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Archive for August 6th, 2011

#0616* – Clarifying Some Issues & Questions Asked

Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 06/08/2011

#0616* – Clarifying Some Issues & Questions Asked

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Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 


The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!  
~Clarifying Some Issues Regarding UKIP & Answering Some Questions Asked!

NOT TO OVERLOOK the clarification!



Firstly some clarification:

Trevor Colman MEP: 
has resigned from The EFD and rejected the leadership of Nigel Farage MEP EFD Leader. 

He is currently actively campaigning against membership of The EU, actively campaigning for a Petition for a Referendum and working in support of Nikki Sinclaire’s initiative, as shown in The Sun advert yesterday see: CLICK HERE

He has been actively campaigning against The EU’s efforts to form Pan EU Political Parties to destroy Patriotic National Parties and is on record stating that if UKIP votes for membership of a PEPP he will personally resign from UKIP and sit as an Independent MEP.

Mike Nattrass MEP:   

He has resigned from The EFD and rejected the leadership of Nigel Farage MEP EFD Leader. He is currently actively campaigning against membership of The EU, actively campaigning for a Petition for a Referendum and working in support of Nikki Sinclaire’s initiative, as shown in The Sun advert yesterday see: CLICK HERE

He has been actively campaigning against HS2 rail line with Nikki Sinclaire and also with Nikki Sinclaire has campaigned for UK Farmers on the issue of Battery Hens and other issues which subsequently the NFU MEP Stuart Agnew tried to get involved in. Agnew however undermined his position by his blatant fraud against the tax payers and his unlawful money laundering and is still under investigation by OLAF we understand.

I presume like last year he has repaired to his villa in portugal some time ago and is likely to remain there until the EU reconvenes in mid September – whether like last year he will then take a protracted holiday in The Phillipines I know not (You may recall he tried to blame The Sunday Times for his failure to gain leadership of UKIP, when it was clear The Times article may have harmed him as it published the facts regarding his investigation by OLAF at the time, but that he was still on holiday for part of the election campaign was unarguably consequential in his failure.)

Marta Andreasen: 
A fraud and a liar who presents herself as a whistle blower and a past Chief Accountant of The EU – she is neither and never was see the Judgement against her showing her invented ‘back story’ to be a pack of 1/2 truths and outright lies CLICK HERE

Her election to MEP was based upon dishonesty and fraud and founded on lies in which Nigel Farage, and his squalid group of leadership parasites colluded.

Eventually the worm turned! Marta Andreasen wanting control of her 400 budget money and with a view to getting herself re-elected by any means (as is her wont) rounded on Nigel Farage calling for his resignation and highlighting how abysmally UKIP had done under his incompetent leadership. 

It was announced and made clear in a series of very public ‘e’Mails from the crassly un professional leadership  team of UKIP she had the whip withdrawn however Andreasen continues to sit with the extremist EFD Group but now has control of her own £76,000 a year 400 budget and her own staff which formerly were controlled by Farage and was seemingly unaccounted!
Nikki Sinclaire:  

has resigned from The EFD and rejected the leadership of Nigel Farage MEP EFD Leader. 
She is currently actively campaigning against membership of The EU, actively campaigning for a Petition for a Referendum and working with her team and others, as shown in The Sun advert yesterday see: CLICK HERE

She has been actively campaigning against HS2 rail line with Mike Nattrass and also has campaigned for UK Farmers on the issue of Battery Hens and other issues which subsequently the NFU MEP Stuart Agnew tried to get involved in. Agnew however undermined his position by his blatant fraud against the tax payers and his unlawful money laundering and is still under investigation by OLAF we understand.

Nikki Sinclaire has been outspoken on Human Rights and has taken a strong line against prejudice against certain sectors by use of the corrupt concept of positive descrimination. Her position with regard to equal standards of planning including building in green Belt areas has attracted a great deal of positive publicity particularly with regard to the unlawful developement of Green Belt land in Meridan by itinerants!
Since leaving The EFD and being lied about in order to suspend her as an MEP for UKIP – although she has continued her membership her Independent status seperated from the extremist EFD Group and the BNP in blazers chavery of UKIP the media has taken her far more seriously and she is now one of the most quoted UK MEPs and has many TV and press appearances and articles of consequence and gravitas – more in fact than the rest of Farage’s shrinking followers.
The lies and descrimination by Farage, Bloom and UKIP found them before the Courts where the Court ruled against them finding them Guilty in Sinclaire’s favour – this led to UKIP being forced to publish an apology to delay finding themselves before The High Court with a substantial damages claim to pay – meanwhile the clearly inept Steve Crowther is trying to come up with some sort of deal to bring Sinclaire back into UKIP as an MEP.
The longer Crowther fails the more obvious it becomes that UKIP need Sinclaire and her political experience and her ability to attract consequential publicity far more than she needs the froth and bickering and sordid behaviour of UKIP and its squalid publicity.
Here is a letter sent today to a UKIP supporter who had written to me for clarification of a couple of details on my blogs. I felt perhaps many might be asking ‘themselves’ similar questions and therefore it might help the many who read these blogs. to read the response.

By all means contact me if I can help you to clean-up UKIP and make it a force for good rather than a vicious squabbling and evil force for greed. The BNP in blazers using marginally more sophisticated techniques of bullying and lies to forward their better concealed racism, anti homosexuality, gender inequality and chavery, anti Judaism and self serving self enrichment at the expense of my Country.

My phone Number is 01291 – 62 65 62 and the best time to call is in the evenings up until about 1am. 

I have always said I am happy to be cross examined on any of the details and facts I have presented over the many years that I have supported the principles that were the core of UKIP. I have offered to attend any formal or informal public meeting to address the facts and dispel the lies of those who have set out to protect their lies and self aggrandisement with hysterical and unsustainable fantasies about me (Just look on the internet and track down the weapons grade nutters desperate to keep their scams afloat by trying to defame me! Frankly one need only note their anonimity and obsessions to see straight through their self serving stories!). 

Arrange a time, agree the format and book a venue within a radius of not more than 50 miles of Chepstow as due to health I do have a problem with travelling see: CLICK HERE – Do not forget I have no personal political ambitions – I am self funded and in political terms always have been and I do not nor have I ever sough yours or anyone elses vote. I represent no one other than those who agree with me, my values and aims.

Unlike the leadership of UKIP and their hirelings, lackeys and salaried praise singers.

My open letter:

if you need infill or back up to any detail on the blog. do feel free to phone me.
Or for that matter if you have any information that may help clean-up UKIP to make it electable by informed people of ethics and morality rather than just the ill informed and disenchanted BNP supporters or disenfranchised Tory voters.
I have supported UKIP principles for many years now, it is just sad that they have increasingly lost sight of what ‘principles’ are and have become part of the problem with no part in the solution, as they squabble and berate to keep the snouts of their leadership claque enriched with their positions at the troughs on the gravy train feeding off the bribes and largesse of The EU.
They are considered an irrelevancy at best and an embarrassing joke by most of the media and have done a huge amount to harm themselves by letting people like Mark Croucher, Annabelle Fuller, Gawain Towler, Adrian Lithgow and the like act as their press spokesmen as they are largely held in contempt and are low lifes and proven liars as the media probably know better than most!
However one feels about UKIP you know as well as the media they have absolutely no one of any political competence and typical was the statement in their manifesto that they supported HS2 and then AFTER the consultation period was over and the public enquiry finished to see UKIP press idiots put out a press release band wagon jumping by Nigel Farage & Paul Nuttall who have been conspicuous by their silence yet now claim to oppose the HS2 is a measure of their risible incompetence.
Just as with Nigel Farage’s press release berating EFD members for supporting Andres Breivik and demanding an appology or he would suspend UKIP’s membership of The EFD Group.
We all knew this was just noise, he only threatened to suspend UKIP where if he had ANY principles and morality he would have shut the vile little group – and so it was proven – Mario Borghezio was suspended from The EFD and Francesco Speroni made no comment on his support – no apology has been forrthcoming and for all his big words and bluster Farage has done nothing beyond alienate his own better informed members.
It is all too clear that even though the EFD Group is steadily disintegrating with barely enough to members to meet their legal requirements there is no chance of risking losing the unaccountable income stream and bribes UKIP MEPs enrich themselves from, particularly Farage as they scrabble to find members to join their racist, xenophobic, pro EU membership, anti Jewish, holocaust denying, anti homosexual Pan EU band of BNP in Blazers that form the extremist EFD Group Farage leads.
If you want to study The EFD Group more closely see:
To understand the arguments for and against helping The EU to undermine Patriotic National Political Parties and the rules behind the bribes for those who help further the EU aim to form Pan EU Political Parties and Groups see:
Do look through the links in the right Sidebar of most of my various blogs and you will find factual information sourced and presented on many of the issues regarding UKIP & its members past and present and the many scams that surround The EU. Also most of the laws that form our Constitution and the unlawful Treaties of The EU – in detail.
I trust this helps to clarify some of your questions.

. .

 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance

Reclaim YOUR Future 
Write Upon Your Ballot Paper at EVERY election:
(IF You Have No INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance Candidate) .
to Reclaim YOUR Future 
Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
tel: 01291 – 62 65 62
of: DO MAKE USE of LINKS & >Right Side Bar< Also:
Details & Links: General Stuff: Health Blog.: TWITTER: Greg_LW

 Please Be Sure To .Follow Greg_LW on Twitter. Re-TWEET my Twitterings
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Posted in Adrian Lithgow, Annabelle FULLER, BNP, CHEPSTOW, Claque, HS2, Mark CROUCHER, Mike Nattrass MEP, Nigel FARAGE MEP EFD Leader, Nikki SINCLAIRE MEP, Open Letter, Paul Nuttall MEP EFD | Leave a Comment »

#0615* – The Sun Shines Bright on The Petition for a Referendum!

Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 06/08/2011

Posted in Mike Nattrass MEP, Nigel FARAGE EFD MEP, Nikki SINCLAIRE MEP, The Petition, The Sun, Trevor COLMAN MEP | Leave a Comment »