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Posts Tagged ‘EU Politics’

>GP-RN: A Caveat Of Great Significance For EUroSceptics

Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 07/01/2015

>GP-RN: A Caveat Of Great Significance For EUroSceptics

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>GUEST POST byRichard North:
A Caveat Of Great Significance For EUroSceptics, in the light of Angela Merkel‘s collusion with David Cameron – but be conscious of Angela Merkel’s domestic difficulties CLICK HERE



unlike Richard I am not entirely sure I would start an article regarding Angela Merkel and the EU with the phrase ‘Cutting through the fluff…’
I tend not to see either in that category so perhaps ‘To cut to the chase …’ might prove more apposite to the cautionary and VERY important caveat he provides in this article:


Richard North, 07/01/2015  

000a Merkel-006 treaty.jpg

Cutting through the fluff, we note the report on today’s visit by Angela Merkel, which tells us that the German Chancellor is understood to have indicated to the Prime Minister that she is prepared to back his proposals for strict limits on migrant access to benefits and public services.

British officials, we are further informed, hope the German leader will signal support for new rules to persuade British voters to vote “in” in a referendum on EU membership planned if Mr Cameron remains in Number Ten after May’s general election.

And there lies the germ of a treaty. There is a distinct possibility here that we are seeing the foundations laid for an Article 48 “simplified revision procedure” treaty, albeit the language coded and obscure.

If we are anywhere near to identifying the path chosen by Mr Cameron – and there does not seem to be any other credible alternative – then these are dangerous days for Eurosceptics.

One recalls how easily the media was gulled into believing in Mr Cameron’s treaty “veto”, so much so that even to this day the Prime Minister parades this non-existent victory. It is thus entirely possible that the media will accept claims for a new treaty, and fall in behind calls for remain in the EU, on the basis of successful “reform”.

What is particularly exasperating here is that the likes of the Financial Times, with its pretensions of “high quality global journalism” is misreading the meeting, telling us that Merkel “is expected to remind Mr Cameron that Germany will not back any British demands for a major rewrite of existing EU treaties”.

The paper goes on to acknowledge that Mr Cameron has in recent days said his proposed reforms would require treaty change, but then informs is that Merkel “opposes any British deal that would lead to an unstitching of EU treaties or require ratification by referendums in any member state”.

But, if the FT stopped one moment to think about what it had written, that does not in any way rule out a “simplified revision procedure” treaty, covering specific measures on benefits and public services, relating to migrants. Thus, despite a headline that says Merkel is to “rule out treaty change”, there is everything to play for.

That much is evident also from the exposition in Deutsche Welle, which raises the possibility – if tangentially – of amending Article 45 of the TFEU, noting that Cameron would “require alterations to EU treaties” while being confident that he would be able to “get that done”.

We are also getting similar mood music from The Times. Under the headline, “Merkel backs migrant benefit cuts”, we are told: “Hopes are rising in Downing Street, however, that Mrs Merkel will go further than ever in backing changes to EU treaties beyond those needed to reform the eurozone”.

Mr Cameron, Nick Clegg and Ed Miliband have backed the idea of scrapping rules that allow EU migrants to claim benefits for their children who still live in their home country. The payouts cost Britain about £30 million each year. Rules on the payment of child benefit abroad are enshrined in EU treaties, meaning that all member states would have to agree to alter them. Germany is considered to hold particular sway.

Nevertheless, one expects the media to play up the personality politics, to the exclusion of any more detailed analysis. They will need little encouragement to stoke up high-level theatricals, invoking a dispute between Merkel and Cameron, and such would serve all the better to pave the way for another of Mr Cameron’s victories.

It would be unforgivable, though, if the eurosceptic community allowed this “play” to be completed without challenge, or without attempts being made to explain how attempts are being made to manipulate public opinion.

Without pre-emptive action, I see us being outflanked, facing the prospect of a referendum on the basis of “successful” renegotiations, which would have us fighting a losing battle. Mr Cameron bringing a treaty back from Brussels would be a formidable opponent, and the sooner we start discounting his ploy, the better.

To view the original article CLICK HERE





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UKIP’s Reputation In The Gutter Over Racism AGAIN

Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 07/12/2013

UKIP’s Reputation In The Gutter Over Racism AGAIN

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UKIP’s Reputation In The Gutter Over Racism AGAIN! An Undeniable Charge In View Of Their Track Record!


Hi,sadly it seems political retreads are all too often a liability – here again we see a turncoat from another party bringing UKIP further into disrepute!Again and again failures from other parties merely bring UKIP down – just consider David Bannerman, Marta Andreasen (qwho tried several other parties but could only eventually get into UKIP), Kilroy Silk, Neil Hamilton to name a few whose presence has befouled UKIP.

So I guess all we can say of Victoria Ayling is ‘here we go again’.

The association of UKIP, by leadership choice, with the gutter sweepings of EU politics in The EFD group and the rapid increase of members with the demise of the BNP makes it all but impossible for an honest and informed commentator to pretend UKIP is NOT a Racist Party.

‘Send them all back home’: In shocking video, UKIP councillor and key Farage ally launches astonishing racist rant… then tells MoS: ‘I stand by every word’

  • Victoria Ayling says all immigrants in Britain should be sent back home
  • Tells camera: ‘I just want to send the lot back, but I can’t say that’
  • UKIP leader Nigel Farage said her comments were ‘slightly odd’ 
  • Ayling said there is nothing ‘offensive or politically incorrect’ in video 

By Paul Cahalan


A high-profile UKIP politician is facing a racism storm after being caught on camera saying all immigrants to Britain should be sent back home.

Victoria Ayling, who made headlines when she defected from the Tories in March, made the inflammatory comments in a 20-minute video seen by The Mail on Sunday.

On the subject of immigration she talks about restricting the numbers of foreigners entering the UK, but then adds: ‘I just want to send the lot back, but I can’t say that.’


UKIP star: Victoria Ayling is facing a racism storm after being caught on camera saying all immigrants in Britain should be sent back home

UKIP star: Victoria Ayling is facing a racism storm after being caught on camera saying all immigrants in Britain should be sent back home

Defected: Ayling left the Tory party and joined UKIP in March and is a key ally of party leader Nigel Farage

Defected: Ayling left the Tory party and joined UKIP in March and is a key ally of party leader Nigel Farage

She then goes on to joke that her controversial remark could one day come back to haunt her. She said: ‘[It could be used for] some future get back at me. Bribery, blackmail – we need the blackmail music don’t we.’

Last night one MP said he was ‘disgusted’ by the comments that had ‘no place in front line politics’.

Mrs Ayling, 54, became a high-profile recruit to UKIP when she confronted David Cameron during this year’s Tory conference and told him she was leaving the party. She has been called a ‘trusted ally’ of UKIP leader Nigel Farage, so her comments will come as a blow to the party following a year of controversies. Earlier this year, MEP Godfrey Bloom provoked anger after referring to ‘Bongo Bongo Land’ in a speech about foreign aid. He later resigned from the party after he called some female activists ‘sluts’.

Mr Farage last night said that Mrs  Ayling’s comments were ‘slightly odd’. He added: ‘I have met her two or three times and I have discussed policy at length before accepting her into the party.

‘I had no reason to believe she held views that were extreme or inconsistent with ours. While this comment looks odd and unpleasant there may be a context here that is slightly different to the way it appears.’


Mail On Sunday Exclusive

Defiant: Video filmed by Mrs Ayling's ex-husband Rob in 2008 and last night she said she stood by her comments

Defiant: Video filmed by Mrs Ayling’s ex-husband Rob in 2008 and last night she said she stood by her comments

Controversial: The 20-minute video was shot to promote her political career

Controversial: The 20-minute video was shot to promote her political career

UKIP want to end ‘mass, uncontrolled immigration’ but does not call for repatriation of legal immigrants.

The video was shot in 2008 – but Mrs Ayling last night said she stood by the comments.

Mrs Ayling’s husband, Rob, from whom she has since divorced, helped shoot the footage to promote her political career. In one take, she said: ‘We must basically repatriate those that shouldn’t be here. That’s not quite policy yet. Maybe I should soften it a bit.’ She then added: ‘OK. Send them back.’

Rob is then heard to mutter: ‘National Front.’

In the very next take, Mrs Ayling – a Lincolnshire County councillor and deputy leader of the local UKIP party – says : ‘Multiculturalism is dead, I’m allowed to say that, but maybe Britishness is waving the National Front flag a bit.

‘We must control immigration. We cannot sustain the numbers coming in; the strains on our infrastructure are enormous. Control should be done fairly and the points system like they have in Australia and all those coming here should be encouraged to speak English so they can integrate.’

She adds: ‘I just want to send the lot back but I can’t say that.’

Last night, Mrs Ayling insisted her comments were taken ‘out of context’ and she was only referring to illegal immigrants.

'Multiculturalism is dead': Mrs Ayling references the National Front during the video

‘Multiculturalism is dead’: Mrs Ayling references the National Front during the video

'Complete opportunism': Mr Ayling said the video was in the public interest as she tries to become an MP or MEP

‘Complete opportunism’: Mr Ayling said the video was in the public interest as she tries to become an MP or MEP

She said: ‘It is nothing different from what the Home Secretary is advocating now any way. And the blackmail music is from a Monty Python sketch. I don’t think there is anything there that can be seen as offensive or politically incorrect.’

‘I stand by what I said: illegal immigrants should be sent back home and multiculturalism won’t work. It was a throwaway comment that has been taken out of context.’

Speaking about the footage, Mr Ayling said: ‘Victoria said during the divorce she would never be entering national politics again. Now, with her being a rising star of UKIP,  I think it is a public interest story in terms of the electorate knowing what kind of a woman she is.’

‘I remember remarking that [her comment] was a little bit National Front and she replied that we should send them back. I wasn’t shocked as she’s like that all the time.’

‘Victoria will do anything to further her political career. She felt she was passed over by the Tories, that’s why she defected. She has a better chance of being an MP or MEP with UKIP. It is complete opportunism, power at all costs.’ Mrs Ayling was within 714 votes of becoming Tory MP for Grimsby at the 2010 Election, and since joining UKIP has enjoyed a high profile.

'Trusted ally': UKIP insiders said Mrs Ayling was 'fast-tracked' for a council seat

‘Trusted ally’: UKIP insiders said Mrs Ayling was ‘fast-tracked’ for a council seat

One insider said she was a ‘trusted ally’ of Mr Farage: ‘She was fast-tracked for a council seat and then went on the BBC politics show.

‘She was a “Farage filly”. She was on stage at main conference and was even invited down to London for a photoshoot by Nigel.’

The footage was shot when Mrs Ayling was seeking selection as a Tory candidate for EU elections and features soundbites on several issues.

In between takes she is asked about defence: ‘Do we want the French to order our troops?’.

She replies: ‘Sod that. Just think of Waterloo, bastards.’ When immigration is discussed Mr Ayling is heard saying: ‘And your favourite subject, immigration…’

The couple divorced acrimoniously last year and Mrs Ayling now lives with Kevin Couling, who calls himself a ‘Lord’ after buying a title. The couple gave an interview to German newspaper Der Spiegel in June this year in which Mrs Ayling said Mr Cameron should ‘declare a state of emergency and close the borders’ to curb immigration.

Last night, local MP Stephen Phillips, said: ‘Immigration is a huge issue. But anyone who says they “just want to send the lot back” has no place at all in frontline politics.

‘People who have come here to work hard, to live by British values and to contribute to our communities have always been welcomed.  [Many] will be as disgusted as I am by the views which Mrs Ayling apparently holds.’

Iraqi-born Tory MP Nadhim Zahawi called on Miss Ayling to ‘retract her deeply damaging comments’, adding: ‘Hard-working immigrants contribute significantly to the UK.’ And Labour’s Diane Abbot said she was ‘shocked’

A UKIP spokesman last night said the party stood by the councillor and that the media ‘hampered debate on immigration’ by ‘failing to make the distinction between a frank discussion and unpalatable views’.

‘Given that this was before the time Victoria joined UKIP we cannot comment on why this video was made for the Conservatives.

‘However, we can vouch for her as a capable and decent councillor and support her through this time.’

Mr Farage said he did ‘recruit’ Mrs Ayling but was not involved in her selection as a local candidate.

Holding court: Nigel Farage shares a joke with Victoria Ayling (left) and other UKIP members

Holding court: Nigel Farage shares a joke with Victoria Ayling (left) and other UKIP members

Tory defector who ambushed Cameron

Victoria Ayling hit the headlines earlier this year after ambushing David Cameron to tell him that she was leaving  the Tories.

Shortly after the Prime Minister had finished his Conservative conference speech on March 16, Mrs Ayling cornered him to say she was defecting to UKIP because the Tories were ‘no longer the party of aspiration’.

She claimed Mr Cameron ‘lost his temper’ and then ‘twisted’ her hand in anger – a claim that has been categorically denied by Downing Street.

UKIP leader Nigel Farage hailed Mrs Ayling’s defection as ‘fantastic’ and described her as a ‘talented and experienced person who will work hard across Lincolnshire, the East Midlands and, indeed, the county’. 

She was then parachuted into Lincolnshire to fight for a county council seat.

The ex who shot the video… and left for a beauty queen

Wedding: Mrs Ayling's ex-husband Rob Ayling with his new wife Kristian

Wedding: Mrs Ayling’s ex-husband Rob Ayling with his new wife Kristian

Mrs Ayling was left feeling ‘emotionally betrayed’ after her ex husband left her for a former beauty queen.

The UKIP councillor and Rob Ayling split acrimoniously last year after he had an affair with Kristian Darling. She was a finalist in the Miss America competition in 1987, aged 17.  

A decree absolute was issued in August last year.

Criticising Mrs Ayling for asking for too much from the settlement, a judge said at the time: ‘The wife has been unrealistic in this litigation.

‘She has no doubt felt emotionally betrayed but she has taken this beyond the bounds of common sense.’ 

Mr Ayling married Miss Darling on Easter Day this year. The couple divide their time between the US and UK.

Mrs Ayling  lives with Lord Kevin Couling, who is believed to have bought his title, the 64th Lord of Little Neasden.

To view the original of this article CLICK HERE

Here is the letter Nigel Farage mailed out on the subject – he even signed it which is rare as he is disincined to leave a trail of his actions as many have found to their cost!

May I suggest that you read the Daily Mail article and view the video to make your own conclusions!

It is, as I’m sure you are aware, a very old and well tried concept to deal with exposure and any form of criticism to claim you are obviously a threat and that is why you are being exposed for your corruption, criminality or whatever.

The aim is to get the more gullible of your followers to gather around you in sympathy at just how unfair it is!!

Even Kenneth Williams caught on to this commedy routine and used it in a carry on movie:
@Infamy, infamy they’ve all got it infor me’.

Dr. Richard North’s article on this hugely over used and largely ineffectual type of attempt at leadership deals with it well:

 UKIP: Mr Holmes suffers constipation

 Tuesday 10 December 2013

000a Guardian-009 Farage.jpg

“Infamy, infamy, they’ve all got it in for me”, goes the famous line from Kenneth Williams in Carry On Cleo. And now, as Oscar Wilde would have it, life follows art: Nigel Farage is telling his troops: “the establishment and media are out to get us”.

Actually, this invites another saying, something along the lines of the great detective Mr Holmes afflicted by a bout of constipation. The idea that the media will do anything other than indulge in mischief belongs in the land of the fayries.

Nonetheless, Farage has warned UKIP activists to be “extra vigilant” about any attempts to paint them in a “nasty light” after a video emerged showing councillor Victoria Ayling saying, of immigrants, she would like to “send the lot back”.

Not for UKIP though is the point made in my last piece that the antidote to this “nastiness” is a properly crafted policy on immigration. With Mr Cameron so clearly out of his depth, UKIP are staring down the mouth of an open goal. Yet, as so often, instead of propelling the ball into the net, the party goes out to lunch.

There in the latest part of the Government’s “Balance of Competences study” – to which UKIP has made no contribution – has been a perfect opportunity to shine. Looking specifically at freedom of movement, it had been due to be released yesterday. But, according to reports, it has now been shelved until next year because Theresa May takes issues with its findings.

Specifically, so much of the evidence submitted has been “broadly positive about current rules for freedom of movement” that the Government’s rhetoric about cracking down on migrants has been left in tatters.

Filling the political vacuum by putting together ideas which will serve to manage the immigration problem would not only be a public service. It would alsoshow up the embarrassing inadequacies of our policy-makers and serve to establish UKIP as a responsible political party.

It is in the absence of that comprehensive, workable policy that UKIP is prey to accusations of bad faith. It really is as simple as that. But the style of The Great Leader always has been more rhetoric than substance, the “man-in-pub” of British politics.

However, he plumbs new depths of absurdity when he urges supporters to remember that it is “not always clear who we can trust”. There are, says Farage, “many opportunists trying to undermine the party”. And with that, we wonder whether one of them, perchance, is called Nigel Farage.

For the original of his article CLICK HERE




 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance

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Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins

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Alan Sked does himself & UKIP no favours in The Mail

Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 23/09/2013

Alan Sked does himself & UKIP no favours in The Mail

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Alan Sked does himself, his NewDealUK & UKIP no favours in The Mail!!



Alan Sked in a bid for self publicity keeps doing himself no favours with his embittered attacks on UKIP & Nigel Farage in particular!

For more facts and details on this story CLICK HERE





 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance

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