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Archive for August 31st, 2011

#0643* – Praise Indeed Roger HELMER Features Nikki SINCLAIRE!

Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 31/08/2011

#0643* – Praise Indeed Roger HELMER Features Nikki SINCLAIRE!                

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Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 


The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!  
Praise Indeed Tory Diehard Roger HELMER MEP Features Nikki SINCLAIRE Independent MEP & her You Gov Poll!

Amusingly he makes much of factions within UKIP and then goes on to show what an irrelevancy The Tories are claiming himself to be in one of the factions!




I thought it might be a change to quote from Roger Helmer’s blog:

66% of Tories would vote to leave the EU

August 31, 2011, 8:49 am
Filed under: Uncategorized
A new YouGov poll shows a clear majority of voters in favour of leaving the EU: 52% want to leave, against only 30% who want to stay in.  Amongst Conservative voters, that ratio rises to 66 against 22 — a three-to-one majority.

The poll was commissioned by Nikki Sinclaire, a former UKIP MEP, now independent (and thus a standing monument to UKIP’s factionalism, which has seen several resignations from their MEP ranks).  
Ms. Sinclaire may well have her own axe to grind — indeed she certainly does.  
But nonetheless the poll was conducted by YouGov, no doubt with their usual impeccable professionalism, so I think we have to accept the result.

The poll also shows that 60% of the public (74% of Conservative voters) want an In/Out EU referendum, while only 25% (19% of Tories) don’t.

I put it to David Cameron some time ago that the great majority of Conservatives disagreed with his view that British membership of the EU was in our national interest, and that perhaps he as Party Leader ought to take this into account. 
His reply was uncompromising: he didn’t want an In/Out referendum, because (again) he believed membership was in our national interest.

But you don’t have referenda merely to confirm your prejudices.  You have referenda to give the people their chance to have a say.  There’s something uncomfortably paternalistic in saying, in effect “I won’t let you have your say on this question, because you disagree with my settled opinion, and I happen to know that I’m right and you’re wrong”.

9 Comments so far
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There’s me thinking I lived in a democracy, the wikipedia definition of which is:
“Democracy is a form of government in which all people have an equal say in the decisions that affect their lives”

Comment by tonyegghead


silly fellow – we shoot, bomb, maim and kill people in sovereign foreign Nations to force such a concept upon them.

The are obliged to accept OUR definition of a democracy down the barrel of a gun or be killed.
Britain on the otherhand is denied such a concept as it would overturn the corruption that is managed and controlled by the self serving politicians and their parasites.


Comment by Greg_L-W.

… and you are still a Conservative? Funny how he was most insistent that we had a right to a referendum BEFORE the election.
Comment by Sue

Roger, given Cameron’s response, what have you actually done about it? If nothing so far, what are you actually going to do about it?
This blog post appears to be nothing more than another ‘tick in the box’, the latest in a long line of gestures that do nothing other than convince your supporters you are ‘sound’ on the EU subject. More people are beginning to ask, to coin a phrase, where’s the beef?
You like to highlight and explain things, so why not post a piece on here explaining to your supporters why you are comfortable with Conservative MPs who claim to be opposed to our EU membership voting in favour of integrationist measures in the House?
Are they just a faction, or are all Tories completely untrustworthy and impotent when it comes to doing what the people they represent want them to do?

Comment by Autonomous Mind

I’m somewhat taken aback by what comes across as a very aggressive attitude towards Roger.
You are referring to Roger supporting Chris Heaton-Harris and his initiative to promote an anti-EU group amongst tory MPs. You shot from the hip then without bothering to check your facts – are you now embarrassed by your journalistic failure and doing whatever you can to paper over the cracks?
I have in the past had respect for your blog – but I’m losing that, fast.
What exactly do you suppose Roger can do? It’s a matter of record that Roger has lost the whip in the past for his stance. He is a conscience politician who is not afraid to speak it like it is. But he’s not superman!

What should be obvious to you right now is that Cameron and Osborne do not listen to anybody so why moan at Roger because he hasn’t persuaded them to change their mind? What can he do that you can’t? Why haven’t you as an influential political blogger forced Cameron into an EU referendum? Where, Autonomous Mind, is your beef?

Comment by tonyegghead

I was about to reply, but Tony Egghead did already! You ask why I didn’t post a blog about the position of Tory MPs — but of course I did. Perhaps you didn’t read it? Se “True Believers”.
Comment by Roger Helmer MEP

Roger, this is what your government has approved and given permission for.
You have to admit, this is corruption of democracy on a massive scale

Comment by Sue

How come politicians in government never seem to feel the breeze of public opinion wafting around their heads?
I am fascinated by the fact that oft times, said public opinion when as forceful as this, turns out to be right.

Let’s face it, is it likely that so many people could be wrong?
It only takes someone to formulate and present a plan for the safe and economically acceptable withdrawal of England (the UK?) from the EU and there would be even fewer dissenters to the idea of a referendum on the subject and fewer people who want to be European.

Comment by Heather Alibakir


I wonder howmany remember the ‘trustees’ in Auschwitz – as Jews aiding their captors they survived for as long as they willingly filled and emptied the the ‘showers’ and the incinerators.
Perhaps they were hoping that the SS would have a change of heart in 40 or so years time!

It is now over 40 years since we first heard the mantra that ‘we mustn’t startle the horses’ and ‘we can change the party’.

I wonder how many others see something of a similarity!

The Tories even came up with the ludicrous slogan:
‘In EUrope but not ruled by Europe’.
I expect many of the ‘trustees’ had their cantors chanting:
‘In the gas chamber but not breathing’, for them!

Perhaps Helmer would care to tell us all EXACTLY what he has achieved in his 12 years as a Judas Goat.

We are all well aware of the very generous bribes and expenses he has received for doing his JOB in those 12 years.

Clearly he has utterly failed to convince EUroRealists, he has duped very few Eurosceptics and it is self evident that he and his cronies have achieved absolutely nothing to Leave-The-EU.

Unable to convince their own side it is hardly surprising they have failed to convince anyone else!
It is our own politicos and their hirelings and parasites in the Kleptocratic QUANGOcracy who are the Looters and OUR-ENEMY-WITHIN


Comment by Greg_L-W.

To view the original article CLICK HERE
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 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance

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Posted in Conservatives, David CAMERON MP, JUDAS GOAT, Nikki SINCLAIRE MEP, Roger HELMER MEP, YouGov | Leave a Comment »

#0642* – Positive DISCRIMINATION – Deliberately Creates Victims

Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 31/08/2011

#0642* – Positive DISCRIMINATION – Deliberately Creates Victims

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Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 


The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!  
Positive DISCRIMINATION – Deliberately Creates Victims claims Nikki SINCLAIRE!
Do NOT create victims, rather solve the problems!




another sound offering well backed up with detailed figures and an independent third party Poll by You Gov commissioned by Nikki Sinclaire in representation of the wishes of the British electorate and her constituents.

The speech is clearly impromtue though scheduled – sadly in all the years of UKIP there has never been a competent training programme so the public speaking ability is confined to those with a natural ability.

One has to ask if this was deliberate, on the part of Nigel Farage, to ensure that despite his embarrassing lack of OQ and total lack of leadership skills he dared not train good people in the organisation with the aim to make them excellent as they might seem a challenge.

Thus Nigel Farage outshone those around him.

Did he ensure mediocrity and incompetence, corruption and dishonesty, amongst his leadership team?

The corruption and dishonesty of the likes of Stuart Agnew, Tom Wise, Gerard Batten, Mick McGough, David Bannerman, Marta Andreasen, Douglas Denny, David Lott, Jim Carver, Andrew Smith, Clive Page, Mark Croucher, Peter Reeve, Gawain Towler, George Curtis and the like, together with their naked ambition, being the hold he had over them and thereby the control.

In dishonestly being forced out of UKIP by Nigel Farage and his muppets it does seem that Nikki Sinclaire has very clearly benefitted as have her constituents and in the light of the professionalism and hard work she clearly brings to her work she has indeed made UKIP look embarrassingly lack luster as they endlessly navel gaze and squabble for lack of professionalism and sound leadership.

Let us not forget the huge achievement of Nikki Sinclaire in achieving 100,000 signatures despite the efforts of UKIP to undermine and challenge her Petition for a Referendum – the best UKIP ever achieved was around 14,000 signatures in a tax payer funded scam run on a half baked and incompetent campaign where over £1/4Million of public money was seemingly stolen, as David Lott, Nigel Farage and Mark Croucher who were running the scam were unable to account for either the money or the signatures!

Whether coincidence or not we may never know but subsequently Nigel Farage banked around £200,000+ in an off shore bank account styled ‘Farage Educational Trust’ or some such, David Lott purchased a substantial property on Romsey Marshes on route to France I gather and Mark Croucher having endlessly pleaded poverty purchased the rights of two public houses which he subsequently bankrupted or went bust on presumable due to either due to his proven natural dishonesty or his inate incompetence.

 Com. Res. poll Data:.
Click to views statistics enlarged

ComRes interviewed 2011 GB adults online between 24th and 25th August 2011.   Data were weighted to be demographically representative of all GB adults.  ComRes is a member of the British Polling Council and abides by its rules.  Full data tables available at
To quote Nikki Sinclaire who commissioned and paid for the poll:
I commissioned the poll to understand public opinion towards positive discrimination.  It is my opinion that positive discrimination creates victims and that it is essential for society to avoid all types of discrimination as it is morally wrong.   
The European Union is seeking to adopt measures including quotas to provide specific advantages in favour of the under-represented sex.
86% said that it was unacceptable for a person to receive preferential treatment in order to get a job based on gender with women (89%) more likely to say it is unacceptable than men (84%)
These results are not a surprise to me and show once again that the European Union is out of step with the wishes of the ordinary person in the street. – I and, seemingly many women, find positive discrimination patronising
I believe passionately in equality of treatment and opportunity for all but true equality will come when people are promoted because of ability and commitment not because of EU led social engineering.

. .

 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance

Reclaim YOUR Future 
Write Upon Your Ballot Paper at EVERY election:
(IF You Have No INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance Candidate) .
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Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
tel: 01291 – 62 65 62
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Posted in David LOTT, Descrimination - positive, Mark CROUCHER, Nigel FARAGE MEP EFD Leader, Nikki SINCLAIRE MEP, Positive Descrimination | Leave a Comment »