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Posts Tagged ‘The SUN’

Nigel Farage Damages Ukip & Leave.EU Campaign With Lies & Desperation

Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 07/01/2016

Nigel Farage Damages Ukip & Leave.EU Campaign With Lies & Desperation

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Nigel Farage Damages the credibility of his Ukip cult, The Leave.EU and Leave EU Campaign With Lies & spin, in his Desperation for publicity!

000a ukip-025 count.png


Posted by:
Greg Lance – Watkins




this is further to the FACTSand my opinions which I have already published CLICK HERE

It is clear that Nigel Farage deliberately set out to dupe people in a desperate effort to gain publicity and elevate his status – it is likely he was trying, like Donald Trump, to force the hand of the tax payers to provide and fund him with an official police body guard – which would, he believes, elevate his status and make him seem relevant.

Nigel Farage lied first to friends and associates back in October when he had a minor accident some 100 mile into his 125 mile journey from Brussels to the Channel. when he had a breakdown and was recovered as a result of wheel nuts on his car coming loose and allegedly losing a rear wheel.

Claims that this was an assasination attempt are pure drivel, just as when he was a passenger in a Polish made plane on a publicity jolly some years ago. That Nigel Farage’s behaviour subsequently contributed to the death of the pilot Justin Adams CLICK HERE is a sad fact of Farage’s self interest and thirst of personal publicity.

To the present – You will be aware Nigel Farage lied to claim the French Police had assured him that he had been tjhe target of a deliberate assasination attempt, which I totally refuted in my report at the time.

Now here are more facts to support my claim:

First from the French press:

Farage’s assassination plot? No witnesses vouch for it

Par Pauline Moullot 5 janvier 2016 à 19:29

Nigel Farage told the Mail on Sunday, his accident on a French motorway may have been a failed assassination attempt. Even the French police and mechanics told him so, he says. They deny they did.

Why does Nigel Farage fear his car was sabotaged? According to the story he told the Mail on Sunday, it’s because the French police and mechanics noticed the nuts on all his wheels had been deliberately unscrewed and told him it had to be a malicious act. The nuts were indeed all loose, but all evidence proves that the French never suspected a sabotage.

«Police told Farage all the vehicle’s wheels had been deliberately unscrewed», writes the Mail on Sunday. «The French police looked at it and said that sometimes nuts on one wheel can come a bit loose – but not on all four», Farage told the tabloid. And he kept going with details about what the police and mechanics supposedly told him : «The French police and mechanics looked at it but I have made no formal report in this country. The mechanics were absolutely certain of [foul play] but I have decided to take no further action». According to the anti-EU MP, he was the one who stopped the investigation.  

Désintox talked to the mechanic who rescued Farage, and to the prosecutor who should have been in charge of the investigation, if there had been one. Both denied ever suspecting a foul play.

On October 21st, Farage was indeed rescued on the motorway in northern city of Marck after one of his wheel fell off. But it’s only once the car was towed to the garage, that the mechanic noticed all the nuts were loose. Philipe Marquis, owner of the garage, told Désintox he «had never seen anything like it [and that he] found it weird». Why didn’t he call the police then? Because he did not suspect it was a consequence of a sabotage… Instead, the mechanic suspected the nuts «had been wrongly screwed after an other repair».

He tried to know if Farage had had his car fixed in another garage, but couldn’t get to the bottom of it because… he doesn’t speak any English. «We had to talk by sign language», he said. Did he mention a «sabotage» ? «I never said that, he just saw us screwing back the nuts».Marquis certifies no one at his garage could have said anything about a foul play to Farage, who drove back to Britain. The mechanic never heard from him since.

Not only no witness can vouch for Farage’s account about what the mechanics told him, but according to our information the police did not mention any sabotage either. The police did arrive to the scene of the accident, but according to an anonymous source they did not examine the car, because no one was hurt. Hence, they could not suspect anything.

Dunkirk’s prosecutor confirms police agents were present on the scene but their intervention report only mentions a repair service. «If they had noticed a sabotage, they would have had to open an investigation», the prosecutor says. Even if Farage did not want the police to investigate the case, the prosecutor would have been entitled by law to open an investigation nonetheless. Reached by Désintox, Ukip did not care to comment on this story.

Maybe Nigel Farage suspects he has been the victim of a failed assassination attempt, but he’s clearly dishonest when he says this assumption is based on what the mechanics and the police allegedly told him. Not only did they not say anything, but they did not even suspect a thing.

To read the French version of this article, click here. 

I have little doubt that Nigel Farage will lie to pretend that he has been miss quoted or that a member of his cult has led to the lie being published or in some other way try to pass the buck – one problem with sociopaths is that they manage to convince themselves that they can do no wrong and are all too willing to blame others for their dishonesty and incompetence!

However the story has been exposed in the British press also:

Screw-up: Mechanic rubbishes Farage’s car crash assassination claims

Ukip leader had claimed mechanics were ‘absolutely certain’ of foul play. The plot thickens…


A MECHANIC who fixed Nigel Farage’s “sabotaged” car rubbished claims it had been tampered with in an assassination plot.

The Ukip leader said he had suffered a near-death experience when his car came to a juddering halt on a busy French road after a wheel fell off his Volvo V70.

Mr Farage claimed mechanics “were absolutely certain” of foul play after finding all the nuts had been loosened on the wheel in an incident in October.

Mr Farage's car parked at his home in Kent

But now garage owner Philip Marquis, who claims to have fixed the Ukip leader’s Volvo, has said the story is nonsense and the pair had only spoken in “sign language.”

Speaking to French newspaper Liberation, he said although he had “never seen anything like it” it was almost certain the nuts had not been secured properly after a recent repair.


Ukip leader’s car sabotaged in ‘assassination plot’

Carswell rubbishes suggestion he plotted to kill Farage


When asked who had tampered with them, he added: “I haven’t got a clue. Quite frankly, the way my life’s been over the past two-and¬a-half years, nothing surprises me.”

But Mr Marquis told the French newspaper Liberation he never thought about calling the French police and never mentioned sabotage.

Mr Marquis added: “I never said that, he just saw us screwing back the nuts.”


The two are at loggerheads Nick Obank

Ukip’s only MP Douglas Carswell, who has called for Mr Farage to step aside, was forced to deny outrageous suggestions he had been behind the sinister plot after the story emerged over the weekend.

The plot thickened still further when a recall notice emerged for the car model only for Volvo to insist Mr Farage’s car was not affected by the fault which caused wheels to come loose.

The prosecutor in Dunkirk confirmed police attended at the scene and said if they noticed any “sabotage” they would be forced to open an investigation.

Mr Farage said he had never wanted the story to come out in the public domain.

He added: “I never mentioned any mechanic. As far as I’m concerned, this is a dead story.”

To view the original of this article CLICK HERE

Having had his lies exposed Nigel Farage tries to distance himse3lf from the ‘story’ he invented saying, after it was covered by almost every British paper, “… As far as I’m concerned, this is a dead story.”

failing totally to appologise for having set out to decieve everyone, just to get publicity – what will he claim was the French speaking mechanic’s hand gesture for ‘a deliberate attempt at assasination’!!!

Raheem Kassam clearly stated, in the Brietbart blog/paper where he wrote an article attacking the mainstream media for exposing Nigel Farage’s fantasy story, Nigel Farage had lied to him:

I confess, UKIP leader Nigel Farage told me about this specific concern over his car in November of last year. Off the record, not for reporting. “Fine,” I sighed. After the, “Oh my God, are you okay, mate?” obviously.

I didn’t give it much thought after that, until the papers splashed the news story (incidentally, I’m told, leaked by a disgruntled UKIP Member of the European Parliament looking to cause more trouble for the party leader) – …

Let us not forget Kassam WAS a friend of Nigel Farage’s and worked for him, even going so far in his admirationn of his cult leader as to be prepared to outlay several £100s to buy an ‘Arthur Dailey’ used car salewsman’s outfit ;-):

Let us see who Nigel Fasrage tries to blame this time as he is a past master at passing the buck and blaming others rather than act honourably, or he would have had the integrity to resign years ago.


Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
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When The CPS, Courts, Police & Politicians Are Corrupt?

Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 09/11/2014

When The CPS, Courts, Police & Politicians Are Corrupt?

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When The CPS, Courts, Police & Politicians Are Corrupt, as they would seem to haver been in Ukip MEP Gerard Batten’s persecution and abuse of Jasna Badzak (or for that matter myself) who can honest people of integrity turn to?

We have today had the publication of how these people can spirit away 100s of files effecting a cover up of sexual abuse of children in the days of Leon Britton – what hope of justice and conviction of the real criminals!


to the informed it is abundantly clear that this article is an outcome of the apparent abuse of the legal process by Ukip MEP Gerard Batten in collusion with police officers who show clear signs of corruption and a case which has corrupted British Justice in the Courts – for more details See CLICK HERE
MENSCH, Louise THE SUN re CPS 10-Nov-2014 02
Here is the article in full – to view it at a more convenient size do find it on The Sun web site or double click the view below:
MENSCH, Louise THE SUN re CPS 10-Nov-2014 04




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Annabelle Fuller’s Apparent Criminality Under Investigation.

Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 09/04/2014

Annabelle Fuller’s Apparent Criminality Under Investigation.

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Nigel Farage’s ‘close’ personal assistant and tax payer funded ‘friend’, Annabelle Fuller has her Apparent Criminality Under Investigation.


FULLER, Annabelle 09 The SUN re Bridgen

A measure of this odious woman Fuller can be found in various postings on this site including CLICK HERE

If you want more facts regarding this woman who was, it is common gossip of long standing, Nigel Farage’s mistress who has for many years been pay-rolled way above her abilities as an ‘advisor’ or Press Spokesman’, which is what she was claimed to be, by tax payers at Nigel Farage’s behest and under his protection her lies were covered-up and her employment defended.

For numerous other details regarding Annabelle Fuller look her up on this blog – just put her name in the >SEARCH< box at the top of the right sidebar. Which will give details of her theft of a Blackberry, House of Commons pass, and correspondence from an MP’s flat and then when caught claiming they were sexually assaulted! or her lies to the press to embroil Nigel Farage in telling lies to cover for her, or her theft of a confidential video and breech of data protection laws which once again embroilled Nigel Farage in abuse of his position to protect her there is more, including foul and abusive language, obscene comments about branch chairmen, collusion in abuse of a young woman at conference an abuse she filmed!

Oh and yes we do have the full details, including statements, of the young woman who was sexually abused and details of all who were involved, those who sexually abused her those who filmed the incident, those who acted as gatekeepers and those who lied to cover-up the assault and bullied and blackmailed, lied and colluded to hide their guilt.





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Nikki Sinclaire MEP who quit UKIP on a matter of principle

Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 17/11/2013

Nikki Sinclaire MEP who quit UKIP on a matter of principle

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Nikki Sinclaire MEP who quit UKIP on a matter of principle – having been abused by Nigel Farage, Godfrey Bloom and others and lied about by Malcolm Lord Pearson and others refused to sit with Farage’s chosen violent extremists, racists, anti homosexual and anti Jewish partners in EU politics on his EFD Group!
Now an Independent MEP she has achieved a great deal, not least of which is publish her biography!




I’m Nikki.. the first sex-swap MEP in Britain

And I want to be next Maggie



AMBITIOUS politician Nikki Sinclaire today reveals her secret — she is Britain’s first transsexual parliamentarian.

The striking-looking MEP lived as a man until the age of 23 before having a life-changing op on the NHS.

To view the whole first part of the serialisation of Nikki Sinclaire’s biography as published by The Sun CLICK HERE

The Sun’s handling of the story, written with the full co-operation of Nikki Sinclaire, despite being a bit sensationalised by its tabloid style is a fair reflection of the book, in as far as a two part serialisation can be true to the original, when dealing with an entire very open and corageous biography of a whole, very packed, life.

Nikki Sinclaire whether you may happen to like her or not is without doubt a huge role model for people who have had challenges in their lives.

She has faced some of the most vile and cowardly abuse from supporters of UKIP who felt challenged by her prodigious work output and constant stream of achievements.

The inadequates in UKIP have not been the only low lifes to seek to demean and insult her as the most cursory check on Google will show.

Nikki has been working on this book for a considerable time and I was pleased to put her in touch with the well known journalist Jo Knowsley who sympathetically edited the book for her and wrote a forward.

Nikki Sinclaire New Book

MEP Nikki Sinclaire reveals she had a sex change at the age of 23

MEP reveals she had a sex change at 23
Nikki Sinclaire MEP says she is the first ‘sex change parliamentarian’ (Picture: Matthew Lloyd/Getty)

A member of the European Parliament has revealed she had a sex change at the age of 23.

MEP Nikki Sinclaire said she made the decision to undergo surgery over 20 years ago because if she hadn’t she ‘would have led a lonely, neurotic life, forever out of place’.

The politician was a member of Ukip, as party secretary, until a falling out with leader Nigel Farage led to her resignation.

She has since founded a new party, the single-issue We Demand A Referendum, campaigning for the British public to have the right to decide on EU membership.

In a candid interview with The Sun, Ms Sinclaire revealed how she first realised she should have been female at the age of three.

‘It sounds weird, but I knew something was wrong even then — I’ve always felt I was in the wrong body. I remember dressing up as a girl on my first day of school. It then started to happen every day. The other kids knew I was different,’ she said.

MEP reveals she had a sex change at 23
Ms Sinclaire at Downing Street with a petition calling for a referendum on Britain’s membership of the EU in 2011 (Picture: Matthew Lloyd/Getty)

Many turbulent years followed as Ms Sinclaire was told she would not be able to undergo gender reassignment until she turned 21.

She said she used sex and clubbing as a ‘crutch’ throughout those interim years and also suffered an estranged relationship with her parents after disclosing her true feelings to them.

She began hormone replacement treatment before undergoing the surgery which she says almost killed her.

‘After the operation I developed deep vein thrombosis and was immobile for nearly a year,’ she said.

‘I suffered from depression, was on 21 different tablets and felt like I wasn’t in control of my own life.

‘Gender re-assignment surgery nearly killed me — but it was something I had to do.

‘If I hadn’t become a woman I would have led a lonely, neurotic life, forever out of place, endlessly consulting doctors and therapists at public expense. As it is I have become a happy, fulfilled achiever and I have repaid, in tax, the cost of my NHS operation many times over.’

To view the original article CLICK HERE

MEP tells of sex change journey

MEP Nikki Sinclaire MEP Nikki Sinclaire

An MEP has revealed she is Britain’s first “sex change parliamentarian”, having undergone gender reassignment surgery more than 20 years ago.

In a new autobiography about her political journey, Nikki Sinclaire, 45, writes for the first time about her “great secret” of growing up as a boy.

The We Demand A Referendum Now MEP for the West Midlands said she does not want her past to stand in the way of her ambition to become a cabinet minister at Westminster.

In an interview with the Sun on Sunday she said: “I don’t want my past to overshadow it and believe my constituents will continue to support me.

“I feel passionately that true equality happens only when your colour, creed, gender or sexuality is not a label used next to your name. We are not there yet.”

She told the newspaper how she suffered depression throughout her teenage years and “knew she was different” before undergoing the operation at the age of 23.

The foreword for her book, Never Give Up, tells how until now only Miss Sinclaire’s family and close friends were aware of her past.

“There was one great secret that Nikki never shared with anyone other than her close friends and family,” it reads.

“Hers is a powerful personal story. Yet she insists it is only one facet of her life, and though it tormented her childhood and teenage years, it is one that no longer dominates her or her future.

“As the first ‘sex change’ parliamentarian in Britain, Nikki Sinclaire has made history. But she is likely to be far happier, in the future, being known less as a statistic than for her conviction politics.”

Miss Sinclaire also writes about her rocky start in the European Parliament and her determination for an EU referendum.

She was elected as an MEP in 2009 for Ukip but was kicked out of the party months later for refusing to sit with the eurosceptic group Europe of Freedom and Democracy (EFD) which Ukip joined at the European Parliament.

She said she quit the EFD because it contained ”extreme elements”, including people with ”openly homophobic opinions”.

West Midlands Police arrested her in February last year as part of a probe into allowances and expenses but she denies the allegations, she told the newspaper. She remains on bail.

Her book, published by Junius Press, is released on November 25.

To view the original of this article CLICK HERE.

Former UKIP MEP reveals she is the UK’s first transgender Parliamentarian

MEP Nikki Sinclaire: 'I feel passionately that true equality happens only when your colour, creed, gender or sexuality is not a label used next to your name.'
MEP Nikki Sinclaire: ‘I feel passionately that true equality happens only when your colour, creed, gender or sexuality is not a label used next to your name.’

MEP Nikki Sinclaire has come out as Britain’s first “sex change parliamentarian” after writing about her gender reassignment journey in a new autobiography.

In her new book entitled ‘Never Give Up,’ the 45-year-old We Demand A Referendum Now MEP wrote about her “great secret” known only to her closest friends and family.

At 23-years-old she decided to undergo gender reassignment operations following bouts of depression in her teenage years.

She said she always “knew she was different.”

The book’s foreword reads: “There was one great secret that Nikki never shared with anyone other than her close friends and family.

“Her’s is a powerful personal story. Yet she insists it is only one facet of her life, and though it tormented her childhood and teenage years, it is one that no longer dominates her or her future.

“As the first ‘sex change’ parliamentarian in Britain, Nikki Sinclaire has made history. But she is likely to be far happier, in the future, being known less as a statistic than for her conviction politics.”

In an interview with the Sun on Sunday, she said she did not want her past to stand in the way of her ambition to become a Westminster cabinet minister.

“I don’t want my past to overshadow it and believe my constituents will continue to support me,” she said.

“I feel passionately that true equality happens only when your colour, creed, gender or sexuality is not a label used next to your name. We are not there yet.”

In 2009, Miss Sinclaire was elected as MEP for UKIP but fell out with the party after when refusing to sit with its EFD allies in the European Parliament.

The openly lesbian politician said that some EFD members, such as the Italian Lega Nord party, had “extremist views,” including “openly homophobic opinions.”

She added: “I feel betrayed by the party. When I joined UKIP in 1994 it certainly wasn’t a career move. I did my bit in building UKIP up to second in a national election and they have repaid me with discrimination.”

In 2010, she won a case against UKIP MEP Godfrey Bloom who she said had called her a “queer.”

Her book, published by Junius Press, is to be released on November 25.

To view the original article CLICK HERE




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Farage & UKIP Forget Spin Is Based on Facts!

Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 26/10/2012

Farage & UKIP Forget Spin Is Based on Facts!

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is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!  


Farage &amp; UKIP Forget Spin Is Based on Facts!

Let us look at the crass and largely dishonest witterings from UKIP irresponsibly published in The Sun presumably by some low grade and over paid staffer in UKIP for to realise that UKIP’s leader would be so crass would compound the damage done by UKIP and the realisation that not only is Farage utterly incompetent as a leader but is bereft of political nouse – reliant only on low cunning to perpetuate his self enrichment!!


having alluded to a particularly dishonest article published in The Sun on Sunday in the name of Nigel Farage in a blog regarding the idiotic comments made on his behalf to an Iranian media organisation, pressumably by one of his low grade staff – I have been contacted by a couple of people (possibly both of the people who read this blog, within minutes of new material being posted 😉 and have been asked why I claimed The Sun article was such dishonest and crass spin!

In searching for the article on The Sun’s web site I came across a couple of other relevant articles which were of some consequence rather than the light weight self promoting and fanciful spin from UKIP.

  •  YouGov/Sun poll today: Labour lead extended to 13 points; Lab 45%, Con 32%, LDs and UKIP tied on 8%. Cameron’s #Gategate slump.
    by Sun_politics via twitter 7:47 AM yesterday
    Based upon their irrelevance and the stupidity of its leadership it is clear that The LibDim results have collapsed, in that in polls they have sunk to the risible level of UKIP!
  •  William Hague in EU walkout hint
    by Sun_politics via twitter 6:55 AM yesterday
    This seems to have firmed up a bit since and although it is not to be trusted it does seem that the faction considering leaving The EU is higher on the agenda than ever before – thanks largely to the ineptitude of The EU and the well publicised achievements of Katie Hopkins & Nikki Sinclaire & their team – particularly the 250,000 signatures for an IN/OUT Referendum Nikki Sinclaire’s team had achieved and the full de3bate in the House of Commons she managed to force the Government into, which led to a consequential rebellion and resignations in the ranks of The Tory Party.
Let us consider the entire article attributed to Nigel Farage, in The Sun, and which I have fisked below:

 NIGEL FARAGE: David Cameron’s Euro pledge is a load of Brussels spouts

Nigel Farage and David Cameron

Caricature … Nigel Farage and David Cameron
>What a foolish cartoon with neither protagonist being portrayed in a manner that looks like them though I am glad that Farage is still using the emblem of the £ logo which I launched originally by having 10,000 made and distributed – clearly to good effect as it is still in use and the only emblem of UKIP recognisable to the public at large.

Some may remember that the emblem was also adopted by the Tories for a short time when William Hague was leader.

This was about the time Carys Pugh, Betty Bowen and I launched the ‘Just Say NO’ campaign that was so narrowly and dishonestly defeated in the Welsh devolution scam – a campaign slogan adopted and sold to UKIP by Dick Morris as some may recall.

By NIGEL FARAGE, Guest Columnist
Published: 21st October 2012

CABINET-rank ministers, in an unprecedented revolt against the official party line, are daring to suggest Britain might walk out of Europe.

NO  this is NOT an unprecedented action there have been Cabinet Ministers in the governments of Anthony Eden, Harold MacMillan, Harold Wilson, Ted Heath, Jim Callaghan, Margaret Thatcher, Tony Blair/Brown and now Cameron who have had the patriotic integrity to uphold the British Constitution and advocate leaving The EU.

Meanwhile Tory MPs with marginal seats are squealing in alarm

I hear no squealing and clearly Farage’s party can not have it both ways! On the one hand their proud boast is that they take votes from both main parties and now they seek to pretend they have a significant effect on only The Tories!

at polls showing UKIP’s campaign for an IN-or-OUT referendum has won huge public support.

This is a particularly distasteful lie as UKIP has absolutely ZERO campaign for an IN/OUT Referendum in fact they have absolutely ZERO visible campaign on anything – campaigning being something they have proved spectacularly incompetent at!

Let us not forget that they even lacked a domestic campaign on the EU Constitution which was passed as The Lisbon Treaty with barely a murmur from UKIP until AFTER the event in Britain!

Presumably Farage is alluding to the very successful campaign that Nikki Sinclaire and her team managed and are still running despite the serial efforts of Farage’s Party to sabotage it!

Could the two developments by any chance be related?

The only tie between the two developements would seem to be the fantasies Farage’s party wish to dupe people into believing!

UKIP don’t even have a viable policy as an Exit and Survival Strategy – They would seem to have no understanding of strategy and little comprehension of tactics, no skill at team building and no interest or ability in terms of man management, loyalty building or basic political training.

Conservatives have suddenly woken up to the increasingly probability that my party will win the 2014 European elections.

And as Farage’s Party, as he has here defined it!, may possibly do well in the EU elections where the huge majority of the British peoples have no idea of who their MEP is and absolutely no idea of how the structure works. UKIP have shown, better than anyone, the utter irrelevance of election to The EU where Britain were the voice of its politicians be united as ONE would have only an 8% influence.

Who wins the EU elections is a complete irrelevance and of no material influence save to those able to enrich themselves from the public purse as with UKIP who have had and squandered £50 Million of tax payers’ money yet mouth meaningless mantras about how political parties should not be funded from taxation yet are utterly dependent on that source of income for personal gain!

More to the point, they are terrified Mr Cameron will be robbed again of outright victory in 2015 as Tory voters choose us or stay home.

The Tories were not ‘robbed’ of an outright victory they failed abysmally to earn one and as for UKIP influencing the situation it was only the lies and dishonesty of Mark Croucher, Nigel Farage and a handful of utterly dishonest members of their clique that capuitalised on the protest vote that came about relative to secondary allowances for MPs and arguably UKIP actions underpinned the election of their chums in The BNP whose profile they hugely elevated with lies about Dr. David Abbott, Dr, Eric Edmonds, Buster Motram and Martin Hasslam!

In any case, can we believe a word “Cast Iron Dave” says about a referendum after his previous broken promise?

Another lie! David Cameron gave a cast iron promise that he would hold a referendum IF The Lisbon Treaty had NOT been ratified by the time he came to power – that he did this in the knowledge that the chances of it NOT being ratified was indeed miniscule but he did NOT lie. Unlike Nigel Farage and his party who have been shown and proven to be serial liars of very low morality and less integrity.

The Prime Minister and his Foreign Secretary, William Hague, are rattling sabres at Brussels and demanding the return of sovereign power over welfare, immigration and justice.

Well that is at least a start and when they fail, as The EU is NOT a smorgas board where you can choose what you take on your plate and leave that which you find inedible, they will then be in a position to live up to their threats or live down to our expectations!

But what, as Michael Gove asks, do we do if they say NO?

A strange question in the light of the fact even Farage took heed of Michael Gove’s response!

The Eurosceptic Education Secretary says we can walk out.

But that is not what Mr Cameron thinks or says.

Yet we note that Cameron has NOT castigated his education secretary or others for speaking out and let us hope he, unlike Farage, has some understanding of  strategy and a tactical plan!

He is on the record insisting categorically that he will never lead a campaign for Britain to leave Europe.

I believe that you will find the legislation already determines that a political party can not take such a role be that for or against in a referendum!

So say Labour’s Ed Miliband and the Lib Dems’ Nick Clegg.

That Ed Milliband has made such comments is as clear a statement of support for membership of The EU as is the overt promotion of membership we see from Nick Clegg and about as significant!

Which means all this referendum talk is hot air.

E$ven hot air would prove an increase of activity towards leaving the EU than UKIP has provided for the tax payers’ £50 Million over the last 19 years!

If they do try and bring back hundreds of important powers ceded to Brussels over the years, Brussels will certainly say NO.

Yet it is the fools in UKIP who advocate a quick fix repeal of the ECA and immediate withdrawal – you will note the Judas Goats and plastic EUroSceptics are all too willing to promote this proposal by UKIP – clearly aware of what a catastrophic debacle UKIP would achieve for the patriotic cause of EUroRealism when they lost, as they most certainly would.

With the Euro in flames, why would they turn a drama into an existential crisis by allowing Britain to unravel their carefully tied Gordian knot?

Largely, in my opinion, because it would seem that it is only the British public who are speaking out and consistently showing the failure of The EUro, the idiocy of a centralised currency and the odious undemocratic nature of the EU and its aims and methods.

Our relationship with the EU underpins almost everything that happens in Britain today, from how our doctors are trained and how they work, to whether the WI and Red Cross volunteers can sell jam at their fundraising fetes.

And it is unarguable that UKIP has done almost nothing to raise that level of knowledge by anywhere approaching value for money the £50 Million or so of tax payers’ money they have squandered. They have lived high on the hog on a self enrichment scheme, should I say scam, with their snouts in the troughs on the EU gravy train.

It tells us what to grow, how to fish, it tells us who we can trade with and how we should employ people.

Where is the web site or published documents of UKIP with the errors and abuses of The EU – where is their index of crass regulations – what number can one call locally where UKIP would or could help expose the excesses of The EU for UKIP was far too busy engorging itself in those excesses!

It decides on our holidays, on our lightbulbs, it regulates how to use ladders and whether we can kick out terrorists through the European Court of Human Rights, now an integral part of the European Union.

And UKIP has for several years proved just how irrelevant they are in altering this or influencing this as they are so embroilled and subsumed in The EU parliament, structure and pocket as to have achieved not one single solitary achievement in their 20 years, that has brought these United Kingdoms one inch closer to the exit!

They know a victorious Cameron negotiation would lead inevitably to other member states demanding similar or different concessions.

There are few Countries that could afford to leave as they have become so dependent on the bribes and handouts as to be drug dependent on the hand outs!

There is even a fear put about by corrupt politicians that Britain would be hugely damaged were it to leave and that even though this can be disproved – it is then sabre rattled that in the decades ahead we would be marginalised!!

This is precisely contrary to everything those gravy-train Eurocrats have been beavering away for over the last four decades.

It is widely talked of that much of the beavering is carried out by UKIP and its staff!!

They have not gathered enormous and continually expanding power to the centre in order to give it back, ever.

And UKIP has totally failed to make this point clear to other politicians, organisations and the public at large – despite some £50 Million paid from the public purse, despite the funding UKIP still has not a single valid item of material to promote the cost benefits of leaving The EU – Nor any strategy or tactics towards a viable or plausible exit and survival strategy!

Perhaps Mr Cameron secretly hopes to encourage a slap in the face from EU Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso as a pretext for a proper IN-OUT referendum.

Meanwhile UKIP fiddles and faffs around sponsoring apparent incitement to racial hatred.

Perhaps he is more of a Eurosceptic than anyone had previously believed.

Let us hope Cameron has the ability to acquit his duty in a patriotic manner.

If so, his bluff will certainly be called.

Let us hope his bluff is a part of a strategy, though I personally am inclined to doubt it!

Mr Barroso has learned nothing and forgotten nothing since his days as a firebrand Maoist agitator.

WRONG – clearly Barroso has learned much about stealth and bribery and like Farage ensuring he has a claque of over funded weak but ambitious scoundrels!

Just last month he confirmed what was long suspected but always denied — that the EU can only survive as a full-blown federal superstate.

It has been shown clearly that despite these claims The EU central power group have always openly stated their aims – one need only read the speeches and articles of the likes of Spinnelli, Monet and their ilk!

If you prefer read Dr. Richard North and Christopher Booker’s publications, the speeches of Enoch Powell or the white papers on the subject of 1948 & 1949 (the earlies British involvement I have personally found).

Anyone who gets in the way of this Grand Project will be cast aside or crushed.

Let us not forget many of us have actively campaigned for Britain to be cast aside and many also voted UKIP MEPs into positions to ensure our membership of the EU is crushed!

Under a new EU Treaty, Brussels will demand absolute loyalty from member states — one country, one army, one treasury, one flag, one anthem, one loyalty and one future.

If studied closely you will find they have already put this in place in The Lisbon Treaty and the only viable exit within the law, under The Vienna Treaty on International Treaties is under Article #50.

Some sceptics, such as Open Europe, oppose a referendum because they are nervous voters might lock us in forever because they are too fearful of being outside.

Open EUrope is little more than a cats paw of the pro EU membership faction of the government and its role is duplicitous in many aspects!

Quite the reverse.

With the Euro disintegrating, unemployment soaring, pensions and prosperity in freefall, there is more likely to be a stampede for the exit, with others in hot pursuit.

This clearly lacks the clarification that it relates to OTHER EU member regions other than these United Kingdoms, part of The EUroZone.

Once out we would be free to float and flourish.

There would be an immediate bounce and indeed not just a mini boom but an increase of jobs – to sustain this will take many years of careful analysis and revocation of such laws as Britain may have adopted through membership of the EU.

To reassure business and also to gain the co-operation of our own civil servants and assistance in disentanglement it would be essential to block adopt ALL the laws and regulations we currently hold by way and result of our current membership.

To undertake and reassure that we would line by line analyse the issues and then if decided dismantle the alien laws thus imposed one by one in co-operation with our EUropean and global partners as we rebuild and repatriate justice, and our sovereignty on terms of self determination.

With a population soon set to exceed Germany’s, Britain would be too big a market to ignore, still less punish.

The EU would not for one moment ‘ignore’ these United kingdoms as a trading partner any more than would India, China, South America or the Anglosphere!

Europe is an outdated economic and political union which, as it stands, cannot compete in a fast-changing world economy.

How true but sadly UKIP has expended most of its energies not on informing the public but in jockeying and back stabbing to stay on the gravy train enriching themselves from the liberal dollops from the troughs yet doing little or nothing for Britain.

Britain would not simply survive outside, we would flourish.

This is just words when stated by the Farage Party who have achieved nothing of gravitas or plausible and sound material towards an exit and survival strategy!

And the sooner we have that chance, the better.

One is left with the realisation that when Farage (or his script writers) are not telling lies, distorting or outright self servingly acting in their own personal interest their criticisms of The EU cut no ice and lack readily available documentary provenance and cross referncing giving the impression they just aren’t up to the job!

To read the original article ‘un-fisked’ CLICK HERE
I trust my diagnosis helps and ensures a widert audience of people who will investigate in detail just how we should go about leaving the EU rather than the simplistic and undocumented and very costly hot air from UKIP.
On route may I commend consideration of A Royal Commission, The Harrogate Agenda, the ‘We Demand A Referendum’ campaign, adoption of EU law as being the laws and regulations of these United Kingdoms when we leave the EU and then a schedule of ratification or revocation of each and every law and regulation one by one ensuring the best interests of the British peoples are concerned.

Join in the discussions, argue your view and let us all work towards a better future with self determination and democratically established sovereignty on the global stage.

YOU can make life better for your children and the grand children of these United Kingdoms in a free, competitive and independent sovereign nation.




 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance

Reclaim YOUR Future 
Deny the self serving political clique ANY Democratic claims to legitimacy
Write Upon Your Ballot Paper at EVERY election:
to Reclaim YOUR Future 

Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins

tel: 01594 – 528 337
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Nikki Sinclaire’s success & Poll feature in The Express

Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 11/09/2012

Nikki Sinclaire’s success & Poll feature in The Express

Clean EUkip up NOW & make UKIP electable!

The corruption of some of EUkip’s leadership, their anti UKIP claque & the NEC is what gives the
remaining 10% a bad name!

Nikki Sinclaire’s successfull petition & the Poll she organise, showing 56% of British adults want an In /Out Referendum and 71% of the electorate do NOT trust politicians relative to The EU has now featured in The Express!


Nikki Sinclaire seems to be maintaining her efforts both on behalf of her constituents with such issues as illegal developements and the squatters in flagrant abuse of planning laws and the interests of local rate payers and her intransigent opposition to the idiocy of HS2.

Her role on a National basis is just as laudable with her team having obtained a further 100,000 signatures demanding the democratic right to an IN / OUT referendum on the issue of EU membership.

Let us not forget that UKIP with all the support it could call on failed abysmally to even manage the petition they all too readily accepted £250,000 of tax payers’ money and campaigned to raise further funds.
Nigel Farage, David Lott & Mark Croucher made much of organising that incident which seemingly turned out to be nothing more than a money making scam – as not only was no petition ever presented but worse still no accounting was ever made of the money nor valid petition material ever produced.
It was widely believed that the money was trousered by the so called organisers and no evidence was seemingly ever produced to the contrary!

Nikki Sinclaire has, on the other hand conducted 2 petitions both of which she funded and gained support from others on the way msking the petition which obtained a debate of the full House of Commons very much cross party in collection of the signatures and more notably by gaining the support of various political party’s MPs and elected members.

This time she has branched out and has the support of known politicians and has also brought on board Katie Hopkins and others.
The news of her 100,000 signatures and that she had brought Katie Hopkins into her campaign was a closely guarded secret, until the announcement in an article in yesterdays Sun newspaper and in the editorial see CLICK HERE
Good to see the publicity Nikki Sinclaire had in The Sun on Sunday has been picked up by The Express on Monday.


The poll was commissioned by Independent Euro MP Nikki Sinclaire 

The poll was commissioned by Independent Euro MP Nikki Sinclaire

Monday September 10,2012

By Macer Hall

MORE than half of all voters want a national referendum on whether the UK should cut its ties with Brussels, an opinion poll found yesterday.

A total of 56 per cent of people quizzed in the YouGov survey wanted to be given a say on “whether or not Britain remains a member of the European Union”.

And a massive 71 per cent admitted they did not trust politicians to work for the best interests of the UK in the EU.

The latest indication of the growing demand for the first referendum on Britain’s links with Brussels since 1975 last night added to the huge pressure on the Prime Minister.

It will also fuel support for the Daily Express crusade for the country to leave the EU. But David Cameron has repeatedly blocked calls for an in-or-out referendum, and insists that Britain should remain in the EU.

The poll was commissioned by Independent Euro MP Nikki Sinclaire, who has launched the Campaign for a Referendum.

People across the nation are calling for a referendum. This is the most important issue this country faces

Nikki Sinclaire

She is due to deliver a 100,000-name petition demanding a vote to Downing Street on Thursday.

Ms Sinclaire, who represents the West Midlands, said: “People across the nation are calling for a referendum. This is the most important issue this country faces.”

The YouGov poll of 1,474 voters found that only 28 per cent were opposed to a referendum.

Last November, a Commons motion calling for an EU referendum was narrowly defeated, but Mr Cameron faced a huge rebellion as 79 Tories backed the demand.

To view the original article CLICK HERE

It is astonishing to behold the band wagon jumping of UKIP as they try desperately, in the comments section, to try to climb on Nikki Sinclaire’s hard won and hard worked for achievements.

It is sad to see how UKIP supporters have been betrayed by their leadership team who have done so much to try to denigrate Sinclaire and have lied about her, bullied and defamed her and even it seems tried to set her up with the police, using false evidence and criminal false witness, or so it seems from the facts at CLICK HERE – I guess with low life dishonest & corrupt trash like this in UKIP CLICK HERE & HERE & also HERE one becomes aware UKIP is very much a part of the EU problem having achieved nothing of value to Leave-The-EU in 20 years it is increasingly irrelevant.

Whilst Nikki Sinclaire just ploughs on working for her constituents and to seek to Leave-The-EU UKIP seemingly sell the positions on MEP lists and even on the NEC – some for notoriety like the failures of politics like the Hamiltons, David Bannerman and those willing to pay fees to participate in elections.

Considering UKIP just how many members of the leadership team does one need to provide with sexual favours to gain a position not just in the bed but on the MEP lists. One wonders when they are swanning about what order it is best to prostitute oneself with perhaps Gawain Towler for the PR value and then Farage and subsequently Helmer – if one is into alfresco in the street perhaps a session with Godfrey Bloom would help or for a fuller opportunitya relationship with a campaign manager may help.


On the subject of campaign managers I note that Chris Bruni-Lowe has parted company with UKIP after taking fuller advantage of the assorted bicycles on offer in the UKIP stud we are reliably told – one wonders what take on this Malcolm Pearson takes! Farage’s ire is all too apparent!

There has been a fairly constant smear campaign against the rather too libidinous campaigner from a member of UKIP’s leadership team who felt challenged, if not threatened, in their position, one assumes!

In terms of professionalising the party one can only find humour in the comment:

Trying to work with UKIP is like working with fred Karno’s Army

The parting shot of Katie Snape, who has seemingly left UKIP in disgust, after the great self congratulation from UKIP leadership when she joined the staff from Sky news team in a couple of months ago!

One has to wonder how UKIP and its cowardly muppets sheltering behind anonymity finds polls to quote claiming they are gaining so many supporters and percentages around 12% when they consistently do so badly in real ballot box results in domestic elections where they struggle to get 5% in the seats they manage to stand in!

Just how can pollsters be so consistently wrong about UKIP? When UKIP has proved it is so consistently an irrelevance when it comes to the campaign to Leave-The-EU.





What is the exit and survival plan for these United Kingdoms to maximise on the many benefits of leaving The EU. It is the DUTY of our Politicians and Snivil Cervants to ensure the continuity, liberty and right to self determination of our peoples – they have a DUTY to protect against crime and secure both our food and our border.

NONE of these DUTIES has a single British politician upheld for 40 years. They have drawn their incomes fraudulently and dishonesty.

Politicians are failing to tell the truth, but so are almost all wanabe Politicians, the MSM and Snivil Cervants.

The fact is that even if EVERY British MEP wanted change in The EU it would achieve NOTHING.
Every single British Politician, of EVERY Party, elected since before we joined the EUropean Common Market, has promised to change The EU’s CAP – In 40 Years they have achieved absolutely NOTHING towards that goal of unanimity in aim!

To try to put a value on OUR Freedom is as futile as floccipaucinihilipilification and as odious as the metissage of our societies, as we rummage in the ashes of our ancestors dreams, sacrifices and achievements, the flotsam of our hopes and the jetsam of our lives, consider the Country and Anglosphere which we thus leave our children and the future, with shame!

Greg L-W.
01291 – 62 65 62


I SUGGEST – since there is clearly no political party of repute, advocating or campaigning to Leave-The-EU for these United Kingdoms and restoration of our independent sovereign, democracy, with Justice & the right to self determination in a free country & minded that membership of The EU is sucking out the life blood and identity of our Country in a counter patriotic manner and at a cost in hard cash of some £53 Million a day we must consider:

Denying the self seeking & meaningless wanabe MEPs and the no longer relevant MPs the Mythical Mandate for which they clamour.

Diktat is imposed from The EU but Law should be made at Westminster, for our Country & our Peoples by the peoples of our Country.

It is time that the entire mechanism of governance in these United Kingdoms, which has so clearly failed our Country and our peoples, was radically overhauled and updated to democratic status – failure to change will mean when we Leave-The-EU and/or it finally collapses, as it surely will, we will be no better off as the self same self styled, self enriching clique will be all too willing to betray us as they have done relative to The EU and its fore runners.

INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance

Reclaim YOUR Future 
Deny the self serving political clique ANY Democratic claims to legitimacy
Write Upon Your Ballot Paper at EVERY election:
to Reclaim YOUR Future 

Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins

tel: 01594 – 528 337
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Congratulations to Nikki Sinclaire’s campaign!

Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 09/09/2012

Congratulations to Nikki Sinclaire’s campaign!

 Please Be Sure To .Follow Greg_LW on Twitter. Re-TWEET my Twitterings
& Publicise My Blogs 
To Spread The Facts World Wide
Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 


The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 

is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!  


Congratulations to Nikki Sinclaire’s campaign!

Another 100,000 petition signatures!!

congratulations to Nikki Sinclaire’s campaign YET AGAIN.

Today Nikki Sinclaire’s campaign for a Referendum and the belief that when it comes to surrendering our Governance to a foreign and very alien power the slogan must be ‘Let The People decide’.

Nikki Sinclaire has already obtained 100,000 signatures to her petition and forced HM Government to hold a full debate on Britain’s status and possible withdrawl from the EU.

Now again her campaign to ‘Let The People Decide’ has obtained a further DIFFERENT new 100,000 signatures which will be handed in at Downing Street on Thursday where together with Katie Hopkins who is to be a front runner in Nikki Sinclaire’s campaign other political names will be joining them in support of the new poll which I believe she commissioned.

The Sun features this on page 6 today in the editions seen to date – let us hope it is picked up by the daily papers to force a Government Referendum of the people to show we live in a democracy rather than an EU supra National centralised committee dictatorship as we all now know from the polls that 6 out of every 10 adults in Britain want a referendum on IN or OUT of The EU.

It is then up to all of us to ensure the question and the campaigning is fair, honest and on a level playing field as we are, it seems, all agreed by a majority of 71% that we can NOT trust the politicians on issues of The EU.
Katie Hopkins

Petition … TV’s Katie Hopkins

Six out of 10 demand vote on staying in EU

By DAVID WOODING, Associate Political Editor
Published: 9 hrs ago

THE Campaign for a Referendum on Britain’s EU membership was given a double boost yesterday.

A poll showed growing support for a national vote on the issue.

And 100,000 people signed a petition backing the call. It echoes growing frustration with more and more powers being handed over to Brussels.

Six out of ten adults said they would welcome a chance to decide whether we quit Europe.

This is twice the number opposed to a straight in-out referendum. Voters have also lost faith in politicians to work for our best interests in Europe.

About 71 per cent don’t trust MEPs to put our country first, according to the YouGov poll. It compares with 23 per cent who have any trust in our politicians.

An overwhelming 56 per cent want the chance to vote on whether we stay in or pull out of Europe, while 28 per cent don’t.The Campaign for a Referendum will march on Downing Street this week with 100,000 signatures demanding a vote.

Katie Hopkins, star of TV’s The Apprentice, will join MEP Nikki Sinclaire and the delegation handing over the petition. Nikki said: “Isn’t it about time that we let the people decide?”

To view the original article CLICK HERE

There is also a portion of the editorial in The Sun which is dedicated to the campaign:

Congratulations to Nikki Sinclaire and her team who have worked steadily towards this goal despite the vile behaviour of UKIP with their proven lies and undeniable abuse of her efforts – most probably brought about by the fact that UKIP leadership have NEVER managed to organise anything of consequence in 20 years that wortk to Leave-The-EU and are clearly acting in self interest towards self enrichment at the expense of and greatly damaging the EU EUroSceptic movement with their corruption, fraud, thefts, lies and playground bullying and criminal abuse of anyone who dares to expose their corruption and self serving behaviour!

Welcome to Katie Hopkins who looks as if she will prove a massive asset to the campaign.

Now we must step up the education of the people to make them aware of just how hugely better off these United Kingdoms and our peoples will be when we Leave-The-EU – and wer must be prepared for a huge amount of hard work to obtain our liberty – the struggle will not be easy as we will have to unseat a veritable army of free loaders feeding at the troughs on the gravy train at the expense of our Country and OUR taxes.

Never forget THEY WORK FOR YOU and if they all worked as hard as Nikki Sinclaire we would not be in the dire economic situation we now are entraped as vassals of The EU!

Here are the outline facts of one of Nikki Sinclaire’s other fights for justice for her constituents CLICK HERE she is not JUST actively campaigning across Britain for a Referendum on IN/OUT of The EU there seem to be many other causes she is working for – UKIP as a party seems only to ever make an effort to get themselves elected and then does little.

OK to be fair UKIP did have a tent at Usk show yesterday and David Rowlands and a couple of rather bored looking helpers were there on every occasion I passed the tent (several) there was never more than on member of the public who had been collared but UKIP has made very little impact in Wales and is virtually runner up to Scotland for its failure to have an impact and one never hears of John bufton in the public eye and frankly some of its councillors are hugely more harm to UKIP than they are a benefit ill mannered, odious self important bnere do wells like Kevin Mahoney whose abusive behaviour is noted on public forums  – just who else is there of any note? As I recall they only have 3 elected councillors in the whole of Wales an Zero members of The National Ass and an MEP who pops up in Brussels occasionally gabbling away listened to and reported by nobody it seems!




 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance

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