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Posts Tagged ‘European Union’

Looks Like Nigel Farage Is ‘At It Again’!

Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 24/02/2015

Looks Like Nigel Farage Is ‘At It Again’!

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Looks Like Nigel Farage Is ‘At It Again’, seems he has been over claiming expenses AGAIN!

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let us not forget that Nigel Farage has been leader, either in fact or defacto of Ukip for 15 years now and has been directly responsible for U&kip’s fi9nances and those of his MEPs who agreed a contract with him that his appointed accountant would oversee their accounts.
Not only was Nigel Farage found guilty of over claiming expenses and claiming expenses he was not entitled to and ordered to repay large sums of money to the EU for his abuse of the public purse but also took no action against various of his MEPs who had also claimed expenses they were not entitled to.
There was absolutely no public cenure, by Nigel Farage in his official capacity, of Ukip MEPs Derek Clark, Jeffrey Titford, Graham Booth or other MEPs who had misappropriated public money.
Furthermore Nigel Farage openly supported his MEP Tom Wise who had stolen 10s of £1,000s and in fact accepted £1,000s of the money Wise had stolen, to pay a personal debt to Lindsay Jenkins, AFTER it had been made clear the money had been stolen. Neither was there ANY denunciation of Wise nor was he suspended or removed from Ukip membership.
Tom Wise remained a member of Nigel Farage’s party until shortly before he stood down as an MEP when Wise let his membership lapse, despite a letter from Nigel Farage’s Ukip head office to ask him first for his renewal and subsequently for a donation despite his having stolen the money.
Let us not forget that Nigel Farage makes very clear efforts to avoid British taxes having deposited approx £250,000 in one cheque alone to an Isle of Man account, at that stage named The Farage Educational Trust or similar!
When this blog exposed these facts and published them, they were subsequently published some considerable time later by the legacy media, Nigel Farage, who makes inflated claims of his career as a banker, tried to pretend that he didn’t know the Isle of Man is a recognised tax haven!
Nor did Nigel Farage denounce the corruption and also the abuse of tax payer’s money admitted to by Ukip MEP Stuart Agnew which involved him and then Ukip MEP and 3rd. place runner up in the Ukip leadership election David Bannerman, now posturing as a self proclaimed leader of a Tory group Leave_The_EU campaign along side the Toty toady Matthew Elliott. Nor did Nigel Farage censure his puppet the overt and extreme Zionist Malcolm Lord Pearson who admitted obfuscating donations in a money laundering process to conceal facts from both the Electoral Commission and the public.
Let us not forget the claim that Nigel Farage made that he had received over £2Million in over paid expenses from the EU and also has pleaded poverty widely yet campaigned for supplementary expenses of £60,000 a year to pay for a car and chauffeur which Ukip NEC granted and Ukip also funds Farage having body guards!
It does rather show Ukip up as seemingly endemically corrupt to the core. It is also worth noting that Nigel Farage promised that Ukip accounts would be made open and transparent and has claimed they would be published on the internet – to this day there is absolutely no sign of transparency or open accounts on the internet provided by Ukip.
The only MEP in Ukip who has provided any  semblance of open and transparent accounts, drawn up by an independent accountant, has been Nikki Sinclaire, who is shown to have donated at least £60,000 of her own money to her constituency, office and also to Ukip.
Interestingly a search of The Electoral Commission shows no sign of Nigel Farage ever donating one penny, to the Ukip cause, of the £Millions he has made as an MEP and leader of Ukip and the various pan EU Political Groups he has dragged Ukip into in the EU.
I do not believe that it is unreasonable to point out just how corrupt Ukip is and just how inappropriate it is to consider Nigel Farage’s worthy of a vote as they have so befouled the image of EUroScepticism with absolutely zero signs of a responsible, ethical EU eXit and survival strategy despite 22 years of ‘claiming’ they wish to Leave_The_EU.
After the display of overt racism and utter incompetence in Nigel Farage’s Thanet constituency as featured in Sunday night’s BBC 2 documentary one3 wonders just what role Ukip can play and who of any integrity or common sense would or could vote for Ukip, who can not show any example of responsible, detailed, costed, plausible and competent policies – let alone any consequential achievements towards Britain leaving the EU in their 22 years of politics and 15 years being funded from the public purse!
Consider the latest press revelations:

Farage’s £9,000 expenses claim for rent-free office

  • (Photo by Peter Macdiarmid/Getty Images)
  •  BENFLEET, ENGLAND – FEBRUARY 12: United Kingdom Indepedence Party (UKIP) leader Nigel Farage walks past a National Lottery sign as he exits a shop during campaigning on February 12, 2015 in Benfleet, England. Party leader Nigel Farage is making his fist major speech of the 2015 general election. He has stated that both the Conservative and Labour parties fear that UKIP will hold the balance of power in an election with no clear winner.

Nigel Farage claimed nearly £9,000 in EU expenses over six months for utilities, insurance and business rates on a small constituency office, new documents reveal.

The Ukip leader has previously faced questions over his expenses after The Times revealed that he had received tens of thousands of pounds to pay for an office provided to him rent-free.

He was subsequently fined by the Electoral Commission for failing to declare that the premises, a converted grain store near Littlehampton, in West Sussex had been donated free of charge by a supporter, contrary to UK rules …




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GP-RN – Ukip: the last 100 days.+ Ukip’s Predictability

Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 17/02/2015

GP-RN – Ukip: the last 100 days.+ Ukip’s Predictability

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Guest Post- Dr. Richard North:

Ukip: the last 100 days.
Ukip’s Predictability is more damaging to EUroScepticism than Channel4 was.

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it does seem that Ukip have lived down to my prediction that their reaction to the Channel4 program would be far more damaging to Nigel Farage’s ambitions than the program itself.

Let us not forget Channel4’s over the top inaccurate love fest of Farage not so long ago.

May I also remind Ukip that for several years I have pointed out that ‘the higher up the tree the monkey climbs the more you see its @rse’, now that Ukip has promoted itself as likely to have excellent results in the upcoming General Election and hold the balance of power – even puting forward the fantasy that Nigel Farage could well become deputy prime minister, they have made themselves a target for lampoon.

There has been an element of the media, whether in a sense of mischief or out of gullibility, who have played to Ukip’s propaganda. Many will be aware the media is struggling having shed the better quality of journalsists and now running entire news rooms staffed by young, inexperienced members better qualified with Google than experience as they copy nes stories from the internet and reprint implausible stories handed to them by PR companies and press offices.

Many of you will remember the slavish poppycock published at Ukip’s Bournemouth conference which was a tissue of lies put out by Annabelle Fuller, one has to ask what was the motivation of the undescerning journalists who published it?

You may well remember one Ukip conference that failed to garner any publicity beyond some lightweight lass at The Times who interviewed Nigel Farage where tjhe most notable factor was his claim that he had lost a testicle.

That Ukip has utterly failed to show any signs of gravitas or even understanding of the issues of how to Leave_The_EU and the conseque4nces is irrefutable. That Ukip is like a sack of ferretts as they all jockey for position angling for more secure positions and jumping ship when they fail makes them prime material for a lampooning docu/drama.

Let us not forget Ukip has made themselves a target for satire buy their aspiration to office whilst failing totally to establish a body of policies that are costed, responsible and plausible.

Consider the fact that Ukip has for 22 years claimed to be opposed to EU membership yet in all that time they have abjectly failed to put forward a clear, responsible, ethical EU eXit and survival strategy.

As the Channel4 program made very clear Ukip has totally failed to even make the point that when Britain leaves the EU the EEA will stiill exist and international trade IS NOT controlled by the EU but the EU is controlled by The WTO and various other bodies.

Ukip has failed to show that there would be no consequential loss of jobs when we leave the EU, the EU could not legally nor would it suit them to harm trade with Britain.

Ukip’s crass incompetence and lightweight self serving dishonesty is probably the greatest threat to EUroScepticism that exists and their failure to act responsibly is the biggest single reason that in a referendum Britain’s best interests are unlikely to be served and Ukip has made it all too easy for the scoundrels seeking to destroy Britain, for their own ends, to implement FUD as Ukip has absolutely zero plausible status or competent policies..

Tuesday 17 February 2015

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The most disturbing thing that came over from the UKIP: The First 100 Days was the facility with which writer-director Chris Atkins was able to make the case for massive job losses following the announcement of the Ukip “government” that Britain was to leave the EU.

That is a reflection of the total failure of Ukip to break the link between membership of the EU and participation in the Single Market. It is also an accurate reflection of the consequences of the sort messy exit that Ukip has on offer.

Thus has the party of “out” allowed itself – even if by default – to be associated with the graphic images presented in the programme, lending more substance to the job loss meme than a thousand hours of Europhile chat shows could ever do.

The association between Ukip and an immigration policy committed to deporting illegal immigrants was also made clear, and – however much the “kippers” might squawk – the consequences of such a policy would involve an aggressive programme of raids and not a little violence.

Where the programme falls down – rather like Ukip policy – is that there was no attempt to explain how Mr Farage’s “government” would manage to deport so many migrants, without first establishing agreements with countries willing to take them. That all previous governments have been unable to do this is one reason why so few have been deported.

Also missing from the fictional scenario is any reference to repealing the Human Rights Act – which might take rather longer than a year, after the repeal Bill had been blocked in the Lords. In real life (not that we are dealing with such an elusive thing) – and in any case during the first 100 days – there would be very few deportations. Most orders would be tied up in endless appeals in the courts.

Thus, the idea that the fictional Deepa Kaur MP would be put on the spot so quickly, with the situation deteriorating to the point where there was rioting in the streets, lacked any credibility whatsoever – entirely in keeping with Ukip’s policies, which are about as fictional as was Chris Atkins’s story line.

Not at all fictional, though, is yesterday’s Guardian/ICM poll which not only put the Conservatives four percent ahead of Labour, but had Ukip going down two points to score a mere nine points, the second poll in a week to put Farage’s party below ten percent.

With Farage’s own personal rating also taking a dive and the Ukip “brand” becoming even more toxic than Labour or Conservative, the “kippers” now seem to be on their way down.

Soon enough, this might even become apparent to the professionals, although Matt Goodwin will probably be the last to realise. But when Ukip does crash and burn at the general election, there will be more than a few pundits marking “UKIP: The First 100 Days” as the turning point.

It won’t be, of course, but it will give “experts” like Goodwin the excuses they need for having missed the downturn that should eventually lead to Ukip’s last 100 days and oblivion.
Richard North 17/02/2015

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Are Channel 4 Trying To Out Do Rory Bremner?

Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 15/02/2015

Are Channel 4 Trying To Out Do Rory Bremner?

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Are Channel 4 Trying To Out Do Rory Bremner with a docu-drama spoofing the unlikely event of a Ukip government?

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for more information on the showing of the spoof docu-drama on Channel 4 at 21:00hrs. on Monday 16-Feb-2015 CLICK HERE
The most telling outcome for Ukip of this satirical spoof will be based far less on the program itself than on the reaction of the cult followers of Nigel Farage – if other satirical features are a guide.
Most who featured in Spitting Images found it of help as it raised their profile and many purchased their puppet personnas when they became available.
The public are fairly sensible when it comes to such programs as they tend to exagerate the actuality rather than present faulty information and can be seen as creating clarity through lampoon which when true can harm as with the portrayal of David Steel in David Owen’s pocket which undermined and exacerbated Steel’s waning future.
Braggadocio from Ukip staff and claque is likely to cause Ukip more harm than the program if they bullishly and boorishly claim it is #The Establishment’ attacking them to promote themselves.
Such a stance would be palpable nonsense as proven by the so called ‘establishment’ Panorama style feature on Channel 4 last year which portrayed Ukip in more glowing terms than even they have achieved in any electoral broadcast they have made to date!
Let us see how Ukip respond to know what help or damage this new program will do them – though the comments from Ukip in the article below and on their web forum page on BDF show the portents seem to be a desire for self harm and a need to feel persecuted!
That Ukip’s ratings in the recent Ipsos Mori poll at a mere 9% is surely far more telling. A marked increase in the fall subsequent to the C4 program may take place but I believe it unlikely if Ukip keep their cool and respond with self deprecating humour
However the comments so far bode ill for Ukip as so many show supporters as besotted conspiracy theorists – all parties are attacked in one way or another by the media – one feature of climbing higjher up the tree the more the media pay attention to that which is most vissible from the ground!

It’s liberal-left poppycock!’ Ukip fury as C4 predicts race riots if Farage wins election

  • Row over Channel 4’s drama-documentary, ‘Ukip: The First Hundred Days’
  • Show airs tomorrow and portrays British life if party wins general election
  • Film shows society on the brink of collapse, three months after their win
  • Aide close to Ukip leader Nigel Farage said idea is ‘simply preposterous

Ukip has accused Channel 4 of peddling ‘liberal-Left poppycock’ over an apocalyptic portrayal of what British life would be like if Nigel Farage became Prime Minister.

The row has blown up over a drama-documentary to be screened at tomorrow which imagines life under a Farage government. In Ukip: The First Hundred Days – which mixes acted scenes with real news footage – border guards are seen forcibly repatriating illegal immigrants amid race riots, as the UK prepares to pull out of the European Union.

The film shows Ukip winning a slim majority in May’s Election, but within three months, society is on the brink of collapse under Mr Farage’s Right-wing policies.

Panic: Ukip has hit back at Channel 4's new drama-documentary which shows British society on the brink of collapse, three months after Ukip (leader Nigel Farage pictured) wins the 2015 general election

Panic: Ukip has hit back at Channel 4’s new drama-documentary which shows British society on the brink of collapse, three months after Ukip (leader Nigel Farage pictured) wins the 2015 general election

Weaved into the plot are references to some of the many racism and sexism scandals which have hit the party in recent years.

Last night, one aide close to the Ukip leader hit back, telling The Mail on Sunday: ‘This is typical of the poppycock peddled by the public-school educated Lefties who run Channel 4 and large chunks of the media.

‘The idea that this is what would happen is simply preposterous, but it shows that we have got the liberal establishment quaking.

‘Bring it on, we say, because this sort of thing simply serves to boost our ratings.’

The film is seen from the perspective of a fictional Ukip MP, Deepa Kaur, the only female Asian in the Parliamentary Party, who is asked to defend policies such as raids on businesses suspected of harbouring immigrants.

Kaur, played by Priyanga Burford, is tipped for a Cabinet post but faces furious demonstrations when the largest employer in her constituency is put out of business by Farage’s decision to pull Britain out of the EU.

She then decides she has been ‘used’ by Farage, and condemns the raids as ‘aggressive and un-British’.

Disaster: A scene from new docu-drama 'Ukip: The First 100 Days' (pictured) suggests a UKIP government would lead to riots in the streets and the loss of millions of jobs after the UK leaves the EU

Disaster: A scene from new docu-drama ‘Ukip: The First 100 Days’ (pictured) suggests a UKIP government would lead to riots in the streets and the loss of millions of jobs after the UK leaves the EU

The provocative scenes play out against the backdrop of smoky pubs because Farage has lifted the smoking ban.

Archive footage is used to portray Mr Farage, his Deputy Prime Minister – former Tory MP Neil Hamilton – and Ukip MEP Godfrey Bloom, who is seen repeating his infamous remark about Africa being ‘bongo bongo land’.

Mr Farage was initially invited to discuss the scenario in a Channel 4 interview with Jeremy Paxman, but negotiations broke down.

Nick Mirsky, Channel 4’s head of documentaries, denied that the film, which airs ay 9pm, was ‘anti-Ukip’, but admitted that it did not have to be ‘politically balanced’ because was being shown outside of the official Election campaign period, which starts on March 30.

He said: ‘Our job is to reflect and explore contemporary British life. Nothing represents what’s different and unique in British political life now more than the rise of Ukip.

‘This might be what you wake up to after May 7.’

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The Ukip Launch Is More A Small Rowing Boat!

Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 13/02/2015

The Ukip Launch Is More A Small Rowing Boat!

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The Ukip Launch Is More An insignificant and shoddy Small Rowing Boat, with no hope whatsoever of being a lifeboat yet alone having significance to the Ship of State!

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do read this staggeringly inept and lightweight example of terminal waffle written for Nigel Farage and as published as a promotional essay for Ukip – it is a measure of the man that he lacks even the intellectual perspicacity and basic understanding of either politics or finance to realise just how ineptly his staff represent him.
It is increasingly clear that he is now distanced from both Douglas Carswell, who I do not believe would have been fool enough to put his name to this waffle which is so clearly lacking in gravitas, integrity or vision.
Neither does it seem Patrick O’Flynn is a member of Farage’s clique anymore as even when writing for The Express his article, dishonestly written as they may have been, had more substance than this ‘puff’.
That the article was not written by Farage is clear as it lacks his self importance and anyway he lacks the education or ability to write such an article and so lacks computer skills that it would never have reached the media had he had to write it.
Nigel Farage sells his lack of computer skills as some sort of badge of honour and now that his wife is employed on a wife swap to flout the rules of the EU she is no longer willing to work for him late at night in her nite attire but works now for Farage’s gofer & fixer Ray Finch.
I presume this is supposed to be the pre launch of the launch or the pre launch to launch his election campaign and the new set of ‘drivel’ he plans to authorise to replace the last ‘drivel’ he commended as a Manifesto.
We have had the Hartlepool pre launch and the sleazy down market photo launch at Canvey’s local flea pit:
Clearly after the above lampooning of himself a media launch was required as both Sky and the BBC seem to have overlooked his antics and his poll ratings, according to Ipsos Mori have now fallen as a party to their worst in 2 years with a mere 9% and little or no likelihood of an MP being elected and a probable fall in the already low number of councillors dotted around the country.
So here is the media ‘effort’ and all but the cult followers in a fit of crano rectal retention will realise just how damaging these failures are for Ukip – let us hope they are as rapidly distanced from the eXit campaign when there comes an In/Out EU Referendum, perhaps they would care to take the other duplicitous would be leaders like Matt Elliot and Dan Hannan with them as they vacate the field so as to enhance out opportunities of winning such a referendum and being able to Leave_The_EU.
Ukip has made it abundantly clear the British public at large do not trust them and clearly from their constant embarrassments and failures they like Mattew Elliot have no place in the No to EU membership campaign – let us not forget that Matthew Elliot’s last campaign was AV, which left him floundering far out of his depth and a rescue mission had to be mounted to save his face!
Toy tanks, inflatable bulldozers, cvhicken costumes etc. not withstanding just what has Ukip ever achieved for anyone but themselves and their own enrichment?
The article below is just more of the same from Ukip – uncosted fantsy and unsustainable froth – where is the meat on the bone?
After 22 years mostly as Nigel Farage’s fiefdom having claimed to oppose membership of the EU it was only with acts of thinly veiled racism and anti Muslim rhetoric that they ever managed to increase their vote in the wake of the collapse of the BNP.
To this day Ukip has absolutely zero honourable, ethical and workable EU eXit and survival strategy and failed even to put forward so much as an entry to the BreXit competition!

Nigel Farage’s appeal to Britons: believe in Britain

Ahead of the general election, Ukip leader Nigel Farage sets out his party’s vision

The general election offers a chance for neglected, hard-up voters to make their voices heard and choose MPs that care about their lives, says Ukip’s leader Nigel Farage.



This election campaign has been incredibly dull so far. Labour is trying to claim our National Health Service, as if they own it. The Tories are trying to grab at the economy, as if they haven’t presided over a doubling of the national debt in just five years, and failing to erase the deficit. Pretty predictable stuff.

And that’s because these two parties – the legacy parties – have forgotten that there is a country out there.

Farage rules out forming coalition with main political parties

Farage: Rotherham police were ‘wilfully obstructive’

There’s a country beyond Westminster, crying out for attention, respect, and assistance at a time when politicians are trying to convince them that everything is absolutely fine.

But it’s not fine. Now more than ever, this country needs a positive political party, with firm ideas for the future of this country. I believe that at this election, Ukip will be that party.

When you look at somewhere like Castlepoint in Essex, this election presents voters with a stark choice.

Ukip’s candidate is a local lad, Jamie Huntman, a timber merchant, who is deeply patriotic, involved in his community, and known as hard-working, straight-talking guy.

Britain “is the fifth largest economy in the world, not because of our governments, but in spite of them,” Farage says

He’s a man who, in spite of this country’s woes, despite the ruling classes telling us we can’t be a great nation again, still believes in Britain.

We believe that the backbone of this country – small business owners, families and indeed the legal migrants who come here to better their lives – know that we no longer have a capitalism that works for all.

Instead, we have corporatism, lavishing attention on big corporations while ignoring the little man. Only Ukip will address and tackle this imbalance.

Grant Shapps rules out deal with Ukip

Ukip supporters prefer to see Nigel Farage drinking tea

We’ll turn the other cheek to insults and negativity and focus instead on what we could deliver for the country if we have enough MPs.

No one will have a majority after this election. They all know it. But the thing they fear the most is a sizeable number of Ukip MPs in that chamber, holding them to account for you.

And when we say we believe in Britain, we believe in the whole of Britain. We’re the only political party with representation in all four corners of the United Kingdom.

The Scottish National Party and Plaid Cymru are obviously regional parties. Labour has increasingly become a regional party in the North – though voters in the one-party state they tried to create there are now beginning to revolt. The Conservative Party is now a regional party of the South.

Ukip “have broken the class divide in British politics”, Nigel Farage argues

Ukip, on the other hand, is doing as well in the North as we are in the South. We’re a party that represents the whole country and, even more importantly, we have broken the class divide in British politics.

And our greatest, most recent growth has been in Labour areas. So far from the narrative and amusing conference line from Mr Cameron, that if you go to bed with Nigel Farage you wake up with Ed Miliband, the truth is that from Birmingham to Hadrian’s Wall, we are the challengers to Labour.

Ukip will put at the heart of its campaign not just the cost of living crisis, because we know that Britons are feeling the pinch, but also the cost of government crisis.

We will have a costed manifesto that deals with these issues, which includes taking those on the minimum wage out of tax, reducing energy bills, and by ending our costly membership of the EU.

But we’ve got to ask ourselves as voters: at what cost do we keep electing the current, Westminster college kids?

At what cost to our freedoms? At what cost to our communities? At what cost to the confidence and belief in the values that underpin British civil society?

Which political party is winning Facebook and does it matter?

Pub landlord Al Murray to stand against Nigel Farage

These are the big questions the political class don’t want you asking. They’ll try to bore you into submission, or convince you that you’ll let someone else in if you vote for us. Ask Douglas Carswell or Mark Reckless about this. If you vote Ukip, you get Ukip. Nothing else.

The year Ukip went mainstream – in 60 seconds

A Britain which can govern itself. A Britain with an ethical immigration policy based on the Australian-style points system. A Britain that doesn’t weaponise the NHS, but makes it work for those who need it. A Britain that is more than just a star on someone else’s flag. Ukip believes in Britain, and we know you do too.

We believe in a Britain that can trade freely with the world, honour our troops, work without a nanny state, stop propping up dictatorships through aid, and stop spending your money on white elephant projects like HS2.

I believe in a Britain that has confidence, stands proud, projects a national identity based on our Judaeo-Christian heritage, and our tremendous natural resources.

We believe in a Britain that is the fifth largest economy in the world, not because of our governments, but in spite of them.

A Britain with room to grow, not based on debt, but on real, tangible assets: our fisheries, our gas supplies, infrastructure like Manston Airport, and the prospects of our youth and people who come here legally and integrate and become the best of British themselves.

Not only have we found a way to inject £3 billion more per year into our NHS, but we also want people to have a say in how the NHS is run.

We want to scrap hospital car parking charges, acknowledge that the future for the NHS relies on the innovation and dedication that we will get from British graduates (not middle managers), and invest in research and cleaning up our hospitals.

This is why I’m pleased to say that we would scrap tuition fees for students studying science, technology, engineering, maths, or medical degrees.

And we’ll also fight for a right of recall for MPs who have failed voters.

Ukip will say “no to any coalition deals with the establishment parties who have taken us so far into this mess”

We’d reverse the opt-in to the European Arrest Warrant, because Britain believes in “innocent until proven guilty” and we believe in Britain.

Ukip ‘have lost the plot on countryside issues’

Timeline: The rise of Ukip

And we’d reward our Servicemen and women with a National Service Medal, social housing priority, and jobs when they return to civilian life.

We’d toss out ideas like the bedroom tax, and the mansion tax, because they’re two sides of the same coin, equally unconscionable and intended to divide us.

And we’d say no to propping up a government that refuses us an immediate EU referendum – no to any coalition deals with the establishment parties who have taken us so far into this mess.

But we need you to come with us on this journey. So I urge you, when you go to the ballot box, when you send in your postal vote: believe.

Believe in Britain. Believe in real change. Believe me when I say this is not just another election and yours is not just another vote.

If you hold onto those beliefs, if you want that change, then we believe, that together, we can achieve great things.

To view the original of this publicity article CLICK HERE





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Nigel Farage Docu-Drama Channel 4 Monday next.

Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 12/02/2015

Nigel Farage Docu-Drama Channel 4 Monday next.

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Nigel Farage Docu-Drama featuring 100 days in power will be shown on Channel 4 on Monday next at 21:00hrs..

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for your information I found this YouTube promo for a spoof, Channel 4, docu drama on the internet, which is to be shown next Monday at 21:00hrs., which you may, whether a Ukip supporter, a member of their claque or an opponent of their style find amusing.I sought out any comment from Ukip and found the foam flecked rant of one such, who unsurprisingly was too ashamed to put his name to his idiotic comments:

Default Here Comes Channel 4 Demonising of Farage.

It was revealed a while ago that C4 were going to produce a spoof of what it would be like if UKIP won the 2015 GE.

By the look of the trailer, they have done their best to portray Farage as the second coming of Adolf Hitler.

This could be another big vote winner for UKIP, these audacious maneuvers usually backfire.

Firstly the odious prejudice regarding Channel 4 – by all means like or dislike the programmes of a TV station but to overlook the excellent publicity Ukip & Nigel Farage in particular have received on the channel is just sloppy and the maundering of a simpletons.
I could see not one wit of allusion to Adolf Hitler in the promo clip – perhaps this is the ‘fear’ of the commentator, who appreciates the similarity and seeks to pre-empt any such reference, when the program is broadcast.That in 1937 Time magazine voted Hitler ‘The Man Of The Year’ and prior to that in 1934 Oswald Moseley was the UK’s ‘Man of The Year’ and The Times granted that title to Nigel Farage is clearly not a coincidence.All 3 men were/are orators of some skill who have proved good rabble rousers and have risen in popularity through populist pandering to the failed in society who seek to blame others for their failure rather than accept responsibility.

Let us not forget that Adolf Hitler and Nigel Farage both rose from academic inconsequentiality to leading their own cults, at least Hitler had an honourable background as a soldier who fought in the trenches and was awarded the Iron Cross Second Class.

Nigel Farage was placed, by his Father, in a City job he failed at and his subsequent trading company went bust and is still indebted to HMRC for 10s of £1,000s!

To be fair to both men they did rise within their respective organisations by a series of intrigues and back stabbing.

Similarly to Oswald Mosely, Nigel Farage has switched allegiances politically several times having voted Tory, Green & presumably Ukip – he even flirted with The BNP at one stage having been manouvered out of Ukip:

FARAGE, Nigel 37 DEAVIN, Mark - LeCOMBER, Tony
The claque commentator overlooks the fact that for Ukip, with its ratings falling as they are, any publicity must be seen as welcome, as in their present position iot is extremely unlikely they will manage to have a single MP elected, though with publicity they just might get a couple.
Ukip’s plight at this stage is clear in that as they have climbed higher up the tree the more they have exposed their underside, which the media will delight in pointing out – such is the plight of any aspirant organisation that lacks principles, seeks populism and is bereft of any gravitas.Let us see how much of the truth is exposed on Monday – I doubt it will be much!
Increasing numbers seem to be realising that David Cameron’s pledge of a referendum is the best opportunity we have, all be it he will seek to place Tory cronies who seek to keep us in the EU in charge of the OUT Campaign, making much of tiny shifts in EU rulings as great triumphs of negotiation and using the likes of Matthew Elliott, Rodney Leach, Dan Hannan and their ilk to spread Fear, Uncertainty & Doubt (FUD).To win the referendum we must all strive to prevent Farage’s clique and their claque from risking putting the embarrassing Ed Miliband and his xlique of fools in position and if we can get a Tory majority ensuring Ukip hand its loonie toons and self serving self enriching leadership clique from having any chance of destroying the EU OUT campaign.




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GP-KP – 12 Independent Tips For Ukip Activcists

Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 11/02/2015

GP-KP – 12 Independent Tips For Ukip Activists

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Guest Post – Kent Parker:

12 Tips For Ukip Activists from an Independent source based upon observation!

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Kent Parker’s summary of the responses and attitudes ideal for a Ukip activists may seem a little simplistic, but when you consider this is the closest almost any Ukip candidates have come to any form of training in Ukip’s 22 year history and the calliber he expects to influence I guess it needs to be simple!

It is clear that some amongst the leadertship are keeping abreast of political truisms with their new policies of populism pandering to the lowest common denominator Malan, LePen, Verwoerd, Tyndall, Voster, Moseley, Hitler, Griffin, Mussolini and the like used the policy before them – it guarantees some 10 > 15% of the electorate will support you – whether you would want the support of this sector of the community is a moot point.

It is however now clear that with the collapse of the BNP Nigel Farage has, with care, taken up the role until recently held by Nick Griffin. The move to clandestine racism has largely been responsible for the rise in membership and support the party has achieved recently – though it is notable how that support is falling back with the approach of the reality of the danger Ukip poses to any hope of a referendum on membership of the EU.

Even those in the gutter of British and EU politics, as Ukip indisputably are, would seem to find reason more valuable than prejudice and hatred when it comes to choosing a Government.

The electorate although having proved stupid enough to have put Tony Blair and Gordon Brown in power for 13 catastrophic years that although it hugely enriched them and many of their clique of cronies hugely damaged our economy and the well being of the man in the street

Being A UKIP Activist – Easy 12 Step Guide

Okay, so you’ve decided you want to be a UKIP activist but you aren’t quite sure how to start?  Well, we’re right here to help you with our Ten Step Easy Guide.  Hold onto your hat.

Step 1:  “I’m not racist but…”
We call this a paragraph primer.  You can drop it in front of any paragraph to make everything you say thereafter palatable to even the most Guardian-esque audience.  It’s  a good idea, if you think you might be about to get into your racist groove, to bring this paragraph primer into play in order to protect yourself.  We suggest dosing your conversation liberally with it just to be sure.
“I’m not racist but … have you noticed that everybody from Egypt wants to eat babies?”

Step 2:  “LibLabCon …”
This useful term of casual derision is a vital tool in your arsenal.  It is a simple way to devalue anything that anybody says by suggesting that they are all saying the same thing.  Remember, it doesn’t matter how different the things they are saying actually are.  All that matters is that you can stop them in their tracks by calling them LibLabCon, of THE LibLabCon if you want to add some real menace to it.
‘Kipper: “I’m canvassing on behalf of UKIP…”
Person: “Oh good, hello!  I wanted to ask you about your policies on housing and education?”
‘Kipper: “LIBLABCON!  Alert! Alert! LIBLABCON!”

Step 3:  “Free speech.”
You are entitled to this and should make sure you tell people at every opportunity, even if they haven’t challenged your right to free speech in any way.  The simple reminder of your rights is enough to make it look like they were trying to silence you and to give you time to get your racist groove on.  (See (1) above.)
Person: “You can’t go that way sir, it’s No Entry.”
‘Kipper: “How dare you challenge my free speech?”

Step 4:  “People power.”
This rather useful term allows you to claim you are a Man of The People regardless of how horrible the things you are saying might be.  Remember – people power only applies to the things you approve of.  Any other sort of People People, for instance something you do not approve of, should be dealt with by demanding Free Speech (see (3) above) or by calling your opponent The LibLabCon (see (2) above.)  See how these steps can be used together for greater effect?
Person:  “The Council are minded to turn down the wind turbine proposal.”
‘Kipper:  “People power!”

Person:  “But the local Green Party activists are campaigning for them to be passed.”
‘Kipper:  “LIBLABCON!  Alert! Alert! LIBLABCON!”

Step 5:  “I have a foreign friend.”
This goes hand-in-hand with Step 1.  Just in case you are talking to some really liberal ass who wouldn’t know a Sunni from a Tamil, you can remind them that you have some slight acquaintance with somebody who isn’t “from here” and so, obviously, it’s all good.  It doesn’t even have to be true.  In fact, it is better if it is not true, since that would allow an investigative person to find out that you employed them on the black market or something.  No pun intended.
Person:  “You can’t just going calling people the N word, sir.”
‘Kipper:  “I have a foreign friend.”
Person:  “Oh, that’s alright then. Go right ahead with your offensive racist language.”

Step 6:  “Rough Diamond.”
Seriously.  You can call somebody the ill-begotten Son of a donkey and refer to their relatives as Bingo Bongo Bangos and as long as you have one or two friends who are prepared to say that you didn’t mean it because you are a “rough diamond” with a heart of gold, all will be forgiven.  You’ll need to start making some friends to be your support network for this one.  I know, I know.  Friends, who needs ‘em?  But in this case – you do.
Person:  “I saw him.  He leapt over the table, grabbed her by the throat, lifted her off the floor and then shook her like a rag doll.”
‘Kipper:  “He doesn’t mean anything by it.  He’s a rough diamond.”

Step 7:  “I agree!”
Since you will have virtually no policies of any significance, and the ones you do have will be subject to change on a whim from Nigel Farage, Douglas Carswell, or any number of other non-Nigel-or-Douglas bureaucrats from the Dark Tower Of Power, you’re going to need to appropriate some from elsewhere.  The easiest way to do this is just to agree with whatever anybody says, wants or proposes.  Particularly if they can potentially vote for you.  Even more particularly if you aren’t being recorded and can deny it later.   Which leads us to…

Step 8:  Plausible Deniability
Look, you are a UKIP activist.  Sooner or later you are going to say something really, really, really stupid.  So be prepared to deny, deny, deny.  It doesn’t matter who heard you say it.  I doesn’t matter if it was recorded live on the BBC (they are just LibLabCons anyway) or if a prize-winning journalist captured it on their mobile phone.  We live in an age where technology can fake things.  Deny, deny, deny.  And if in doubt call in the Rough Diamond support network (See step (6))
Police Officer:  “There were nine witnesses saw you do it, Sir.”
‘Kipper:  “Wasn’t there.”

Step 9:  Gay Power
You aren’t going to be a big fan of the gay community.  You probably think they are all sent by Satan to ruin the Earth, or something.  But you will need at least one gay friend with you, in case the weather turns while you are out campaigning.  Super-powers are super-powers, after all.

Step 10:  Women
You will definitely need a good wife.  When you get home at the end of the day, you want to be sure that dinner is ready, that your slippers are warm and that it is properly spotless behind the fridge.  Also, when the press are phoning you at every hour wanting to know why you said whatever it is that you said – you’ll need somebody to answer for you and say: “I’m sorry, he’s not here right now,” while you hide in the basement.
‘Kipper:  “Hi honey I’m home!  I hope that’s good English food I can smell, and not any of that foreign muck.”
‘Kipper’s Wife:  “It’s Chicken Tikka and rice.”
‘Kipper:  “Perfect.”

Freebie Step 11:  Libertarian & Democratic
Since we here at “Guides to Do” want to offer you good value, here’s an eleventh step at no extra charge.  You should regularly refer to the party and yourself as both Libertarian and Democratic.  If you don’t know what these terms mean, that’s fine, you’ll be in good company.  You can tell everybody how Libertarian you are while simultaneously preventing the free movement of people, telling them what to put in their bodies and what not to, telling them who they can marry and who they can’t, supporting taxation and welfare spending, demanding that they require licences from the State for even the most mundane activities.  You can tell them how democratic you are, while simultaneously damning every political party that isn’t you.  Bloody LibLabCon.

Freebie Step 12:  Common Sense
Anything you think and others do not agree with is “Common Sense.”  UKIP are the party of this sort of very personal brand of Common Sense.  Be proud.

Kent lives in the big city, where he has worked as both a photographer and a journalist, if you are willing to accept dreamscapes as evidence of employment.

To view the original article CLICK HERE





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Michael Shrimpton’s Fantasies Land Him In Jail!

Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 08/02/2015

Michael Shrimpton’s Fantasies Land Him In Jail!

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Sometime speaker for Ukip & others Michael Shrimpton’s Fantasies have finally Landed Him In Jail!

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having known Michael Shrimpton ever since I was asked some 15 years ago to collect him from the station and deliver him to a Ukip Bristol meeting as the speaker I have taken an interest in him.

Michael has been well aware over the years that I saw him as being an amusing diversion and as barki9ng mad as they come when it had anything to do with  his fantasies and conspiracy theories.

I had never socialised with him beyond using him as divesrsion and comic relief at various meetings, until his return from Australia, save one meal with him when he came to Chepstow for my advice on disposing of his books, before fleeing the country when his business collapsed.

I have followed the case below in some detail as he made the phone calls from my home when Lee and I took pity on him as he was homeless and trying to get back on his feet!

Finally he found a flat and as we had surplus furniture we gave it to him to start anew, and so that he would eventually leave having overstayed his welcome considerably!

At one stage it became apparent he had been making more of a fool of himself than we had thought, when the police arrived here unannounced in the quaint belief that we might have been a part of his fantasy plot – a notion which was soon dispelled!

That said I can not for a moment see that justice has been done in this case nor can it be seen to be done in my opinion.

Michael Shrimpton needs help and not punishment – I can not disagree with the Judge when he stated that

‘Shrimpton was not just a harmless eccentric but a menace’

but many in our society are a menace, were they all to be put in prison the system would collapse!

Shrimpton’s sentence being custodial is staggeringly harsh for a case which is clearly one of mental health – Shrimpton is beyond any doubt delusional but there is little doubt that he believes his delusions – his life is a delusion for heaven’s sake and I see encaceration of such an unfortunate as a travesty of justice.

Not only will Michael Shrimpton be incarcerated but he will never again be able to practice as a barrister, a job he loved and in most instances did with due dilligence and effectively for his clients.

It was Shrimpton’s private life that was both chaotic and founded on fantasies poor man.

Michael Shrimpton will as a result of this sentence loose his income source and is clearly inelligible for retraining when he leaves prison at 58 and will thus face a life on benefits, such a prick to his ego and personna that I would be unsurprised to read of his suicide!

To add to his punishment he will never again see his parents, who are both elderly and infirm, unable to travel and living in Australia with his younger brothers and sisters – none of whom will he see again!

To my untrained and unqualified opinion I incline to the belief that Shrimpton has complex mental health issues largely based on the ‘autism’ scale, which would explain his ineptitude at relationships and making friends of any value. That he had managed to put himself through university and qualify as a barrister holding down the job and building his career in the face of the loadings against him is a tribute to his determination.

That Shrimpton succumbed to his own fantasies of personal importance and invented the character of some sort of intelligence operative is unsurprising – It is help Michael Shrimpton needs and not punishment!

That Shrimpton had deluded himself into the belief that he had pornography either as part of an investigation he invented or planted on him is both unsurprising and also of no significance in the custodial sentence as it was crime he had already been punished for.

Let us not forget that 1,000s of details of individuals who had purchased and circulated paedophile porn as supplied under The Ore Operation – just howmany were investigated and even of those only a tiny percentage were sentenced. Let us not overlook the consistent failure of police to effectively investigate and prosecute in case after case, yet here is a man who would seem to be being persecuted and punished rather than treated and helped!

I do not believe, yet again, that we as citizens can take any pride or satisfaction in this misapplication of justice.

Jail for pervert barrister who said nuclear bomb would blow up the Queen at the London Olympics

Michael Shrimpton on the USS Enterprise in 2006

Michael Shrimpton on the USS Enterprise in 2006



A barrister who made a high-level hoax call saying a nuclear bomb was poised to blow up the Queen at the London 2012 Olympics has been jailed.

Michael Shrimpton, 57, of Jusons Glebe, Wendover, was found guilty last year and today he was sentenced to 12 months at Southwark Crown Court.

On April 19 2012, Shrimpton contacted the office of the Defence Secretary Philip Dunne, and David Lidington MP claiming a nuclear warhead had been placed in London, possibly near to a hospital to be detonated at the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games.

He claimed that intelligence had been blocked from being passed through official channels because the Germans had infiltrated MI5, MI6 and GCHQ.

Both offices say they thought the calls were a hoax, but they had to be passed to the Olympic Security Team and the police due to the nature of the threat.

The court heard that Shrimpton is a self-appointed intelligence expert who suggested a sinister German intelligence agency was responsible for this plot to blow up the opening ceremony of the London Olympics.

Shrimpton had come to the attention of various police forces over the years and following the London terrorist attacks in July 2005, he earned himself the official label of ‘an intelligence nuisance’.

He was described by the prosecution counsel as an “unrelenting networker, desperate to associate himself with persons in real power and influence, and using any even marginal association with such people to bolster his credibility with other such people”.

On handing down the 12 month sentence HHJ Judge McCreath said: “I must have regard to the very clear risk of disruption which Mr Shrimpton must have recognised when he made the false reports.

“This is a case that cries out for immediate custody, it is impossible for me to suspend the sentence in this case, however I am prepared to take a merciful approach.”

Last year Shrimpton, who says he legally advised General Pinochet in the nineties, failed in his appeal against a conviction for possesing indecent images of children.

He said that images of young boys found on a computer memory stick were put there by secret service agents, and that he was the victim of a government stitch-up.

Senior investigating officer, Detective Sergeant Andrew Mottau, from the South East Counter Terrorism Unit, said: “The nature of such a claim had to be taken very seriously, despite it transpiring to be a hoax.

“This incident could have caused enormous disruption at a time of heightened tension and resulted in the diversion of valuable resources.

“I hope today’s sentence serves as a reminder that wasting police time is a serious offence and anyone who does it can expect to be robustly dealt with.

“I would like to thank the large number of witnesses in this case, their support cannot be understated and their testimony was vital in securing this conviction.”

Adrian Foster, Chief Crown Prosecutor for Thames and Chiltern Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) said: “This case involved the making of two bomb hoaxes on 19 and 20 April 2012 relating to the London 2012 Olympics when preparations for the Games were at an advanced stage.

“During the hoaxes Michael Shrimpton passed extraordinary and dramatic information about a threatened nuclear attack on the Games to senior authority figures. Although the information passed was outlandish and fanciful, there was a great deal of national tension in the months preceding the Games and it would have been foolish to reject or ignore the threats, especially when made by a professional man.

“Shrimpton is a barrister with a fascination for politics, the military and intelligence. The bomb hoaxes were not so much an attempt to cause disruption, but a mechanism to gild his self-constructed reputation as an intelligence expert. However, the imparting of such false information had the potential to cause enormous disruption, diversion of scarce resources, and wasted public money.

“Shrimpton represented himself during the trial and pleaded not guilty to the offences claiming he acted in good faith to pass on the information from his ‘sources’ and did so without malice or intent. However, he was found guilty by a jury on 25 November 2014, of two counts of communicating false information with intent after a two week trial at Southwark Crown Court.

“Due to the hard work and dedication of the prosecution team a just outcome has been achieved and Michael Shrimpton, who is not just a harmless eccentric, but a menace has today been sentenced accordingly.”

To view the original article CLICK HERE

To view the earlier court report article CLICK HERE
Also see other coverage CLICK HERE
Details of Michael Shrimpton’s earlier Court appearances and references to his fantasies can be found on my blogs with use of the >Search< facility, also comment on some of his other many conspiracy fantasies and theories of varying implausibility!




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Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins

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Will Gilpin In Conversation With Chris Pain

Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 26/01/2015

Will Gilpin In Conversation With Chris Pain

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is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!  


Will Gilpin In Conversation With Chris Pain provide background and detailed facts relative to the self serving corruption of Ukip’s upper ranks!

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having published extracts from this document in the past and now that the media have had the opportunity to use such extracts as they wish and store parts of the document for future use it seems apposite to publish the full document – as a matter of archive.

By all means comment and utilise the document if you wish but I do request that if you use a part of the document only, that you strive not to alter or use an extract which does not convey the sentiment it would seem to portray.

For fairness I would also ask that you provide a link to this site so that people who wish to can read it in full, for total balance.

I trust it helps you to understand just how corrupted Ukip actually is! I shall let the document speak for itself.

CP : Chris Pain
PAIN, Chris 01
WG : Will Gilpin
GILPIN, Will 01
KS : Katie Snape
SNAPE, Katie (Will Gilpin) 01

CP: Hi, is that Will?

WG: Yes.

CP: Hi Will, it’s Chris Pain from UKIP.

WG: Hello there.

CP: Hello. First of all, I thought we’d start the conversation saying sorry you are not in the party)


WG: Yeah, yeah.

CP: To say I was shocked doesn’t quite cover it.

WG: Yeah I was too.

CP: I think basically I just can’t, I can’t get my head around the fact that we should be that used to

men who could be an asset to the party and I just thought we ‘ve got people there that they aren’t
seeming to be pushing the party forward.

WG: I’m a bit confused by the whole thing. I wasn’t given any warning, you know. I told them I was

unhappy with the constraints on my loral but that’s clearly annoyed Nigel.

CP: It’s ridiculous because, because as the CEO…I couldn’t understand why you was reporting to

Steve Crowther anyway.

WG: Yeah, yeah, yeah.

CP: It was obviously they just wanted to keep you in check.

WG: Well my interpretation is Steve had his indicative powers taken off him, he saw me as a way of

shutting the NEC up

CP: yes

WG: while not being challenged.

CP: Yeah. Well I’m just absolutely gobsmacked, I can’t believe it thinking well, where are we

supposed to be going with this one. At a time where we should be pushing forward, we’ve got the
new offices at which you organised and things like that

WG: Yeah

CP: Unfortunately, There seems to be and inner circle of yes people who just keep saying yes.

WG: yes indeed yes

CP: I mean I noticed it when Nigel came to Boston, the fact that we were round the table having a

meal and the Sun rang wanting to do a big article on how Pro Margaret Thatcher him and the party

WG: Yep.

CP: And we got Ray Finch , Michael Heaver and Gowain all saying yes great Nigel , oh how fantastic,

oh great story’ because Nigel was saying yes, or ‘sorry Nigel, I was a big fan of Margaret Thatcher
Lord Tebbit, that’s prior to the prior to the EU as well ‘but you’ve got to realise North of Watford, in
places she the anti Christ.

WG: Yes

CP: I said it’s something you’re not gonna gain…I said the Sun paper is not a big Conservative paper,

it’s a working class paper that people look at for the boobs. I said it’s something I never get …I said
it’s not for Conservative readers and if it was in the Mail or Guardian, Express, Express probably
more, yes I could see them making an impact with it if that was there but in the Sun it’s in the wrong

WG: Yes

CP: and the neutral go ‘oh, no no no no’. What amazed me is that people sat round the table saying

‘oh you should tell them yes, do it’, rather than saying well no Nigel I think that’s wrong.

WG: Yep

CP: And that’s what he seems to be happy with.

WG: Yep, no that’s all he ever is really, If you look at the MEP selection list you know the top 10

people are the top 10 sicko fantasty list really aren’t they.

CP: Well yeah we…we…and also it’s even worse than that because what we found is if you look at

the MEP list the top 2 to 4 are his favoured few and the remainder are people who are no hopers
who aren’t gonna challenge

WG: Yep, it’s either people you’ve never heard of or Nigel’s mates.

CP: Yep, he’s too obvious. For you for the South East, we’ve got Piers is not on there, Steve Harris I

know not everyone likes him but he’s popular locally, Andrew Montclief I know Andy…illness
problem, but he’s ex NEC member policy maker he still should stand a chance,

WG: yes

CP: Neil Hamilton was a surprise but obviously that was an internal deal done, he’s been promised a

job since anyway in the party

WG: Yeah, yeah yeah.

CP: So that’s when you look at Mike Nattrass our region yes, I know Steve was going to take me out,

but you look at, the three people after Margot Helmer one has been a party nine months so should
be on there without going to a separate assessment, one has been in the party a long time, didn’t do
anything last European election campaign, the was a number two on the East Midlands committee,
didn’t get re voted on so didn’t go for four years, there’s not been anything since. And somebody
nobody’s ever heard of – even people here don’t even know who he is.

WG: Yup

CP: So he it sticks out like a sore thumb, when you’ve got Jonathan Arnott dropped in on number 1

in the North East.

WG well that’s astonishing isn’t it

CP: I can think of better words Will, but I think astonishing is quite a polite way of putting it, and

although David Coburn has got a link to Scotland, I don’t think he’s been there for 34 years.
(Phone rings)

WG: I think I see that’s a way to get rid of David Coburn

CP: Oh yes,We’ll give him the number 1 there The thing he’s not switched on to in Scotland is

Scottish people vote for the candidate, so I’m aware that some of the votes in the past for the NEC
has been dubious to say the least so when it goes to Elcom so that’s not going to do David any good
at all.

WG: No, no, no, and the other thing that surprises me, thats putting it mildly, is Nuttall becoming

Number 2 I simply don’t believe it

CP: Yeah

WG: Yep you know Paul, he’s fine But I do not believe he is the best candidate the party can put

forward after Nigel,

CP: No No

WG: the coincidence of Nigel 1, Nuttall 2 just shows the whole thing has been gerimandered.

CP: Oh yes Without a doubt.

WG: Why they excluded me from the process of course.

CP: Well yes the thing is, it’s quite obvious, Steve did it from day one, the whole process, pushed it

rammed it through made sure he was chairing the subcommittee no minutes from the
subcommittee at all, which to be fair is not unprofessional, it’s crooked,

WG: Yeah.

CP: And then actually pushed it forward even further to reach exactly where people are, without the

actually NEC passing a mandate on how people should be picked, good.

WG: Yeah, yeah.

CP: And these all way through

WG: And it’s a win-win because either we accept the list that we are given or we reject the entire

process at which point Nigel appoints the list.

CP: yes

CP:it would probably, probably be a bit fairer actually at least you can pin it on him.

WG: This is so.

CP: I look at what we’ve done so far and although I don’t agree with that at least it would save a lot

of people a lot of time, energy and effort, in the party…

WG: And money…

CP: And money, and at least it would be straightforward until that’s Nigel’s choice that’s it

WG: Yeah, yeah.

CP: And all Steve has done is pushed it through regardless.

WG: yeah

WG: It was perhaps the final straw for me in terms of my enthusiasm for the process but…

CP: Yeah. So What are you doing now the Will?

WG: Nothing. I’ve taken a holiday for a week and now I’m going to start working out what to do. I

had to wait until you know I wont, I won’t find something else while I’m in the media, you know,
given that I’m not meant to go and work for another political party so

CP: no

WG: I’ll just have to wait for that to die down you know.

CP: Are they still paying you?

WG: They gave me a month’s notice, yeah.

CP: inaudible

WG: inaudible, yeah. It ‘s irritating but it’s something. You know, to be fair I said to Steve lets get to

the conference and then after the conference we’ll have a chat about my, my position.

CP: yes

WG: Steve said yes that’s fine because conference is important, but (inaudible) so I might have been

leaving in October anyway. Because Steve Steve hired me as chief executive and then tells me my
inaudible is the database, my other responsibility is the head office staff, you know, that’s, that’s a
pointless role, and it’s been annoying me that there was a lot of people bitching about me in the
party because I get paid the most of any party employee and I do nothing of any value, and I agree
with them. You know, you know,


WG: em you don’t hire a chief executive and not let him do anything.

CP: Stuart Wheeler touched on it once, asking why you was reporting to Steve as the Chief

Executive, and he was you know pushed to the side, but I’m also aware of the fact that, assuming
that things are being discussed the NEC, and they’re not coming out in the minutes.

WG: Yep.

CP: They’re being deliberately missed off the minutes.

WG: Yes indeed

CP: erm And what’s going to happen with Mike Nattrass is in the main meeting I know it’s definitely

cos I, said that (no paid party employee being) part of the MEP (selection) process.

WG: yeah yeah

CP Steve saying I’lll go and have a long summer holiday, with nothing to do, I said look Steve

(there’s no problem overseeing it ) but, but last time we had independent people of good standing
in the process,

WG: Yeah

CP: and then what they did it was all passed on.

WG: yeah yeah yeah

CP: And of course that’s why he’s not had the committees ratified by the NEC because they’ve said

that, he knew he would not get it through .

WG: Yeah

CP: So it’s absolutely…it’s diabolically corrupt.

WG: It is, it is. And you know, it really disappoints me…the party could have been so much more

over the next couple of years.

CP: No No he’s took his chance

WG: inaudible Nigel wants to carry on the way he is, with his little gang of mates having a bit of fun

in the media, you know, and that’s it as far as he is concerned I think.

CP: Well I think it is aimed at a pact with the Tories in 2015.

WG: Well…

CP: Something that Paul said to me a year ago.

WG: Yeah, yeah, it’s certainly been discussed, I’ve heard it discussed, my honest view is it’s not

aimed at anything at all other than Nigel getting a decent income and a decent pension, whether
that’s is in the House of Lords or…

CP: Or that’s what I’ve heard anyway…

WG: but a commission sees….

CP: Yeah That’s what I’ve heard. That’s the target, but my view if you do that the party’s is dead in

the water anyway.

WG: Yes it is

WG: No, he doesn’t care does he. I don’t think he does.

CP: Yes, No, I think that’s the final nail in the coffin, and he’s worried that he doesn’t want anybody

in a situation as an MEP that could take the party on, if he said ‘we’re doing this’ and then somebody
else in a prominent position could say well, no Nigel, we’re not doing that’.

WG: That’s he that’s why nobody with any personality

CP: Yes

WG: can get onto the list, isn’t it?

CP: Yeah. No no inaudble

WG: That’s why he keeps Paul Nuttall around. Paul is a competent MEP but Nigel knows he he could

never be leader.

CP: Him also, I think he’s blackmailing Paul as well

WG: Okay, Okay.

CP: but I won’t go there

CP: Something come up before about the the national selection

WG: yeah

CP: and Paul was vehemently against it

WG: yes

CP: and went into a room with Nigel, and then came out and didn’t say a word at the meeting,

WG Okay

CP: so I’m 99% positive he’s blackmailing him over Louise and other things.

WG: Yeah, yeah.

CP: And that’s why I think how he’s keeping Paul on check, cos Paul says he’s not even speaking to

Steve Crowther.

WG: Okay.

CP: I think that’s what Nigel’s got to has got his little black book, thats he’s attacking people on,

WG: yes

CP: I think that’s how he does it. If people are honest and he hadn’t got anything on them, he

doesn’t like that.

WG: yes yes

WG: It’s probably something he learned from Annabell.

CP: He did say that, yeah. Can I ask you a straight question?

WG: Yeah.

CP: it’s involving me

WG: yes

CP: Did the Steve Crowther have any involvement on my side when it came in front of the NEC?

WG: What…when it came to your three month suspension?

CP: Well no before that.

WG: What did you mean?

CP: Well did Steve have any conversations with you or anything separately or?

WG: I’ll give you an honest answer which is I can’t remember the details, but I was well aware that

Steve had a lot of activity towards you and had made it very clear that he would like to get you out
of the party and would do whatever he could to achieve that.

CP: that would be his aim, that ties up with what somebody else said as well

WG: okay yes

CP: somebody else quite high up has said exactly the same

WG: Do you remember when you arranged your conference, invited me and Katie to speak at it, or

me to speak at it, and I turned you down because Steve gave me a direct order that I wasn’t to
attend and that I wasn’t to have anything to do with you, and given that he was paying my paycheck
I went along.

CP: that’s obvious but, but it’s unbelievable…

WG: yes so

CP: it can’t believe,

WG: Just because, his argument to me was basically that it was a…that the conference was a project

designed to get you elected, and as we didn’t want to get you elected, we had to do our best to not
support it.

CP: That explains why Lisa and everybody else cancelled on Sunday as well, because they cancelled

on the Sunday, they were doing the Sunday training for people and they cancelled.

WG: Right

CP: I take it that They got the same?)

WG: I imagine so. I’m not aware but I’m sure they would have done, Steve was pretty ,pretty

animated about it, you know. And I trusted him, because I liked Steve, I didn’t really know him that
well, but I’d done a couple of bits of him, and I liked him and I guess he thought that because I liked
him he

WG: could get me to do what he wanted, you know. So it’s taken me quite a while to realise…that, I

haven’t still quite figured him out.

CP: But to be honest with you how can I say this.

WG: I know he doesn’t like Nigel, but on the other hand this is his career isn’t it.

CP: He says he doesn’t like Nigel but… I think that…

WG: But he knows that Nigel is his…

CP: Paymaster.

WG: Yes, exactly, his gravy train.

CP: I’m aware of the fact that…I mean Steve (first), I got on with okay,

WG: yes

CP: as a bloke he’s a really likeable bloke, but when you scratch beneath the surface and then you

see some of the antics that he does, it’s not for the party. He’s not got the party’s interest in mind.

WG: No, no, no. And that’s the fundamental point – that neither Nigel nor Steve have the party’s

interest in mind. There are a lot of other people in the party who don’t either, but that’s the nature
of politics, there’s a lot of people for who it is a career and they’d be happily doing this for the Tories
or Labour.

CP: Without any conviction at all

WG: Janice Atkinson, the betting in the office was how soon after being elected an MEP she defects

to the Tories.

CP: Yeah, yeah …it is unbelievable. I mean, I’ve been tipped off that Annabelle Fuller had something

to do with my thing in the Mirror. We’re getting evidence because apparently she’s had an affair
with editor of the Mirror.

WG: Okay, well yeah, but whoever she had an affair with.

CP: Me, me. I still think she’s a trollop. But that’s by the by, but no that’s, I had heard that from a

certain source as well. Which doesn’t surprise me because then

WG: inaudible

CP: Which would mean Steve could be behind it?

WG: Yeah.

CP: seriously Will I’m sorry for everything that’s happened, it’s daft and you get people in the party

then this happens It seems to be a common, common thing if you get anybody whose, who wants
to do anything…

WG: Yeah, yeah. It’s a shame…

CP: Whats The biggest shame is we stand such a chance

WG: yes

CP: to do so well

WG: yes yes, and you’ve got to do it the same way you done it in the past which was fine for winning

one by election at a time.

CP: yes

WG: yeah

CP: Yeah, never mind. Anyway I hope best of luck in the future Will

WG: Thank you very much.

CP: So I hope everything goes alright for you.

WG: Yeah.

CP: upon you anyway inaudible

WG: It’s just unprofessional, the whole thing, you know.

CP: Well mean you can turn round and say that you’ll work to the end of your contract and give you

six months whatever away, sort yourself out thats different. And if they gave you a straight list of
jobs of what they wanted you to do…

WG: Yeah, think about what could be achieved in that timeframe.

CP: Yeah, ‘look, this is what we want to achieve’, and then if it turns out in 6 months you’ve not

achieved any of them that’s a different kettle of fish. But when they’ve held your hands behind your
back and not let you do anything,

WG: yeah

CP: and then say well hold on, what…why…I’ve done everything you’ve asked me to do.

WG: Yeah. All of my complaints have been about not being given work to do, not about the opposite

you know.

CP: Oh well, never mind. Best of luck for the future Will, I hope it goes well.

WG: cool

CP: Cheers then Cool. Bye.

WG: Bye.

CP: Went through it quite clearly with him, more than understanding it

WG: yeah

CP: he kept going on the same tact the fact that ‘oh, it doesn’t matter the fact they weren’t on your

site’.erm I said of course it does, because that is what people think, that it was on my Facebook site.

WG: Yeah, yeah, yeah, although you were dammed if you did and damned if you didn’t in fact,

weren’t you.

CP: Yeah. yeah

WG: Because if you had admitted they were on your site he would have you for that, and if you had

said they weren’t he would have accused you of lying so.

CP: The downside is, he knows the fact we weren’t there. He knew we weren’t there afterwards.

WG: Okay, okay.

CP: I actually gave him the proof and sent it to him directly, showing him where they were.

WG: yeah

CP: I didn’t get that till I approached the news editor who actually sent it through to me

WG: Okay. Yeah

CP: But I’d like to think they’re what I (inaudible) because I’ve been told by somebody else he was

using it purposely to actually take me out the MEP position and to take me out of the party. Which
coincides with what you said.

WG: Yeah, I I know that that was something you wanted to do. I can’t tell you if there was any

specific plan at that instance other than he just saw this opportunity and thought that’s good you

CP: I mean how long have you been…I mean who ever said why he wanted me out the party, has he

ever dropped that reason out or…? Is it down to Nigel or…?

WG: Yeah, its all been partly down to Nigel. I think it’s because you’re pushy and Nigel doesn’t like

anyone pushy because they might go for the leadership at some point.

CP: That’s ridiculous. I mean I can’t understand how Steve, after all the work, hard work I’ve done,

and other people have done with this MEP selection process he’s proved it, I mean all he’s done is
pick the people he wants there and anybody who stands half a chance of challenging are out the
running, be it Neil Hamilton,

WG: yeah

CP: be it Nattrass, be it Piers Wauchope all the people that are good people who should be on that

list aren’t there.

WG: Yeah, yeah, no I agree. And I think if Nigels Nigel protecting his position (inaudible).

CP: its unbelievable

WG: Yeah And that is why the party can’t achieve what it should have achieved, you know.

CP: You think that’s why Steve trying to take me out the party period its just because he thinks

obviously I’m pushy and

WG: Yeah, I mean… he has not been explicit to me so you can’t quote me and say ‘Steve says this’,

because I don’t know. But that’s the impression I got from Steve, I didn’t get the impression there
was anything else behind it, but there might be…maybe is there something that happened between
the two of you in the past?

CP: no

WG: inaudable

CP: No, no, no.

WG: Or anything like that, then I expect its just Steve and Nigel think you were getting too big for

your boots, building a power base for yourself.

CP: Right

WG: They only want one power base in the party, don’t they?

CP: yeah ridiculous

WG: In other parties there would be lots of power bases, in UKIP there have never been lots of

power bases have there?

CP: No…just one that’s that

WG: Yeah.

CP: But actually what peeves me off is that all the hard work you do for the party,

WG: yeah

CP: then you get treated like that.

WG: Yeah, yeah, yeah, no I understand that.

CP: I mean, after weeks of going out at weekends and doing the elections and no money from the

party and things like that, and you think well hold on, this is ridiculous.

WG: Yeah,

CP: I mean that the only one I can see is Steve being removed as chairman of the NEC, he’s obviously

got, got to much power which he’s wielding at his and Nigel behest and not for the benefit of the
members of the party.

WG: the problem is that he will be replaced by somebody else who relies on Nigel for his

employment you know,

CP: yeah

WG: the chairman is appointed at the whim of the leader that’s the rule isn’t it

CP: yeah

WG: there fore

CP: it probably got to change and be appointed by the will of the vote of the NEC.

WG: would seem a better way to do it

CP: that happens on other committees erm I assume that the only downside is the make up of the

NEC is probably too many people there reliant on it for their MEP postion.

WG: yeah

CP: it would be better once the MEP’s are out of the way, because..

WG: yeah

CP: then they might vote with their heart and conscience rather than how they are told to vote

WG: yeah

CP: okay well I just thought about that afterwards how much of rolls is he playing in this obviously

WG: you know in terms of what happened then that was simply you know Steve saw his opportunity

he got me to get somebody to have a look at your site and that was simply their report that was read
out, you know, I am not going to tell you who they are because they are still in the party, but I don’t
think they particularly had a grudge I think they were just doing what they were told, you know.

CP: right

WG: on the other hand clearly

CP: yes so he obviously portrayed it in a way,

WG: yeah

CP: the not that obviously just by him getting you to say that all the awful stuff had been deleted

WG: yeah

CP: then he used then he knew the fact that is wasn’t there in the first place

WG: yeah yeah

CP: Although it sound damming in front of the NEC, and in front of a disciplinary proceedings he

wouldn’t have got away with that, because I would have had witnesses there and evidence and gone
through everything bit by bit

WG: yeah

CP: it was like everything he threw at me at that meeting, erm from the thing about the what do you

call it, the rally in Boston, which he knew about, which had been passed by Paul, and the motion
which he told me to do exactly what I did do, and he knows he told me exactly what to do, and Piers
said the same erm and to throw all these things in it was obviously bazaar, I mean I should have had
a disciplinary action where I got a seven days notice where I could have took each but of evidence in
with me, to go through them

WG: yeah which is what Piers said isn’t it

CP: and that’s you know obviously he didn’t want that, because he thought he could actually con

peoples as a full NEC and twist the facts marginally enough to hit me with other stuff to make it, get
it passed.

WG: yeah

CP: through a disciplinary procedure he would need

WG: Katie is a bit more independent only a bit more but a bit more independent than the two of us

CP: yeah

WG: her view on Steve is he’s used to being the boss in his little agency where he was God, and he

has got that arrogance where it comes to that and he believes that you know that things should be
made to go his own way.

CP: regardless of how they are

WG: and you know like many people in the party he has an expectation that he’ll

Katie Snape: may just say something

WG: just a minute while I put it on Speaker yeah hold on

CP; Right


KS: hi Chris I have a theory, I kind of believe the conspiracy theory that Steve and Nigel are up for the

CP: yeah

KS; that the party will go then and the two of them will be in the House of Lords that’s all I have to


WG: it should be that the arrogance of being in charge to some extent makes him feel that he can

get away with anything, by shouting louder because he’s watched Nigel doing it for years and it has
worked well for Nigel

CP: yeah, it seems like he’s been playing the nice, nice policeman hard policeman in between

WG: yeah

CP: yet plays MR soppy happy go lucky but then just shouts every now an again in fact the actual

erm vote for the constitution on that weekend in Skegness when the Spring Conference was on,

WG: yeah

CP: erm I had not met anybody who had voted for it and we had a meeting at the had a meal an

Indian and it was 30 of us on the Saturday night

WG: yeah

CP: and half the table voted for it who were all, Tim Akars, Roger Bird the other half hadn’t they had

a meeting at the next day with 40 people nobody voted for it, and I have not met anybody since
who voted for it. So for the constitution to go through with a 96% vote it was more unbelievable to
say the least.

WG: yeah

CP: you just can’t believe it

WG: The things are just

CP; so you know whether they rigged it to a degree but then not a lot of people voted and that’s

why the constitution went through massively because they put so many votes in but obviously the
actual voting votes were less than they imagined

WG: yeah

CP; and that’s why it came out 96% because I have not met anybody yet who has voted for it apart

from 15 people sat around the table on the Saturday night.

WG: yep yep

CP: and it just goes when you go to previous NEC elections erm when I got elected Steves message

to me was, you can tell we don’t rig the elections because you’ve come top, and my answer Steve
was, well that doesn’t mean that you have not rigged it, I said you probably had rigged it but just
means that I am more popular than you thought I was,

WG: yeah yeah

CP: you know it wouldn’t surprise me that he’s not got 6 or 800 voting slips out there that they just

mysteriously put in every time.

WG: yeah yeah

CP: which is enough normally to top the balance of the scales

WG: yeah yeah

CP: yawning Sorry for troubling you Will, its er, I have heard about the peerage thing with Nigel and

I have heard the fact that we are supposed to be doing a pact with Tories in 2015.

WG: yeah

CP: which will kill the party

WG: yeah

CP: and there is no two ways about it anybody North of Watford won’t vote for us and

WG: and this is where it goes wrong for them I don’t think they necessarily have the power to do

such a thing

CP: they haven’t with a strong NEC, no, but if they have got an NEC of, you’ve got to look at what’s

happened with the national voting thing for the MEP selection

WG: yeah yea

CP: the reason they’ve got away with it because half the NEC have been looking to get on the MEP

band wagon not to push the region forward, just as a career opportunity and that that’s what’s
happened, they have got a lot of people there that have been looking for MEP election and so they
would sell their grandmother down the line for the ticket

WG: yes of course

CP: and that’s why the vote’s MP’s have been sat there happily voting along.

WG: yeah yeah of course

CP: so that’s what they are relying on is the complacent NEC that’s not gonna kick up a fuss

WG: yeah

CP: and that’s why three times its been on the NEC agenda about the coalition and three times Steve

has let it go off without a vote on it.

WG: yeah yeah

CP: erm and the same thing is at the NEC meeting in May when the actual MEP selection was

discussed and Steve quickly rushed through a list of names but it wasn’t put in front of people, that’s
when I stated quite clearly the fact that we shouldn’t have any paid employees as part of the
selection procedure and that’s including you Steve, and I said he stated he was on a long holiday
with nothing to do

WG: yes yes

CP; the reason he’s didn’t put the selection the selection and the assessment panel to the vote

because I said that as it had been agreed by people at my end of the table that he realised he
wouldn’t get away with it. But yet he has done it subsequently through the litigation by MIke

WG: yeh

CP; he used that as a tool, to whip others into oh yes we will agree it or we will get an injunction

WG: yeah

CP; Never mind Will sorry for troubling you, I just thought about that afterwards last night so erm

obviously that was a big issue

WG; yes okay

CP; okay hopefully best of luck and I will meet you again in the future sometime when you get on

and get yourself sorted out

WG; yeah yeah cool cheers Bye

CP; Bye





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Amjad Bashir’s Defection Today’s Ukip Catastrophe

Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 25/01/2015

Amjad Bashir’s Defection Today’s Ukip Catastrophe .

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Amjad Bashir’s Defection to the Tory Party on Friday is just one of  Today’s Ukip Catastrophes.

000a ukip-025 count.png


Hi, yet again Ukip are in the clutches of a catastrophe following now on the heels of the previous catastrophy:
Embedded image permalink
now to add to Tim Aker walking out as their manifesto maestro just a few short weeks prior to its launch, leaving them in an insoluable disarray – assuming they wish to present a manifesto that isn’t amateur drivel now they have yet another problem. It does seem that Ukip are determined to deliver fantastic results with around a catastrophe a day!:
Let us not forget that Nigel Farage personally selected Amjad Bashir and paraded him as Ukip’s token high profile non Caucasian Muslim, in efforts to try to make it appear Ukip was not a racist party despite the clear facts that show they are. You will note from The Sunday Times that Matthew Richardson Ukip’s party secretary has stated ‘Ukip is proud to represent the many bigots who live in the UK’. Meanwhile the vile racist Gerard Batten a founder member of Ukip and a long term Ukip MEP is making much of his personal superstitions and seeking to demean Muslims in a manner likely to incite racial hatred based on their beliefs! Nigel Farage and Ukip have been well aware that their token Muslim Amjad Bashir’s restaurunt in Manchester had been raided in relation to employment of illegal immigrants, surely even Ukip could not have been so stupid they did not read the press! Yet Ukip took absolutely no action of cautious distancing or denouncing the problems and Nigel Farage went so far as to say that ‘We will be defending the charges’ (has he shares in the reastaurant or was he recruiting immigrants for Bashir? Otherwise why did he say ‘We’? Now all of a sudden, having continued to parade Bashir in the most racist manner possible, ie as some sort of token, it is announced AFTYER Amjad Bashir had a meeting with David Cameron and defected to the Tories – Ukip spokesmen are falling over themselves and likely to drown in their own sour grapes as they seek to denounce him and claim to be presenting evidence to the police! Perhaps the British public would be better served were Ukip to denounce the vile behaviour of Annabelle Fuller, one of Nigel Farage’s mistresses as announced in the EUropean Parliament and call for Police charges for her having stolen a Blackberry Phone device, a House of Commons pass and private/confidential correspondence from Tory MP Andrew Bridgen and seemingly making dishonest claims of being sexually assaulted, which resulted in Bridgen being diviorced and distanced from his children despite Annabelle Fuller realising her claims were unsupportable and implausible. FULLER, Annabelle 07 However Ukip’s behaviour is clearly all too similar to the worst excesses of self interest we have come to expect from the low grade political aspirant we find in office these days. UKIP ARCHIVE SKELETON 01 Consider the reports below from the media:

UKIP MEP Amjad Bashir suspended over ‘serious’ financial issues

Amjad Bashir

A UKIP MEP who was poised to defect to the Conservatives has been suspended over financial and employment concerns.

Party leader Nigel Farage said there were “extremely serious” questions which Amjad Bashir had not answered.

The allegations against him include claims of interference with the candidate selection process, according to the party.

Mr Bashir rejected the claims as “absurd and made-up allegations”.

A UKIP spokesman said evidence obtained by the party in the course of its own investigations had been forwarded to the police.

The spokesman said: “The UK Independence Party has a zero-tolerance policy and takes the matters at hand extremely seriously.

“The allegations against Mr Bashir are of a grave nature and we will be forwarding our evidence obtained so far to the police.”

In a statement on its website, UKIP disclosed one of the reasons Mr Bashir has been suspended was his “continued affiliation” with Mujeeb Bhutto, who was involved in a Pakistani kidnapping gang.

To view the original of this article CLICK HERE

Ukip MEP Amjad Bashir defects to Conservative Party

Exclusive: Ukip’s chief spokesman on communities describes the party as “pretty amateur” and condemns its “ridiculous” lack of policies

UKIP MEP Amjad Bashir calls on people of Pakistani descent to condemn child abuses in Rotherham

Amjad Bashir says that he is going over for practical reasons: only the Tories can achieve real change Photo: London News Pictures/REX
One of the UK Independence Party’s most senior politicians has defected to the Conservatives in a major blow to Nigel Farage’s general election campaign.
Amjad Bashir, a Ukip MEP and the party’s leading Asian figure, told The Telegraph that Ukip had become a “party of ruthless self-interest” that was incapable of delivering a referendum on membership of the European Union.
In a damning broadside against his former colleagues, he described Ukip as “pretty amateur” and condemned its “ridiculous” lack of policies. He said the party was “delusional” about its chances of winning seats in May.
On Saturday night Ukip suspended Mr Bashir for alleged financial and employment irregularities.
A Ukip spokesman said evidence obtained by the party in its investigations would be sent to the police.

But Mr Bashir described the move as a “desperate attempt” by Ukip to limit the damage of his defection.

He said: “On Friday I met David Cameron and applied to join the Conservative Party. It is clear Ukip’s action today is a desperate attempt to spoil this and is without any foundation.

“The issues raised in my notice of suspension are historic and well known to the party. Indeed, on one of them, Nigel Farage has publicly defended me over it.”

A Ukip source said the party had learned that Mr Bashir was defecting at midday on Saturday. Ukip issued a notice to Mr Bashir suspending him at about 5pm.

Mr Bashir, a Muslim and Ukip’s chief spokesman on communities, said he had decided to defect because only the Conservatives were in a position to control immigration and give voters a say over whether the UK should remain in Europe.

His departure will hurt Mr Farage, who had been planning to energise his election campaign with a round of set-piece media appearances today. Instead, the Ukip leader is now having to deal with the loss of his most prominent figure from an ethnic minority background.

David Cameron said he was “absolutely delighted” to welcome Mr Bashir into the Tory fold and urged voters who have supported Ukip to “come back” to the Conservatives at the general election.

The Prime Minister said that Mr Bashir’s move proved the election was not a “beauty contest” but a straight choice between a competent Conservative government and the “chaos” of Labour under Ed Miliband.

His defection represents a coup for the Tories as the general election campaign enters its final 100 days this week.

Mr Bashir had been one of Ukip’s leading lights even before he was elected to the European Parliament last May as MEP for Yorkshire and the Humber. He had been described as Mr Farage’s “secret weapon”.

As a Pakistani immigrant, he was regularly deployed by spin doctors as evidence that Ukip is not racist, after a succession of activists and candidates made derogatory comments about Muslims and ethnic minorities.

Mr Bashir’s defection will ignite the contest between the Conservatives and Ukip for the votes of Eurosceptics on the Right. It will be particularly welcome for the Tories, after they lost two MPs — Mark Reckless and Douglas Carswell — to Ukip last year.

In an article for The Telegraph, Mr Bashir says: “After almost three years as a party member, I realise that Ukip is more concerned with furthering its own interests as a political party than delivering for the British people.

“I’ve seen Ukip both at home, and abroad, and I’m sorry to say they’re pretty amateur. In the European Parliament, some of their MEPs think it’s acceptable to shout and fool around.”

He adds: “They think they’ll sweep up dozens of seats in May, but that’s delusional. What they are in very real danger of doing, however, is making a big enough dent in the Conservative vote to let Labour in.”

Mr Cameron told The Telegraph during a meeting with Mr Bashir that he understood why voters had supported Ukip in the past, when the Coalition had taken some unpopular decisions.

“I understand why some people have drifted away to Ukip,” Mr Cameron said. “I want to genuinely win those people back by saying look, we are the only party that can offer the strong immigration control this country needs; we are the only party that can deliver that referendum that the British people deserve.

“And crucially, this general election is not a by-election, it’s not a beauty contest, it is not a chance to send a message or make a statement, it is about choosing a government of the United Kingdom.”

Mr Cameron said: “I’m absolutely delighted that Amjad has decided to leave Ukip and join the Conservative Party. His story is inspiring. It’s another sign that in this great country of ours you can come to Britain without very much and you can be a member of the European Parliament, an MP, sit in the Cabinet.”

Meanwhile, Mr Cameron said broadcasters’ new format of two television election debates with seven parties followed by one with just himself and Mr Miliband showed “I was right to say you needed all the minor parties involved”.

To view the original of this article CLICK HERE.
Regards, Greg_L-W..
 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance

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Owen Paterson Explains Why Ukip Has It Wrong

Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 07/01/2015

Owen Paterson Explains Why Ukip Has It Wrong

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Owen Paterson Explains Why Ukip Has It Wrong – particularly on the issue of immigration, borders and the EU’s role!
Note also the prescient caveat at CLICK HERE



Published: January 5, 2015


Owen Paterson is a former Environment Secretary and is MP for Shropshire North.

Two startling facts leaped out of the newspaper headlines last. First, immigration has overtaken the economy as the most important issue facing the country, according to the respected pollsters YouGov. Second, despite predictions to the contrary, especially from the BBC, immigration from Romania and Bulgaria is now running at 50,000 a year.

The YouGov finding is extraordinary. All my adult life, the state of the economy and the closely related matter of unemployment have been the number one concern of the British people. Not so now. Every month since May, immigration has either tied with the economy as the country’s main worry or been in the lead. During September, it outscored the economy by 58 per cent to 48 per cent as the top priority of voters.

But after Labour’s abject 13-year failure to control our borders, during which four million people were allowed to enter the UK – an unprecedented influx – I can’t say I am too surprised. Understandably, given the pressures that this tidal wave of newcomers has imposed on our public services, job opportunities and wage levels, the public is hopping mad about the collective failure of the political class to get a grip on our borders.

An election is only just over four months away. It is a safe bet to assume that immigration will loom large in the political battle to come – and that victory will go to the party that offers the most convincing solution to the question of how to bring order to the chaos of the present arrangements.

Labour and the Liberal Democrats have nothing to offer. Ed Miliband recently tried to toughen his party’s stance. But his efforts provoked derision when they coincided with a leaked internal briefing paper for his MPs and activists telling them to “move the conversation on” if voters had the temerity to mention immigration.

As for the Lib Dems, I treasure the arrogant complacency of Vince Cable, the Business Secretary, airily dismissing the threat of a Romanian and Bulgarian influx as “just a scare story”. The latest numbers prove how wrong he was.

UKIP, with its victories in the European elections and two by-elections last year, has skilfully tapped into public fury over borderless Britain. But I fear that its answer – leave the European Union and introduce an Australian points system to control numbers – is another dead end. Immigration is not a binary issue of control or no control, membership of the EU, or no membership. It’s a complex global problem.

Essentially, as long as there are significant incentives to move, people will cross borders. As long as we are a rich nation, people will continue to come. While Romanian wages are one-eighth of UK wages, it’s worth the cheap air fare.

When controls are imposed, people find a way round them. Even in the US, where millions of “wetbacks” cross the porous Mexican border, nearly half the illegal immigrants are people who entered legitimately as tourists, as students or for business purposes and have overstayed. In the UK, there are over 30 million visitors each year and attempts to pull up the drawbridge, as UKIP would have us do, would simply lead to a massive surge in illegal immigration.

Yet for our economy to grow, we must welcome people with a whole variety of skills, be they fruit pickers or graduate doctors.  This is the conundrum: accepting 260,000 net immigrants in a year is stretching our public services to their limit and is unsustainable, but our open economy needs immigration.

UKIP’s solution is simply to “leave the EU”. I can see many advantages in Britain quitting the EU. But that alone would not crack the immigration problem. Even if we were to leave, it is inconceivable that the UK could negotiate a trade deal with the EU that did not involve some agreement on freedom of movement.

Currently, 13 percent of the UK population are first generation immigrants. Norway and Switzerland, both outside the EU but with such agreements, have immigrant populations of nearly 15 and 23 per cent.  UKIP’s preferred option, the Australian skills-based points system,  has resulted in an immigrant population of 27 per cent. Immigration is driven by “push” and “pull” factors unique to each country. Shaping these is more effective than formal border controls.

David Cameron was right in November to address one of the key “pull” factors by promising to “make welfare reform an absolute requirement in renegotiation”. However, much of the problematic immigration into this country stems not from the EU but from the European Convention of Human Rights. Repeal of the Human Rights Act and adoption of a new Bill of Rights would set the UK free from the ECHR, helping us to address the “push” factors.

We would no longer be forced to allow family members to join migrants; we could remove illegal immigrants as we wished. It is ludicrous that we are unable to deport illegal immigrants from Calais, because our judges say that France is not a “safe” country for asylum seekers!

Some measures, particularly those to do with benefits, are permissible under existing EU law. But many more will require treaty change. The Lisbon Treaty has made this change more complicated; it will be extremely difficult to reach an agreement before 2017. As if this wasn’t enough, the member states (especially Germany) and the Brussels Commission have made it clear that free movement is “not negotiable”.

We can’t force them to give us treaty change without invoking Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty. It is the only legally binding mechanism that we can use to enter formal negotiations on a new relationship. It allows two years for negotiations, so there would still be time for a referendum in 2017.

It is critical to remember that the economic single market and the political EU are not one and the same thing. We can participate in the market as members of the European Economic Area without being saddled with the EU as a political project. Those, such as the business chiefs of the CBI, who confuse the memberships of the single market and the EU are making a basic error and misleading the British people.

This is where UKIP is wrong. Desperate to control immigration from the EU, the party has rejected continued membership of the single market within the EEA – which would place our economy at risk. In fact, as a member of the EEA but not the EU, we would not be bound by the European Court of Justice and its rulings on our benefits system. But, crucially, we could introduce “Safeguard Measures”, giving us an “emergency brake” on excessive migration – an option not available to us in the EU. We would get the benefits to business and the economy of free movement, with real power over our borders.

Managing immigration is a question of balance. We cannot afford to bring down the shutters and cut ourselves off from the rest of the world – many of our industries need skilled immigrants to keep our economy growing. Remember, too, that enterprising migrants have started nearly half a million businesses, employing over eight million people. A managed immigration policy should recognise this.

UKIP’s policy of simply “leaving the EU” is nothing but a populist slogan. Implementing an intelligent policy of managed immigration will require guts, determination and attention to detail. The colourful characters running UKIP may have added to the gaiety of the nation during the festive season. But only a resolute Conservative government with a good working majority can begin to address these issues.

To view the original article CLICK HERE

there are some 103 at the moment but it is astonishing, as one wades through them, just how few seem to have grasped the points Owen Paterson has put forward having obviously done some extensive research.

Since I commented I take the liberty of posting my comment and showing it in context here:

“The YouGov finding is extraordinary.All my adult life, the state of the economy and the closely related matter of unemployment have been the number one concern of the British people.”

What nonsense, for much of the last twenty years crime, NHS, Defence/International relations and immigration have topped the list…

3 replies · active less than 1 minute ago

Indeed, was always a concern to those outside Westminster – what has changed is the rise of UKIP means it can be a vote decider and so MPs are now more alert to it than before
Agree a prority for most of us for many years past ,but only the influx in the south/souyh east and London has brought it to the attention of the westminster club

it is interesting to note just how increasingly wrong pollsters seem to be these days. Just look at how inaccurate they will prove to be in this coming General Election, where Ukip will have a huge destabilising effect yet command an insignificant number of seats, even relative to the economic illiteratti who will follow Alex Salmond’s self interest cult.

Could this be due to the arcane process of telephone interviewing, where it is a preponderance of older voters who have domestic land lines, and where even the unemployed youngsters seem able to afford costly Iphones, games & mobile internet communication and the like.

May I suggest it time for pollsters to either modernise or get their wives grossly over paid jobs in the EU, perhaps emulate the ‘odd’ journalist who has become game keeper turned poacher as an MEP!


To take the issues further EUroRealists may find a detailed read of Owen Paterson’s excellent speech on the EU worthy of their time – to reach it and read it in full CLICK HERE
For those who truelly wish to understand the issues and complexity of The EU and how we can work to Leave_The_EU may I suggest you CLICK HERE where you can read The FleXcit details.

You may well then find it expedient to read ‘The Great Deception’ which so admirably lays out the history and structure of The EU and can be linked to in the right sidebar of this web site.

May I also commend ‘The European Parliament’ by Richard Corbett, Francis Jacobs and Michael Shackleton which admirably lays out the nuts and bolts of how The EU functions and has grown to become the evil structure that it has.

An understanding of these nuts and bolts helps greatly in comprehending which ones have to be undone to repatriate our democracy. reinstate our borders, restore our sovereignty and restructure our Governance at Westminster to ensure no such great betrayal of our sovereign peoples in these United Kingdoms ever again occurs – to that end may I suggest a carefull study of The Harrogate Agenda as linked immediately below the header of this web site.





 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance

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