UKIP's Farage invites leftist Corbyn on anti-EU campaign


The in/out referendum on the UK’s European Union membership will take place by 2017.

“It was taken during the General Election at a moment when UKIP was being demonised and it is being dragged out to coincide with our launch”.

“It is clear that only UKIP offers voters in Gloucestershire the alternative between the remote, privileged and out of touch Bullingdon Club elite in charge of the Conservative Party, and an extreme left wing Labour Party soon to be led by Jeremy Corbyn and members of the Militant Tendency, who brought the great city of Liverpool to its knees back in the 1980s”.

But Mr Farage said his name was not mentioned in the polling, and accused “soft Conservative Eurosceptics” of trying to damage him.

Mr Farage confirmed earlier this week that he will not seek designation for himself or his party as official leaders of the No campaign but said he was ready to “work with anybody” in the battle for withdrawal – including the No campaign set up at Westminster and the Know group launched by business figures including Ukip donor Arron Banks.

He insisted Mr Corbyn’s election as Labour leader was now “all but certain”, and argued that his influence could be decisive.

Nigel Farage held another event in Westminster this morning to announce the dates of his “Say No – Believe in Britain” tour, through which he hopes to drum up support for a Brexit.

Mr Farage said he expected Mr Corbyn, an experienced left-wing Megapixel that keeps taken aback the following formation along with climb from rank easlily recluse to actually sexy best among the Labour choice, appeared to be identical to him basically because they both impressed everyone out your “Westminster village”. In fact, the opposite: I’ll work with absolutely anyone for us to get a No vote in this referendum’.

‘If people are put off by what they’ve heard this morning well I can’t do much about that. “They have seen Greece trampled upon, they see a transatlantic trade treaty which they are anxious could threaten the viability of the NHS”.

‘I accept not everyone is going to think Ukip is fantastic or I’m fantastic…but that’s why we need the centre left – whether it’s Corbyn or somebody else – appealing to those voters as well’.

“A subset of that is can we control our own borders or not, and that I think will be the dominating issue of the campaign”.

“The first is this basic point about self government and democracy”.

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