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Archive for December 22nd, 2013

UKIP Confirmed as More A Dustbin for Protest Votes

Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 22/12/2013

UKIP Confirmed as More A Dustbin for Protest Votes

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Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 


The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 

is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!  


UKIP Defined as being only The Farage Cult & many marginalised members and Confirmed as More A Dustbin for Protest Votes, than any real General Election thret!

Notable that the meeeja accepts they have misread the runes of the polls!


Nigel Farage’s plans don’t affect the price of fish (yet)

The more successful Ukip is, the harder it is for him to maintain the anti-politics pose

Allow me to introduce you to the Four-Square Rule. The Conservatives need to be four points ahead of Labour in share of the vote if they are to remain the largest party in the House of Commons. A four-point Tory lead is therefore where the parties are “all square”. It is the break-even point between the Tories having the most seats, in which case David Cameron stays on as Prime Minister, and Labour overtaking them, in which case Ed Miliband moves in.

As the year ends, the Tories are on average five points behind in the opinion polls. That should not be too discouraging for Cameron. To go from five points behind to four points ahead seems a less than Herculean task, especially if voters start to feel better off next year, which seems likely.

Except that there is a bluebottle in the ointment – Nigel Farage. Number 10 was spooked last week by a full-page advertisement in The Daily Telegraph taken out by Alan Bown, a UK Independence Party donor, who has paid for polls in eight target seats. The polls were scary for numerate Conservatives, suggesting that the Labour vote was up by more in Conservative-Labour marginals than in national polls; that the Tory vote was down further than would be expected; and that Ukip was doing better than expected. In some places, this would hand Tory seats to Labour, with Ukip pushing the Tory candidate into third place.

Certainly, the Conservatives should take Ukip seriously. Lots of people want to vote Ukip, and for reasons which are not as unrespectable as is often pretended. Many of the party’s policies are nonsense, as anyone who has tried to reconcile its spending promises with its plans to cut taxes and borrowing can attest. But the impulse behind them is widely shared. Ukip is more than a conservative party, it is a party of reaction. It wants to go back to before 1971, when the UK Parliament could decide who was allowed to live in this country, when there were grammar schools (and secondary moderns) everywhere and marriage was heterosexual.

Farage is a brilliant leader of this popular emotion. Like Alex Salmond and George Galloway he is a separatist, adept at promising to separate people from reality. Like them, he is poorly understood by Westminster journalists, which is why we anticipated the SNP victory in Scotland in 2011 so poorly and Galloway’s win in the Bradford West by-election not at all. The European Parliament elections next year will give Ukip a good platform. “Half of the Tory tribe goes off and supports Ukip,” says a senior, gloomy Conservative. They treat European elections “like a weekend retreat”.

It will test the Prime Minister’s nerve, but there is a limit to populism. I hope that the Scottish people will show in September that an anti-London vote is one thing, independence quite another. Galloway cannot get himself elected in the same seat twice. And a year after Ukip won 17 per cent of the vote in the European Parliament elections in 2009, it secured 3 per cent in the general election. Ukip has money and members but not much time to build an organisation capable of electing MPs.

Then Farage comes up against another limit. The more successful Ukip is, the harder it is for him to maintain the anti-politics pose. His dinner with Rupert Murdoch in March made him look like just another politician; and it is notable that he rarely mentions same-sex marriage, although it really animates his new recruits.

His reluctance is part of his desire to keep his party away from some of the fruitier cakes of the better yesterday brigade, such as Godfrey Bloom, the former Ukip MEP who yesterday accused Farage of having done a deal with the Tories to stand aside in some seats in return for a peerage. (As if: the party would lynch him.)

However, Ukip is still a problem for the Conservatives. Bown’s polls confirm that Ukip has taken twice as many voters from the Tories as from Labour. But Labour is unlikely to win Thanet South as the result of a Ukip surge. If Farage stood, he could affect the result in one seat, but polls in individual constituencies have a poor record of predicting general elections, especially this far in advance.

National opinion polls are a better guide. In them, Ukip’s support currently averages 12 per cent – a long way from “breakthough”. And if Ukip does not break through, the only thing that matters is whether it takes more votes from the Tories than from Labour. The crucial point is that the damage Ukip has done to the Tories has already been done, and the Tories are only five points behind Labour. The question is whether Ukip will win over even more Tory voters rather than Labour ones between now and the election. I don’t think so.

Certainly, by the end of last week, Cameron’s advisers had calmed down about those Ukip polls, saying that they “hadn’t changed the price of fish very much”. They have to say that, of course, but I think they are broadly right. The success of Ukip makes it a harder for Cameron to get four points ahead of Labour, as required by the Four-Square Rule, but that is still an achievable target.

To view the original post CLICK HERE

FARAGE, Nigel 76

Or to put it more succinctly Farage and his cult of followers can be expected to do quite well in the EU elections but there is no reason to consider them in either the General Election of 2015 or the 2015 Local Elections.Consider the last EU election where they could claim 17% but the catastrophic collapse in the subsequent General Election where they gained an insignificant % and were nowhere near winning a single seat & where in the Local Elections out of almost 2,000 Local Seats up for election they were elected in less than 150.

Since which date a number of those who were elected have departed whether fired by the party for seemingly being a challenge to Farage or due to racist style foot in mouth blunders. Also let us not forget Farage has lost over 1/3rd. of his MEPs who have either quit his clique in disgust or defected to the Tories!

Then Farage has the further humiliation of the results of the 2013 by elections where out of 337 seats up for election UKIP were elected to a risible 15!

As we have stated again and again Farage and his lack of credible gravitas, rational policies or understanding of either the word Libertarian or the EU’s insignificance; as merely a rubber stamping office for global Governance, WTO, CODEX, UN etc.; have all reduced his party to being little more than the clown party, acting as a dustbin for protest votes, and now for that matter the dustbin for failed Tories and ex members of the BNP now that the BNP has collapsed.




 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance

Reclaim YOUR Future 
Deny the self serving political clique ANY Democratic claims to legitimacy
Write Upon Your Ballot Paper at EVERY election:
to Reclaim YOUR Future 

Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins

tel: 01594 – 528 337
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Farage embroiled in row over lack of leadership

Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 22/12/2013

Farage embroiled in row over lack of leadership

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Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 


The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 

is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!  


Nigel Farage embroiled in row over lack of leadership of UKIP! David Gale’s open letter published with comments at CLICK HERE!

Allegations by David Gale of criminality in UKIP were reported on 30-Nov-2013 to the Chief Constable of Derbyshire – to date his force seem indifferent to crime that is not fully investigated for them and seem particularly lazy & incompetent.



Nigel Farage embroiled in row over lack of leadership

Claims by former prospective MEP David Gale regarding Ukip leadership trigger debate over party direction
  • Saturday 21 December 2013 20.51 GMT
Nigel Farage

Nigel Farage has become involved in a row over allegations that Ukip’s leadership failed to act on serious matters of governance. Photograph: Gareth Fuller/PA

Nigel Farage has become embroiled in a potentially damaging internal row over allegations that Ukip’s leadership has failed to act on serious matters of governance, including taking steps to dissociate the party from a convicted paedophile.

The incendiary accusations have seen a former prospective Ukip MEP resign from the party and led to toxic claims that the party lacks a robust system for examining internal complaints.

But a Ukip spokeswoman has said the claims had no foundation, had been investigated, and were the views of a disgruntled member who had failed to get the party to back his candidacy.

In a letter to Farage, obtained by the Observer, David Gale, interim chief executive of Kids for Cash UK, a charity that campaigns against paedophiles, said he had no choice but to resign from the party after becoming frustrated that his fears about a registered sex offender and Ukip supporter were not being taken seriously. The issue was also raised by other members of Ukip, according to emails sent to its chairman, Steve Crowther, seen by the Observer.

“The party’s response has been absolutely extraordinary,” Gale said. “They’ve done nothing. This is another example of Ukip’s structural weaknesses.” Gale suggested the party had chosen to close ranks rather than examine his allegations. In claims fiercely denied by the party, Gale warns Farage: “There is a core faction associated with the party that is being used as a ‘Black Ops’ dirty tricks team against targets that include party members.”

He tells Farage: “I believe that your own deep insecurity and paranoia have played a significant part in the party’s Night of the Long Knives” – a reference to a recent purge when a number of party members were asked to leave Ukip.

Gale, who stood as a Ukip police and crime commissioner, claimed there was evidence social media were being manipulated by people close to the party.

“There is increasing evidence that points to Ukip members close to the party’s headquarters being involved in the creation of cloned Facebook pages which have featured damaging fake posts falsely attributed to Ukip members,” Gale writes. “Screen grabs of these posts have been fed to the press, third hand, in an attempt to smear the targeted individuals and as a precursor to removing them from the party. These are potentially criminal acts.”

The accusations have been bandied back and forth in recent weeks, triggering an internal debate among Ukip’s members about the party’s direction. A number are concerned that Ukip has become too centralised under Farage and that Crowther has failed to act on serious allegations involving fraud, claims denied by the party.

“I have been raising the issue of the lack of scrutiny and governance within the party’s management,” Gale tells Farage. “One of the starkest examples of this lack of governance has been the tolerance of the party’s continued association with a convicted paedophile who, whilst no longer being a member, has continued to attend party functions and provide strategic Ukip documentation from his personal website.”

Gale said he had supplied evidence of the registered sex offender’s continued involvement with Ukip to the party. The man, whose name is known to the Observer, has campaigned on its behalf and blogs on party issues. He was placed on the sex offenders register for life in 1999, having served a 30-month sentence for offences involving children.

Gale told Farage: “My efforts to raise the alarm have been ignored by the leadership, it being left to me to contact branches to alert them to potential risks to members and to have photographs of the paedophile campaigning for Ukip removed from branch websites.”

A Ukip spokeswoman said Gale’s complaints had been investigated fully. “These are entirely bogus allegations,” she said. “They represent a deliberate attempt to cause trouble for the party by someone on his departure.”

However, the row raises questions over Farage’s leadership. Considered to be the party’s greatest asset, there are questions among Ukip grassroots members about whether Farage is focused on gaining a seat in the House of Lords.

“It’s no secret Farage is focused on a peerage,” Gale said.

To view the original article CLICK HERE

Allegations by David Gale of criminality in UKIP were reported on 30-Nov-2013 to the Chief Constable of Derbyshire – to date his force seems indifferent to crime that is not fully investigated for them and seem particularly lazy & incompetent.




 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance

Reclaim YOUR Future 
Deny the self serving political clique ANY Democratic claims to legitimacy
Write Upon Your Ballot Paper at EVERY election:
to Reclaim YOUR Future 

Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins

tel: 01594 – 528 337
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UKIP Leadership & Members Have Much To Learn

Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 22/12/2013

UKIP Leadership & Members Have Much To Learn

 Please Be Sure To .Follow Greg_LW on Twitter. Re-TWEET my Twitterings
& Publicise My Blogs 
To Spread The Facts World Wide
Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 


The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 

is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!  


UKIP Leadership & Members Have Much To Learn which could give them ideas for an ‘Exit & Survival Strategy’!!



 Peter Troy, the Harrogate Agenda and a special film event



The video maker Peter Troy has teamed up with the Harrogate Agenda to produce a film on “The Norway Option”. We are delighted to announce a special screening of this film at the Barley Mow pub in Westminster at 6pm on Wednesday 22nd January 2014. 


You can view the trailer for the film here


To reserve your place at the event, follow the link below:  

For more about the plight of Britain –

There are ways to improve our situation, which in my opinion includes serious and basic change in the style of our Governance returning democratic authority to our peoples to manage our country from the bottom up as we call our politicians, who seem ever lower grade year on year, to account – may I suggest The Harrogate Agenda as a serious consideration in this direction


It is worth considering the advantageous position of Norway relative to The EU, relative to Britain’s as a vassal state accepting the EU’s imposed interpretation of the globalist international laws and agreements they pass on without Britain having any meaningful democratic input SEE:





 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance

Reclaim YOUR Future 
Deny the self serving political clique ANY Democratic claims to legitimacy
Write Upon Your Ballot Paper at EVERY election:
to Reclaim YOUR Future 

Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins

tel: 01594 – 528 337
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To Leave-The-EU

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