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#0787* – UKIP “Professionalism Does NOT include Lies to Cover thefts!”

Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 21/04/2012

#0787* – UKIP “Professionalism Does NOT include Lies to Cover thefts!”


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Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 


The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!  




one has to wonder if the shambolic management of UKIP includes their CEO sending ‘e’Mails to himself for practice at how to wriggle and spin when banged to rights!

Here is the OFFICIAL spin from UKIP:

From:Steven Crowther
To:Stephen Crowther
Dear All

UKIP have just had the temerity to catch and overtake the Lib-Dems in the polls (consistently, not just a one-day fluke). YouGov, Opinium, Survation have all put us level with or ahead of the Lib-Dems over the past week.
This has resulted in two things: first, the mainstream media have become a lot more interested in us, leading to a lot more radio and TV activity coming our way this week; and two, the mainstream media have become a lot more interested in us, as the call goes out to ‘get UKIP’.
We did, in fact, release our own statement on this yesterday after it became clear that the Guardian had somehow come by the details of this (very old) case, pointing out that it involved absolutely no suggestion of personal gain. Quite the opposite, in fact.

Over the next few days/weeks, we can expect more of this, as the establishment try and slow down our advance. The other parties are very nervous about the forthcoming elections, and extremely upset that we have popped up out of the ‘Others’ bucket.

Every attack proves how much we have them rattled.

Regards, Steve
Stephen Crowther, Executive Chairman, UK Independence Party
Eastacombe House,
N. Devon
EX31 4DG
Phone 01271 813844 Mobile 07775 787579
We note the deliberate deception, and misrepresentation of facts – so let us look at the facts rather than the very amateur spin:
UKIP have just had the temerity to catch and overtake the Lib-Dems in the polls
But as the actual election box shows this is of absolutely ZERO significance and on a high of 11% in one poll this would not reflect in a single solitary won seat! Let us not forget UKIP polled 15% some time back and has still never gained more than 30 elected seats out of the 19,500 available and has never come so much as near election to Westminster.
(consistently, not just a one-day fluke).
Only a politician could see ONE week as a measure of ‘consistency’ – short termism of the most idiotic type that just shows UKIP to be unprofessional and verging on stupid!
YouGov, Opinium, Survation have all put us level with or ahead of the Lib-Dems over the past week.
Let us not forget the ‘Consistency’ of the polls in assuring us all that Neil Kinnock would be elected yet you may remember John Major won the election with a clear working majority (rather better than Cameron!)
This has resulted in two things: first, the mainstream media have become a lot more interested in us, leading to a lot more radio and TV activity coming our way this week;
Unfortunately UKIP lacks professionalism and none of the publicity has been capitalised on with embarrassing performances of the clearly past it (or drunk) Lord Heskith whose performance on Newsnight was embarrassing to watch and clearly damaging for UKIP.
and two, the mainstream media have become a lot more interested in us,
Yet not a single supportive article appeared and we note UKIP’s latest defectees from the Tories having realised (one must assume) their imminent demise as significant in their old home have been doing all they can to damage UKIP be it the witterings of Tom Bursnall and his odious suggestion that the unemployed should be denied the vote!
One would perhaps expect the next claims to be, in order to please UKIP’s EU partners in their EFD Group that Jews, homosexuals, Muslims and immigrants should also be disenfranchised but no – nothing so prosaic, the discreditted ex Tory bimbettet the foul mouthed embarrassment Alexandra Swann now working for another UKIP convert from the Tories the passed over MEP Roger Helmer and thus considering her well salaried position representing him takes a moment away from her childish expletive ridden twitterings to support the idiotic concept put forward by Bursnall!
Little wonder UKIP is getting more publicity as it flounders in the mire, bereft of ethics, morality, integrity, leadership, professionalism, gravitas or even fundamental manners!!
as the call goes out to ‘get UKIP’.
Perhaps UKIP can provide evidence when you consider the disproportionate amount of publicity they gain relative to seats held and surely it is a measure of professionalism to control the sordid behaviour, criminality, dishonesty and lies that all too often form ad-hominem attacks without ANY factual grounding – UKIP has every opportunity to control what press it earns by acting professionally and thus being taken seriously!
The first result is this story in the Guardian today:
How soon they forget! UKIP leadership published a rather lame attempt at justification in the relatively obscure Huffington Post which I do concede was probably read by VERY few people!

‘In a desperate attempt at a spoiler, to suppress the truth and distort the FACTS, UKIP has published clearly dishonest spin on their Huffington Post site.

Having lied repeatedly to members and also to The East Midlands Regional Committee Derek Clark with the full backing of Nigel Farage has tried to cover-up the fact that he was found guilty of fraudulent use of public money just as did Tom Wise!

IF the spin from UKIP had one shred of truth to it then why did Derek Clark keep telling lies?

As far back as 13-Jul-2009 DEREK CLARK LIED to The Derbyshire Times as written at the time CLICK HERE

First published CLICK HERE

We did, in fact, release our own statement on this yesterday after it became clear that the Guardian had somehow come by the details
‘somehow’? A mark of UKIP’s unprofessionalism would seem to be that they do not understand how tyhe media works as in this case where some time ago due to the blatant lies and dishonesty of Derek Clark which seemed to be institutionalised amongst UKIP’s inept and unprincipled leadership an FoI was obtained and it was decided NOT to publish the facts until there was a body of publicity on which to ride as UKIP with their consistently risible results in real terms (rather than the fantasy world of polls) were of so little significance politically that editors merely spiked reports of their corruption and crass incompetence.
of this (very old) case,
Indeed it is old but the longer that UKIP lied and Derek Clark provided ever more rope to hang himself as he lied to the electorate, lied to UKIP member, lied to his colleagues, had lied to the media and even lied to his regional committee – it was the fact that this sordid old man lacked the integrity to even accept responsibility for his own lies and blamed UKIP.
Derek Clark stated he had been officially advised to lie – that started to turn this into a story.
It then became a provable FACT that Nigel Farage had also been telling lies to cover-up the theft from the public purse – even stating that he was ‘protecting Clark because Clark gave HIM money’.
Clearly there is no deceit to which UKIP leadership will not sink to keep their places on the gravy train for self enrichment!
It became a story as it was clear that UKIP had a policy of telling lies and defaming honest people
pointing out that it involved absolutely no suggestion of personal gain.
It is interesting to note that the CLAIM is the money was spent on political staff who seem in the main to be employed to ensure that the present clique remain on the gravy train with their over generous incomes and guarantees of large pensions.

Let us not forget that Derek Clark was a long retired school teacher of General Science lacking the qualifications to teach to a higher level and specialised in ‘youngsters’ with difficulties we are told – When of course he is not risibly passing himself off as a ‘Scientist’ to the gullible!

As a UKIP MEP his income is beyond the dreams of avarice relative to a school teacher and even then he would retain hi9s various pensions!
Does grubby greed know no bounds in UKIP? Clearly he has been catastrophic as a EUroSceptic MEP such that even his own Regional Committee has sacked him as chairm,an and is calling for his resignation as an MEP (He won’t resign as he will be supported by the party fuhrer Nigel Farage who will be selecting ALL MEP replacement candidates under his new constitution! Derek Clark is far to compliant and as Farage says ‘He gives ME money’ so he will be retained I expect).
Quite the opposite, in fact.
 This may actually be true as it is known that a number of UKIP MEPs have been on the fiddle and ordered to repay money fraudulently obtained – so possibly they pooled the stolen money to retain their seats collectively not just personally!
Over the next few days/weeks, we can expect more of this,
I believe so as more of the corruption and dishonesty in UKIP comes to the fore such as this from an MEP elected bas UKIP but who refused to sit with them on moral and ethical grounds who now sits as an Independent distanced from the racist, anti Jewish, anti homosexual advocates of violence:
When taking up my seat as an MEP I was told, along with my colleagues, that UKIP would not take part in these delegations as they were simply opportunities for ‘taxpayer-funded jollies’. In fact, this was not the full truth.
Without our knowledge or permission, our seats on delegations were being traded away in order to attract more members into the EFD group. One Danish MEP, who has subsequently left the EFD to sit alongside the British Conservatives, at one point sat on no less than 6 delegations.
Our seats were traded away and given in some cases to pro-EU MEPs. Instead of giving us the opportunity to engage with foreign governments and tell them the truth about the EU, we were handing our swords to the enemy. All this was hidden from us.
To view the original of this article CLICK HERE
as the establishment try and slow down our advance.
The results as presented in the ballot boxes has shown there is no such advance – in one by-election this week UKIP polled 91 votes far behind The BNP! In another they could not even find a candidate to field!
The other parties are very nervous about the forthcoming elections,
A very politically naiive comment as that is the nature of politics but to be fair in a few constituencies UKIP may take votes off of one of the political parties that results in the other winning – but as this is unpredictable it is of no serious significance being no weapon politically!
and extremely upset that we have popped up out of the ‘Others’ bucket.
This is undeniable, but one wonders how long it will last – UKIP has its own ‘bucket’ – The ‘Sick Bucket’ for those sickened by politics to use to register their protest but even so they stand not a prayer of significant results as even taken at their recent highest poll 11% would win not a single seat!
Let us not forget that some time back UKIP polled 15% and still they have no MP their leader having been beaten into third place in a one horse race by an Independent dressed as a dolphin!

Every attack proves how much we have them rattled.
Such comments do rather make it clear why UKIP has achieved so very little after 20 years with less than 30 elected seats won out of the available 19,500!
‘rattled’ – could that in political terms be:
Baby + Pram = Rattle?
That UKIP tries to diver people from the irrefutable FACT that their leadership are a criminal bunch of cyber bullies and stalkers willing to lie repeatedly and defame those providing FACTS and the truth just to keep their place on the gravy train where they are so well placed for self enrichment rather than following the lead of Nikki Sinclaire in terms of active campaigning and donating to the cause!
We note Mike Nattrass would seem to be outraged by the inclusion of his name but let us remind him of two FACTS:
IF you sleep with dogs you get fleas – Do note that like Trevor Colman he may well have resigned from the vile and racist EFD Group but yet he supports Farage in remaining in the group for his enrichment!
Secondly it was Daniel Foggo who made it clear he had the FoI details when Nattrass complained that The Sunday Times had published this FACTUAL story about him: CLICK HERE
The issues here in Steve Crowther’s rather foolish and crassly amateur letter are clear – This has little to do with howmuch money was stolen, by whom, for what or how repaid – anyone with a moral compass will appreciate it is about TWO far more fundamental issues:
01.   Clearly UKIP are all too willing to steal from the tax payers for their own gain – thus undermining ANY claims of moral high ground or right to criticise others in The EU for stealing public money ‘For what THEY believe in’.
02.   It is clear that dishonesty in UKIP’s leadership is a matter of policy as they not only steal public money for their own use but more despicably lie to cover-up their crimes just as Nigel Farage has consistently lied about Tom Wise – has FAILED totally to account for the 100s of £1,000s that went missing from the donations to UKIP through Ashford and the other call centers, has failed to account for the Wine Scam, lied to cover-up for Annabelle Fuller’s criminality.
That tjhis shower of self serving two bit crooks and low lifes have lied to the media in UKIP’s name, lied to members, lied to the electorate, lied to their colleagues, lied to their regional committee and have defamed those who consistently’ (not just one week!) brought provided and published the truth about their behaviour is beneath contempt!
A betrayal of trust, a betrayal of office and a betrayal of these United Kingdoms of indescribable dishonesty.
Resign you have done enough damage – Give EUroScepticism a chance as you have achieved ABSOLUTELY NOTHING for EUroScepticism as you all persued your own personal gain!
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