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Archive for April 27th, 2009

#442* – EUkip’s Tom WISE & Lindsay JENKINS In COURT

Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 27/04/2009

#442* – EUkip’s Tom WISE & Lindsay JENKINS In COURT

Clean EUkip up NOW & make UKIP electable!

corruption of some of EUkip’s leaders & NEC is & what gives the remaining 10%
a bad name!



Having been charged last week:

British MEP charged with money laundering
Tuesday, April 21 04:32 pm

Print Story A British member of the European Parliament has been charged with false accounting and money laundering, the prosecutors’ office said. Skip related content
Related photos / videos A session in progress at the European Parliament in Strasbourg Enlarge photo Tom Wise, 60, a former UK Independence Party (UKIP) MEP who now sits as an independent, was investigated by police after claims made about his conduct in tabloid the News of the World four years ago.

His former researcher, Lindsay Jenkins, faces the same charges, which relate to the generous expenses received by MEPs.

“Following the publication of a news article in October 2005 relating to Mr Wise and Ms Jenkins, the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF) began an investigation into Mr Wise’s use of allowances,” said Derek Frame of the Crown Prosecution Service in a statement released Monday.

OLAF had passed the investigation to a economic crime unit with the English police, said Frame, reviewing lawyer of the CPS’ Special Crime Division.

“I received the full file on 20 March, 2009 and carefully reviewed the evidence before making this decision.”

Wise’s former party UKIP is a Eurosceptic party which feels too much power is being concentrated in Brussels at the expense of British sovereignty.

It withdrew European Parliament party voting rights from Wise in 2007 after it learned he was under investigation.

Party leader Nigel Farage said UKIP had acted swiftly to remove Wise.

“We dealt with Tom Wise ruthlessly, kicking him out of the group over two years ago,” said Farage.

To view the original article CLICK HERE

was investigated by police after claims made about his conduct in tabloid the News of the World four years ago.
This is clearly incorrect as the articles in question regarding criminality were in The Sunday Telegraph and subsequently in The Sunday Times and the articles were written by Daniel Foggo based on accurate research and factual information from various sources known to me and others.

It was after I spoke with Lindsay Jenkins for her permission that Daniel Foggo contacted her and interviewed her publishing only a small portion of the information she supplied.

Lindsay Jenkins’ dishonesty was made clear by various comments she made about me seeking to implicate me in her dishonesties and trying to fabricate stories of my involvement, which are easily debunked.

“We dealt with Tom Wise ruthlessly, kicking him out of the group over two years ago,” said Farage.
This also is a pure fabrication – a lie on the part of Nigel Farage, which was first aired as a lie on News Night and more recently to Andrew Neal on his ‘Straight Talking’ political interview.

Nigel Farage took absolutely no meaningful action against Tom Wise and was indubitably party to the collusion in his apparent criminality not only in that he used some of the stolen money to pay a personal debt but has never made any efforts to quosh the lies promoted, presumably by the dishonest and corrupted press office of the time, pretending that part of the money was to be paid to Petrina Holdsworth – seemingly to embroil her in the fraud and try to buy her silence.

Farage also claimed the money was set asde for payment to a metal broker or some such, over lunch one day. Also be minded that Farage & Knapman signed a document in collusion with Tom Wise seeking to present a personal spin, which is clearly posted on the internet.

Tom Wise remained a EUkip MEP until earlier this year and had been a EUkip Branch Chairman until he resigned the position in (as I recal) February, Tom Wise was not only sitting WITH EUkip in the EU Parliament but also took part in various of their childish japes and various video clips to promote EUkip to date!

Nigel Farage clearly lies most glibly as all will be aware that Tom Wise was a welcome member of the pro EU Ind.Dem.Group of which Farage was and is Chairman! Tom Wise sat with the Ind.Dem.Group along with other pro EU MEPs in EUkip and other parties – they formed the main group in favour of reform of the EU & realistically the only anti membership of The EU MEPs were those elected on a UKIP ticket – Rob Kilroy Silk & Ashley Mote who sat as independents and laterly Roger Knapman who had resigned in disgust at the betrayal of the electorate by Derek Clark, Farage and others.

Nigel Farage clearly lied to the presenter of NewsNight & Andrew Neale.

He undeniably lied to the public on public media – why are we not surprised?

Nigel Farage has done much to publicise the dishonesties and follies of the EU and the stupidity of remaining a member but sadly he has been such a catastrophic leader of EUkip, without ethics, morality, vision or integrity that he has merely acted as the best recruiting sargeant The BNP has ever had, with his dishonest and cowardly witch hunts in EUkip and his total lack of Officer Qualities.

Tom Wise resigned from the pro EU Ind.Dem.Group which Nigel Farage chaired on his own instigation on the Saturday prior to the exposure of his venal greed and stupidity in The News of The World, where he was fortunate his behaviour was heavily editted as a result of the debacle of the Max Mosley case!!!

Tom Wise remained a member of EUkip until March when his membership fees were due and it was only then that he stood down from EUkip and changed his status from being a EUkip MEP to being an Independent MEP – a move made on the statement that he was not intending to renew his membership as EUkip was no longer the party he had joined, nor did it have the same values.

Nigel Farage lied to the public when he pretended that either he or EUkip had taken ANY decisive or meaningfull action against Tom Wise.

In fact many will remember the strenuous and tortalegous efforts of his gofer Denny in weedling and wriggling and defaming decent individuals to orchestrate parts of the cover-up of Tom Wise’s criminality as exposed – including his insulting of numerous fellow officers of the party and members.

Douglas denny did all in his power to dishonestly suppress requests for a Disciplinary Hearing and has been lieing through his teeth ever since. He also voted on the NEC to suppress at least one enquiry, to cover up.

There were as far as I can work out at least five separate enquiries made in attempts to hush up the situation – the most odious of which was the enquiry made on the instruction and payment of Roger Knapman for Trevor Colman.

It would seem that Trevor Colman was USED to give a spurious air of honesty and credibility to the enquiry since he was a retired senior Police Officer – sadly he turned out to be nothing more nor less than another bent copper and colluded in the cover-up failing to acquit his duty as a citizen let alone one of some supposed merit! As soon as Trevor Colman became aware that apparent criminality had taken place it was his unarguable duty to openly state so and NOT collude in the corruption.

That people without moral compass may have colluded in cover-up, and when you consider Knapman’s family were at the time running a people traffiking business in direct moral opposition to his elected office and at the cost of British jobs it is hardly surprising such a man may not have understood his duty but that Trevor Colman sank so low as to befoul his Queen’s Commission speaks volumes of the man’s lack of integrity and callibre.

The damage done to UKIP by Trevor Colman’s abrogation of his duty is at the root of much of the problems of EUkip today – had he done his duty Tom Wise and Linsay Jenkins would have been brought to book in 2005 and the party would not be in the parlous state it currently is – ever the moral coward you will note Farage’s finger prints all over this issue but it is only his lies that are irrefutable.

I have noted the various lies of Douglas Denny on this issue on EUkipForum recently where he is conveniently presenting his dishonest revisionist account to try to paint out the fact that it was he who advocated no further action by Trevor Colman when Piers Merchant presented Colman’s lame account.

It will be remembered by the honest members present that the matter turned upon the investigation of further cheques and Roger Knapman duplicitously used the fact that the payments office was investigating – as I clearly recal it was Suchorzewski who said that was no excuse for EUkip to halt their enquiry and investigation of the cheques – Knapman presented a fudge backed by Douglas Denny whereby it was agreed on Douglas Denny’s motion that Sir Richard Body be asked to investigate the cheques in detail REGARDLESS of the outcome of the EU’s enquiry – this motion was accepted and carried.

Subsequently it will be remembered by those not seeking to present themselves in a good light that Roger Knapman announced that The EU Payments Office had written saying they had exhonerated Tom Wise. This was a lie as the letter stated that they did not intend to take further action themselves at this time.

Roger Knapman had lied but that is unsurprising as he habitually lies as with his lies with Mark Croucher when they presented a totally dishonest pack of lies to the Press Complaints Council when Knapman had been exposed promoting the family people traffiking business and using Polish labour as they were cheaper than local tradesmen.

Part of the reason EUkip garnered so little good publicity in the mainstream press at that time would seem to be that many in the press knew Mark Croucher to be unprofessional, dishonest and untrustworthy – thus the only good publicity seemed to be in little local press with childish and far from relevant stunts. It was around this time that Farage & Croucher were stupid enough to be duped and unprofessional enough not to check references and they hired the Tory plant Stephen Sobey based on a raft of lies misrepresenting his identity – much as Bannerman did.

To move on you will note that after Knapman had come out with this dishonest drivel Suchorzewski reminded the NEC that Denny had put forward a motion that was carried that Dick Body would investigate the cheques regardless of the EU enquiry however at that juncture Denny spoke out to protect Wise and Jenkins by making a strenuous case for accepting the EU letter as judgement without even seeing it and withdraw the request for Dick Body.

It is my belief that Knapman never even consulted Dick Body and as those in The Lechlade Group will appreciate Sir Richard was no longer ‘able’ to conduct such an enquiry sadly.

Thus we know that Roger Knapman LIED
Douglas Denny has LIED in his revisionist self serving fantasies.
Nigel Farage LIED in that he did NOTHING consequential about Wise.

Trevor Colman acted dishonerably and dishonestly in abuse of his position and in abrogation of his duty.

There is clearly a far greater list of dishonesty – however I was pleased to note although inaccurate in some detail Anthony Butcher has largely presented the truth on this matter despite his normal lack of ethics.

In Court

I am given to understand that today at The City of Westminster magistrates’ Court in Horseferry Road:

Tom Wise and Lindsay Jenkins surrendered to bail and were arrested to face the charges made last week by the Police.

Lindsay Jenkins & Tom Wise were charged in the terms as provided by Associated Press (article above) and for those who received the Police Press release and cover letter (as did I) the charges are initially as listed.

The Magistrate presented the Charges and proceded with arraignment – the outcome being:

Tom Wise & Lindsay Jenkins are once more bailed but this time it is not Police bail but Court bail and conditional. They are to represent at City of Westminster Court on 08-Jun-2009 for Commital to Crown Court for trial before a Jury.

To speculate – that would indicate a likely trial date of end September beginning of October.

We shall see.

I am interested to note that Nigel farage apparently debarred Tom Wise from standing as a prospective MEP candidate as he was ‘under investigation by OLAF’ – Does that mean he will also be debarring Derek Clark at the last moment as he is under investigation also?

Am I not right in saying that none of the enquiries by OLAF regarding Farage have yet reported – does that debarr him also or is there some strange self invented integrity being selectively applied by the corrupt EUkip?


What is the exit and survival plan for these United Kingdoms to maximise on the many benefits of leaving The EU. It is the DUTY of our Politicians and Snivil Cervants to ensure the continuity, liberty and right to self determination of our peoples they have a DUTY to protect against crime and secure both our food and our border.
NONE of these DUTIES has a single British politician upheld for 40 years. They have drawn their incomes fraudulently and dishonesty.

Politicians are failing to tell the truth, but so are almost all wanabe Politicians, the MSM and Snivil Cervants.

The fact is that even if EVERY British MEP wanted change in The EU it would achieve NOTHING.
Every single British Politician, of EVERY Party, elected since before we joined the EUropean Common Market, has promised to change The EU’s CAP – In 40 Years they have achieved absolutely NOTHING!

To try to put a value on OUR Freedom is as futile as floccipaucinihilipilification and as odious as the metissage of our societies, as we rummage in the ashes of our ancestors dreams, sacrifices and achievements, the flotsam of our hopes and the jetsam of our lives, consider the Country and Anglosphere which we leave our children and the future, with shame!

Greg L-W.
01291 – 62 65 62


I SUGGEST – since there is clearly no political party of repute, advocating or campaigning for withdrawal of these United Kingdoms from the EU and restoration of our independent sovereign, democracy, with Justice & the right to self determination in a free country. Deny the self seeking & meaningless wanabe MEPs the Mythical Mandate for which they clamour. Diktat is imposed from The EU but Law should be made at Westminster, for our Country & our Peoples.

Write Upon Your Ballot Paper:


Posted in EUkip; UKIP; Tom Wise; Lindsay Jenkins; Farage; denny; Knapman; Colman; | Leave a Comment »


Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 27/04/2009


Clean EUkip up NOW & make UKIP electable!

The corruption of some of EUkip’s leadership
& NEC is what gives the remaining 10%
a bad name!



with the 28th. April supposedly the day for the presentation of lists and their registration for MEP candidates, it is interesting to note that there has been no official notification that they have managed to oust Ralph Atkinson in the London Region yet!

They have tried very hard, which strikes me as a total waste of energy as even Gerard Batten, currently their lead candidate, has said to various people that he expects to loose his seat to The BNP in London and has even admitted that if he lived in various London areas he would vote for The BNP himself!

Perhaps he knows something we don’t and when it comes to Registering the candidates Farage and his corrupt cronies will conveniently overlook various people! Do not forget that Farage and his accolytes have scant regard for the rules, less for integrity and are without understanding of fundamental morality.

We hear that it is Farage’s intention to parachute in – as Junius put it ‘a drinking buddy’ – few realised that this was to be the odious and dishonest low life the failed press officer, failed publican and close associate of the extremist organisation ‘Spotlight’.

The rumours of this are rife in Brussels however Gerard Batten is not alone in finding this unbelievable, despite the weight of comment and tittle tattle.

We are well aware just howmuch hold Croucher has over Farage and has he has openly said ‘he knows where the bodies are buried’ – then of course there is the video Croucher has openly boasted of having in which he recorded Annabell Fuller graphically describing her sexual antics with Farage on numerous occasions in numerous ‘locations’ and how Farage had mistreated her.

Personally, although the rumours of this material are common knowledge, I do not believe that Croucher holds the material it is like so much about him merely malicious and for personal gain – which seems to have paid off.

Many who know me are well aware that I have supported and promoted the aims and values of UKIP for a dozen years or more – they will also be aware that I supported Nigel Faragehaving stated that he had my full support as a performer, spokesman, media personality and rabble rouser but that he could count on my implacable opposition if he ever stood for or became leader.

It was over 10 years ago that I openly stated that Farage had been the making of UKIP but that he would destroy it if he was ever allowed to become leader – how right I was.

To this day I support the aims and principles of UKIP but sadly as predicted, with Farage as leader, it has no aims beyond getting him and IF POSSIBLE a few cronies elected, it no longer has principles hence the failure to hold a disciplinary hearing to permit Tom Wise to clear his name or establish his guilt and be removed from the party.

At the very heart of much of the corruption that has resulted in the befouled and debased EUkip of today have been Mark Croucher, Douglas Denny (who you will remember was removed as returning officer by a vote of the NEC for his lies and dishonesty), Derek Clark (with his betrayal of members and the electorate), Gerard Batten (with his lack of understanding of integrity or justice), Malcolm Wood (with his willingness to lie and cheat to maintain his income), Trevor Colman (with his collusion in the cover-up of the criminality, as charged, of Tom Wise & Lindsay Jenkins & his total abrogation of duty as a retired senior police officer – he proved to be just another bent copper!) The list of scum that has floated to the top of the septic tank of Farage’s making is legion and predictable.

Even so it is hard to believe that even someone with so few leadership skills, such a lack of morality, without ethics and as incompetent and duplicitous as Nigel Farage would be so unutterably stupid and so contemptuous of the members as to parachute in Mark Croucher.

It is more in hope than expectation that Farage would not be so stupid after watching his childish and incompetent antics recently aligning with The BNP by using the same advertising campaign base (WWII & Churchill!!!) and his endless fabrication of BNP fantasy stories as he lurches to the extreme right wing with fascist style centralisation of power and the authoritarian buillying and shaven headed chavvery of The BNP. I note he now effects an over large hat to grow into setting an example to bis bully boys as Griffin instructed his to wear hats to hide their shaven heads and knuckle dragging appearance.

Farage had so much to offer EUroRealism it is sad that he was so weak and insecure that he gathered trash around him to prop him up – so bereft of Officer Quality that he has feared those with ability – he had every opportunity to lead his life AND act as a valuable spokesman for EUroRealism but you only have to ask your contacts in The EU (if you have any!) and you soon realise that under his control EUkip are now seen as useful idiots and just a part of the system.

Would that Farage had had the maturity and judgement to have done what he was good at and done it well rather than fear exposure of his frailties and incompetence by dishonestly and corruptly, based on lies, deceit, bullying and other people’s money befouling the EUroSceptic movement by seizing leadership in a coup without an honest election. The end of the party has just been a matter of time since.

No single group of people have done so very much to aid The EU as EUkip controlled by Farage a group which has woken many with Farage’s media performances but from lack of leadership, professionalism, competence or ability he has driven 10s of 1,000s of otherwise decent British voters into the arms of the vile BNP.

Well done EUkip you should be ashamed of your EVERY step to destruction.

Even so – despite the idiocy of Farage in selecting the liar, serial Tory failure and cheat Bannerman and ignoring his own members in overturning the verdict of his members and the SW committee to reinstate the dishonest and corrupt self indulgent pervert Gawain Towler, not for his perversions in as far as they are legal but for his sordifd lack of judgement why would the electorate have any interest either in his wife’s play school attempts at art or his sordid sex life?

Farage’s leadership has been one long series of catastrophies – not least of which has been his personal collusion in the criminal behaviour of Tom Wise as charged and his abject failure to do ANTHING about it to protect the Party or the EUroSceptic movement – then Farage’s staggering arrogance that he lied blatantly on Newsnight and compounded the lies on Andrew Neale’s programme – any decent party would have susppended him for such public dishonesty in the name of their party.

EUkip however takes no action as under his control it is without ethics, vision, morality or integrity.

Ferretts fighting in a sack as they squeel and squabble to get their snouts in the trough for another 5 years of irrelevance helping The EU committees strengthen their controls over vassal states and supporting greater subsidiarity of our once proud people to the control of The vile centralised EU that Farage and his corrupt cronies revel in.

Let us hope that now that the plan to parachute in Farage’s drinking buddy has been exposed perhaps reason will prevail and he will act responsibly for a change.

Many will recal that it was the intention of Farage and his cronies to test the water by fielding a candidate as ‘Libertas’ –

Wanstead Ward
Thursday 23rd April 2009

Alex WILSON (Conservative) 1300

Kate GARRETT (Lib-Dem) 1030

Ross HATFULL (Labour) 894

Ashley GUNSTOCK (Green) 296

John EVANS (BNP) 171

Nick JONES (UKIP) 33

Thus for each vote EUkip gained 112 voters voted against them – FIVE WEEKS BEFORE the EU elections!

I wonder how they would have done if they had actually done as they initially intended and stood their candidate in Bridget Rowe’s Libertas UK Party – or whatever her deliberate spoiler is called. Farage’s aim was to test brand recognition of Libertas through the Party they set up out of spite to try to damage Declan Ganley – seemingly because he dismissed EUkip as a spent force.

It seems they only reverted to fielding a candidate as EUkip and NOT Libertas to try to prove Junius wrong as he had leaked the facts before they could be announced by EUkip aka Libertas UK & Bridget Rowe.

For the original of these details CLICK HERE

Let us hope the effect of Junius publishing the details of the Croucher plot will have the same effect and it will be dropped to try to prove Junius wrong (that failed last time since too many knew the truth – this time many will be so disgusted at the thought of Croucher and his dishonesty that they may believe that Junius was wrong as even Farage could not be so stupid!) Oh Yes He Could – He Is! Hence the mess EUkip is in with no visible candidate of competence, stature, repute or seemingly ability in the first 3 places on a single EUkip list so far.

Farage has destroyed UKIP and every EUkip MEP returned is another nail in the coffin of our Country as with EUkip MEPs and all those votes recruited by EUkip for the BNP Britain will be more firmly locked into the catastrophic EU and one step closer to the wars of disassociation and the famine that is inevitable in Europe with the EU in control – a famine that could kill 200,000,000 people due to EU greed, arrogance and incompetence.

EUkip’s abrogation of duty, lack of leadership and failure of morality will be no less responsible as they push voters into the arms of the vile BNP than will be Ted Heath in his betrayal – there is every reason to believe that Ted Heath was so stupid that in keeping with many of the grandees of politics at the time and a number of his predecessors who fashionably believesed the concepts of ‘internationalism’ as promoted by the odious Fabians and many accademics of the time.

Farage and his cronies have spoken out, to get elected, showing they know the dangers yet have gone native colluded in crime, colluded in EU control of Britain, recruiting for The BNP, damaging the EUroSceptic movement with their dishonesty, bullying and childish behaviour.

80% of the British people apparently, by survey, wish to leave the political EUropean supra national state yet EUkip has so befouled the territort that they managed 33 votes (1 in every 112 who voted!) in the most recent election! 80% should have been around 3,000 votes!

Well let us see what claque of low life’s Farage lists as candidates for his Party in fear of anyone competent with ability – listing/registration commences tomorrow 28th. April however the final date for ammending the list is 07-May-2009

The time it took Bruce Lawson to get his web site going I guess we can expect him to remember to list UKFirstParty candidates on Thursday May 14th. a week late! At least their problems seem to be based on Bruce Lawson’s arrogant stupidity served with a side portion of Peter Cole’s insecurity and the chips he seems to have shouldered and as yet I see no signs of the dishonesty and corruption, bullying and abuse that are endemic in EUkip.

at least UKFirstParty clearly have no connection with extremist organisations like Spotlight, The BNP or racism.


What is the exit and survival plan for these United Kingdoms to maximise on the many benefits of leaving The EU. It is the DUTY of our Politicians and Snivil Cervants to ensure the continuity, liberty and right to self determination of our peoples they have a DUTY to protect against crime and secure both our food and our border.
NONE of these DUTIES has a single British politician upheld for 40 years. They have drawn their incomes fraudulently and dishonesty.

Politicians are failing to tell the truth, but so are almost all wanabe Politicians, the MSM and Snivil Cervants.

The fact is that even if EVERY British MEP wanted change in The EU it would achieve NOTHING.
Every single British Politician, of EVERY Party, elected since before we joined the EUropean Common Market, has promised to change The EU’s CAP – In 40 Years they have achieved absolutely NOTHING!

To try to put a value on OUR Freedom is as futile as floccipaucinihilipilification and as odious as the metissage of our societies, as we rummage in the ashes of our ancestors dreams, sacrifices and achievements, the flotsam of our hopes and the jetsam of our lives, consider the Country and Anglosphere which we leave our children and the future, with shame!

Greg L-W.
01291 – 62 65 62


I SUGGEST – since there is clearly no political party of repute, advocating or campaigning for withdrawal of these United Kingdoms from the EU and restoration of our independent sovereign, democracy, with Justice & the right to self determination in a free country. Deny the self seeking & meaningless wanabe MEPs the Mythical Mandate for which they clamour. Diktat is imposed from The EU but Law should be made at Westminster, for our Country & our Peoples.

Write Upon Your Ballot Paper:


Posted in EUkip; UKIP; Croucher; UKFirstParty; Farage; Bannerman; | Leave a Comment »


Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 27/04/2009


Clean EUkip up NOW & make UKIP electable!

The corruption of some of EUkip’s leadership
& NEC is what gives the remaining 10%
a bad name!


Question: What happens when Nigel Farage and Paul Nuttall lose a vote?

Answer: Ignore the result and carry on regardless!

My readers may recall that Farage and Nuttall’s attempt to give the Chairman dictatorial powers failed to gain enough votes from members for it to become part of UKIP’s amended constitution.

But as you would expect Farage and Nuttall were not going to be deterred by a few misguided members who had voted against the wishes of the mighty Fuhrer.

Farage and Nuttall simply decided to ignore the result.

Over the last month Paul Nuttall has been busily sending out letters to various UKIPPERS.

In these letters they have been told that they must confirm that they are not members of UK First which is – according to UKIP’s NEC – a proscribed organisation.

Mr Nuttall has kindly added that they must reply by the 28th of April. Failure to do so will result in immediate expulsion from UKIP.

Oh, the joys of being in UKIP.

And they say the EU is undemocratic!

Here is Bruce Lawson’s response:

17th April, 2009

Dear Member,

You have already been advised of our A.G.M. on the 23rd April at the Montgomery Institute at 7.30 p.m. – appropriately St. George’s Day. Although I will be at the meeting it will be for the last time as Chairman or member. I resigned from UKIP on the 10th April.

I was unhappy with the style of leadership and financial management of the Party when resigning as National Treasurer in October 2007. Since then the Party has become more undemocratic, seeming only to serve to put its leader on television and to secure his re-election as an MEP for a further five years on the Brussels Gravy Train.

In February, after a UKIP mailshot re rule changes, you are probably aware that some leading figures contributed to a countering letter at a cost of some £2,000. Consequently the changes proposed to Rule 14, which would have given the Party Chairman ALONE the right to expel dissidents from the party without redress, were defeated by 2,102 members voting against, 3,393 voting for – UKIP, therefore, failing to obtain the necessary two-thirds majority.

Subject to this, on the 2nd March, the democratic (!) UKIP N.E.C. decided to treat United Kingdom First members as PROSCRIBED, and wrote letters to two former Treasurers, including myself, and one long-standing NEC member, Delroy Young, asking them to effectively leave the party thus showing their true democratic colours.

It’s sad when things get so bad, but I and many others believe that forming a new party is the only way forward. We will not be opposing UKIP in Wales in the June Euro Elections, but immediately thereafter will begin to build again from a base of honesty, transparency and democracy.

My thanks to all of you who have supported the Branch and voted for me in the Welsh Assembly Election in 2007 (to achieve the second best result ever in Wales). I would also like to thank David Rowlands, who you are very lucky to have in Montgomeryshire. Good luck to you all in the future.

Yours sincerely,

Bruce Lawson

To view the original article & letter CLICK HERE


What is the exit and survival plan for these United Kingdoms to maximise on the many benefits of leaving The EU. It is the DUTY of our Politicians and Snivil Cervants to ensure the continuity, liberty and right to self determination of our peoples they have a DUTY to protect against crime and secure both our food and our border.
NONE of these DUTIES has a single British politician upheld for 40 years. They have drawn their incomes fraudulently and dishonesty.

Politicians are failing to tell the truth, but so are almost all wanabe Politicians, the MSM and Snivil Cervants.

The fact is that even if EVERY British MEP wanted change in The EU it would achieve NOTHING.
Every single British Politician, of EVERY Party, elected since before we joined the EUropean Common Market, has promised to change The EU’s CAP – In 40 Years they have achieved absolutely NOTHING!

To try to put a value on OUR Freedom is as futile as floccipaucinihilipilification and as odious as the metissage of our societies, as we rummage in the ashes of our ancestors dreams, sacrifices and achievements, the flotsam of our hopes and the jetsam of our lives, consider the Country and Anglosphere which we leave our children and the future, with shame!

Greg L-W.
01291 – 62 65 62


I SUGGEST – since there is clearly no political party of repute, advocating or campaigning for withdrawal of these United Kingdoms from the EU and restoration of our independent sovereign, democracy, with Justice & the right to self determination in a free country. Deny the self seeking & meaningless wanabe MEPs the Mythical Mandate for which they clamour. Diktat is imposed from The EU but Law should be made at Westminster, for our Country & our Peoples.

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