the usual barage of smearing and deception – already started with abuse of staff and phone calls and the positioning of campaign managers and a toady as opposition to split the vote and prevent a fair fight I would hazard a prediction that it is all over bar the sneering & that was UKIP! There is absolutely no value in ANY Party from now on as our laws are made by our enemies at worst rivals at best. There is no value in discussion of policies that can NEVER be implemented whilst in The EU – and be minded NO PARTY has ever put forward an Exit & Survival Strategy. It will take 10 years from when we leave to be in a position to consider our own policies so play all you like at being political but without Leave-the-EU as a basis you are wasting yours and everyone elses time and working for the enemy. Have a look at on google and TheMidnightGroup.blogspot likewise. There are no answers but there is a step forward YOU can help build. When THE Gentleman in the UKIP blood bath wakes up perhaps he would care to come and help us do something constructive – UKIP is a part of the problem and offers no part of the solution. Regards, Greg_L-W.

Witterings From Witney said…

Greg, I do not stop any criticism or comment on this blog and you know full well that yours and my views on Ukip and the people in it are at total variance. It is a great pity that you force your views on those that don’t want them – witness you have been asked more than once to desist sending your email rants to me, yet continue to do so. For one who writes about “the usual barage of smearing and deception” I can only say to you that the words pot, black and kettle spring to my mind. The fact that you have a personal vendetta against certain members of Ukip is obvious and does your argument no good whatsoever. By all means argue and debate, but if you wish to do so on this blog then at least have the courtesy to provide provenance to your accusations.

Greg_L-W. said…

Hi, happy to – which bit did you not understand? It is a great pity that you force your views on those that don’t want them – witness you have been asked more than once to desist sending your email rants to me, yet continue to do so. Don’t read them – in the second row of keys down on the right you’ll find one marked delete. YOU are master of YOUR computer. For one who writes about “the usual barage of smearing and deception” I can only say to you that the words pot, black and kettle spring to my mind. Please be so good as to identify a lie, distortion, smear, untruth or deliberate inaccuracy I have EVER published – if you are unable an apology would be apposite when seeking to liken me to Croucher, Farage, Bloom, Bannerman, Clark, Andreasen, Agnew, Denny, McTrough and the rest of the pond life in UKIP leadership. The fact that you have a personal vendetta against certain members of Ukip is obvious and does your argument no good whatsoever. I have no vendetta with any member of UKIP merely utter contempt for corruption, dishonesty and bullying by public servants using tax payers’ money. By all means argue and debate, but if you wish to do so on this blog then at least have the courtesy to provide provenance to your accusations. Any time, Any place, with Anyone, withing 50 miles (health constraints – sorry). Regards, Greg_L-W.

Witterings From Witney said…

Greg, Re the delete button: what is it you do not understand, encapsulated in the words please do not send me your emails/please take me off your mailing list? I am fully aware where the delete button is located on my keyboard – unfortunately it does not work with people! Your comment about ‘pond life’ demonstrates you lack of courtesy and any ability to debate. Sorry to hear about your health being a tad problematical and trust it improves soon however not too sure what the waiting list is for the brain implant you so obviously require.

Greg_L-W. said…

Hi, The insignificance of your identity has passed me by – I merely respond to your ill informed witterings. That you are gratuitously offensive may well come naturally to you. However you have failed to identify what facts you had failed to understand: Was it the several £million that seem to have gone missing from UKIP funds? Was it Godfrey Bloom arrested for copulating in the street? Was it Gawain Towler boasting on his blog of his infidelity and perversion? Was it Derek Clark boasting of how he defrauds the EU at a public meeting? Was it the fact that Marta Andreasen is a fraud? Was it that David Bannerman lies about his identity? Was it that UKIP has held 2 petitions and raised money never accounted for and neither petition was ever delivered? Was it that Farage used staff to lie and cheat in his last leadership election? Was it that Malcolm Pearson was Money laundering to fraudulently misrepresent donors? Was it Bloom being banned from hotels for urinating in plant pots in public? Was it that Stuart Agnew was defrauding the tax payers? Was it that Trevor Colman criminally covered up for Tom Wise? Was it Farage promising Meridian TV he would publish his detailed accounts in 1999 yet never doing so? Was it that more than 85% of the money raise through Ashford never reached the party? Was it that Farage did NOT remove Tom Wise from UKIP but lied about it? Was it that Farage – chairs the most vile extremist group in the EU comprising criminals, violent xenophobes, holocaust deniers, racists, anti Jewish pro EU membership & The lisbon Treaty?   CONTINUED

Greg_L-W. said…

CONTINUATION Was it the blatant duplicity of Mark Croucher? Was it that David Lott lied about his employment status? Was it the industrialised criminal fraud and utter incompetence of Tom Wise for which he was jailed? Was it the corrupt and self serving behaviour of Annabelle Fuller? Was it that Mick McGough is a liar and a cheat? Was it that Farage & Croucher positioned the party by promoting The BNP? Was it the dishonesty of the treatment of Petrina Holdsworth when as Chairman she called for transparency? Was it that Douglas Denny corrupted the last proper leadership election and was fired by the NEC? Or was it something else you were confused about with the pond life that has risen to lead UKIP? As requested by YOU I am happy to debate these irrefutable FACTS with you or anyone else – however your ill manners and gratuitous abuse do little to assist in covering up the fact that UKIP’s leadership are little more than a rabble of parasitic petty crooks – prone to defaulting on their legal liabilities and without honour and with little dignity! May I remind you of your earlier rather more adult posting where you said: By all means argue and debate, but if you wish to do so on this blog then at least have the courtesy to provide provenance to your accusations. I replied: Any time, Any place, with Anyone, withing 50 miles (health constraints – sorry). Since you have now sunk to childish playground comments and insults – let us see if you have the maturity to debate as YOU requested. Which of the items listed are you not aware of and believe I can not provide provenance of? Regards, Greg_L-W.
 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance

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Posted in AGNEW, ANDREASEN, BLOOM, Coleman, CROUCHER, David Bannerman, DENNY, Derek CLARK, Farage, Malcolm Pearson, McGough, Petrina HOLDSWORTH, Tom WISE, Witterings from Witney | Leave a Comment »


Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 18/09/2010


Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable!
The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
 their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!


Nigel Farage speaking to his local Kent paper admits he wasn’t up to the job of leader last time he corruptly and based on dishonesty seized the control.

We now know that not only did he lie about Pearson, as it was predicted that he would leave immediately after the election and he did, but loitered like a bad smell as a result of Farage’s plane crash – from which he has not properly recovered.

Some of Farage’s catastrophic decisions as Party Leader:

Failure to appoint competent Media staff.

Failure to account for £211,000 that was seemingly trousered from his constituency office.

Lied to the media about firing Tom Wise.

Failure to account for 85%+ of the money raised through Dartford.

Advocated Pearson as a credible proxy leader.

Involved in outright corruption in MEP selection.

Failure to address outright fraud by Bannerman & Agnew as per CLICK HERE

Failure to address Money Laundering by Agnew, Farage, Pearson as per CLICK HERE

Appointment of the clearly corrupt Marta Andreasen CLICK HERE + further links.

Outright lies to media about publishing accounts.

Outright dishonesty about promising not to employ family.

Outright failure to show ANY vision or leadership ability.

Outright failure to conduct a Petition with no petition delivered and no accounting Did HE steal £1/4Million?

Total failure over a dozen years as leader to implement systems, structure or organisation.

Failure to account the 4000 account money, has he merely trousered £Millions?.

Failure to account the €6,000 a year travel budget for each MEP has he used it as bribes?

Failure to develope and build a party structure.

Failure to attract and employ competent staff.

Failure to conduct honest transparent internal elections.

Clearly Farage has shown himself as both unfit to be trusted, unfit as a leader and proven utterly incompetent.

Interestingly you will note he has admitted he isn’t up to the job to his local paper – he has said if he is elected he will hire professional leadership as a team – will this be his wife and some drinking buddies as in all other instances or a new Annabelle Fuller for him and pond life like Mark Croucher?

One has to admire Farage for his brass necked indifference to UKIP & its members as long as it lines his pockets and provides his creature comforts – what a creature, what comforts!

With Bannerman standing to split the vote in opposition as he diod last time there is no point in wasting money on this stitch up!

Farage makes to be Ukip leader for second time
Nigel Farage

KENT NEWS: Nigel Farage says he will reshape Ukip’s management structure if members allow him to lead the party for a second time.

The 46-year-old Sevenoaks resident only quit the role 12 months ago but is hankering for a return after the unexpected resignation of his successor, Lord Pearson.

When Mr Farage first stepped down as Ukip leader he told members it was because it was too difficult to manage the party as well as serve as an MEP for the South East.

However, he told KOS Media this week he had found a solution for the problem.

“I was just overwhelmed the first time round,” said Mr Farage. “It was just too much for one person to bear and intolerable.

“It still is a huge burden, but I’ve thrown my hat in the ring with the intention to do things differently if I get the job again.

“I’ve learned that you can’t really be a leader and a manager at the same time, so I would being in a chief executive and a team of professionals to run things while I focused on the media and publicity side.

“I’ve agonised over this decision. Politically, there are huge opportunities for Ukip, especially as the policies of the three main parties have virtually merged into one. I’ve done the job before, I know what’s needed and I believe I’ve had a reasonable amount of success in the role.

“I never intended to come back after one year, but I feel this is what I have to do.”

Mr Farage was one of the founding members of the UK Independence Party in 1993 and led the party from 2006 until September, 2009.

Another reason for his resignation was to devote more time to standing against House of Commons Speaker John Bercow in May’s General Election – a decision which almost cost Mr Farage his life when the plane he was in crashed on polling day.

The accident left the former Bromley schoolboy with serious back injuries that continue to plague him, and which could have put paid to his leadership plans.

Mr Farage said: “Two or three of my vertebrae are damaged and will probably never be the same, but in the week before the conference I put myself through a gruelling travel schedule and somehow managed it.

“My back isn’t what it should be but I’ve found I can get by regardless and I’m quite pleased about that.”

Mr Farage’s fellow MEPs David Campbell Bannerman and Gerard Batten have also said they will contest the UKIP leadership election, expected to take place in November.

Another former leader, Jeffrey Titford, has been placed in temporary charge.

To view the original article CLICK HERE

 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance

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Posted in AGNEW, ANDREASEN, CROUCHER, David Bannerman, Farage, Kirsten FARAGE, Malcolm Pearson, Nigel FARAGE | Leave a Comment »


Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 04/09/2010


Clean EUkip up NOW  make UKIP electable!  
The corruption of some of EUkip’s leadership,   
their anti UKIP claque in POWER the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!  


I find it as hard to work up any enthusiasm for commentary on the utter waste of time that is the UKIP Farage Fan Club annual reunion.

It is so boring, so yesterday, so corrupt and so very very irrelevant!

First we have the sad spectacle of yet another complete con masquerading as an election where the tragic comic figure of the increasingly senile Elizabeth Burton not only counts her own votes it seems, astonishingly managing to stay awake for that long during an afternoon without a nap!

Incredibly she even tried to joke and quoted from my blog confirming that voting was easy she just asked Nigel what to do!

To add to the embarrassment, without even visiting the many other areas of clear corruption both under law and the party rules, not to mention UKIP Constitution the election was clearly an offence to reason, morality or democracy – Elizabeth Burton was unable to deny she had counted her own votes –

One wonders why they bothered when votes coming in that were husband and wife in one envelope were discarded when not wanted yet those with Godfrey Blooms letter to the data base included were considered acceptable. There is also the small detail of the box of votes that was ‘materialised’ at the end when it was realised all was not according to the list they had drawn up of who was to win and it was this box which seemingly corrected the matter so how many permutations of spare box were there to suit which contingencies?

I remember the night of the Wales Devolution vote where despite arranging with the returning officer to change the paramaters 7 times after the vote commenced to try to rig a win eventually Tony Blair had secretly caught the train back to London as it was clear there would be a NO vote but Labour YES campaigners were the only people permitted to count or view the opening and flattening of votes (as with poor old Burton counting her own in a separate room!) that was in Rhonda Cynon Taff – In Flintshire a large quantity of NO votes were passed out of the ladies toilet window and replaced with pre counted YES votes.

Gloom struck when they realised they had lost the con but a certain individual was prepared and a police car was called to collect an overlooked box in Neath which on arrival was subject to deliberate obfuscation but was clearly seen to be packed to absolute capacity and surprisingly there was not a single NO vote in the entire box.

We must of course remember Neath was the odious Pietre Hayne’s seat and also do remember as the Minister with responsibility for introducing The Minimum Wage he was prosecuted and found guilty of paying a full time staff member £17 per week and his defence was the rest was made upa as clothing allowances and from petty cash so as not to effect her benefits!!!! Pietre Hayne fled to Spain on holiday to avouid interview and until it was no longer news despite the guilty verdict and the £3,500 fine. No doubt it was then he set in place the mechanism to ensure he could not be caught on false declarations in future – as with £100,000 undeclared in the leadership election but declared moments before it was about to be found out by a probing media!!

No wonder the returning officer did not turn up – he is learning from Farage (who no doubt learned from Pietre Hayne)! Put in place the instrument of corruption but do not sign it or accept responsibility.

Then there was the embarrassment of the unsurprising distraction of Paul Nuttall standing down as Party Chairman – not a post that pays and with his new car parking in London is difficult! Nuttall was never elected in the first place he was a Farage placeman – he resigned last leadership election but no one noticed and he has done so again – well who cares?

We also have the laughable spectacle of the unprincipled liar and cheat David Bannerman predictably announcing he will stand for leadership and raising his vicious little profile with a contrived leak to the BBC that he would attack Nigel Farage from the conference platform.

DO YOU REMEMBER some speech reputing to being like being attacked by a wet sheep – well for those too young to remember Geoffrey Howe’s original efforts here was a perfect example.

Not a bad scam when you look at the truth but why do they use the same ruse over and over again have they no pilitical intelligence or imagination?

Well yes of course you are right – none whatsoever – do not forget Mrs. Dale’s Diary can be relied upon to support the love that knows no name! It must be so very frustrating for the poor dear to be so unrequited when as clearly a failure in any political terms and with such ambitions to be left as the petty commentator with a wee fan club but no support of gravitas and after endless attempts at interview as a PPC endless rejections! Sad really but it must be discomfitting for his snivil parner!

Last time Bannerman was wheeled out to pay for Farage’s patronage was at the last leadership election (NO not the puppet farce with Pearson).

You will remember Bannerman was wheeled out as Farage feared Suchorzewski might win and with absolutely no hope Bannerman was wheeled out to split the vote – Bannerman stood not a hope of taking votes off of Farage, which is why Farage didn’t bother going to hustings and despite outright lies he was not very convincing – without Bannerman’s intervention Suchorzewski would now be UKIP’s leader and without any shadow of doubt – however bad he might have been he would have far out classed anyone in UKIP today.

Again we see, as predicted, the risible David Bannerman – not with a view to winning but with a view to splitting the vote that Batten and Congdon would otherwise get.

It is all so transparent! So predictable! So corrupt – so very very UKIP leadership team.

They even deliberately leaked, through Nigel’s new best friend, a contrived attack on Nikki Sinclaire – one has to wonder at their stupidity, do they really want to annoy her and find themselves in The High Court losing against her AGAIN!! I can think of 3 cases she could currently bring with every expectation of winning.

I gather the fat little chap with the bow tie who used to work for Sinclaire as an office gofer is ingratiating himself with Farage as the SO CALLED complainant on some historic travel expenses – you remember him maybe better as delivering speeches for his chum the PPC Bleary AllCock who seemingly preferred to stay at home and masturbate.

 Unmemorable as the chubby chap was I found a photo of him his name is Jonathan Imsoggy as I recall and he was previously a campaigner for Fathers for Justice – probably also on the staff as the thought of him being father to anything is too bizarre for words!

Where does UKIP find them and they were both PPCs!

Talking of Court Cases – since Bannerman is under investigation with OLAF I understand as are Clark, Agnew & Titford still are the appointments of Farage’s corrupt muppets really appropriate?

As for the NEC – does ANYONE know anyone so corrupt as to have voted for Curtis, McTrough, Hugh Williams for starters – REALLY can not believe these utterly corrupt individuals got voted onto the NEC – one is forced to wonder if ANY aspect of the election was not corrupted – seriously who the hell voted for such corrupt filth.

Is it any wonder that The BBC commentators were openly laughing at UKIP on the morniong programme having had the deputy leader leak an attempted stab in the back to the owner of the party – clearly it was a put up job and the BBC knew it one commentator said ‘if you think the Tories and Labour have problems with in fighting then you should see UKIP that is all they do’!

How right they were!

I was going to write a serious summary of the day at the conference with Bannerman’s tedious speech et al but then I thought – what is the point they are so utterly revolting, so very un British and so clearly irrelevant WHY BOTHER!

 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance
Write Upon Your Ballot Paper at EVERY election:
(IF You Have No INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance Candidate)
LEAVE-THE-EU to Reclaim YOUR Future 

Posted in AGNEW, Barry Allcock, Curtis, Elizabeth Burton, John Ison, McGough | Leave a Comment »


Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 01/09/2010


Clean EUkip up NOW  make UKIP electable!  
The corruption of some of EUkip’s leadership,   
their corrupt anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!


UKIP News: Elizabeth Burton, Hague & Bannerman, Clark & UKIP Liverpool

we therefore expect them to stand as clearly
UKIP’s new logo? It is certainly much more apt than the current pound symbol!

Elizabeth Burton counted her own votes in NEC election!
It just gets worse!

We cannot do better than quote from Dr Edmond’s blog:

Allegations that NEC candidate, Elizabeth Burton counted her own votes!
Whilst waiting to drive on the 8th hole this evening I received a tip off from someone present at the

UKIP NEC count shambles that
completely invalidates the whole process.
Please Note (insert by G.L-W.)
A fuller copy of the facts pertaining to NEC Status under the Constitution can be found as part of CLICK HERE 
However the pertinent rule would seem, unarguably, to be:

The Returning Officer shall appoint staff to assist in the count. Candidates and their appointees shall not be permitted to assist in the count.

I haven’t checked the other claim that head office staff may not conduct the count, which would in fact surprise me – AS LONG AS The official Returning Officer is present with registered scrutineers on behalf of adequate candidates.

The Full UKIP – NEC – ELECTION – RULES can be seen if you CLICK HERE
The UKIP CONSTITUTION can be read in full at CLICK HERE

I too have heard Burton was involved in counting!!! This alone must surely totally invalidate the entire election even in UKIP – it would in a banana republic!
I do appreciate UKIP has a long and well establish record of corruption in elections and selection processes.
This total scam with the open abuse of the data base by a party officer, party staff and an MEP in circulating members officially advising them how to vote and deliberately defaming an elected MEP by clearly linking them with the liar, cheat, fraudster and convicted criminal Tom Wise UKIP MEP who Farage ensured stayed in office as an MEP until his UKIP membership ran out shortly before the end of his elected term and prior to his trial and 2 year prison sentence. 
Farage took absolutely Zero action against Tom Wise to have him disciplined and took absolutely no action to remove him from his EU Parliamentary Group, and ZERO action to withdraw his membership and had his muppet Douglas Denny lie, lie and lie to dupe people into believing Wise was NOT guilty of bringing UKIP into disrepute!!!
Further Farage authorised Croucher to lie on UKIP web site and dishonestly seek to mislead the press, members and others that Tom Wise UKIP MEP had been exonerated by the EU of the crimes of which there was absolutely intontrovertible evidence which UKIP knew I had supplied to the Police).
UKIP under the leadership of Farage whether titular or defacto is a catastrophic morass of corruption – this is just another minor example – To UKIP the morality of the actions of their leadership is an absolute irrelevance as long as their leader his chosen puppets and their parasites can be kept swimming in the gravy boat!
It is time this filth was cleaned up, wound up and encacerated to make way for a pro British, patriotic, libertarian party actively exposing the malign corruption and lack of democracy of The EU – NOT scum like UKIP’s leadership and parasites acting out their self enrichment scams and wallowing in the filth that is The EU with such glee.

we therefore expect them to stand as clearly

My informant alleged that votes were counted by head office staff. When one of these staff pointed out to Challis, his boss and UKIP’s office manager that this was against the rules they were allegedly told by Challis to get on with it. The NEC appointed returning officer Zuckerman seems not to have been present. Who is his nominated deputy John Knotts? Why did he not enforce the rules banning head office staff from executing this count? Did he even know what the rules were?

Worse, at 3 pm on the afternoon of the count to speed things up, it is alleged Elizabeth Burton, a candidate was called in to help. It is alleged she was seated in a separate room from the other counters, in Trevor Colman’s old office, to do her part of the count. Was this Mr Knotts idea of how to conduct a count?

I wrote this morning that UKIP was degenerating to Banana republic practices but that if these allegations are correct it is insulting to Banana republics! Not even Robert Mugabe counted his own votes as it is alleged Elizabeth Burton did! I hope Elizabeth Burton can rebut these allegations.

Clearly these NEC results cannot stand and the whole voting procedure must be repeated as the integrity of the ballot itself has been clearly compromised. For God’s sake UKIP get the ERS to conduct the ballot rerun. It deeply saddens me that the UKIP ruling Cabal has resisted for so long using the ERS. If UKIP wants to be considered as serious political party it has to clean up its internal voting procedures otherwise it will remain a vehicle for pathetic media wanabees and the people of the UK will have no hope of escaping their enslavement by the EU.

UKIP is now a party dominated by a Cabal desperately trying to cling onto power. Fish and political parties rot from the head. UKIP needs a new leader and a fresh NEC. I will happily stand down in favour of Tim Congdon if Gerard Batten will do likewise. We need a leader untainted by the EFD group with its racist neo-Nazi associations . A leader based in the UK, who will work in the UK, to get us out of the EU
To see the original: LINK Also see: LINK

William Hague & David Bannerman

David Bannerman was once described to us as ‘UKIP’s William Hague’. We assumed that they were referring to Hague and Bannerman’s joint charisma bypass. However, it could be something else!

Derek Clark on gas guzzlers

The odious Paul Nuttall is still driving around in his EU/UK taxpayers funded car. See: LINK
Our story caused a bit of a stir in Brussels. One senior UKIPPER was even accosted in a bar and accused of being a hypocrite for “living like an emperor” thanks to his EU salary.

We were hoping that Derek Clark was going to give Nuttall a piece of his mind. After all, it was Clark who during a speech attacked BORRUSO for driving an environmentally unfriendly Volkswagen Touareg.

But sadly Clark has decided to remain silent when it comes to UKIP’s very own living tribute to Benito Mussolini. More double standards. Such a shame!

UKIP & David Bellamy
UKIP Liverpool is behind a crass attempt to use David Bellamy’s name to boost support for the party.

From YouTube:

UKIPMerseyside 25 July 2010

Have you ever wondered why David Bellamy is not seen on your TV any more. If scientists don’t follow the political line on man-made Climate change, they get the chop. Join UKIP or email

We can confirm that David Bellamy was not asked if he minded being used as a recruitment tool for UKIP. We can also confirm that Mr. Bellamy is not a supporter of UKIP.

Next time UKIP Liverpool should ask celebrities before using their image and name for political purposes.

Here is the video.

It is quite ironic that Robin Page is mentioned during the interview. He left UKIP after being the subject of a dirty tricks campaign in order to prevent him becoming a MEP candidate. They also denied John West, Alison West and Christopher Hudson the chance to stand. All were extremely popular members of UKIP and would have easily beaten Bannerman and Agnew in a fair fight. Piers Merchant – the Returning Officer for the internal election – recommended to the NEC that the selection process be rerun. His recommendations were ignored because Bannerman and Agnew had been promised the top slots by Farage. Ironically, Bannerman and Agnew were later exposed by the Sunday Times as misusing their EU allowances to illegally pay Peter Reeve! See: LINK

Here are extracts from Robin’s former Daily Mail blog. Both date from 2009:

I have had enough. I expect political parties to be transparent, democratic and accountable. Sorry, it seems to me that UKIP fails on all three counts. It is a tragedy, and remember that after the 2004 European Elections UKIP thought it had achieved a great breakthrough. Now because of its own behaviour it is facing the great “break-up” amid accusations of rigged internal elections, tales of extravagance and high living in Brussels and an embarrassing stampede to join the European Gravy Train this summer And over all this rules UKIP’s Blair-like leader Nigel Farage, yet another ex-public school boy who appears to have turned UKIP into his personal fiefdom. It would appear that he has the power to appoint and to sack as the mood takes him. It is quite extraordinary and extremely sad.

After the 2004 European Elections UKIP rode on the crest of a wave with 12 Members of the European Parliament, 2.7 million votes, 16.8% of the vote and membership of 26,000.

UKIP’s MEP’s have dropped to nine through defection and expulsion. One, former leader Jeffrey Titford has left his East Anglian constituency to live in Sussex, without informing his constituents, and membership is down to 14,000 – sorry, 13,999. At the Henley by-election last year UKIP came sixth, behind the Greens and the BNP, polling just 2.4%.

Already some UKIP diehards are claiming that I have “stormed off in a rage”. Nothing could be further from the truth. It has taken me eight months to decide to resign – it must be one of the slowest and most laid-back resignations ever. In addition I liked Nigel Farage, indeed he was a guest at my wedding four years ago.

Warning signals about the state of UKIP first came to me some time ago with the dismissal of Richard North – the brains behind many of UKIP’s better policies and exposures. Together with Christopher Booker he has been responsible for some important EU exposures in the Daily Mail too. Even discussing his sacking with Nigel I could never get a sensible explanation of Richard’s sin. I can now only conclude that his light shone too brightly.

Then came my exclusion from the UKIP European Election List last year. The suggestion to put my election papers in late, and with permission, came from UKIP’s own officials – the Regional Organiser for the East and the HQ Office Manager. They required only a cheque for £250 and my CRB (police check) forms early – which they received. My other papers they suggested could be completed after I returned from a writing trip to the Scillies – or in UKIP’s case, very silly.

On my return (the first Friday in June), there was a letter from the Office Manager who had arranged everything, telling me that I had been excluded from the elections – for doing exactly what he had told me to do. Robert Mugabe eat your heart out!

I immediately contacted Nigel who assured me that he would put it to “the Political Committee”. He later phoned to say; “The Political Committee” had confirmed my exclusion.

At a meeting in Ugley on Feb 7th UKIP’s Chairman, Paul Nuttall (appointed by Pol Pot Farage), stated to an amazed audience of disillusioned UKIPPERS, that Nigel was the “political committee”, and there were no minutes or agendas of the meetings, when, presumably, Nigel met himself – it was then that I finally felt the dagger slowly passing between my shoulder-blades. At the meeting the Chairman told me that he would arrange a meeting between Nigel and me – no meeting was arranged. Resignation was my only honourable option.

I am sad about it, as I have met many good people at grass roots level within UKIP, but it seems to me that the Party has been stolen from the grass roots by its executive. Now all that executive seems to want is to board the European Gravy Train at all costs. Just under 2000 years ago Tacitus wrote words to the effect: “Britons are very good at being Roman. They like the baths, the forum and they think they are becoming Roman whereas in fact these devices enslave them to Rome.” Replace “Britons” with “UKIP MEPs” and “Roman” with “European” and the disintegration of UKIP is explained.

Dave, sleep peacefully, UKIP is a Small Party Getting Smaller Politics and politicians – what a shambles. Dave you may be lightweight – about the same weight as John Major – but you are considerably lighter than William Hague, who stupidly accepted the leadership of the Tory Party when he was too young. In my view later on today would be the right time for him.

Never mind – you can still sleep peacefully as the UKIP implosion continues apace through the skills of disintegration being used so well by leader Nigel Farage, now called “Fuhrer Farage” by many who can see what is going on. He is supported in all this nonsense by a group of handpicked nodding donkeys and sycophants who have turned UKIP in to a mini-mirror image of the EU – which they proclaim to hate. So the Party promising to clean up the sleaze and corruption of Brussels and leave the EU has becoming a Party slowly disappearing beneath what appears to be its own sleaze and corruption, with most of the “leaders” – Farage and friends – desperate to keep on or get on the Brussels Gravy Train. Incidentally I was reprimanded the other day for using the term Gravy Train – I was told it is a “Gravy Boat”, as modern boats are so much bigger than trains.

There are many questions to be asked – but so far none have been answered. I have asked them directly to Nigel Farage, and have never even had an acknowledgement. As a journalist, I need them answered for accuracy. As an individual I ask questions because I want to get to the facts – and the truth. I don’t want to smear or cast aspersions – I want the facts.

Some time ago Nigel told me that UKIP’s call centres were making a lot of money. How much? And where did the money go? The answers should be simple.

There are people who claim that huge amounts of money are not accounted for. I don’t know – is it true?

Some people tell me that Nigel has an “Educational Trust” on the Isle of Man. My simple questions to Nigel were – is this true? What does it do? Where did the money come from? All unanswered – so I don’t know whether this is true or false.

I understand that one evening Nigel had been enjoying the falling down water and had indeed fallen over. It is then claimed that he said of a Tory MEP of Asian origin: “Get that … away from me”. It was apparently witnessed, and indeed recorded, by others – is this true? That is all I have asked, and answers from UKIP’s leader would help to clarify the situation. We all have lapses – I recorded one of mine the other day (What an Own Goal). I am told that British MEPs from other parties witnessed all this – but I was also told “You’ll never get an answer as they are all at it”. Whatever does “at it” mean?

Dave, are your MEPs “at it” in Europe, and what are you going to do about it?

But UKIP’s state is even more serious – now any criticism of the Fuhrer is regarded as blasphemy, and properly elected members of UKIP’s NEC have been summarily turfed off, and John West – a Farage critic from Suffolk – next in line for the NEC has been stopped from filling the vacancy that the nodding donkey firing squad created.

Can you believe that all this is from the Party horrified by the lack of democracy and rampant corruption in Europe?Now even worse – the gang that has stolen UKIP from its grass roots want to change the constitution making it even less democratic. On the question of democracy – one of the nodding donkeys – MEP Jeffrey Titford, has moved to Sussex – miles out of his East Anglian constituency – yet as far as I am aware he has not told his constituents, nor his East Anglian party members (of who I am one) and he certainly has not had the decency to resign. Titford of course was an undertaker, now unwittingly helping to bury UKIP. Interestingly too, when Bob Spink first resigned from the Tory Party, he was described as “UKIP’s first MP”. Bob Spink has confirmed to me that he is not a UKIP MP he is an “Independent MP”.

As a result of all this, a group of virtually all UKIP’s high profile members is fighting the centralising of power by the Fuhrer and his nodding donkeys. They include

Sir Richard Body – former MP and first member of the House of Commons who could accurately be described as “green”: also, one of the few politicians I would cross the road to meet.

Roger Knapman MEP, former UKIP party leader

Piers Merchant former UKIP chief executive, returning officer and former MP

Prof. Tim Condon – one of the few nationally known figures to have joined UKIP

Bruce Lawson – former UKIP Treasurer

Dr.David Abbott – despite being an elected member of the NEC he was recently thrown off by the nodding donkeys.

Ukip’s constitutional changes are astonishing. One abolishes the Party’s annual business meeting – taking away the right of members to vote on the Party’s accounts –well there’s a surprise.

Another will abolish the democratic right of members to elect a Disciplinary Panel and it will give the unelected Party Chairman (appointed by the Leader) – with the most inappropriate name possible – ahem – Mr.Nutall – the arbitrary powers to suspend any member for any reason without a hearing.

I say, I say, I say, yes folks – this is UKIP – the party that believes the EU is corrupt and undemocratic.

At a time like this, when Britain needs a political party of substance and honesty – doesn’t it make you weep?

Sleep easy Dave – sadly you’ve nothing to worry about.

I HAVE ADDED numerous links to enhance & substantiate JUNIUS’ Excellent post.


But Far More Significantly for These UNITED KINGDOMS:

 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance
Reclaim YOUR Future   
Write Upon Your Ballot Paper at EVERY election:
(IF You Have No INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance Candidate)
to Reclaim YOUR Future   


2 x Pics. by Andrew EDWARDS formerly UKIP Branch Chairman

Posted in AGNEW, BURTON, CONGDON, David Bannerman, Derek CLARK, Nikki SINCLAIRE, Nuttall | Leave a Comment »

#112* – Eastern Region Rises Against Corruption of EUkip Leadership It Seems!

Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 08/11/2008

#112* – Eastern Region Rises Against Corruption of EUkip Leadership It Seems!

Clean EUkip up NOW & make UKIP electable!



I though we could get back to showing just how corrupt the management of EUkip is by mailing copies of a few eMails that are in circulation amongst certain members of the NEC & leadership of EUkip – some have come direct from the EU and some from those who are amongst or with access to leadership or NEC computers including their owners 😉

Sorry not to supply Mr. Farage and his corrupt cronies and Brown Shirts with further identities to add to his Reichstag Fire expulsion lists once he has enacted his Hitler style Enabling Act thereby dispensing with the Disciplinary Committee structure, deselecting those on the NEC who will not act as his puppets and muppets, suspending the Constitution and subsuming to himself and a few enforcers the right to expel people who will not go along with his lies, deceptions, duplicity and determination to at all cost get re-elected to the troughs on the gravy train.

It increasingly looks like: the only real funding will be siphoned to fund Farage getting his snout back in the EU troughs and then clearly the funds will be depleted – Farage’s idiot milch cow Alan Bown will have spent out – having been fool enough to pay for Nigel Farage & Andrew Smith’s unprofessional and irresponsible antics and lies.

Any Court cases will be brought against EUkip, where the duped NEC are bankers of last resort, and Farage will most probably jump ship.

He has already PROVED he is duplicitous, selfish, incompetent, without any leadership skills, unable to delegate, corrupt and dishonest. He and his cronies have also proved that they have no reputation to uphold nor have I ever wittingly misled or lied or they would have slapped a writ on me! However TRUTH is my provable defence 😉

Political Parties and men of integrity sue to defend their name not to make money!

I have ONLY told the truth – whether you like it or not.

You have my name, my address & my phone number – I have offered to be cross examined to establish I am telling the truth, at any mutually convenient time and place; before a public audience – those who I have exposed as liars, frauds, cheats, spivs and fools are more than welcome to cross examine me, to try to establish my details and opinions about them are untrue and or libellous, as I have NO wish to mislead or lie about anyone or anything.

How about these letters now 😉

Before you read them do be aware that George Curtis is a liar and corrupt – a coward, only too willing to curry favour by outright lies, as long as he thinks he will not be found out – he has been!

George Curtis has to my CERTAIN knowledge lied about me and also Robin Page & John West – I have read George Curtis’s weedling report to the NEC and also his eMail to the corrupt self appointed regional committee, which as we know harbours also the proven cheat and rascal Andrew Smith.

Smith acting WITH Farage and others looks as if he may well cost EUkip between £500,000 and £1,000,000 with his dishonesty and lies, in cahoots with Nigel Farage, David Lott and others.

George Curtis is a revolting coward and a sordid low life who when confronted on the phone was unable to give honest account of his grubby behaviour.

Anyway do read these letters from the NEC archives 😉

Dear All’
I would not normally interfere in another branch’s business, but in view of the contents and the fact that I have been copied in I will.
According to the rules as in force when this new committee first met, it was not elected as the rules then dictated. It was appointed by Tom Wise, which was not a legitimate means of ‘election’.
David Bannerman was given full\ documentation as to the illegality of the committee, and he repeatedly promised to sort it out. However he did not do this, and when he left the Party Chairmanship, the dosier was handed to John Whittacker, who maintained e-mail contact with me keeping me up-to-date with his progress in the matter. He replied to an e-mail of mine early this year with words to the effect that the problem had been sorted, because the new rules published in February 2008 would apply.
George Curtis’\problem now is that he has not followed the Feb 08 rules, so the committee is still\ illegal, and has been since early 2006. Incidentally he also illegally dissolved the previous committee.

George Curtis p.s. at the end of the invitation for the 29th Nov meeting is untrue, the activists who have been in regular contact and will be at the next meeting, meet for the good of UKIP and Britain, and` are fed-up with the rule-breaking at all levels of UKIP, not to mention the lies and deceit.There will be some senior UKIP members there and I strongly suggest that G Curtis sendsout a retraction of his p.s.

yours with many good reasons for fighting against the EU,


In a message dated 07/11/2008 12:03:49 GMT Standard Time, writes:

To Peter Cole.

Again your email is completely inaccurate and misleading. The email referring to ‘batches’ was sent to your home email yesterday.
06 November 2008 13:06:43
peter cole(home) (

Please also note that : Georges role as the Eastern Counties Chairman’s is legitimate. We have, on several occasions, checked with the appropriate people in the hierarchy of Party that there is no problem and all relevant individuals have been happy that both the committee and its officers are sound until just after the European Elections 2009.

Hope this helps. Pete
Peter Reeve
Regional Organiser
UKIP Eastern Counties

Subject: RE: meeting 29th Nov. & Len Baynes intention to stand against UKIP in elections.
Date: Fri, 7 Nov 2008 09:13:40 +0000

Good morning Len,

To-date I have NOT been notified by Mr Reeve about ‘Batches’. I must agree with your last statement about Mr Reeve standing down but as Mr Curtis is a self appointed so called chairman of an unlawful committee I could not care less what he does as by UKIP’s own rules the position he states he holds does not exist!


From: Len Baynes []
Sent: 07 November 2008 08:52
Cc: Peter Cole; ;
Subject: Re: meeting 29th Nov. & Len Baynes intention to stand against UKIP in elections.

Peter again you get it wrong please read my E-Mail as it was intended I quote ” If this situation is not resolved preety damn quick I will become independant” That in your wildest dreams is not a statement of fact, I was in this party long before you had even been on the distant horizon and will not get out just to allaviate a thorn in your side. I am afraid I cannot make the 29th of November due to a family birthday in Enfield but I am confident I will be truthfully informed of proceedings by my chairman.
As for my name on the national list it will be submitted when and if my branch select me and my chairman approves, I honestly think that is the right proceedure. But under the present situation I feel my call for you and Mr. Curtis to stand down is perfectly justified.

—– Original Message —–
To: Len Baynes ; peter cole(home) ; jan baynes ; george curtis
Cc: ; derek norman ; ; john west ; martin harvey
Sent: Thursday, November 06, 2008 2:46 PM
Subject: meeting 29th Nov.þ & Len Baynes intention to stand against UKIP in elections.

To Len Baynes, Thanks for your email (Copy below), which I have forwarded to George Curtis as requested. Your suggestion that I have not included Peter Cole in the circulation lists are inaccurate.

I have already explained to Peter Cole (and john West) in emails this morning that : (So the batch with ‘C’ in and the batch with ‘W’ in haven’t been sent out REALLY so what has and how come I know people whose name begins with both ‘C’ & ‘W’ that have received your grubby fiddlings?) “Because we have been very successful in recruiting a large number of candidates in the Eastern Counties the advert has gone out in several batches and will be completed by the end of the week.

I look forward to seeing you on the 29th Nov.”(Rubbish – you have the sum total of 1,770 members on your Eastern Region data base and of that 470ish have eMail addresses – Do cut the spin – EUkip’s corrupt leadership is FINISHED) I have also included a copy of the circular (below) for your and their attention.

However your stated intention to stand against a UKIP candidate in elections is interesting and could explain some of your recent activity.

Thanks for letting me know. Please may I remind you, your Chairman and your Secretary via this email, that only candidates on the ‘National Approved List’ may go forward to a Constituency to be considered for selection as a Westminster Candidate for UKIP.

You are currently not on that list as you have not applied. If I can help with any other matter please do let me know. Pete Peter ReeveRegional OrganiserUKIP Eastern Counties reeve@ukip.org07792 290434Circular :
Subject: FW: Sat 29th Nov – valuable meeting date for your diary!þ

To all Branch Chairmen, (That we haven’t dishonestly removed) Westminster Prospective Candidates (That we haven’t dishonestly removed) and Prospective Local Candidates (That we haven’t dishonestly removed) We are very pleased to invite you to a full campaign briefing & discussion (Propaganda and spin rally to tell you a pack of lies?

We will also provide the latest fantasies in the Reichstag Fire Ploy to seize control of the party – your help is needed to aid this corruption) There will be senior party members present (That we haven’t dishonestly removed) who will give us details of the campaign plans and provide plenty of time for question and lies.

We will also have a full policy Question and Lie session, to go through any part of the manifesto or specific policy detail that you wish to discuss and address. Will Bannerman be resigning having lied to the party and brought EUroScepticism into disrepute and will he resign from his EU job that involves promoting the EU?

The aim of this meeting is to be an interactive session where senior party members can listen to your ideas and thoughts as well as provide answers to any questions that you have. I will provide details of the venue and full agenda very shortly. Please will you keep free in your diary for this valuable Reichstag rally.

Please do feel free to invite your branch officers and activists’ to come along and participate. If you have any queries please contact your Regional Organiser on (I’m not here to advertise corruption) Regards George Curtis Eastern Counties Chairman (Self Appointed Liar)

PS : We confirm that this an official UKIP meeting on CUT. We understand that some people may be inviting some branch chairmen etc. to an unofficial meeting in Newmarket (around 8th Nov) designed largely to attack the Party (NO Mr. Curtis you will find it is to expose liars like you).

They are attempting to disguise this as a meeting for activists, but we stress this is not official, not authorised, and no senior members will be present (Well that is a relief it will prevent them having to listen to liars like you or the sordid little desk delivery man Bannerman the liar, cheat and fraudster working for the EU).

We do recommend you attend this meeting. If you have any queries please do contact *******..[THE PHONE NUMBER THE LIAR GEORGE CURTIS GIVES IS THAT OF PETER REEVE ONE TIME RO BUT DESELECTED BY VARIOUS BRANCHES AND SUBJECT OF NUMEROUS COMPLAINTS TO THE NEC.] Peter Reeve lives with Lisa Duffy & her children and I gather a few of his – you will note La Duffy dishonestly gained her seat on the NEC and will no doubt be voting on the matter of Peter Reeve and the subject of those who have lodged legitimate complaints against Peter Reeve.

George Curtis’s phone number is: 01206 – 322 3221 Do phone him up and point out he is a liar and a coward and the meeting on the 8th. is very much official as it has been openly advertised with due notice

Subject: meeting 29th Nov.
Date: Thu, 6 Nov 2008 13:59:21 +0000

Peter please forward this to George Curtis. your actions in not inviting our branch chairman are at least diabolical and at best a downright insult.

I shall be standing in the local elections next year for Doddington and my name will go forward as PPC for NE. Cambs and I will do this with or without your sanction if need be as a independant. The actions of the present leadership and NEC, over the question of Mr. Abbott and Mr. Edmonds fill me with disgust and I am afraid if the present situation is not resolved preety damn quick I will become independant and stand against the official UKIP candidate and I know I have the following from the last election to make an impact.

I call on you both now in the interest of the party to stand down.

Then here is another letter the author of which I have removed as my NEC contact MIGHT not wish it to be known he had a copy of this 😉

Dear George Curtis

For one who has long been associated with an unelected “committee” to refer to the Newmarket meeting as you do in your postscript is laughably impertinent, in fact from anyone with any substance it would be slightly insulting.

The Newmarket meeting comprised grass roots members of the party most of whom have no political ambitions beyond the withdrawal of Britain from the E.U.. A number of us are members of long standing and of proven loyalty; far from wishing to damage the party we aim to strengthen it through the elimination of unconstitutional and undemocratic practises.

Nigel Farage has often said “This is a grass roots party.” and paid lip service to the debt owed to the “grass roots”. A modicum of leadership at N.E.C. level would have resolved our position long ago, instead we have been treated with condescension and disparagement.

This one is about the great arsehole of the East the liar, coward and general low life George Curtis and his dishonest attack on the meeting of the 8th. November – what a creep he is!
Date: Thu, 6 Nov 2008 21:42:53 +0000The unelected chairman of an unelected committee has the nerve to attack an elected chairman for holding a meeting.

You couldn’t make it up.
John West

Subject: meeting 29th Nov.‏ & Len Baynes intention to stand against UKIP in elections.
Date: Thu, 6 Nov 2008 14:46:17 +0000
To Len Baynes,
Thanks for your email (Copy below), which I have forwarded to George Curtis as requested.

Your suggestion that I have not included Peter Cole in the circulation lists are inaccurate.

I have already explained to Peter Cole (and john West) in emails this morning that :

“Because we have been very successful in recruiting a large number of candidates in the Eastern Counties the advert has gone out in several batches and will be completed by the end of the week. I look forward to seeing you on the 29th Nov.”

I have also included a copy of the circular (below) for your and their attention. However your stated intention to stand against a UKIP candidate in elections is interesting and could explain some of your recent activity.

Thanks for letting me know. Please may I remind you, your Chairman and your Secretary via this email, that only candidates on the ‘National Approved List’ may go forward to a Constituency to be considered for selection as a Westminster Candidate for UKIP.

You are currently not on that list as you have not applied. If I can help with any other matter please do let me know.
Peter Reeve
Regional Organiser
UKIP Eastern Counties
07792 290434

Circular : from The Curtis chappie [*CUT* BORING!!!]

Subject: Fw: Selection of PPC
Date: Fri, 7 Nov 2008 13:29:15 +0000

Having been through this process twice ,I am certain the branch acceptasnce comes first and then the selection panel or maybe I am getting senile, or heaven forbid Mr. Reeve has got it wrong yet again

—– Original Message —–
To: Len Baynes
Cc: jan baynes
Sent: Friday, November 07, 2008 12:21 PM
Subject: Selection of PPC

Len Please let me clarify. BEFORE you approach a branch for selection you MUST FIRST be on the National Approved list. This requires you to first apply to the process, then have an interview (The selection panel is organised by and includes the regional organiser). You will then be informed if you are on the approved list or not.

If you get onto the approved list – Then and ONLY then can you make an application to a constituency Association or Branch. Tom Wise, John West and Peter Cole all went through the process with varying outcomes and may be able to help you understand. I look forward to receiving your application form. If you require a copy of the form to complete, please let me know. I have again copied the Fenland Secretary into this email to confirm she is aware of the appropriate process.
Peter Reeve
Regional Organiser
UKIP Eastern Counties
07792 290434

To: reeve@ukip.orgCC:;; johnwest81@hotmail.comSubject:
Re: meeting 29th Nov.‏ & Len Baynes intention to stand against UKIP in elections.
Date: Fri, 7 Nov 2008 08:52:28 +0000

Peter again you get it wrong please read my E-Mail as it was intended I quote ” If this situation is not resolved preety damn quick I will become independant” That in your wildest dreams is not a statement of fact, I was in this party long before you had even been on the distant horizon and will not get out just to allaviate a thorn in your side. I am afraid I cannot make the 29th of November due to a family birthday in Enfield but I am confident I will be truthfully informed of proceedings by my chairman. As for my name on the national list it will be submitted when and if my branch select me and my chairman approves, I honestly think that is the right proceedure. But under the present situation I feel my call for you and Mr. Curtis to stand down is perfectly justified.

—– Original Message —–
To: Len Baynes ; peter cole(home) ; jan baynes ; george curtis
Cc: ; derek norman ; ; john west ; martin harvey
Sent: Thursday, November 06, 2008 2:46 PM
Subject: meeting 29th Nov.‏ & Len Baynes intention to stand against UKIP in elections.

To Len Baynes,
Thanks for your email (Copy below), which I have forwarded to George Curtis as requested.
Your suggestion that I have not included Peter Cole in the circulation lists are inaccurate.

I have already explained to Peter Cole (and john West) in emails this morning that :

“Because we have been very successful in recruiting a large number of candidates in the Eastern Counties the advert has gone out in several batches and will be completed by the end of the week. I look forward to seeing you on the 29th Nov.”

I have also included a copy of the circular (below) for your and their attention. However your stated intention to stand against a UKIP candidate in elections is interesting and could explain some of your recent activity.

Thanks for letting me know. Please may I remind you, your Chairman and your Secretary via this email, t hat only candidates on the ‘National Approved List’ may go forward to a Constituency to be considered for selection as a Westminster Candidate for UKIP. You are currently not on that list as you have not applied.
If I can help with any other matter please do let me know.
Peter Reeve
Regional OrganiserUKIP Eastern Counties

It is amazing that with this sort of behaviour – the lies and dishonesty that was the scam to its cronies as PPCs for the EU where they were happy to fleece members for £250 to compete in a rigged election and then steal £1,000 from those they listed to do the hustings work with no chance, agreeing Farage can personally select the top candidates in each region in April.
and where did Bannerman scrape up £1,000 or has he sold the desk!

EUkip leadership & NEC have admitted they are corrupt and that is why they refunded the money for breech of contract to several candidates who demanded it (including Lynnda Robson, Robin Page and no doubt others – at the moment I gather claims have been lodged in the Courts by others!).

They KNOW that EUkip hasn’t a leg to stand on as their internal report by their own Returning Officer clearly stated the election was corrupt and should be re-run by a trustworthy body as the Leadership had proved untrustworthy – which is why I published the facts.

I hope the honest members who turn up to the meeting later today will be able to make forward strides to clean up the party in the East working towards removal of liars, cheats, the corrupt, the self interested and the crooks – the likes of Bannerman, Reeve, Duffy, Gulleford, Titford, Curtis, Smith, Agnew, Whitmore & similar pond life attracted by the troughs on the gravy train.

Greg L-W.
01291 – 62 65 62

MAY I SUGGEST – since there is no political party of repute advocating or campaigning for withdrawal of these United Kingdoms from the EU and restoration of our independent sovereign democracy, with Justice & the right to self determination in a free country:
Write Upon Your Ballot Paper:LEAVE THE EU

Posted in AGNEW, Bannerman, Curtis, Duffy, Eastern Region, EUkip, Farage, Gollom, Gulleford, Politics, Reeve, Reichstag Fire, TITFORD, UKIP, Whitmore | Leave a Comment »